真的想知道,我是24考研党一枚, 想 买嗨写 超级考研作文一对一 模板,这 家服务怎么样?

而私人书信是写给我们的朋友、家人等熟悉的人,因此不需要自我介绍而选择寒暄语。②过渡句在第二段中起承上启下的作用,下面会有详细讲解。③第一段和第三段其实大家都写得大同小异,第二段的关键句才是作文的主体,是将题目要求涵盖在内而又扩展的内容,因此我们的重心也在关键句,运用一些词汇和句式把简单句充实起来,这里的句子就是我们最核心的部分,一定要写好!④写作目的即“书信最终要达到的目的”,重申目的即再次表达目的,在具体的写作中表现为:“再次感谢”、“再次道歉”、“再次邀请”、“希望得到处理”、“希望采纳”等,作用是再次强调信件的主题。具体可以按照以下方法分类:1.情感类:感谢信、道歉信、祝贺信2.信息类:邀请信、推荐信/介绍信/求职信/申请信、投诉信、建议信、辞职信上面11种信件有些是对公的,有些是对私的,也有部分是两种形式都有的。下面用感谢信来举例:感谢信(私人书信/公务书信)①事件:一般是感谢对方提供的帮助,题目有时候会写明具体事件,如果题目没有写明,只是说“要感谢xx一直以来对的帮助”,那么第一段也可以先笼统地表达感谢,到第二段再详细编一些内容。下面是第一句的几种写法:I am writing the letter to express my sincere thanks for giving me a mass of useful information/taking care of me when I was sick.I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you for what you did for me.I am writing the letter to express my sincere thanks for your unwavering kindness to me. It was you that got me out of a lot of trouble(强调句型).②关键句1:描述困难情况:什么时间什么地点遇到什么困难Last Wednesday, I collided with a car when I was riding through a crossroads.......关键句2:对方采取的帮助措施:大家可以选择某一句型简单进行描述。You were so kind that you took me to the hospital and didn’t leave until my friend arrived.......关键句3:帮助措施所起的作用:一般是“成功完成了某事”、“获得了某经验”,比如“已经康复”、“已经成功申请到奖学金”、“取得了满意的成绩”等。Moreover, you have inspired me to maintain a positive outlook and I possess this attribute now.(另外,你鼓励我保持积极的心态,我现在已具备这一特质了。)......关键句4:如果没有对方帮助的后果:此处的表达一般是如果没有对方帮助,自己将“无法完成某事”。Without your help, I would not have done it so smoothly and successfully(虚拟语气).......③报答措施:邀请吃饭/去音乐会/以帮助回报对方的帮助等。Finally, with your permission, I hope to reimburse your assistance.I would like to invite you to a popular cafe if you are available for the next Sunday.学姐有话说:在小作文的通用模板中,我们提到公务书信和私人书信中,如果是向不熟悉的人表达感谢,可以在第一段加上自我介绍;如果是向熟悉的人表达感谢,则可加上寒暄语。大家可以判断是公务还是私人书信,选择是否加上自我介绍。模板中给出的关键句内容,考试的时候并不是都要写上,大家可以选两项内容写。另外,题干有时候并没有给出困难事件的细节,那么我们可以适当编一些内容。在公务书信的最后一段中,我们可以写的内容有:“报答措施”、“再次感谢”、“期待回信”,私人书信还可以写祝福语,大家可以选两项自由组合。“报答措施”有时候也是题干要求,如果题干没有要求,自己又想不出来的时候,你就只写“再次感谢”和“期待回信”。除了书信外,还有以下几种,可以这样分类:通知类Notice:开展活动、招募成员(2种)备忘录/报告(Memo/Report)最近比较忙,这几种就先不详细写了,后续有时间再更新大作文目前来说,三段论是大作文最简单合理的写法,简单来说第一段主要描述图中数据,第二段解释表中所显示现象的原因,第三段为总结。整体的结构其实大家都能把握,但是,想要得一个不错的分数,细节很重要。第一段要用什么形式的句子才能描述好数据的变化?第二段要用什么样的原因来解释?原因怎么写才能显得不敷衍?第三段改怎么总结?除了总结还要写什么东西?等等这些都是我们模板中要解决的问题。那下面,看看我是怎么做的所有作文题目大体可以分为两种类型,一个是数据随时间变化的动态图,另一个是某一时间段不同对象占比或绝对数量的静态图。这两类题目在写作时主要的区别在于第一段怎么写,动态图需要描述数据随时间变化的变化趋势,而静态图则需要描写在一定时间内不同对象的占比或数量。 所以我在模板中根据两类不同的作文题目给出了第一段的两种写法。在大作文模板中,只有第一段是不相同的,其他的可以通用。第一段在动态图第一段中,第一句可以这么写来引入:第二句开始再描述题中数据的变化以及结论。这里描述的过程非常重要,一定要灵活多变,且描述清晰,是第一段的一个大的得分点。而静态图中,在第一段的第二句起,一定要将数据是占比和数据是数量两用情况区分开,如下:第二段——原因在模板中给出了通用的一些原因,如经济发展、政策支持、媒体宣传导致人们观念变化、人们的需求变化、科技的推动......等,这些原因基本可以解释真题的所有现象,所以只需要这一个模板就可以保证基本适用所有题目。但是如果你想要更加细致切题,那么在第二段需要多准备一些参考句式,这样你就可以根据不同的情况进行套用。(我的模板里面说明了每个句式的用法,并配有例句)例: 媒体宣传导致人们观念改变In addition, as a result of the media publicity, people realize the importance of……(People have changed their concept of …… and laid more emphasis on such aspects as ……,which has led to this phenomenon.)第三段总结可以从两个方面描写,一是结合自己的看法预测将来的趋势,或对现象进行评价,二是根据预测给出建议和措施。第三段我自己整理了10种不同的写法,举例:Taking all these factors into consideration, we may predict that with the quickening pace of …… and ever-increasing ……, the number of …… will keep growing(falling, unchanged) in the forthcoming decade.(预测趋势)From the analysis above, a conclusion can be drawn safely that the trend of……may become more prevalent(is inevitable) in the future.(预测趋势)......大作文建议大家用时35分钟左右。在开始写作前,一定要花2-3分钟左右的时间去审题,一定要抓住主题,不能偏题,否则写的再好也得不了高分。主题词很多同学都害怕自己上了考场,写作文的时候想不起来这个作文的中心词/主题词。针对这种情况,我参考时事热点,分类整理了几百个作文的主题词,例如:老龄问题;社会保障 social security medical care;population explosion; the aging problems老龄化社会 the aged society人口老龄化 population aging冠状病毒coronavirus计划生育政策 the family planning policy/ the one-child policy官媒 official media志愿者/志愿者活 动/志愿服务 volunteer/volunteering/volunteering service低碳生活 low carbon lifestyles家庭教育 family education内卷 involution......此外,大家还可以像我一样去补充一些常见词汇的高级替换(介词、连词、形容词、副词),例如:Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with, first of all, at the outset...Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj), secondarily, what is more, furthermore (further more).........大概就是这样,大家可以按照我的思路花时间去整理一下。针对实在没时间或者基础一般,想直接用我模板的同学,可以直接戳我(我花了一整个月的时间重新整理的,共44页,质量用了都说好,且超级全,英语作文有它就够了!),上面提到的全都有详细的补充,保底18分!最后,祝大家作文都得高分,一研为定!
