i'm out of money怎么两个money作主语谓语动词用什么形式?

我也来回答一下吧,虽然我是读中文的。We've run out of money.一、翻译:我们已经花完钱了。二、分析:1、这主要是一个“run out of+宾语”短语的问题,它的中文意思是“用完/花完”。如 They ran out of the food last night.“他们昨晚把食物都吃光了。”run out of oil 用完汽油了 ;run out of time 花掉时间了。2、We've是We have的缩写;此外还要说一点,run的过去分词与现在式同原。
英语语法之比较级与最高级  篇一:人教版初二上册英语比较级  八上英语第六单元  (形容词、副词比较级经典材料)  初中英语中的比较用法  一、形容词、副词比的较级:  1、一般:加er、如:calmer、stronger、longer等  2、以e结尾的为了避免重复e,就直接加r,如 nicer、finer  3、以辅音字母(A 到 Z 除掉 A, E, I O, U, 一共 21 个)加y结尾的,把y改成i+er,如 heavier、  4、以重读闭音节(单个元音字母后面有辅字组(r w y 除外)且以辅字组big,top,stop)结尾的,双写末尾辅音字母再加er,如bigger、thinner等  5、多音节和部分双音节的形容词、副词的比较级:前面加more,如:more interesting等  6、规则变化good/well---better;bad/ill---worse;much/many---more;little--less;far--farther/further 用法拓展:  一、Even(甚至)、a little、a bit :略微,一点,much、a lot 、far等程度词+比较级 如 :much stronger中much+stronger(比较级);a little taller (比较级)  a lot more fun :fun的比较级为 more fun 所以 a lot +比较级  二、比较级的用法用than引出比较的对象  如 he is more interested in PE than Chinese 中than 引出比较对象Chinese (语文) 注意:有了than(比)就要跟比较的对象,且比较的对象之间要相一致  如: He has more books than Jim (对) he 和Jim 是一致的:人与人比较,  His books are more than Jim (错)因为 His books 与Jim 不一致,故要改成Jim's books/Jim's 三:than引导比较时,有重复的成分,可以省略,不省略时用助动词代词  如: He has more books than Jim (does)这个does就是指代has,  因为重复出现,故省略,不省略时,应该用does  He is more ethletic than Jim (is)也是同理  四:than 后面可以加代词的宾格、也可以加代词的主格  He has more books than her(宾格)  He has more books than she(does)主格  五、无需引出比较对象时,就不用than,反之。有了than,就要有比较的对象  比较级的特别用法:  1、more and more,越来越。。。。(more指代形容词或副词的比较级,下同)  2、the more,the more :越。。。越。。。。  3、less 、more都可跟部分双音节或多音节形容词或者副词构成比较级,两者意刚好义相反  4、the more of the two :两者中更。。。的一个,  如 the taller of the twin brothers 双胞胎兄弟中更高的一个  比较级易错题: ,Tom or Jim good改成better(看到or想到比较级)outgoing 改成more outgoing  Heavy 改成heavier  Jim 改成Jim's  (看到 a little、a lot、much、even、far想到比较级)  错  (than后可跟主格,省略助动词,如例句1中的do;也可以跟宾格,但是后面没有助动词) 。Few 改成fewer  He does much work than me。Much改成more  (看到than,就用比较级)  改成hers=her hair  (比较的对象要一致,my hair 不能跟she 比较)  注意:very、too 、quite、so、as。。as只跟形容词、副词的原级,不跟比较级。  二、as ....as的形容词或者副词的原级比较,第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,如:  1、He is as tall as Jim (is)  2、He is as good at PE as anyone else(is)(任何一个其它人)  3、He has much money as she ( does)  否定形式:not as 。。。as 或者not so 。。。As。。。或者never/seldom/hardly so/ as 。。As 如 He is not so/as tall as Jim (is)  He doesn't have so/as much money as she ( does)  He never runs so/ as fast as Jim does  三、倍数的比较,经典例子:half an hour,half(倍数词) 为:半倍,  an hour:名词 即:倍数词+名词:构成倍数的比较,  常见的倍数词用time(可数);two times =double:双倍、两倍;half:半倍,一半  表示大小、尺寸的名词:size、width(宽度)、length(长度)、height(高度),weight(重量) This room is。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。  The book is 。这书的重量是那本书的两倍。 拓展一、倍数词+as....as结构 。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。  =This room isthan that one。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍大。 The book is 。这书的重量是那本书的两倍。 =The book is that one 。这书的重量是那本书的两倍重。 拓展二、倍数词+比较级  This room is。这个房间的大小是那个房间的三倍。 =This room is。这个房间比是那个房间大两倍。  The book is 。这书的重量是那本书的两倍。 =The book is 。这本书比那本书重一倍  篇二:初二英语比较级 最高级  第四节  本节目标:  回顾前三节的内容  比较级最高级  积累词汇句型  一:比较级最高级  1. adj比较等级的构成:规则变化&不规则变化  2. 什么时候用比较级?  出现than  在两者中进行选择时:Whowhich + be +比较级,A or B? (哪一个更)  表示“越来越”  It’表示“越越” ’ll be.  出现表示程度的副词,如a little, a bit, much, even等词  3. 什么时候用最高级?  在三者中进行选择:Whichwho is + the +最高级,A,B,or C  Which middle school is the best, Wenyuan, Zijin, or Jiuzhong  表示“是中最大高神秘搞笑的”  表示“最的之一”  即学即练:  1. Gold is _____(little) useful than iron  2. Of the two girls I’m teaching , I find Nancy the ______(clever)  3. This article is slightly(稍微的)__________(well) organized than that one  4. The___ you work, the more you will learn.  A. hard B. harder C. hardest  5. Which subjects do you like _______, mathematics or physics  A. the much B. the best C. better  6. _______haste, _____speed.  A. More, less B. Much, little  C. The more, the less D. The much, the little  in the world.  A. all the countries B. every country  C. any country D. any other country  day by day.  A. worseB. badC. badly D. worst  9. If you want to book a round –A. more B. other C. the otherD. another  10. Bob never does his homework___ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.  A. so careful as B. as carefully asC. carefully as D. as careful as  11. He eats fat.  A. much tootoo muchB. much too too many  C. too muchmuch tooD.too much many too  12. Please read every sentence . The more mistakes you’ll make.  