AMD CPU的PCIe CPU电压是默认好Payload是多少

一次性点亮AMD Ryzen 1700X的不翻车记录_使用评测_什么值得买
一次性点亮AMD Ryzen 1700X的不翻车记录
第一章、开箱话说,我的锐龙CPU很早就到手了,只不过被坑了小一个月了,京东下单的预售的华擎X370TAICHI,虽然预付50,尾款1699,但是硬是扛了15天才付尾款,付完之后3天发货。说实话,锐龙最大的问题有两点1、就是主板一板难求。2、求到了主板也不一定你就能顺利点亮,一群翻车的哀嚎已经充斥网络,京东已经被退换主板的大潮淹没了!贴吧翻车反馈京东翻车评价所谓内部人士的真心话这种翻车搞的我也很是不解,其实我对锐龙的兴趣并不大,但是确实翻车很有意思,值得试一试。在购买之前我也做过了调研工作,普遍的高频内存很容易被强制降频或者直接不亮,主板厂商归结于AMD的内存控制器太挑内存了,所以哪怕INTEL平台上面的神条上了AMD锐龙平台也很可能表现奇差,而AMD现在的精力都在搞SMT的优化和催促微软发补丁优化,忙不上内存控制器的BUG修复。那么普遍反映是光威宇瞻这些的普条反而没事,而芝奇海盗船的XMP 3000以上的内存出问题和兼容性的几率很高,于是为了确保第一次尽量不翻车,我选择了金士顿 DDR4 2133的FURY 16GB X 2 。其实也不是说必须这内存才不翻车,比如说金士顿宇瞻光威的普条我觉得都没啥问题。&主板的话,其实我很想选择C6H的,但是C6H价格偏高而且翻车太多,华擎妖板的价格更合适一些,毕竟自己用的,自从X99 TAICHI用过之后我对华擎这个系列还是比较有信心附件全家福华擎主板的内包装风格,海绵垫加扎带绑定主板四角,自从华擎迁厂越南之后,由于长途运输的关系,华擎的包装风格会格外重视抗震效果。就市面上专为AMD Summit Ridge 的 Ryzen 处理器而量身打造的AMD主板而言,由于本身提供的 PCIe 通道就少,可能设计层面不如 Intel X99和Z270那么豪华,但是华擎X270 TAICHI主板还是设计了双 M.2、10 个SATA 6G接口和板载Wi-Fi网卡以及2个RGB灯条接口 。主板规格尺寸:ATX(30.5cm x 24.4cm)针脚:AM4芯片:AMD X370内存:4 x DDR4 DIMM,、支持纯ECC、最大支持64GB, DDR4 3200+(OC)/2133 MHzPCIe插槽:1 x PCIe 3.0 x16、1 x PCIe 3.0 x16(@x8 Mode)、1 x PCIe 2.0 x16(@x4 Mode)、2 x PCIe 2.0 x1多显卡技术:2-Way NVIDIA SLI、2-Way AMD CrossFire存储接口:8 x SATA 6Gb/s、2 x SATA 6Gb/s(ASM1061)、1 x Ultra M.2(SATA3 /PCIe Gen3 x4)、1 x M.2 PCIe Gen2 x4网络:GigaLAN Intel I211AT、Intel 802.11ac WiFi + 4.2 BT声卡:Realtek ALC1220USB:2 x USB 3.1 (Type-A、Type- C)、10 x USB 3.0、4 x USB 2.0从主板背面的PCIeX16插槽的焊点可以很简单的分出第一条是X16,第二条只做了X8,第三条只做了X4。酷白的IO装甲下面的IO接口略显单薄,但是实用的WIFI SMA天线接口,以及USB3.1的Type-A、Type- C浅蓝色接口,以及BIOS复位按钮是我觉得比较有档次的接口。华擎的Purity Sound声频系统CPU插座下面的Ultra M.2接口是直通CPU的PCIe3.0x4,兼容Nvme的M.2 SSD。而最下面的一条M.2仅仅支持SATA AHCI模式的SSD,而且是PCIe2.0x4的带宽。我采用了船长120EX&&上为拆下来的主板背板和扣具,下为九州风神自带的AM4扣具扣具的安装也极为简单,其实我采用水冷也是为了避免超重的风冷散热器会牢牢粘住CPU,这样暴力取风冷散热器的时候会直接把CPU从AM4插座里拔出,这点也是大家使用过程中所需要注意的部分。金士顿HYPER X FURY DDR4 2133 16GBX2其实我不太建议新主板上手就使用高频内存去点,极容易死锁卡DEBUG灯显示55,因为很多高频内存是单纯的针对INTEL去优化XMP参数的,难免和AMD的内存控制器水土不服,于是发生各种翻车,尽可能采用AMD内存控制器原生支持的66的非针对INTEL优化的XMP内存可以减少各种翻车情况。显卡使用的是铭瑄JETSTORM GTX1050TI高频版&&这卡其实感觉这个PCB和热管以及外接供电都有些夸张,一个GTX1050TI 4GB做的跟GTX1070一样。单6PIN外接供电3DP 1HDMI 1DVI的IO接口Nvme SSD采用三星SM961 128GBSATA SSD采用金士顿的UV400 240GB电源采用酷冷V850,机架采用酷冷的V20,测试平台搭建如上。BIOS到手点亮就是1.5版本,但是进去BIOS之后到处找不到升级BIOS的选项,其实我的选择点亮之后直接安装UEFI+GPT的WIN10专业版操作系统,有同学反映X370装WIN10装不上的情况,我提个小建议:1、使用WIN10 X64 REV 1607版本,即2017年1月以后的版本,当然我也提供一个链接供下载:ed2k://|file|cn_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x64_dvd_9714394.iso|||/因为2015年初版的WIN10 X64实在太老了,X370很多设备在这个版本里都没有驱动的。2、建议使用UEFI+GPT格式安装操作系统,其实也很简单,将下载的ISO镜像解压缩后直接拷贝到U盘的根目录里,插入USB启动开机,然后在WIN10安装界面里删除所需安装的SSD上的所有分区之后直接点下一步即可,但是请注意你选择安装的SSD里的文件会全部丢失,请做好备份。装好系统后然后在华擎官网里下载1.55 FOR WIN版本或者更新版本的BIOS 直接在WIN10下进行升级即可。其实测试过程中我也发现了一些问题,比如芝奇DDR3200 C14的双通TRIDEN Z套条被强制运行在2133频率,金士顿DDR3333C16的双通套条被强制运行在2400频率,且我不建议在BIOS里面开启XMP,由于为INTEL优化的XMP参数直接导入会经常导致无法开机必须还原BIOS设置。而原生66的非XMP内存则几乎都是不会翻车的,基本均可良好支持。如果你需要超频内存还是直接手动选择内存频率和电压,然后指定内存小参比较容易成功。新品上市,感觉华擎的BIOS还要多过渡几个版本估计才可以支持好为INTEL XMP优化的高频内存CPU超频方面的电压模式分为Stable模式和OC模式:Stable模式下的OFFSET模式则适合3.7-3.95GHz的超频操作。OC模式下的FIX模式适合4GHz以及以上主频的超频操作,强烈建议此操作将CPU防掉压开到LEVEL 5。两个CPU风扇4PIN可以满足水冷需求,另有三个4PIN可以满足机箱风扇的调速需求。华擎还自带了2个RGB LED灯条的调节功能第二章、测试第一节、CPUZ识别CPUZ1.78.3已经能基本支持Ryzen处理器了,但是对于X370 TAICHI的CPU核心电压的识别还是有BUG存在。第二节、内存超频效能图中我对金士顿HYPER X FURY DDR4 2133 16GBX2进行了手动超频,内存电压设置1.35V,频率设置2933,最终得到的最稳定的超频频率和超频参数。因为体质所限,这对内存只能上到 17 28 1T双通道稳定,但是上不去3200频率。AIDA64内存读写测试也已经双双破了4W MB/SAIDA64同时也显示出华擎X370 TAICHI对纯ECC内存是完全支持的,这对有意组建的同学来说也许是个福利。