
苹果xr面部识别不能用怎么回事以iPhonexr、ios14为例。使用指纹将手机解锁后,打开设置;设置打开之后,找到通用选项;进入通用功能之后,点开辅助功能;然后在辅助功能里面找到面容ID与注视;将需要注视以启用面容ID功能关闭即可,不需注视屏幕即可解锁,速度变快,直立闭眼也可成功解锁。苹果xr面容识别不了怎么办以iphonexr,ios14为例。首先检查是否使用过厚或是防偷窥的贴膜,确保手机保护壳没有遮挡住iPhone上的原深感摄像头,若戴了眼镜,或手机卡机,则需取下眼镜、重启手机即可,若依旧不能识别,则需到iphone售后进行解决。演示机型:Iphone xr系统版本:ios14 以iphonexr,ios14为例。首先检查是否使用过厚或是防偷窥的贴膜,确保手机保护壳没有遮挡住iPhone上的原深感摄像头,若戴了眼镜,或手机卡机,则需取下眼镜、重启手机即可,若依旧不能识别,则需到iphone售后进行解决。iPhoneXR面容ID不可用是怎么回事iphonex显示面容id不可用,这是因为自己没有设置面容ID,可以在“设置”功能中设置面容ID,具体操作如下:1、打开设置,找到“面容ID与密码”;2、输入手机密码;3、点击“设置面容ID”;4、眼睛注视手内机屏幕容,点击“开始使用”;5、正对手机,使取相框能看到整个头像,上下左右晃动脑袋,让手机做全方位取像;6、经过两轮取像以后,面容ID设置完成。7、考虑到女生化妆的需要,还可以用“设置替用外貌”功能,录入化妆后的面容ID;如果需要更换面容ID,可以点击“重设面容ID”,重新来设置新的面容ID。苹果xr面部识别不能用怎么回事以iPhonexr、ios14为例。使用指纹将手机解锁后,打开设置;设置打开之后,找到通用选项;进入通用功能之后,点开辅助功能;然后在辅助功能里面找到面容ID与注视;将需要注视以启用面容ID功能关闭即可,不需注视屏幕即可解锁,速度变快,直立闭眼也可成功解锁。苹果手机怎么不能视频电话了您好 很高兴能帮助到您,大概率是磕碰导致面容硬件损坏 如近期没有磕碰可以尝试以下方法,首先检查一下是否使用了过厚或者是防偷窥的贴膜,确保手机保护壳没有遮挡住iPhone上的原深感摄像头;还可能由于手机拿太近,可以将手机拿远一点,让整个面部都被识别和记录;最后可以尝试一下重新设置或者还原;如果以上均无法解决可能是硬件故障。以下是详细介绍:1、确认摄像头没有被遮挡,在设置和使用面容 ID 时,需要确保手机的保护壳或者保护膜没有遮挡iPhone 上的原深感摄像头,还需要检查是否有残留的污渍遮挡了摄像头;2、注意距离对于一些近视人群来说,习惯性将手机拿的比较近来使用;在设置或者使用面容 ID 的时候,将手机拿远一点,让整个面部都被识别和记录,这样更容易解锁;比较理想的距离是 25厘米或以上,最远不要超过 50 厘米;3、重新设置面容信息,重新设置面容信息的时候,系统会提示面容【将iPhone移低一点】;按照提示操作依然无法录入面部信息,最后会提示【面容ID不可用】;4、还原所有设置以及抹掉所有内容和设置,检查能否重新录入面容并识别;5、撕掉钢化膜、前面两点都排除了,那么有可能是面容识别硬件坏了,经过检测后发现并没有故障,一般就是贴膜问题;目前市面上的钢化膜良莠不齐,过厚的、透光率不好的钢化膜会影响光线感应器、距离感应器甚至是面容感应器;此外,市面上一些主打保护隐私的防偷窥钢化膜,也有可能影响面容识别,如果遇到面容识别故障,把钢化膜撕掉再测试一下。以上就是关于苹果xr面容识别不了怎么办,苹果xr面部识别不能用怎么回事的全部内容,以及苹果xr面部识别不能用怎么回事的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。版权声明:本文来自用户投稿,不代表【众奇网】立场,本平台所发表的文章、图片属于原权利人所有,因客观原因,或会存在不当使用的情况,非恶意侵犯原权利人相关权益,敬请相关权利人谅解并与我们联系(邮箱:dandanxi6@qq.com)我们将及时处理,共同维护良好的网络创作环境。
导读:提到大学英语,大家应该都知道,有朋友问新视野大学英语3 答案,还有人想问新视野大学英语1读写教程答案,这到底是咋回事?实际上新视野大学英语第三版读写教程1呢,下面是小编为你整理的新视野大学英语3读写教程翻译,一起来了解下吧。新视野大学英语3读写教程翻译
Unit1_passage :My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brother's. Accompanying my growing up was always "go out and play and take your brother with you". I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.My mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.My father and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked—Jimmy unloaded color-coded boxes. At night after dinner, they would talk and play games late into the evening. They even whistled the same tunes.So when my father died of a heart attack in 1991, Jimmy was a wreck, beneath his careful disguise. He was simply in disbelief. Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face. I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world he'd known was gone. One day I asked, "You miss Dad, don't you?" His lips quivered and then he asked, "What do you think, Margaret? He was my best friend." Our tears began to flow.My mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy.He didn't adjust to going to work without my father right away, so he came and lived with me in New York City for a while. He went wherever I went and seemed to adjust pretty well. Still, Jimmy longed to live in my parents' house and work at his old job and I pledged to help him return. Eventually, I was able to work it out. He has lived there for 11 years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own. He has become essential to the neighborhood. When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking, he is your man.My mother was right, of course: It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and my ambitions. In fact, caring for someone who loves as deeply and appreciates my efforts as much as Jimmy does has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have.This hit home a few days after the September 11th disaster on Jimmy's 57th birthday. I had a party for him in my home in New York, but none of our family could join us because travel was difficult and they were still reckoning with the sheer terror the disaster had brought. I called on my faithful friends to help make it a merry and festive occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally drained and exhausted. Instead of the customary "No gifts, please", I shouted, "Gifts! Please!"My friends—people Jimmy had come to know over the years—brought the ideal presents: country music CDs, a sweatshirt, one leather belt with "J-I-M-M-Y" on it, a knitted wool hat and a cowboy costume. The evening led up to the gifts and then the chocolate cake from his favorite bakery, and of course the ceremony wasn't complete without the singing.A thousand times Jimmy asked, "Is it time for the cake yet?" After dinner and the gifts Jimmy could no longer be restrained. He anxiously waited for the candles to be lit and then blew them out with one long breath as we all sang "Happy Birthday". Jimmy wasn't satisfied with our effort, though. He jumped up on the chair and stood erect pointing both index fingers into the air to conduct us and yelled, "One... more... time!" We sang with all of the energy left in our souls and when we were finished he put both his thumbs up and shouted, "That was super!"We had wanted to let him know that no matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about him. We ended up reminding ourselves instead. For Jimmy, the love with which we sang was a welcome bonus, but mostly he had