
A hydrological model for interprovincial water resource planning and management: a case study in the Long Xuyen Quadrangle, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
A hydrological model for interprovincial water resource planning and management: a case study in the Long Xuyen Quadrangle, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Hanington, Peter,
Toan, To Quang,
Tri, Van Pham Dang,
Vu, Doan Ngoc Anh,
Kiem, Anthony S.
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AMA - American Medical Association, 9th Edition
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
New England Journal of Medicine
Chicago 15th Edition (Author-Date System)
Council of Biology Editors - CBE 6th, Citation-Sequence
MLA 6th Edition
NLM - National Library of Medicine
Turabian (Reference List) 6th Edition
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A hydrological model for interprovincial water resource planning and management: a case study in the Long Xuyen Quadrangle, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
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journal article
In this paper we present the results of the development and calibration of a fine-scaled quasi-2D hydrodynamic model (IWRM-LXQ) for the Long Xuyen Quadrangle – an important interprovincial agricultural region in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. We use the Long Xuyen Quadrangle as a case study to highlight the need for further investment in hydrodynamic modelling at scales relevant to the decisions facing water resource managers and planners in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. The IWRM-LXQ was calibrated using existing data from a low flood year (2010) and high flood year (2011), including dry season and wet season flows. The model performed well in simulating low flood and high flood events in both dry and wet seasons where good spatial and temporal data exists. However, our study shows that there are data quality issues and key data gaps that need to be addressed before the model can be further refined, validated and then used for decision making. The development of the IWRM-LXQ is timely, as significant investments in land and water resource development and infrastructure are in planning for the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. In order to define the scope of such investments and their feasibility, models such as the IWRM-LXQ are an essential tool to provide objective assessment of investment options and build stakeholder consensus around potentially contentious development decisions.
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Comparing the financial returns from acacia plantations with different plantation densities and rotation ages in Vietnam
Maraseni, Tek Narayan and Son, Hoang Lien and Cockfield, Geoff and Duy, Hung Vu and Nghia, Tran Dai
Comparing the financial returns from acacia plantations with different plantation densities and rotation ages in Vietnam.
Forest Policy and Economics, 83.
pp. 80-87.
Official URL:
In Vietnam, planted forests account for& 26% of total forest area, with approximately two-thirds of the plantation area managed by smallholders and 80% of plantation wood used for woodchip production. With increasing demand for timber for the construction and furniture industry, the Vietnam Government is seeking to encourage growers to increase the rotation age of plantations and produce higher quality timber so that it can meet its 2020 furniture export targets. Progress on this goal is however slow, with growers unsure about the financial case for increasing rotation age. Using a case study of the Ben Hai State Forestry Company (SFC), we compare financial returns from acacia plantations by the rotation ages of 5, 6 and 10 years. The 5 year rotation is for the sole purpose of producing woodchips whilst 6 and 10 year rotations produce both timber and woodchips. Results show that all three types of plantation produce positive returns but the return from 10 year rotation plantations (in terms of NPV and IRR) is much higher than those of others. By increasing the rotation age by 1 year (6 years total) and 5 years (10 years total) from the common practice of 5 years, the net present values from the modelled plantations would increase by about 1.57 times and 4.24 times respectively. The reasons why smallholder grower are not responding to these apparent higher present values and policies that would promote long rotation age plantations are discussed.
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L’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca a Llatinoamèrica. Acostament des d’ALAS Costa Rica
José Torres Frías, Rocío Andrade Cázares, Cristian Orellana Fonseca, Rodrigo Salazar Jimenez
El present text inclou l’anàlisi de treballs presentats en el XXX
Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología ALAS Costa Rica, celebrat el
2015, coordinat per l’Asociación Latinoamericana de Sociología (ALAS).
Es prenen en consideració vuit treballs relacionats amb el procés
d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca i es recuperen les principals
aportacions que han fet sobre el tema. Es discuteix sobre com s’aborda
el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge de la recerca en el context
llatinoamericà. S’evidencia que, malgrat les diferències contextuals i
institucionals, a Llatinoamèrica prevalen problemàtiques compartides
sobre formació per a la recerca. Alguns dels principals aspectes que es
posen de manifest estan relacionats amb la dificultat que tenen els
formadors per desenvolupar el procés d’ensenyament-aprenentatge en el
marc de les ciències socials i humanitats. Altres aspectes es vinculen
amb l’experiència en recerca del formador mateix, amb l’estil que té per
dur a terme la seva pròpia recerca i guiar tesis, i amb l’estil de
docència que utilitza. També són un factor de rellevància els estils
dels estudiants, així com les creences que tots dos actors tenen sobre
la formació per a la recerca. Finalment, l’existència o no d'una cultura
de recerca s’aprecia com una problemàtica que cal tenir en compte
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