第三节、CPUZ效能测试1、默认频率3.4G默认频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 6900K的106%默认频率下,1700X的多核效能相当于I7 6900K的137%默认频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 7700K的88%默认频率下,1700X的多核效能相当于I7 7700K的180%2、超频4GHz (1.384V)4G频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 6900K的123%4G频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 6900K的150%4G频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 7700K的102%4G频率下,1700X的单核效能相当于I7 7700K的197%第五节、CINEBENCH R15渲染效能测试1、默认频率2、超频4GHz (1.384V)超频4GHz (1.384V)比默认频率在CINEBENCH R15渲染中的提升达到了14%第六节、3DMARK &Fire Strike Ultra1、默认频率物理得分176782、超频4GHz (1.384V)物理得分20235超频4GHz (1.384V)比默认频率在3DMARK &Fire Strike Ultra物理分数中的提升达到了14.5%第七节、3DMARK Time Spy1、默认频率CPU分数79582、超频4GHz (1.384V)CPU分数8612超频4GHz (1.384V)比默认频率在3DMARK& Time Spy 物理分数中的提升达到了8.2%第八节、3DMARK 负载测试1、默认频率默认频率下,运行3DMARK的时候大部分时间CPU都在3.5GHz运行,只有非常少的时间运行在3.9GHz,高频时间可以说昙花一现而已。2、超频4GHz (1.384V)超频4GHz下,可以看到3DMARK从头到尾都是4G主频运行,几乎一条直线,100%的时间都是4G主频在运行。很明显对于游戏来说,超频的受益是非常可观的。第九节、温度测试超频4G,核心电压1.384VAIDA64 FPU单拷在55度左右第十节、AS SSD BENCHMAEK磁盘效能测试三星SM961 128GB得分3262金士顿UV400 240GB得分969磁盘系统的X370得分基本和Z270平台没有明显差异。总结:1、华擎X370 TAICHI和金士顿 HYPER X FURY DDR4 2133 16GBX2的兼容性还是很好的,直接一次性点亮不翻车并且超频到2933非常稳定!看来AMD的内存控制器不排斥金士顿内存。2、默认频率下Ryzen 1700X无论单核还是多核效能对抗I7 6900K没有悬念,超频4G主频单核效能直接逼近I7 7700K单核效能之王。3、AMD Ryzen的内存的兼容性还是存在一定的问题,对Intel XMP优化过的内存支持度较差,尤其是芝奇针对INTEL XMP深度优化的DDR4 3200系列内存,亟待华擎对代码进行深度优化。
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AMD E8860 PCIe
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AMD E8860 PCIe
关注微信公众号深入浅出KVM(四)丨I/O PCI/PCIe设备直接分配和 SR-IOV - 简书
深入浅出KVM(四)丨I/O PCI/PCIe设备直接分配和 SR-IOV
本文将分析 PCI/PCIe 设备直接分配(Pass-through)和 SR-IOV, 以及三种 I/O 虚拟化方式的比较。
1. PCI/PCI-E 设备直接分配给虚机 (PCI Pass-through)
设备直接分配 (Device assignment)也称为 Device Pass-Through。
先简单看看PCI 和 PCI-E 的区别(AMD CPU):
简单点看,PCI 卡的性能没有 PCI-E 高,因为 PCI-E 是直接连在 IOMMU 上,而 PCI 卡是连在一个 IO Hub 上。)
主要的 PCI 设备类型:
Network cards (wired or wireless)
SCSI adapters
Bus controllers: USB, PCMCIA, I2C, FireWire, IDE
Graphics and video cards
Sound cards
1.1 PCI/PCIe Pass-through 原理
这种方式,允许将宿主机中的物理 PCI 设备直接分配给客户机使用。较新的x86平台已经支持这种类型,Intel 定义的 I/O 虚拟化技术成为 VT-d,AMD 的称为 AMD-V。KVM 支持客户机以独占方式访问这个宿主机的 PCI/PCI-E 设备。通过硬件支持的 VT-d 技术将设备分给客户机后,在客户机看来,设备是物理上连接在PCI或者PCI-E总线上的,客户机对该设备的I/O交互操作和实际的物理设备操作完全一样,不需要或者很少需要 KVM 的参与。运行在 VT-d 平台上的 QEMU/KVM,可以分配网卡、磁盘控制器、USB控制器、VGA 显卡等设备供客户机直接使用。
几乎所有的 PCI 和 PCI-E 设备都支持直接分配,除了显卡以外(显卡的特殊性 )。PCI Pass-through 需要硬件平台 Intel VT-d 或者 AMD IOMMU 的支持。这些特性必须在 BIOS 中被启用。Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 及以上版本支持热插拔的 PCI 设备直接分配到虚拟机。
一般 SATA 或者 SAS 等类型的硬盘的控制器都是直接接入到 PCI 或者
PCI-E 总线的,所以也可以将硬盘作为普通的PCI设备直接分配个客户机。需要注意的是,当分配硬盘时,实际上将其控制器作为一个整体分配到客户机中,因此需要在硬件平台上至少有另两个或者多个SATA或者 SAS控制器。
1.2 在 RedHat Linux 6 上使用 virt-manger 分配一个光纤卡给虚机
(1)在 BIOS 中打开 Intel VT-d
(2)在 Linux 内核中启用 PCI Pass-through
添加 intel_iommu=on 到 /boot/grub/grub.conf 文件中。(在我的 RedHat Linux 6上,该文件是 /boot/grub.conf)
(1)使用 lspci -nn 命令找到待分配的 PCI 设备。这里以一个 FC 卡为例:
使用 lspci 命令得到的 PCI 数字的含义,以后使用 libvirt API 分配设备时会用到:
(2)使用 virsh nodedev-list 命令找到该设备的 PCI 编号
(4)使用 virt-manager 将设备直接分配给一个启动了的虚拟机
(7)不再使用的话,需要在 virt-manager 中首先将该设备移除,然后在主机上重新挂载该设备
1.3 在 RedHat Linux 6 上使用 qemu-kvm 分配一个光纤卡给虚机
1.4 设备直接分配让客户机的优势和不足
好处:在执行 I/O 操作时大量减少甚至避免 VM-Exit 陷入到 Hypervisor 中,极大地提高了性能,可以达到几乎和原生系统一样的性能。VT-d 克服了 virtio 兼容性不好和 CPU 使用频率较高的问题。
不足:(1)一台服务器主板上的空间比较有限,因此允许添加的 PCI 和 PCI-E 设备是有限的。大量使用 VT-d 独立分配设备给客户机,让硬件设备数量增加,这会增加硬件投资成本。(2)对于使用 VT-d 直接分配了设备的客户机,其动态迁移功能将受限,不过也可以使用热插拔或者libvirt 工具等方式来缓解这个问题。
不足的解决方案:(1)在一台物理宿主机上,仅少数 I/O 如网络性能要求较高的客户机使用 VT-d直接分配设备,其他的使用纯模拟或者 virtio 已达到多个客户机共享同一个设备的目的 (2)对于网络I/O的解决办法,可以选择 SR-IOV 是一个网卡产生多个独立的虚拟网卡,将每个虚拟网卡分配个一个客户机使用。
2. SR-IOV 设备分配
VT-d 的性能非常好,但是它的物理设备只能分配给一个客户机使用。为了实现多个虚机共享一个物理设备,并且达到直接分配的目的,PCI-SIG 组织发布了 SR-IOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization and sharing) 规范,它定义了一个标准化的机制用以原生地支持实现多个客户机共享一个设备。不过,目前 SR-IOV (单根 I/O 虚拟化)最广泛地应用还是网卡上。
