LC Transmit Copy是不是正本信用证流程

你可能喜欢可转让信用证 - Bing 词典 ;
n.1.Transferable Credit可转让信用证_百度百科可转让信用证(Transferable Credit)是指信用证的受益人可以要求授权付款、承担延期...从一个国家生产的商品,运...|2.Transferable Letter of Credit可转让信用证(Transferable Letter of Credit)系指经出口商请求,进口商同意,由开证银行开立可转让信用证,并载明授权受益人(即原 …|3.negotiable letter of credit报关常用词汇_百度知道 ... named bill of lading 记名提单 negotiable letter of credit 可转让信用证 net weight 净重 ... |4.ASSIGNABLE LETTER OF CREDIT希高翻译-石油化工词汇中英对照A五 ... assign 分配;指定 assignable letter of credit 可转让信用证 assignable 可转让的 ... |5.assignable credit最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... arrival bill 到期汇票 assignable credit 可转让信用证 arrival notice 到货通知 ... |6.transmissible credit英语法律词汇 ... Stand-by credit 备用信用证 Transmissible credit 可转让信用证 Transmit credit 转口信用证 ... |7.TRANSFERABLE LC...o不可转让信用证(UNTRANSFER LC) o可转让信用证(TRANSFERABLE LC) o再转让信用证(RE-TRANSFER LC) 申请人A 开证行 第一 …|更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部,negotiable,Transferable Credit,Transferable Letter of Credit,negotiable letter of credit类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
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准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典LESSON ONE Establishing Trade RelationsCorrespondence (1) April 25,1996 Ningbo Textiles United Import & Export Corp. 207Kaiming St.Ningbo 315000, Zhejiang P.R.C. Dear Manager: You were recommended to our company by the Bank of China, New York Branch, which told us that you export Chinese textiles and cotton piece goods. Our company imports general merchandise. We have done/been in business since 1935, and therefore have wide experience in all the lines we handle. Our bankers are Chase Manhattan Bank and the Hongkong &. Shanghai Banking Corporation of Hongkong. (HSBC) They can provide you information about our business and finances. Please inform us of your trade terms and forward samples and product brochures. We look forward to a productive trade. Sincerely. Michael S. Barnwell Manager MSB/sh(2)BEATTY Ltd. 1095, Avenue of Hersham Walbridge-on-Thames Surrey, UK Office of the Manager Oct.20th, 1996 Housewares Department Zhejiang Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp. 233Tiyuchang RD. Hangzhou 310009, Zhejiang P.R.C Dear Housewares Department: Your company’s name has been given to us by the Chamber of Commerce (ICC) of London. We wish to buy porcelain tea and coffee cups and saucers of different shapes fully decorated with flowers or other designs. If you can supply this type of merchandise, kindly/please airmail us a sample cup. Also, please enclose your price list and all suitable illustrations. We await your early reply. Sincerely, Catharina Jonge Manager CED’ms(3)March12, 1996 International Trading Co. Ltd. 34 Acadia Bay Winnepeg, Manitoba R3T3H9 Canada CHINESE TABLECLOTHS We learned from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in Ottawa that you deal in tablecloths. We sell Chinese tablecloths. They are of good quality and have fine workmanship. Chinese tablecloths are very popular in Europe. We would like to work with you to market them in Canada. We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catalog. Please let us know if there are any items/cargos which are of interest to you and we will send you quotes and samples. We hope to hear from you soon. Zhou Yanming Manager Zhejiang Textiles Imp and Exp.Corp. Notes How to establish trade relations with foreign corporations? establishing trade relations 建立贸易关系。在国际贸易中,进出口 商通常可利用银行(Banks),商会(Chamber of Commerce),工商 行名录 (Trade Directory) ,广告(Advertisements),商赞处(Commercial Counselor’s Office),商界朋友 (Friends in Business Circles )等获取 信 息 , 或 通 过 自 我 介 绍 , 建 立 贸 易 业 务 往 来 。 Internet/fairs/customs authorities,etc. Cf. establish business relations enter into direct business relations 建立直接贸易关系 2.Correspondence信函,commercial/business correspondence商业 书信 Private letters 通常的书信格式(styles)大体可归纳为三种,每个公司或撰稿人 可选择使用。 1. 齐头式(block style):每行都从左边开始,取齐,成一垂直线。 如本单元第一封信。 2. 缩行式(indented style) :每段开始一般缩入5个英文字母。段 与段之间要用双行距。日期打在信笺的右上端,签名放在中间 偏右下方,力求整封信的布局显得匀称美观。如本单元第二封 信。 3 简易式(simplified style ) :大体与齐头式相同,但删去称呼和 结束语,把事由(subject line )作为信内的一个组成部分。这 种格式简略掉商业书信中传统的组成部分,突出了主题。如本 单元第三封信。 3. Inc .incorporated [美,加]股份有限公司 cf .Co, Ltd.= Company, Limited 4. Corp. corporation 公司,[美]有限公司 5.Dear Manager: 称呼(salutations)是英语商业书信开头的客气语,常用,Dear… 的形式,后接冒号(: ) ,逗号(, ) ,或不用任何标点符号。 近年来,随着国际贸易和英语语言的发展,商业收信出现了标 准的,可接受的称呼: Dear Mr.Martin:/Dear Mrs.Martin:/Dear Russ,/Dear Joanne, 用名字(first name)作称呼时,可用逗号代替冒号。如果不知道 对方姓名时,应竭力避免使用陈词(cliché )或过时(out-of-date) 的行话(jargon).如: Dear Sirs/Dear Sir/Dear Madam/To Whom It May Concern/ Gentlemen 现代商业书信中,亦常用下列称呼: Dear Canned Food Department/Dear Manager Import Department 如 果 你 知 道 对 方 姓 名 , 而 不 知 其 性 别 , 建 议 用 其 全 名 ( full name-first and last) 。如:Dear Allen Smith/Dear Terry Jones 上述称呼只是书信中一个组成部分。 商业书信的组成部分(14 components)可分为: 1. 信 笺 , 信 头 和 发 信 人 地 址 ( stationery and letter head/return address) :如果信笺不是印好的,不要忘掉打上发信人地址。 2. 发信日期(date line):日期的写法主要有两种形式: (a) July 2nd,1996 July 2, 1996 (b) 2(nd)July1996 2, July 1996 3) 封内地址(inside address) :即收信人姓名,公司名称及地址。 4) 称呼(salutation) 5) 事由(subject line) 6) 正文(body) 7) 结束语(complimentary closings) 8) 签名(signature) 9) 参考代号/编号(reference initials) 10)附件 (enclosure) 11)附言/再启 (postscript) P.S. 12)attention line 13)carbon copy 抄送副本 C/C C.C 14) caption 摘要 Seven Essential Parts: 1. Letter head 2. Date 3. Inside address 4. Salutations 5. Body of letters 6. Complimentary close 7. Signature Seven Additional Parts: 8. Reference number 9. Particular address 10. Letter subject 11. Identification marks/ initials 12. Enclosure remarks 13. Carbon copy notation 14. Postscript / P.S. 6. The Bank of China,New York Branch 中国银行纽约分行 7.Cotton piece goods 棉布; piece goods 匹头,布匹 8.General merchandise ―杂货‖,但不是―杂‖项货物,而是相对大宗散装干货(如谷 物,矿砂等)的液体散装物(如原油,汽油)等而言的普通有包 装货物。 Merchandise (总称)商品,货物。 9.Line : one’s trade of occupation,or the things he deals in. e.g What’s his line? We have completed many successful transactions with Oriental Horizons this line of business. 10. handle: deal in buying and selling E.g .Our corporation handles arts and crafts. 11. Chase Manhattan Bank 大通曼哈顿银行创立于1799年,当时叫 曼哈顿银行(Manhattan Bank),后与美国第三个大银行蔡斯国民 银行(Chase National Bank )合并,改用现名。目前在纽约州和 纽约市有220家分行,在100多个国家与地区有200多家分行,在美 国商业银行中仍居第三位,并为世界最大银行之一。 12.The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) 汇丰 银行,其总行设在香港,伦敦有分行。它是港英当局授权的发行 银行,并执行港英当局的货币金融措拖,主要是调节香港外汇市 场和货币供应量。它又是香港票据交换扬清算银行,各银行均需 在汇丰银行开立帐户,经常存留一定的资金用于票据清算。 13.Finances: the money resources, income etc. of a company此处系 指公司的财源,资金情况。 (常用复数) 14.Trade terms 贸易条款,条件(常用复数) ,主要包括付款方 式(mode of payment) ,装运日期(date of shipment)等。 15.Forward vt. transmit 16.sample(s)样品,货样 a sample room样品间 sample-card(衣料等的)样品卡 17.Brochure小册子,用于介绍一种或一类商品。 Cf, pamphlet, catalog 18.We look forward to a productive trade,我方盼望贸易富于成效。 e.g We look forward to hearing from you soon. We look forward to receiving your early reply. 19. Sincerely结束语(complimentary closing),是结束函件的客套 用语,后常加逗号。 