just wanted to see everyone else happy again.Just as my father's death had changed Jimmy's world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world we'd known was gone. But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each other tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were reminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present. The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising. There had never been any limitations to what Jimmy's love could accomplish来源http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=k9h2AfvoScg8My1f6ZsORe2qRatrLvAwldtZZHbJNnjLDMCdvvLqGBPU86GenfXxCD12KhIdcNIKaSHm7Yyjna
新视野大学英语读写教程三答案 郑树棠主编http://wenku.baidu.com/view/6dffbe23482fb4daa58d4ba0.html
unit11.无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难在这样嘈杂招待会上发表演讲 No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2.就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们 Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.3.汽车的生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗车辆 Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4.老师回来时你敢告我状的话,我就不再和你说话了 If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.5.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活 Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6.现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹集创建公司所需的资金 Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.unit2XI1.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪 The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.2.总体来看,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源 All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron.3.正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化 No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.4.考虑到那个地方受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的 Taking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.5.服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止服用并尽快咨询医生 If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.6.总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题 Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem.unit3XI1.在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的 In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.2.教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划。他们就得面对新计划所带为他们的压力 Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.3.从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的 In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.4.由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视 As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.5. 据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.6.这所学校把为学生做好人生准备当作其职责,办法是倡导一整套能使所有学生受益的道德标准 The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.unit4XI1.从各方面考虑,这座城市都是世界上最令人激动的城市 Everything considered, this city is the world’s most exciting city.2.尽管没有得到父母的赞同,他还是继续他的计划出国学习 Though with no approval from his parents, he went ahead with his plan to study abroad.3.这座桥是以一位英雄的名字,这位英雄为人民的事业献出了生命 The bridge was named after the hero who gave his life for the cause of people.4.据说,画家是以他母亲为模特的,他母亲的面容沧桑却不失坚定 It is said that the painter used his mother as the model in the painting whose face represented suffering yet strength.5.这位作家于1950年因出版一本小说而一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他和一位姑娘在农场的经历 The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm.6.有个故事说,US是“山姆大叔”的缩写,“山姆大叔”原名叫山姆,威尔逊,他曾和一名男子一起工作,这名男子和美国政府签订了一份合同,给军队提供肉食 One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was Sam Wilson, who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the US Army.unit5XI1.直到看到弥留之际躺在床上的母亲,他才意识到自己是多么地爱她 Not until he saw his mother lying in bed, dying, did he realize how much he loved her.2.考虑到他最近的身体状况,我认为他这次考试成绩还不错 Taking into account of his recent physical condition, I think he has done quite well in the exam.3.克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都纳闷她是否和活着 Mrs. Clark lies in bed motionless, and I wondered briefly if she is still alive.4.整栋楼一片黑暗,只有三楼的某个窗户透出一丝光 The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-storey window.5.这些士兵接受了严格的训练,并且对完成这项新任务有充分的准备These soldiers have received very strict training and are well equipped to fulfill the new task.6.他伸手拿起电话,拨通了宾馆的号码
He reached for the phone, picked it up, and dialed the hotel’s number.unit6XI1.我们应该尽最大努力预测地震,这样地震造成的财产破坏才会被尽可能的避免 We should try our best to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused
by them could be prevented as much as possible.2.一个农民注意到有很多鱼在水面上游动,他说这预示着可能有地震发生 A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated the possible occurrence of an earthquake.3.要将英英词典放在手边,当你不能准确地理解单词时,你就能随时查阅 Keep an English-English dictionary handy, and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time.4.如有必要,生活在将要发生地震地区的人可以睡在帐篷里 If necessary, people who live in the area where an earthquake is about to occur may sleep in tents.5.对一个想找工作的学生来说,有没有硕士学位的确有很大影响 A master’s degree does make a great difference to a student who wants to get a job.6.这本书除了告诉我们地震方面的知识外,还告诉我们如何做好预防工作 In addition to the knowledge about earthquakes, the book tells us how to prepare for them. 不好意思,只找到这么多了