A. carefully carefully B. carefulcareful C.carefullycareful  13. Life of Pi by Li An is one ofI have ever seem.  A. greatestfilmsB. great film  C.the greatest flims D. the greatest flim  二:实用句型  It's important to find out what he is doing.  It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview  总结句型1: It’s easy for you to distinguish gold and silver.  总结句型2:  Beethoven is talented in music.  总结句型3:  Her character is as clear as crystal.  Dose Tara work as hard as Tina  总结句型4:  Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot things ,so his wife always had to say to him, "Don't things.  One day he went on a long trip alone. Before he home, his wife said, "Now you have all these . They are what you need for your trip. Don't lose your things during the trip. “Then he went to the station, bought a ticket and got on with it.  the old man and 'Will you please show me your ticket" The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find . He was very I got on the train," said the old man.  "I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you don't have to buy one," said the conductor kindly. But the old man said  sadly," How can I know where I'm my station!”  ★作文练习:在一次英语班会上,老师请同学们以“Proud of My School”为主题发言。请根据下面所给的提示写一篇发言稿。字数要求在80~100词之间。文中不得出现真实的人名、地名  提示: ①What does your school look like  ②What fun do you have at school  ③Why do you like your school  篇三:给你英语作文加分的100个必备好句子  给你英语作文加分的100个必备好句子!  1. It is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.  在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。  同样句型包括:It is important/(necessary, difficult, convenient, possible)for sb. to do sth.  2. The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make. 你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。  (1)The+比较级..., the+比较级...  (2)比较级+and+比较级(The world is getting smaller and smaller.)  3. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.  如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。  类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can…  4. The best way to remember new words is to practice them everyday. 记忆新单词最好的方法是每天操练这些单词。  5. The atmosphere in my family is fantastic  我的家庭气氛温馨和睦。 6. The reason why people choose to live in the city is that the life is more convenient and colorful.  人们为什么选择生活在城市的原因是因为城市的生活更方便、更多彩。  7. I had a great first impression of American people.  我对美国人民有了很好的第一印象。  8. We have lots of confidence in our ability to solve any problem. 我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。  9. With the rapid development of modern technology, the Internet has become a necessary part of our daily life and work.  随着现代科技的迅速发展,互联网已经成为生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。  10. You should read as many books as you possibly can.  大家应该尽可能的`多读书。 11. China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.  由于实施了改革开放政策,中国变得更加繁荣了。 12. We all need clean air to breathe; we all need clean water to drink; we all need green places to enjoy.  我们都需要呼吸清新的空气,我们都需要饮用洁净的水,我们都需要绿地来享受。  13. Let’s work together to make our world a better place.  让我们一起努力把世界变得更加美好。  14. We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things. 我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的、富有成效的事。  15. We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.  我们应该养成一个好习惯,明智地利用时间。  16. What I really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month 我的确想知道的是,他是否会在下个月出国。  17. Television is harmful to developing minds.  电视不利于开发心智。  18. Children usually have far more potential than their parents had realized  孩子们都有很大的潜能,而父母却没有意识到这一点。  19. In the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in our school. 在过去的10年里,我们学校发生了巨大的变化。 20. People who spend more time with their families are usually healthier and happier.  那些花更多时间和家人在一起的人通常会更健康更幸福。  21. The job was hard, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way. 这份工作太辛苦,差点使我半途而废。  (1)直接使用:so… that… The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.  这份工作太辛苦、太无聊,而且没完没了,这使我非常累,差点半途而废。  (2)能够增加句子层次的高级连词还有:  (Not only …but also…)、(Because…)、(because of…)、(As long as…)、(so long as…) 22. The Red Star Television Factory, which produces TV sets of quality, was set up in the 1980’s.  生产高品质电视的红星电视机厂,始建于1980年。  23. The E-reading room, where we can send e-mails to all parts of the world, is open to both teachers and students.  我们可以向世界每个地方发电子邮件的电子阅览室,对老师和同学都同样开放。  24. I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company.  