SR-IOV 使得一个单一的功能单元(比如,一个以太网端口)能看起来像多个独立的物理设备。一个带有 SR-IOV 功能的物理设备能被配置为多个功能单元。SR-IOV 使用两种功能(function):
物理功能(Physical Functions,PF):这是完整的带有 SR-IOV 能力的PCIe 设备。PF 能像普通 PCI 设备那样被发现、管理和配置。
虚拟功能(Virtual Functions,VF):简单的 PCIe 功能,它只能处理I/O。每个 VF 都是从 PF 中分离出来的。每个物理硬件都有一个 VF 数目的限制。一个 PF,能被虚拟成多个 VF 用于分配给多个虚拟机。
Hypervisor 能将一个或者多个 VF 分配给一个虚机。在某一时刻,一个 VF 只能被分配给一个虚机。一个虚机可以拥有多个 VF。在虚机的操作系统看来,一个 VF 网卡看起来和一个普通网卡没有区别。SR-IOV 驱动是在内核中实现的。
网卡 SR-IOV 的例子:
光纤卡 SR-IOV 的例子:
2.2 SR-IOV 的条件
需要 CPU 支持 Intel VT-x 和 VT-D (或者 AMD 的 SVM 和 IOMMU)
需要有支持 SR-IOV 规范的设备:目前这种设备较多,比如Intel的很多中高端网卡等。
需要 QEMU/KAM 的支持。
RedHat Linux 6.0 官方只完整测试了下面的几款 SR-IOV 网卡:
Intel(R) 82576NS Gigabit Ethernet Controller ( igb 驱动)
Intel(R) 82576EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller ( igb 驱动)
Intel(R) 82599ES 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller ( ixgbe 驱动)
Intel(R) 82599EB 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller ( ixgbe 驱动)
2.3 分配 SR-IOV 设备的步骤
手头没有支持SR-IOV的设备。这是 RedHat 上 SR-IOV 的配置步骤: Using SR-IOV redhat 官网)。
简单来说,SR-IOV 分配步骤和设备直接分配相比基本类似,除了要使 PF 虚拟化成多个 VF 以外。
2.4 优势和不足
3. 各种设备虚拟化方式的比较
3.1 架构上的比较(以网卡为例)
3.2 性能上的比较 (以网卡为例)
(来源:Evaluating and Optimizing I/O Virtualization in Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM), Binbin Zhang, Xiaolin Wang, Rongfeng Lai, Liang Yang, Zhenlin Wang,Yingwei Luo, Xiaoming Li)
(测试环境:两台物理服务器 HostA 和 HostB,都使用GB以太网。HostA 使用 82566DC 网卡,HostB 使用 82567LM-2 网卡,一台虚机运行在 HostB 上,使用 KVM-76.)
纯模拟网卡的 UDP 性能比 TCP 性能高 50% 到 100%
在虚拟网卡上使用 NAPI,不但不会提高性能,反而会是性能下降
e1000 的性能比 rt18139 的性能高不少(为什么 RedHat Linux KVM 上默认的网卡是 rt18139 呢?)
Virtio 和 vhost_net 的吞吐量比较:
(来源:CANONICAL, KVM Performance Optimization, Paul Sim,Cloud Consultant, )
结论: vhost_net 比 virtio 的 UDP 和 TCP 性能高 20% 左右。
RedHat Linux 6 上 virtio,vhost_net,SR-IOV 和物理设备网络延迟的比较:
(来源Redhat 官网)
RedHat Linux 6 上 virtio 和 vhost_net 所消耗的主机CPU资源的比较:
(来源Redhat 官网)
使用 virtio 的 KVM 与物理机的 TCP 吞吐量对比:
(来源Redhat 官网)
物理机与使用 SR-IOV 的 KVM 的网络性能对比:
(来源Redhat 官网)
物理机与使用 Pass-through 的KVM 的 TCP 性能对比:
(来源Redhat 官网)
(资料来源:Open Source Virtualization: KVM and Linux, Chris Wright, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat,September 4, 2009)
Virtio 和 Pass-Through 的详细比较
(来源:Reconnaissance of Virtio: What’s new and how it’s all connected? by Mario Smarduch)
4. 综合结论
KVM 依赖的Intel/AMD 处理器的各种虚拟化扩展:
I/O 虚拟化方案的选择:
I/O设备尽量使用准虚拟化(virtio 和 vhost_net)
如果需要实时迁移,不能使用 SR-IOV
对更高I/O要求又不需要实时迁移的,可以使用 SR-IOV
RedHat Linux 6 官方文档
KVM 官方文档
KVM 虚拟化技术实战与解析 任永杰、单海涛 著
KVM 虚拟化技术在 AMD 平台上的实现
在 QEMU/KVM 中,客户机可以使用的设备大致可分为三类: 1. 模拟设备:完全由 QEMU 纯软件模拟的设备。 2. Virtio 设备:实现 VIRTIO API 的半虚拟化设备。 3. PCI 设备直接分配 (PCI device assignment) 。 1....
1. KVM 介绍 1.0 虚拟化简史 其中,KVM 全称是 基于内核的虚拟机(Kernel-based Virtual Machine),它是一个 Linux 的一个内核模块,该内核模块使得 Linux 变成了一个 Hypervisor: 它由 Quramnet 开发,该...
1. 什么是虚拟化和迁移 什么是虚拟化 “虚拟化 ”是一个描述运行软件的广义计算机术语,通常体现为在单一系统上运行多个操作系统,这些操作系统同时运行,而每个操作系统又是相互独立的。大多数现行的虚拟化实现使用一个“虚拟机管理程序 ”(hypervisor),即一个软件层或子系...
目录: 虚拟化 dpdk的实现研究virtiovhostSR-IOV热迁移相关 研究拓展 本文记录近期对dpdk在虚拟化和云计算领域应用的研究成果,内容梳理如下。 虚拟化 虚拟化,抽象来说,就是将物理资源逻辑化。具体来说,虚拟技术的实现是在系统中加入一个虚拟化层(也就是hy...
网络虚拟化技术 数据包从虚拟机到物理机过程: 虚拟机 -& QEMU虚拟网卡 -& 虚拟化层 -& 内核网桥 -& 物理网卡 半虚拟化技术使数据包跳过QEMU虚拟网卡,从虚拟机直接到虚拟化层,虚拟网卡性能排序: 半虚拟化网卡(virtio) & 全虚拟化网卡(e1000,r...
纳达尔宣布退出全年的剩余比赛。 纳达尔在退赛声明中说道:“里约奥运会复出的时候身体就没有完全的康复,我没有准备好比赛这并不是秘密。而当时我的目标就是为祖国拿下一枚奥运奖牌,但是这个决定也影响我的手腕伤病。复出后我一直都在带伤比赛,现在我必须要停下来认真养伤,开始备战2017...
1,从本篇文章中我学到最重要的概念是:句型等等得记,句型记了整体就还行 2,我在本片文章中学到的怦然心动的单词:villains(罪犯) fulfill(履行) 3,在本篇文章中我最喜欢的一句话:It is easy to look around for villains ...
1 前几天看完了《天才在左 疯子在右》这本书,后来想找些精神病相关的东西看看,便想起了《飞越疯人院》这部电影。 本以为会是一部主要讲述精神病人的电影,不过,里边的主题并不完全是讲这个。 这部电影讲的是主角麦克墨菲为了逃避监狱劳动而装作精神病人混进&疯人院&,但是不安分的他,...
