
不知道如何下手 有人懂的吗
必须越狱 否则不可能打开
其实这样子更安全的 不越狱的确是打不开
她和他恋爱三年,他没有给过她任何承诺……回家的列车上,她有15站,他有31站……她上车说:“到了叫我。”然后倒头就睡。不知过了多久,她被他叫醒了,却过了她下车的站。他说:“跟我回家吧。”她忍不住扑哧一笑,眼泪跟着掉了下来,害羞的点了点头。她跟着他又坐了一天汽车,走了几十里山路,来到了生他养他的那个小山村……………到家后,他把她直接卖给了隔壁的老王!拿着钱第一时间去苹果官网预定了最新款iphone 6S plus!
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或iphone游戏的声音处理-流播放文件 - 开源中国社区
当前访客身份:游客 [
流播放文件即用AudioStream 和 AudioQueue 来播放文件。好处是可以快速的开始播放,减少读文件的过程,适合大文件特别是背景音乐的播放。坏处是一次只能播放一个文件,如果要换播放文件,中间需要一定的时间。但是因为iPhone的文件读取时间只有10秒,对于资源较大的文件,只能考虑这个方式了。下面我将分享一下我在这方面的一点经验:1. 单个文件播放2. 在线文件播放
1. 单个文件播放
/*-------------------USED FOR LOCAL FILE--------------------*/
AudioFileID audioF
AudioStreamBasicDescription dataF
AudioStreamPacketDescription *packetD
UInt64 packetI
UInt32 numPacketsToR
BOOL trackC
/*--------------------USED FOR PUBLIC------------------------*/
BOOL trackE
AudioQueueBufferRef buffers[NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS];
2. 在线文件播放
AudioFileStreamID audioFileS // the audio file stream parser
AudioStreamPacketDescription packetDescsQueue[kAQMaxPacketDescs]; // packet descriptions for enqueuing audio
unsigned int fillBufferI // the index of the audioQueueBuffer that is being filled
size_t bytesF // how many bytes have been filled
size_t packetsF // how many packets have been filled
bool inuse[kNumAQBufs]; // flags to indicate that a buffer is still in use
// flag to indicate that the queue has been started
// flag to indicate an error occurred
// flag to trigger bug-avoidance
pthread_mutex_ // a mutex to protect the inuse flags
pthread_cond_ // a condition varable for handling the inuse flags
pthread_mutex_t mutex2; // a mutex to protect the AudioQueue buffer
BOOL trackE
AudioQueueBufferRef buffers[NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS];
#define kNumAQBufs 6 // number of audio queue buffers we allocate
#define kAQBufSize 32 * 1024 // number of bytes in each audio queue buffer
#define kAQMaxPacketDescs 512 // number of packet descriptions in our array
这里是定义的一些参数,NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS 用于播放本地文件,而&kNumAQBufs&用于播放在线文件。3. 本地文件初始化
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString*)path
UInt32 size, maxPacketS
if (kxxxTrackActive)
NSLog(@&Other music is playing.&);
if (path == nil)
if(!(self = [super init]))
// try to open up the file using the specified path
if (noErr != AudioFileOpenURL((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path], 0x01, 0, &audioFile))
NSLog(@&File can not be opened!&);
// get the data format of the file
size = sizeof(dataFormat);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &dataFormat);
// create a new playback queue using the specified data format and buffer callback
AudioQueueNewOutput(&dataFormat, BufferCallback, self, nil, nil, 0, &queue);
// calculate number of packets to read and allocate space for packet descriptions if needed
if (dataFormat.mBytesPerPacket == 0 || dataFormat.mFramesPerPacket == 0)
// Ask Core Audio to give us a conservative estimate of the largest packet
size = sizeof(maxPacketSize);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound, &size, &maxPacketSize);
if (maxPacketSize & kxxxBufferSizeBytes)
/*Limitation for the maximum buffer size*/
maxPacketSize = kxxxBufferSizeB
NSLog(@&Size out of bounds!&);
// calculate how many packs to read
numPacketsToRead = kxxxBufferSizeBytes / maxPacketS
// will need a packet description for each packet to allocate space accordingly
packetDescs = malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription) * numPacketsToRead);
// constant bitrate
numPacketsToRead = kxxxBufferSizeBytes / dataFormat.mBytesPerP
// don't need packet descriptions for CBR data
packetDescs =
// see if file uses a magic cookie (a magic cookie is meta data which some formats use)
AudioFileGetPropertyInfo(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &size, nil);
if (size & 0)
// copy the cookie data from the file into the audio queue
cookie = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &size, cookie);
AudioQueueSetProperty(queue, kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie, cookie, size);
// we want to know when the playing state changes so we can properly dispose of the audio queue when it's done
AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, propertyListenerCallback, self);
// allocate and prime buffers with some data
packetIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i & NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS; i++)
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(queue, kxxxBufferSizeBytes, &buffers);
if ([self readPacketsIntoBuffer:buffers] == 0)
// this might happen if the file was so short that it needed less buffers than we planned on using
repeat = NO;
trackClosed = NO;
trackEnded = NO;
kxxxTrackActive = YES;
4. 在线文件初始化
- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL*)newUrl
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
url = [newUrl retain];
#import &UIKit/UIKit.h&
#import &Cocoa/Cocoa.h&
#import &AudioToolbox/AudioQueue.h&
#import &AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h&
#include &pthread.h&
#include &AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h&
#define kNumAQBufs 6 // number of audio queue buffers we allocate
#define kAQBufSize 32 * 1024 // number of bytes in each audio queue buffer
#define kAQMaxPacketDescs 512 // number of packet descriptions in our array
@interface xxxxx : NSObject {
/*-----------------USED FOR HTTP STREAM------------------*/
AudioFileStreamID audioFileS // the audio file stream parser
AudioStreamPacketDescription packetDescsQueue[kAQMaxPacketDescs]; // packet descriptions for enqueuing audio
unsigned int fillBufferI // the index of the audioQueueBuffer that is being filled
size_t bytesF // how many bytes have been filled
size_t packetsF // how many packets have been filled
bool inuse[kNumAQBufs]; // flags to indicate that a buffer is still in use
// flag to indicate that the queue has been started
// flag to indicate an error occurred
// flag to trigger bug-avoidance
pthread_mutex_ // a mutex to protect the inuse flags
pthread_cond_ // a condition varable for handling the inuse flags
pthread_mutex_t mutex2; // a mutex to protect the AudioQueue buffer
/*-------------------USED FOR LOCAL FILE--------------------*/
AudioFileID audioF
AudioStreamBasicDescription dataF
AudioStreamPacketDescription *packetD
UInt64 packetI
UInt32 numPacketsToR
BOOL trackC
/*--------------------USED FOR PUBLIC------------------------*/
BOOL trackE
AudioQueueBufferRef buffers[NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS];
@property BOOL isP
@property BOOL trackC
- (id) initWithURL:(NSURL*) newURL;
- (id) initWithPath:(NSString*)
- (void) setGain:(Float32)
- (void) setRepeat:(BOOL)
- (void) setPlayingWhenAutoL
- (void) playURL;
- (void) stopURL;
extern NSString *xxxTrackFinishedPlayingN
#import &xxxxx.h&
#import &CFNetwork/CFNetwork.h&
static UInt32 kxxxBufferSizeBytes = 0x10000; // 64k
static BOOL kxxxTrackActive = NO;
NSString *xxxTrackFinishedPlayingNotification = @&xxxTrackFinishedPlayingNotification&;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CFReadStream Callback Function Prototypes
void ReadStreamCallBack(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType eventType, void* dataIn);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Audio Callback Function Prototypes
void MyAudioQueueOutputCallback(void* inClientData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer);
void MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueuePropertyID inID);
void MyPropertyListenerProc(void *inClientData, AudioFileStreamID inAudioFileStream, AudioFileStreamPropertyID inPropertyID, UInt32 *ioFlags);
void MyPacketsProc(void *inClientData, UInt32 inNumberBytes, UInt32 inNumberPackets, const void *inInputData, AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDescriptions);
OSStatus MyEnqueueBuffer(xxxxx* myData);
void MyAudioSessionInterruptionListener(void *inClientData, UInt32 inInterruptionState);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Audio Callback Function Implementations
// MyPropertyListenerProc
// Receives notification when the AudioFileStream has audio packets to be
// played. In response, this function creates the AudioQueue, getting it
// ready to begin playback (playback won't begin until audio packets are
// sent to the queue in MyEnqueueBuffer).