我感觉我会是你们公司所需要的人。  25. The number of workers and engineers has risen(更高级词汇:increased) to over 2000, and 80% of them are college graduates.  工人和工程师的数量已超过了2000人,而且他们有80%都是大学学历。 26. There is an increasing tendency that students own their mobile phones on campus.  在校园内,学生拥有手机的趋势在不断增长。 27. Now in the rural areas, there are many children out of school. I think one of reasons is that their families are too poor to afford their schooling. 现今,在农村地区还有很多孩子失学。我认为原因之一就是他们的家庭太贫困,而无法供应他们上学。 28. People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very significant /(important) part/(role) in the future of our country.  人们应该增加对儿童教育的重视,因为他们会在祖国的未来扮演重要的角色。  29. In 2008, you will see Beijing as beautiful as a garden, with cleaner water and clearer sky.  到2008年,我们会看到北京像花园一样,有着更加清澈的河水和碧透的天空。  30. How nice to hear from you again.  能再次收到你的来信真是太好了。  31. Your early reply will be highly appreciated.  敬盼早日回复。  I’m looking forward to meeting you in no time.  我期待与你早日相见。  32. If you have any questions or requests, please let me know.  如果你有什么问题和请求只管跟我说。  33. No matter what you do in the future, English will always be important.  不管你将来做什么,英语都是最重要的。  34. Nothing is more important than to receive education.  没有什么比接受教育更重要的事了。 35. There is no doubt that playing video game is going to be their biggest problem for students to affect study.  毫无疑问,玩电子游戏正在成为影响学生学习的最大问题。 36. Obviously, it is high/(about) time that we took some effective measures to solve the problem.  显然,早该采取一些积极的措施来解决问题。  写作高手使用的高难度表达:  I suggest the department concerned taking some effective measures to improve the present situation.  篇四:托福写作比较级类题目解析  智课网TOEFL备考资料  托福写作比较级类题目解析  摘要: 比较级类题目是托福写作中常见而又难下手的一种题型。我们现在就来探讨一下攻克这类题目的实用方法。  托福 写作比较级类题目解析  首先,我们要能迅速地识别出一道比较类的题目。那么这些题目有哪些特征呢  第一种,有明显的比较级词,比如than,请看下面这几道题:  It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.  In order to celebrate major events, it’s better to organize a big party with lots of people than to have a small party where only close friends and relatives are invited.  Your job has greater happiness than your social life.  我们可以马上的从than这个关键词来分辨出比较题型,而且他们的共同特征是,两个因素A与B比较,题目认为A比B好。比如第一题是说两个因素在比较,而且题目已经给了一个判断:“低薪但是稳定的工作”比“高薪但是不稳定”的工作要好,即概括为A>B。  第二种,虽然也是在比较两者,但是认为两者一样好,延续上面两因素A与B的关系来说,就是A=B,我们来看几道真题:  Students can get as many benefits from their social or club activities as they can get from their academic studies.  我们来看这道题中,As…As…也可以称之为一个明显的标志词,题目中是两个因素“社团活动”和“学术活动”在比较。而且题目在比较过后,给出了一个论断,认为这两者都能给学生带来一样多的益处..  以上就是小编为大家整理的“ 托福写作 比较级类题目解析”部分内容,更多资料请点击托福资料下载频道!  相关推荐:  托福写作怎样利用模板  托福写作高分:结构的多变  托福写作增色替换词  相关字搜索: 托福写作比较类  篇五:托福写作比较级类题目解析  方法。 托福写作比较级类题目解析比较级类题目是托福写作中常见而又难下手的一种题型。我们现在就来探讨一下攻克这类题目的实用  首先,我们要能迅速地识别出一道比较类的题目。那么这些题目有哪些特征呢  第一种,有明显的比较级词,比如than,请看下面这几道题:  It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.  In order to celebrate major events, it’s better to organize a big party with lots of people than to have a small party where only close friends and relatives are invited.  Your job has greater happiness than your social life.  我们可以马上的从than这个关键词来分辨出比较题型,而且他们的共同特征是,两个因素A与B比较,题目认为A比B好。比如第一题是说两个因素在比较,而且题目已经给了一个判断:“低薪但是稳定的工作”比“高薪但是不稳定”的工作要好,即概括为A>B。  第二种,虽然也是在比较两者,但是认为两者一样好,延续上面两因素A与B的关系来说,就是A=B,我们来看几道真题:  Students can get as many benefits from their social or club activities as they can get from their academic studies.  我们来看这道题中,AsAs也可以称之为一个明显的标志词,题目中是两个因素“社团活动”和“学术活动”在比较。而且题目在比较过后,给出了一个论断,认为这两者都能给学生带来一样多的益处。第三种,仍然是两个因素在比较,但是题目让你选择哪一个因素更好。标志词为Or,  可以按上面规则,归类为A or B。请看以下例题:  Some people like to buy a piece of technological device as soon as it is available in the market. Other people prefer to buy it after it has been adopted by many people. Which do you preferShould the government support artists or should artists support themselves  这一种分类里,题目并没有给出一个判断,是A因素好,还是B因素好,而是提供了一个场景和两个因素,所以,我们要注意提供自己的观点。  以上三种就是常见的比较级类题型,我们可以看出只要是涉及两种因素在比较,我  们都可以把它归为比较类题目,先认清题目类型,就方便于下面咱们来总结这类题目的通用解法。在我们快速地辨别出一道比较类题目后,马上要做的工作就是快速的确定思路,也就是文章观点和大体结构,每一段要写什么。最常见的一种思路就是找出两到三个因素,来对比题目中给出的A或B这两个因素,然后给出结论。我们看一道真题来说明这个思路:  It is more important for the government to spend money on improving Internet access than on public transportation. “政府将钱投入到发展网络通道上比花在公共交通上更重要”。  在思路上,如果我们同意这个观点,可以用这样的结构:  第一种:Agree  Information A1> B1  Financial chances A2 > B2  Entertainment A3> B3  在这里A是“网络通道”,B是“公共交通”,找到三个因素,在information,financial chances和entertainment这三个点上分别比较A和B。比如说在信息上,网络比交通带来更多信息;在经济上,网络带来更多的商机帮助当地致富;在娱乐上,网络能带来更多的娱乐渠道。  