既然你提出考研英语作文模板靠谱不靠谱的问题,那么我的回答是:不靠谱。模板是解决表面的心理的问题,不解决英语写作水平和能力问题。因为写作本身就是开发人的智力、观点思想的过程。每个人的想法是不一样的,这样不能强行用某一个人写的模板语言句段来代替自己的思想写英语。英语模板现在网上网下都是海量的。你背也不容易背下来,即使背下来,老师见了模板英语作文也会给你扣分数、降档次,没商量。你得从英语应用表达的本质上来看待英语语言,英语是逻辑语言,不是模板语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。如用模板,几十万考生写的英语作文,那都是像“千胞胎万胞胎”一样,等于说考生没有开动脑筋写作文(抄同一文章写的)。当然,判卷老师看到这种模板英语作文就会降档次,扣分数,没商量。而用英语逻辑思维写英语,可以开发出每一个考生具有独特思想观点的优势。也就是说英语逻辑思维有四种思维方式帮助你拓展你的思考内容,保证与其他考生思考分析内容的不同。这四种方式是:一因一果;一因多果;多因一果;多因多果。你可以学一个赚一个,不像模板背完之后,还不得分。所以事倍功零。历史和事实对此给予了证明:例如,世界英语文献《圣经》的英语读本,以及中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》及英国《金融时报》和美国《纽约时报》等媒体,都是用逻辑思维写的,从来不会用模板写的。用这种指导思想思考写出的英语作文就有英语逻辑思维之味道了。比如以下英语作文写作。Dear fellows,A country has its own strategy for growing a strong economy in its development, from which companies or enterprises could benefit relatively on a large scale. That may be bound to bring its own environmental problems to arise from polluting water, air, or land. This finds it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous and untreated chemicals, substances that produced as waste by industrial processes. Pollutants are likely to come from such polluters as chemical producer, paper mill, steel manufacturer, electricity generation, etc. Their benefits accrue from production at the cost of environmental pollution, which means that environment protection has been neglected in favor of their interests. As is seen by all, not mentioned, the air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.One’s work together with lives seems to lack the environmental awareness among some people who understand a high level of contamination is none of their business. And the government could be hardly believed to deal effectively with a source of contamination, by chance, pollution event. Media are anxious to play down pollution hype, which is to surprise to all, needing to become more environmentally responsible, yet. This enables the media to make it known to all, not for their own benefit but for public interest, that more people take action to prevent the pollution from spreading rapidly.To protect people from being at risk of a considerable harm to be done to the above-mentioned environment, government is urged to issue anti-pollution regulation or enact law. Tackling pollution polluters are accordingly encouraged to invest funds into their companies to buy the advanced technologies in controlling or reducing pollution, and introduce up-to-date equipment to monitor pollutants.By this, the fine was forced to be for the company's pollution of the air near its plants. Government adds this to that recycling helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps. Special power plants are requested to generate electricity either by disposing rubbish as collected regularly or by using solar energy. Avoiding pollution, environmental assessment is to carry out if a large project is set up in advance. Of course, more environmentally-friendly goods are inspired to produce in future, that are available to consumers, in my belief.In taking an effective measure against contamination, governments at all levels should do more to protect the environment in their guideline. This encourages more people, companies, together with media, who are expected to be environmental well-doers, to persuade people to respect the environment. These could bring the comfortable working and living environment to increase in productivity and improve in quality respectively.当然,在英语逻辑思维写英语方面,如有具体操作的细节问题,则可私聊。好,祝你写英语作文有开心喜悦的一天。
