stop arguingfail中文翻译译?

安妮整理出在“与人争吵”这个场景下的口语表达,大家要特别注意看[英文释义]来区别以下单词,以实现“表达的精准度”和“同义替换”。 另外[例句]都是偏口语化的句子,大家大声朗读用来积累素材。对于有些用词偏正式会用[FORMAL]标出,有些词偏口语会用[SPOKEN]标出。一、To argueyou can use argue about anyone, but people who quarrel, squabble, or have fight/have a row usually know each other well or belong to the same family. argue: [英文释义] If people argue, they speak angrily to each other because they disagree about something.[例句] Jim and Beth seem to spend all their time arguing.+with[例句] Don't argue with me, John. Just do what I tell you.+about/over[例句] Out in the street, a cab driver and his passenger were arguing about the fare.【例子】A lot of time was spent arguing over the details of the contract.2. quarrel: [注] quarrelling-quarrelled-have quarrelled [BRITISH]; quarreling-quarreled-have quarreled[AMERICAN][英文释义] If two people quarrel, they argue angrily and may stop being friends with each other.[例句] They haven't spoken to each other since they quarrelled. +with [例句] She left home after quarrelling with her parents.quarrel about/over sth [例句] The two brothers had quarreled over ownership of the farm.3. have a fight (also have a row [BRITISH])[英文释义] if two people have a fight or have a row, they argue very angrily and noisily. +with[例句] I had a fight with my Mom last night- she wouldn’t let me go out.+about [例句] Kelvin and his wife have endless rows about money.4. Squabble[英文释义] to argue noisily about something that is not really important- use this especially about children or when you think someone is behaving like a child.[例句] Oh, for goodness sake, stop squabbling, you two!+about/over[例句] The kids always squabble about who should do the dishes.5. Fall out with sb[英文释义] to stop having a friendly relationship with someone, because you have quarreled with them.[例句] I think she’s fallen out with her boyfriend. 二 、An argumentArgument[英文释义] when people speak angrily to each other because they disagree about something.Have an argument[例句] My sister and I had a terrible argument last night.+about/over[例句] the usual family arguments about what time we should be home at night.+with[例句] I could hear her on the phone, having an argument with someone from the bank.Get into an argument (=start arguing without intending to )[例句] Phil got into an argument with a guy at the bar.Start an argument(=to say something that makes someone argue with you)[例句] I didn’t want to start an argument, so I kept quiet.2. Quarrel [noun.][英文释义] an angry argument between people who know each other well: a family quarrel+ with [例句] I was tired of these stupid quarrels with my parents.Have a quarrel [例句] They had some sort of quarrel years ago, and they haven’t spoken to each other since. 3. Disagreement[英文释义] a situation in which people disagree with each other, but without shouting or getting angry.+about/over[例句] There were the occasional disagreements with her boss.+between[例句] A disagreement between the USA and China4. Row[英文释义]BRITISH an argument, when two people shout angrily at each other[例句] There were always rows when my dad got home.A blazing row (=a very angry, noisy argument) [例句] The couple in the house next door were having a blazing row. 5. Squabble [noun.][英文释义] a noisy argument about something that is not important, especially between children[例句] Uncle Matt bought them a computer game to share, which led to endless squabbles.+about/over[例句] The usual squabbles over who should sit in the front of the car.6. Dispute [formal.][英文释义] when two people, organizations, or countries publicly disagree and argue with each other about something important.+over/about [例句] An international dispute over fishing rights.+with [例句] Morris has been involved in a long legal dispute with his publisher.+between[例句] The bitter dispute between Clinton and Republican leadership.Settle a dispute *(=end it by agreement) [例句] All efforts to settle the dispute have so far failed.三 、Someone who likes arguing Argumentative/quarrelsome[英文释义] Someone who is argumentative or quarrelsome seems to like arguing or starting argument.[例句] When he drinks too much, he becomes very argumentative.[例句] She had had enough of all her quarrelsome relatives. 四 、To stop arguing
1、 Make up/ Make it up [ESPECIALLY SPOKEN][英文释义] If two people who know each other well make up or make it up, they stop arguing and start being friendly to each other again.[例句] I'm glad to see that you two have made up at last.+with [例句] Have you made it up with your sister yet?2、 Settle you differences [英文释义] If two people or organizations settle their differences, they stop arguing and discuss things in a sensible way until they come to an agreement[例句] By the early 1970s, France and Britain had settled their differences over European trade.[例句] Is it at all possible that you and your husband could settle your differences?


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