那天杀青却下起了大雨,你却只有一件外套,最终你选择了她而不是我,注定就是如此安排,如果那天你能说出一直想说的那句话,我一定会说我愿意,命运就是如此,错过了就不再有机会,你已经错过两次,我不知道第三次我会不会回答我 愿 意,也不知道会不会在最后的时光收到答案
为什么公司会分销售主管,销售督导,店长,管理员,员工这层层级别都是为了业绩一个目标,也正是也为这样的分化导致大家有压力也有动力,在相互监督下完成艰巨的目标,OKR不是绩效考核确实一种好的工具。随笔 - 53&
文章 - 104&评论 - 2&trackbacks - 0
基于高速序列构架产生了很多传输标准。包括HyperTransport,InfiniBand,RapidIO和StarFabric等等。这些均有业 界的不同企业支持,背后也都有大量的资金投入标准的研究开发,所以每一标准都声称自己与众不同,独占优势。主要的差异在于可扩展性、灵活性与反应时间、单 位成本的取舍平衡各不相同。其中的一个例子是在传输包上增加一个复杂的头信息以支持复杂路由传输(PCI Express不支持这种方式)。这样的信息增加降低了接口的有效带宽也使传输更复杂,但是相应创造了新的软件支持此功能。这种架构下需要软件追踪拓 扑结构的变化以实现系统支持热插拔。InfiniBand 和 StarFabric 标准即能实现这以功能。另一个例子是缩小信息包以减少反应时间。较小的信息包意味着包头占用了包的更大百分比,这样又降低了有效带宽。能实现此功能的标准 是RapidIO 和HyperTransport。PCI Express取中庸之道,定位于设计成一种系统互连接口(总线)而非一种设备接口或路由网络协议。另外为了针对软件透明,它的设计目标限制了它作为协 议,也在某种程度上增加了它的反应时间
( 16:21:32)
一个完整的TLP由1个或者多个TLP Prefix、TLP头、Data Payload(数据有效负载)和TLP Digest组成。TLP头是TLP最重要的标志,不同的TLP其头的定义并不相同。TLP头包含了当前TLP的总线事务类型、路由信息等一系列信息。在一个TLP中,Data Payload的长度可变,最小为0,最大为1024DW。
TLP Digest是一个可选项, 一个TLP是否需要TLP Digest由TLP头决定。Data Payload也是一个可选项,有些TLP并不需要Data Payload,如存储器读请求、配置和I/O写完成TLP并不需要Data Payload。
TLP Prefix由PCIe V2.1总线规范引入,分为Local TLP Prefix和EP-EP TLP Prefix两类。其中Local TLP Prefix的主要作用是在PCIe链路的两端传递消息,而EP-EP TLP Prefix的主要作用是在发送设备和接收设备之间传递消息。设置TLP Prefix的主要目的是为了扩展TLP头,并以此支持PCIe V2.1规范的一些新的功能。
如果存储器读写TLP支持64位地址模式时,TLP头的长度为4DW,否则为3DW。而完成报文的TLP头不含有地址信息,使用的TLP头长度为3DW。其中Byte 4~Byte 15的格式与TLP相关,下文将结合具体的TLP介绍这些字段。
5.1.1 通用TLP头的Fmt字段和Type字段
&表5-1 Fmt[1:0]字段
TLP Prefix
表5-2 Type[4:0]字段
0b1 0r2r1r0
0b1 0r2r1r0
Fetch and Add原子操作。
0b0 L3L2L1L0
Local TLP Prefix
0b1 E3E2E1E0
End-End TLP Prefix
由上表所示,存储器读和写请求,IO读和写请求,及配置读和写请求的type字段相同,如存储器读和写请求的Type字段都为0b0 0000。此时PCIe总线规范使用Fmt字段区分读写请求,当Fmt字段是&带数据&的报文,一定是&写报文&;当Fmt字段是&不带数据&的报文,一定是&读报文&。
PCIe V2.1总线规范还补充了一些总线事务,如FetchAdd、Swap、CAS、LPrfx和EPrfx。其中LPrfx和EPrfx总线事务分别与Local TLP Prefix和EP-EP TLP Prefix对应。在PCIe总线规范V2.0中,TLP头的大小为1DW,而使用LPrfx和EPrfx总线事务可以对TLP头进行扩展,本节不对这些TLP Prefix做进一步介绍。PCIe设备可以使用FetchAdd、Swap和CAS总线事务进行原子操作,本篇将在第5.3.5节详细介绍该类总线事务。
5.1.2 TC字段
在Intel的高精度声卡控制器(High Definition Audio Controller)的扩展配置空间中含有一个TCSEL寄存器。系统软件可以设置该寄存器,使声卡控制器发出的TLP使用合适的TC。声卡控制器可以使用TC7传送一些对实时性要求较强的控制信息,而使用TC0传送一般的数据信息。在具体实现中,一个EP也可以将控制TC字段的寄存器放入到设备的BAR空间中,而不必和Intel的高精度声卡控制器相同,存放在PCI配置空间中。
有些RC,如MPC8572处理器,也能决定其发出TLP使用的TC。在该处理器的PCIe Outbound窗口寄存器(PEXOWARn)中,含有一个TC字段,通过设置该字段可以确定RC发出的TLP使用的TC字段。不同的TC可以使用PCIe链路中的不同VC,而不同的VC的仲裁级别并不相同。EP或者RC通过调整其发出TLP的TC字段,可以调整TLP使用的VC,从而调整TLP的优先级。
5.1.3 Attr字段
Attr字段由3位组成,其中第2位表示该TLP是否支持PCIe总线的ID-based Ordering;第1位表示是否支持Relaxed Ordering;而第0位表示该TLP在经过RC到达存储器时,是否需要进行Cache共享一致性处理。Attr字段如图5-3所示。
一个TLP可以同时支持ID-based Ordering和Relaxed Ordering两种位序。Relaxed Ordering最早在PCI-X总线规范中提出,用来提高PCI-X总线的数据传送效率;而ID-based Ordering由PCIe V2.1总线规范提出。TLP支持的序如表5-3所示。
&表5-3 TLP支持的序
PCI-X Relaxed Ordering模型
ID-Based Ordering(IDO)模型
同时支持Relaxed Ordering和IDO模型
如果使用Relaxed Ordering模型,后一个存储器写TLP可以穿越前一个存储器写TLP,提前执行,从而提高了PCIe总线的利用率。有时一个PCIe设备发出的TLP,其目的地址并不相同,可能先进入发送队列的TLP,在某种情况下无法发送,但这并不影响后续TLP的发送,因为这两个TLP的目的地址并不相同,发送条件也并不相同。
值得注意的是,在使用PCI总线强序模型时,不同种类的TLP间也可以乱序通过同一条PCIe链路,比如存储器写TLP可以超越存储器读请求TLP提前进行。而PCIe总线支持Relaxed Ordering模型之后,在TLP的传递过程中出现乱序种类更多,但是这些乱序仍然是有条件限制的。在PCIe总线规范中为了避免死锁,还规定了不同报文的传送数据规则,即Ordering Rules。
PCIe V2.1总线规范引入了一种新的&序&模型,即IDO(ID-Based Ordering)模型,IDO模型与数据传送的数据流相关,是PCIe V2.1规范引入的序模型。
Attr字段的第0位是&No Snoop Attribute&位。当该位为0时表示当前TLP所传送的数据在通过FSB时,需要与Cache保持一致,这种一致性由FSB通过总线监听自动完成而不需要软件干预;如果为1,表示FSB并不会将TLP中的数据与Cache进行一致,在这种情况下,进行数据传送时,必须使用软件保证Cache的一致性。
在PCI总线中没有与这个&No Snoop Attribute&位对应的概念,因此一个PCI设备对存储器进行DMA操作时会进行Cache一致性操作。这种&自动的&Cache一致性行为在某些特殊情况下并不能带来更高的效率。
当一个PCIe设备对存储器进行DMA读操作时,如果传送的数据非常大,比如512MB,Cache的一致性操作不但不会提高DMA写的效率,反而会降低。因为这个DMA读访问的数据在绝大多数情况下,并不会在Cache中命中,但是FSB依然需要使用Snoop Phase进行总线监听。而处理器在进行Cache一致性操作时仍然需要占用一定的时钟周期,即在Snoop Phase中占用的时钟周期,Snoop Phase是FSB总线事务的一个阶段,如图3-6所示。
对于这类情况,一个较好的做法是,首先使用软件指令保证Cache与主存储器的一致性,并置&No Snoop Attribute&位为1,然后再进行DMA读操作。同理使用这种方法对一段较大的数据区域进行DMA写时,也可以提高效率。
除此之外,当PCIe设备访问的存储器,不是&可Cache空间&时,也可以通过设置&No Snoop Attribute&位,避免FSB的Cache共享一致性操作,从而提高FSB的效率。&No Snoop Attribute&位是PCIe总线针对PCI总线的不足,所作出的重要改动。
5.1.4 通用TLP头中的其他字段
1 TH位、TD位和EP位
TH位为1表示当前TLP中含有TPH(TLP Processing Hint)信息,TPH是PCIe V2.1总线规范引入的一个重要功能。TLP的发送端可以使用TPH信息,通知接收端即将访问数据的特性,以便接收端合理地预读和管理数据,TPH的详细介绍见第5.3.6节。
TD位表示TLP中的TLP Digest是否有效,为1表示有效,为0表示无效。而EP位表示当前TLP中的数据是否有效,为1表示无效,为0表示有效。
AT字段与PCIe总线的地址转换相关。在一些PCIe设备中设置了ATC(Address Translation Cache)部件,这个部件的主要功能是进行地址转换。只有在支持IOMMU技术的处理器系统中,PCIe设备才能使用该字段。
AT字段可以用作存储器域与PCI总线域之间的地址转换,但是设置这个字段的主要目的是为了方便多个虚拟主机共享同一个PCIe设备。对这个字段有兴趣的读者可以参考Address Translation Sevices规范,这个规范是PCI的IO Virtualization规范的重要组成部分。对虚拟化技术有兴趣的读者可以参考清华大学出版社的《系统虚拟化&&原理与实现》,以获得基本的关于虚拟化的入门知识。