既然你提出考研英语作文模板怎么样,那么我的回答是:不怎么样而且还不靠谱。模板是解决表面的心理的问题,不解决英语写作水平和能力问题。因为写作本身就是开发人的智力、观点思想的过程。每个人的想法是不一样的,这样不能强行用某一个人写的模板语言句段来代替自己的思想写英语。英语模板现在网上网下都是海量的。你背也不容易背下来,即使背下来,老师见了模板英语作文也会给你扣分数、降档次,没商量。你得从英语应用表达的本质上来看待英语语言,英语是逻辑语言,不是模板语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。如用模板,几十万考生写的英语作文,那都是像“千胞胎万胞胎”一样,等于说考生没有开动脑筋写作文(抄同一文章写的)。当然,判卷老师看到这种模板英语作文就会降档次,扣分数,没商量。而用英语逻辑思维写英语,可以开发出每一个考生具有独特思想观点的优势。也就是说英语逻辑思维有四种思维方式帮助你拓展你的思考内容,保证与其他考生思考分析内容的不同。这四种方式是:一因一果;一因多果;多因一果;多因多果。你可以学一个赚一个,不像模板背完之后,还不得分。所以事倍功零。历史和事实对此给予了证明:例如,世界英语文献《圣经》的英语读本,以及中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》及英国《金融时报》和美国《纽约时报》等媒体,都是用逻辑思维写的,从来不会用模板写的。用这种指导思想思考写出的英语作文就有英语逻辑思维之味道了。比如以下英语作文写作。Dear fellows,A country has its own strategy for growing a strong economy in its development, from which companies or enterprises could benefit relatively on a large scale. That may be bound to bring its own environmental problems to arise from polluting water, air, or land. This finds it dirty and dangerous to live in or to use, especially with poisonous and untreated chemicals, substances that produced as waste by industrial processes. Pollutants are likely to come from such polluters as chemical producer, paper mill, steel manufacturer, electricity generation, etc. Their benefits accrue from production at the cost of environmental pollution, which means that environment protection has been neglected in favor of their interests. As is seen by all, not mentioned, the air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.One’s work together with lives seems to lack the environmental awareness among some people who understand a high level of contamination is none of their business. And the government could be hardly believed to deal effectively with a source of contamination, by chance, pollution event. Media are anxious to play down pollution hype, which is to surprise to all, needing to become more environmentally responsible, yet. This enables the media to make it known to all, not for their own benefit but for public interest, that more people take action to prevent the pollution from spreading rapidly.To protect people from being at risk of a considerable harm to be done to the above-mentioned environment, government is urged to issue anti-pollution regulation or enact law. Tackling pollution polluters are accordingly encouraged to invest funds into their companies to buy the advanced technologies in controlling or reducing pollution, and introduce up-to-date equipment to monitor pollutants.By this, the fine was forced to be for the company's pollution of the air near its plants. Government adds this to that recycling helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps. Special power plants are requested to generate electricity either by disposing rubbish as collected regularly or by using solar energy. Avoiding pollution, environmental assessment is to carry out if a large project is set up in advance. Of course, more environmentally-friendly goods are inspired to produce in future, that are available to consumers, in my belief.In taking an effective measure against contamination, governments at all levels should do more to protect the environment in their guideline. This encourages more people, companies, together with media, who are expected to be environmental well-doers, to persuade people to respect the environment. These could bring the comfortable working and living environment to increase in productivity and improve in quality respectively.当然,在英语逻辑思维写英语方面,如有具体操作的细节问题,则可私聊。好,祝你写英语作文有开心喜悦的一天。


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