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www.plcworld.cn制 冷 原 理 与 装 置1课程要求重点掌握压缩式制冷的相关基础理论与 技术知识;了解其他制冷方式原理; ? 能够利用制冷原理分析和解释装置特性。 ? 能够利用制冷基础图表(lgp-h图)分析 装置和各零部件运行状态。 ? 了解国内外研究热点和相关新技术发展。 预备知识:“传热学” “热力学” “流体力学”? 2n c . u d e . u t j s @ n e h c p j L I A M E上海交通大学制冷研究所 陈江平:参考资料1. 张祉佑. 制冷原理与设备. 北京:中国机械工业出版 社,1987 2. 吴业正. 制冷原理与设备. 西安:西安交通大学出版 社,1997 3. 现代冷冻与空调 : 原理.结构.安装.操作.保养.检 修 , 奥尔特豪斯(Althouse,AD)著 ; 彦启森译, 上海交 通大学出版社,2001。 4. JARN,日本空调制热制冷信息公司,www.jarn.co.jp 5. 《制冷技术》,上海市制冷学会?一并感谢:Danfoss, Carrier, Delphi,Air-International, Fuch、上海良机和国家环保总局等分别提供了 素材,Danfoss公司特别提供了《制冷原理》训 练软件。 本教研组阙雄才教授和谷波教授提供了大量素材 参考了国内外诸多同行的讲议,特别是直接引用 了清华大学李先庭教授的部分内容 上海景格软件有限公司免费提供了汽车空调系统 教学软件4? ??3第一讲 绪言近百年来,空调和空调技术大大改变了人们的生活方式… 5
6 www.plcworld.cn?全球有二百万人从事制冷业。 ?年销售额估计在2000 亿美元左右。 7
8ASHRAE Research In Your Home717-RP Energy calculations 760-RP FiltrationA/C SYSTEMEngineering Tomorrow’s Quality of Life空调能对炎热和潮 湿地区的社会发展 和经济繁荣做出贡 献,也能使创造适 宜的建筑物内部环 境成为可能,不管 是洁净室还是办公 楼,都能产生适宜 的温度和湿度。 10577-RP Radiant barrier 662-RP Air pollution 690-RP Duct resistance 732-RP Duct testing 496-RP Moisture in walls 834-RP Food spoilage 713-RP Solar heat gain 875-RP Cooling loadsH2O HEATER696-RP Hot water systems空调和制冷技术与人们生活息息相关… 9We spend 90 % of our lives indoors.1112 www.plcworld.cn131415161718 www.plcworld.cn对于食品来讲,制冷的作用是减少收获后的 损失,并且使易于变质的食品通过从生产到消费 的各个阶段的保存后,为消费者提供安全、卫生 的食品。据粗略统计,冷冻食品的年销售额为 12000 亿美元。当然制冷设备只是对保证食品增 值产生部分作用,不过值得强调的是:如果没有 制冷,大部分这些食品根本就不可能存在(如冷 冻食品、冰激凌等),也不能被安全地分销(如 冷藏食品等)。 19
20制冷技术已不单纯是一个技术问题…21222324 www.plcworld.cnKYOTO PROTOCOLSets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits Signed December 1997 Agreement Reached by 181 Countries2526我国制冷空调工业已成为支柱产业之一… 2003年占国民生产总值2%(中国冷协年鉴)二、世界制冷史27281908: The world's first successful sealed vapor compression refrigeration system is presented at the First International Congress of Refrigeration. This accomplishment revolutionized refrigeration because it needed no additional refrigerant during its operating life.1890: Refrigeration is introduced as a method of preserving bodies in the morg1755: First known attempt at vapor compression refrigeration is made by William Cullen who cooled water by drawing a vacuum over it.1902: Dr. Willis H. Carrier (“Father of Air Conditioning”) builds the first air conditioner to combat humidity inside a printing company.1910: Mechanical domestic refrigeration first appears.1844: Jacob Perkins builds the first workable refrigeration system using the vapor compression cycle.1920: The first air conditioned movie theater opens in Los Angeles, California (Grauman's Metropolitan Theatre).三、制冷的基本方法1867: First patent granted for the refrigerated railway car. 1851: John Gorrie is granted a patent to build the first commercial machine in the world used for refrigeration and air conditioning.1928: The first frozen foodstuffs are processed.1856: James Harrison introduces vaporcompression refrigeration to the brewing and meat-packing industries.2930 www.plcworld.cnTypes of RefrigerationRefrigeration is “the process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance for the purpose of lowering the temperature” (Britannica).Mechanical Vapor CompressionA refrigerant is re-circulated through a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator. The key concept: low pressure = low temperature.EvaporationWhen a liquid is readily vaporized, the energy motion of the molecules increases. This energy is drawn from the surroundings, which are cool. However, these methods are not long-lasting.Vapor AbsorptionAir CycleThermal ElectricTypes of Refrigeration Evaporation Vapor absorption Air cycle Thermal electric Mechanical vapor compressionWhy Study Vapor Compression Refrigeration?Mechanical vapor compression refrigeration is the most commonly used cooling method of refrigeration. It is used in our own domestic refrigerators, as well as in air conditioning units in homes and industries. Some of the advantages of this method include: longerlasting effects, no danger of toxic leakage, and fewer costs for producers and consumers. Due to its many applications, this technology has a great impact on human lives. We often take for granted the luxuries that have been made possible due to the vapor compression refrigeration process.Ammonia is pumped through a cycle similar to the vapor-compression process. However, this requires large heat removal systems and there is a danger of ammonia leakage.Air is compressed and cooled, then expands through a turbine. This method is more expensive then other refrigeration systems because large amounts of air must be circulated.Junctions are placed in a series so that heat is absorbed on one side and dissipated on the other. This technique is not as effective because the junctions must be short to decrease electrical resistance.Example: PerspirationExample: Large central air-conditioning unitsExample: Most widely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning unitsExample: Aircraft air-conditioning systems“Limited to specialized areas of application” (Comptons)3132“冷” 是怎样制出来的??drinking water ?porous ceramic potCwater reaches the surface蒸发产”冷”?Evaporation ? out of pot ? part of liquid is gone Heat transport ? high heat of evaporation ? good thermal contact ? effective cooling Continuous process, how ??on roof of houses at nightCdry wind takes vapour??evaporation on surface?sometimes ice layer??3433蒸发产”冷”(2)200实现连续循环的条件热力学第一定律:能量守衡定律 热力学第二定律:热量只能自发地从高温 物体传向低温物体,从低温物体汲取能 量必须付出代价(功、能量)。Heating timeTemperature in °C150100500liquid2 phasevapour35