3 Length字段
Length字段用来描述TLP的有效负载(Data Payload)大小。PCIe总线规范规定一个TLP的Data Payload的大小在1B~4096B之间。PCIe总线设置Length字段的目的是提高总线的传送效率。
而PCIe总线通过TLP的Length字段,可以有效避免PCIe链路带宽的浪费。值得注意的是,Length字段以DW为单位,其最小单位为1个DW。如果PCIe主设备传送的单位小于1个DW或者传送的数据并不以DW对界时,需要使用字节使能字段,即&DW BE&字段。有关&DW BE&字段的详细说明见第5.3.1节。
( 11:36:53)
在PCIe总线中,有些TLP含有Data Payload,如存储器写请求、存储器读完成TLP等。在PCIe总线中,TLP含有的Data Payload大小与Max_Payload_Size、Max_Read_Request_Size和RCB参数相关。下文将分别介绍这些参数的使用。
5.4.1 Max_Payload_Size参数
PCIe总线规定在TLP报文中,数据有效负载的最大值为4KB,但是PCIe设备并不一定能够发送这么大的数据报文。PCIe设备含有&Max_Payload_Size&和&Max_Payload_Size Supported&参数,这两个参数分别在Device Capability寄存器和Device Control寄存器中定义。
&Max_Payload_Size Supported&参数存放在一个PCIe设备中,TLP有效负载的最大值,该参数由PCIe设备的硬件逻辑确定,系统软件不能改写该参数。而Max_Payload_Size参数存放PCIe设备实际使用的,TLP有效负载的最大值。该参数由PCIe链路两端的设备协商决定,是PCIe设备进行数据传送时,实际使用的参数。
在实际应用中,尽管有些PCIe设备的Max_Payload_Size Supported参数可以为256B、512B、1024B或者更高,但是如果PCIe链路的对端设备可以支持的Max_Payload_Size参数为128B时,系统软件将使用对端设备的Max_Payload_Size Supported参数,初始化该设备的Max_Payload_Size参数,即选用PCIe链路两端最小的Max_Payload_Size Supported参数初始化Max_Payload_Size参数。
在多数x86处理器系统的MCH或者ICH中,Max_Payload_Size Supported参数为128B。这也意味着在x86处理器中,与MCH或者ICH直接相连的PCIe设备进行DMA读写时,数据的有效负载不能超过128B。而在PowerPC处理器系统中,该参数大多为256B。
目前在大多数EP中,Max_Payload_Size Supported参数不大于512B,因为在大多数处理器系统的RC中,Max_Payload_Size Supported参数也不大于512B。因此即便EP支持较大的Max_Payload_Size Supported参数,并不会提高数据传送效率。
5.4.2 Max_Read_Request_Size参数
Max_Read_Request_Size参数在Device Control寄存器中定义。该参数与存储器读请求TLP的Length字段相关,其中Length字段不能大于Max_Read_Request_Size参数。在存储器读请求TLP中,Length字段表示需要从目标设备读取多少数据。
5.4.3 RCB参数
RCB位在Link Control寄存器中定义。RCB位决定了RCB参数的值,在PCIe总线中,RCB参数的大小为64B或者128B,如果一个PCIe设备没有设置RCB的大小,则RC的RCB参数缺省值为64B,而其他PCIe设备的RCB参数的缺省值为128B。PCIe总线规定RC的RCB参数的值为64B或者128B,其他PCIe设备的RCB参数为128B。
&表5-9 存储器读完成报文的拆分方法
这是流量控制Infinite FC Unit的要求,详见第9.3.2节。
有些PCIe设备可能没有Link Control寄存器。
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
&&(Redirected from )
Not to be confused with .
PCI Express (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express), officially abbreviated as PCIe, is a
standard designed to replace the older , , and
bus standards. PCIe has numerous improvements over the aforementioned bus standards, including higher maximum system bus throughput, lower I/O pin count and smaller physical footprint, better performance-scaling for bus devices, a more detailed error detection and reporting mechanism, and native hot plug functionality. More recent revisions of the PCIe standard support hardware I/O virtualization.
The PCIe electrical interface is also used in a variety of other standards, most notably , a
expansion card interface.
Format specifications are maintained and developed by the
(PCI ), a group of more than 900 companies that also maintain the
specifications. PCIe 3.0 is the latest standard for expansion cards that is available on mainstream .
PCI Express is used in consumer, server, and industrial applications, as a motherboard-level interconnect (to link motherboard-mounted peripherals), a passive backplane interconnect and as an
interface for add-in boards.
In virtually all modern PCs, from consumer laptops and desktops to enterprise data servers, the PCIe bus serves as the primary motherboard-level interconnect, connecting the host system processor with both integrated-peripherals (surface mounted ICs) and add-on peripherals (expansion cards.) In most of these systems, the PCIe bus co-exists with 1 or more legacy PCI busses, for backward compatibility with the large body of legacy PCI peripherals.
Conceptually, the PCIe bus is like a high-speed
replacement of the older PCI/PCI-X bus, an interconnect bus using shared address/data lines.
A key difference between PCIe bus and the older PCI is the bus topology. PCI uses a shared
architecture, where the PCI host and all devices share a common set of address/data/control lines. In contrast, PCIe is based on point-to-point , with separate
links connecting every device to the
(host). Due to its shared bus topology, access to the older PCI bus is arbitrated (in the case of multiple masters), and limited to 1 master at a time, in a single direction. Furthermore, the older PCI's clocking scheme limits the bus clock to the slowest peripheral on the bus (regardless of the devices involved in the bus transaction). In contrast, a PCIe bus link supports full-duplex communication between any two endpoints, with no inherent limitation on concurrent access across multiple endpoints.
