跪求minecraft下载1.8.1 worldedit for 1.8

WorldEditWrapper | Minecraft Mods
Minecraft 1.7
Requirements: Forge + Liteloader
The WorldEdit Wrapper mod is an easy way to install and use the amazing in-game modification tool, WorldEdit in Single Player mode. WorldEdit is a tool that allows you to easily customize the blocks and structures in your world. You can change a block’s properties, create instant structures, and even copy and paste structures all with simple commands.
You’ll first need a wooden axe. This is your main tool, your wand. You’ll use it to set the coordinates for where you want to edit your world. Left-click a block to set your first coordinate and right-click a different block to set the next one.
From there you just need to learn some commands. You can get all the available commands by typing ‘/help &page#&’ or referencing the wiki page . There’s a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of things, you’ll never look back. There’s so much you can do with this tool.
To change the current state of blocks, after you’ve selected coordinates, just type ‘//replace [from-block] &to-block&’. For example ‘//replace wood netherrack’. You can also use the item’s numbers like ‘//replace 5 87’ and you’ll get the same results. With something like this you can easily alter any blocks in your structure. If you built something with mostly cobblestone, you can now alter the entire structure instantly instead of manually replacing the blocks. It’s an incredible time-saver.
If you have a section of water or lava where you don’t want either, simply use the //drain command and just put a radius such as 100 and all the blocks of water/lava in that radius will disappear. You can also use the //fill command to fill that hole you cleared. But be careful with this though because you can easily drain an entire ocean with this command and it may freeze your game.
If you want to create some simple structures to start a build, you can use the commands //cyl, //sphere or //pyramid, add what block you want after that and set a number for the radius of the structure. You get something like the below image. This can be a great start to a structure if you have builder’s block and also building fun massive structures.
And to make things that much more amazing, you can move an entire building or more to a different location or make multiples of the same structure. Set your coordinate range with your wand. Then either //cut or //copy the range. Find your second location and type //paste. Your copied selection will paste in the general location of where you are.
One of the key helpful commands with this mod is that you can undo your mistakes if you make them. Simply type //undo and everything goes back a step. And if you happen to get stuck in your newly created sphere, you can type /unstuck to hop right out of it. Happy editing but be sure to make backups of your saves because you can easily ruin your world in one command.
This mod does also require
to run and for best results also install .
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With the release of Minecraft 1.7.2, there is going to be a delay until a new version of Forge is released. This is due to the huge rewrite/update in the Minecraft code base (over 500,000 lines of code has been modified/added) which means don't expect a new version of Forge to come out for several weeks/months. When a new version of forge is released that supports Minecraft 1.7.2 I'll release a 'beta' version until they have a recommended build out. My previous post said I had no way of being contacted. If you do need to contact me, you are welcome to message nejinx on the .
I have now released WorldEdit CUI Forge for Minecraft 1.6.4, please see the link on the right.
I currently
don't really have any way of being contacted yet, i'm working on that :)
I have started working on WorldEdit CUI for Minecraft Forge on Minecraft 1.6.4. I have it in a working state for Forge but it requires further modification before release.
I am working on updating the code to reflect quite a lot of change as I am basing this off of the hardwork by yetanotherx WorldEdit CUI 1.4.6-ML.zip. This post can be found on the minecraft forum .
I'll post the download once it is ready.跪求minecraft worldedit for 1.8.X_百度知道
跪求minecraft worldedit for 1.8.X
这个是for1.8.0的 目前我能找到能下的最高版本 如果有需要其它版本 请追问安装方法在客户端或官方服务端上安装Forge API把本Mod拖进“安装目录\mods”文件夹
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