36 www.plcworld.cn产生“冷”量必须付出代价高温热源 (环境介质)TaQk实现制冷的不同方式:压缩式制冷W/Qg制冷机Qc驱动热源Tg低温热源 (被冷却对象)Tc 37 例:空调的实现38实现制冷的不同方式:吸附式制冷利用固体吸附剂对 制冷剂的吸附量随 温度的变化规律, 周期性地吸附解吸 实用制冷 驱动力:太阳能, 余热 工质对:沸石-水, 活性碳-甲醇,氯化 钙-氨 39实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:氨-水40实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:溴化锂-水实现制冷的不同方式:吸收式制 冷:热电制冷4142 www.plcworld.cnSimple Gas Refrigeration CycleAircraft Cooling陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所Compressor2nd step : This air then flows into the primary heat exchanger cooled down during flight by ram air. Air temperature and pressure are consequently decreased.1st step : The hot air coming from the engine bleed air system first goes through a flow control valve whose main function is to adjust the airflow to the required level necessary to cool the cabin.This ram air is generated by the aircraft flight speed and is driven into the primary heat exchanger by a special scoop. This scoop has often a variable geometry electrically driven depending on of the flight phase (take off, cruise, etc.).3 rd step : The air now enters the air cycle machine compressor stage where the pressure is raised, As well as the temperature. The air enters into the main heat exchanger cooled by ram air.The air temperature is decreased. 4 th step : All the next operations will be dedicated to water extraction to avoid icing before the air enters the turbine stage where the temperature is going well below zero degrees celsius at the outlet. Now the air goes across a reheater, then in a condenser where water is converted from vapor to thin water drops. These drops are finally removed from the airflow in the water extractor.Cycle Calculation5 th step : The & dried air& can now enter the turbine stage, the final step of the travel! In a turbine the air expands and its temperature and pressure are decreased. The temperature is very close to zero degrees celsius or even negative. www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与装置》讲义Thermoelectric Refrigeration陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所What are thermoelectric devices used for?the military for night vision equipment, electronic equipment cooling, portable refrigerators, and inertial guidance systemsWhat is a Thermoelectric device?Thermoelectric modules are small, sturdy, quiet heat pumps operated by a DC power source. They usually last about 200,000 hours in heating mode or about 20 hours if left on cooling mode. When power is supplied, the surface where heat energy is a the opposite surface where heat energy is released becomes hot. If the polarity of current flow through the module is reversed, the cold side will become the hot side and vice-versa. Thermoelectric modules can also be used as thermocouples for temperature measurement or as generators to supply power to spacecrafts and electrical equipment.The History of ThermoelectricsIn 1821, Thomas Seebeck discovered that a continuously flowing current is created when two wires of different materials are joined together and heated at one end. This idea is known as the Seebeck Effect1 (Figure 4). The Seebeck effect has two main applications including temperature measurement and power generation. Thirteen years later Jean Charles Athanase reversed the flow of electrons in Seebeck.s circuit to create refrigeration. This effect is known as the Peltier Effect.1 This idea forms the basis for the thermoelectric refrigerator. Scottish scientist William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) discovered in 1854 that if a temperature difference exists between any two points of a current-carrying conductor, heat is either evolved or absorbed depending upon the material.6 If such a circuit absorbs heat, then heat may be evolved if the direction of the current or of the temperature gradient is reversed.Thermocouples, Generators, and RefrigeratorsThermoelectric modules can also be used as hermocouples for measuring temperature or providing the temperature-sensing element in a thermostat. To measure temperature the thermoelectric circuit is broken so the current quits flowing. When the current ceases, voltage is measured by a voltmeter1 (Figure 5). The voltage generated is a function of the temperature difference and the materials of the two wires used. Two wires used to measure temperature in this manner form a thermocouple. Thermocouples are the most prevalent device for temperature measurement.Thermoelectric modules can also be used as power generators. A thermoelectric generator (Figure 6) has a power cycle closely related to a heat engine cycle with lectrons serving as the working fluid. Heat is transferred from a high temperature heat source to a hot junction and than rejected to a low temperature sink from the cold junction. The difference between the two quantities is the net electrical work produced. The voltage output has been increased significantly with the use of semiconductors instead of metal pairs. Some use n-type and p-type materials connected in series for greater efficiency (Figure 7). N-type materials are heavily doped to create excess electrons, while p-type materials are used to create a eficiency of electrons. Melcor, the world.s first manufacturer of thermoelectric coolers, utilizes processed bismuth telluride to yield semiconductors with thermoelectric properties3. The couple is connected in series electrically and in parallel thermally then integrated into modules. The modules are placed between ceramic plates to offer optimum stability, electrical insulation, and thermal conductivity. The modules can be either mounted in parallel to increase the heat transfer effect or stacked to achieve high differential temperatures. www.plcworld.cnGlobal makes a thermoelectric generator5 (Figure 8). In the center of the generator is a thermoelectric module, which contains lead-tin-telluride semiconductor elements. On one side of the module there is a gas burner. The other side has aluminum cooling fins or a heat pipe to keep it cool. The hot side maintains a temperature of 540 degrees Celsius, while the cold side stays at about 140 degrees Celsius. Thermoelectric devices can also be used as refrigerators on the bases of the Peltier effect.1 To create a thermoelectric refrigerator (Figure 9), heat is absorbed from a refrigerated space and than rejected to a warmer environment. The difference between these two quantities is the net electrical work that needs to be supplied. These refrigerators are not overly popular because they have a low coefficient of performance. The coefficient of performance for thermoelectric refrigerators can be calculated by dividing the cooling effect by the work inputTemperature RangeIt is theoretically possible to get a temperature range of about 75 degrees Celsius working against the hot side at a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius.2 This will only happen if there is no thermal load, which will not happen in a real system. Typical pplications yield about half of the theoretical temperature difference. More extreme temperatures can be reached by using multiple thermoelectric modules. Since thermoelectric modules will not perform as well in colder temperatures, their temperature range becomes much smaller.Features and AdvantagesFeatures Advantages1. Fast temperature response. 