
精选回答 解释:疟疾,冷颤,发冷;寒战;疟状热ague 是什么意思及中文翻译:名词(n.) 疟疾,冷颤,发冷名词(n.) 寒战名词(n.) 疟状热ague 大小写变形:Ague包含ague的单词vague 模糊的plague 瘟疫leagues 联盟( league的名词复数 )plagues 瘟疫( plague的名词复数 )leagued 联盟( league的过去式和过去分词 )leaguers (联盟、联合会等的)盟员( leaguer的名词复数 )beleaguer 围攻beleaguers 围攻( beleaguer的第三人称单数 )colleagues 同事,同僚( colleague的名词复数 )beleaguering 围攻( beleaguer的现在分词 )ague 相关例句fever and ague寒热相间的疟疾brassfounder ague黄铜铸工热Did you ague with the victim.你和受害者起过争执吗?He took down with fever and ague.他发高烧, 还得了疟疾, 病倒了。An ague in the spring is physic for a king.春天一场病,一年不服药。Quartan ague kills old men, and cures young.三日疟, 青年能治好, 老人见阎王。He had no difficulty in ague his teacher down.他毫无困难地驳倒了老师。I often ague with my friends about the problem.我经常和朋友辩论那个问题。FLPA AGUE, tertian fever, quartan fever, paludism.疟疾, 三日疟, 间日疟, 打寒颤。The Ague again so violent, that I lay aBed all Day, and neither eat or drank.在床上躺了一整天, 不吃不喝。 安安分分的男人 2023-03-28 16:03:061-2021-4041-6061-8081-100101-120121-140141-160161-180181-2001-2021-4041-6061-8081-100101-120121-140141-160161-180181-200
教育 知识百科 靠天靠地不如靠自己 精选回答 1、guys是guy的复数形式,是男人、小伙子、家伙的意思。2、单词例句Good work, guys! Way to go! 伙计们,活儿不错!干得好!Come on, you guys, lets get going! 快点,伙计们,咱们走吧!The script was good, but those guys butchered it. 剧本很好,但让那帮家伙给演砸了。 少年已不年少 2023-08-05 16:25:26相关推荐1-2021-4041-6061-8081-100101-120121-140141-160161-180181-2001-2021-4041-6061-8081-100101-120121-140141-160161-180181-200


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