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湖南省株洲市第四中学高三英语单元复习学案:Unit 1 The world of our senses(牛津译林版必修3)
牛津译林版高中英语单元复习学案 Unit 1 The world of our senses 词汇导练 1.They had to move into ____________ (临时的)accommodation. 2.He survived the plane crash and landed on a ____________(废弃的)island. 3.In the eighteenth century,Benjamin Franklin made a number of ____________(实验). 4. The driver ____________(不理会)the traffic lights and had an accident. 5.It took us all day to reach our ____________(目的地). 6.Soon a team of 200 ____________ arrived in the area to help the wounded,sick and helpless without any pay. 7.Though it looked ____________,the dog was gentle indeed. 8.This ring,which my mother left to me,is my most valuable piece of ____________. 9.It?s ____________(freeze)cold outside. 10.I ____________(firm)believe that we must act at once. 短语汇集 1.____________________ 盼望,企盼 2.____________________ 抬头凝视 3.____________________ 留心,留意,密切注意 4.____________________ 由于……而呆住 5.____________________ 和……有关;和……有联系 6.____________________ 和……有联系的,和……有关联的 7.____________________ (使)暖和起来;(使)热身 8.____________________ 突然;猛然 9.____________________ 取得进步 10.____________________ 以……为主食 11.____________________ (铃声,枪声等)突然响起 12.____________________ (不小心)撞着…… 语句试译 1.(回归课本 P2)The tall man was ________ ________ ________ ________.高个子男人不见了。 2.(回归课本 P2)The truth is that the fog is ________ thick ________ the bus ________ ________ that far. 实际情况是雾太大了,公交车去不了那么远。 3.(回归课本 P2~3)Polly ________ herself ________ ________ ________ a man ________ with his hand ________ on her arm. 波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。她睁大了眼睛盯着他看。 4.(回归课本 P3)The face that she saw was ________ ________ an old man. 她看到的是一张老年人的脸。 5.(回归课本 P18)The latter two types of attack ________ more ________ ________ ________ deadly for humans. 后两种攻击对于人类而言更可能致命。 核心知识 1. observe vt. 观察;注意到,观察到 (回归课本 P2)As Polly observed the passengers on the train,she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.当波莉观察火车上的乘客时,她感觉有一个穿着黑外套的人在盯着她。 归纳拓展 (1)observe 与 see,hear,watch,feel,notice 一样属于感官动词,常用于以下结构: (2)observe 还可以表示监视;遵守;庆祝(节日) (3)observation n.注意,观察;遵守,observer 观察者;旁听者1 1.完成句子 (1)我看到他正从房间里偷偷地走出来。 I ________ him ________ ________ ________ the room. (2)I have never observed him ________ ________ ________.我从未看到他做过早操。 (3)Everyone should ________ ________ ________ ________.人人都要遵守交通法规。 ★ 2.Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still ________ the traditional customs. A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support (回归课本 P2)There was no one in sight.看不见一个人。 within/in sight 看得见 out of sight 看不见 at the sight of... 一看到…… at first sight 乍一看;第一眼 lose one?s sight 失明 lose sight of 看不见;忽略;忘记 catch sight of 看见;瞥见 come into sight 出现 know sb.by sight 与某人面熟 易混辨析 sight,view,scene,scenery (1)sight 意思是:目光;视力;视野;景物,供参观或游览的地方;情景,景象。 (2)view 是可数名词,指从某一特定点观看到的东西、景物,尤其是美丽的自然风景,它还可以表示“风景 画,风景照片”的意思。 (3)scene 和 view 一样,也是可数名词。它通常指局部的、具体的风景、景致,但景中更有可能包括人或反 映运动状态。它还可以表示戏剧、电影或叙述中的、现实生活中的“场景,场面,情景”。 (4)scenery 是一个不可数名词,是大自然风景的总称,其中包含了许多个 scene。 ① There is no view from this window except for some factory chimneys. ② The white sailboats in the blue water make a pretty scene. ③ The crowd waited for a sight of the Queen passing by. ④ Guilin is world 3.猜出下列句子中的 sight 的意思: A.