minecraft_server.1.6.4. @ECHO OFF java xms xmx-Xms1g -Xmx1g -jar minecraft_server.1.6.4.jar pause

→ 我的世界服务器创建教程
10:01:03 来源: 作者:佚名 (70)
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191M下载地址: 这两个随便哪一个都行,都是1.2.5版本的。我的世界服务器:
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好了,准备工作基本完成,现在来试试创建吧!二、创建服务器在下载好上述软件之后,请新建一个文件夹,将下载好的所有文件都放在里面以便操作。接下来安装我的世界,为了方便操作,请把我的世界安装在这个目录下。如图:接下来解压服务器中的1.2.5服务端,并创建一个txt文本,重命名。接下来就是最为重要的部分之一,打开新建文本,复制下列代码到其中,注意要修改一下!这里要特别注意的是,不要文本中选择自动换行,否则会导致代码运行错误,切记!!!@echo off&C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\java.exe& -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0.jarpauseC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin\java.exe 这是你的JAVA安装地址,如果你的JAVA装在别的地方,请将这里修成你安装的位置!-Xms512M -Xmx1024M 这是为你的服务器分配内存,基本不用改。-jar 这是JAVA语句,不用管。craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0.jar 这是你的服务器的名字,注意不要搞错!做完上述的工作之后,请保存,并将文本的后缀名改成bat。之后双击运行,就会出现一个窗口,如图:窗口中弹出的警告可以无视,你只需要注意最后是不是出现如图的&help&or&?&就行了。在运行过程中,文件夹内会自动生成很多文件,注意这些都是有用的,不要随意删掉了。到这里服务器就算是创建了,不过这时候是连接不上的,必须修改参数才可以,所以我们需要退出,注意,请不要点击&X&退出,也不要Alt+F4强推,请在窗口中输入&stop&退出,切记!!!在文件夹中找到文件server.properties,双击选择以记事本打开,你会看到很多参数,如图:这里解释一下部分参数的作用,注意online-mode必须修改成false。另外,如果你们物理局域网,那么在server-ip后面填上做服务器的机子的IP即可,如果你们不是物理局域网,那么IP不填,如何联机请看下面#Minecraft server properties 无视他就行,只是说明这个是神马东西而已#Mon Nov 21 19:18:32 PST 2011 建立时间(星期几/月/日/时/分/秒/时区/年份)level-name=world 世界的名字,例子:level-name=liuallow-nether=true 是否允许地狱,true(是) false(不是)view-distance=10 观望距离spawn-monsters=true 是否刷怪物,true(是) false(不是)online-mode=true 官网正版认证,true(是) false(不是)&-盗版必选difficulty=1 难度,随便啦gamemode=0 模式,0(生存) 1(创造)spawn-animals=true 刷生物,true(是) false(不是)max-players=20 最多同时在线人数server-ip= 服务器IPpvp=true 玩家VS玩家,true(可以) false(不可以)level-seed= 地图种子,随即不要添server-port=25565 服务器端口,默认25565allow-flight=false 飞行许可,一般都不允许拉,你不想看到玩家在里面乱飞white-list=false 白名单,true(使用) false(不使用)motd=A Minecraft Server 服务器备注修改完成后保存,再次打开服务器,并打开游戏的启动器,这里要注意,使用启动器修改自己的名字,不要出现重复的名字,因为服务器只允许一个ID,所以名字重复的话后一个人会将前一个人挤下服务器,注意!接下来就简单啦,进入游戏,选择多人模式,选择添加服务器,输入服务器IP(就是你在上面填的IP),如图:点击加入服务器就可以联机啦,赶快去试试吧!三、如何使用虚拟局域网软件进行联机如果不是物理局域网该怎么办呢?别急,可以使用虚拟局域网软件将你们连起来,下面小编就教大家如何联机。首先肯定是安装好软件啦,就是上面提到的hamachi(俗称蛤蟆吃)。安装成功后打开会出现如图界面:点击启动,软件就会自动分配一个地址,如果你是服务器,请选择创建新网络,如果你是想加入服务器,请选择加入一个现有网络创建好后如图:注意,记住网络ID(图示为paopaoche)和你创建时设置的密码,当别人加你时,是需要知道你的网络ID和密码的。这里小编做个示范,如图:第二个就是想要进服务器的人,好了,现在按照上面创建的步骤做吧,注意IP不要填哦!做好一切后,打开游戏,进入添加服务器界面,注意此时填的IP就是蛤蟆吃上的IP,比如小编这里就要填25.48.96.194,请特别注意!!!小编认为这样已经很详细了,这里小编发一张联机的图,祝大家能一次成功,玩的愉快!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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来源:互联网 发表时间: 9:14:09 责任编辑:李志喜字体:
为了帮助网友解决“Minecraft怎么开服”相关的问题,学网通过互联网对“Minecraft怎么开服”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:Minecraft怎么开服,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:第一步:下载Minecraft_Server要跟你版本对应的~(1.8下1.8的~)这是服务端放在《我的世界》目录里(目录必须是英文)第二步:启动 Minecraft_Server 会生成“server.properties”文件~用记事本打开(生成啦就关啦Minecraft_Server )找到下边俩spawn-monsters=trueonline-mode=false把这两项改成我这样.第一个是刷怪,第二个是让盗版可以连接改完保存第三步:再次运行Minecraft_Server.exe,等出现 Done! For help, type &help& or &?&说明服务器建立完毕把你IP告诉你的朋友就可以啦路由器的先把你IP设下~
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[1.6.4] HUDini - Helpful Information On-screen, Minimalist..ly.
Dynamic placement of things!
Dynamic placement of things!
Food info! Texture pack support!
Hold the modifier key to show the items/blocks you lost upon death!
mmmmmm potions!
An arrows-remaining counter!
Recipe helpers overlay a slightly-translucent image of the items you need to the crafting table.
Sort the recipes! Texture pack friendly! texture pack is Steelfeathers Enchanted
Column-style layout can be enabled in the config.
Configure HUDini via the in-game menu system!
Edit text files!
72,583 Views, 17 today
21,893 Downloads, 1 today