In terms of bus protocol, PCIe communication is encapsulated in packets. The work of packetizing and de-packetizing data and status-message traffic is handled by the transaction layer of the PCIe port (described later). Radical differences in electrical signaling and bus protocol require the use of a different mechanical form factor and expansion connectors (and thus, new motherboards and new adapter boards); PCI slots and PCIe slots are not interchangeable. At the software level, PCIe preserves backward compatibility with PCI; legacy PCI system software can detect and configure newer PCIe devices without explicit support for the PCIe standard, though PCIe's new features are inaccessible.
The PCIe link between 2 devices can consist of anywhere from 1 to 32 lanes. In a multi-lane link, the packet data is striped across lanes, and peak data-throughput scales with the overall link width. The lane count is automatically negotiated during device initialization, and can be restricted by either endpoint. For example, a single-lane PCIe (x1) card can be inserted into a multi-lane slot (x4, x8, etc.), and the initialization cycle auto-negotiates the highest mutually supported lane count. The link can dynamically down-configure the link to use fewer lanes, thus providing some measure of failure tolerance in the presence of bad or unreliable lanes. The PCIe standard defines slots and connectors for multiple widths: x1, x4, x8, x16, x32. This allows PCIe bus to serve both cost-sensitive applications where high throughput is not needed, as well as performance-critical applications such as 3D graphics, network (, multiport ), and enterprise storage (, .)
As a point of reference, a PCI-X (133&MHz 64 bit) device and PCIe device at 4-lanes (x4), Gen1 speed have roughly the same peak transfer rate in a single-direction: 1064MB/sec. The PCIe bus has the potential to perform better than the PCI-X bus in cases where multiple devices are transferring data communicating simultaneously, or if communication with the PCIe peripheral is .
PCIe devices communicate via a logical connection called an interconnect or link. A link is a point-to-point communication channel between 2 PCIe ports, allowing both to send/receive ordinary PCI-requests (configuration read/write, I/O read/write, memory read/write) and
(, ). At the physical level, a link is composed of 1 or more lanes. Low-speed peripherals (such as an
) use a single-lane (&1) link, while a graphics adapter typically uses a much wider (and thus, faster) 16-lane link.
A lane is composed of a transmit and receive pair of differential lines. Each lane is composed of 4 wires or signal paths, meaning conceptually, each lane is a
, transporting data packets in 8 bit 'byte' format, between endpoints of a link, in both directions simultaneously. Physical PCIe slots may contain from one to thirty-two lanes, in powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32). Lane counts are written with an x prefix (e.g., x16 represents a sixteen-lane card or slot), with x16 being the largest size in common use.
The bonded serial format was chosen over a traditional parallel bus format due to the latter's inherent limitations, including single-duplex operation, excess signal count and an inherently lower
due to . Timing skew results from separate electrical signals within a parallel interface traveling down different-length conductors, on potentially different
layers, at possibly different . Despite being transmitted simultaneously as a single , signals on a parallel interface experience different travel times and arrive at their destinations at different moments. When the interface
is increased to a point where its inverse (i.e., its clock period) is shorter than the largest possible time between signal arrivals, the signals no longer arrive with sufficient coincidence to make recovery of the transmitted word possible. Since timing skew over a parallel bus can amount to a few nanoseconds, the resulting bandwidth limitation is in the range of hundreds of megahertz.
A serial interface does not exhibit timing skew because there is only one differential signal in each direction within each lane, and there is no external clock signal since clocking information is embedded within the serial signal. As such, typical bandwidth limitations on serial signals are in the multi-gigahertz range. PCIe is just one example of a general trend away from parallel buses to serial interconnects. Other examples include , , ,
Multichannel serial design increases flexibility by allocating slow devices to fewer lanes than fast devices.
Various PCI slots. From top to bottom:
PCI Express &4
PCI Express &16
PCI Express &1
PCI Express &16
Conventional PCI (32-bit)
A PCIe card fits into a slot of its physical size or larger (maximum x16), but may not fit into a smaller PCIe slot (x16 in a x8 slot). Some slots use open-ended sockets to permit physically longer cards and negotiates the best available electrical connection. The number of lanes actually connected to a slot may also be less than the number supported by the physical slot size.
An example is a &8 slot that actually only runs at &1. These slots allow any &1, &2, &4 or &8 card, though only running at &1 speed. This type of socket is called a &8 (&1 mode) slot, meaning it physically accepts up to &8 cards but only runs at &1 speed. The advantage is that it can accommodate a larger range of PCIe cards without requiring motherboard hardware to support the full transfer rate. This keeps design and implementation costs down.
The following table identifies the conductors on each side of the
on a x4 PCI Express card. The solder side of the
(PCB) is the A side, and the component side is the B side.
PCI express &4 connector pinout
PinSide BSide AComments
Pulled low to indicate card inserted
Link reactivation, power good.
Reference clock differential pair
Lane 0 transmit data, + and &
Lane 0 receive data, + and &
Lane 1 transmit data, + and &
Lane 1 receive data, + and &
Lane 2 transmit data, + and &
Lane 2 receive data, + and &
Lane 3 transmit data, + and &
Lane 3 receive data, + and &
An &1 slot is a shorter version of this, ending after pin 18. &8 and &16 slots extend the pattern.
Ground pin
Zero volt reference
Supplies power to the PCIe card
Output pin
Signal from the card to the motherboard
Signal from the motherboard to the card
May be pulled low and/or sensed by multiple cards
Tied together on card
Not presently used, do not connect
PCI Express cards are allowed a maximum power consumption of 25W (&1: 10W for power-up). Low profile cards are limited to 10W (&16 to 25W). PCI Express Graphics (PEG) cards may increase power (from slot) to 75W after configuration (3.3V/3A + 12V/5.5A). Optional connectors add 75W (6-pin) or 150W (8-pin) power for up to 300W total.
A WLAN PCI Express Mini Card and its connector.
MiniPCI and MiniPCI Express cards in comparison
PCI Express Mini Card (also known as Mini PCI Express, Mini PCIe, and Mini PCI-E) is a replacement for the
form factor, based on PCI Express. It is developed by the . The host device supports both PCI Express and
2.0 connectivity, and each card may use either standard. Most laptop computers built after 2005 are based on PCI Express and can have several Mini Card slots.[]
PCI Express Mini Cards are 30&50.95&mm. There is a 52 pin edge connector, consisting of two staggered rows on a 0.8&mm pitch. Each row has 8 contacts, a gap equivalent to 4 contacts, then a further 18 contacts. A half-length card is also specified 30&26.8&mm. Cards have a thickness of 1.0&mm (excluding components).
PCI Express Mini Card edge connector provide multiple connections and buses:
Wires to diagnostics LEDs for wireless network (i.e., ) status on computer's chassis
applications. (UIM signals on spec)
Future extension for another PCIe lane
1.5 and 3.3 volt power
This section may be
to readers. In particular, mSATA is never defined. The relationship between mSATA and PCIe is not explained. Was mPCIe designed to include SATA? Is it just a different bus re-purposing the same connector? If so, are dual-mode slots possible? Reading
does not help. P suggestions may be found on the . (October 2011)
Despite the mini-PCI Express form factor, a mini-PCI Express slot must have support for the electrical connections an mSATA drive requires. For this reason, only certain notebooks are compatible with mSATA drives. Most compatible systems are based on Intel's newest Sandy Bridge processor architecture, using the new Huron River platform.
Notebooks like Lenovo's newest T-Series, W-Series, and X-Series ThinkPads released in March-April of 2011 have support for an mSATA SSD card in their WWAN card slot. The ThinkPad Edge E220s/E420s, and the Lenovo IdeaPad Y460/Y560 also support mSATA.
Some notebooks (notably the , the , and the Dell mini9 and mini10) use a variant of the PCI Express Mini Card as an . This variant uses the reserved and several non-reserved pins to implement SATA and IDE interface passthrough, keeping only USB, ground lines, and sometimes the core PCIe 1x bus intact. This makes the 'miniPCIe' flash and solid state drives sold for netbooks largely incompatible with true PCI Express Mini implementations.