结束语有很多写法,其中有些已十分陈旧而僵硬,如: Very respectfully yours,/Cordially,/Respectfully,/Very truly yours, 英国商界较常用 Your faithfully,而美国商界在用Yours sincerely仍 显得较正规。现代英语书信中,常用的结束语为Sincerely,它比较 中性,适用性较广。 亦有口语形式作为结束语,如: Good luck ,/Till the convention,/Goodbye,/Your friend, 20. MSB/sh主办人代号(reference initials),是以发信人和打字员 的第一个字母组成,以便查考。现一般常用的形式是前者用大写 这母,后者用小写字母。如:CED、ES。 21.UK: United Kingdom 22. housewares: articles for household use, esp in the kitchen such as dishes glassware ,etc 23. kindly: please 24. illustration 插图 25. market vt ,销售 26.They are of good quality and have fine workmanship. (产品)质量 上乘,工艺精细。 27.Chinese tablecloths are very popular in Europe.中国台布在欧洲 很受欢迎。 Cf, enjoy popularity Our handcrafts have enjoyed popularly in the American market, 28. We are sending you under separate cover by airmail a copy of the latest catalog. 兹另封航邮我最新目录一份。 Under separate cover 另封,另邮,也可用by separate mail. 29.item 作―货物‖,―商品‖解。 Cf some of the items部分产品 An export item出口项目 An item of business营业项目 30.Quotes: quotations(报价)。Quotes比较口语化。与quotation配 合使用的动词有:make, send ,give,和cable等后面常跟介词for. e.gPlease send us your lowest quotation for 100,000sets of plain telephones. NOTES show sb. round the showroom领某人参观样品间(陈列室) 。 EG.Could you show me round the plant? 2.Would you like…? 征求对方意见的婉转说法。 ---Would you like to see the acrobatic performance this evening? ---I’d love to, but I have to meet a friend of mine at the airport. Thanks just the same. 3.You may be interested in only some of the items.你可能对某些产 品感兴趣。 To be interested in 常常用于表示有意购买某些商品。 4.To have a glance at 粗略地看一下。 5.When can we discuss some details? 什么时候我们可以谈点具体的? 6.Excuse me, aren’t you…? 对不起, (请问)你是… Excuse me , could you tell me how to get to the Import Building? Excuse me, but is this the booking office of United Airlines? 7. the baggage claim area 行李认领处 8.How many pieces of luggage do you have? 你有几件行李? 9.Sales are down/up a bit due to the revaluation/ devaluation. 由于货币升值/贬值销售稍有下降/上升。 Sale销路;销售额 e.g.:Sales are up (down) this season. Will there be any sale for these products? Revaluation愿意是重新确定一种货币的币值,但按照现在的用法, 它是指货币的升值。Revaluation和appreciation都译为升值。但前 者是法定的升值,指通过增加货币的含金量。根据政府决定或国 际会议而进行的升值,后者是指一种货币在外汇市场上由于供求 关系变化而出现的升值,这是市场变动中的升值。 10.Do you think it’s a general trend? 你认为这是总的趋势吗? 11.I think it’s just a slump。 我想这中是不景气而已。 Slump(物价)暴跌; (市场)萧条 12.Parking lot 停车场 13.Last name family name姓 cf, the first (given, Christian ) name (欧美人的)名字,教名the middle name姓与名中间的名字 14.I’m not good at pinyin 我不善于拼音。 15.Ultrahigh frequency 超高频 16.Hertz 赫,赫兹(频率单位;周、秒)Exercises 1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. This corporation specializes in importing textiles 2. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products 3. We are sending you by airmail under separate cover a brochure on the various kinds of electronic products now available for export 4. Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, Japan 5. As requested, we are airmailing to you, under separate cover, a sample Art Nos, 1101 and 1102 for your reference 6. We can assure you orders will receive our immediate attention 7. We thank you for your letter of Oct, 27 and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding of expanding trade with you 8. We are convinced that with joint efforts business between us will be developed to our mutual benefit 9. It will be greatly appreciated if you will give us your cooperation 10.Your letter of May 7th addressed to the Import Company has been passed on to us for attention 2. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 我们愿与贵公司建立业务往来。 2. 我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。 3. 我公司经营电子产品的进出口业务,希望与贵方建立商业关系。 4. 根据你公司1月20日来函要求,现附寄目录一份。 5. 对你努力为我公司产品开拓市场,深表感谢。 6. 我们相信,贵我双方的业务将随着时间的推移而得到发展。 7. 我们保证对于贵方的询价给予充分的重视。殷切地盼望早日来函。3. Translate the following letter into Chinese: Dec 28th, 1996Dear Manager: Our corporation is established for the purpose of importing and exporting as well as other activities in connection with foreign trade. We are active in the trade and financial circles of various countries and districts. We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology with foreign countries, and will utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topics is enclosed for your reference, we welcome your inquiries Sincerely2. Translate the following letter into English: …先生: 本公司专营电子产品出口业务,行销世界各国,特函联系,愿 为发展双方贸易提供机会。如贵公司有意与我建立该商品的业务 往来,请提出具体要求,以便寄上样品,目录以及详细说明,对 于贵公司任何询问,我们将给以充分关注,并希早日惠复。 谨上 日 5.Translate the following dialogues into Chinese: (1) A; Hello! B: Hello, aren’t you Mr. Johnson? A: Yes. I’m a representative of International Business Machines Corporation.(IBM) Here’s my card B: Thanks. Please take a seat and have a cup of tea. A: Thanks you. What’s your name, please? B: My name is Li Chenghuan. Li is my last name, I’m an interpreter A: I’m very glad to meet you. This is my first time to China, I would appreciate your assistance, Mr., Li B: OK. Would you like to rest this afternoon? Mr. Zhang, deputy manager of our company would like to invite you to a dinner at six o’clock tonight. We’ll begin business discussions tomorrow A: Fine B: Please excuse me . See you this evening at the dinner at six. A: Good. See you then. (2) A: Hello B: Foodstuffs Corporation. What can I do for you? A; This is David Campbell speaking. B: Pardon? A: David Campbell from Canada B: Yes A: Would it possible for me to see Mr. Wu , Manger of Canned Goods Department? B: Mr. who? A: WU B:I see, I’ll call you back as soon as I’ve made an appointment for you ,Your number ,please? A: It’s 7077951, room number 456, Hangzhou Hotel B: 7077951, room number 456, Hangzhou Hotel A: That’s right. Thank you very much B: You’re welcome 6. Translate the following dialogue into English: 欢迎您来我们公司,史密斯先生。 谢谢。 请喝杯龙井绿茶 我很喜欢中国茶 很高兴,顺便问一下,史密斯先生,您这是第一次来中国吗? 是的。作为国际商用机器公司(IBM)的代表,我希望能与你们 达成交易。 我们也希望与贵方扩大业务 这是我们共同的愿望 我想您也许了解中国在对外贸易中采取了灵活的政策 是的,我已读到了,但我想要了解更多的情况。 是呀!―百闻不如一见‖。 说得好。 7 . Compose a dialogue/passage/correspondence on the following situation: David Jones, a Canadian businessman, deals in machine tools. ZhangMing, Deputy Manager of China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation, Zhejiang Branch, wants to have direct contact with a Canadian supplier, They discuss ways of doing business, trade terms, discounts, etcLESSON TWO Inquiries and Offers Correspondence (1) Zhejiang Machinery &equipment Imp. & Exp. Corp. 131Jiefang Rd, Hangzhou 310009, P.R.C Tel:
Fax: 021050 Feb15th, 1996 Mr. Sander De Haan Dept. of International Sales Vermeer Manufacturing Company P.O.B 200\ 3804 New Sharon Rd. Pella, Iowa 50219 U.S.A Dear Mr. Haan. Re: Parts of Machine Type B-114 We purchased from you ten sets of the captioned machine in 1979. The machines have been very satisfactory. However, at present we need a large quantity of parts/accessories as per the enclosed list. Please send us as soon as possible (ASAP) your proforma invoice by fax and copy in quadruplicate by airmail. You are kindly requested to quote the FOB New York rate. The parts and accessories are urgently needed so we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return fax. Sincerely Wang Liming Manger WLM/sm Encl.: a copy of inquiry list.(2) Vermeer Manufacturing Company P.O.B 200/3804New Sharon Road Pella,Iowa 50219USA Phone:(515)628-3141 Telex:478309 Fax: (515)628-9338 March 10th, 1996 Zhejiang Machine &. Equipment Import & Export Corporation 131 Jiefang Rd. Hangzhou, 310009, P.R.C. Dear Mr. Wang: Subj: Parts of Machine Type B-114 Thank you for your letter of Feb.15th 1996 and the enclosure requesting quotes for parts for the captioned machine. As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog. We await your decision. Sincerely, Sander De Haan International Sales Manager TIGERBRAND ELECTRIC SAW STG/GBP10 APIECE CFRJAKARTA PAYMENT LCSIGHT REACHINGUS BEFORE 15/SEPT SUBJECT REPLYHERE WITHIN FIVEDAYS’’ Please note that our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C, payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents. Please open the letter of credit telegraphically without delay so as to enable us to effect/clear/clean shipment during October/November. We await your acceptance/confirmation by cable. Sincerely. Chen Hua ManagerExport DepartmentNotes: 1. Imp, & Exp.: Import and Export. 2. Hangzhou 310009 邮政编码 (postal code) .美国是用5位号码划分邮区 (zip code),如Pella, Iowa 50219 3. Fax: facsimile 传真(通信) 4. Re: prep.(Latin)关于,商业信中作―事由‖,摘由 ,解。现代商业信中打 上标题即可。有时也可用Subj.(Subject Matter),如本单元第二封信。 5. the captioned machine 标题中所列的机器 6. as per: according to 按照,常用于询价单,报价单,价目单,装运须知 和规格表,也用于来电,来函等。 per your inquiry of May 4th as per our packing instructions as per our other sheet as per our telephone conversation as per your fax of Feb .10 18.enclosed 随函附上的 19, proforma invoice 形式发票。它是在交易达成之前开制的一种概略发票。国际贸易中,主要在下述情况下使用形式发票:供进口商申请进口许可或申请外汇或者配额 /quota之用;代替报价单,形式发票经过双方确认后可作为销货确认书;用寄售方法销 售货物;分批交货;在进口报关而正式发票尚未到达时,可供进口商报关之用。形式发 票内容可繁可简。但它与正式发票的性质和作用不同。Commercial invoice 商业发票 Proforma invoice 形式发票 Customs invoice 海关发票 Consular invoice 领事发票 Combined invoice 联合发票Proforma invoice: It is really a term of quotation to a potential buyer, inviting him to buy the goods on the terms stated. The invoice clearly states that it is proforma and if it is accepted ththe details are normally transferred to a commercial invoice agagainst which payment will be made, although in some cacases payment will be made against a proforma invoice, wwhere payment for the goods is required before dispatch. Prproforma invoices are sometimes required by the buyer in ororder that he may obtain an import license and for exexchange control approved to make payment for the goods, anand possibly to prepare a documentary order. Customs invoice: This is a special document required by the customs authorities of the importer’s country to check the origin of the goods and the import price so as to determine the import tax or other preferential tax to be levied on the goods. Other purposes of the customs invoice are for assessing whether the seller has used dumping in the sales of his goods and for the customs statistics. Consular invoice: Before goods can be imported into some countries, consular invoice may have to be obtained. There are special forms that are available through the country’s embassy in the exporter’s country and usually a charge is made. Contents of an invoice: 1. Date 2. Name and address 3. Quantity 4. Number 5. Description 6. Price 7. Shipment 8. Package quadruplicate 一式四份 in duplicate 一式二份 monocycle duplicate 副本,复制品 bicycle in triplicate 一式三份 in quintuplicate 一式五份 tricyclein sextuplicate 一式六份21. Hard copy 硬拷贝 Copy (as produced in connection with a computer or produced from microfilm) that is readable without the use of a special device. Sample PROFORMA INVOICE March 8, 1996 No. ZHEL-96-1234 Dear…: We are pleased to offer you the following items under the terms/conditions given below FOBC3%Jakarta CIFC3%Jakarta Per dozen in U.S.Dollars per dozen in U.S. Dollars Quantity Item For 6 persons 50.00 For 8 persons 62.00 For 10 persons 72.00 For 16 persons 98.00 For 20 persons 125.00Electric 62.00 70.00 86.00 110.00 135.00RiceCookersTerms and conditions: Packing: Standard export wooden case. (LWH) Delivery: One month after receipt of L/C. Payment: By irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favor one month prior to shipment and drawn at sight. Others: All orders subject to our final confirmation. Incoterms: International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms Group E:EXW Ex.Works 工厂交货价格 lowest price Group F: FCA Free Carrier 货交承运人 FAS Free Alongside Ship 船边交货价格 FOB Free On Board 船上交货价格 Group C: CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费价格 CIF Cost Insurance and Freight 成本保险加运费价格 CPT Carriage Paid To 运费付至 CIP Carriage Insurance Paid To Group D: DAF Delivered At Frontier DES Delivered Ex. Ship DEQ Delivered Ex. Quay DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货价格 DDP Delivered Duty Paid most expensive21. FOB New York (纽约)船上交货 FOB: Free on Board (…named port of shipment)―船上交货‖是国际贸易中应用最普遍的价格术语之一。卖方应在指定的装运港将货物装船越过 船舷后,履行其交货义务。这意味着买方必须从那时起承担一切费用以及 货物灭失或损坏的一切风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口结关手续, 但只能适用于海运或内河运输。根据《1990年国际贸易术语解释通则》 在美国,FOB用作―在某处交货‖,如:EXFOB factory FOB train 若是船上交货价格,在美国则为FOB vessel. 12. rate 价格费用 You are kindly requested to quote the FOB New York rate, 请报纽约船上交货价。 ―You are kindly requested to …‖ 已显陈旧,现代英语中则用不 ―Please…‖ e.g.:please quote us FOB New York Please reply as soon as possible Please airmail us your catalog and details of your specifications 13. by return fax 由传真送回 by return (of post) (原指)由原送信人带回;现指由下班回程邮递 带回。如:Please send a reply by return of post 。请即回信。 14.Telex or Tlx 电传(Teletypwriter Exchange的简称) ,可在办公室里装上 Teleprinter或Teletype,在电信局登记之后,就可以和对方交换电信。每个编 号称为Telex Number. 15.As requested 根据(你方)要求,有进也可用as per your request. Cf.On request / upon request 承索 e.g Catalog and brochure will be sent on request 商品目录和小册子承索即寄。 16. Submit 呈送, 提交, 奉上。 现代英语书信中, 常用send, mail ,airmail 等 词。 17.Backlog 积压而未交付的订货 We have a large backlog.我们积压的订货甚多。 Cf Owing to the heavy commitments of our manufacturer, we are unable to entertain fresh bookings for the moment. 由于厂方承约过多,目前我方无法 承接新订单。 18 . We await your decision . 此系英语商业书信用卡的结束语( closing sentence ),一般用来表示希望回信或其它要求。 e.g.We await your telegraphic reply with keen interest .盼你方电复。 Awaiting your further news ,专此候复。 19. Jakarta=Djakarta 雅加达(印度尼西亚的首都)20.CFR Jakarta 成本加运费 2010年修订的《国际贸易术语解释通则 INCOTERMS》 ,使用了新的术语缩写,将原来 的C—F由CFR代替(cost and freight…named port of destination ),即成本加运费(―…‖ 指定目的港) 。这是国际贸易中应用最普遍的价格术语之一。它与CIF(成本保险费加运 费)价格术语的区别在于:卖方只自行负担费用订立运输合同,将货物按惯常航线用通 常类型可供装载该合同货物的海上航行船只(或适当的内河运输船只)装运至指定的目 的港。卖方无订立保险合同的义务,即不必对货物保险,不负担保险费,也不提供保险单。 21.Terms of payment 付款方式 1. credit payment Credit of banks L/C Cheques/checks Credit cards Credit of units Personal/private credits payment 2.Collection 托收 D/A documents against acceptance 承兑交单 D/P documents against payment 付款交单 4. drafts B/E Bill of Exchange 汇票 5. promissory note 本票 22. Inquiry=enquiry n. 