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HUDini v2This mod does a few things:Heads Up Display (incl. minecraft-style, non-cheaty minimap)Graphical menu system used in place of a config file (config still exists, but you can modify HUDini ingame).Command interface for some of the more esoteric config options and also for keybindings.Text EditorRecipe helperDeath-items tracker - when you die, HUDini will take note of your items you drop and put a list of them on the screen when you press the modifier key (LControl by default)Essentially any part of the mod can be enabled or disabled at any time. This mod is for Minecraft 1.6.4, and requires Minecraft Forge.The HUD is one of the main features of HUDini. By default, all HUD items (each [item] [data] combo) will be aligned to the left. When something is added or removed, the HUD items will adjust themselves so that there are no random gaps in the list.A lot of stuff uses the modifier key (LControl by default) to display (usually extra info) or hide information.HUD Items:Armor info (one for each armor slot) - Percentage of that armor's health leftItem info - Percentage of your currently held item's health left, if applicable. If not, and it's a block, it will show how many of that block is in your inventory. If it's a bow, it will show how many arrows you have left in your inventory, next to the percentage health remaining.Food notice - when you reach 5 shanks of hunger, you'll get a warning to find food, if you don't have anything edible in your inventory.Minimap - If you have a map in your inventory (anywhere), it will be displayed on the opposite side of the HUD to the rest of the HUD items. You don't have to hold the map any more :3 Holding modifier will hide the map.Clock - displays the current time in Minecraft, or with modifier held, your current time IRL.Potion info (one for each active potion effect) - displays what potion effects are...effecting...you at the moment, and how long until they will stop. Modifier shows the potion tier.By pressing the modifier key, the HUD items will reveal their extra info - if you're using the default settings, percentages will turn into raw damage values, how much the held food will heal will turn into its saturation value, and more. You will also turn on the crosshair-info.The crosshair-info is a collection of data that is displayed around the user's crosshairs. It displays things such as the blockname [blockid: metadata], the distance to the block you're looking at, your pitch, and your speed, in meters per tick.What happens when the modifier key is pressed.If you look down, HUDini will also tell you your fall damage you would recieve from a drop of that height. Note that it assumes you won't jump, just fall. If you want to jump, add 1 to whatever it says.Down with config files! The menu system allows you to easily configure HUDini to your individual needs. You can turn on and off basically anything in the mod. The menu system is tabbed, and by default you are show the tab where you configure the aesthetics settings of HUDini. You can open the menu by pressing H.The functionality tab (accessed by clicking the functionality tab button near the top of the window) does a similar thing, except rather than changing aesthetics, changes what things are enabled.If you don't wish to use the menu system, you can still edit the config file. It's in the root of your .minecraft directory, called HUDini.conf.Finally, for the more esoteric options in HUDini that people aren't likely to change, and for making keybinds via scripts, there's the Commands tab.The commands tab is very simple, although it may(?) look daunting. Rest assured, efforts are in place to make sure you don't break minecraft by entering the wrong thing. You'll just get an error, or nothing will happen.The commands:Perhaps the most important command is listcommands, which will display the list of all the commands that you can use. Secondarily, there is usage - type a command after usage to read about how that command should be used.All commands are lowercase, and case sensitive.Binding keys with Commands:You can bind a key to an action with:bind k do something coolWhere k is the name of a key, and &do something cool& is the command. I like to use this one, for example:bind o /time set dayand also:bind p /time set nightIf what you type after the key doesn't match any commands, Commands will interpret it as you wanting to bind speech to the