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Copyright & 2004- 网 All Rights Reserved 中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-商务英语情景对话:展会前的准备
  How is the preparation for the fair?
  I am worried about the hall decoration.
  It should be completed by the next Monday and we have only one more week.
  I think we will have to try our best. What about the transport of the exhibits.
  So far so good! I think they`ll be here on time.
  Good. I want everything in good order before the fair. By the way, Miss. Wang, the opening ceremony will be held on next Tuesday. Have all the visitors been notified?
  Yes, I sent them formal invitations a week ago.
  Have you prepared the guidebook, which includes the introduction and schedules of the fair?
  Yes, I have. I have also prepared a fair memo.
  Good. By the way, will you help me to type these letters and mail them immediately?
  Yes, of course.
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好课推荐 新概念英语视频课程
核心提示:展会可以直接面对面跟客户沟通,不愧是一种最直接的商务交流,但是参展费用昂贵,展商一般要对展位进行装修、美饰,造成成本增加;而且在大型的交易会上,较小的展会可以直接面对面跟客户沟通,不愧是一种最直接的商务交流,但是参展费用昂贵,展商一般要对展位进行装修、美饰,造成成本增加;而且在大型的交易会上,较小的摊位容易被忽视,达不到预期的效果。因此,当万一花费了大量的时间和财力后,展会效果不好怎么办呢?看看下面的商务英语口语对话吧,也许能帮你找到其他的方式。对话背景:美国健身器材公司在中国举办了一次展销会。结果令人失望。最后决定通过网络展示其产品。L: Lambert Smith, general mangerT: Tony Cleve, manager of the Marketing departmentL: Hello, Tony, I&m expecting you. Well. How is your show going in China?T: Well, not much to tell. Nobody was interested.L: Come on, Stay in front of your computer.T: You mean I work with my computer to find where to go next?L: No, just to find on Internet where you won&t go, like China.T: You mean I just send out information on our products instead of traveling to these places?L: Yes, just save the money for your vacation, OK?T: OK, I can stay more with my family without delaying my work.L: More than that.T: What else?L: Time, you know, we&ll spend no time in preparation of a show. Time means money. If we send our information before the others only by a head, we would win.T: You are right. Only Internet perhaps will help us to do so. Internet provides us such benefit that no one but a fool won&t make use of it.关于展会准备的情景会话_英语情景对话_优习英语网
王先生: I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.我很高兴有这个机会参观你们公司.我希望能与您谈下大笔生意.本: It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wang. I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom. May I know what particular items you're interested in?很高兴见到您.王先生.我想您已经看过我们展示厅里的产品了.可否知道您具体对哪些商品感兴趣?王先生: I'm interested in your hardware. I've seen the exhibits and studied your catalogues. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada. Here is a list of my requirements, for which I'd like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F., Vancouver.我对你们的五金产品感兴趣.我已看过你们的展示品并仔细看过你们的目录册.我想其中的一些产品很快就能在加拿大畅销.这是我所列的需求单.请给予最优惠的报价.温哥华到岸价.本: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so that we can work out the offers?感谢您的询价.您能告诉我们您需要的数量以便我们报价吗?王先生: I'll do that. Meanwhile, could you give me an indication of price?我会的.同时你能给我一个估计价格吗?本: Here are our F.O.B. price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.这是我们的离岸价单.里面所有的价格都以我方确认为准.王先生: What about the commission? From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It's the general practice.佣金呢?从欧洲供销商那里.我通常可以得到进口产品3-5%的佣金.这是惯例.本: As a rule we don't allow any commission. But if the order is a substantial one, we'll consider it.一般来说.我们不允许任何佣金.但是如果订单数量可观.我们会考虑的.王先生: You see, but I do business on a commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even two or three percent would help.但我是在佣金的基础上做生意的.你们在价格上提供佣金将使我推销产品更加容易一些.即使2%或3%也是可以的.本: That's something we can discuss later.这个问题我们可以以后再讨论.
优习英语网建议您使用IE5.5以上版本浏览本站大一写一篇 英语对话 自我介绍 两个人的对话 好的60分追加when you introduce yourself ,you may include1your name 2where you come from3your family 4your hobbies5 what you are good at要求要讲2分钟的 东西最好多点 第二_百度作业帮
大一写一篇 英语对话 自我介绍 两个人的对话 好的60分追加when you introduce yourself ,you may include1your name 2where you come from3your family 4your hobbies5 what you are good at要求要讲2分钟的 东西最好多点 第二
大一写一篇 英语对话 自我介绍 两个人的对话 好的60分追加when you introduce yourself ,you may include1your name 2where you come from3your family 4your hobbies5 what you are good at要求要讲2分钟的 东西最好多点 第二个地点就用xx代替 急等 巨型稍微复杂点的 两人对话 要求每个都要涉及到的
A:Excuse me !B:Yes!A:Are you one of the new students of this college?B:Yes.What about you?A:So am I.Let me introduce myself first.My name is Li Ming.B:I'm Gimmy.Where're you from?A:Bei jing.What about you?B:I'm from TIan jing and I have a older- brother in this college.There are four people in my family.Father mother Jack and I.I'm good at kicking football and that is one of my hobbies.I love playing guitar,singing songs and communicating with others.A:Wow!you're really an intresting guy!I love playing games.My parents don't want me to get education in this college.and my sister also asks me to go abroad.I'm good at playing basketball.Then ,we're collegemate now.Nice to meet you !B:Me too.
good morning, everyone, my name is xxxx.,i am from xxx county, xxx province,i have a big family, there are 3/4 ppl , including:xxxxx.i have been deeply inflluened by my family, and i concerned about t...


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