
1926年—1929年美国学者马士(H. B. Morse)据东印度公司档案所著《东印度公司对华贸易编年史:》一组5册
华侨公寓旧藏 退一斋藏书 纸杂文献
说明 1926年—1929年美国学者马士(H. B. Morse)据东印度公司档案所著《东印度公司对华贸易编年史:》一组5册。尺寸:23.1×15.6cm.是书由英国牛津大学出版,自明崇祯八年迄于清朝道光十四年,系统详细的论述了中英之间的贸易往来、对外交往、世界发展格局等诸多方面,所据档案权威可靠、史料翔实丰富,为早期经典之作,图文并茂、保存较好。
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& 美国1794年飘发自由女神一美元银币
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美国联邦议会于号一致选择美元则为美国的货币单位。当美国的宪法制定者们为其前所未有的共和国创建新政府时,他们意识到迫切需要建立一个受尊重的货币体系。在宪法被批准不久,财政部长亚历山大·汉密尔顿亲自为国家造币厂制定了计划。议会于号通过《铸币法案》以创建造币厂和授权在国家的首都费城建造一座造币厂大楼。这是在宪法之下建立的第一幢联邦建筑物。乔治·华盛顿总统任命费城人戴维·瑞特豪斯-一位顶尖的美国科学家,作为首任造币厂厂长。在瑞特豪斯的领导下,造币厂生产了其第一批流通硬币-11178枚铜质美分,并于1793年3月交付。不久,造币厂也开始发行金银币。据信,居住在距离新造币厂仅几个街区之外的华盛顿总统捐赠了自己的银锭用于铸造银币。美国1794年飘发自由女神一美元银币是二百多年以前新诞生的美国政府所铸造的第一种一美元银币。史料记载该银币仅铸造了一天,时间是日,铸额仅为1758枚。其铸造时间短和铸额小的主要原因及银币的主要特点如下:1.镌刻于银币上的铭文有错。该枚银币实际上是一枚错版币,银币正面中央镌刻一个充满朝气、面向右侧的少女肖像,象征自由女神,其头发自然向后飘动,“飘发”之名由此而来,据说其自然飘动的头发寓意自由。飘发自由女神肖像的上端本应该按照宪法规定镌刻的英文LIBERTY(自由)被错镌成了LIBBRTY,背面英文UNITED被错铸成UNITHD,银币边缘的英文ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT HUNDRED CENTS(一美元或单位 一百美分) 也有错镌的字母。正面肖像左右两侧分别镌8颗和7颗六角星,共计15颗星,象征当时联盟内的15个州,肖像下端镌铸造年份1794。银币的背面中央镌刻一只展开双翅立于月桂枝上的鹰,环镌UNITED STATES OF AMERICA(美利坚合众国)2.由于当时铸造银币的银原料在美国大陆很稀少而珍贵,这枚美国首铸一美元银币的实际含银量和币重并没有达到美国宪法规定的标准重量。正是由于美国历史上铸造的第一种一美元银币的铭文有错,且重量没有达到美国宪法所规定的标准,所以才造成了其铸造时间仅一天,铸额仅有1758枚的“奇迹”,这在美国铸币史上是绝无仅有的,使其成为美国国家造币厂所铸造的最早的、更是最珍稀的一美元银币。United States 1794 Flowing Hair Liberty Silver DollarThe dollar was unanimously chosen by the Congress of the Confederation of the United States on July 6, 1785 as the money unit for the United States. When the framers of the U.S. Constitution created a new government for their untried Republic, they realized the critical need for a respected monetary system. Soon after the Constitution's ratification, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton personally prepared plans for a national Mint. On April 2, 1792, Congress passed The Coinage Act, which created the Mint and authorized construction of a Mint building in the nation's capitol, Philadelphia. This was the first federal building erected under the Constitution. President George Washington appointed Philadelphian David Rittenhouse, a leading American scientist, as the first Director of the Mint. Under Rittenhouse, the Mint produced its first circulating coins -- 11,178 copper cents, which were delivered in March 1793. Soon after, the Mint began issuing gold and silver coins as well. President Washington, who lived only a few blocks from the new Mint, is believed to have donated some of his own silver for minting.The 1794 Flowing Hair Liberty Silver Dollar was the first and rarest silver dollar minted the the US government, which is in fact an error silver coin. On the obverse isa right-facing portrait of a youthful female figure whose hair flowed freely behind her hence the descriptive term &Flowing Hair&. It is said the flowing hair was meant to signify freedom. The word LIBERTY should have appeared above her, with the year below and 15 stars along the sides, symbolizing the number of states in the Union at that time. But the word LIBERTY was engraved as LIBBRTY by mistake. The silver dollar's side should have carried the inscription ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT HUNDRED CENTS, with decorations separating the lexis. But in fact, there are also wrong letters on the side. These two serious errors were the main reasons that the first US silver dollars were struck only on one day (October 15,1794), and the mintage was only 1758On the reverse is a small, spread-winged eagle perched on a rock and surrounded by laurel twigs. Encircling this, along the border, is the motto UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Perhaps, due to the scarcity of silver available at the mint, the 1794 silver dollar is lighter than what was required by the Act of Congress - Coinage Act of 1792.The United States has minted dollar coins, on and off, since 1794. The most popular, among the general populous and collectors alike, is the US silver dollar. During the early years of US coinage, silver was at least as scarce as gold, and at some times, it was even more valuable. Mintages in the early years were very limited due to this scarcity of silver. It was not until the finding of the &Comstock Lode& in 1850 in Nevada that large quantities of silver dollars could be produced. Even this huge silver find eventually played out. This resulted in another large gap in silver dollar production as the mint ran out of silver in 1904. It was not until after the huge melt of 1918 that silver dollar production was resumed in 1921. By 1926, this silver pool also was running low. Production quantities shrunk until they were again suspended in 1928, resuming only for two years in 1934-5.&&&世界货币
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