这样,一道比较级题目在思路上就没有什么障碍了,这种结构是十分严谨而有效的,适用于以上三类比较级题目,看到这儿的考生们,可以发挥自己的聪明才智,将这种思路快速的套用到我上面给出的托福真题中,来试验下是不是很有效呢  篇六:比较级的用法  比较级的用法  一. 小笑话  有一天(one day)幼儿园的老师(teacher and the children ) 带着小朋友们去看芭蕾舞表演(to look at the ballet show),看完之后在回家的路上老师问小朋友:“这个表演怎么样?”(What do you think about this performance)然后其中一个最小的朋友回答说(and one of the smallest one said that, “I think this performance is every good, but I think these dancers should be taller. ):“这个表演很好,要是那些芭蕾舞者再长高一点就好了。”老师问:“为什么呢?(then the teacher asked,” why”)”这个最小的小朋友回答:“这样的话他们就不用一直踮着脚尖跳舞了。”(注意加上一点英文)  二. 引入所学的内容:比较级  1.展示图片,学习规则。Look at this picture.  ①. +er tall———taller  Short———shorter  Strong———stronger  ②.+r nice———nicer  Strange-------stranger  ③.以辅音结尾的单词,并且辅音字母前面是原音的情况下 双写辅音,+er big——— bigger  Hot———hotter  Fat———fatter  Thin———thinner  ④.以y结尾的单词,改y为I ,+er  heavy——heavier  Angry———angrier  ⑤. 双音节和多音节 beautiful——— more beautiful  different——— more difficult  Interesting-------more interesting  Popular---------- more popular  2.游戏练习:跑得快  游戏规则:在黑板上里写出原级,和学生分为两组进行pk,划拳,谁赢谁开始写,写完的一方获胜。 p  Great----Greater  Large-----larger  Dry-----drier  Happy---happier  Simple---simpler  Interesting--- more interesting  Old---older  Dangerous---dangerous  Young---younger  Beautiful---more beautiful  Expensive----more expensive  Outgoing----more outgoing  三. 不规则动词的学习  Good/ Well——— betterBad ——— worse Many/much——— moreLittle/few——— less Far------farther/further old-------older/elder 不规则动词练习:遮住左边说右边,遮住右边说左边。  四. 句型练习  ①.A +be(am/is/are) +比较级+than+ B(宾格)  (根据学生的具体情况来举例,如头发,衣服,鞋子,身高,漂亮,年纪,天气(今天比昨天热)…….)(以说为主)  My hair is longer than your.  My clothes is more beautiful than your.  My shoes is bigger than your.  He is younger than me.  He is older than me.  He is taller than me.  Today is hotter than yesterday.  This man is taller than that one.  This man is stronger than that man.  This horse is bigger than that horse.  Lin Ping is my friend. (Lin Ping 是我的朋友。)She's a little more outgoing than me. (她比我性格要活泼开朗一些。)  方案一:练习,让学生写出来(我说中文,学生写英文) 方案二:写一篇小作文:我和我的新老师  昨天很热,但是我认为今天比昨天更加热。现在我在学校学习英语。认识了一位新英语老师。她比我高,也比我老,她的头发也比我的长。但是我比她更加的漂亮,更加的年轻。上课的时候,她给我看了很多的图片,很有趣。(你问他这样学习英语有没有趣?)我希望学习英语也这么有趣,我的英语会越来越好。我和这位新英语老师相处很愉快。  方案三:成绩好的学生可以加上一些中考练习。  五.总结(让学生自己总结)  篇七:PEP小学英语六年级(形容词比较级)  Primary English for Grade 6  Comparative adjectives (形容词比较级)  Words  1、Read and write  更高的_____________ 更矮的_____________  更强壮的_____________ 年龄更大的_____________  更滑稽的_____________ 体型更大的_____________  更重的_____________ 更长的_____________  更瘦的_____________ 体型更小的_____________ 2、Look  a. ( )  tall-taller short-shorterstrong-stronger young- younger  long-longersmall-smallerold- older  b. ( )  funny-funnierheavy-heavier  c. ( )  big-biggerthin-thinner  3、Summary  原级变为比较级,通常er加后面。  若是结尾辅元辅,末尾双写要牢记。  辅音加y结尾时,把y变i是必须。  原级若以e结尾,直接加r就可以。  4、Practice  Words  tall-_____________ long-_____________ short-_____________ funny-_____________ thin-_____________ fat-_____________ clever-_____________ big-_____________ small-_____________ strong-_____________ busy-_____________ late-_____________ large-_____________hot-_____________ easy-_____________ happy-_____________heavy-_____________ young-_____________ nice-_____________cold-_____________ Sentences  (1)你比你的弟弟高。You are ______ ______your brother. (tall)  (2)我比你高很多。 I’m much ______ than you. (tall)  (3)它的尾巴长很多。Its tail is ________. (long)  (4)我的手比你的大。My hand is _________ than yours. (big)  (5)我比你大一岁。I am ________ year _________than you . (old)  (6)从矮到高排队。Line up from _________ to _________ . (short tall)  (7)Mike比我还要重。Mike is _________ than me. (heavy)  (8)这个女孩比那个男孩子聪明。The girl is _________ than the boy. (smart)  (9)明天会更热。Tomorrow will be _________ . (hot)  (10)我的鱼比Sarah的鱼小。My fish is _________ than Sarah. (small)【英语语法之比较级与最高级】相关文章:1.中考英语语法指导:英语的比较级与最高级2.巧辨英语的比较级与最高级3.比较级和最高级的英语练习4.英语比较级和最高级的用法归纳5.关于小升初英语比较级最高级变化规则参考6.关于小升初英语比较级最高级变化规则推荐7.关于英语语法之单数与复数8.英语语法大全之so与such区别
一个有点高雅的词:highbrow=阳春白雪(of books, plays,etc.) involving serious of and complicated or artistic ideas, or (of people) interesten in serious and complicatedd subjects.表示严肃的、比较难的艺术思想。e.g: Most people can't understand that highbrow play!大部分人都不懂那部阳春白雪的戏剧! 一个高级结构:I find it difficult to believe =我觉得很难相信1) What's the benefits of getting up early? e.g: Well, actually I think it's hard to say, according to an article I read somewhere. If you get up early you have more energy all the way through the day, but I find it difficult to believe,because when I get up early I'm always very tired by the end of the day.
