
  话题Make requests
  词汇mind 介意 not at all一点也不 turn down调低 yard院子 dish盘堞 brought bring 的过去式
line排;队 polite有理貌的 perhaps或许;大概 door门 voice声音 return归还;返回 term 术语Asian亚洲的;亚洲人的
Europe欧洲 impolite无礼的;粗鲁的 allow允许;承认 public公众 cough 咳嗽smoke抽烟,吸烟drop扔;丢 litter垃圾
pick&up 捡起 behavior 行为;举止 solution解答;解决办法 annoyed恼怒的;生气的 clothing衣服
normal正常的;正规的 etiquette礼节 sneeze打喷嚏;表现 politely客气的;斯文的 cigarette香烟;卷烟;纸烟
  批判 careful 小心;当心
  短语right away立刻;马上 at a meeting在开会 cut in line插队 the way to place 去&的路 spend
sth. On\in doing sth.花费9时间(金钱)去做某事 not at all 根本不,一点也不 in a minute立刻;马上 no
problem 没问题 get annoyed变得气恼 be good for 对&有益
  句型--Would you mind moving your bike ?
  ---Not at all .I&ll do it right away.
  ---Could you please take out the trash ?
  ---Sorry ,I&ll do it right away.
  语法要点 学会提出请求
  would you mind + 动名词结构
  would you mind cleaning\your room ?
  would you mind not playing basketball here?
  Would you mind moving your car?
  I&m sorry ,I&ll do it right away
  Sorry, we&ll go and play in the park .
  No,not at all .
  基本用法:1)Would you mind doing?=Do you mind
doing..?&你介意&?& &请你&好不好?&是一种比较客气的表达方式。
  2)如果要表示&请你不要做&好吗?&只需在doing 前面加not.
Copyright (C)&
1、在塑料、铜丝和空气这组物质中,通常情况下,_______是绝缘体.如果将铜丝熔铸成一根粗的铜棒,其电阻将______(选填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”).2、你一定知道和使用过很多的用电器吧!如:A.电热毯B.空调C.家中的日光灯D.在实验室做电学实验所用的小灯泡等.它们在正常工作时,电功率最小的是___& &&__,通过的电流最大的是___& &__.(填写用电器前对应的字母)
4、奥斯特发现了电流的磁场之后,人们受到了极大的启发.英国物理学家_______采用逆向思维的方法,经过10年坚持不懈的努力,于1831年发现了具有划时代意义的____ & ___现象.
5、城市的交叉路口通常都装有指挥车辆、行人通行的红、黄、绿三色灯.若每只灯的规格都是“220V 250W”,则每组交通指挥灯正常工作时,每天要消耗电能为____& ___ J.当红灯亮时,驶向不同方向的车辆&___ & &__(选填“全部停”、“部分停”或“全部行”).
