
本篇内容全是干货,建议收藏!老师整理了初中英语必背重点高频词汇总结与初中英语考前冲刺单词复习总结,如果对你有帮助记得三连支持哦~1.初中英语必背重点高频词汇55个1、advantage n.
disadvantage n.
劣势,缺点,不利条件take advantage of=make use of
利用Living in the country has advantages and disadvantages.2、advise vt.
建议,劝告advise sb.to do sth.
建议某人做某事Our English teacher advises us to speak English as much as possible.advice n.
建议,劝告,忠告give sb. some advice
给某人提一些建议I don’t know how to learn English well.I hope you can give me some advice.suggestion n.
offer sb. some suggestionsCan you offer me some suggestions?3、affect vt.
影响affect our moods
影响我们的心情Do you know that colors can affect our moods?effect n.
影响,作用have a good/bad effect on sb. 对某人有好的/坏的影响4、allow vt.
allow sb. to do sth.
允许某人做某事My parents don’t allow me to play outside after 6 p.m.5. appearance n.出现,相貌对应名词: appear
反义词:disappearShe made her final appearance on the screen.6、arrive vi.
arrive at/in ,get to,reach a place
到达某地arrive in Beijing, arrive at the station, reach the station, get to the station,get here/there/homearrival n.
time of arrival
到达的时间When we arrived,the film had been on for 10 minutes.7、borrow vt.
borrow sth. from sb.
向某人借某物lend vt.
lend sth. to sb./lend sb.sth.
把某物借给某人Excuse me,can I borrow a bike from you?/Can I borrow your bike?I lent my English book to Kate yesterday.keep 借多长时间You can keep the book for 2 weeks.8、breath n.
out of breath
上气不接下气breathe vt./vi.
breathe heavily
呼吸急促Daniel arrived out of breath because he missed the early bus.A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt.9. chance n.机会=opportunityIf we study hard ,everyone has the chance to go the college.10. check n.核实,查明When we go to the cinema, there is someone checking the tickets at the entrance.11. choice n.选择Now I know hwo to make my choice.choose vt.选择There are many clothes for dancers to choose from.choose sb to do sth12. compare vt./vi.比较Compared with Tom, Kate works harder at school.13. connect vt.连接connect…to/with…
把…和…连接be connected to/with
被连接到…You can connect the printer to the computer.14. consider vt.认为,考虑
consideration n.考虑Gong Li is considered as a great actress.15. cover vt覆盖,包括,报道be covered with …被……覆盖be covered live直播It snowed heavily in February in2008,everything was covered with heavy snow.This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.16. danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的in danger 处于危险中 out of danger
脱离危险in safety safe adj.安全的
endangered 濒临灭绝的It is dangerous to play with fire. 玩火危险。When people are in danger, we should help them .17.decide vt./vi.
decide to do sth 决定做某事decision n.
make a decision 作决定I have decided to go to Hainan for a holiday.我决定去海南度假。Wearing red can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision.18.difference n.
different adj.
be different from
与…不同The weather in Beijing is very different from that in Nanjing.Lily and Lucy are twin sisters, it is not easy to tell the differences between them.Lily和Lucy是双胞胎姐妹。不容易分清她们俩不同点。19.difficult adj.
difficulty n 困难
hard adj. 困难
have difficulty doing sth
在做某事方面有困难It is difficult to work out the math problem.20.direction n. 方向
in all directions 各个方向The robbers ran away in all directions when the policemen appeared.21.discover vt. 发现,发觉Let’s discover how the power of colour can change your moods!22.discussion n.讨论
discuss vt. 讨论The programme will start with a discussion about the animals.They are discussing about the problem with the teachers.23.education n. 教育educational adj. 教育的an educational CD-ROM 一张教育光盘In China, every child needs to receive education.24.effort n. 努力
put one’s effort into
全身心投入于,致力于Audrey Hepburn had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry.25.explain vt.
explain sth to sb
向某人解释某事Can you explain why you are late for school today?26.familiar adj. 熟悉的be familiar with sb.I am familiar with some of the pop stars.反义词:unfamiliar27.feed vt.
喂养 fed fedDon’t feed the birds in the park.28.fill vt. 使充满fill sth with…
用 …把…装满be filled with/ be full of
装满,充满The bath has been filled with water./The bath has been full of water.29.force n. 力量He didn’t use force.v. 迫使,逼迫Nobody forced me.没有人逼迫我by force
通过武力 更多内容请点击链接阅读原文:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Vy4DJgtoG2EzDlS5O9TuIQ2.初中英语考前冲刺复习重点单词总结通过老师提供的中考英语必背重点高频词汇总结与中考英语考前冲刺单词复习总结,希望能帮助到你,记得三连支持哦!老师每天都会分享优质的学习资料和学习方法,觉得有用别忘了三连支持一下哦~~电子版获取方式↓↓↓https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/124820262好学熊资料库:涵盖初中全科目学习资料-初中复习资料-中考总复习等电子版学习资料
2018-12-18 16:58:00
  此外,个人认为通过做完形填空对词汇量的积累也很有帮助。做完形填空能够有效地锻炼学生英语阅读能力和语法掌握层次; 进行完形填空练习还能够有效帮助学生记忆和积累单词。*本文内容来源于网络,由秦学团队整理编辑发布,如有侵权请联系客服删除!文章标签:


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