1. Accurate temperature control 2. Heating and cooling depending on possible. current direction. 2. Quite and no vibration. 3. Solid-state devise having no moving parts. 4. Small size and lightweight.AssemblyThermoelectric modules are nstalled2 through mechanical clamping, epoxy bonding, and solder bonding (Figure 10). While the modules are strong in compression, they are weak in shear so excess loading should be avoided. Maximum recommended compression loading is 350 lbs. per sq. inch of module surface3. Localized cooling. 4. Can be used in any direction. 5. Environmental friendly.5. No CFC gases or refrigerants requireFuture ResearchResearchers are working on improving the efficiency of thermoelectric devices, reducing the cost of producing them and increasing their applications. Researchers are trying to maximize the electricity output for a given heat source by changing the materials used in construction. They are also studying materials so they can predict their reliability and long-term behavior. The Japanese government is funding thermoelectric research in the fields of space technology, and domestic and industrial uses. Professor Michael Rowe proved that the amount of heat contained in the water leftover from a bath would provide enough electricity to power a color television for an hour.9 Electric power was produced through a series of thermocouples squeezed in between a few hot and cold-water channels. The power produced was about 100 watts. Research in the field of thermoelectrics is bound to continue because it offers a convenient, earth friendly alternative to normal power systems.Example ProblemQuestion: A thermoelectric refrigerator removes heat from a refrigerated space at .5 degrees Celsius at a rate of 130 Watts and ejects it to an environment at 20 degrees Celsius. Determine the maximum coefficient of performance this thermoelectric refrigerator can have and the minimum required power input? www.plcworld.cnBasic Principle of Heat Transfer Summer Conditions90 FHot72 FColdSummer ConditionsSummer ConditionsHeat flowHeat flowIndoor air temperatureRemove heat from indoor airIndoor air temperatureFinned-Tube Heat Exchanger (Indoor coil)55 FIndoor CoilRefrigerant Indoor Air72 F www.plcworld.cnHeat transferred from the air to the refrigerantWarm indoor air (72 F)RefrigerantThe fluid used for energy exchanges in an air conditioning, refrigeration or heat pump system. Usually the refrigerant absorbs heat while undergoing a liquid to vapor phase change (evaporation) and releases heat while undergoing a vapor to liquid phase change (condensation).vapor Heat liquid HeatCold refrigerant (40 F)EvaporationCondensationIndoor Coil (Evaporator)System ComponentsOutdoor coil Expansion valve Indoor coilRefrigerant vapor Refrigerant liquidReversing valveCompressorSystem Pressures and TemperaturesHigh pressure & temperature Low pressure & temperatureRefrigerant flowExpansion valve Outdoor coil Indoor coilCompressor www.plcworld.cnOutdoor coil (Condenser)110 FAir Conditioning Cycle55 FRefrigerant vapor Outdoor Airhigh temperaturelow temperatureRefrigerant liquid90 F72 FOutdoor airIndoor airResidential Air-Conditioning SystemSystem PerformanceHeat HeatIndoor Unit Outdoor Unit ? Outdoor coil ? Compressor ? FanWork? Indoor coil ? Valve ? FanCoefficient of PerformanceCOP = COP = Desired heat transfer effect (units) Work required (units) Heat transfer rate FROM indoor air Power input to the compressor and fansMaximum COP for an Air-Conditioning Cycle as a Function of Outdoor Air Temperature70.0 60.0COP (dimensionless)50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 Outdoor air temperature (F) Indoor air temperature = 72 FEnergy Efficiency RatioEER = Heat transfer rate (Btu/hr) Electrical power (Watts) www.plcworld.cnWinter Conditions Winter Conditions25 F 72 F 72 FIndoor air temperature25 FWinter ConditionsBeware of the snowman25 F 72 FIndoor air temperature Add heat to the indoor airReverse the operation of the air conditioning systemLow pressure & temperature High pressure & temperatureDirection of refrigerant flow is reversed in all components except the compressor.Expansion valve Outdoor coil Indoor coilCompressor www.plcworld.cnCompare to the air conditioning cycle.10 FHeat Pump Cycle90 Flow temperaturehigh temperature20 F72 FOutdoor airIndoor airSystem PerformanceCoefficient of PerformanceCOP = Desired heat transfer effect (units) Work required (units) Heat transfer rate TO indoor air Power input to the compressor and fansHeatHeatCOP =Energy Efficiency RatioEER =WorkHeat transfer rate (Btu/hr) Electrical power (Watts)Maximum COP for a Heat-Pump Cycle as a Function of Outdoor Air Temperature50.0COP (dimensionless)40.0 30.0Indoor air temperature = 72 FGeothermal Heat Pumps20.0 10.0 0.0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Outdoor air temperature (F) 50 60 www.plcworld.cnPower meterEnergy Systems 2.0Determining the performance parameters of a refrigeration and heat pump system.COP = Heat transfer rate TO/FROM indoor air Power input to the compressor and fans EER = Heat transfer rate (Btu/hr) Electrical power (Watts) Outdoor coil Exp. valve Rev. valve Compressor Digital thermometer Indoor coil?Measure the electrical power. ?Calculate the heat transfer rate to/from the air.Atmospheric AirNitrogen (78.08) Oxygen (20.95)DuctArgon (0.93) Carbon dioxide (0.03) other gases (0.01)4-inch NozzleDry air + Water vaporMoist airIdeal gas mixtureCalculating the heat transfer rate to the air.Duct Heating coilCalculating the heat transfer rate from the air.Duct Cooling coilTinToutTinCondensate removedToutTemperature of the moist air increases while water vapor content of the air remains constant. Only sensible heat transfer is present.Depending on the temperature of the coil, water vapor condenses on the coil surface and is removed from the air stream. The air is cooled and dehumidified. In this case both sensible and latent heat transfer effects are present. www.plcworld.cnCalculate the heat transfer rates assuming DRY AIR (no water vapor is present). Ideal GasPv = R a T P = atmospheric pressure R a = gas constant for air R a = 53.352 ft ? lb f lb m ? R Q  = c p (Tout ? Tin ) q v v = specific volume c p = specific heat  = volume flow rate QT = air temperature (R)Calculating the volume flow rate of air. = VA (ft 3 / min) Q V = average velocity (ft/min) A = cross sectional area (ft )2AssignmentWrite a 3-6 page technical paper discussing the refrigeration unit and your experiment. This report should include: ? A summary. ? A diagram of the system. ? The basic principles involved. ? A clear discussion of how the system works. ? How you determined the performance parameters. ? Your experimental results. ? Your calculations of the performance parameters.4-inch NozzleDuctVVelocity probe is used to measure the air velocity www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》讲座第二讲 制冷循环一、理想循环―逆卡诺循环qk冷凝器 膨胀机 压缩机w e蒸发器w cq0 陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所 卡诺循环是理想过程的极限卡诺循环(2)卡诺循环(3)T TkCOP (ε c ) =q0 T0 = w Tk ? T0qk = q0 + Σwp3COP (ε c ) =q0 1 = w Tk / T0 ? 