6、一个小灯泡,正常发光时两端的电压是6V,通过灯丝的电流是200mA,如果把它接到9V的电源上,且使它正常发光,应将一个允许通过的电流不小于_______A,阻值为_______Ω的电阻与灯串联即可.7、小刚同学在做“探究串联电路电流的规律”实验,当他试触时,发现电流表的指针迅速偏转到最右端,出现这样的现象原因可能有几种,请写出两种可能原因:(1)________________________& _ &____________;(2)___________________________________________________.8、半导体的导电能力比导体差,比绝缘体强,它在现代生活中的应用非常广泛.&请写出一个由半导体材料制成的电子元件的名称____________.标有“220V,100W”的白炽灯泡,如果发光时的实际功率为81W,则此时灯泡两端的电压为_____& &_V.9、在如图所示的电路中,电源电压不变.当开关S由断开到闭合时,电流表的示数将& & & &,电压表的示数将& & & & & &.(选填“变大”“不变”或“变小”)10、一段导体两端电压为6V时,通过它的电流为0.5A,则导体消耗的电功率为_______W;当它两端的电压减小2V时,通过导体的电流变为_______ A.11、电磁继电器_______控制电路中的电流连续变化,_______进行远距离控制与操作(选填“能”或“不能”).12、如图所示,在烧杯中加入盐水,然后将连在电压表上的铜片和锌片插入盐水中,这样就制成了一个电池.观察电压表指针的偏转与接线可知:这个电池的电压是& & & & &V,& & & &&片是它的正极.13、小刚爸爸所用手机的接收频率是150 MHz,这种电磁波的波长是&_______m;平时我们所听说或使用的“数字电视”,实际上是指电视台用_______信号传输电视节目.14、磁性水雷是由一个小磁针来控制起爆电路的水雷.当军舰接近水雷时,就会引起水雷爆炸,其根本的依据是_____________________.固定电话的_______里有一个电磁体(选填“话筒”、“导线”或“听筒”).15、电视机外壳上都有散热窗,这是为了防止因_______而造成的危害;电路中一个定值电阻的两端电压从8V降为6V,通过该定值电阻的电流变化了100mA,则该定值电阻的电功率变化了_______ W.16、一天晚上,小民同学正在自己的卧室灯下自修,突然卧室中的灯泡熄灭了,而家中客厅里的灯泡却仍在正常发光.&你认为发生此现象的可能原因是:(1)_& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &_____________________;(2)_____________& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&________.17、电动机和发电机的不同点很多,请你写出其中的两点:&(1)______________________________________________________;(2)______________________________________________________.18、把包香烟的锡箔纸平铺在玻璃板上,用导线把它跟9V电源的负极相连,将一根削好的短铅笔笔芯的尾部跟电源的正极相连.&当笔尖在锡箔纸上划过时,电路就接通了.因铅笔芯与锡箔接触处的接触电阻较大,接触处的锡箔由于电流的& & & &&效应发生_& &_____(填写物态变化的名称)而显示出花纹或字迹,这就是平时所说的“电刻”.19、所有的电磁波在真空中一定具有相同的& & & & & & & & & & & & & &(& &&)A.波速& & & B.波长& & & C.频率& & & &D.能量20、家用空调、电冰箱、洗衣机等电器,都要用三孔插座,其中有一孔接地线,这样做的主要目的是& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &(& &&)A.比两孔插座更加牢固耐用B.延长家用电器的使用寿命C.确保家用电器能正常工作D.避免因家用电器漏电而发生触电事故21、小民学习了“电和磁”以后作了以下笔记,其中不正确的是& & & & &(& &&)A.小磁针实际上就是一个小磁体B.任何一个条形磁体都有两个磁极C.磁感线是由许多小铁屑形成的D.电脑软盘的材料中含有磁性材料22、在你经历的下列探究活动中,其中研究方法不同于其它三个的是& &&(& &&)A.探究串联电路中电压的规律B.探究影响导体电阻大小的因素C.探究电流、电压、电阻的关系D.探究影响电磁铁磁性强弱的因素23、著名医生扁鹊曾经用“磁石治病”,他所用的“磁石”是& & & & & &(& &&)A.磁体& & & & & & & & & & B.磁感线C.被磁化的石头& & & & & & D.磁化的中草药24、安全用电,警钟长鸣.下列关于安全用电的说法或做法中,正确的是&(& &&)A.可以用潮湿的手触摸电器设备外壳B.发现有人触电时应赶快将触电人拉开C.