作为大学生,这个要靠自己独立思考,自己独立完成。根据一些同学的提问,我归纳了一下。新生入学报到时主要要准备如下东西、要注意如下事项:1.相关证件。包括:身份证、录取通知书(入学通知书)、户口迁移证、党团组织关系证明(介绍信)、一寸登记照若干张(可以多带几张,以备它用),等等。这些很重要,一定不要忘记。另外,把父母、爷爷奶奶即各个近亲的姓名、出生年月、工作单位、职业和职务搞清楚,填下来,到学校要填各种表格,有的表格需要这些信息。2.钱和卡。上学要交学费和住宿费(分别为每年4500-500元与1000元左右),合计要6000左右(个别专业可能要高些,如艺术类专业)。因为新生出门较少,没有什么旅途安全经验,建议少带现金(但千把块钱还是要带的,以备一些不时之需)。可以在家中先办一张信用卡或储值卡用于交学杂费等。有的学校会给你寄一张卡,让学生把钱存在其中,你可以用这张卡,也可以不用。如果家庭条件还可以,办一张信用卡,把它关联到父母亲的储值卡(如工资卡),每月刷卡后直接从父母亲的卡中扣款,这样的好处是方便、安全。但如果你不想让父母亲知道你的消费情况,可以自己在老家办一张储值卡(让父母亲往里冲钱),然后办一张信用卡与之关联。也可以到学校再办储值卡与信用卡,但这样你父母亲异地往你的储值卡打钱时要付手续费。3.一般情况下,各个学校都要配发一些学习和日常生活用品,这些东西不是无偿给你的,都要你花钱购买。学校发的物品质量都很次而且贵,建议学校发的东西如果可以不要就尽量不要,能自己买的就别买学校发的,有些生活必需品则可以在离开家时先配好,免得到学校后由于人生地不熟不好买。4.衣服被褥。你平常穿的衣服,春夏秋冬各季的,都要带,除非学校距你家乡很近或者父母亲有机会出差来学校给你带东西。内衣和袜子至少要两三套,各季的外衣至少也要两套。如果你现在生活的地方和要去上学的城市的地理气象与生活环境是否相似,那么准备的东西和在老家差不多;如果相差太大,就要带些那个城市需要的衣服(例如,如果你生活在北方,但上学的城市在南方,那么太厚的保暖内衣裤就可以不带了)。被褥也是这样,夏天去学校,可以带一床薄被(如毛巾被),厚被子可以自己带,也可以到学校后再买。席子可以到学校根据床宽购买合适的,床单和枕头(枕套)可以自己带也可以到学校再买。5.洗漱生活用品。要带牙膏牙刷、毛巾、漱口杯、香皂肥皂、洗发水、梳子、手机(看家庭条件)等,以便在途中和到校后就能使用。男生要带剃须刀、女生要带各种女性用品和洗面奶等。至于洗脸盆、晒衣架、拖鞋、雨伞、水瓶、指甲剪、剪刀、小刀、台灯之类的东西就不一定要带了,有的学校会发,就算不发自己买也不贵(这些生活用品到了学校买也很方便,而且到时候和舍友一起去买还能快速缩短距离)。条件可以时,可以带个照相机,为自己和同学照照相,也是人际交流的一种很好方式。6.学习用品。可以带几支水笔、本子、字典、词典(英汉汉英词典等,包括功能强大的电子词典)、书包(背包)。如果学校没有不允许,你家庭条件许可的话,可以带笔记本。但最好不要带,尤其是当你迷恋上网或者玩游戏的时候,带笔记本会影响你的学习和生活以及和同学的正常交往。另外,还可以预备一些生活中用到的药或创可贴之类,虽然不一定会用到它们,不过等需要的时候随手可以找到也很方便。7.旅行箱。如果家庭条件不是特别好得钱花不了,不需要买太贵的,毕业后可以买更好的。箱子可以大一些,能装下自己的衣服及平常不是常用的生活用品和学习用品即可。但不要过分大,免得不好携带,到学校在宿舍也不好放。一般以80公分左右长、50-60公分宽为佳。8. 如果可以的话,带点家乡的特产,不是一定要去给老师,而是给舍友或班上同学吃,毕竟你有四年的时间和他们在一起,越早熟悉越好。10.如果坐火车的话,可以凭录取通知书(入学通知书)享受学生票优惠。11.一点小建议:大学学习勇攀高峰,加入社团量力而行,大学社会实践多多益善,尊敬老师有难必问,同学相处宽容大度,大学恋爱不鼓励也不反对。12.入学测试和体检。有的大学在新生报到后一段时间内,要组织几门文化课的新生入学测试,对考试成绩和高考成绩有较大出入者要进行重点核查。如果你考试没有作弊,不要有任何担心。考试范围和难度不会超过高考,考得好坏无所谓。体检也很容易过,除非你有不符合入学要求的重大疾病而且在高考体检时又使了花招,一般是不要紧的。只要你高考时正常体检、正常考试,这两项都没有问题,现在可以放心玩!当然还有另一种入学考试,那是为各种分班做做准备的,比如英语成绩好的学生分到英语快班。13.新生军训。大学新生要进行军训,军训一般只有两个星期。按照《国防教育法》的规定,组织学生进行军训,这是贯彻国防教育法的具体行动,是推进素质教育、为国家和军队培养造就高素质国防后备力量的重大举措。参加军训可以增进同学友情,应该积极参加。如果身体条件不许可,应该尽早跟辅导员或班主任讲清楚,以免发生意外。14.宿舍是在你去之前就安排好的,这个不用担心。住宿条件有好有坏,不要太拘泥于这个,主要是要和同舍同学友好相处。不要以为住宿条件差就不能适应,人的适应性是非常强的,而且不太好的生活条件对你以后的成长和工作、生活很有好处,不管你的家庭是多么富有!15.专业不理想,调换专业。一般学校进校一年后都可以调换专业。调换专业有两种情况,一种是因为在原专业很难学下去,学校会帮助你换一个好学一点的专业(但一般不是很好的专业,也不是热门专业);另一种是你想换一个你心仪的其它专业,这种时候一般都要由你要转入的专业所在院系进行资格考试,考试合格才能转入,有的学校还要交一笔费用。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程1第三单元课文翻译是什么?译文如下:在我还未成年时,如果有人看到我和父亲在一块儿,我就会觉得难堪。他腿瘸得很厉害,个子又矮。我们一起走路时,他的手搭在我臂上以保持平衡,人们就会盯着看。对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心眼里感到别扭。即使父亲注意到这些或感到不安,他也从不表露出来。我们的步伐难以协调一致——他常常停下脚步,而我的步子却显得不耐烦。正因为如此,我们一路很少说话。但每次出门时,他总说:“你按你的步速走,我跟着你。”我们通常就在地铁口和家门口之间来回,那是他上班的路线。他生病或天气恶劣时也坚持上班,几乎从不缺勤。他总是准点到办公室,即使别人做不到。这是件可以引以为荣的事。当路上覆盖冰雪时,即使有人搀扶,他也难以行走。这种时候,我或者我的姐妹们就用一辆带有钢轮的儿童推车拉着他穿过纽约布鲁克林的街道到地铁站口。