视力;视觉;B.观看;瞥见;C.情景;景象;D.[常用复数]名胜;风景 (1)Some famous musicians have had little or no sight.( ) (2)What a sad sight it was after the war!( ) (3)It was a fine chance to see the sights of the city.( ) (4)She would faint at the sight of blood.( ) ★ 4.At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was ________. A.out of sight B.out of reach C.out of order D.out of place 3. beat v. 跳动;击打;击败 n. 心跳 (回归课本 P2)She could feel her heart beating with fear. 她能感觉到自己的心脏因为害怕而跳动得厉害。 归纳拓展 (1)beat 的过去式,过去分词分别为:beat,beaten,作不及物动词时表示:(心脏)跳动;作及物动词时表示: 击打,拍打,打败。2 (2)常用短语:beat sb.to death 打某人致死 beat sb.black and blue 把某人打得青一块紫一块 beat sb.(=defeat sb.)在比赛或战争中击败某人 beat off 击退,打退 beat down 击败,压倒;镇压;摧毁 易混辨析 beat,defeat,win (1)defeat 和 beat 的宾语必须是人或者一个集体,如 a class,a team 等,二者常可换用。defeat 多指战场打 败敌人,beat 常用作游戏,比赛中打败对手。 (2)win 指在竞争中取胜,常接的宾语有:game,war,prize,fame,battle,victory。 ① He beat the champion in the game. ② He won £3,000 in the lottery. ③ Their team were easily beaten. beat,hit,strike (1)beat 指连续的打击,有意的行为或指有规则的运动,如:心脏跳动,鸟拍打翅膀等。 (2)strike 表示“打”的意思时较正式,用手或物,可轻可重,有意或无意。也可表示“自然灾害的袭击、划火 柴”等。 (3)hit 常表示“击中”,也有“使突然想起,自然灾害侵袭”之意。 ④ The man looked dead,but his heart was still beating. ⑤ The young man hit the ball so hard that it went over the wall. ⑥ He went in,struck a match and lit a candle to give some light. ⑦ I was about to give up my efforts to work on the puzzle when a good idea struck me. 5.完成句子 (1)这个女士拍打毛皮大衣上的灰尘。 The lady ________ dust ________ ________ her fur coat. (2)他们在那场足球赛上打败了另外一个班。 They ________/________ ________ ________ in the football game. (3)海浪拍打着岩石。 Waves ________ ________ the rocks. (4)我兴奋得心跳加快。 My heart ________ faster ________ excitement. 4. add vt.& vi. 增加,补充 (回归课本 P9)He adds that this year,scientists will test another 60 volunteers and will be in a better position to explain the results. 他补充说,今年科学家们将对另外 60 个志愿者进行测试,到时将能更好地解释这一结果。 归纳拓展 (2)addition n.加法,增加 in addition(to...)(除……)之外还有,此外 additional adj.额外的,附加的 additive n.(尤指食品的)添加剂,添加物 ★ 6.There have been several new events__________to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A.add B.to add C.adding D.added 7.“We?re having a class,”she said,__________it was a newlyopen kindergarten sponsored by the church. A.added that B.adding that C.has added D.and adding that ★ 8.I received a letter from my mother with an unusual stamp on,which__________my collection of stamps.3 A.added up to B.added to C.added in D.added together 9.The money we made last year ________ $150 million. A.added up B.added to C.added up to D.added 5. touch n. 触觉;接触 vt. 触摸;接触 (回归课本 P11)He adds that although our sense of sight is overused,our senses of touch and smell have been ignored. 他补充说虽然我们的视觉被过度使用,但触觉和嗅觉却被忽略了。 归纳拓展 ★ 10.(2010 年高考湖北卷? 完形)She paid the driver and then, using her hands to ________ the seats, settled in one of them.It had been a year since Susan became blind. A.touch B.grab C.count D.feel ★ 11.―Oh!I have burnt myself! ―How did you do that? ―I ________ a hot pot. A.touched B.kept C.felt D.held 12.It?s obvious that the students were all ________ by the ________ film. A.touched;touched B.touching;touching C.touched;touching D.touching;touched 6. accept vt.& vi. 