高压电线落在地上时人们不能靠近它D.人站在绝缘凳上时可以同时接触火线和零线25、小民同学手拿一根钢棒,当他用钢棒的一端去靠近静止在水平桌面的小磁针一端时,发现小磁针自动接近钢棒,则小民所拿的钢棒原来& & & & & &&(& &&)A.一定有磁性& & & & & & & B.一定无磁性C.可能有、也可能无磁性& & D.以上都不正确26、初中物理中有很多物理知识可以用简洁生动的语言来描述.下面列出的某位同学在课堂笔记中记录的几则老师课堂“语录”,你认为其中对应关系不合理的是(& &&)A.灯泡串联&——&一荣俱荣,一损俱损B.&&电源& &——&我对任何一个用电器都是平等的C.&保险丝&&——&牺牲我一个,保大家平安D.闸刀开关&——&我的地盘我做主.27、车床上的灯泡在正常发光,穿着塑料鞋底的操作工人干燥的一只手不小心碰到连接车床灯泡的火线,则此时流过该工人人体的电流约为& & & & & &(& &&)A.零mA & &B.几mA & &C.几十mA & &D.几百mA28、一天,家住江阴的小林同学在家中给远在北京的叔叔打电话时,电话在“占线”,你认为造成“占线”这种现象的原因可能是& & & & & & & & & & & &(& &&)A.小林的叔叔正在用电话& & & & & & & & &B.有人已在给小林打电话C.江阴与北京之间正在通话的用户太多& & &D.以上三种情况都有可能29、白炽灯泡是我们家庭中常用的照明灯具,只要仔细观察稍加思考,就会发现它蕴涵着许多的物理知识.下列说法中,错误的是& & & & & & & & & & &(& &&)A.制造灯泡所用的玻璃是绝缘体& & &B.灯泡是利用透明度高的玻璃制成C.灯丝是用熔点高的金属钨制成& & &D.灯丝利用电流的磁效应发热发光30、小林家原有用电器的总功率是1500W,最近又新& &&安装了一个电热水器,铭牌上的部分数据如右表所示.小林根据自己在课堂上所学到的有关电学知识,计算出该电热水器以及现在他家的照明电路的有关电学量.但其中有一个结果是错误的,(计算结果保留两位小数)你认为是& & & & & & & & & & &&(& &&)额定容积/ L 80额定功率/ kW 1.2额定电压/ V 220净重/ kg 30水温调节范围/℃ 10~70A.电热水器额定电流约5.45A&B.电热水器正常工作时电阻约40.3ΩC.保险丝的额定电流≤12.27 AD.所有用电器正常工作2 h耗电5.4 kW·h31、某电能表表盘上标有“3000r/kWh”字样,单独开动某一用电器时,电能表的转盘在100s内转5转,由此可知,该用电器的功率为 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &( & & )& & A.40瓦 & &B 60瓦 & &C.20瓦 & & D.100瓦32、夏天在家里打开空调时,发现室内的灯光变暗.关于这个现象,下列说法中不正确的是(不考虑温度对电阻的影响)
& (& & )A.进户线中的电流变大了& & & & & B.线路中的热损耗变大了C.线路中的电阻变大了& & & & & & D.灯两端的电压变小了33、在下图中画出通电螺线管旁边条形磁体的磁极和图中磁感线的方向.34、在上图中点A处画出小磁针静止时的指向并将电源正确连好.35、小华有几个不知用什么材料制成的小工艺品,她想知道这些工艺品中哪些是导体?哪些是绝缘体?你能帮她解决这一问题吗?说出办法和理由.& & 办法:& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & 理由:& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.36、小明在探究串联电路电压的规律时,想分别测出L1、L2两端的电压,他连成如图所示的电路.闭合开关,发现电压表V2的指针不动.& & (1)请你帮小明找出错误,在连错的线上画“×”并改正;& & (2)在方框内画出电路图;(3)根据如图所示两电压表的示数,L1两端的电压为& & &&V,电源的总电压为& & & & &V.37、下面是小林在“测定小灯泡的电功率”实验时,还没有连接好的实物图.(1)请用铅笔线代替导线,在图中把电路连接好(导线不允许交叉).(2)开关闭合后,你认为小林的手和眼睛应该如何正确分工?(3)如果灯泡的额定电压是3.8V,电源电压为6V,而电压表只有0~3V量程能用,怎样利用现有的实验器材顺利完成实验?① 请在方框中画出正确的实验电路图;② 调节滑动变阻器的滑片P,使灯泡正常发光,则此时电压表的示数为_______V;③ 当灯泡正常发光时,滑动变阻器消耗的电功率为0.484W,则灯泡的额定功率是_______W.38、铅笔芯是导体.不同用途的铅笔芯软硬程度也不同:如美术老师用6B软铅笔作画、同学们用软硬适中的HB铅笔写字、设计人员用6H硬铅笔制图.请你对“铅笔芯的电阻大小与其软硬程度有什么关系?”这个问题进行探究.(1)实验中,你认为对铅笔芯的选取有什么具体的要求?&(2)简述主要的实验步骤以及所要测量的物理量(用字母表示),并设计一个记录实验数据的表格.