一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁口的扶手一直往下走,因为地铁内比较暖和,下面几级台阶没有冰雪。曼哈顿的地铁站直通他们办公楼的地下室,他不用出站(就可到办公室)。下班回家时,我们会去布鲁克林的地铁站口接他。现在回想起来,我不禁惊叹:像他那样一个成年人,得有多大的勇气才能承受这样的屈辱和压力,而当时他却显得毫无痛苦,也没怨言。他从不说自己可怜,也从不表现出对那些比他幸运或健康的人的羡慕。他从别人那儿寻找的是一颗“好心”。一旦找到了,那人在他心目中就是个大好人。现在我长大了,我相信这是判断一个人的标准。虽然我还没有确切理解什么是“好心”,但我知道自己有时候并没有这么一颗“好心”。虽说很多活动父亲都不能参加,但他还是试着以某种方式来参与。当地一个棒球队缺少一个经理时,是他使球队正常运转。他是一个见多识广的棒球迷,常常带我到埃贝茨球场,观看布鲁克林道奇队的比赛。他喜欢参加各种舞会和聚会,虽然在那儿他只能坐着观看,却也能享受一番乐趣。记得在一次沙滩聚会上,进行了一场殴斗,人人挥拳上阵,相互推撞。他不满足只是坐着观看,然而在松软的沙地上如果没人帮助,他又站不起来。于是在极度无助的情况下,他高声喊道:“谁坐下来和我对打! 谁愿意坐下来和我对打! ”没有人坐下来和他对打。第二天,人们和他开玩笑,说是第一次听到拳击手在开打之前,就有人要求他倒地服输。如今我知道他是通过我,他唯一的儿子,间接地参与了一些事情。我打球时(球技很糟),他也“打”;后来我加入海军,他也“加入”了。我休假回家时,他一定要让我去参观他的办公室。在介绍我时,虽然没有说出口,但他实际上在说:“这是我儿子,但也是我。如果我没瘸,我也会和他一样。”如今父亲已去世多年,但我时常想起他。不知他当时是否留意在我们同行时,我不愿意被人看到。若他确实注意到了,那我真惭愧当时没能对他说我是多么对不起他,我是多么不孝,我有多么后悔。现在,每当我因一些琐事而怨天尤人的时候,每当我嫉妒别人运气比我好的时候,每当我没有一颗“好心”的时候,我就会想起他。每逢此时,我就设想自己将手搭在他的臂上,重新找回自己的平衡,我会说:“你按你的步速走,我跟着你。”新视野大学英语读写教程第三册第10单元课后翻译答案
1、我去了图书馆,查阅我能找到的所有关于在百慕大三角地区(Bermuda Triangle)船只和飞机神秘失踪的报道。(whatever)I went to the library and read whatever I could find about the causes of the mysterious disappearances of the ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle.2、如果你继续这样对待朋友,你会失去所有朋友。(and)Continue treating friends like this,and you will lose them all.3、他们必须完全了解其产品,知道如何通过口头、电话或信件来推销。(by word of mouth)They must know their product thoroughly and know how to promote sales by word of mouth,telephone or letter.4、我突然意识到,金钱无法弥补56
我从未见过克拉克夫人,但看过她的医疗记录和上一位值班医生交给我的报告后,我知道她今晚会去世。她屋里唯一的光线来自一台医疗设备,它闪着红光,似乎在发出警告。我站在那里,一股怪味刺激着我的鼻子,我想起了过去闻到过的腐烂的气味,我闭上了眼睛。我嘴里有一股从胃里返上来的酸味。我伸手去开灯。灯静静地照亮了整个病房,我走回病床边,用无动于衷的、医生的目光观察着病人。克拉克夫人已奄奄一息了。她一动不动地躺着:骨瘦如柴的身体使她的头显得特别大;皮肤呈暗黄色,松松地裹在嶙峋的、连毛毯也遮掩不住的骨骼上;她的右臂平伸在床边,被无情地用胶带固定在一块板上,以便能固定针头使液体滴入;左臂横放在深陷的胸部,胸口随着不均匀的呼吸一起一伏。我伸手去触摸她放在胸口的细长手指。冰凉冰凉的。我忙将手移到她的手腕,去感觉那微弱的脉搏。克拉克夫人将头稍稍转向我,微微地睁开眼。我俯过身去,勉强听见她微弱的声音:“水。”我从桌上拿起一杯水,用手指封着吸管的一端,滴了几滴凉凉的水到她的嘴里,以缓解她的干渴。她没有用力去吞咽,因为力气不够。“还要,”那干涩的声音说。于是我们又重复了一次。这次她终于咽了一些,并轻轻说了声:“谢谢,你。”她虚弱得没法交谈,因此没等她要求,我就开始做她所需要的。我像抱孩子似的把她抱起来,给她翻了个身。除了一件浅色的病号服,她什么也没穿。她又小又轻,像遭受了严重饥荒一样。我打开护肤霜的瓶盖,揩了一些在手心。为了不伤着她,我小心翼翼地把护肤霜擦在她发黄的皮肤上。她的皮肤松松地在骨头上滑动,背上每块骨头的轮廓都能清楚地摸到。当我把枕头放在她两腿之间时,发现它们也是冰凉的,直到把手移到她膝盖以上的部位,我才感受到血液供给生命的热度。而后,我挪了把椅子面朝她坐在床边,握住她那只没被固定的手,此时我又一次注意到她细长的手指。很优雅。一时间,我突然想知道她是否有家庭,接着我发现病房里没有花,没有孩子们画的彩虹和蝴蝶,也没有卡片。房间中没有任何迹象表明她是一个被人爱着的人。她似乎读懂了我的心思,平静地回答我说:“今天……我让……家里人……都……回家……不想……他们……看见……” 她耗尽了最后的那点力气,再也说不下去了。但我已然明白她做了些什么。我不知道说什么好,所以什么也没说。她好像又看穿了我的心思:“你……留下……”时间似乎停滞了。在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的呼吸一起一落。我们互相对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。她那细长的手指很轻易地就拢住了我的手,我微笑着慢慢点了点头。无需任何语言,我从她发黄的眼睛中感受到了她对我的谢意,她慢慢闭上了眼睛。