13 w=wc-we2 qk 1 S 4We2Wc WT01 v4q0卡诺循环(4)3、热泵(HEAT PUMP)系统的COP, 又称为供热系数: ε = Tk = 1 + εHTk ? T0c1、热力学完善度:压缩式 η = 0.56 ,吸收式 η = 0.27 ,热电制冷 η = 0.12cop η= copc2、卡诺循环效率主要受工作热源的影 响,与工质特性或设备没有关系。家用冰箱COP约为1.0,空调COP则为2.5-3.0?(a)夏季制冷循环 (b)冬季热泵循环 图7-7 制冷与热泵两用装置示意图A 四通换向阀,B 毛细节流装置,C 压缩机 www.plcworld.cn二、蒸汽压缩式制冷 的理论循环1、蒸汽压缩式循环的实现-四大件的作用 2、 压焓(lgp-h)和温熵(T-S)图 3、在特性图上表示制冷循环 -----循环的可能实现方式 4、 理论制冷循环计算1、蒸汽压缩式循环的实现-四 大件的作用airflowliquid refrigerant (R-22) collects refrigerant vapor-40.8°CClosing the Cycle4 main Componentsexpansion deviceevaporator?condenser compressorEvaporatorACompressorB low-pressure refrigerant vapor from evaporatorB压缩机: 压缩和输送制冷蒸汽,并造 成蒸发器中低压、冷凝器中高压,是 整个系统的心脏。C high-pressure refrigerant vapor to condensermixture of liquid and vapor refrigerantrefrigerant vapor air蒸发器: 是输出冷量的设备,制冷剂在蒸 发器中吸收被冷却对象的热量,从而达到 制冷的目的 www.plcworld.cn冷凝器: 是输出热量的设备,将制冷剂在 蒸发器中吸收的热量和压缩机消耗功所 转化的热量排放给冷却介质。CondenserCExpansion Devicerefrigerant vaporDA节流阀: 对制冷剂起节流降压作用, 并调节进入蒸发器的制冷剂流量。mixture of liquid and vapor refrigerantoutdoor airliquid refrigerantliquid refrigerantDBasic Refrigeration SystemCcondenser liquid line Direct expansion device (DX) discharge line2、制冷工程基本图表----lgp-h和T-S 图Bsuction line evaporatorcompressorA D2.1制冷剂沸点随压力变化?2.2不同制冷剂的标准沸点不同25Vapour pressure in barWater vapour pressureC different boiling points? ?3000 m89°C20 15 10 5 0+89 °C at 675 mbarC 3000 m above sea level?Water vapour pressureC normal boiling point? ?R12 R134a R600a R290 R404A R407C R410A+100 °C at 1013 mbarC pressure at sea levelSea level100°CTemperature in °C www.plcworld.cn2.3水在不同压力下的加热升温过程Temperature2.4 制冷剂相平衡Pressure 6.2 bar = 160 ?CLiquid120 C 100 C2 bar 1 barVapour2 bar = 120 ?C Liquid Liquid + Vapour Vapour Q Heat Enthalpy 0.47 bar = 80?C 1 bar = 100 ?CLiquid + Vapour0.47 bar80 C2.5 反映制冷剂特性的图表Mollier diagram ( lg p-h图 )上表示了制冷剂的所有热力性能参数: C 压力,pressure ( p ) C 温度,temperature ( t ) C 焓,enthalpy ( h or i ) ? 比焓,specific energy content ? 汽化潜热,heat of evaporation C other values ? 熵,entropy;比容, spec. volume ... 对制冷系统性能有影响的,还有部分制冷剂参数---传输特性 不能在lgp-h图上表示:2.6如何看工质的lgp-h图一个临界点 两条饱和线 三个状态区 六条等值线C p , λ ,ν横坐标表示能量或功的大小2.7如何看工质的T-S图TS 过 冷 区 两相区 x x 能量或功的大小用面积表示3、在特性图上表示制冷循环一个临界点 P 两条饱和线 三个状态区 六条等值线 过热区kvh TS www.plcworld.cn实际循环可能实现方式(1)湿蒸汽作T Tk T0 3k wc 2 Σ w=w c-we we 4 q0 S 1 pk工质,循环 在两相区, 等温过程即 等压过程p0可能的实现方式(2)为什么膨胀功相当k T wc Tk T0 3 w=w c-w e5 we 4pk 2 p0 1于?3453的面积? h3-h4=(h3-h5)-(h4-h5) 根据能量方程,有 由于液体 v 小,vdp 可以忽略,有(2)有温差传热:COP下降例:当环境T’k = 308K (35℃),T’0=280K (7℃) 时
逆卡诺循环 Tk=308K (35℃),T0=280K (7℃) 所以COP=10
有温差传热时,假定传热温差为3~5℃, Tk=311K (38℃),T0=275K (2℃) 所以COP=8.15q06 7Sh3-h5 = 面积35673 且h4-h5=面积4 =?3453有温差传热:COP下降可能的实现方式(3): (3)节流阀代替膨胀机T Tk T'k T'0 T0 3 we 4k wc 2 w=w c-w e 1 q0 S p0低温液汽混合物qk高温蒸汽pk高温液体冷凝器 膨胀阀 压缩机 wc 蒸发器 q0低温蒸汽 www.plcworld.cn节流阀代替膨胀机(2)
原因: ) 饱和液体或两相混合物膨胀系 数小,可做功有限 )功回收系统复杂
COP下降的原因: )膨胀阀不能回收膨胀功,反而 损失部分制冷能力 节流阀代替膨胀机(3)k T Tk T0 3 wc 4 q0有摩擦的过程不 可逆,不能用实 线表示21S节流阀代替膨胀机(4)可能的实现方式(5)k T Tk T0 3 wc 4 q0 S 1 2(3)用干式压缩取代湿式压缩?原因:防止液击 ?方法:&1&气液分离器 &2&膨胀阀控制压缩机吸气过热度?COP下降的原因:干压缩过程的过热损失用干式压缩取代湿式压缩(2)qk高温液体 高温蒸汽用干式压缩取代湿式压缩(3)T k 2pk冷凝器 膨胀阀低温液汽混合物 低温蒸汽压缩机 wcTk T03 wc 42'p0q01 S气液分离器 蒸发器 q0 www.plcworld.cn用干式压缩取代湿式压缩(4)lg p 3 2' 24q014、单级蒸汽压缩式 制冷理论循环的热 力计算w h热力计算的目的是什么? 已知 需要的制冷量和环境参数 求出 压缩机的制冷剂流量、功耗、理论 ;COP和冷凝器 排热量 ? 确定“四大件”和其它部件 High pressure side Low pressure side2Compressor Condenser1Evaporatorlg p pk蒸发温度 T0 过冷温度 冷凝温度 Tk排气温度 T2 qk32' 2 4 q0 1 w h吸气温 度 T1 过热度3Expansion device4p0q0 = h1 ? h4 = h1 ? h3(1) 节流阀:h4 = h3 h4 = (1 ? x4 )h f 0 + x4 hg 0x4 = h4 ? h f 0 hg 0 ? h f 0(3)蒸发器:qV =q0v1Q0 = qm q0 , QV = qm qV(4)冷凝器:qk = h2 ? h3 Qk = qm qk w h2 ? h1v4 = (1 ? x4 )v f 0 + x4 v g 0(2)压缩机: w = h ? h 2 1q h ?h (5) 制冷系数: ε0 = 0 = 1 3(6) 热力学完善度 η = ε 0W = qm wεc www.plcworld.cn例题:假定循环为单级压缩蒸气制冷的理论循环,蒸发温度t0=-10℃,冷凝温度为 35℃,工质为R22,循环的制冷量Q0=55kw,试对该循环进行热力计算。 根据R22的热力性质表, 查出处于饱和线上的   解:该循环的压焓图如下所示: 有关状态参数值: h1=401.555 kJ/kg v1=0.0653 m3/kg h3=h4=243.114 kJ/kg p0=0.3543 MPa pk=1.3548 MPa 由图可知:h2=435.2 kJ/kg t2=57℃   1 单位质量制冷量      q0=h1-h4=158.441 kJ/kg   2 单位容积制冷量          3 制冷剂质量流量          4 理论比功          w0=h2-h1=33.645 kJ/kg   5 压缩机消耗的理论功率   P0=qmw0=11.68 kw   6 压缩机吸入的容积     V=qmv1=0.0227 m3/s   7 制冷系数             8 冷凝器单位热负荷     qk=h2-h3=192.086 kJ/kg   9 冷凝器热负荷        Qk=qmqk=66.67 kw5、蒸汽压缩式制 冷的实际循环蒸发温度对循环性能的影响冷凝温度对循环性能的影响氨的制冷系数与蒸发温度的关系(1) (2)单位容积制冷量随蒸发温度下降而下降 制冷系数随蒸发温度下降而下降1) 2) 3)单位容积制冷量qv随tk的升高而降低 比容积功wov也随tk的升高而增加 制冷系数随tk的升高而急剧下降制冷机工况制冷机的制冷量、功率消耗及其它特性均与tk和t0得高低有关。 例如同一台压缩机,当t0=5、tk=30 时,它的制冷量比它工作在 t0=-25、tk=50 时的制冷量大四倍。因此不讲制冷机的工作条件 而单讲制冷量的大小是没有意义的。  压缩机出厂时,机器铭牌上标出的制冷量一般是名义工况下的 制冷量。对全封闭压缩而言,铭牌上标出的制冷量是标准工况下 的制冷量,如果是专门为空调器用的压缩机,则铭牌上的制冷量 为空调工况下的制冷量。 实际运行中,如果工况发生改变,制冷 机的性能可以直接从制造厂提供的性能曲线中查取。液体过冷对循环性能的影响方法:&1& 增大冷凝器换热面积&2& 冷凝器后加再冷却器好处:(1)增大制冷量2)确保阀进口为液体,以提高制冷系统的制冷剂质流量 www.plcworld.cn液体过冷(2)qk高温液体 高温蒸汽液体过冷(3)T k压缩机 wcpk 2冷凝器冷却水 膨胀阀低温液汽混合物Tk低温蒸汽3 3' 4 w2'p0气液分离器 蒸发器 q0T0q01 S液体过冷(4)lg p 3' 3 2' 2蒸汽过热Receiver Condenser确保压缩机 吸入干蒸汽, 避免液击Pressure Compressor4'4 q01w h设计较大的蒸 发器或采用热 力膨胀阀控制 过热度EnthalpyEvaporator无效过热:从蒸发器出来的制冷剂蒸汽,在进入压缩机之 前的吸气管路上从环境吸热而 产生过热,这种过热称为无效 过热。过热对系统的影响(1)lg p 3ε0 =q0 h1 ? h3 = w h2 ? h11+ C pg ?t g ?t g q0v1 ? v1'' ε0 ? ε0?2‘2ε 0' = ε 0有效过热:制冷剂在蒸发器内 过热或在安装于被冷却空间中的 吸气管路过热,过热产生了冷却 作用,因此称为有效过热。1+4 q0q’0T01 1‘ ww’h www.plcworld.cn过热对系统的影响(2) c T q 随不同工 ε? ?ε 质而不同0 ' 0pg 0 0过热对系统的影响(3) 蒸汽过热带来的另一问题:吸气温度的增加会导致排汽温度的增 加,对于绝热指数较高的工质(如 氨),易于使压缩机排气温度过高而 导致润滑油分解,损坏压缩机(h1 ? h3 ) / v1 [(h1 ? h3 ) / v1 ] 饱回热循环高温液体qk高温蒸汽Th3 ? h3' = h1' ? h1冷凝器 压缩机k22&pk回热器wTk3 3' 4 w2' p0 1' q0 1 S膨胀阀T0低温液汽混合物蒸发器低温蒸汽q0与前面过热度的有效性讨论类似,采用回热循 环是否有利与工质的特性有关:lg p 3' 3 2' 2 2''ε0g ε 饱44' q01 1' w h www.plcworld.cn实际过程的功热损失:(1) 压缩机内摩擦和传热 (2) 压缩机进排气阀节流损失 (3) 部件、管道摩擦损失和传热损失排气阀节流 冷凝器内压力损失c2'kT 3 Tk T0 3' wc 4 4' q0蒸发器内压力损失2& 2实际过程的COP压缩机内散热、吸热膨胀阀吸热风冷式机组:2.5?3.3 (理论一般5以上) 单级水冷式机组:3.8?5.5 (理论一般6以上) 多级水冷式机组:5~71 1& 1' b进气阀节流管道摩擦、吸热S例题R22作冷媒的家用窗式空调器,设计工况为室 外空气温度35℃,室内空气温度25℃,求理论循环 的COP。 