(3)按科学探究的一般步骤,你下一步应该做什么?39、某学校生物小组的同学为了探索一项技术,使一种名贵的花草在寒冷的冬季也能正常生长,决定搭建一个微型温室.温室内需要安装一个电发热体.根据设计,该发热体用36V电压供电,发热功率为200W(设电能全部转化为内能).(1)电发热体不采用220V电压而用36V电压供电的考虑是什么?(2)采用36V电压供电,电发热体需要自制,现决定用镍铬合金丝绕制.则绕制成的发热体正常工作时的电阻应为多大?(3)同学们在实验室里用2节电池、电流表、电压表等器材,测出一段镍铬合金丝的阻值等于计算结果.用它制成发热体后,实际功率却小于设计的要求.经检查,电压正常请你猜想产生这种情况的原因可能是什么?40、如图所示,是小刚家所用的电能表盘面上的部分有关内容.& &他家中已装有的所有用电器的总功率是2850 W.(1)仔细观察电能表表盘铭牌,请写出三条信息:kW·h0 5 7 3 63000 r / kW·h220V 15A50Hz(2)小刚家准备买一只吸尘器,吸尘器的规格有以下三种“220V400W”、“220V600 W”、“220V800W”,买哪一种规格好呢?请你根据他家目前的实际情况,帮他们拿个主张(通过必要的计算加以说明).(3)如果他家的微波炉正在用烧烤档加热食物,请猜想:烧烤档可能是利用什么来加热食物的?初二下册英语期中考可能会考到哪些题?求题做_百度作业帮
【字体:小 大】2010年独家解密预测初二第一学期期中考试英语试卷1(时间:90分钟
卷面:3分)一.听力。(一) 听句子。把你所听到的句子前面的字母填在对应的序号后面。每个句子听一遍。(25)
1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____A. Beijing is very cold now.
B. They are studying. C. How’s the weather in Shanghai?
D. Jack is very funny. E. Her favorite subject is English.
F. Why do you like pandas?G. I want to be a teacher.
H. Mary is watching TV.(二) 听对话。根据对话内容,选出对应城市的天气图。录音听一遍。(
)7.Beijing (
)8. Moscow(
)10. Guangzhou(三)听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案。每段对话听两遍。11.What’s Jim doing?A. Reading B. Watching TV C. Playing football12. What is Mary doing?A. Playing basketball B. Playing football C. Playing games13. What’s Jack doing?A. Watching TV B. Writing something C. Learning 14. How does Alice feel?A. Cold B. Hot C. Warm15. How is Jim?A. Not bad B. Very bad C. Great(四)听短文。根据短文内容,选择正确答案。录音听两遍。16.Who is the letter from?A. Helen B. Mary C. Mary’s father17. Did Mary have a good summer holiday?A. Yes, she did B. No, she didn’t C. We don’t know18. Where did Mary spend her summer holiday?A. Chongqing B. Guangzhou C.Lanzhou19. What’s the weather like in Guanghzou?A. Cold B. Hot. C. Warm20. Whom did Mary spend her summer holiday with?A. Her mother B. Her father C. Her grandfather(五)听写。根据你所听到的内容,写出下列各句所缺的单词,每空一词,每小题听两遍。21. It’s ______,and it’s cold.22. Her mother is ______.23. It’s sunny, but it’s very______.24. He knows how to ______English well.25. She is going to ______二.读音规则(10)(一) 请按单词划线部分的读音把以下单词归类。Dear
