
无论备考英语一还是英语二无论是准备大作文还是小作文,可用的模板都是通用的。自己整理VS机构课程模板一、自己整理做法:选择一本解析质量高的参考书,解析质量高,作文范文的质量才会高。推荐参考资料:《黄皮书历年考研英语真题解析及复习思路》2.备考前期可以总结整理考研英语作文出题类型以及出题方向。(1)出题类型:大作文考图画作文,首先是字数,控制在160-200词,另外,大作文讲究语言丰富多样,所以要尽量使用多变的词汇和不同的句式,体现自己的书面表达能力,最后,根据题目要求,要写三段话,分别是描述图画段,阐释寓意段和个人评论段。小作文大纲要求的范围是:私人信件与公事信函、备忘录、报告等。共有10种类型:1.道歉信,2.信函,3.推荐信,4.申请书,5.辞职信,6.建议书,7.申诉信,8.感谢信,9.邀请信,10.问询信;就历年的真题来说,基本没考过备忘录。私人信件、官方信件、报告等考察较多。其中考题更加注重考题:道歉信、建议书、推荐信、投诉信。(2)可用模板:大作文:①The (first) photo is vivid and educational, and it describes a situation that 整体描述/第一幅图描述, which is extremely common in our daily life. ②(两幅图内容相反Distinct from the former // 两幅图内容相似Analogous to the former), the more striking scene is that细节描述/第二幅图描述. ③Obviously, the implication should be given more concern.①In theory, several reasons may bring about the event shown in the picture, but for my part, the following two are the most important. ②The main reason is that原因一. ③In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. ④This issue also results from that 原因二.①According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality. ②Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job. ③Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.①It is worth noticing that the phenomenon that整体描述/第一幅图描述, just as what has been described in the (first) picture, prevails nowadays. ②(两幅图内容相反Different from the former // 两幅图内容相似Similar to the former),it is not difficult to find that 细节描述/第二幅图描述, (两幅图内容相反finally completing the contrast of the two pictures; 两幅图内容相似finally completing the comparison of the two pictures). ③What has been conveyed in the above picture(s)—寓意—is gaining increasing attention, and an analysis on it should be conducted deeply.①Various reasons are behind the situation described in the picture, but as far as I am concerned, the following two matter greatly. ②One factor that plays a vital role is that 原因一. ③In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. ④It is also owing to the fact that 原因二.①According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to carry forward the quality. ②Of all the steps, mass media tend to function essentially in the job. ③Only in this way can we embrace a bright future.小作文应用模板:对商品质量问题进行投诉Dear sir or Madam,
.....I bought ....in..... To my dismay,.... I found it couldn’t work normally....... I expect you to provide a new one for replacement or, at least, to follow the warranty policy by repairing it. I f no satisfaction can be gained by these means, I will have to demand a refund.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If detailed information is required, please reach me at 1234567.
Yours sincerely,Li Ming投诉信常用表达1. 开头I want to inform you of my dissatisfaction with...I must complain about...I beg to call your attention to the fact that...2. 发展部分It is irritating/annoying to find that...I am disappointed because the product(the service )...I wish you could give the money back(repair it/replace it with a new one, etc)3. 结束语I would be grateful if this matter would have your immediate attention. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until...before seeking help from the consumer protection association.邀请信必备表达1. Schedule2. For the sake of3. On the verge of...4. Be desirous of5. Sufficient6. In financially strained families7. Achieve this aim8. Desired9. At a discount应用模板:Dear,It is a great honor to inform you that...is scheduled for....a.m. to....p.m.....is going to be held in..... for the sake of .....Your participation is necessary to achieve this aim.Hopefully, you can come and..... You will happily find....邀请信常用表达1. 开头语We would like to invite you to attend ....which will be held on......will be held on....We will be delighted if you could join us,.....On behalf of..., I warmly welcome you to attend. The ....falls on...2. 发展部分The activities include...You will have memorable and happy time in...3. 结束语Hopefully, you will be present at...We are looking forward to seeing you there.Welcome your presence.自我介绍信必备表达1. Overseas study2. Arrive at a basic understanding about....3. Gorgeous4. Humble5. Tidy and clean6. Tolerance7. Dish preparation应用模板Dear,
I am glad that it is you who will....and cannot wait to meet you. Before my...., I think it is necessary to arrive at a basic understanding about each other’s.... As a typical..., I observe....rules,.... In addition, I prefer ...and hope to get your tolerance for... There must be some special...rules to be respected in your... Can you introduce them to me in advance? Hope to get your early reply. Yours,Li Ming公告类2015年1. Facilitate academic learning2. Cultivate ability3. Including but not limited to4. Business-starting competition5. Daily affairs6. Ideal candidate7. Relevant experience应用模板 We are looking for ... for.... ...is organized to facilitate ...and more importantly...through activities including but not limited to.........are required to help....and cope with daily affairs during...Ideal candidates should be.....Having relevant experiences is preferred. Anyone interested please contact us by ....or reach us at 1234567.建议信必备表达1. Appreciate2. Hone3. Read extensively4. Expose oneself to...5. Quality6. A broad knowledge base7. Keep abreast of8. Sustained efforts应用模板Dear,
I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions about...in order to...
From my point of view,... Also, to you, I highly recommend that.... On the one hand,... On the other hand,... Besides, it is unnecessary for you to.... Consequently, I believe that.... I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for further discussions.建议信常用表达1. 开头语I am writing to make some suggestions...I am writing to put forward some suggestions...I would like to offer some suggestions...2. 正文You asked for advice concerning (with regard to)...and I will try to make some suggestions.I think it would be beneficial that...I would recommend that...3. 结束语I hope you will find these suggestions usefulI hope you find these proposals practical.I would be ready to discuss this matter with you about further details.
考研备考前期时间较充裕,可自行整理,备考后期时间紧。任务重,可以使用机构提供的模板节省时间推荐李云的作文模板,使用后好评率高。2. 整理资料全面完整有时候自己整理的模板会出现类型不齐全、内容不完整的情况,这样容易漏掉考点。


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