key.Other commands:set - set - sets name to the given value. It's a variable, and can be used anywhere else. To use it, type $name. For example:echo - simply prints whatever's after it to the output. echo $name will print the value of $name.listkeybinds - lists all keybinds made by Commands.about - information about Commands.removebind - removebind - remove the bind activated by .id - id print the id of the given item.clear - remove all text from the output.clearbinds - remove all keybinds.listhudbinds - list all of HUDini's internal keybinds. NYI.exec - exec executes the given file. The file must have the extension .hsf.More on the exec command:exec should be called with a filename after it. You don't need to include the extension when calling it, but the file must have the extension .hsf. What exec does it it runs every line of the given file through Commands, as if you had typed them all individually. This means you can store keybinds for later, or run a whole bunch of commands at the click of a button! Yes - it does work as a &thing& to go after bind !HUDini has it's own text editor. You can op. With this you can write and read files stored inside the HUDini folder (its created by HUDini) inside .minecraft. Once you have a file open, you can click &todo-ify& to make the contents of the file display on the HUD when you press modifier-x.By default, when saving a file, if you don't supply an extension (e.g. .txt), it will append .txt for you. However, if you do supply one, your extension will be used instead. This would be how you make .hsf files for Commands to use.Not much else to say a it's a text editor! I do have some cool plans for it though.Unlike most implementations of recipe helpers, HUDini's will only show you the recipes you can make from the current gui you're looking at. This is intentional, and means you dont get as much lag when looking at a gui that is completely unrelated to anything, if you're one of those peope with many, many mods installed.By default the layout of the recipe helper is the good ol' fashioned column-to-the-right style. However, if you like, you can choose to use the Ticker layout, which is what HUDini originally shipped with. I wouldn't recommend using it.There's a search bar (its small, to save space) that you can use to search through your items. It's displayed under your inventory. To type in it, you must move your cursor into it, though. This is because the recipe manager uses a number of keyboard keys to navigate the recipe items.Scroll the recipe items with either the mousewheel or the WASD keys or the arrow keys. If you hold LShift, you'll go faster!Recipe Sorting - you can sort the list of recipes by pressing tab. By default it's sorted alphabetically. There's also metadata, creative, and favourites. Keep pressing tab and eventually you will end up at Alphabetical again.Hide the current recipe - You can hide the recipe you're currently looking at with spacebar.Favourite the current recipe - Press F to favourite the selected recipe. Press F again to &unfavourite&. This isn't saved between sessions, yet.
Note: Showing last 25 of 29 logs.
Updated to 1.6.4Completely re-wrote HUDini's GUI system.Yeah, that took 99% of the time.Bunch of bugfixesHUDini's keybind system is now different too.Basically all large parts of the mod are changed/fixed.
Updated to 1.6.2Column recipe stacks now have a total size of 20, rather than 18, because the shiny effect is annoying space-consuming.Tweaks to crosshairs code to make it a little less hardcoded.Attempting to get rid of as many bugs as possible before implementing a new gui system.
Fixed potions rendering as black boxesFixed bug that caused a crash if you press the enter key on the first line of a text file (thanks Violet_Scraton)Fixed bug that caused a crash if you press the end key on a line with no text (thanks Teotoo)m/t will now only display if the player is actually moving.m/t moved below the distance show-er.Properly updated to 1.6.1. (updated deprecated annotations)
Stopped HUDini crashing occasionally on startup under very rare circumstances.