一般情况下: 送风温度=15℃,蒸发温度=5℃ 室外侧温升8℃,冷凝温度=48℃ 过冷度=4℃,过热度5℃窗 式 空 调 器 原 理 www.plcworld.cn240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440R22h3=h4=255kJ/kg h1=442kJ/kg10℃h1=412kJ/kg6、单级蒸气压缩式实 际制冷循环的热力计 算举例COP=(412-255)/(442-412) ≈ 5.2 实际窗机COP一般为 2.8~3.0特点: 由两个等熵过程和两个平行多变过程组成。为可逆过程。7、劳伦斯循环 (Lorenz Cycle)??理想循环COPLorenz =T Tk?TT0 ? ?T / 2 & COPCarnot Tk ? T0 + ?T3 Σ w=w c-we 2 qk 1T04 q0 S www.plcworld.cn??近似劳伦斯循环,非共沸混合工质蒸 汽压缩的理论循环T 3 wc T0 4 q0 1 k 2' p0 pk 2TkS www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》讲座1.What is a p-h diagram?在lgp-h图上表示制冷循环陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所一个临界点 两条饱和线 三个状态区 六条等值线2. Refrigeration Cycle in p-h diagram2.How to draw a refrigeration cycle on a p-h diagramEvaporating Condensing Temperature Temperature Liquid Temperature Suction Gas before the Temperature Expansion Valve 25℃ -10℃RefrigerantR22-15℃30℃Notice: :Conditions may be given as follows. Meanings of both are the same.RefrigerantEvaporating Pressure 0.296 MPaCondensing Pressure 1.192 MPaSubcoolSuperheatPoint 1 to 2: Refrigerant change in a compressor Point 2 to 3: Refrigerant change in a condenser Point 3 to 4: Refrigerant change through an expansion valve Point 4 to 1: Refrigerant change in an evaporatorR225℃5℃3. For complex systemM G A B 压缩机状态点 M冷 凝 器温度焓(kj/kg) 403.499 194.176(1) Draw a line for a condenser A specific volume and specific enthalpies at each point Specific  v1=0.08 m3/kg、 volume Specific   h1=403 kJ/kg, h2=438 enthalpy kJ/kg, h4=230 kJ/kg(2) Draw a line for an evaporator You can calculate a performance of a refrigerating machine by using these values.蒸 发 器 F气 液 分 离 器K E D C BS 20 38 40 53224.084 247.042 249.686 438.305KH CE热交换器D过冷器lgpED CBSB已知出蒸发器制冷剂干度为0.9,才 能保证系统连续运转。其循环参数见 下表。已知QK=19.7KW,压缩机指示效 率0.85,压缩机容积效率λ=0.8, 吸气点A的比容υA=0.0595 m^3/kg。h Bs ? h AhK F G M AHhB ? h A= ηihH = hK + (hD ? hE ) *10hA = 0.9hM + 0.1hH(4) Draw a line through an expansion valve(3) Draw a line for a compressor www.plcworld.cn4, Real system with environmental parameterslg pWhere to Start… How to close the cycle…3h3=h4Compressor performancePc由冷凝器换热计算可 得到T3,Qc2Pc/Pe λ,mcm,W Pe,Tsh T1,v1,T2mcapInputs: Compressor: displacement,work plot Condenser/Evaporator:given HX area,air inlet parameters TXV/Cap.41‘由蒸发器换热计算可 得到T1’,Qe由压缩机模型得到1Pe,Tsh制冷系统的流量平衡3个假设条件(变量): Pc\Pe\Tsh 方程数:T1’=T1 mcap= mcm如果有储液装置存在,充注量就不敏感,此时怎么办?充注量毛细管和压缩机的流量平衡关系如果节流机构是TXV? www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》讲义 陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所1、制冷剂发展历史? 1834年美国人珀金斯发明世界上第一台制冷机,采用的制冷剂 为乙醚(CH3OCH3)。 ? 1866年二氧化碳(CO2)被用作制冷剂。 ? 1872年波义耳发明以氨(NH3)为制冷剂的压缩机。 ? 1876年使用二氧化硫(SO2)为制冷剂。 ? 氯甲烷(CH3Cl) 在1878年开始使用。到20世纪30年代,一系列 的卤代烃,美国杜邦公司称其为卤代烃 (Freon) 的制冷剂相继 问世。卤代烃 12( 即 R12) 于 1931 年, R11 于 1932 年, R114 于 1933年,R113于1934年,R22于1936年,R13于1945年,R14 于1955年陆续出现。 ? 20世纪50年代开始使用共沸制冷剂。 ? 60年代开始使用非共沸制冷剂。 ? 20世纪80年代的CFC问题的出现及其替代技术的发展。第三讲 制冷剂制冷系统中循环流动的工作介质叫制冷剂 (又称制冷工质),它在系统的各个部件间 循环流动以实现能量的转换和传递,达到 制冷机向高温热源放热;从低温热源吸热, 实现制冷的目的。Sidebar: Refrigerants C A Modern Timeline1974 Molina-Rowland theory posits that chlorine and bromine are responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion. 1978 U.S. bans all non-essential aerosols containing chlorine or bromine. 1987 The U.S. and 22 other countries sign the original Montreal Protocol establishing timetables and phaseout schedules for CFCs and HCFCs. 1990 The Clean Air Act (CAA) signed in the U.S. calls for reductions in refrigerant production, recycling, and emissions, as well as the eventual phaseout of CFCs and HCFCs. 1992 It is unlawful to vent CFCs and HCFCs into the atmosphere. 1994 Technician certification is required for purchasing and handling of CFCs and HCFCs. 1995 It is unlawful to vent alternate (substitute) refrigerants. 1996 Phaseout of CFCs includes production and importing. 1996 HCFC production levels capped. 1997 Kyoto Protocol is established in response to global warming concerns. HFC 2010 HCFC-22 to be phased out for new equipment. 2020 HCFC-22 production to be phased out.为什么要进行CFC替代? www.plcworld.cnOzone Depletion Potential以CFC-11的值1.000作基准,来表示制冷剂消耗大气 臭氧分子潜能的程度Global Warming Potential是衡量制冷工质对气候变暖影响的指标值。当选用 CFC-11的值作为基准值1.0时,称为HGWP。近年 来人们将作用 100 年的 CO2 作为基准,并将 CO2 的 温室效应潜能值订为1.0,称为GWP或GWP100TEWI(Total Equivalent Warming Impact )LCCP(Life Cycle Climate Performance)是综合反映一台机器对全球变暖所造成影响的指标值。 其计算方法如下: TEWI=m?l?GWP?n+E?n?β 其中 , GWP 是以 CO2 为基准 , m 是系统中工质总质量 (kg),l为工质的年泄漏率(%),n 指系统运行年限(年),E 代表系统每年的能耗(kWh),β 体现每度电CO2的释放量 (kg/kW h)。 TEWI包括直接排放效应和间接排放效应。前者指 计算年限内泄漏的制冷剂相当于多少公斤CO2的积聚效果, 后者体现产生1kWh电由燃料燃烧所释放的CO2量。需要 指出的是,间接温室效应对各个国家而言是不同的,取 决于该国火力发电和水力发电的比例以及火力发电的全 厂热效率。在TEWI基础上补充了制冷机和制冷剂生 产及报废过程中的能耗引起的温室效应。2、制冷剂的种类和编号? 根据制冷剂的分子结构可将制冷剂分为无机化合物和有机化合物 ? 根据制冷剂的组成可分为单一制冷剂和混合制冷剂 ? 根据制冷剂的物理性质可将制冷剂分为高温(低压)、中温(中压)、低温(高 压)制冷剂。无机化合物:氨、水、二氧化碳 卤代烃:氟利昂 碳氢化合物:甲烷、乙烷、丙烷 混合制冷剂:共沸和非共沸 其他烃类:乙烯、丙烯 www.plcworld.cn高温(低压)、中温(中压)、低温(高压)制冷剂――――按制冷剂标准沸点的不同区分 类别 高温(低压) 制冷剂1 中温(中压) 制冷剂2 低温(高压) 制冷剂3 ts(°C) 环境温度在30 °C时 的冷凝压力(bar) &0 -60-0 &-60 约&3 约在3-20 约&20 制冷剂 R11,R113,R114,R21 R12,R22,R717,R142,R502 R13,R14,R503,烷,烯(1)无机化合物无机化合物用序号700表示,化合物的分 子量(取整数部分)加上700就得出其制冷 剂的编号。例如,氨的分子量为17,其编 号为R717 。二氧化碳和水的编号分别为 R744和R718。举 例1 离心式制冷机的空调系统 2 普通单级压缩和双级压缩的活塞式制冷系统,-60 °C以上 3 覆叠式装置的低温级(2)卤代烃-氟利昂CmHnFpClqBrr,其原子数m、n、p、q、r之间的C2H2F4为R134, CF3Br为R13B1。卤代烃-氟利昂(2)近来,常常根据制冷剂的化学组成表示 制冷剂的种类。不含氢的卤代烃称为氯氟化碳, 写成CFC;含氢的卤代烃称为氢氯氟化碳,写 成HCFC;不含氯的卤代烃称为氢氟化碳,写 成HFC;碳氢化合物写成HC;CFC、HCFC、 HFC、HC等后接数字或字母的编制方法同国家 标准GB7778-87规定一致。如,R12属氯氟化碳 化合物,表示成CFC-12;R22、R134a、R170 分 别表示成HCFC-22、HFC-134a、HC-170。关系式为2m+2=n+p+q+r。 命名:R(m-1)(n+1)pBr, 如:CF2Cl2为R12 ,环状衍生物的编号的规则相同,只在字母R后加 一个字母C,如C4F8为RC318。 同分异构体相同编号,而随着同分异构变得愈来 愈不对称,附加小写a、b、c等。如CH2FCH2F, 编号为R152;它的同分异构体分子式为CHF2CH3, 编号为R152a。卤代烃-氟利昂(3)?CFC,氯氟烃?性能稳定,可进入平流层 ?只有受紫外线照射方分解出Cl离子 ?对臭氧层破坏作用较大(4)甲烷族氟利昂甲烷CH4 R50 CH3Cl CH3F R40 R41 CH2Cl2 CH2ClF CH2F2 R30 R31 R32 CHCl3 CHCl2F CHClF2 CHF3 R20 R21 R22 R23 CCl4 CCl3F CCl2F2 CClF3 CF4 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14CFC 96.1.1全面限制 HCFC 全面限制 HFC ODP=0 HCC有毒?HCFC,氢氯氟烃?相对不稳定,到达平流层前已经分解 ?对臭氧层破坏作用较小PFC ODP=0 PCC强毒 www.plcworld.cn(5).