// This function is adapted from Apple's example in AudioFileStreamExample with
// kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning listening added.
void MyPropertyListenerProc(void *inClientData, AudioFileStreamID inAudioFileStream, AudioFileStreamPropertyID inPropertyID, UInt32 *ioFlags)
// this is called by audio file stream when it finds property values
xxxxx* myData = (xxxxx*)inClientD
OSStatus err = noE
switch (inPropertyID) {
case kAudioFileStreamProperty_ReadyToProducePackets :
myData-&discontinuous =
// the file stream parser is now ready to produce audio packets.
// get the stream format.
UInt32 asbdSize = sizeof(asbd);
err = AudioFileStreamGetProperty(inAudioFileStream, kAudioFileStreamProperty_DataFormat, &asbdSize, &asbd);
if (err) { NSLog(@&get kAudioFileStreamProperty_DataFormat&); myData-&failed = }
// create the audio queue
err = AudioQueueNewOutput(&asbd, MyAudioQueueOutputCallback, myData, NULL, NULL, 0, &myData-&queue);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueNewOutput&); myData-&failed = }
// listen to the &isRunning& property
err = AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(myData-&queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback, myData);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueAddPropertyListener&); myData-&failed = }
// allocate audio queue buffers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i & kNumAQB ++i) {
err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(myData-&queue, kAQBufSize, &myData-&buffers);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueAllocateBuffer&); myData-&failed = }
// get the cookie size
UInt32 cookieS
err = AudioFileStreamGetPropertyInfo(inAudioFileStream, kAudioFileStreamProperty_MagicCookieData, &cookieSize, &writable);
if (err) { NSLog(@&info kAudioFileStreamProperty_MagicCookieData&); }
// get the cookie data
void* cookieData = calloc(1, cookieSize);
err = AudioFileStreamGetProperty(inAudioFileStream, kAudioFileStreamProperty_MagicCookieData, &cookieSize, cookieData);
if (err) { NSLog(@&get kAudioFileStreamProperty_MagicCookieData&); free(cookieData); }
// set the cookie on the queue.
err = AudioQueueSetProperty(myData-&queue, kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie, cookieData, cookieSize);
if (err) { NSLog(@&set kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie&); }
// MyPacketsProc
// When the AudioStream has packets to be played, this function gets an
// idle audio buffer and copies the audio packets into it. The calls to
// MyEnqueueBuffer won't return until there are buffers available (or the
// playback has been stopped).
// This function is adapted from Apple's example in AudioFileStreamExample with
// CBR functionality added.
void MyPacketsProc(void *inClientData, UInt32 inNumberBytes, UInt32 inNumberPackets, const void *inInputData, AudioStreamPacketDescription *inPacketDescriptions)
// this is called by audio file stream when it finds packets of audio
xxxxx* myData = (xxxxx*)inClientD
// we have successfully read the first packests from the audio stream, so
// clear the &discontinuous& flag
myData-&discontinuous =
// the following code assumes we're streaming VBR data. for CBR data, the second branch is used.
if (inPacketDescriptions)
for (int i = 0; i & inNumberP ++i) {
SInt64 packetOffset = inPacketDescriptions.mStartO
SInt64 packetSize
= inPacketDescriptions.mDataByteS
// If the audio was terminated before this point, then
if (myData-&trackEnded)
// if the space remaining in the buffer is not enough for this packet, then enqueue the buffer.
size_t bufSpaceRemaining = kAQBufSize - myData-&bytesF
if (bufSpaceRemaining & packetSize) {
// If the audio was terminated while waiting for a buffer, then
if (myData-&trackEnded)
// copy data to the audio queue buffer
AudioQueueBufferRef fillBuf = myData-&buffers[myData-&fillBufferIndex];
memcpy((char*)fillBuf-&mAudioData + myData-&bytesFilled, (const char*)inInputData + packetOffset, packetSize);
// fill out packet description
myData-&packetDescsQueue[myData-&packetsFilled] = inPacketD
myData-&packetDescsQueue[myData-&packetsFilled].mStartOffset = myData-&bytesF
// keep track of bytes filled and packets filled
myData-&bytesFilled += packetS
myData-&packetsFilled += 1;
// if that was the last free packet description, then enqueue the buffer.