Updated to 1.6.1Remove as much command management from the command gui class as possible, and put into command manager class.Added meters/tick reading to modifier|crosshairs at the request of AlsanuFancy text editor is now enabled by default (you won't notice any difference if updating with old settings)
I hope you like Changelogs.Forge Ore Dictionary support for recipe items. Move your cursor over the item to see if it has variants, and what variants it can have.Moved Cursor-related stuff to its own class.Moved a few classes around, renamed a few things.HUDini menu tabs now have meaningful titles.Added &randomize& and &reset& to the HUDini colorscheme menu tab.Added ability to set &favourite& recipes. Simply press F when a recipe is selected to store it. Note that it's only stored for the current minecraft session.Added ability to sort by favourites. Favourites will appear at the top of the list. Search bar will be hidden in this sorting mode.Menu buttons now use HUDini's GuiButton class. MenuCanvas is now a lot cleaner of a class.Made scrollbars not report themselves as having a state change unless they're actually clicked.Alphabetical waypoints added to recipe finders. Will only be present when sorting Alphabetically (and when the search bar isn't focused).Added start of a text-expansion api. I doubt anyone will use it, but even if they don't, it makes it really easy for me to add new text-expansions.Made the mathematics expander work a lot nicer, and be more forgiving.Pressing enter when in the text editor now actually splits the line in two and moves the second half to the next line.Text editor lines with length &60 scroll singularly now, not as one. Let me know if this is weird. I like it.Text editor now has boundaries it will adhere to when starting to scroll (it's no longer the end of the line/top/bottom of the file, it's now a little bit &in&.Made HUDini have its own fixed-width font, because making Minecraft's font fixed-width is a nightmare.removed some java 7 specific methods, replaced with own implementation.spelled colorscheme correctly. inb4 someone comments that there should be a space.refactored and cleaned up ComparatorRecipes while I was in there.addExpansion() in TextArea is now visible, for anyone who wants to add a text expansion ouo. (i doubt anyone will use this, but hey, it makes it easier for myself).moved (nearly) everything API related to the API package.API is 80% done - what is complete is that you can now add your own elements to the HUD. You can also add your own recipe managers - though it's not as straightforward as I would like it just yet.Command window now resets its key button when you add a new keybind after adding a previous one in the same session.It's now not as easy to spam keybinds - there's a cooldown of a second or so. May change this duration at some point.Added stackSize to the death items display.Deleted some unused prototype classes.Much refactoring.It's now possible to add your own HUD elements.It's now possible to add your own RecipeManagers.It's now possible to add your own Text Expansions.HUD elements now can have &priorities&. Clock has the highest priority (reserved), as it looks weird anywhere else.Added option to disable the Command list.File-management stuff is now in it's own class.
Updated to 1.5.2Added TodoList functionality, at the suggestion of Violet_scraton. If you have a file called todo.txt in your text file directory (the directory HUDini uses to store your text files), hudini will read this and display it when you press modifier and X. You can signify titles by surrounding the line/word in square braces (can be edited in the conf)Fixed a bug where the recipe manager would not resize if you changed your minecraft window's size.Added &fancy mode& to the text editor. There's now an option in the menu to set the text editor to use a dark theme.Made the file list in the text editor display the cwd.Added the ability to change the layout of the HUD from within the menu. (that is, HUD appears on the left, right, or in the middle. It's on the first page of the menu).Removed some unused variables.Added mathematics parser to the text editor. Polish notation, within parentheses and then press tab.
Mainly a bug-fix release:Fixed a bug relating to rendering potion info. (some code I forgot to update from 1.4.*)The furnace recipe finder will now look for metadata-relying recipes too. Fixed a bug where HUDini can't count. Which in turn means I can't count. Oops.Non bug-fixes:Recipe-related things are now even easier to add to. Soon it will be simple for people to add custom recipe finders, if they so wish. It should also be a little more efficient by doing it this way :3
Actually updated to 1.5.1.Sorry about that, I had updated the mod 5 days ago, but found a bug. Didn't think the log would update if I didn't save the entire update.Full update list is the last update, plus:Fixed a bug that would mean that if you spelled a search wrong, it would mean the end of all life game would crash.Found a bug that means no mod recipes are shown by the furnace recipe finder. My bad, it will be fixed as soon as I can (I'm releasing this feature half done because i'll not be able to do much to HUDini for the next 1 or 2 days).