Also, the typical Asus miniPCIe SSD is 71mm long, causing the Dell 51mm model to often be (incorrectly) referred to as half length. A true 51mm Mini PCIe SSD was announced in 2009, with two stacked PCB layers, which allows for higher storage capacity. The announced design preserves the PCIe interface, making it compatible with the standard mini PCIe slot. No working product has yet been developed, likely as a result of the popularity of the alternative variant.
PCI Express External Cabling (also known as External PCI Express, Cabled PCI Express, or ePCIe) specifications were released by the
in February 2007.
Standard cables and connectors have been defined for x1, x4, x8, and x16 link widths, with a transfer rate of 250&MB/s per lane. The PCI-SIG also expects the norm will evolve to reach the 500&MB/s, as in PCI Express 2.0. The maximum cable length remains undetermined. An example of the uses of Cabled PCI Express is a metal enclosure, containing a number of PCI slots and PCI-to-ePCIe adapter circuitry. This device would not be possible had it not been for the ePCIe spec.
There are several other expansion card types derived from PCIe. These include:
Low height card
: successor to the
form factor (with &1 PCIe and USB 2.0; hot-pluggable)
PCI Express ExpressModule: a hot-pluggable modular form factor defined for servers and workstations
: similar to the / form factor (with &4 PCIe or Serial RapidI/O)
: a complement to
for supports serial based backplane topologies
: a complement t supports processor and I/O modules on ATCA boards (&1, &2, &4 or &8 PCIe).
: a tiny expansion card format (43 x 65&mm) for embedded and small form it implements two x1 PCIe links on a high-density connector along with USB, I2C, and up to 100 points of I/O.
: A variant from Super Micro Computer Inc designed for use in low profile rack mounted chassis. It has the connector bracket reversed so it cannot fit in a normal PCI Express socket, but is pin compatible and may be inserted if the bracket is removed.
: A variant from Intel that combines
and PCIe protocols in a form factor compatible with .
While in early development, PCIe was initially referred to as HSI (for High Speed Interconnect), and underwent a name change to 3GIO (for 3rd Generation I/O) before finally settling on its
name PCI Express. It was first drawn up by a technical working group named the Arapaho Work Group (AWG) that, for initial drafts, consisted only of Intel engineers. Subsequently the AWG expanded to include industry partners.
PCIe is a technology under constant development and improvement. The current PCI Express implementation is version 3.0.
introduced PCIe 1.0a, with a data rate of 250&MB/s and a
of 2.5&/s.
introduced PCIe 1.1. This updated specification includes clarifications and several improvements, but is fully compatible with PCI Express 1.0a. No changes were made to the data rate.
announced the availability of the PCI Express Base 2.0 specification on 15 January 2007. The PCIe 2.0 standard doubles the per-lane throughput from the PCIe 1.0 standard's 250 MB/s to 500 MB/s. This means a 32-lane PCI connector (x32) can support throughput up to 16 GB/s aggregate. The PCIe 2.0 standard uses a base clock speed of 2.5&GHz, while the first version operates at 1.25&GHz.
PCIe 2.0 motherboard slots are fully backward compatible with PCIe v1.x cards. PCIe 2.0 cards are also generally backward compatible with PCIe 1.x motherboards, using the available bandwidth of PCI Express 1.1. Overall, graphic cards or motherboards designed for v2.0 will work with the other being v1.1 or v1.0.
The PCI-SIG also said that PCIe 2.0 features improvements to the point-to-point data transfer protocol and its software architecture.
's first PCIe 2.0 capable chipset was the
and boards began to ship from various vendors (, , ) as of October 21, 2007. AMD started supporting PCIe 2.0 with its
and nVidia started with the . All of Intel's prior chipsets, including the
chipset, supported PCIe 1.1 or 1.0a.
PCI Express 2.1 supports a large proportion of the management, support, and troubleshooting systems planned for full implementation in PCI Express 3.0. However, the speed is the same as PCI Express 2.0. Most motherboards sold currently come with PCI Express 2.1 connectors.
PCI Express 3.0 Base specification revision 3.0 was made available in November 2010, after multiple delays. In August 2007, PCI-SIG announced that PCI Express 3.0 would carry a bit rate of 8
per second, and that it would be backwards compatible with existing PCIe implementations. At that time, it was also announced that the final specification for PCI Express 3.0 would be delayed until 2011. New features for the PCIe 3.0 specification include a number of optimizations for enhanced signaling and data integrity, including transmitter and receiver equalization,
improvements, clock data recovery, and channel enhancements for currently supported topologies.
Following a six-month technical analysis of the feasibility of scaling the PCIe interconnect bandwidth, PCI-SIG's analysis found out that 8 gigatransfers per second can be manufactured in mainstream silicon process technology, and can be deployed with existing low-cost materials and infrastructure, while maintaining full compatibility (with negligible impact) to the PCIe protocol stack.
PCIe 2.0 delivers 5&GT/s, but uses an
scheme that results in a 20 percent ((10-8)/10) overhead on the raw bit rate. PCIe 3.0 removes the requirement for 8b/10b encoding, and instead uses a technique called "scrambling" that applies a known binary polynomial to a data stream in a feedback topology. Because the scrambling polynomial is known, the data can be recovered by running it through a feedback topology using the inverse polynomial. and also uses a 128b/130b encoding scheme, reducing the overhead to approximately 1.5% ((130-128)/130), as opposed to the 20% overhead of 8b/10b encoding used by PCIe 2.0. PCIe 3.0's 8&GT/s bit rate effectively delivers double PCIe 2.0 bandwidth. PCI-SIG expects the PCIe 3.0 specifications to undergo rigorous technical vetting and validation before being released to the industry. This process, which was followed in the development of prior generations of the PCIe Base and various form factor specifications, includes the corroboration of the final electrical parameters with data derived from test silicon and other simulations conducted by multiple members of the PCI-SIG.
On November 18, 2010, the PCI Special Interest Group officially published the finalized PCI Express 3.0 specification to its members to build devices based on this new version of PCI Express.
PCI Express has replaced
as the default interface for graphics cards on new systems. With a few exceptions, all
being released as of 2009 and 2010 from
use PCI Express. NVIDIA uses the high bandwidth data transfer of PCIe for its
(SLI) technology, which allows multiple graphics cards of the same chipset and model number to run in tandem, allowing increased performance. ATI has also developed a multi-GPU system based on PCIe called . AMD and NVIDIA have released motherboard chipsets that support up to four PCIe &16 slots, allowing tri-GPU and quad-GPU card configurations.
PCI Express has displaced a major portion of the add-in card market. PCI Express was originally only common in , onboard ,
and graphics cards. Most sound cards, TV/capture-cards, modems, serial port/USB/Firewire cards, network/WiFi cards that would have used the conventional PCI in the past have moved to PCI Express x8, x4, or x1. While some motherboards have conventional PCI slots, these are primarily for legacy cards and are being phased out.
The PCIe link is built around dedicated unidirectional couples of serial (1-bit), point-to-point connections known as lanes. This is in sharp contrast to the earlier PCI connection, which is a bus-based system where all the devices share the same bidirectional, 32-bit or 64-bit parallel bus.
PCI Express is a , consisting of a , a , and a . The Data Link Layer is subdivided to include a
(MAC) sublayer. The Physical Layer is subdivided into logical and electrical sublayers. The Physical logical-sublayer contains a physical coding sublayer (PCS). The terms are borrowed from the
networking protocol model.
The PCIe Physical Layer (PHY, PCIEPHY, PCI Express PHY, or PCIe PHY) specification is divided into two sub-layers, corresponding to electrical and logical specifications. The logical sublayer is sometimes further divided into a MAC sublayer and a PCS, although this division is not formally part of the PCIe specification. A specification published by Intel, the PHY Interface for PCI Express (PIPE), defines the MAC/PCS functional partitioning and the interface between these two sub-layers. The PIPE specification also identifies the physical media attachment (PMA) layer, which includes the
and ot however, since SerDes implementations vary greatly among
vendors, PIPE does not specify an interface between the PCS and PMA.