乙烷族 氟利昂C2H6 R170 C2H5Cl C2H5F R160 R161 C2H4Cl2 C2H4ClF C2H4F2 R150 R151 R152 C2H3Cl3 C2H3Cl2F C2H3ClF2 C2H3F3 R140a R141b R142b R143a C2H2Cl4 C2H2Cl3F C2H2Cl2F2 C2H2ClF3 C2H2F4 R130a R131 R132a R133a R134a C2HCl5 C2HCl4F C2HCl3F2 C2HCl2F3 C2HClF 4 C2HF5 R120 R121 R122 R123 R124 R125 C2Cl6 C2Cl5F C2Cl4F2 C2Cl3F3 C2Cl2F4 C2ClF5 C2F6 R110 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 R116乙烷氟利昂的性质CFC 96.1.1全面限制 HCFC 全面限制HFC ODP=0 HCC有毒PFC ODP=0 PCC强毒氟利昂的性质(2)(3)碳氢化合物饱和碳氢化合物制冷剂中甲烷、乙烷、丙烷的 编号方法与卤代烃相同。例如乙烷的分子式为 C2H6,编号为R170。丁烷编号特殊,正丁烷 的编号为R600,异丁烷的编号为R600a。 非饱和碳氢化合物制冷剂主要有乙烯、丙烯等 烯烃,它们的编号规则中,字母R后面的第一 位的数字定为1,接着的数字编制与卤代烃相 同。例如乙烯、丙烯的分子式分别为C2H4、 C3H6,编号分别为R1150、R1270。非饱和卤 代碳氢化合物的编号方法与此相同。(4)混合制冷剂为什么要使用混合工质?----调节沸点共沸工质:混合后沸点高于和低于各组分沸点 非共沸工质:混合沸点在各组分之间----调节热力性能高沸点组分中加入低沸点组分,qv提高 反之,COP提高已经商品化的共沸制冷剂,依应用先后在R500 序号中顺次地规定其编号: R500?R12/R152a(73.8/26.2mass%) R502?R22/R115(48.8/51.2mass%) 已经商品化的非共沸制冷剂,依应用先后在 R400序号中顺次地规定其编号。混合制冷剂的 组分相同,比例不同,编号数字后接大写A、B、 C等字母加以区别。 R404A?R125/143a/134a(44.0/52/4.0) R407C?R32/125/134a(23.0/25.0/52.0) www.plcworld.cn共沸与非共沸混合物Zeotropic & Azeotropic Blends非共沸与共沸制冷剂的特点共沸制冷剂在一定压力下 蒸发时有一定的蒸发温度, 且比单组分低 在一定的蒸发温度下,单 位容积制冷量比单一工质 容积制冷量大 可使压缩机排气温度降低 化学稳定性比单工质好 全封闭压缩机的电机绕组 温升小 一定情况下可增大COP 泄漏时组分不变 非共沸制冷剂在一定压力 下蒸发或冷凝时温度是变 化的,能适应于变温热源 增大制冷量(或COP) 降低循环压比,使单级压 缩获得更低的温度 较少量的高沸点组分与较 多量的低沸点组分混合, 与低沸点工质相比,可提 高COP,但制冷量会减小。 反之可增加制冷量,而 COP减小 泄漏时组分发生变化TP=定值1T气相区C B AP=定值1气相区共沸点2BlBg2液相区液相区 X010XZeotropes1Azeotropes非共沸共沸非共沸混合制冷剂的制冷循环图(5)其它烃类其它各种有机化合物规定按600序号 编号,其编号是任选的。3、制冷剂的选用原则1, 制冷性能 我们期望制冷剂的冷凝压力不太高,蒸发压力在大气压以上或不 要比大气压低的太多,压力比较适中,排气温度不太高,单位容积制冷量大, 循环的性能系数高。传热性好。 2, 实用性 制冷剂的化学稳定性和热稳定性好,在制冷循环过程中不分解,不 变质。无毒,无害。来源广,价格便宜。 3, 环境可接受性 应满足保护大气臭氧层和减少温室效益的环境保护要求,制 冷剂的臭氧破坏指数必须为 0,温室效益指数应尽可能小。(1)热力性质及其对循环的影响在相同的工作温度下,不同制冷剂的制冷循环特性由它们的热力性质所决定。 (1)制冷剂的饱和蒸汽压力曲线纯质的饱和蒸汽压力是温度的单值函数,用饱和 蒸汽压力曲 线可以描述这种关系。 制冷剂在标准大气压(101.32kPa)下的沸腾温度称为标准蒸发温度或标准沸点,用 ts 表示。 制冷剂的标准蒸发温度大体上可以反映用它制冷能够达到的低温范围。ts 越低的制冷剂,能够达 到的制冷温度越低。所以,习惯上往往依据 的高低,将制冷剂分为高温、中温、低温制冷 剂。由于各种物质的饱和蒸汽压力曲线的形状大体相似,在某一相同的温度下,标准蒸发温度高的 制冷剂的压力低;标准蒸发温度低的制冷剂的压力高,即高温工质又 属于低压工质;低温工质 又属于高压工质。 制冷剂的饱和蒸汽压力-温度特性决定了给定工作温度下制冷循环的压力和压力比。 www.plcworld.cn要求制冷剂临界温度高T k 2 pk特鲁顿(Trouton)定律大多数物质在标准蒸发温度下蒸发时,其摩尔 熵增 的数值都大体相等。这就是特鲁顿定 律。Tk T03 w c w C 4q0 q 02'p0(2) 式中 M 为制冷剂的公斤摩尔分子量; s1 Sr为标准蒸发温度下的汽化潜热。 顿常数。的值称特鲁图 1 分子量不同的制冷剂的 T-s 图比较利用特鲁顿定律,可以推出制冷剂基本性 质对制冷循环特性影响的一些粗略规律:? 各种制冷剂在一个大气压力下汽化时,单 位容积汽化潜热 rs/vs 大体相等。单位容积汽化 潜热 近似反应单位容积制冷量 qv。故相同蒸发 温度下,压力高的制冷剂单位容积制冷量大;压 力低 的制冷剂单位容积制冷量小。对于绝大多数物质,其临界温度与标准蒸发温度存在以下关系: 这说明:标准沸点低的低温制冷剂的临界温度也低;高温制冷剂的临界温度也高。 不可能找到一种制冷剂,它既有较高的临界温度又有很低的标准沸点。故对于每一种制冷剂,其工作温 度范围是有限的。另外,蒸发制冷循环应远离临界点。若冷凝温度 tk 超过制冷剂的临界温度 ,则无 法凝结;若 略低于 ,则虽然蒸汽可以凝结,但节流损失大,循环的制冷系数大为降低。爱森曼 (Eiseman)发现,当对比冷凝温度 / 和对比蒸发温度 / 相同时,各种制冷剂理论循环的制冷系数大体 相等。①标准沸点相近的物质,分子量大的,汽 化潜热小;分子量小的,汽化潜热大 (见图 1)。 考虑到汽化潜热与制冷循环的单位质量制 冷量 q m 有关,所以分子量对 相同。qm 的影响也与上压缩终温相同吸气温度下,制冷剂等熵压缩的终了温度 与其绝热 指数 k 和压力比有关。是实际制冷机中必须考虑的一个安全性指标。若制冷剂的 过高,有 可以引起它自身在高温 下分解、变质;并造成机器润滑条件恶化、润滑油 结焦,甚至出现拉缸故障. 与制冷剂气体的比热容有关。重分子的 低;轻 分子的 高。在氟里昂制冷剂中,乙烷的衍生物 比甲烷的衍生物低。事实, 许多乙烷衍生物饱和蒸汽等熵压缩过程线进入两相区(即 与 相同),为 了避免湿压缩,还必须设法使低压蒸汽过热后再压缩。常用的中温制冷剂 R717 和 R22,其排气 温度较高,需要在压缩过程中采取冷却措施,以降低 ;而 R12,R502,R134a,R152a 的 较低,它们在全封闭式压缩机中使 用,要比用 R22 好得多。粘性和导热性制冷剂的这些性质对制冷机辅机(特别是热交换设备)的设计有重要影 响。粘性反映流体内部分子之间发生相对运动时的摩擦阻力。粘性的大小 与流体种类、温度、压力有关。衡量粘性的物理量是动力粘性系数 和运动粘性系数 ,两者之间的关系是 式中 ----- 流体密度, 。表示。气体的导热系数一般很 制冷剂的导热性用导热系数 小,并随温度的升高而增大,在制冷技术常用的压力范围内,气体的导热 系数实际上随压力而变化。液体的导热系数主要受温度影响,受压力影响 很小。(2) 制冷剂的化学、安全和环境性质热稳定性 与水的溶解作用 和润滑油的溶解性 对金属和非金属的作用 电绝缘性 毒性和可燃性 环境性能及指标 :ODP /GWP/TEWI/LCCP一些制冷剂使用的最高温度制冷剂 R11 R12 R13 R22 R123 R134a R404A 最高使用温度 /℃ 105 130 150 150 105 130 150 制冷剂 R113 R114 R502 R717 R600a R290 R407C 最高使用温 度 /℃ 105 120 150 150 130 130 150 www.plcworld.cn“冰堵”当R12液体中水分含量超过20-40mg/g时, 由于节流阀节流后温度下降,在R12中的 溶解度减小,部分水析出并结冰,堵塞 膨胀阀 家用冰箱的毛细管只要结0.005克冰就足 以冰堵。 R2, R134a等含水时均易产生冰堵。与润滑油的互溶性压缩式制冷机中,除了离心式制冷机外,制冷剂都要与压缩机润滑油相接触。两者的溶解 性是个很重要的问题。这个问题对系统中机器设备的工作特性和系统的流程设计都有影 响。 制冷剂与油的溶解性分为有限溶解和完全溶解两种情况。完全溶解时,制冷剂与油的 液体混合物成均匀溶液。有限溶解时,制冷剂与油的混合物出现明显分层。一层为贫油层 (富含制冷剂);一层为富油层(富含油)。 溶解度与温度有关,所以上面所说的有限溶解与完全溶解可以相互转化。图 2 示出制 冷剂的溶油性临界曲线。图中曲线包围的区域为有限溶油区;曲线上方为完全溶油区。例 如:R22 与油的混合物,含油浓度 20%,温度为 18℃,该状态处于图中 A 点,在临界曲 线之上,所以这时混合物是互溶的,不出现分层。但若温度降到-5℃,如图中 B 点所示。B 状态进入有限溶油区,故液体混合物将出现分层。过 B 点作水平线与临界曲线有两个交点 和 ,它们所对应的横坐标植分别代表了贫油层中的油浓度和富油层中的油浓度。氨与油是典型的有限溶解。氨在油中的溶解度不超过 1%(wt)。氨比油轻, 混合物分层时,油在下部。所以可以很方便地从下部将油引出(回油或放 油)。 氟里昂制冷剂若溶油性差,则会带来种种不利。因为氟里昂一般都比油 重,发生分层时,下部为贫油层。这样,对满液式蒸发器而言,油浮在上 面,造成机器回油困难;另外,上面的油层影响蒸发器下部制冷剂的蒸发。 对于干式蒸发器而言,因为制冷剂是在管内沿程蒸发的,靠制冷剂气流裹挟 油滴回油。回油情况好坏取决气流速度和油粘性。制冷剂溶油越充分,才越 容易将油带回压缩机。对压缩机而言,运行时曲箱处于低压高温,制冷剂在 油中的溶解度大;停机压力平衡时,油池中制冷剂含量增多,出现分层,下 部分贫油层,再开机时会造成油泵吸入管中的为贫油液体,压缩机供油不充 分,影响润滑。所以,氟里昂制冷机中要求采用与制冷剂互溶性好的润滑油。制冷剂的溶油性被 认为是决定系统特性和机器寿命的至关重要的问题。传统氟里昂(R12,R22)的冷冻机 油为烷基苯油。但这类油对不含氯的氟里昂制冷剂(HFC 类)的溶解性很差。目前在 更新制冷剂的工作中同时也必须相应地更新润滑油。当前有关新冷冻油的研究表明: 与 HFC 类制冷剂的互溶性以酯类润滑油(Ester)最好;其次是聚烯醇类润滑油 (PAG)和氨基油。不同制冷剂与与酯基油 SE55的油溶解性曲线R134a与不同润滑油 的溶解性曲线对金属和非金属的作用氨对钢铁无腐蚀作用,对铜、铝或铜合金有轻微的腐蚀 作用。但如果氨中含水,则对铜及铜合金(除磷青铜外) 有强烈的腐蚀作用。卤代烃类制冷剂对几乎所有的金属 无腐蚀作用,只对镁和含镁超过2%的铝合金有腐蚀。卤 代烃类制冷剂在含水情况下会水解成酸性物质,对金属 有腐蚀作用。所以,含水的制冷剂和润滑油的混合物能 够溶解铜,当制冷剂在系统中与铜或铜合金接触时,铜 便会溶解在混合物中,然后沉积在温度较高的钢铁部件 上,形成一层铜膜,这就是所谓的镀铜现象。镀铜现象 在压缩机的曲轴的轴承表面,吸、排气阀等光洁表面特 别明显,它会影响压缩机的运动部件的配合间隙,以及 吸排气阀的密封,严重时使压缩机无法正常工作。 .C主要产生在阀板、活塞销、气缸等部位导 致表面缺陷,运动件部隙减小,密封不良。“镀铜”CF2Cl2 + 2 H 2O ?heat ?→ ? 2 HCl + 2 HF + CO2 Fe + 2 HCl ? ?→ FeCl2 + H 2 FeCl2 + 2 H 2O ? ?→ Fe(OH )2 + 2 HCl2 Fe(OH ) 2 + H 2O + O ? ?→ 2 Fe(OH )3 [O ] + 2 HCl + 2Cu ? ?→ 2CuCl + H 2OH 2O Fe + 2CuCl ?? ?→ FeCl2 + 2Cu www.plcworld.cnR134a中的压缩机镀铜现象对橡胶等非金属件的膨润作用不同卤代烃类制冷剂是一种很 好的有机溶剂,很容易溶 解天然橡胶和树脂;使高 分子材料变软、膨胀或起 泡。所以,在选择制冷机 的密封材料和电器绝缘材 料时,不使用天然橡胶、 树脂化合物,而要用耐卤 代烃腐蚀的氯丁烯、氯丁 橡胶、尼龙、塑料等材料。 烃类制冷剂对金属材料无 腐蚀制冷剂的电绝缘性在封闭式压缩机中,电机的线圈与制冷机直接接触,要求制冷剂应具 有良好的电绝缘性能。电击穿强度表示制冷剂电绝缘性能的一个指标。 一些制冷剂气体在压力1× 10 5Pa、温度0℃是的电击穿强度见表。值得 说明的是杂质、润滑油的存在会使制冷剂的电绝缘强度下降。毒性和可燃性分级LFL――燃烧低限制冷剂 电击穿强度(kV/m)液体 气体R12 1.48 1.7R22 1.7 1.8R717 0.31 -TLV-TWA---低限值的时间加权平均值,即一个标准工作日8 h,一周40 h的时 间加权平均浓度,在此条件下所有工人日复一日地工作无不良影响。主要制冷剂的应用范围制冷剂 R717 R134a R22 R404A R600a R744 R12 使用温度范 围 高、低温 高、中、低 温 高、中、低 温 高、中、低 温 中温 高、低温 高、中、低 温 压缩机类型 活塞式、离心式 活塞式、回转式、离心 式 活塞式、回转式 活塞式、回转式 活塞式、回转式 活塞式 活塞式、回转式、离心 式 用途 冷藏、制冰 冷藏、空调 空调、冷藏、低 温 空调、冷藏、低 温 冷藏(电冰箱) 空调、低温 冷藏、空调 备注 普 通 制 冷 中的 高温 为 10℃-0℃;中温0℃―20℃;低温-20℃ ? 60℃主要制冷剂的应用范围2 www.plcworld.cn主要制冷剂的应用范围Volumetric Capacity of Refrigerants VS Compressor主要制冷剂的应用范围Delta H Vs. CFM/Ton4、常用制冷剂R717 R12/R134a/R600a/CO2 R22/R502/R404A/R407c/R410aNH3-R717(沸点-33.3C,凝固点-77.9C)中温制冷剂,单位容积制冷量大,粘度小,流动 阻力小,传热性能好。 氨的绝热指数为1.31, 排气温度较高. 能以任意比例与水溶解,不会“冰堵”。所以氨 系统中不必设立干燥器。但水的存在会导致制 冷系统的蒸发温度的提高、制冷能力的下降和 对金属材料的腐蚀。因此氨制冷剂的含水量要 求不超过0.12 %。NH3-R717(2)氨几乎不溶于矿物油。且氨液的比重比油小。 氨对黑色金属无腐蚀作用,若含有水分时,对铜 和铜合金(磷青铜除外)有腐蚀作用。 氨的缺点是毒性大,对人的器官有强烈的刺激 作用。