询价 (a request for information on the supply of certain goods) e.g Thank you for your inquiry for electric saws . We will make you an offer on receipt of your specific inquiry 一俟 23. discount 折扣 对原定的价格,根据具体情况在一定程度上予以减低以便成交,这种价格 的幅度叫折扣。根据销售条件及成交对象等不同。可以有不同的折扣。如: 行业折扣:trade discount 付现折扣 cash discount 数量折扣 quantity discount 季节折扣 seasonal discount 7. Specification: 规格( precise instructions about size, weight, color, etc) 为了使一种商品能满足生产或消费的需要,在挑选,分类,加工制造等过 程中必须使这种商品符合一定的条件。构成这种条件的具体标准即是商品 的规格。规格有简有繁。以食用油为例,规格项目包括:比重,折光指数, 水分,杂质。酸价。色泽及油味等。 25.Cable: Cable Address 电报挂号,电挂 26.…which reads as follows:(电)文如下27. 电文: ―REYL13/AUG OFFERING OCT/NOV 800PIECES TIGERBRAND ELECTRIC SAW STG10 APIECE CFRJAKARTA PAYMENT LCSIGHT REACHINGUS BEFORE15/SEPT SUBJECT REPLYHERE WITHIN FIVEDAYS‖ 译为―你8月13日函悉兹报800把虎牌电锯10月/11月装运每把10英镑成本加 运费雅加达成本加运费价即期信用证支付该证须在 9月15日前到达我方此 报盘5日内复到有效‖。 payment Credit of banksL/C a. definition: a conditional written valuable document of promise to pay opened by the issuing bank in favor of the beneficiary. b. types/kinds of Ls/C 1. irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证 2. revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证 3. confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证 4. unconfirmed L/C 不保兑信用证 5. L/C at sight 即期信用证 in 3 months 6. forward/time/ usance L/C 远期信用证 2 years 7. transferable L/C 可转让信用证 8. divisible L/C 可分割信用证 9. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 10. clean L/C 光票信用证 11. revolving L/C 循环信用证 12. counter L/C 对开信用证 13. anticipatory L/C 预支信用证 14. red clause L/C 红条款信用证 15. standby L/C 备用信用证 c. operation of the L/C 1). application 2). issuing/transferring 3). notification/notice/note 4). shipping clearance shipping documents 5). checks/negotiation 6). exchange of documents7). E receives the payment 8). I receives the cargos by payment 28. Irrevocable L/C, payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents 不可撤消的即期跟单信用证 L/C =Letter of Credit 信用证,一个银行对受益人(beneficiary)或另一银行 发出的函件,述明由该银行本身或项付给受益人或信中指定的人。信用证 主要有两种:商业信用证(Commercial L/C),在贸易中使用;旅行者信用 证(Traveler’s L/C, 为个人施行使用。 29. Please see to it that: Please see (to it )that 要注意…;务必使…;保证使… 30.the letter of credit 信用证,是一种由银行担保的付款方式,缩写为L/C或 LC,其多数为Ls/C(letters of credit) 31. without delay 毫不迟延 Notes 1. to make inquiries about sth.询问,询价 2. Me too ,口语,此处意即我也很高兴认识你。 3. Frankly :To be frank with you 4. Our Carpets are handmade of pure Chinese wool 我们的地毯是用中国纯羊 毛手工织成。 5. resilient a .有弹性的 6. delivery date 交货日期 delivery 交货,在买卖合同中,交货是指卖方将货物转交给买方。交货的概念主要包括三个方面:即交货的地点,交货方式和交货时间。国际贸易中用的价格术语是根据 交货地点的不同而划分的, 每一种价格术语都代表一定的交货地点和交货方式。所以买 卖合同中所用的价格术语, 既订明了价格, 又规定了交货地点和交货方式。 Symbolicdelivery 7.Will they be supplied from stock? 可供现货吗? e.g.We can supply 500 pieces from stock The stock of walnuts is running low Be out of stock 没有现货,缺货,卖光 Have in stock 有货 Goods in stock 现货8.Spacious 宽敞的 9.Spectacular 场面富丽的,壮观的景象 10.Commission 佣 金,代理人或经纪人代委托人进行交易而收 取的报酬。 Commission agent 佣金代理人 Commission house 代办行,佣金行 Commission merchant 代办商 Quotation-inquiry 报盘/询盘 Offer 报盘 Firm offer 实盘 Non-firm offer 虚盘 Bargaining 讨价还价 Counter-offer 还盘 Confirmation 确盘 11.Firm offer 不能撤消的发价, 称为―实盘‖。 Non-firm offer 虚盘 Offer 要约,发价,发盘一方提出订约条件, 愿与对方订立合同, 在法律上叫要约。 用于商业方面, 称之为发价或发盘。它是卖方或买方为订约出售或购买商业吕而向对方提 出的交易条件,虽名为发价,但它并非只讲价格,而须提出主要交易条件。 发价在其有效期内,一经对方接受,合同即告成立。如果主要交易条件不 具备,发价虽经买方接受也不能在成交易。发介应述明的主要内容包括: 商品名称,品质,数量,及价格,其它如交货日期和地点;以及支付方式, 最好亦同时提出。发价可以用信件或电报等书面形式发出,也可以当面或 通过电话等口头提出。 Exercises 1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. We are enclosing here with an inquiry sheet. 2. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry at an early date. 3. As soon as we have received your inquiry, we will immediately mail you the samples and offer you our most favorable prices. 4. If your quotation is competitive, we are r3eady to place large orders of men’s shirts. 5. Please quote as requested in our inquiry sheet your lowest prices and state the earliest delivery date. 6. If you are interested in our electronic products, please let us know with a specific inquiry. 7. We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days. 8. If you think this offer is acceptable to you, please fax us immediately for our confirmation. 9. The above offer is subject to our final confirmation. 10. Please quote us CIF New York including 3% commission. Ⅱ.Translate the following sentences into English: 1.如果你方报价具有竞争性,交货期可接受的话,我们愿向你方订货。 2.一俟收到你方具体询价,我们将电告报价。 3.如果你方有兴趣,请电告我方,说明所需数量。 4.此发价为实盘,以你在本月底前复到有效。 5.我们对贵方发盘颇感兴趣,不日内将给予明确答复。 6.鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。 7.这是我方最新价格单,您会发现我方价格具有竞争性的。 8.如果你方订货数量大,价格还可以进一步考虑。 Ⅲ. Translate the following letter into Chinese: January 24, 1996 Dear…: We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 10th January and en-close our illustrated catalog and price list giving the details you asked for . We are also sending you by separate post some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them you will a-gree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. On regular purchases in quantities of not less than five gross of individual items we would allow you a discount of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L / C at sight. Because of the softness and durability, our cotton bed sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular, our cotton bed sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular, and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand .But if you place your order not later than the end of this month, we would ensure prompt shipment. We look forward to your early reply. Sincerely, Ⅳ.Translate the following letter into English:…先生: 事由:纺织品 本公司是纽约最大的纺织品进口之一,我们切盼与贵公司建立贸易关系,发展我们 两国之间的贸易。 随函附上第303号询价单一份,盼望你方早日给我们报纽约到岸价,包括我方百分 之五的佣金。报价时请说明最早交货期和可供数量。 倘若你方报价具有竞争性的话,我们打算大量成交。如蒙早日复信,不胜感激。…谨上 日LESSON THREE On Price Correspondence (1) Jan. 10, 1996 Dear…: Thank you for your inquiry of December 23rd, 1995. Enclosed(随函) is our price list. A catalog has been airmailed to you under separate cover. (另函) This company has exported carpets for years to your country, Canada, England and other European countries. You may be sure that your order will be profitable.(mutual benefit) Also, because our yearly production is about 300,000 pieces –the largest of all the carpet manufacturers in China –our prices are always lower than others. We look forward to receiving your reply. Sincerely, Enc: a copy of price list (2) March 22nd, 1996 Dear…: In reply to your fax dated/of/on April 2, we are enclosing this order, No .SX / 0014. We accept USD/$ 15.40 for Model A and USD/$ 19.60 for Model B, but must offer USD/$35.50 for Model C. The market is flooded with cheaper models so even this price is too high. Payment will be made by irrevocable L /C at sight. Please advise us when the goods are ready for shipment. Your early reply is appreciated. Sincerely. (3) March 25, 1996 Dear…; We thank you for your quotation of March the 3rd and the samples of socks. Although we are interested in your products, we find your price is so high that our margin of profit (边际利润) would be either very little or nil. As you probably know, the socks available at present on the market manufactured by several Hongkong factories are of good quality and the price is 10-15% lower than yours. We hope, therefore, you will reduce your price so as to stand up to the competition. We await your reply. Sincerely, Notes Enclosed is our price list. 