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最近,一款名为《: Laboratory》(SCPSL)的游戏忽然火了起来。(游戏现在是免费的,在Steam上就能下。但是由于连接质量等问题,现在进服务器容易掉线或被踢,导致体验不太好)《SCP收容失效》(SCP Containment )这款游戏早在2012年就已经在Steam上发布(目前还在),而SCPSL则是它的改进版。由于使用了U3D引擎,游戏环境有了很大改善,阴影效果表现得更好、动态光源方向性更强,当然106追杀你时也更吓人……(如果你不知道106是什么请看下文)最重要的是SCPSL把原作从一个单机动作游戏变成了联机游戏,可以对战。而且它一直在更新,加入了越来越多的新内容高产似母猪,所以就火了。游戏故事发生在一个虚拟的研究实验室(称为“收容所”)。本来这里收容着一些神秘且强大的生物(SCP),忽然由于特殊原因,SCP失去了控制,于是工作人员和科学家逃跑、SCP追杀、赶来支援的(两支分属不同派系的)武装部队则设法解决问题并杀人灭口。每局游戏支持最多20名玩家联机对战,而玩法上它属于“多阵营非均衡对抗游戏”,大致可以理解成多人版、N对N的“黎明杀鸡”(或“第五人格”)。也就是说,这里有N个屠夫,有N个修电机的,另外还有九尾、混沌(MTF)……一共是5个阵营。这5个阵营纵横交错地分为三派+三档:第一档同时也是第一派,SCP,目标是杀掉一切其他人;第二档有两派,D级和科学家,他们没什么武器、战斗力低下,目标是逃出研究所;第三档也有两派,九尾和混沌。九尾要救D级,混沌要救科学家,除此之外他们的目标也是杀光其他人。战斗的方式,除了SCP以外都是靠枪打(或其他现代武器),SCP则是靠自身的神奇能力战斗——这也正是本游戏最有意思的地方。SCP这个概念最初是来自于某种“脑洞”或“同人幻想”,至今已经有4000种不同的SCP被创造出来。这些SCP各自拥有不同的能力,有些是强大到无人能敌的生物,有些只不过是不起眼的一个小零件,还有些干脆是不可预知、结果随机的过程等等。你马上发现,如果把SCP概念做进游戏里,那就意味着你可以使用的能力将完全脱离普通游戏的“装弹-瞄准-开枪”——你将使用超能力作战!在这个意义上来说游戏又有点像“守望先锋”,但SCP的外观普遍狰狞(也有人觉得很萌),那可不是D.Va、天使之流可比……游戏里目前支持5个SCP,即049、096、106、173、939。其中SCP-173作为第一个被创造出的SCP(这可不是因为我们是17173才这么说,173确实是第一个),拥有的特殊能力是“凝视”。如果有人看着它,那它就静止不动,看起来只不过是一个温顺无害的陶土玩偶。但如果没有人看它,它就能使用瞬间移动技能飞到你身边,并且准确地扭断你的脖子!正常来说要盯着它并不难,但人是会眨眼的,每分钟要眨十几次,平均2~6秒一次。为了模拟这一点原版游戏甚至特地设计了“眨眼系统”(用一个进度条表示),功能就是每10秒钟你必须眨眼一次!这就是说,一旦你看到SCP-173,就必须凝视它并倒退出房间,并且祈祷这段时间里眨眼进度条没走到头——否则你就会死。如果你侥幸走出了房间,要立即把房间的门关上!(在SCPSL里去掉了眨眼进度条,不过保留了SCP-173被看就不能动的设定)而另一个强者,SCP-106(“恐怖老人”),则可以穿墙……恐怖老人的外观改过几次,但总的来说是一个黑色的、略微驼背的形象。他的特殊能力是把人扔进迷宫:只要碰到他,你就会发现自己站在一个迷宫的中央。只有一条路可以走出去,而其他所有的路都通向死亡。(除非是欧皇否则不可能逃脱)SCP-173虽然能扭人脖子但不会开门(准确地说是不能开有权限要求的门,因为SCP拿不了门卡),而SCP-106,他或许不会开门,但他也不需要开门,因为他可以穿门……在游戏里随机随到106老人是最开心的,因为这意味着你可以大开杀戒!(要对付106必须用游戏里的最强武器“电磁炮”,蓄力之后可以秒任何单位)当然游戏还有很多精彩设定比如-914制造机,可以改变你的装备(包括最重要的“门卡”,不同权限的门卡可以去的地方不同),又比如有个房间里有核弹的开关,如果你感觉敌人太强大玩不下去了或者哪怕只是耍浑想要玉石俱焚,可以启动核弹开关。如果90秒内没有人来把它关掉,核弹就会爆炸,所有人全灭。总的来说,这是一款免费而新颖的多人联机游戏,值得你尝试!最新评论17173是中国游戏第一门户站,全年365天保持不间断更新,您可以在这里获得专业的游戏新闻资讯,完善的游戏攻略。相关新闻举报文章标题党谣言内容差色情旧闻广告劣质源反动封建迷信错别字多其他确认取消举报评论Developer:
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Title: SCP: Secret Laboratory
Release Date: 29 Dec, 2017
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Recent updates
Open Beta v7.3.1 Hey! A small patch for 7.3 is now available!Changes: CASSIE improvements - a lot of people were complaining about the pronunciation of the numbers (for instance: tree instead of three). Well, you weren’t wrong. In Secret Lab we were trying to utilize phonetic numbers for the sake of continuityYou can read about the phonetic numbers here: However, due to community disagreements, we decided to record the numbers again with normal pronunciation.Remote Admin improvements:
