
Tour dates 演出信息
余奕鋒 Bluesman Eric 蓝调专辑全国巡演(北京站) -- 时间:01月03日 (Jan.3rd Beijing CDBLUES 熙地布鲁斯餐厅 北京朝阳区日坛北门对面)微博主页:&&余奕鋒出生于湖南湘潭,四岁跟随父母去深圳。从小接触西方摇滚,乡村,蓝调音乐。十五岁开始弹吉他,受Muddy Waters,The Rolling Stones,Eric Clapton,B.B.King,The Eagles,Jimi Hendrix影响,在家里练习他们的乐句。十八岁赴美国读本科,大三的时候看B.B.King现场立志也要成为一名蓝调歌手。2011年回国后开始在深圳香港演出。2012去北京,长期在北京著名音乐酒吧CDBLUES跟随张岭演出,参加北京蓝调音乐节,长城森林音乐节。2013年因家庭和经济原因一度放弃音乐职业,回到深圳,八月份偶然的机会远赴欧洲巡演。从阿姆斯特丹一路游唱法兰克福,柏林,巴黎,瑞士。每座城市演出都非常火爆,并在瑞士与瑞士和意大利的老牌蓝调乐手录制六首歌曲。今年十月份中旬开始在中国巡演。专辑已卖完600张,马上又得加印了。。。&&Eric was born in Hunan China. His parents brought him to Shenzhen when he was four. Growing up listening to western country blues music Eagles B.B. King Jimi Hendrix Eric Clapton due to his mother's exporting company he has been practicing guitar since he was fifteen. He flew to the States for college and discovered Muddy Waters Lightnin' Hopkins and went to B.B.King's concert when he was 20. That night he came back to his appartment and decided he wants to be a Bluesman. He came back to Shenzhen China in 2010 started to play blues and rock & roll music and his friend Jordan Dotson and Edward Jackson introduced him the Rolling Stones, The doors, Townes Van Zandt, Old Crow Medicine Show, Alan Jackson and some more country blues rock n roll bands. However, Shenzhen is not huge music town.He was the best among the local cats.&In 2012, he heared from his friends that Beijing has a blues fest every year and the legendary Bluesman Big John Zhang Ling is there alone with guitar player Eddie, Chinese rock godfather Cui Jian and all the Chinese rock legends. Eric went up to Beijing 2012 in early spring freezing. He met all the local great musicians and played more than ever gigs, festivals. 2013 he was stuck and messed up went back to Shenzhen for three months as a salesman for a trading company.&2013 August, he got a visa for European countries. He flew to Amsterdam busking all the way to Luzern, Switzerland through Berlin and Paris. With the help of his professionial musician friends in Switzerland he lay a record in his friends basement studio Glarus and played a fantastic and successful show in Glarus, Switzerland, October. He decided to fly back to China the next day.&Starting at Shenzhen, he tours China with his debut album Bluesman and his friends in Switzerland. Having sold 500 albums in less than two months, Bluesman Eric is on the road again.
Rollin' and Tumblin' take 2
You got to move
Walking Blues
I cant be satisfied
Rolling & Tumbling
Kind hearted woman
Sweet Home Switzerland
Dead Flowers
: 你好。欢聚时代(YY)旗下音乐厂牌欢聚传媒正开启“星程计划”偶像招募活动。成功签约后,欢聚传媒将投入百万制作费,为你的星程保驾护航,最优质艺人更加获得千万级的重金打造。详情请登录
: I won't leave tmr if I knew u will have a show!! 555 really a pity for me. Hoping to see u next time!!
: You got to move那晚也唱了阿
: 哈哈,老师我来了,支持下.
: 老乡呀,同在北京,支持一下。
: 24晚上我在CDBLUES
: 哥们现在还在北京演出么 在哪我想去看~~~
: Martin Lehman and Peppe 吹口琴,瑞士和意大利哥们
: 留,个言
: 能问一下您曲子里面的布鲁斯口琴是谁吹得么
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