当氨蒸气在空气中容积浓度达到 0.5%?0.6%时,人在其中停留约半小时就会中 毒;当氨蒸气在空气中的容积浓度达到 11%?14%时即可点燃(黄色火焰);若达到 15.7?27%时,遇明火即引起爆炸。氨蒸气对食 品污染作用。因此,氨机房应保持通风,使氨 的浓度不超过0.02mg/l。NH3-R717(3)检查氨泄漏的方法有几种:一种是根据氨的刺 激性臭味,另一种用试纸。若有泄漏,会使酚 酞试纸变成玫瑰红色,或使石蕊试纸变成蓝色. 适用于蒸发温度高于-65℃的大中型单级或双 级活塞式装置;及大型离心式制冷机;氨吸收 式 www.plcworld.cnR12-CF2Cl2(-29.8/-158)应用最广的中温制冷剂,多级活塞式系统中可达-70°C.ODP=1.0, GWP=7100 无色,有芳香味,含量20%以上人感觉,毒性小,不燃,不爆,40 ° C以上 遇明火分解出极毒的光气. 在水中溶解度很小,一般不能超过0.005g/L(101.3kPa,30C).含有水份 易造成“冰堵”现象,与水作用分解成盐酸与氟酸,产生“镀铜”现象. 系 统管路必须经过严格干燥,且须设干燥器. 能跟矿物润滑油以任意比互溶,大型压缩机需对曲轴箱加热. 对金属一般没有腐蚀作用,但腐蚀镁及含镁超过2%的铝镁合金. 对天然橡胶有膨润作用.制冷机中使用含耐腐蚀的丁腈橡胶或氯醇 橡胶,全封闭压缩机中的导线绕组要用耐氟绝缘漆.电机B级或E级绝 缘.R134a(CH2FCF3)―R12替代物主要热力性质与R12相近,标准沸点-26.5 °C。 安全性好,无色,无味,不燃烧,不爆炸,基 本无毒性,化学性质稳定。ODP=0, GWP=875。 R134a不溶于矿物油,吸水性比R12大,分子直 径比R12小。替代R12时需更换润滑油、干燥过 滤器,干燥剂需用XH-7或XH-9型分子筛。 R134a替代R12已经在汽车空调、电冰箱、冷水 机组,商业制冷中得到应用。 不能用电子检漏仪检漏。R600a(C4H10)―R12替代物(2)?自然工质,ODP=0,GWP=0,-11.73/-160°C ?与丙烷(C3H8,R290)同时用于冰箱中替代R12,常合用 作混合工质。 ? 压比大于R12、排气温度低于R12,系统节能 ?毒性低,但易燃,安全性A3。 ?与矿物油互溶 ?与水的溶解性差,须防“冰堵”R744(CO2)-R12替代物自然工质,ODP=0,GWP=1 临界温度为31.1℃,临界压力为7.38MP 其理论循环COP约为R134a的35-46%。 新系统一般采用跨临界循环,系统压力很高,设 备强度要求高,COP与R134a相当. 蒸发潜热较大,单位容积制冷量较大,因此压 缩机排量小. 适用各种润滑油,且与常用系统的材料相容.CO2跨临界循环R22(CHF2Cl)-40.8/-160HCFC类,ODP=0.05,GWP=0.35, k=1.194 无色、无味、不燃、不爆、毒性小、对金属无腐蚀, 使用安全。 传热特性比氨差但比R12、R134a强。与水互溶性差, 为0.1g/L(101.3kPa 30C),含水超标会发生冰堵和“镀铜”现 象。 是极性分子,对橡胶的膨润作用很强,系统密封件需 改用耐氟材料,如氯乙醇橡胶或聚四氟乙烯;全封闭 压缩机电机绕组用QF改性缩醛漆包线(E级绝缘)、 QZY聚脂胺漆包线。 与润滑油有限溶解,且比油重,需专门回油措施。干 式蒸发器“上进下出”,上升回气立管应有带油能力。 www.plcworld.cnR502-R22替代物R22与R115按48.8:51.2混合而成。 主要目的是降低R22在大压比下排气温度太高 (149°C)的问题,使温度下降22-33 °C,低 压升高;回热特性好,制冷量和COP都提高了 不溶于水 与石腊族和环烷族润滑油溶解性差,与烷基苯 润滑油溶解性好。 低温下(-40 °C)回油没问题。 因含有R115而被禁用。R404A -R502及R22替代物R125/R143a/R134a/按44:52:4% 混合 可作为R502的替代工质,适宜用在冷藏运 输车及集装箱制冷系统中 R404A的标准压力下泡点温度为-46.6℃, 相变温度滑移较小,约为0.8℃,气化潜热 为143.48kJ/kg.K,液体的比热为 1.64kJ/kg.K,气体的比热为1.03kJ/kg.K。 ODP=0,GWP=4540R407C -R22替代物R32/R125/R134a按23:25:52% 组成 标准压力下泡点温度为-43.8℃,相变温度滑 移为 7.1℃。ODP=0,GWP=C的热力性质与R22最为相似。它们的工作 压力范围,制冷量都十分相似 原有R22机器设备改用R407C后需要更换润滑油、 调整制冷剂的充灌量及节流元件。R407C机器 的制冷量和能效比比R22机器稍有下降。 泄漏带来问题严重R410A -R22替代物R32和R125两种工质按50:50% 组成 标准压力下泡点温度为-51.6℃,相变温度滑移 小于0.2℃,属近共沸混合物,热力学性能十分 接近单工质。 同R22相比,R410A的冷凝压力增大近50%,是 一种高压制冷剂,需要提高系统耐压强度。由 于R410A的高压高密度使得允许制冷剂管径减小 许多,压缩机的排量也可大大降低;同时R410A 液相的热导率高,粘度低使其具有明显由于R22 的传输特性。 ODP=0,GWP=2340,不可燃。非共沸混合工质使用特点:1、Temperature GlidesFigure shows a zeotropic mixture of R-134a and R-32 where the ratio of R-32 is varied from 0 to 100%. By drawing a line vertically through the graph, the difference between the temperature as a liquid (lower line) and the temperature as a vapor (top line) can clearly be seen. The difference between the two lines is the temperature glides.2,Glide in Evaporators-DX EVAP.Refrigerant in DX evaporators are more forgiving to refrigerants with glide than flooded evaporators are but as a system component, they are less efficient. Figure shows a DX evaporator. In this design, the refrigerant passes through the thermal expansion device (TX valve) and is atomized into very fine liquid droplets in the tubes of the evaporator. The fine droplets offer a large amount of surface area to absorb heat from either air or chilled water on the outside of the tubes. Zeotropic refrigerants with glide will fractionate in the tubes. The compounds with lower boiling points will boil first followed by the other compounds. The high amount of superheat used in DX evaporators will make sure all the refrigerant subcomponents are boiled (converted to a gas) and the relative mass ratios will be maintained. www.plcworld.cn2,Glide in Evaporators-Flooded EVAP. 3,Glide ConsiderationConsider two of the frontrunners to replace R-22, R-407C and R-410A. Both are zeotropes. However, the glide for R-407C is 8°C while the glide for R-410A is only 1°C. The high glide for R-407C means it can be practically used only in DX systems, which limits the overall system efficiency that can be expected when using it. R-410A can be used in flooded systems, so even though it requires complete redesign of all components including the compressors (it operates at a significantly higher pressure), it is the common choice for redesigned refrigeration systems.Figure shows a flooded evaporator. The liquid refrigerant fills the shell and covers all the tubes. The heat from the chilled water in the tubes boils the refrigerant, which floats to the top of the shell. The inlet of the compressor draws in the gaseous refrigerant. The process is very similar to water boiling in a pot on a stove.The issue with zeotropic refrigerants that have significant glides is that as the refrigerant fractionates, the compound with the lowest boiling point floats to the top first and enters the compressor. Therelative mass ratios are not maintained.4, Zeotropic ServiceabilityInitial and Final Concentrations at Different LocationsReduction in Performance After Leak/Recharge www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》讲义第四讲 载冷剂陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所1、载冷剂的种类C CC C水(0℃以上) 盐水(Brine ,0℃以下) z 氯化钠溶液 z 氯化钙溶液 乙二醇溶液(Glycol, 0℃以下) 丙二醇溶液(0℃以下)(二)载冷剂的应用(1)C C(二)载冷剂的应用(2):C C水:一般空调工况 盐水:蓄冰工况 z 氯化钠溶液 z 氯化钙溶液 乙二醇溶液:蓄冰工况 丙二醇溶液:蓄冰工况蓄冰运行 Chiller 冰槽供冷ICE Tanks冷冻机直接供冷AHU(二)载冷剂的应用(3):乙二醇溶液用于冰球式蓄冰槽 球内装水,球外是乙二醇溶液discharging charging载冷剂的应用(4)Crystal Type Ice Makingglycol pipe载冷剂在降温过 程中不断析出冰晶, 浓度不断提高,凝 固点不断下降。glycol pipe www.plcworld.cn(三)载冷剂的特性C C氯化钠盐水的凝固点曲线盐水溶液区盐水溶液:对金属有较强腐蚀性z 氯化钠:可用于直接接触食品冷藏醇类溶液:腐蚀性低z 乙二醇:不腐蚀,微毒性 z 丙二醇:腐蚀性低,无毒冰-盐水区 盐-盐水区 固态区乙二醇溶液的凝固温度0(四) 载冷剂的选择原则C C凝固温度(℃)-5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35C C C C C C浓度(%)比热尽量大:节省水泵能耗 凝固温度低于蒸发温度4-8℃,沸点高,工作时处 于液相 浓度低于合晶点浓度 导热系数大:节省热交换面积 比重小、粘度小:减少泵能耗 腐蚀性小:否则需要缓蚀剂或抗腐蚀部件 无毒,化学稳定性好 价廉 www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》讲义一、润滑油的作用润滑压缩机的各运动部件,减少摩擦和磨损, 起冷却作用,将运动部件保持较低温度,以提 高效率。 利用油的粘度,使运动部件间形成油膜,维持 制冷循环高低压力,起密封作用,如螺杆压缩 机的转子之间,转子与机体之间的间隙的油膜 可减少压缩机的泄漏。 冲走摩擦处的杂质,缓冲机器振动。 此外,在螺杆压缩机中可利用润滑油的油压差 推移滑阀,调节压缩机的制冷量。第六讲 润滑油陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所二、制冷系统对润滑油的要求制冷循 环压缩机 ↓ 冷凝器 ↓ 膨胀阀 ↓ 蒸发器三、润滑油在制冷系统中的状态所要求的特性理由热稳定性、化学稳定性好 润滑性能好 削泡性好 同制冷剂分离性好 与绝缘材料和密封材料的 适应性好 无石蜡分离 不含水防止阀片积碳 防止各部分磨损 防止因压力变动而导致起泡 防止伴随制冷剂蒸发的振动和噪声 ;油尽可能不要进入循环内 防止绝缘和密封失效 防止脏堵 冰堵同制冷剂的相溶性好 不含水 低温流动性好改善回油,提高冷却效率 防止制冷剂加水分解 改善回油润 滑 油 在 制 冷 系 统 中 的 状 态 2半封闭活塞式压缩机的油系统 www.plcworld.cn四、润滑油的性质润滑油在物性方面的重要指标有:粘度、 与制冷剂的互溶性、流动点、絮状凝固点、 水的溶解性、空气的溶解性、挥发性、发 泡性等。润滑油的化学特性的重要指标有: 摩擦面的油膜形成能力、热稳定性、化学 稳定性、混合物与添加剂等的影响。 