size_t packetsDescsRemaining = kAQMaxPacketDescs - myData-&packetsF
if (packetsDescsRemaining == 0) {
size_t offset = 0;
while (inNumberBytes)
// if the space remaining in the buffer is not enough for this packet, then enqueue the buffer.
size_t bufSpaceRemaining = kAQBufSize - myData-&bytesF
if (bufSpaceRemaining & inNumberBytes) {
// If the audio was terminated while waiting for a buffer, then
if (myData-&trackEnded)
// copy data to the audio queue buffer
AudioQueueBufferRef fillBuf = myData-&buffers[myData-&fillBufferIndex];
bufSpaceRemaining = kAQBufSize - myData-&bytesF
size_t copyS
if (bufSpaceRemaining & inNumberBytes)
copySize = bufSpaceR
copySize = inNumberB
memcpy((char*)fillBuf-&mAudioData + myData-&bytesFilled, (const char*)(inInputData + offset), copySize);
// keep track of bytes filled and packets filled
myData-&bytesFilled += copyS
myData-&packetsFilled = 0;
inNumberBytes -= copyS
offset += copyS
// MyEnqueueBuffer
// Called from MyPacketsProc and connectionDidFinishLoading to pass filled audio
// bufffers (filled by MyPacketsProc) to the AudioQueue for playback. This
// function does not return until a buffer is idle for further filling or
// the AudioQueue is stopped.
// This function is adapted from Apple's example in AudioFileStreamExample with
// CBR functionality added.
OSStatus MyEnqueueBuffer(xxxxx* myData)
OSStatus err = noE
myData-&inuse[myData-&fillBufferIndex] = // set in use flag
// enqueue buffer
AudioQueueBufferRef fillBuf = myData-&buffers[myData-&fillBufferIndex];
fillBuf-&mAudioDataByteSize = myData-&bytesF
if (myData-&packetsFilled)
err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(myData-&queue, fillBuf, myData-&packetsFilled, myData-&packetDescsQueue);
err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(myData-&queue, fillBuf, 0, NULL);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer&); myData-&failed = }
if (!myData-&started) { // start the queue if it has not been started already
err = AudioQueueStart(myData-&queue, NULL);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueStart&); myData-&failed = }
myData-&started =
// go to next buffer
if (++myData-&fillBufferIndex &= kNumAQBufs) myData-&fillBufferIndex = 0;
myData-&bytesFilled = 0; // reset bytes filled
myData-&packetsFilled = 0; // reset packets filled
// wait until next buffer is not in use
while (myData-&inuse[myData-&fillBufferIndex] && !myData-&trackEnded)
pthread_cond_wait(&myData-&cond, &myData-&mutex);
// MyFindQueueBuffer
// Returns the index of the specified buffer in the audioQueueBuffer array.
// This function is unchanged from Apple's example in AudioFileStreamExample.
int MyFindQueueBuffer(xxxxx* myData, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i & kNumAQB ++i) {
if (inBuffer == myData-&buffers)
return -1;
// MyAudioQueueOutputCallback
// Called from the AudioQueue when playback of specific buffers completes. This
// function signals from the AudioQueue thread to the AudioStream thread that
// the buffer is idle and available for copying data.
// This function is unchanged from Apple's example in AudioFileStreamExample.
void MyAudioQueueOutputCallback(void* inClientData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer)
// this is called by the audio queue when it has finished decoding our data.
// The buffer is now free to be reused.
xxxxx* myData = (xxxxx*)inClientD
unsigned int bufIndex = MyFindQueueBuffer(myData, inBuffer);
// signal waiting thread that the buffer is free.
myData-&inuse[bufIndex] =
// MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback
// Called from the AudioQueue when playback is started or stopped. This
// information is used to toggle the observable &isPlaying& property and
// set the &finished& flag.
void MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueuePropertyID inID)
xxxxx *myData = (xxxxx *)inUserD
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
if (myData.isPlaying)
myData-&trackEnded =
myData.isPlaying =
myData.isPlaying =
if (myData-&trackEnded)
myData.isPlaying =
// Note about this bug avoidance quirk:
// On cleanup of the AudioQueue thread, on rare occasions, there would
// be a crash in CFSetContainsValue as a CFRunLoopObserver was getting
// removed from the CFRunLoop.