Bypass mode now allows you to override the Intercom's cooldown and max speech time. Added GUI for god mode, heal and lockdown commands Added unban and hp commands in Text-Based RA Added GUI for server events Admins can now see hidden badges Added more detailed player info (REQUEST_DATA PLAYER X)Fixed common glitches and improved the stability of the game ----------------This version is NOT compatible with 7.3.0. With Best Regards,Hubert Moszka (Project Founder & CEO) Discord Forum: Patreon:
Yes, this is a repost with more positions. Even more positions were opened to the public and so everyone can see them, here is a repost. Good luck!Hey! We're looking for new people to join our team, and we've opened applications for a few jobs. Some of them PR, some of the modelling, and one programming position.We are looking for:Modelling Sculptors - Experienced in humanoid type of sculpting as well as different types of monsters etc. Hard-Surface Artist - Any creation o from rooms, buildings, props etc. Character Artist - Humanoid rigging and animating. Concept Artist - Creating concept art as a starting point for others to work from, so drawing skill is a must.Programming Gameplay Programmers - Must have experience with Unity and coding languages (C#).Public Relations Technical Support Manager
- Tasked with keeping order within the Tech Support team and team members up to date. Technical Support Specialist - Provides technical support to users and logs bugs as they appear. Marketing Specialist - Makes relevant media connections to promote the game (Talking with YouTubers, Twitch, etc.) Patreon Representative - Interacts closely with our patreon supporters, ensuring that they are properly heard and taken care of. Wiki Coordinator - Handles wiki content. Bot Engineer - A programmer who creates, maintains and manages the discord bots used by our discord community.How to apply:Send an email to
with this form filled and attached: To fill out the form, go to File -& Make a copy and then start filling it out.To share, you can either press share and make a shareable link or File -& Download as and then attach it to the email.If you do not receive a response via email that means your application was denied.