不知过了多长时间,她又睁开了双眼,只是这一次目光里没有任何反应,只有空洞的凝视。没有一点先兆,她那细弱的呼吸停止了。很快,微弱的脉搏也消失了。一颗泪珠从她的左眼中流出,滑过脸颊,落在枕上。我开始轻声哭泣。对这位迅速走进又走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。她的痛苦结束了,可她的生命也结束了。我依然握着她的手,渐渐地,我意识到我并不害怕这种感情之战,意识到这实际是她赐予我的特殊荣幸,而且我还乐意再来一次。克拉克夫人没有让她的家人目睹这一幕他们或许无力面对的人生插曲,却与我分享了它。她不想让家人看着她死去,然而她也不愿孤独地离去。不应当有人孤独离去的,我很高兴能守候在她身边。两天后,我在报上读到了克拉克夫人的消息。原来她是7个孩子的母亲、18个孩子的祖母、教会里的活跃分子、社区志愿者协会的领导人、音乐会钢琴演奏家、从教30余年的钢琴教师。是啊,她的手指是那样细长而优雅。
我只给答案第七单元IX1. As to what actually happened to the headquarters2. As to where I should go to further my study3. as to how different they are and why we want to keep them both4. as to whether or nor I should remain at the college working as a teaching assistant 5. as to whether the old hard ware is to be replaced by new hardwareX1. There is no use trying to help those who do not help themselves2. it is no good trying to solve the issue between the nations by means of war3. There is no sense refusing to accept it4. There is no point in having a load of money5. there is no harm in spending some time thinking about what sort of career you might wish to pursueXI1.
An interesting question therefore remains as to how far Microsoft can go with Gates as its CEO.2.
There’s/It’s no use complaining since nothing ever changes as the result of a complaint. What’s important is to take measures to prevent similar events from happiness.3.
Learn to accept the fact that some people you thought were friends turn out to be enemies.4.
As you would expect from the book’s title, there are many references to what kind of man Gates is.5.
The prosperity of the company stems from hardworking and thrifty of the entire staff.6.
He said nothing at all on the subject of the play which was put on for the first time Saturday night.XII1. 至于那天晚上他是怎么死的,事实上我无法解释,而且也许不会有任何可能的解释了。2.做了一件事然后说自己本来不想那样做是没有用的;如果你不想做,你就不会做了。3.微软公司正在研究降低其产品成本的方法,以便发展中国家的人也能买得起。4.苹果公司也愿意将其部分软件与微软公司的产品捆绑在一起,以促进其销售。5. 与评价父亲不同,人们评价母亲依据的是其为母之道的成功或失败。对于母亲来说,一切都取决于孩子最终成为什么样的人。6. 人们会发现这个网站很有价值,因为我们投入了大量时间准备网站的信息。第六单元IX1. so that the baby would not catch cold2. so that more people would vote for him3. so that his father might forgive him for his failure in the math exam4. so that it would go on smoothly5. so that you can judge for yourselfX1. She cycled from Shanghai to Beijing, which is pretty difficult for a woman of 50.2. He wore his swimming things in the office, which shocked his boss a great deal.3. They ran out of drink, which actually didn’t bother me because I wasn’t drinking.4. They will win the match, which will please my brother.5. She borrowed a book on literature, which suggests that her literature teacher was having some influence on her.XI1.