// After lots of testing, it appeared that the audio thread was
// attempting to remove CFRunLoop observers from the CFRunLoop after the
// thread had already deallocated the run loop.
// By creating an NSRunLoop for the AudioQueue thread, it changes the
// thread destruction order and seems to avoid this crash bug -- or
// at least I haven't had it since (nasty hard to reproduce error!)
[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
[pool release];
// MyAudioSessionInterruptionListener
// Invoked if the audio session is interrupted (like when the phone rings)
void MyAudioSessionInterruptionListener(void *inClientData, UInt32 inInterruptionState)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CFReadStream Callback Function Implementations
// ReadStreamCallBack
// This is the callback for the CFReadStream from the network connection. This
// is where all network data is passed to the AudioFileStream.
// Invoked when an error occurs, the stream ends or we have data to read.
void ReadStreamCallBack(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType eventType, void* dataIn)
xxxxx *myData = (xxxxx *)dataIn;
if (eventType == kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred)
myData-&failed = YES;
else if (eventType == kCFStreamEventEndEncountered)
if (myData-&failed || myData-&trackEnded)
// If there is a partially filled buffer, pass it to the AudioQueue for
// processing
if (myData-&bytesFilled)
// If the AudioQueue started, then flush it (to make certain everything
// sent thus far will be processed) and subsequently stop the queue.
if (myData-&started)
OSStatus err = AudioQueueFlush(myData-&queue);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueFlush&); }
err = AudioQueueStop(myData-&queue, false);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueStop&); }
myData-&stream =
// If we have reached the end of the file without starting, then we
// have failed to find any audio in the file. Abort.
myData-&failed = YES;
else if (eventType == kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable)
if (myData-&failed || myData-&trackEnded)
// Read the bytes from the stream
UInt8 bytes[kAQBufSize];
CFIndex length = CFReadStreamRead(stream, bytes, kAQBufSize);
if (length == -1)
myData-&failed = YES;
// Parse the bytes read by sending them through the AudioFileStream
if (length & 0)
if (myData-&discontinuous)
OSStatus err = AudioFileStreamParseBytes(myData-&audioFileStream, length, bytes, kAudioFileStreamParseFlag_Discontinuity);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioFileStreamParseBytes&); myData-&failed =}
OSStatus err = AudioFileStreamParseBytes(myData-&audioFileStream, length, bytes, 0);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioFileStreamParseBytes&); myData-&failed = }
@interface xxxxx (private)
static void propertyListenerCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef queueObject, AudioQueuePropertyID propertyID);
- (void) playBackIsRunningStateC
static void BufferCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef buffer);
- (void) callbackForBuffer:(AudioQueueBufferRef)
- (UInt32) readPacketsIntoBuffer:(AudioQueueBufferRef)
@implementation xxxxx
@synthesize isPlaying, trackC
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark xxxxx
- (void)dealloc
[self close];
if (packetDescs != nil)
[url release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)close
// it is preferrable to call close first, if there is a problem waiting for an autorelease
if (trackClosed)
trackClosed = YES;
AudioQueueStop(queue, YES); // &-- YES means stop immediately
AudioQueueDispose(queue, YES);
kxxxTrackActive = NO;
- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL*)newUrl
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
url = [newUrl retain];
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString*)path
UInt32 size, maxPacketS
if (kxxxTrackActive)
NSLog(@&Other music is playing.&);
if (path == nil)
if(!(self = [super init]))
// try to open up the file using the specified path
if (noErr != AudioFileOpenURL((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path], 0x01, 0, &audioFile))
NSLog(@&File can not be opened!&);
// get the data format of the file
size = sizeof(dataFormat);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &dataFormat);
// create a new playback queue using the specified data format and buffer callback
AudioQueueNewOutput(&dataFormat, BufferCallback, self, nil, nil, 0, &queue);
// calculate number of packets to read and allocate space for packet descriptions if needed
if (dataFormat.mBytesPerPacket == 0 || dataFormat.mFramesPerPacket == 0)
// Ask Core Audio to give us a conservative estimate of the largest packet
size = sizeof(maxPacketSize);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound, &size, &maxPacketSize);