2) Where do Chinese people usually eat?
e.g: I read somewhere that most people now eat in the restaurants,but I find it difficult to believe that's not my experience any way.一个简单的、口语化的、自然的短语: I could will be wrong =我可能是错的 1)Do people nowadays help each other more than in the past?
e.g: Well, honestly, it's difficult to say.I think people probably haven't changed very much, so it's more or less the same, but I have no evidence for that, and I could will be wrong.
2)What kind of skills are difficult to learn?
e.g: Well, I think a musical instrument is very difficult and the language.But there are many other skills which I've never try to learn, so I could will be wrong in thinking there are more difficult than any skill. 一个复杂语法结构: The thing I like most about something is that +clause =我最喜欢的是+从句 Use it whenever you saying why you like something,someone or somewhere, it will always impress the examiner. 1)Descibe a person who often help others.
e.g: Well, the thing I like most about her is that she always has a smile on her face. 2) What do you like most about your town?e.g: Well,the thing I like most about it is that the people are very friendly.3) Describe a game show or quiz program and why you like it.e.g: Well, actually, the thing I like most about it is that the price is really impressive.“暴风雨” :stroms, rainstrom, thunderstorm,snowstormThere are many kinds of stroms, such as rainstrom, thunderstorm,and snowstorm.暴风雨有很多种,比如暴雨,雷暴雨和暴风雪。A thunderstorm has thunder,lightning and heavy rain.雷暴伴随着雷声,闪电和瓢泼大雨。Do you see the lightning first or hear the thunder first?你是先看到闪电还是先听到雷声呢?The answer is lightning,because light travels faster than sound.答案是闪电,因为光速要传播得快些。A rainstorm can bring heavy rain.Sometimes it causes floods.暴风雪会伴随着大雨,有时还会引发洪水。In a snowstorm, a lot of snow may fall, and people can only see white.一场暴风雪,会下很大很多的雪,人们只能看到白茫茫的一片。“它让我感到沮丧” : It makes me feel depressed =它让我感到沮丧You can also use it with other objectives.你也可以把它和其他形容词一起使用。For example, it makes me feel happy.1) How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?e.g: Well, actually, it makes me feel
depressed. Because I think they are damaging the city and it's very socially irresponsible.事实上,它让我感到沮丧。因为我认为他们正在破坏城市,这是非常没有社会责任心的。 2) Do you like traveling?e.g: Well, actually. No, I don't. I think the airports are always so busy, so crowded,so many peoply. It makes me feel depressed when I think about it.事实上,不,我不喜欢。我认为机场总是那么繁忙,那么拥挤,那么多人,一想到这件事我就觉得很沮丧。3)Do you like to lend things to others?e.g: Actually, no, I don't. I did lend something to some one once,but she never returned it. It makes me feel depressed when I think about it even now.事实上,不,我不喜欢。我确实借过一次东西给别人,但她从未归还。即使是现在,一想到这件事我就觉得很沮丧。“平易近人” =1)easy to get along with
2) approachable1)easy to get along withe.g: He is smart and easy to get along with.2) approachablee.g: He's always been very approachable, why don't you talk the problem over with him?“近年来变化很大” = It's changed a lot in recent years. /
It has changed a lot in recent years.1) Describe your hometown a little.e.g: Well, actually it has changed a lot in recent years. There are a lot of new buildings, new shopping malls, so it's very different from before. 2) What do people do online in their free time?
e.g: Well, of course it's various and it has changed a lot in recent years,and now people do so many things online using Wechat or other apps. They couldn't do only a short time ago. 一个高级结构:I wish+past tense verb= 我希望+动词过去式1) Do people help each other more now than in the past?e.g: Well, honestly, I think they don't . I wish people did help each other more. But it's seems to me that most people are very busy and simply don't have time.说实话,我认为他们没有。我希望人们能够互相帮助,但在我看来,现在大多数人都很忙,根本没有时间。 2) Is it bad talk on the phone in the public places?e.g: Autually, speaking personally, I think it is. I wish people didn't talk on the phone loudly in public places. I wish people had more respect for others.事实上,我认为是的。我希望人们不要在公共场合大声讲电话,我希望人们对别人更多尊重。一个短填词:I imagine…= “我想……”1) Why do people like to watch TV shows?e.g: Well, I imagine there are lots of different reansons.Some people might be interested in the subject, others might just be tired after work want to relax, lots of different reasons for different people.我想有很多不同的原因。有些人可能对这个主题感兴趣,其他人下班后可能只是累了想放松一下。不同的人有不同的理由。 2) What kinds of skill are difficult to learn?