随函附上我方价格单。 E.g. Enclosed please find our inquiry sheet. 随函附上我方询价单,希查收。 We are enclosing our price list. We enclose the S /C(Sales Confirmation) in duplicate, a copy of which please countersign (会签) and return to us for our file/for our records (存档) . 4. Encl. enclosure 附件。信内若有附件,应在左下角注明。注意单复数: Encl. /Enc., Encls. Encls: 2 Invoices (发票二张) Enc.: 1 B /L Bill of Lading (提单一张) 3.Canned Asparagus 罐装芦笋 Canned (Am. E); tinned (Br. E) canned fruit罐头水果 tinned goods 罐头货 4.A l grade 甲级品级是表明品质好坏的一种标准,根据商品的一项或几项特征(如大小、长短、粗 细、色泽、匀净程度、化学成分、比重、纯量及所含水份或杂物等)而规定的。对具有 容易鉴别的共同等征的商品,可以规定品质划一的品级。像生丝、棉花、橡胶、小麦、 咖啡、 可可及糖等在国际市场上都有沿用已久的公认的品级,通常由厂商的专业协会或 商品交易所制定,有些是由政府机关规定的。5.Unit price 单价/Total Amount/Value总值 an entire package / a separate risk 1件包装/一件商品 attractive price 具有吸引力的价格 best price最好价格(可以是最低或最高价格,取决于你是买方还是卖方) cheap price 低廉价格 competitive price 竞争性的价格 favorable price 优惠价格 home market price 国内市场价/domestic market price international market price 国际市场价 import /export price 进/出口价 keen price 克己价格 lowest price 最低价格 moderate price 公道价格 prevailing price 当前成交的价格 reasonable price 合理价格 retail price 零售价 wholesale price 批发价rock-bottom price 最低价格 Notes Board of Directors 董事会/局 President/Chairman Directors= investors=shareholders 董事 Management: general manager/CEO 总经理,总主管,总裁 Deputy 1. sales manager 销售主任 manager经理、主任,公司内中层领导的职衔。大公司内的各生产部门和其 它业务单位,如会计、财务管理、人事、采购、销售、广告、出口及公众 关系等都各有经理或主任主管。 e.g.export manager 出口(部)经理 international sales manager 国际销售(部)经理 national manager 国别经理 regional manager 地区经理 district manager 地方经理 advertising manage广告(部)经理 marketing manager 销售主任 personnel manager 人力资源主任 materials manager 物资主任 product-line manager产品类别主任 production manager生产主任 purchasing manager采购主任 quality control manager品质管理主任 2.I called up to cancel it .我打电话取消(约会) 。 3.Nothing serious, just a cold. 没什么,只不过是感冒而已。 4.Built-in内装的 5.And it’ as good as you could. It’s as good as you could get elsewhere. 6. pattern(s)式样,样品 7.printed poplin 印花府绸 8.CIF London INCOTERMS Cost, Insurance and Freight (…named port of destination) 成本、保险加运费价格. 9.Let’s leave that for the time being. 暂时把这个问题搁一下。 For the time being:F temporarily 10.Pongee 柞丝绸,类茧绸的织物(如人造丝等) 11.The latest product 最新产品 12.Nylon 尼龙(聚酰胺纤维的统称) 13.a trial order 试订(货单) 14.What about the quantity? 此处指能供数量 15.Lot 批,表示交易数量的一个名称。在有些商品的国际贸易中,卖方 发价时用―批‖。 e.g.Atropine, 100 ounce lots, USD 3.25 per ounce FOB New York. 阿托品,每100盎司一批,纽约般上交货价为3.25美元一 盎司。 I’ll take the lot. 我要下这批货。 16.Trade discount 同业折扣,对本行业不同买主所给予的折扣。生产企业 对其产品的经销商、批发商及零售商等以及批发商对零售商所给的折扣都 是同业折扣。Seasonal discount 季节折扣 Validity discount 17.Can we meet each other half way?我们能折衷一下吗? 18.To drive a hard bargain (over sth.)(对其事)拼命讨价还价 19.Contract 合同。常用的名词有: cancellation/breach/violation 取消/破坏/违反 completion/execution 完成/履行expiration/renewal 到期/续订常用的动词有: to abide by /to alter/to annul/to cancel/to carry /to draft(to draw up ) 遵守/修改/ 废除/取消/执行/起草 to enforce/to enter into/to extend /to fulfil (to perform)/to terminate 强制执行/ 缔结/延长/履行/解除 20.To talk into: persuade 21.To make a counter-offer 还价,还盘 在交易磋商中,一方发价后,对方对于发价的条件如不完全同意而提 出修正,叫做还价。还价就是对发价的拒绝,而构成一新发价,原发 价出即失效。 22.It’s the quality that counts, 重要的是质量。 23. We hope that you’ll take the initiative and bridge the gap. 希望你采取主动 来弥合差距。 24.Set the ball rolling: start the ball rolling 25.It simply can’t stand such a big cut. 哪能经得住这么大的削价。 26.I’m afraid we’ll have to go elsewhere. Colloq. 恐怕我们得转向他处(进货) 。Exercises Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. If your price is competitive, we would like to mail you our order sheet. 2. In view of our longstanding business relations, we can consider a price reduction. 3. We regret to say that your quotation is out of line with the prevailing market at this end. 4. Market here is very active, and the best price we can obtain is US$135 per long ton. 5. Much to our regret, as your price is out of line w it is difficult for us to accept it. 6. The market here is not as active as last year. If you can reduce your price, say, 3%, we can probably conclude the business.7. As you don’t agree to reduce your price, we will have to purchase the goods elsewhere. 8. In reply to your letter or March 15th, we have found it impossible for our customers to accept your quotation as it is too high. 9. We are enclosing a quotation sheet and awaiting your further news. 10. The price we offered you is very practical, so we are sorry to say that your counteroffer is unacceptable.2.Translate the following sentences into English: 1.若你方愿降低价格,比方说百分之五,我们愿向你方试订此货。 2.鉴于我们已按此价与买主大量成交,我们不可能再降低了。 3.我们建议你方再次重新考虑发价,使之与国际市场价格一致起来。 4.我方决定再作百分之二的让步,希望这能有助于你方推销产品。 5.遗憾,即使各让一半,我们仍难以接受你方还盘。 6.在质量方面,我们认为其他牌子的产品是无法与我们相比。 7.有迹象表明市场进一步看涨。 8.虽然我方想懑足你方要求,但歉不能按照你方要求降低价格。 3.Translate the following letters into Chinese: (1) June 18, 1996 Dear…: In reply to your fax of June 6 and your letter of the same date, we have pleasure to enclose our Order No. XY/3312 for your prompt and careful attention. We have accepted your price of $ 1.30 per yard for Pattern 72 and $1.5 per yard for Pattern 82, but we must ask you ask you to keep your quotation for Pattern 84 to $ 1.80. Frankly, we think that even at this price it will be difficult to sell as there are many cheaper patterns on the market. Payment will be made by L/C in New York against documents. Please advise us when the goods are ready for shipment. Sincerely, (2) April 22 nd, 1996 Dear…: We have carefully considered your counter proposal of 10th April to our offer of woolen underwear, but very much regret that we cannot accept it, the prices we quoted in our letter of 2th April leave us with only the they are in fact lower than those of our competitors. The wool used in the manufacture undergoes a special patented process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability. The fact that we are the largest suppliers of woolen underwear in this country is in itself evidence of the good value of our products. We shall always be very happy to hear from you and will care fully consider any proposals likely to lead to business between us. Sincerely, 3.Translate the following letter into English: …先生: 你3月25日函悉,谢谢。我们已仔细研究了你方对我短袜报价的意见。 虽我方想满足你方的要求,但歉不能按你方要求降价,因我方价格经精 确计算。即使我方价格与其他供应商的价格不同,那也是因我方产品的质 理远远超过贵处其他外国牌子从我方购进你方定会得利。 然而,为有助于你方在此行业中发展业务,我们准备给百分之五折扣, 条件是你方起订量达到五千双。如果此封建主义可接受,请早日告知你方 订量。 …谨上 日 4.Translate the following dialogue into Chinese: A: It’s difficult for us to push the sales of your silk nowadays. B: What’s the problem? A: Price. Frankly, your price is too high. B: As you may notice, the price for silk has gone up since last May. Our price is reasonable, as compared with the silk you can get from others. A: I’m afraid that’s not true. Japanese have entered the market and their price is lower. B: But Chinese silk is top quality. A: I don’t deny that. However, there’s sharp competition in the world market. B: Please trust that Chinese silk can stand competition. Other customers are buying form us. A: Anyway I have to think it ver. B: All right. Please take your tine. A: Can I meet you sometime tomorrow? B& Sure. Please give a call before you come. A: I will, Bye now. 5.Translate the following sentences orally: 1. We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 2. I wonder whether there are any changes in your price. 3. The price in the international market is US $ 25 per pound. 4.It would be very difficult for us to promote any sales if we buy it at this price. 5.As to quality, I don’t think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours. 6.你觉得我方报价怎么样? 7.我们无法接受你方还盘。 8.请您把你方认为合适的价格谈一下。 9.这是我方最低报价,不能再降了。 12.如果你们答应提前交货,我们可接受你方价格。 6.Compose a dialogue/passage on the following situation: Commodity: Tin Foil Sheets Price: USD$150 per long ton CFR Shanghai Quantity: 50 long tons Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight Counteroffer: USD$135 per long ton The buyer asks for a 8% reduction in the price. The seller refuses to consider any reduction, but gives a 2% commission. Finally they conclude the business. LESSON FOUR Ordering Correspondence (1) MULSEN TRADING CO., LTD 3823 65th Avenue S.W. Seattle, Washington 98116 U.S.A. Zhejiang Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp and Exp. Corp. 102, Fengqing Rd. Hangzhou 310006.Zhejiang China Jan. 7 th.1996 Re: Canned Mushroom We are pleased by your prompt reply to our inquiry of Dec. 20th.1995 abut the captioned commodity and now wish to order from you as per our Purchase Order enclosed. We will open an irrevocable L/C in your favor through the First National City Bank, (FNCB)New York, to cover the total CIF value of this order. We appreciate your arranging/effecting to ship upon receipt of the L/C the first four items by the first available vessel sailing to New York direct. Please dispatch one sample tin each of the six qualities by air parcel immediately and, meanwhile, confirm your acceptance by return. Sincerely Purchase order No.NUL/813 Messrs. Zhejiang cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp. 102, Fengqing Rd. Hangzhou 310006, CHINA/CHN RMB/CNY We confirm our agreement on purchase of the following goods: Description: Al Grade Canned Mushroon of the following six Qualities: A. 6 x 68 oz. (ounce) Stem & Piece B. 24 x 16 oz. Button Slice C. 42 x16 oz. Whole Slice D. 24 x 8 oz. Button E. 48 x 4 oz. Whole F. 48 x 4 oz. Stem & Piece Quantity :( Case) A. 1,500 B. 1,000 C. 2,500 D. 2,000 E. 1,000 F. 1,200 Packing: By standard export case of 120 cans each. Unit Price: CIF net New York per case in U.S. dollars A. 12.80 B. 13.50 C. 13.40 D. 12.90 E. 12.80 F. 11.20 Payment: 100% by irrevocable letter of credit opened immediately through First National City Bank, N.Y. and drawn at sight. Delivery: For Items A to D: Prompt shipment (10 days) For Items E and F: One month after receipt of L/C Shipping Marks: On each and every case, the following shipping marks should be stenciled. MULSEN SEATTLE No. 1-UP Remarks: 1. Sample cans of each quality to be air freighted to us for approval. 2. In addition to the ordinary shipping documents, please also submit a Certificate of Origin C/O for each shipment. Mulsen Trading Co., Ltd. (2) H&T WAlKER LTD Walker House, London Road, Riverhead, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 2DN England March 10, 1996 Zhejiang Textiles Import & Export Corp. 102 Fengqing Rd.Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang China Our Order for 10,000 doz. Gent’s Shirts We dispatched to you this order as per yesterday’s cable: ―10000DOZ MENSSHIRTS HAIDABRAND MAYSHIPMT STEAMER PLSCONFIRM‖DIRECT Particular care should be taken about the quality and the packing of the goods to be delivered in this first order. It is the usual practice here that 10 shirts are packed to a carton and 10 cartons to a strong seaworthy wooden case. There will be a flow of orders if this initial order proves to be satisfactory. We are enclosing our Confirmation of Purchase in duplicate. Please sign one copy and return to us for our records. As soon as we receive your confirmation, a letter of credit will be opened through Barclay’s Bank of London. We trust this order will be the first of a series of deals between us. Sincerely. (3) ZHEJIANG IMPORT CORPORATION 236, Tiyuchang Road Hangzhou 310006, China Cable:IMCORP HANGZHOU ( Fax : ( May 12th. 1996 I.C.T. Internationale Cooperation und Transfer Kurfurstendamm 46.D-1000 Berlin 15 Germany Parts of Machine Type –A-172 We have received your quotes in triplicate f we appreciate your prompt attention. We wish to order from you the items in your quote and will apply for governmental approval to import them. This will take considerable time, so please start manufacturing them for delivery within two to three months. Your compliance will be appreciated. Notes 1. canned mushroom 罐头蘑菇 2. prompt:quick to act or to ready, punctual, etc. Tel : e.g.prompt reply 即复 prompt attention 及时处理 prompt shipment(=immediate shipment)即期装运` 10 days/ 30 3. purchase order 购货订单 4. in your favor: 以你方为抬头/受益人 5. Upon receipt of the L/C :as soon as we have received the L/C 一俟接到信用证 6. by the first available vessel sailing to New York direct 第一艘直驶纽约的船 7. Please despatch one sample tin each of the six qualities by air-parcel immediately.请即航寄六种品质样品罐头各一个。 8. First National City Bank (FNCB)花旗银行,或称万国宝通银行,创立 于1812年,为美国第二大商业银行。 9. Messrs. (Messieurs)是 Mr.的复数,与Gentlemen相当。英国公司的名称中 含有人名时,多用Messrs. e.g.Messrs. William Barton & Co. Ltd. Messrs. Charles Evans Ltd. 10. prompt shipment 在美国, ―迅速装船‖为成交后10日内装运, 而国际商会 解释为30日内装运。 16. shipping marks 运输标志,通常称作唛头(Mark) 。 17.简单的运输标志一般由三部分组成。 1)图形和文字字母。运输标志中的图形一般是采用各种不同的几何图形来 表示。在图形内处往往刷有字母作为发运人或收货人的代号,有的还加合 同号码;目的港; 2)件号number of packages, 3)批号serial 上述前两项是不可缺少的。 To stencil/print the shipping marks 刷唛 26.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书,C/O 由出口国家的商会、有关协会 或政府机构所发的,证明所列货物是本国生产的证书。进口国对来自不 同国家或地区的商品征收税率,或实行进中许可证或进口配额制,这就 要求提供原产地证明书,以便确定其关税待遇或是否符合许可证或配额 的规定。我国是由中国国际贸易促进委员会( China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, 缩写CCPIT)签发原产地证明书。有些 进口国还要求原产地证明书须由该国派驻出口另的领事签署方属有效。 美国、加拿大等规定可以用海关发标代替原产地证明书,而欧洲国家, 如荷兰、比利时、卢森堡等规定可用商业发票来来证明明原产地。 27.Gross Weight 毛重,即商品本身的重量加包括包装的重量。 Of. Net Weight 净重,即商品的实际重量,不包括包装(皮重)的重昨。在国际 贸易中,以重量计量的商品,大部分都是按净重计价。Net net weight Gross weightNet weight Tare 皮重28. 电文: ―10000DOZ MENSSHIRTS HAIDABRAND MAYSHIPMT DIRECT STEAMER PLSCONFIRM‖ 译为―一万打海达牌男衬衫5月装直轮请确认‖ 35.strong seaworthy wooden case 适于海运的结实木箱 36.a flow of orders 大量定单 initial order 首次订货 38. Confirmation of Purchases 购货确认书 P/C Cf. Confirmation of Sales 售货确认书 S/C 在国际贸易中, 买卖双方往往要经过多次函电磋商, 才能对全部交易 条件阳得一致意见,达成交易。