Updated to 1.5.1Added Furnace RecipesYou can't scroll off screen to a place where you can't see any recipes any moreYou can now search through recipesRecipes wont render recipes on slots where there's an item already.Re-made most the recipe handling code. Should be a lot easier to add recipes in the future.You don't need to update the recipe manager any more (by pressing tab) whenever you change the view modeChanged the view mode called tmi/nei style to something like column-right. Because it wasn't tmi/nei style. at all.Added click to buttonsBegun implementation of something that I think will be pretty pretty cool.HUDini will tell you what an item is in the recipe when you mouse-over the recipe item being displayed in the crafting grid. I totally didn't add this because I need glasses.
Added a pitch reading to the crosshairs-modifier-views. It will render even if the block you're looking at is too far away (as long as you're holding the modifier key)Removed some useless code in the crosshairs class. Whoops.Added some tooltips to the menu to explain the options a little more.Preparations to make the hud a lot more customizable. Didn't have enough time to finish off the paint gui, unfortunately.Forgot to say that the recipe rendered to the crafting table is now blended a lot better.the recipe now will not render any part that has a slot in the crafting table that would block/overlap. basically, it's a little smarter at knowing when to render.Also the crosshairs will render the blockname of any block you're looking at that's within 64 blocks (when you press the modifier key).
The menu gui now has a fixed height. makes it feel a lot more solid.Added the option to show percentages for armor and weapons by default.Added a Command gui - you can assign snippits of text/commands to certain keys on your keyboard now. Press &c& in-game to open it (can be changed in the controls section of minecraft's options).Switched Blue and Green around so it's not RBG...whoops.Switched most of the mod's guis to a more sane means.Added a display to show the name of the block you're looking at when you hold the modifier key.
Added a Text Editor/Viewer. There may be a few bugs as it's relatively new, but I've spent the last few days searching for them.Changed the update text to be colourful :3Moved some things around in the update and render methods.Started making things a lot more organized, in terms of the graphical menu system. This will probably not have any affect on what you notice, but will make it easier for me to bugfix/troubleshoot/etc.Changed the default colour of the menus to be a cyan-teal-kinda-blue. Your config files will not be overridden, so your colours will stay how you have already set them, don't worry. It only affects newly generated config files.
Added a little tick or cross to the corner of the recipe ticker that says if you have the items to make the recipe or not.Fixed a bunch of minor bugs.Moved things around, more optimization.Made it even easier to turn off and on parts of the mod.
Huh, update log didn't save again. Am I the only one having issues?Added a new menu system - you can now change 99% of HUDini via the in-game menu. Press H to view it. There are one or two things left in the config because I've still got to improve the menu a bit.Fixed a few alignment errors.Fixed an error that would mean you couldn't see recipes if on recipe ticker mode and had a very high res screen (we're talking
here).Added Map overlay. If you've a map in your inventory, HUDini will display it! HUDini will display the top-left most map in your inventory. You can disable it via the in-game menu, so don't worry.
Added alternative layout for Recipe Ticker - inspired by TMI/NEI, but basically its just the items in a few columns down one side. It's disabled by default, but you can enable it in the config.Added text to screen to tell you if it's set to show recipes or not (that is, if you've pushed spacebar in the recipe gui yet)OptimizationAdded another way to sort the lists - by metadata. (e.g planks and wool will appear at the top of the recipe list).
Completely re-made how items get their coordinates to allow for them to be sorted at will.Added 2 strings to the screen that say how many recipes are hidden on each side.Pressing Tab will switch how the recipes are sorted.You now need to press Spacebar to &open& the recipe. It's a toggle-type-deal, so it will keep showing recipes until you press spacebar again.You can now hold down the modifier key to see the itemid of the resultant item.Moved a few things around, trying to keep rendering things out of the recipe logic files. This should allow for easy addition of other layouts.Changed how the items are shown on the tickertape. (theres an option in the conf to put it back to how it was) - if you have more items on the right than the left, it will show the items as coming from the right. likewise, if you have more items coming from the left than the right, it will show them coming from the left. If you have an equal amount, they will be flush with both edges.Recipes that can have multiple metadatas will slowly change metadata to show this.Pressing any tickertape navigational keys increases direction by 1 item, rather than 1px. Holding down shift will multiply any navigation by 4. Mouse navigation jumps by 2, so holding shift means you can go 8 items in each direction at a time.