e.g: Well, honestly, I imagine it varies a lot from person to person. Some people might find a language difficult to learn, others might find a practical skill like a musical instruments with you body for it difficult to learn. 嗯,说实话,我想这因人而异。一些人可能发现一门语言很难学,其他人可能会发现一个实用的技能,像用你的身体演奏乐器,因为它很难学习。 非常自然和有用的填词:I mean= 我的意思是Native speakers say this all the time. Don't use this at the begining of your answer, but you can use it on almost any other occasion. Native speakers do this many many times.1) Do you want to be a movie star?e.g: Well, to be honest. I haven't really thought about it. I mean I think it's very difficult, even or almost impossible, I mean so many people want to be movie star and fail, so I never really thought about it.好吧,说实话,我还没想过。我的意思是我认为这很难。甚至或几乎不可能。我的意思是很多人想成为电影明星却失败了,所以我从来没有想过这个问题。2)What do you think makes good friends?e.g: Well, honestly, I think different thing important. I mean it well depend on the person and situation. But I think mainly always being honest is an important quality.嗯,老实说,我认为很多方面都很重要,我的意思是在不同的人和不同情况下是不一样的,但总的来说我认为诚实对于友谊是一个重要的品质。“冰清玉洁” =1. as clean as ice and as pure as jade
2. pure and noble1) 直接翻译可以说 as clean as ice and as pure as jadee.g: That girl was as clean as ice and as pure as jade, but now she's changed!那个从前冰清玉洁的女孩,现在变了!2)最简单可以说 pure and noblepure 形容人表示:纯洁的。noble 的意思是:高贵的。e.g: I fell in love with a girl who is pure and noble.我爱上了一个冰清玉洁的女孩。I'm not sure it's totally reliable.= “我不确定是否可靠”1)What kind of water sports are popular these days?e.g: Well, I'm not really sure, but it according to an article I read more and more young people are swimming regularly. I'm not sure where I read the article but I think it's probably online so I'm not sure it's totally reliable.我不是很确定,但是根据我之前读的文章越来越多的年轻人经常游泳。我不确定我在哪儿读到这篇文章的,但是我想可能是在网上,因此我不确定是否完全可靠。 2)What kind of TV shows do people like to watch?e.g: Well, according to something I read Game shows are the most popular tip of TV program. But I read this online, so I'm not sure it's totally reliable.根据我读过的东西,娱乐节目是最受欢迎的电视节目,但是这是之前我在网上读的,因此我不确定是否可靠。描述“帅哥”的英文=1)buff 肌肉明显e.g: That guy is really buff.这男真的很强壮。2)fit 健壮的e.g: He is really fit.他真健壮。Buff 和 Fit 有什么区别呢?When I think of a buff guy, I think the muscles are really really huge,very very big muscles.我想到一位很 buff 的男子,我就要想象到很大很大的肌肉,非常大非常大的肌肉。 A fit guy is someone really healthy,his body is really hard and he's in really good shape.一个健壮的男子就是身体很壮实的男子,他的身体很坚硬,他的身体很好。 3)drop-dead gorgeous 帅死你了He's so handsome that you just die.因为他这么帅你就要死了。4)easy on the eyes 悦目的He was very easy on the eyes.他是非常赏心悦目的。5)stunning 极其美丽的e.g: That guy is stunning.这男的太帅了。一个非常简短自然而灵活的搭配:"more and less"=或多或少1)How long have you had your current haircut?e.g: Well, to be honest, I don't remember exactly when I had it cut, but I think it must been about two months ago more or less anyway.老实说,我不记得具体是什么时候剪的,它一定是大概两个月前或多或少。 2) Describe a time when you gave some advice to another person.e.g: Well, I'm going to tell you about the time when I gave some advice to my best friend David. I don't remember exactly when this was, but I think it must been about ten years ago more or less something like that.嗯,我要告诉你我给我最好的朋友大卫一些建议的时候,但我不记得这是什么时候了。但我认为那一定是十年前的事了,或多或少是这样的。No, absolutely not =不,完全不会1)Do you make plans every day?e.g: No, absolutely not. I rarely make plans actually. I prefer to leave my time open and to be flexible.不,完全不会,实际上我很少做计划,我更喜欢让我的时间是开放的,灵活的。2)Are you good at math?e.g: No, absolutely not. In fact, at school, I hated math. I was much better at subjects like history or languages or literature.不,完全不是。事实上,在学校,我讨厌数学。我更擅长历史或语言或文学。 3)Do you like spending time by yourself?e.g: No, absolutely not. Actually, I much prefer to be with friends or family.不,完全不是。事实上,我更喜欢和朋友或家人在一起。沧海一粟= a drop in the buckete.g: Compared to his annual salary, the money he spent to buy the car was just a drop in the bucket.和他的年薪比起来,他买车的钱不过是沧海一粟。我倾向于认为=I tend to think1)Is it bad to speak on the phone in public places?e.g: Well, it's difficult to generalize. But I tend to think that it is because usually people would like to have some peace and quiet and not be disturbed by people talking in a loud voice.嗯,这很难说,但我倾向于认为它是因为通常人们希望平静一点,不想被人们大声说话打扰。2)What do you think is the best age to have children?e.g: Well, honestly, that's a very difficult question.I tend to think that probably in your late twenties or early thirties. Because at that age people have some experience of the world.But they're not too old. So I tend to think that's a good age.老实说,这是个很难回答的问题。我倾向于认为可能是在你快30岁或30岁出头的时候,因为在那个年龄的人对世界有一些经验,但他们不会太老。所以我倾向于认为那是个好年龄。没办法=1.there is not much we can do about it! 2.we're in a pickle. 3. It's a tough one. 4.We're up the creek without a paddle.1)there is not much we can do about it!e.g: —— What's matter with you? 怎么了?—— There is not much we can do about it, I didn't understand how to solve this problem. 