_____;三 单项选择:(25)1.Listen! The students____ in the classroom.A. are singing
C. singing
D. is singing2.The students are ____ books in the classroom.A. watching
B. looking at
C. reading
D. seeing3. Let’s go and ____A. playing soccer
B. play the soccer
C. to play soccer
D. play soccer4.---- _____ is she waiting for? ---- The busA.Who
D. How5. ---- How is it going?
----____.A.It’s sunny
B. It’s hot
C. It’s right
D. It’s pretty good6.---- Thanks for ____ me with my English ----You’re welcome.A.Help
B. helping
D. helped7.---- Where are his family? ----They are all ____ vacation now.A.at
D. for8. ----Do you like cold, rainy weather? ---- _____. I like hot, humid weather, too.A.No, I don’t
B. Yes, I like
C. Yes, I do
D. No, I like it9.----Your coat is very nice.
---- _______. A.Thank you
B. Not very nice. It’s so-so.
C. I don’t think so
D. No10.My little brother is ____ short.A. a few
B. a bit little
C. a little bit
D. a bit of 11. Look, she’s ____ a red hat today.A. in
B. dressing
C. putting
D. wearing 12. The girl ____ red is my friend.A. wears
D. dress.13.----____ do you go skating?
---- Every day.A.How
B. How about
C. How often
D. How long14. ----How often do you go to a movie?
----____A.Two times a week
B. Twice a week
C. A time a week
D. One time a week15.Pom’s mother says exercise is good ____ his health.A. to
D. about16. What’s the matter ____ you?A. for
D. in17. ----I’m not feeling ____.
I’m sorry to hear that.A.good
D. will18.----___ did it start?
----About two hours ago.A.How
B. How long
D. Where19. You need ____ a new bagA. buy
D. buys20.----I have a toothache.
----You should _____A.Lie down and rest
B. drink some tea with honey
C. see a dentist
D. drink hot water21.Do you know the girl ____ curly hair?A. with
D. at22.There ____ many people here ____ vacation.A. have, on
B. are, on
C. are, at
D. has, on23.____ lots of vegetables is good for our health.A. Eating
D. Eats24.It’s ____ today, I think it’s going to ____A. cloud, rain
B. cloudy, raining
C. cloudy, rainy
D. cloudy, rain25. Thank you ____ me so much help. A. for give
B. for giving
C. to giving
D. to give四 词汇(10)1. The family goes shopping______(two) a week.2. Lucy has a _______(stomach) today. So she goes to see the doctor.3. Tom and Jim ________(play) soccer on the playground now.4. It’s important to eat _____( health) food5. ---I am very h_______----You should eat some noodles.6. Look! Nancy isn’t reading . She ______( write) a letter.7.We should exercise every day to keep _______( 健康的 )8 How often do you eat _______(蔬菜)9.----How often do you go to the zoo?
----H______ ever.10.Can you stop _______(come ) here, Kate? I need your help五.句型转换(10)1. My brother is tall with short hair 2. The students are listening to the teacher.3.The weather is cold and windy.4. David eats vegetables five times a week5. I have a pain in my tooth.(同义句)6.I shop once a month(改为否定句)7.His brother is a tall boy. He has short hair(合并成一句)8.We don’t play soccer every day ( 用 now 改为现在进行时)9.She does her homework in the evening.(改为否定句)10. I am cleaning my room(改为一般疑问句)六.补全短文.首字母已给出。(10)
T________ Chinese doctors believe we need a b______ of yin and yang to be h_______. For example, are you often weak and t_____ ? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. E______ Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too s______ out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese m_______ is now popular in many western countries. It’s easy to have a healthy l________.and it’s i________ to eat a b________diet. 七.汉译英(10) 1.如果你发烧,应该多喝水.