GB/T规定润滑油的主要质量指 标,其中粘度和凝固点是润滑油的两个重要 指标。1、粘度润滑油不仅必须具有一定 的粘度 ,而且希望粘度 随温度的变化(又称粘温 特性)尽量小。 一般情况下,低温、冷冻 范围工作的制冷系统使用 低粘度的润滑油,空调、 高温范围工作的制冷系统 使用的润滑油使用高粘度 的润滑油。有时也使用添 加剂降低润滑油的粘度随 温度的波动。应当注意, 当润滑油中溶有制冷剂后, 其粘度急剧降低。润滑油粘度值随温度、压力、 和制冷剂溶解度而变化。2、润滑油与制冷剂的互溶性润滑 油在 制冷 剂中 的溶 解度 随温 度和 压力 变化 制冷 剂与 不同 的润 滑油 的溶 解特 性差 异很 大润滑油与制冷剂的互溶性23、低温特性?流动点和絮状凝固点表示润滑油在低温环中的流动性特征的指标是用流动点。 制冷用润滑油希望流动点达到-60℃以下。但一般润滑油 的流动点均在-45℃以上,这是因为当油中溶解了制冷剂 时,在低于-60℃时仍具有流动性。但应注意,当制冷剂 的溶解量处于临界溶解温度以下时,油便分成两层,油 的粘度急剧增加。R12无论在任何溶解量内都不会出现两 层分离,而R22和R502都表现出分离现象,特别时R502 , 在常温下就会有这种分离现象。 在石蜡型冷冻机油中,低温下石蜡分离时引起过滤网和 膨胀阀(或毛细管)堵塞,妨碍制冷剂流动,因此,絮 状凝固点也和流动点一样,低一点为好。4、热稳定性和化学稳定性在高温下,油分解产生积碳,妨碍阀片运动,也使制冷效率降低.闪点和燃 点是润滑油的热稳定性指标. 闪点是在规定的条件下加在制冷机中形成制冷剂-润滑油-金属的共存系统,高温时润滑油易 发生化学反应产生腐蚀性酸,而润滑油的缓慢劣化易生成弱酸.对其 的评价采用抗腐蚀性,酸碱性表示.热润滑油所逸出的蒸气和空气组成的混合物与 火焰接触,发生瞬间闪火时的最低温度.而燃点 是在规定的条件下加热润滑油所逸出的蒸气和 空气组成的混合物与火焰接触,点燃并持续燃烧 至规定时间(5秒)所需的最低温度.燃点比闪点高. www.plcworld.cn五 润 滑 油 选 用3) 4)Hydrocarbons Compressor type Hermetic compressors (e.g. piston compressors) Open piston compressors1)(e.g. R 290 R 600a) MO AB ISO VG 15-32 MO AB PAO ISO VG 46-100 MO AB PAO ISO VG 46-100 MO AB ISO VG 46-100 MO AB PAO, PAG ISO VG 68-220 MO PAO, PAG ISO VG 68-100Ammonia NH3 2)FCKW, HFCKW (e.g. R 12, R 22) MO AB (MO/AB) ISO VG 15-32 MO AB MO/AB ISO VG 32-68 MO AB MO/AB ISO VG 32-68 MO AB ISO VG 32-68 MO AB ISO VG 68150 MOFKW, HFKW 3) (e.g. R 134a, R 404a) POE ISO VG 10-32 POE ISO VG 32-68 POE ISO VG 32-68 POE ISO VG 32-68 POE ISO VG 100150 POE ISO VG 68150Drop In (e.g. R 402A, R 403A) MO/AB ISO VG 32 MO/AB ISO VG 32-68 MO/AB ISO VG 32-68 MO/AB ISO VG 32-68 MO/AB ISO VG 68 MO/AB ISO VG 68--六、各种制冷剂使用的油Chlorine-free refrigerants and refrigerator oils ASHRAE Name R 134a R 507 R 404 A R 407 C R 410 A R 600a/R 290 R 717 R 744 Trade Name Diverse Solkane 507, AZ 50 Diverse Diverse Solkane 410, AZ 20 Isobutane/propane Ammonia Carbon dioxide Chemical name / formula CH2FCF3 R 125/R 143a R 125/R 143a/ R 134a R 32/R 125/ R 134a R 32/R 125 C4H10 / C3H8 NH3 CO2 Refrigerator oil * POE, PAG POE POE POE POE MO / AB MO / PAO / AB Synth. Oil 1)MO AB PAO, PAG ISO VG 3268 --Semi hermetic compressorsScroll compressors--Screw compressorsMO AB PAO, PAG ISO VG 32684)Turbo compressorsISO VG 68100MO = Mineral O AB = A MO/AB = Mineral oil-alkylbenzene- PAO = P PAG = P POE = Polyol ester 1) PAG-lubricants are partly soluble with hydrocarbons (low viscosity reduction), MO, AB and PAO are highly soluble with hydrocarbons (high viscosity reduction) 2) MO, AB and PAO are not soluble with ammonia, PAG is (partly) soluble with ammonia, ISO VG 68 is used in piston compressors, up to ISO VG 220 is used in screw compressors, please use PAG compatible components, PAG is hygroscopic PAG-lubricants are used in R 134a air conditioning systems of cars and trucks, POE and PAG lubricants are hygroscopic normally oil-free各种制冷剂使用的油2Drop-in refrigerants and refrigerator oils ASHRAE Name R 22 R 401 A R 401 B R 402 A/B R 403 A/B R 408 A Trade Name Diverse MP 39 MP 66 HP 80/81 69 S/L FX 10 Chemical name / formula CHClF2 R 22/R 152a/ R 124 R 22/R 152a/ R 124 R 22/R 125/ R 290 R 22/R 218/ R 290 R 22/R 143a/ R 125 Refrigerator oil * MO / AB MO / AB MO / AB MO / AB MO / AB MO / AB润滑油存在对传热 的影响* AB = Alkylbenzene O MO = Mineral O PAG = P PAO = P POE = Polyolester Oil 1) D POE, PAG, ...The Concept of Thermal ResistanceI= V RThermal Resistance ExampleOne wall of a house as shown has a thickness of 0.30 m and a surface area of 11 m2. The wall is constructed a material (brick) that has a thermal conductivity of 0.55 W/m.K. the outside temperature is -10oC, while the house temperature is kept at 22oC. The convection heat-transfer coefficient is estimated to be h2 = 21 W/m2.k in the outside and h1 = 7 W/m2.K in the inside. Calculate the rate of heat transfer through the wall, as well as the surface temperature at either side of the wall. = ?T Q L kAT2 , L Q cond = ? kAT ,0 1∫dT T ?T = kA 1 2 . dx LRthermal =L kA www.plcworld.cnConduction through Hollow CylindersdT  Q . cond = ? kA dxVelocity and Temperature Boundary LayersVelocity Boundary Layer―is developed in the fluid next to the solid surface. The fluid velocity is zero at the surface and increases to the bulk fluid velocity u∞ .dT  Q . cond = ? k (2πrL ) drdr  = ?2πkL dT Q cond rro∫riToT∫iTemperature Boundary Layer―also develops next to the surface, where the temperature at the fluid varies from Tw to T∞ . ?Q cond  ?Q cond? ro ? ln? ?r ? ? R= ? i ? 2πkL? ro ? ln? ?r ? ? = 2πkL(Ti ? To ) ? i? T ? To = i ? ro ? ? ? ? ln? ? ri ? 2πkL www.plcworld.cn《制冷原理与技术》 陈江平 上海交通大学制冷研究所目录第三讲 压缩机? ?压缩机的类型 活塞式压缩机的工作 过程及热力计算一、压缩机的分类制冷压缩机 容积型 往复(活塞)式 电磁振动式 曲柄连杆式 斜盘式 曲柄导管式 涡旋式 回转式 滚动转子式 螺杆式 双螺杆式 单螺杆式 速度型 离心式 轴流式Compressor typesOpen compressors- Reciprocating - Centrifugal - ScrewSemi hermetic compressors- Reciprocating - Centrifugal - ScrewHermetic compressors- Reciprocating - Rotary - Scroll - Centrifugal - ScrewOpen compressorsSemi-hermetic compressors www.plcworld.cnHermetic compressors Compressor typesTurbo Comprressors Screw Compressors Scroll Compressors Piston Compressors Piston Open Piston Semi-hermetic Piston HermeticIncreasing TR or KWCompressor specifiction/influence points?Capacity, COP general? ? ?Compressor specification/applicationApplication Evaporation Condensing Main focus range max. -35 to -10 °C -45 to -10 °C -10 to +15 °C 0 to +15 °C 60 °C 50 °C 50 °C 60 °C Cost, efficiency Cost, robustness Cost, robustness Cost, efficiency Household R&F Commercial LBP Other important factors Lifetime, noise, size Size, HST Size, HST Sizevalves inlet discharge dead volumedischarge tube inlet path, muffler valves dead volume clearance flow bearing friction motor efficiency?Capacity at LBP (low to)??Capacity, COP high tc?bearingsclearanceCommercial HBP AC?COP general? ?motor制冷用压缩机发展趋势不同种类压缩机特征 www.plcworld.cn1. 高速多缸逆流型压缩机(开启式)二、活塞式压缩机运动部件较多、效率低、极限转速较低一 般小于3000RPM。但最成熟,应用最广。 应用广泛;排气量小,一般用于中(60~ 600kW)小(&60kW)型制冷机;有单气缸和 多气缸之分;多缸压缩机可采用卸缸方法 调节负荷;有封闭式(hermetic)和开启式 (open-type)之分2.开启式压缩机特点: ? 电动机在大气中运转 ? 需要轴封 ? 制冷量较大或氨压缩机开 启 式 多 缸 压缩 机 的 内 部结 构卸载装置Capacity control system卸载装置unloader mechanism in the unloaded positionunloader mechanism in the loaded position www.plcworld.cn开启式车用压缩机的结构:见《汽车空调》开启式压缩机的轴封3. 封闭式压缩机? ?4、全封闭活塞压缩机?均采用氟利昂 压缩机与电动机密 封在一起 分类:??半封闭式:电动机 有独立空间,靠吸 气 冷却或空气冷却 全封闭式:电动机 靠吸气冷却,能耗 大半封 闭式活塞压缩 机结 构Small semisealed compressor. Vertical semisealed compressor. www.plcworld.cn4、全封


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