About This Game
SCP: Secret Laboratory is a multiplayer horror game, based on SCP - Containment Breach by Undertow Games (in 2012). To create this game, Unity engine was used to provide higher stability and more details. Still being in the beta phase, the game can contain a number of bugs and errors which are usually spotted by a large team of testers and fixed quickly after. It is a completely free horror game based on SCP Foundation creepypasta series. The Foundation focuses on protecting the world from any entity, object or phenomenon which exceeds the all-known idea of normal. The underground facility suffers from multiple breaches from various SCP objects which escape their containment chambers. During this events chain, players are given roles to play:Class-D Personnel - Prisoners kept for a purpose of being lab rats. Their mission is to escape the facility without getting any attention from others.Nine-Tailed Fox - Team designated to neutralize the danger and rescue Scientists.Scientist - Breach attendant that tries to escape the facility alive.SCP Object - anomaly trying to kill as many people as possible. Currently, only few SCP objects can be found in-game, but progressively their number will grow in oncoming updates.Chaos Insurgency - Foundation traitors, trying to help Class D to escape in order to obtain helpful information. The randomly generated facility and role division make every game special and full of sensations! You never know where you are heading or what awaits you behind the next door, no matter what role you are playing. The winner team is one that finished all of its objectives. There are many ways of fighting against enemies, from using firearms to detonating the whole facility with a hydrogen bomb. In the game, we can encounter such anomalies like: SCP-173 - Living concrete sculpture that can move only when not observed, killing people by snapping opponents' necks.SCP-106 - Humanoid able to walk past matter, sending its prey to its Pocket Dimension.SCP-049 - Plague doctor trying to &cure& everyone he meets.SCP-914 - Object improving machinery.SCP-096 - &Shy Guy& who screams and goes on a rampage upon looking at him.SCP-939 - A monster, which can only see if you make sound.
System Requirements
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7 64bitProcessor: Core i3Memory: 3 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GT 720 1GB VRAM; DX11 Intel Graphics not supportedStorage: 2 GB available space
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10; 64 bitProcessor: Core i5Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 2GB VRAM; DX11 Intel Graphics not supportedStorage: 2 GB available space
The game is based on:
SCP - Containment Breach
SCP Foundation
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&&SCP:Secret Laboratory破解版
SCP:Secret Laboratory破解版 英文版
《SCP:Secret Laboratory破解版》是一款完全免费的游戏,由Hubert Moszka制作发行。SCP:Secret Laboratory采用Unity engine开发,玩家们将会身处在的环境中进行。游戏基于SCP Foundation的creepypasta系列。基金会的重点是保护世界免受任何超出正常所有人知晓的实体,客体或现象的影响。
D类人员 - 囚犯是为了实验鼠而保存的。他们的任务是逃避设施而不受其他人的关注。
九尾狐 - 团队指定中和危险和拯救科学家。
科学家 - 试图逃出设施的违反服务员。
SCP对象 - 试图杀死尽可能多的人的异常情况。目前在游戏中只能找到很少的SCP物品,但是在即将到来的更新中,它们的数量会逐渐增加。
混乱叛乱 - 基金会叛徒,试图帮助D级,以获得有用的信息。
SCP-173 - 活着的混凝土雕塑,只有在没有被观察到的情况下才能移动,通过攫取对手的脖子杀死人们。
SCP-106 - 人形生物能够越过物质,将其猎物送到它的口袋里。
SCP-079 - 自我演化的人工智能,能够控制设施控制系统。
SCP-049 - 瘟疫医生试图“治愈”他遇到的每个人。
SCP-914 - 物体改善机器。
这是一款一场好玩的SCP系列游戏。游戏的内容基于很久之前的《SCP:收容失效》,但在这款游戏中,你可以亲自扮演166(并不)173、079、049、106四位个性鲜明的可爱收容物们人挡杀人佛挡杀佛,也可以扮演MTF超级厉害的机动特遣队营救研究员组团吊打SCP,扮演手持大菠萝横扫千军RUSH B的混沌分裂者,或者扮演D级人员与科学家斗智斗勇,甚至个个捡起武器都能和MTF一换一。
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10; 64 bit
Core 2 Duo
GeForce GT 720 1GB VRAM; DX11 required
GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 2GB VRAM; DX11 required
需要 1 GB 可用空间
需要 1 GB 可用空间
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