6. 这个姑娘娴静而且友好.7.有些人正躺在沙滩上.
9.他们都要去哪里?10.Lisa和Tim 在和谁说话?八.阅读理解(20)
( A)It’s time to go home. I’m in a bus on a rainyday(雨天),and a woman with a dog gets on the bus, It is a big dog and its feet are not clean, I don’t want the dog to sit near me. But the woman says to the conductor ( 售票员). “Oh, I buy a ticket for my dog. Can he have a seat like the other people?” The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam. But like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”(
)1.I’m going home ____
A. on foot
B. by bike
D. by car(
)2. The dog is ____
A. mine B. the driver’s C. the conductor’s D. the woman’s (
)3. I don’t want the dog to sit near me because the dog____ A. is ill B. isn’t clean C. has no ticket D. has no feet (
)4.The woman wants ____ for the dog. A. a seat B. a bed C. a room d . a bus(
)5. Which of the following is right? A. The woman doesn’t like the dog.
B. The woman puts her feet on the chair. C. The dog’s feet look like the other people’s D. The conductor doesn’t want the dog to take a seat.
Jim likes playing in a river, But there isn’t a river near his new house. He isn’t very happy . One day, he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t.” his mother says, “But our new house has a garden.” “I don’t like it.” says Jim.One morning his mother says, “There is a beautiful park near here, Jim, and there are two pools in it. We’ll go there this afternoon.” Jim is very happy.After lunch Jim and his mother go to the park, and he plays in one of the pools, He has a very good time.根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)(
) 6.Jim likes his new house(
) 7.There is a new park near his new house (
)8.There are small rivers in the park(
)9.Jim doesn’t like playing in the garden at all(
)10.Jim has a very good time in the park with his mother.九、书面表达假设你是一个新转到北京四中的学生,一时难以适应新的生活,你感到很沮丧,并渴望有所改变,请你写一封80字左右的信给你的好朋友,告诉他(她)你现在的情况并征求他(她)的意见。-------------------------------------参考答案一. 听力ACEFG ACCBA CABAC BAABB
raining cooking humid learn surf二. (二)n ng.三. ACDCD BCCAC DBCBB BBCBC ABADB四. Twice, stomachache, are playing, healthy, hungry,is writing, healthy, vegetables, hardly, to come.五. 1. What does your brother look like? 2. What are the students doing . 3. What’s the weather like? 4. How often does David eat vegetables 5. I have a toothache 6. I don’t shop once a month. 7 His brother is a tall boy with short sair. 8. We aren’t playing soccer now. 9. She doesn’t do her homework in the evening. 六. Traditional,balance,healthy,tired, Eating,stressed,medicine, lifestyle, important , balanced七. 1. If you have a fever, you should drink more water. 2. What’s wrong with your eyes? 3. Eating more vegetables is good for your eyes. 4. How often does he go to see his grandma? 5. Xiao Ming is very tall but (he is ) a little bit thin. 6. The girl is quiet and friendly. 7. Some people are lying on the beach. 8. There are many people on vacation in Qingdao. 9. Where are they all going? 10. Who are Lisa and Tim talking to/with?八. CDBAD
FTFTT.九.Dear Ann,How time flies! I miss you very much. Our school is very beautiful. But I have so many problems here. How I wish to get your advice!We have fifty-three students in our class. I like to be their friend, but they don’t seem to accept me. I try to join in all the activities. But no one wants to be my partner. It’s hard for me to fit in. The food is very hot. I can’t get used to the life here. I don’t know what I should do. I need your advice.Please write to me soon.Yours, Maria


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