At the electrical level, each lane consists of two unidirectional
pairs at 2.525&/s. Transmit and receive are separate , for a total of 4 data wires per lane.
A connection between any two PCIe devices is known as a link, and is built up from a collection of 1 or more lanes. All devices must minimally support single-lane (x1) link. Devices may optionally support wider links composed of 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, or 32 lanes. This allows for very good compatibility in two ways:
A PCIe card physically fits (and works correctly) in any slot that is at least as large as it is (e.g., an &1 sized card will work in any sized slot);
A slot of a large physical size (e.g., &16) can be wired electrically with fewer lanes (e.g., &1, &4, &8, or &12) as long as it provides the ground connections required by the larger physical slot size.
In both cases, PCIe negotiates the highest mutually supported number of lanes. Many graphics cards, motherboards and bios versions are verified to support &1, &4, &8 and &16 connectivity on the same connection.
Even though the two would be signal-compatible, it is not usually possible to place a physically larger PCIe card (e.g., a &16 sized card) into a smaller slot&&though if the PCIe slots are open-ended, by design or by hack, some motherboards will allow this.[]
The width of a PCIe connector is 8.8&mm, while the height is 11.25&mm, and the length is variable. The fixed section of the connector is 11.65&mm in length and contains 2 rows of 11 (22 pins total), while the length of the other section is variable depending on the number of lanes. The pins are spaced at 1&mm intervals, and the thickness of the card going into the connector is 1.8&mm.
2&82 = 164
2&71 = 142
PCIe sends all control messages, including interrupts, over the same links used for data. The serial protocol can never be blocked, so latency is still comparable to conventional PCI, which has dedicated interrupt lines.
Data transmitted on multiple-lane links is interleaved, meaning that each successive byte is sent down successive lanes. The PCIe specification refers to this interleaving as data striping. While requiring significant hardware complexity to synchronize (or ) the incoming striped data, striping can significantly reduce the latency of the nth byte on a link. Due to padding requirements, striping may not necessarily reduce the latency of small data packets on a link.
As with other high data rate serial transmission protocols, clocking information is
in the signal. At the physical level, PCI Express 2.0 utilizes the
scheme to ensure that strings of consecutive ones or consecutive zeros are limited in length. This was used to prevent the receiver from losing track of where the bit edges are. In this coding scheme every 8 (uncoded) payload bits of data are replaced with 10 (encoded) bits of transmit data, causing a 20% overhead in the electrical bandwidth. To improve the available bandwidth, PCI Express version 3.0 employs 128b/130b encoding instead: similar but with much lower overhead.
Many other protocols (such as ) use a different form of encoding known as
to embed clock information into data streams. The PCIe specification also defines a scrambling algorithm, but it is used to reduce
(EMI) by preventing repeating data patterns in the transmitted data stream.
The Data Link Layer performs three vital services for the PCIe express link: (1) sequence the transaction layer packets (TLPs) that are generated by the transaction layer, (2) ensure reliable delivery of TLPs between two endpoints via an acknowledgement protocol ( and
signaling) that explicitly requires replay of unacknowledged/bad TLPs, (3) initialize and manage flow control credits
On the transmit side, the data link layer generates an incrementing sequence number for each outgoing TLP. It serves as a unique identification tag for each transmitted TLP, and is inserted into the header of the outgoing TLP. A 32-bit
code (known in this context as Link CRC or LCRC) is also appended to the end of each outgoing TLP.
On the receive side, the received TLP's LCRC and sequence number are both validated in the link layer. If either the LCRC check fails (indicating a data error), or the sequence-number is out of range (non-consecutive from the last valid received TLP), then the bad TLP, as well as any TLPs received after the bad TLP, are considered invalid and discarded. The receiver sends a negative acknowledgement message (NAK) with the sequence-number of the invalid TLP, requesting re-transmission of all TLPs forward of that sequence-number. If the received TLP passes the LCRC check and has the correct sequence number, it is treated as valid. The link receiver increments the sequence-number (which tracks the last received good TLP), and forwards the valid TLP to the receiver's transaction layer. An ACK message is sent to remote transmitter, indicating the TLP was successfully received (and by extension, all TLPs with past sequence-numbers.)
If the transmitter receives a NAK message, or no acknowledgement (NAK or ACK) is received until a timeout period expires, the transmitter must retransmit all TLPs that lack a positive acknowledgement (ACK). Barring a persistent malfunction of the device or transmission medium, the link-layer presents a reliable connection to the transaction layer, since the transmission protocol ensures delivery of TLPs over an unreliable medium.
In addition to sending and receiving TLPs generated by the transaction layer, the data-link layer also generates and consumes DLLPs, data link layer packets. ACK and NAK signals are communicated via (DLLP), as are flow control credit information, some power management messages and flow control credit information (on behalf of the transaction layer.)
In practice, the number of in-flight, unacknowledged TLPs on the link is limited by two factors: the size of the transmitter's replay buffer (which must store a copy of all transmitted TLPs until they the remote receiver ACKs them), and the flow control credits issued by the receiver to a transmitter. PCI Express requires all receivers to issue a minimum number of credits, to guarantee a link allows sending PCIConfig TLPs and message TLPs.
PCI Express implements split transactions (transactions with request and response separated by time), allowing the link to carry other traffic while the target device gathers data for the response.
PCI Express uses credit-based flow control. In this scheme, a device advertises an initial amount of credit for each received buffer in its transaction layer. The device at the opposite end of the link, when sending transactions to this device, counts the number of credits each TLP consumes from its account. The sending device may only transmit a TLP when doing so does not make its consumed credit count exceed its credit limit. When the receiving device finishes processing the TLP from its buffer, it signals a return of credits to the sending device, which increases the credit limit by the restored amount. The credit counters are modular counters, and the comparison of consumed credits to credit limit requires . The advantage of this scheme (compared to other methods such as wait states or handshake-based transfer protocols) is that the latency of credit return does not affect performance, provided that the credit limit is not encountered. This assumption is generally met if each device is designed with adequate buffer sizes.
PCIe 1.x is often quoted to support a data rate of 250&MB/s in each direction, per lane. This figure is a calculation from the physical signaling rate (2.5&) divided by the encoding overhead (10 bits per byte.) This means a sixteen lane (x16) PCIe card would then be theoretically capable of 16&250&MB/s = 4&GB/s in each direction. While this is correct in terms of data bytes, more meaningful calculations are based on the usable data payload rate, which depends on the profile of the traffic, which is a function of the high-level (software) application and intermediate protocol levels.
Like other high data rate serial interconnect systems, PCIe has a protocol and processing overhead due to the additional transfer robustness (CRC and acknowledgements). Long continuous unidirectional transfers (such as those typical in high-performance storage controllers) can approach &95% of PCIe's raw (lane) data rate. These transfers also benefit the most from increased number of lanes (&2, &4, etc.) But in more typical applications (such as a
controller), the traffic profile is characterized as short data packets with frequent enforced acknowledgements. This type of traffic reduces the efficiency of the link, due to overhead from packet parsing and forced interrupts (either in the device's host interface or the PC's CPU.) Being a protocol for devices connected to the same , it does not require the same tolerance for transmission errors as a protocol for communication over longer distances, and thus, this loss of efficiency is not particular to PCIe.
Theoretically, external PCIe could give a notebook the graphics power of a desktop, by connecting a notebook with any PCIe desktop video card (enclosed in its own external housing, with strong power supply and cooling); This is possible with an , which provides single lane v1.1 performance.
IBM/Lenovo has also included a PCI-Express slot in their Advanced Docking Station 250310U. It provides a half sized slot with an x16 length slot, but


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