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出门在外也不愁新加坡代工厂商伟创力宣布将收购 Motorola 旗下天津工厂
移动陆续开始收缩业务,这次,其在中国大陆的天津工厂有了归属。新加坡代工厂商伟创力宣布,将收购 旗下摩托罗拉移动的天津工厂,并接管其巴西工厂的运营。预计这一交易将会在 2013 年上半年完成。作为交易的一部分,伟创力将获准制造采用
哈……?魔头浑身上下真是被谷哥扒了个精光吖…… 想当年Moto也是滨海开发区数一数二的企业了,现在..... 貌似当年MOTO的广告牌一度矗立在天津政府的大楼上。。。 伟创力还活着啊我还以为早被富士康挤垮了呢 还嫌moto死得不够快啊,来吧,痛快一刀 如果安卓解决了虚拟机问题,还是安卓么?那个时候,已经精简过得魔头,就有大用了吧。 摩托罗拉XT787手动玩你们懂的~~ 自摩小姐嫁给谷先生后谷先生从不理她他们不但没有洞房也从不给她家用弄到谷太(摩小姐)要卖嫁妆来生活 先不说别的,同事买了这款砍手牌,机身摸起来还真不错,白话说就是很“硬净”,虽然现在想的是620跟8s哪一部来入门wp…… 我了个去,当年在富士康WLBG时还说要搬到天津,顺便把MOTO的天津厂买下来呢,现在真是江河日下啊,FIH也真的不行了。 我看Google是要把MOTO变成Google的硬件开发部门,其他的统统砍掉,有的好戏看了 摸托企业为啥配个手机图?奥运宝宝表示不解 MOTO的天津厂的终结者是伟创力,伟创力这条海盗船,还能开出多远?不看好!伟创力的股票能过8美元/股 吗?不看好!Tsubaki products for the ASEAN region
Tsubakimoto Singapore Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of the Tsubakimoto
Chain Co. of Japan. We are a supplier of power t industrial
drive chains, attachment chains, small and large
Related products
include cam clutches, sprockets, shaft couplings, safety devices, cableveyors, toothed
belts & pulleys. The company also offers conveyors and and complete materials
handling systems.
Our service territory includes the following countries: Bangladesh, Brunei
Darussalam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan,
Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. If you are looking
for information from another area please visit the
The Tsubaki Group includes 28 production locations and 23 group companies worldwide.
Our production and sales networks are now more developed than ever.
Since 1917, Tsubaki has provided the world’s drive and conveyor chains.
Our constant pursuit of improvement and innovation has gained us our spot
as a market leader in the chain business. Tsubaki has everything from drive
chains for transmission, corrosion resistant chains for extreme conditions,
and attachment chains for conveying, to providing solutions to customers
with special needs with products such as our Lambda lube free chain or low
friction needle bearing chain. We have the chain products to suit any application.
Tsubaki is a global leader in the business of power transmission. We
pride ourselves in having the widest selection of power transmission components
to cater to the customer’s needs and demands. Our list of components consist
of items such as cam clutches, couplings, keyless locking devices, reducers,
gearboxes actuators, overload protection devices and more. Many of our components
compliment our chain products and provide the customer with a one-stop solution.
We pride ourselves in the knowledge that each of our products is built with
reliability, efficiency and quality in mind.
We supply steel, high-grade stainless steel, solid plastic cableveyors
and plastic cable carriers with aluminium supports (hybrid cable carriers),
in standard sizes or tailor-made to in millimetre-precision units. With
properties such as stability and robustness suited to all applications,
with fixed or variable chain widths, for long unsupported travels and 3D
applications. Particularly quiet and lightweight and/or in closed design
we have it all!
Our Traxline cable ranges meet the highest quality standards in order
to ensure the readiness of your systems and installations. We offer a selection
of highly flexible cables that are cost-effective, flexible and extremely
durable. A key factor for our cables is their tested and proven operational
reliability, which meets all applicable standards and directives.
Our product range covers all industries, from small units using in inkjet
printers, up to giant drag chains weighing several tonnes used on offshore
In this technologically advanced and rapid changing era, creative &
innovative solutions are required to meet an endless variety of unique needs.
With years of experience, Tsubaki offers unique combination of innovation,
efficiency & effectiveness for your materials handling systems requirements.
Tsubaki assists customers with each step of materials handling systems,
automotive assembly lines, storage systems, and cleanroom pharmaceutical
automation systems from planning to proposal, design, manufacturing, installation,
and after-sales services.
We utilize our innovative technology to handle our clients' requirements
and deliver quality as well as timely solutions.
Featured Products
Tsubaki Malaysia will participate in PIPOC 2015, an International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition: October 6-8, 2015
Tsubaki India Power Transmission Private Limited (TIPL) participated in World of Industry - India 2013 (WIN INDIA 2013) organised by...
We are pleased to announce the launch of new language websites to support the international growth.The website is now available...
Tsubaki Singapore's unique technology for Palm Oil Mills including plastic rollers to prevent jams in EFB Conveyors, plastic roller chain for lower running costs, and Power Cylinders that have savings in cost, operations, and CO2 emissions over hydraulic cylinders.
Tsubaki Kabelschlepp offers the light-weight and low-noise all-round 1320 cable and hose carriers from the Uniflex Advanced series as a particularly robust version for rough application environments.
As technology improves palm oil mills are becoming more efficient and require less staff. Tsubaki RF706SP-R is the solution for dependable operation with minimal maintenance.
Copyright (C)
by Tsubakimoto Singapore Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. The Tsubakimoto Chain logo is a trademark of the Tsubakimoto Chain Co. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.


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