We should try our best to forecast earthquakes so that destruction of property caused by them could be prevented as much as possible.2.
A farmer noticed large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water, which, he said, indicated the possible occurrence of an earthquake.3.
Keep an English-English dictionary handy, and when you cannot understand a word with accuracy, you may refer to it any time.4.
If necessary, people who live in the area where an earthquake is about to occur may sleep in tents.5.
A master’s degree does make a great difference to a student who wants to get a job.6.
In addition to the knowledge about earthquakes, the book tells us how to prepare for them.XII1. 由于在地震中遇难的人大部分都是被倒塌的建筑物砸死的,所以一定要改进建筑结构,以便它们能够抵御地震的力量。2.人们应该在家里和工作地点储备些水和食物,这在可能发生地震时是特别必要的。3.在日本和中国,人们长期以来一直相信通过观察动物行为可以预测地震。4.除了努力改进建筑结构之外,地震多发地区的人们还应该在其他几个方面为可能发生的大地震做好准备。5.明智的做法是每个家庭都制定地震应急计划,而且所有的家庭成员都应该知道在地震过后的混乱中如何离开那个地区。6.由于剩下的几条可用电话线路将会很忙,所有的家人都应该往往在远离地震区域的某个朋友或亲戚家中打电话报平安。
第三单元A 部分Hyde was founded in 1966 to provide education based on character development (1)more thanrather thanbetter thanother than academic achievement. It is a place where well-to-do families can send their children who have difficulty in other educational environments. Many students are there (2)thoughwhileevenbecause their parents believe in the educational theory of character (3)beforeafterinstead ofdespite performance. Although Hyde is (4)ultimatelytypicallyfinallyconsequently categorized as a college preparatory school, the school regards its (5)preliminarypossibleconventionalprimary purpose as preparation for life. Hyde helps students learn, embrace, and (6)adaptadoptbringreceive a character compass that will guide them for the rest of their lives. Emphasis (7)is placed onis put forthis made intois headed for performing arts and sports. Hyde believes that one needs to (8)showrevealdisplayexpose themselves to group and community interactions as part of the growth process. Competitive sports are played year round and have (9)lay inresulted fromled tosettled down many championships. There are the typical high school classes and academics. Many Advanced Placement courses are (10)applicableavailableacceptablepossible and encouraged. Most students are accepted to four-year colleges and universities. There are Group "Discovery" sessions several times per week. Students are encouraged to (11)suspendcounselinsultrecognize each other when they think another student's actions or thoughts do not correspond (12)toatforup the school's philosophy. These sessions (13)work outrely onfocus onkeep on the individual students and their current issues and problems faced at the school. Students are encouraged to (14)performreformshareenjoy intimate secrets, doubts and regrets about themselves and their families. These sessions are (15)extendedrangedexploitedexpended to parents. The purpose of these sessions is to (16)relateinvolveinvestinvade the whole family into the Hyde community social structure. Truth is emphasized (17)beyondfromoverupon harmony. Students who have difficulty with following the school rules are (18)assignedaffordedadmiredassured to perform maintenance jobs and lawn care for the school. The notion is not solely punitive (惩罚的) (19)but thatbut forbut thenbut also serves to illustrate that the transgressor (违规者) has separated him/herself from the community by their actions. The idea behind it is to (20)arouseearnmakeoffer acceptance by the group, and work back into the trust of the community.答案:1. rather than
is placed on
led to
focus on
but also


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