没办法,我不知如何解决这个问题。2)we're in a pickle.pickle 泡菜e.g: We're in a pickle, I think that we can ask the experts who can help ourselve.没办法了,我认为我们可以问专家他们可以帮到我们。3)It's a tough one.没办法e.g: Yeah! It's a tough one. Can you help me,please?是啊没办法。你可以帮我吗?4)We're up the creek without a paddle. 没办法,陷于困境creek 小溪 ; paddle 浆e.g: It looks like we're up the creek without a paddle.似乎我们陷于困境的境地。“掉以轻心” =1 take it lightly 2 lower one's guardNo.1 take it lightlylightly 草率的e.g: It's a significant job, don't take it lightly.这工作很重要,别掉以轻心。No.2 lower one's guardguard 警惕e.g: I told him I worked at the hotel and to lower his guard.我告诉他我是酒店工作人员让他掉以轻心。各种“年龄”话题的表达:He's in his early twenties. 他二十岁刚出头。She's in her mid-thirties.她三十岁左右。They are in their mid-to-late forties. 他们年龄在35-40岁之间。eg: Describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person.e.g: I'm going to talk about Brad Pitt, he's an American actor, I think he must be in his early-to-mid fifities now.我将要说一说布拉德皮特,他是一名美国演员,他的年龄应该在50-55岁左右。Describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child. e.g: I'm going to talk about my first English teacher,she was quite young,I guess she was in her early-to-mid twenties.我将要谈到我的第一位英语老师,他相当年轻,我猜他的年龄应该在20-25之间。PS: (1)“in one's early +数字(年龄)” 表达在某人多少岁刚出头;(2)“in one'e mid-数字(年龄)”表达某人年龄在多少岁左右。mid 是中间的意思,所以如: in her mid-twenties = 20-30岁之间(3)“in one's mid-to-late +数字(年龄)”表达是某人在这年龄数字前半部分之间。"mid-to-late"派生意思是 ”后半部分之间“mid-to-late twenties=15-20; mid-to-late forties=35-40如:In her mid-to-late thirties =她的年龄在25-30岁之间(3)“in one's early-to-mid +数字”表达某人在这年龄数字的后半部分之间。“early-to-mid"派生意思是”前半部分之间“early-to-mid twenties=20-25; early-to-mid forties=40-45如: In his early-to-mid thirties =他的年龄在30-35岁之间表达“影响” 的三个最标准最常用的单词No.1 influence (表达影响,这个词表示会影响弱一点。只是改变你行为的一点点感觉。 )e.g: Like my friend influences my decisions on what shoes I should buy.比如我的朋友对我买哪双鞋的决定有影响。( Maybe my friend has some red shoes. I really like red. Maybe I should buy red. Or maybe pink. 这或许我朋友有红色鞋子,我喜欢红色,就会受影响想买。或者粉色。)No.2
affect (中度影响我们可以用affect,稍微程度上强一点。)e.g: So you can say the coronavirus affects all of our lives.所以你可以说BD影响了所有人的生活。( that means it makes our life different and we have to do different things because of the virus.意思是指我们的生活因BD受影响要去做不同的事情。)来自父母的影响我们也可以用affect No.3 impact (程度上影响最重。像在撞击)e.g: So you can say I hurt my foot. And it really impacted my walking. Now I can't really walk very well.所以你可以说,我伤了脚,影响了我走路。现在我走不好了。断章取义=out of contexte.g: The reporter took my remarks completely out of context.记者引用我的话完全是断章取义。表达陪伴应用spend time with,而不是accompany。Actually, accompany means to be with somebody because you want to help them or stop them from being alone.accompany,实际是指因为要帮助他人或者防止他人落单的陪伴。所以,我们常用“spend time with" 表达陪伴。陪老婆、陪家人、陪父母、陪孩子,都是 spend time with。e.g: I spent time with my wife on the weekend.我周末陪老婆。e.g: In the morning I spend time with my son before going to work.上午在上班前我陪儿子。 Accompany的 用法:e.g: My grandma went to the bank and I accompanied her.我奶奶去银行,我陪她一起去。(Or, I kept her company,and that means I stopped her from being alone. And just wanted to help her to go to the bank and do everything at the bank.)或者说,我陪着她,意思是我不让她一个人落单。或我想帮她一起前往银行办事。So there you go, accompany and spend time with are pretty different.所以嘛,这两个词还听不一样的。“很难一概而论”=it's difficult to generalizee.g: —— What indoor games do kids like to play nowadays?—— Well, actually, I think it's difficult ot generalize.我认为很难一概而论。(Of course, children are different and people like different kinds of game! And it also depends on the age of child as well.)e.g: —— What skills sets should a manager have?—— Well, to be honest, I think it's difficult to generalize. It depends on the level of the money during the company and also the type of company that it is.嗯,说实话,我认为很难一概而论,这取决于公司的资金水平以及公司的类 型。“风华正茂” = in one's primeprime 全盛时期e.g: You're now in your prime! Never give up hope!你风华正茂,千万不要放弃希望!on the line = 处在危险中,在……之列e.g: Almost 3000 jobs have been lost recently, and a further 3000 are on the line.最近已有将近3000人失去了工作,另外还有3000人也面临着失业的危险。e.g: Everyone's health is on the line, don't go out!每个人都有可能被感染,别出门!get a deal=薅羊毛e.g: How much of a deal did you get on Double Eleven?你在双十一里薅了多少羊毛?coupon=优惠券e.g: I got some coupons. Would you like to go shopping with me?我有一些优惠券。你要和我一起去买东西吗?deal hunter=“羊毛党”hunter 找……的人e.g: a job hunter 求职者a house hunter 租买房子的人a bargain hunter 淘便宜货的人blueprint=蓝图可以指做东西的图纸e.g: Do you have the blueprint of that project?你有工程图纸吗?可以指政府规划e.g: Their blueprint for economic reform will be practiced this year.他们的经济改革计划将会在今年实行。可以指你对未来的计划e.g: What's your blueprint of the fulture?你对未来的计划是什么?“文科”“理科”英文怎么说?文科 即 arte.g: an art student 文科生理科 即 sciencee.g: a science student 理科生e.g: At school I was quite good at arts, but hopeless at science.我上学时文科挺好的,但是理科无可救药。原文如下:The latest "challenge"consists of people posting embarrassing photos of themselves and captioning them "until tomorrow"with no other context.