金额较小的交易,大多不再签订正式合同, 历次往来的函电在法律上就起飞丰合同的作。但为了避免争议,也可采用 确认书的形式来代替合同,即在确认书重早主要交易条件,经双方签署确 认,作为履约的依据。 39. for our records/files 以便我方存档 1. Barclay’s Bank of London 伦敦巴克莱银行,英国―四大银行‖之一。原为 18世纪伦敦一金匠开设的私营银行。1896年合并了20家私人银行后。组成 为有限公司。现有三千家分支机构,并控制了苏格兰银行的股权。中 国 国 际 贸 易 促 进 委 员 会(贸促会) China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) 原 产 地 证 明 书 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN 日期:年 月 日 Date: 兹证明下列货物的原产地为中华人民共和国 This is to certify that the origin of the under mentioned goods is the People’s Republic of China 唛号 (Marks & Nos.) 品名 (Name of Commodity) 数量 (Quantity) 毛重 (Gross Weight)印章及签名 Stamp and signature ★ The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade is equivalent to China National Chamber of Foreign Commerce ORIGINAL C/O (Certificate of Origimn) 1.Goods consigned from (Exporter/consignor ’s Business GSP: Generalized System of Preference name .address. country) 普惠制原产地证明书 发货人/出口商 MFN:Most Favored Nations 最惠国待遇 2. Goods consigned to (Importer/consignee’s name. Address. country) 收货人/进口商 3.Means of transport and route (as far 4.For official use 供官方使用 as known) 运输方式及线路 5.ltem Number 件号6.Marks and numbers of packages 唛号7.kind of packages: 8.Origin description of goods criterion (see Notes overleaf) FormA/B9.Gross weight or other quantity10.Number and date of invoices11.Certification 12. Declaration by the exporter lt is hereby certified., on the basis The undersigned hereby declares that the above of control carried out, that the details and statements are correct: that all the goods declaration by the exporter is correct were produced in (exporting country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the Generalized System of Preferences for goods exported to place and date. Signature and stamp (importing country) of certifying authority Place and date. Signature of authorized signatory注释(1982) 1 为实施普遍优惠制(普惠制)采用格式A的国家: 澳大利亚 挪威 欧洲经济共同体: 奥地利 瑞典 比利时 爱尔兰 加拿大 瑞士 丹麦 意大利 芬兰 美利坚合众国 法国 卢森堡 日本 德意志联邦共和国 荷兰 新西兰 希腊 联合王国 保加利亚人民共和国 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国 匈牙利人民共和国 波兰人民共和国 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 这些国家关于早请普惠制待遇的详细规定, 可向出口受惠国指事实上的机构或上列各给 惠国的海关当局索取。联合国留易和发展会议秘书处还提供一份说明材料。 二、一般条件: 为了能够享受优惠,产品必须: b 是目的地国家规定有资格享受优刊的产品。格式A上填定的产品规格必细,以 便检验产品的海关关员能加以鉴定; c 符合目地国家的原产地规则。一批货物中的每件产品都必须符合原产地规则; d 符合目的地国家规定的运输条件。一般来说,产品必须从出口国家直接运输至 目的地地。大多数给惠国接受中间国家的转运。但必须受某些条件的限制(对 澳大利亚出口时,不须直接运输) 三、第8栏如何填写: 优惠产品必须按照目的地国的规定,完全自产于出口国,或经过出口国充分制或加 工,以满足目地国原产地规则的要示。 d 完全自产于出口国的产品:输往每一节所列国家时,第8栏填写―P‖(对澳 大利亚和新西兰出口时,第8栏可不必填写) 。 e 经过出口国充分制作或加工的产品:输往下列国家时,第8栏应填写如下: (1)美利坚合众国:对于单一边有的货物,第8栏填―Y‖,对于被承认的国家 集团的货物填―Z‖,其后填写时本国原料的成本或价值加上直接加工成本的该出口 货物出厂价中所占的百分率(如:―Y‖35%或―Z‖35%) (2)加拿大:对于在一个以上有资格享受优惠的是不发达国家制作或加工而 又符合原产地标准的产品。第8栏填写―G‖;其他填写―F‖。 (3) 奥地利、 芬兰、 日本、 挪威、 瑞典、 瑞士和欧洲经济共同体: 第8栏填―W‖, 其后填明出口产品在海关全作理事会税则目录中的税则号(如―W‖98.02) (4)保加利亚、捷克斯洛伐春、匈牙利、波兰和苏维埃衬会主义共和国:对 于经过受惠出口国加以增值的产品,第 8栏填―Y‖,其后填胆进口原料和部件的价值在 出口产品离岸价格中所占面分率(如:―Y‖45%) ,对于在一个受惠国生产而在另一个或 一个以上受惠国制作或加工的产品,填写―PI‖。 (5)澳大利亚和新西兰:只须在第12栏作出适当早报即可,不必填写第8栏。 5 澳大利亚的主要规定是出口商根据普通商业发标提出申报,也可接受有普通商业发 票的格式,用不需要官司方证明。Notes 1. long ad. 此处意为:很久以来,一直(盼望,想) e.g.I have long wanted to visit Hangzhou. 2.white crystal sugar 白糖 3. metric tons 公吨 cf. 1 metric ton=0.9842 long ton= 1.1023 short ton =1,000kilograms=2,204.62 pounds 3. We pack sugar with new gunny sacks of 100 kgs. each.我们用新麻袋装糖, 每包一百公斤。 Cf. bag 袋、包。e.g. jute bags gunny sacks paper bags polybags cloth bags 5-poly paper bags 五层纸袋 5.firm order 不可撤消的订单 6.Over coffee (一边喝)咖啡EXERCISES 1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 5% commission. 2. We regret that we cannot book the order at the prices we quoted six weeks ago. 3. We are please to receive your order of 16th June for cotton prints. 4. For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit at sight upon presentation of shipping documents. 5. As our customers are badly in need of these goods, we hope you will send them at an early date. 2. Translate the following sentences into English:4. 你方报价不实际,我客户歉难接受,他们已向他处订货。 5. 由于原料缺乏,制造厂被迫停止接受新的订单。 6. 由于大量承约,我们不能接受订单,但是一俟新货源到来,我们将 随即去电与你方联系。 7. 我们要说明一下,由于大量需求,我们只能接受8月船期的订单。 8. 因我急需此货,请尽力将我们所订货物于6月底前按期出运。3.Translate the following letter into Chinese: April 2 lst, 1996 Dear…: Thank you for your letter of 12th April sending us patterns of cotton prints. We find both quality and prices satisfactory and are pleased to give you and order for the following items on the under standing that they will be supplied from current stock at the prices named. Quantity Pattern No. Prices(net) 30 yards 72 23 cents/yard 45 yards 82 28 cents/yard 30 yards 84 34 cents/yard CIF New York We expect to fine a good marker for these cottons and hope t place further and larger orders with you in the near future. Our usual terms of payment are cash against documents and we hope they will be acceptable to you. Please send us your confirmation of sales in duplicate. Sincerely, 4. Translate the following letter into English:…先生: 兹收到你方第4858号销售合同一式两份,按照你方要求,我们已经会 签,随函退回一份。 有关信用证已通过中国银行纽约分行开出。收到后请即安排装运,并 电告船名和开航日期。 …谨上 日LESSON FIVE Terms of PaymentCorrespondence (1) S.Daniels & Co., Ltd. Your Ref: Our Ref: SG/JT Wilec House, 82-100 City Road, London EC12 2BC, England Telephone: 01-253 9013 Telegrams Danfood London Telex: 28837 Zhejiang Aquatic Products Import & Export Crop. 22 Tianmushan Rd. Hangzhou 310007,China April 17, 1996 Dear…: We have received your fax of April 15th reading:50CASES CANNED CRABMEAT SHIPPED SSEASTWIND MARCH30TH PLSOPENL/C ATONCEand thank you for your information that the 50 cases crab meat have been shipped by S.S.‖East Wind‖ on March 30th. Our bank has opened by telex a STG500, 000 letter of Credit for the 50 cases of canned provisions. Please send us confirmation of the shipment. Sincerely,Sept 20 , 1996 Zhejiang Machinery Import & Export Corp. 102 Fengqi Rd. Hangzhou 310007, China Contract No.VH-53541 Grinding Machines (磨床) The captioned machinery will be ready for delivery ex works(EXW) in November, 1996. In accordance with the contract, you are kindly requested to open within ten days after receipt of this preliminary shipping advice, with the Bank of China, the relative letter of C to be advised to us by the Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich. We have sent a fax to you today reading as follows: ―CONTRACT VH-53541 GRINDINGMACHINE DELIVERY READY PLSOPENL/C ATONCE ADVISINGUS THROUGH UNIONBANK ZURICH‖ Your prompt attention and cooperation in this matter will be highly Notes 1.Your Ref:(Reference Number 参考编号,备查号)你方编号 Our Ref:我方编号,备查 2. aquatic 水产的 3.reading (or, reading as follows:)电文如下 4. 电文: 50CASES CANNED CRABMEAT SHIPPED SSEAST WIND MARCH30TH PLSOPENL/C ATONCE. 译为―50箱罐头蟹肉3月30日装东风轮请即开信用证‖。 7. crab meat 蟹肉 8. 为了适应国际市场剧烈的贸易竞争,出口商采用各种灵活的贸易方式以 扩大出口,特别、在支付条款(Terms of Payment)方面,给予进口商 以各种优惠待遇。出口商采用的支付方式的种类较多,其中较常用的支 付方式有: (1) 信用证支付(L/C) 。信用证是一种银行开立的有条件的承诺付款 的书面文件。对出口商来说, 安全收汇交有保障, 有 利 于 资金周转。虽对扩大外销不 利,为了适应竞争, 出口商常用 价格上给予优惠。