Huh, Update Log didn't save when I clicked &Save Log&. That's weird. I'll type it again then.Added RecipeTicker functionality. Rapidly find recipes for (theoretically) any mod!Speed boosts and optimizationUpdated to Minecraft 1.4.6.
Added alternative download for 1.4.5 Minecraft at the end of the threadAdded alternative download for 1.4.5 Minecraft as a file mirror.
Added new crosshairs section of HUDiniUser can now hold the modifier key (left ctrl by default) to see the distance to the block the user is looking at with the xhairs. Note that it's limited to 64 blocks.Added fall damage calculator. If you look down and hold control at a block below you, HUDini will tell you how many hearts of damage you will take if you fall to that block. Remember that its calculated from where you are, so if you jump to that block, it will be slightly more damage.Fall damage meter will turn red when the fall damage you will recieve will leave you with 2 or less hearts.Added weapon damage info. Hold the modifier key to view how much damage the currently equipped item will do. Works with any item that's damageable.Moved a few render methods around.Made most parts of the mod turn-off-able via the config.Changed the &:& in the bow's arrow remaining counter to be a &|& so it doesn't look weird when the weapon damage meter piggybacks off of the same method.
Fixed a mis-placement of potion effects (mumble mumble why did you make the potion images 18px instead of 16px, mojang, WHY)Speed improvements.Everything now pays attention to metadata blocks!Does anyone actually read these? Type &bacon& in the comments if you do.
Forgot to add an image. Last update for today.
Forgot to update the version number that the version checker checks with! Whoops! That's fixed now.Added arrows left count to bows.
Updated HUDini to 1.4.4Had to change title to include [1.4.4] on account of no way to select that precise in the list of mc versions.Made potions display a lot better.A few minor tweaks I forgot about. The main thing is potions, this release.
Added potion effects to HUDiniAdded &Death Blocks& - a tracker to track blocks and stuff you drop when you die. Hold the modifier key in-game to see. When you pick up the items, they will be removed from the list. (session sensitive)
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Game Version: Minecraft 1.5.2
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66 favorited
Last updated
Game Version: Minecraft 1.4
25 diamonds
9 favorited
Game Version: Minecraft 1.4
CaptainEvstike said
More HP world stuff pls.
By HP world, do you mean Harry Potter World. If so, Disney does not own tha...
guruthegreat10 said
https://discord.gg/492khCU CaptainEvstike hope to see you there!...
CaptainEvstike said
I've recently gotten into Plugin development, and I'm looking for a couple ideas for spigot/bukkit p...
TNTUP said
Try OBS Studio?...
TNTUP said
Hey guys, rarely I do post here while searching something. I found this wallpaper on google. This on...
guruthegreat10 said
---All questions should be answered below----
I dont know exactly how many people im going to need t...
pigman404 said
Disney_Crafter_4ever said
I just tried it and it didn't work. ...
Oddity said
I don't know all the specifics, but Roadhog can, if he headshots, kill anything under 400hp with one...
Chickens4Life said
I dont remember exactly which folder it is, but my suggest is you do a hard look in the all the file...
Cyprezz said
Nevermind, I think it is actually a site problem. Youtube channel links are in the form of &you...
Midnight said
There are plenty of server recruitment posts to find in the proper forums. server-recruitment-f68.ht...
ICEThat said
Why can't i diamond or fave forum posts? ;__;
Make it a blog post...
star_weaver said
extra utilities seems to be having a problem...
Lanna333 said
just sent a request out to ya on skype...
7,871People Online2,132,125Total Members1,823,446Minecraft Submissions1,609,203,431Total Submission Views310,943,271Downloads
2 diamonds
0 favorited
Game Version: Minecraft 1.11
6 diamonds
2 favorited
Game Version: Minecraft 1.11
1 diamonds
0 favorited
Last updated
Game Version: Minecraft 1.11
2740 diamonds
1106 favorited
Last updated
Game Version: Minecraft 1.11
1206 diamonds
277 favorited
Last updated
Game Version: Minecraft 1.11


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