最近的“挑战”包括人们发布一张自己尴尬的照片,然后写上“明天删”,就不写别的了。重点内容分析:post 都有什么意思?post 作动词No.1 发布e.g: She hardly ever posts Wechat Moments.她几乎不发朋友圈。No.2 张贴e.g: You can post a notice in the Lost and Found.你可以在失物招领处贴个告示。No.3 邮寄e.g: Did you remember to post my letter?你帮我寄信了吗?post 作名词No.1 帖子e.g: Lots of people have commented on my posts.许多人给我的帖子写了评论。(你现在正在看的也叫 Post)No.2 职位e.g: They have several vacant posts.他们有几个职位空缺。No.3 邮件(英式)美国人喜欢说 maile.g: I've been away for a few days so I had a lot of post waiting for me!我有几天不在,所以有一堆邮件等着我看!(邮件不可数)2. embarrassing 是让别人尴尬No.1 embarrassing 让人尴尬的e.g: What he did is really embarrassing!他真是让人尴尬!No.2 embarrassed 感到尴尬的e.g: I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.我不好意思承认我吓坏了。3. caption 不仅仅是名词No.1 caption 作名词表示:照片的说明e.g: The caption made the photo easier to understand.照片说明让照片更好理解。No.2 caption 作动词表示:给照片加说明e.g: He captioned the photo with "my little sister"他给照片加上说明“我的妹妹”。4. until 是转折No.1 表示某个时刻的转折e.g: I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished!为了完成工作,我一直熬夜干到3点!No.2 表示某个方位的转折e.g: You should go straight until the corner and the turn around.你应该一直直走,到拐弯转角。tips: 中文我们虽然翻译成“一直”但实际上表示前后行为不一致之前一直在做什么事until 之后就不做了4. context 什么意思?No.1 语境e.g: Look at the context and fill the blank.联系上下文填空。No.2 背景e.g: This battle is very important in the context of Chinese history.这场战役在中国历史上背景上非常重要。“泪如雨下” =in floods of tears我们是泪水像大雨,老外是泪水像洪水。e.g: I found her in floods of tears in the bathroom.我发现她在洗手间里泪如雨下。卫生纸=toilet paper 或者 toilet roll;roll 卷toilet paper 或者 toilet roll;roll 卷”厕所没纸了“应该说 out of toilet paperout of 表示: 没了e.g: My stall is out of toilet paper, would you mind handing me some from your side?我这儿没纸了,你能给我点儿吗?stall 蹲位short on toilet paper厕所没纸e.g: Help! I'm short on toilet paper! Could you fetch some for me?救命,我这没纸了,你能帮我拿点儿吗?fetch 拿PS: 各种纸的说法tissue 抽纸napkin 餐巾papper towel 厨房纸wet wipe 湿巾纸desk potato 桌边神游,开小差e.g: You have been a desk potato for hours!你都神游好几个小时了!(作业一点没写)couch potato=宅人movie buff 电影迷buff 爱好者buff means a person who knows a lot about and is very interested in a particular subject.e.g: a computer buff 计算机爱好者an opera buff 歌剧爱好者e.g: She is a movie buff! When a new movie is on, she will be the first to rush to the cinema.她是个电影迷!每次有什么新电影上了,她都是第一个冲到电影院里的。饥不择食 = 1 A good appetite is a good sauce. 2 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.No.1 A good appetite is a good sauce.appetite 胃口, sauce 调味料e.g: When you are starving you will realize a good appetite is a good sauce.等你饿了,你就知道什么是饥不择食了。No.2 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.e.g: I don't have choice! Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings!我没得选!只能饥不择食了!原文如下:Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. So, get rid of those ill feelings.重点内容解析:1)Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.生命太短暂,我没时间讨厌你。2)So, get rid of those ill feelings.所以,丢掉那些不良情绪。get rid of sth. 丢弃,清除e.g: That cream got rid of my rash.那种药膏治好了我身上的皮疹。get rid of sb.打法走/摆脱某人e.g: I got rid of the unwelcome guests by saying I had to go to bed.我说要睡觉,我才把不欢迎的客人打发走。feelings 可以表达:No.1 情绪ill feelings 不良情绪feelings of loneliness 孤独感feelings of dissatisfaction 不满情绪No.2 感情lacking of feelings 缺乏感情e.g: Some people say that dogs have feelings.有人说狗是有感情的。PS:其他金句No.1 Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does.别太把自己当回事儿,没人在乎的。No.2 Don't waste your presious energy on gossips.不要把你宝贵的精力浪费在八卦上。(别做八卦党)No.3 Dream more while you're awake.趁着清醒,多“做梦”。(不要在做梦的年纪,放弃做梦的权力)。punching bag=受气包,发泄对象punch 是:拿拳头打e.g: Harry Potter was used as a punching bag by his cousin.哈利波特被他表哥当成受气包。e.g: This terrible movie functioned as my punching bag for me.那部烂电影成了我发泄的对象。Give me some sugar1)Give me some sugar = 亲亲我sugar 在这里是:亲亲。通常用在亲密的人之间。e.g: Honey, give me some sugar.e.g: Hey, little Jeson, give me some sugar and then I'll give you a red envelope.I got some sugar = 我被亲了亲e.g: I got some sugar and then said goodbye to him.PS:“亲亲”的更多表达:No.1 最常见的“亲吻”kisse.g: She kissed him on the mouth.她问了一下他的嘴唇。No.2 不好意思的“轻吻”pecke.g: She pecked him on the cheek.她轻吻了一下他的脸颊。No.3 “深情拥吻”smooche.g: They smooched after they saw each other.他们一见面就深情拥吻。No.4 “响吻” 很响或很长smackere.g: She gave me a smacker last night.Love isn't just on Valentine's Day, you can find it every day.爱情不在一朝一夕,而在朝朝暮暮。I'm in my autumn years! autumn years = 暮年。“黄昏恋” = elderly romance。1) autumn years = 暮年。一般指的是退休之后autumn years means someone's autumn years are the later years of their life,especially after they have stopped working.e.g: He has nice company for his autumn years!2)“黄昏恋” = elderly romance。迟暮之年的恋爱,可不是 autumn love!e.g: His autumn years were filled with elderly romance.他年纪大了之后迎来了黄昏恋。“不可救药”
impossibleimpossible means an impossible person behaves very badly or is extremely difficult to deal with. e.g: I had to leave the job because my boss was impossible. (整理自“隔壁老王说教育”)


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