if (maxPacketSize & kxxxBufferSizeBytes)
/*Limitation for the maximum buffer size*/
maxPacketSize = kxxxBufferSizeB
NSLog(@&Size out of bounds!&);
// calculate how many packs to read
numPacketsToRead = kxxxBufferSizeBytes / maxPacketS
// will need a packet description for each packet to allocate space accordingly
packetDescs = malloc(sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription) * numPacketsToRead);
// constant bitrate
numPacketsToRead = kxxxBufferSizeBytes / dataFormat.mBytesPerP
// don't need packet descriptions for CBR data
packetDescs =
// see if file uses a magic cookie (a magic cookie is meta data which some formats use)
AudioFileGetPropertyInfo(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &size, nil);
if (size & 0)
// copy the cookie data from the file into the audio queue
cookie = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &size, cookie);
AudioQueueSetProperty(queue, kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie, cookie, size);
// we want to know when the playing state changes so we can properly dispose of the audio queue when it's done
AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, propertyListenerCallback, self);
// allocate and prime buffers with some data
packetIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i & NUM_QUEUE_BUFFERS; i++)
AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(queue, kxxxBufferSizeBytes, &buffers);
if ([self readPacketsIntoBuffer:buffers] == 0)
// this might happen if the file was so short that it needed less buffers than we planned on using
repeat = NO;
trackClosed = NO;
trackEnded = NO;
kxxxTrackActive = YES;
- (void) setGain:(Float32) gain
if (trackClosed)
AudioQueueSetParameter(queue, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, gain);
- (void) setRepeat:(BOOL) yn
- (void) play
if (trackClosed)
OSStatus result = AudioQueuePrime(queue, 1, nil);
if (result)
NSLog(@&play: error priming AudioQueue&);
AudioQueueStart(queue, nil);
- (void) playURL{
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(startPlay) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
- (void) stopURL
if (stream)
if (trackEnded)
if (started)
// Set finished to true *before* we call stop. This is to handle our
// third thread...
// - This method is called from main (UI) thread
// - The AudioQueue thread (which owns the AudioQueue buffers nad
// will delete them as soon as we call AudioQueueStop)
// - URL connection thread is copying data from AudioStream to
// AudioQueue buffer
// We set this flag to tell the URL connection thread to stop
// copying.
trackEnded =
OSStatus err = AudioQueueStop(queue, true);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueStop&); }
trackEnded =
self.isPlaying = YES;
self.isPlaying = NO;
- (void) setPlayingWhenAutoLock {
// Set the audio session category so that we continue to play if the iPhone/iPod auto-locks.
AudioSessionInitialize (NULL,
// 'NULL' to use the default (main) run loop
// 'NULL' to use the default run loop mode
// a reference to your interruption callback
// data to pass to your interruption listener callback
UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaP
AudioSessionSetProperty (kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof (sessionCategory), &sessionCategory);
- (void) startPlay{
[self retain];
//NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Attempt to guess the file type from the URL. Reading the MIME type
// from the CFReadStream would be a better approach since lots of
// URL's don't have the right extension.
// If you have a fixed file-type, you may want to hardcode this.
AudioFileTypeID fileTypeHint = kAudioFileMP3T
NSString *fileExtension = [[url path] pathExtension];
if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&mp3&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileMP3T
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&wav&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileWAVET
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&aifc&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileAIFCT
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&aiff&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileAIFFT
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&m4a&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileM4AT
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&mp4&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileMPEG4T
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&caf&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileCAFT
else if ([fileExtension isEqual:@&aac&])
fileTypeHint = kAudioFileAAC_ADTST
// initialize a mutex and condition so that we can block on buffers in use.