对进口商来说, 可在付款后肯定地获得代表 货物的单据, 但进口商的费用负担大。进口商到银行开立信用 证,不但要付银行手续费,而 要先支付垫头损失利息。但应看 到,采用信用证结算货款已成为国际贸易的主要支付方式。下面 是信用证支付的一般程序图解: 付款交单 D/P, (documents against payment) 。 进口商不开信用证, 由出口商开出汇票连同装运单证通过银行 向进口商收款,进口商必须付清货款才能取得单证。按支付时间 的不同,付款交单又可分即期付款交单(D/P after sight) 。这种方 式属于托收(collection)。Terms of payment: 1. Credit payment L/C Credit of banks A. definition: It is a conditional written valuable document of promise to pay opened by the issuing bank in favor of the beneficiary. B. types/kinds of Ls/C1. irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证 2. revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证 3. confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证 4. unconfirmed L/C 不保兑信用证 5. L/C at sight 即期信用证 in 3 months 6. forward/time/ usance L/C 远期信用证 in 2 years 7. transferable L/C 可转让信用证 8. divisible L/C 可分割信用证 9. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 10. clean L/C 光票信用证 11. revolving L/C 循环信用证 12. counter L/C 对开信用证 13. anticipatory L/C 预支信用证 14. red clause L/C 红条款信用证 15. standby L/C 备用信用证C. operation of the L/C 1). application 2).issuing/transferring 3).notification/notice/note 4).shipping clearance shipping documents 5).checks/negotiation 6).exchange of documents 7).E receives the payment 8).I receives the cargos by payment Cheques/checks Credit cards Credit of units Personal/private credits 2. cash payment 3. Collection 托收D/A Documents against Acceptance承兑交单 D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单 4. drafts B/E Bill of Exchange 汇票 5. promissory note 本票 Notes 1. telephone booth 公用电话间 2. Speaking. This is Lin speaking. Cf. (This is ) Lin here. 3. How about late in the morning, say, 11o’ clock. Say let’s say e.g.Shall we meet again later this week, say, Friday? How much will it cost? Costing, say, 5 dollars. 4. I’ll be expecting you then. 到时我等你。 5. every deal 每笔生意 6. CIFC 3% =CIF plus 3% commission (三分佣金) 7. I’m on commission. 我是拿佣金的。 8. It doesn’t pay to … 不值得,不合算 Pay be worthwhile or profitable to 12. Here comes the car to pick us up. e.g. Here comes the bus.开证申请人声明 中国银行: 请你行为我公司按背面所列条款开立不可撤销的跟单信用证。我 公司保证:及时偿付你行在该信用证项下的付款,包括你行及代理行的 各项手续费、杂费或利息等。在收到你行上述信用证项下单据后的三个 工作日内以书面通知你行付款/承兑/确认延期付款。如在上述规定期限 内,我公司既不通知你行付款/承兑/确认延期付款,又不提出拒付,你 行有权在到期日对外付款/承兑/确认延期付款。如我公司发现单据有不 符点,我公司在上述规定期限内向你行以书面提出拒付,列明不符点, 同时将全套单据退回你行。如我公司提出的不符点,经你行根据国际惯 例审核,认为不属不符点,你行有权对外付款/承兑/确认延期付款。经 你行承兑的远期汇票或确认的延期付款,我公司无权以任何理由要求你 行止付。我公司同意你行按国际商会第 400号出版物《跟单信用证统一 惯例》办理信用证的开立、修改、审单、付款、承兑等业务手续。我公 司在收到你行开出信用证的副本后,及时核对,如有不符之处,即通知 我行更正。APPLICATION FOR ISSUING LETTER OF CREDIT To: BANK OF CHINA, HANGZHOU Date:. . . . . . . . Please issue on our behalf and for our account the following IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT By □TELEX/□AIRMAIL L/C No. . . . . . . Beneficiary:(full name & detailed address)┃Advising Bank: (left for bank To fill)Applicant: (full name &detailed address)┃Date of Expiry: Place of Expiry: Latest Shipment: Contract No.: Amount:Dear Sirs: We hereby issue our IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT in your favor for account of the above applicant available by your draft(s) drawn □ at sight/□ time . on □ us/ □ paying bank. for □ 100%/ □ 110 % of invoice value marked as drawn under this L/C accompanied by the following documents marked with X: A1 □ Signed commercial invoice in □3/□5 copies indicating L/C No. A2 □ Full set 3/3 clean on board ocean Bills of Lading □ made out to order and endorsed □ in blank/ □ order notifying □ China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp. at destination/ □ Shanghai Storage and Transportation Service Corp. of Zhejiang Foreign Trade,103 lane 134 Nan Xun Road Shanghai China □ applicant □ and applicant marked freight □ to collect/ □ prepaid □ indicating freight amount. A3 □ Air waybills consigned to applicant notifying □ applicant / □ China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corp. at destination / □ . . . . . .marked air freight □ prepaid / □ to collect □ indicating freight amount. A4 □ Memorandum issued by China Travel Service(Cargo) Hongkong Ltd. Hongkong consigned to applicant notifying the same marked freight □ prepaid / □ to collect. A5 □ Certificate of Origin in 3 copies □ . 5. . . . . A6 □ Insurance Policy or certificate in 2 copies endorsed in blank covering □ Ocean Marine Transportation All Risks / □ Air Transportation All Risks / □ Overland Transportation All Risks, War Risks per □ICC /□CIC clause for □ 110% / □100% of CIF invoice value. A7 □ Packing list/weight□3/ □5 copies indicating quantity/gross and net weight of each package. A8 □ Quality certificate in□ 3 copies □5 . A9 □ Copy of your telex advising applicant □ and notify party (telex:33601 FETZS CN) within 48 hours after shipment indicating contract No. , L/C No. , goods name, quantity, invoice value, vessel’s name/air flight No. /wagon No. packages,loading port, shipping date and ETA. AA □ Beneficiary’s statement attesting that two sets of nonnegotiable documents have been airmailed to the notify party within two days after shipment. AB □ Captain’s receipt indicating that two sets of nonnegotiable documents have been received from the beneficiary for transmission to the notify party. AC □ (other documents if any) B. Evidencing shipment of :Packing : Shipping marks: c. special instructions:(if any marked with X) C1. □ All documents must indicate contract No. C2. □ The remaining . . % of invoice value . . . . . . C3. □ Both quantity and amount 5% more or less 溢短装 are allowed. C4. □ All banking charges □ outside China / □ in Hongkong are for beneficiary’s account. C5. □ Prepaid freight drawn in excess of L/C amount is acceptable against presentation of original charges voucher issued by Shipping Co. / Air Line / or it’s agent. C6. □ (other instruction if any) D. Shipment from PS to PD; transshipment is □/□ partial shipments are □/ □ third party documents □ not allowed/□ except invoice allowed. Sealed & Signed by▁▁▁Tel.No▁▁ Exercises 1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.For overseas deliveries we have to request that you obtain a letter of credit from a bank. 2. With regard to terms of payment, we regret being unable to accept documents against payment. D/P 3. Upon receipt of your advice, we shall open the letter of credit immediately. 4. In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract. 5. Regarding your Order No. 1234, please open the L/C by telex so as to enable us to arrange shipment. II. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. 收到发票后,我们要求用支票支付,折扣已包括在价格内。 2. 所有交易都应按保兑的、不可撤消的信用证支付。 3. 请务必于下月初开出信用证,准许分批装运和转船。 4. 由于驶往你港的直轮稀少,开证时请允许转船。 5. 鉴于此笔交易金额甚微,我们将考虑你方的付款交单要求。 III.Translate the following letters into English: (1) …先生: 兹答复有关我公司条件如下: 我方的条件是支票付款有百分之三的折扣,或净价货款在 10天内付 清。 谅你方可接受上述条件。 …敬上 日 (2) … 先生: 你方3月12日函悉,谢谢。 很高兴收到你方订单,顺告我方仓库有足够的现货,交货日期定可满 足。 不可撤消的信用证支付对我方是方便的。目下正等候你方信用证。一 俟接到你方信用证,我们将对你方订货作出必要的发运安排。 谨上 日 LESSON SIX Contracts Correspondence


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