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex2, NULL);
// create an audio file stream parser
OSStatus err = AudioFileStreamOpen(self, MyPropertyListenerProc, MyPacketsProc, fileTypeHint, &audioFileStream);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioFileStreamOpen&); }
// Create the GET request
CFHTTPMessageRef message= CFHTTPMessageCreateRequest(NULL, (CFStringRef)@&GET&, (CFURLRef)url, kCFHTTPVersion1_1);
stream = CFReadStreamCreateForHTTPRequest(NULL, message);
if (!CFReadStreamOpen(stream))
// Set our callback function to receive the data
CFStreamClientContext context = {0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL};
CFReadStreamSetClient(stream, kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable | kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered, ReadStreamCallBack, &context);
CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
// Process the run loop until playback is finished or failed.
CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.25, false);
if (failed)
[self stopURL];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@&Audio Error&, @&Errors&, nil) message:NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@&Attempt to play streaming audio failed.&, @&Errors&, nil) delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@&OK& otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert performSelector:@selector(show) onThread:[NSThread mainThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
[alert release];
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@&Audio Error&, @&&) defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@&OK&, @&&) alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:@&Attempt to play streaming audio failed.&];
[alert performSelector:@selector(runModal) onThread:[NSThread mainThread] withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
} while (isPlaying || !trackEnded);
// Cleanup the read stream if it is still open
if (stream)
// Close the audio file strea,
err = AudioFileStreamClose(audioFileStream);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioFileStreamClose&); }
// Dispose of the Audio Queue
if (started)
err = AudioQueueDispose(queue, true);
if (err) { NSLog(@&AudioQueueDispose&); }
//[pool release];
[self release];
- (void)pause
if (trackClosed)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Callback
static void propertyListenerCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef queueObject, AudioQueuePropertyID propertyID)
// redirect back to the class to handle it there instead, so we have direct access to the instance variables
if (propertyID == kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning)
[(xxxxx*)inUserData playBackIsRunningStateChanged];
- (void)playBackIsRunningStateChanged
if (trackEnded)
// go ahead and close the track now
trackClosed = YES;
AudioQueueDispose(queue, YES);
kxxxTrackActive = NO;
// we're not in the main thread during this callback, so enqueue a message on the main thread to post notification
// that we're done, or else the notification will have to be handled in this thread, making things more difficult
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(postTrackFinishedPlayingNotification:) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
static void BufferCallback(void *inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef buffer)
// redirect back to the class to handle it there instead, so we have direct access to the instance variables
[(xxxxx*)inUserData callbackForBuffer:buffer];
- (void) callbackForBuffer:(AudioQueueBufferRef) buffer
// I guess it's possible for the callback to continue to be called since this is in another thread, so to be safe,
// don't do anything else if the track is closed, and also don't bother reading anymore packets if the track ended
if (trackClosed || trackEnded)
if ([self readPacketsIntoBuffer:buffer] == 0)
if (repeat)
// End Of File reached, so rewind and refill the buffer using the beginning of the file instead
packetIndex = 0;
[self readPacketsIntoBuffer:buffer];
// set it to stop, but let it play to the end, where the property listener will pick up that it actually finished
AudioQueueStop(queue, NO);
trackEnded = YES;
- (void) postTrackFinishedPlayingNotification:(id) object
// if we're here then we're in the main thread as specified by the callback, so now we can post notification that
// the track is done without the notification observer(s) having to worry about thread safety and autorelease pools
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:xxxTrackFinishedPlayingNotification object:self];
- (UInt32)readPacketsIntoBuffer:(AudioQueueBufferRef)buffer
UInt32 numBytes, numP
// read packets into buffer from file
numPackets = numPacketsToR
AudioFileReadPackets(audioFile, NO, &numBytes, packetDescs, packetIndex, &numPackets, buffer-&mAudioData);
if (numPackets & 0)
// - End Of File has not been reached yet since we read some packets, so enqueue the buffer we just read into
// the audio queue, to be played next
// - (packetDescs ? numPackets : 0) means that if there are packet descriptions (which are used only for Variable
// BitRate data (VBR)) we'll have to send one for each packet, otherwise zero
buffer-&mAudioDataByteSize = numB
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(queue, buffer, (packetDescs ? numPackets : 0), packetDescs);
// move ahead to be ready for next time we need to read from the file
packetIndex += numP
return numP


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