接受 (回归课本 P16)He knows that it will be hard for Liu Weihai,but he says,hopefully in the next few months his body will accept the hand as his own. (医生)知道对于刘威海来说治疗是很艰难的,但是他的身体有望在接下来的几个月内接纳那只手,像他自 己的一样。 归纳拓展 acceptable adj.可接受的,受欢迎的 acceptance n.接受,接纳;承认 accepted adj.公认的,为公众所接受(使用、赞同)的 易混辨析 accept,receive (1)receive 指“(客观上)收到”,着重行为本身,而不涉及收受者是否接受。 receive education 接受教育 receive an operation 接受手术 (2)accept 指“(主观上)领受、接收”,着重除行为本身以外,还表示接受者经过考虑以后愿意接受。 13.用 receive 和 accept 的适当形式填空: I ________ the flowers he bought for me but I didn?t ________ them though they are beautiful. 7. chance n. 可能性,几率,机会 (回归课本 P18)The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers. 与其他威胁相比较,被鲨鱼攻击的几率算是很小的了。 归纳拓展4 chance/chances of...……的可能性 chance to do/of doing...做……的机会,机遇, by chance(=by accident)偶然地,无意中, take a chance 冒险,碰运气,投机 There?s a chance that...有可能…… Chances are that...很可能…… 14.根据句意填空: (1)Did he do so ________ purpose or ________ chance? (2)If you want to increase your chances ________ being accepted into a key college,the best way is to make more efforts at school. (3)If you live in the country or have ever visited there,________ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day. 8. avoid v. 避开;避免 (回归课本 P18)Try and stay in groups,as sharks usually avoid large numbers of people. 试着呆在群体里,因为鲨鱼经常避开人群。 归纳拓展 (1)avoid sth.避免…… (2)avoid doing sth.避免做…… (3)avoidable adj.可以避免的 avoidance n.避免;防止;回避;躲避 15.________,the student insists that he be separated from his deskmate,who is naughty. A.To avoid being affected B.To avoid to be affected C.Avoiding being affected D.Avoiding to be affected ★ 16.They built a wall to avoid soil__________. A.washing away B.washed away C.being washed away D.being washing away 9. stick vt. 将……刺入;粘住;困住 n. 棍,枯枝 (回归课本 P18)Stick your finger in the shark?s eye. 把你的手指刺进鲨鱼的眼睛里面。 归纳拓展 stick a stamp on a letter 在信封上粘贴邮票 stick sth.into... 把……插入/刺入…… stick to 坚持;粘贴 get/be stuck in 陷入……中 stick out 突出,伸出 stick with 忠于;继续支持(某人)(尤指在困境中) 17.完成句子 (1)他持续工作一直到完成为止。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ until it was finished. (2)一根烟囱突出于屋顶。 A chimney ________ ________ ________ the roof. (3)有些老球迷支持他们的球队长达 40 年之久,一直到它成为一支强队。5 Some of the older fans ________ ________ their team for 40 years before it became good. ★ 18.How unfortunate!We were ________ in a storm and our car was ________ in the mud yesterday. A.set;struck B.caught;set C.caught;stuck D.lost;caught ★ 19.The theory he had been sticking ________ wrong. A.to prove B.to proved C.to proving D.in proving 10. reach out 伸出(手) (回归课本 P2)A few seconds later,a hand reached out and touched her arm.没过几秒钟,有一只手伸了过来, 碰了碰她的胳膊。 归纳拓展 (1)reach vi.伸出手(臂)(来触,拿或捡)+for... vt.伸手够到…… n.伸手可及的距离 ① beyond/out of one?s reach 达不到 ② within one?s reach 在某人能力范围之内 ③ reach a conclusion 得出一个结论 ④ reach for a book 伸手够一本书 ⑤ reach out(for...)伸出手去够…… (2)reach vt.到达,达到 20.完成句子 (1)她将手伸向键盘并开始演奏。 She ________ ________her hands to the keyboard and began to play. (2)把所有的药放在孩子们够不着的地方。 Keep all medicines ________ ________ ________ ________ ________children. (3)我喜欢把参考书放在随手可拿到的地方。 I like to have my reference books________ ________ ________. 11. pay back 还钱 (回归课本 P3)It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when it?s sunny.它给了我一个机 会,我可以回报在晴天里人们给予我的帮助了。 归纳拓展 pay back(向某人)还钱;报复,惩罚 pay off 付清,偿清;成功,奏效;达到目的, pay(sb.money)for sth.(给某人)付……的费用, pay sb.sth.付给某人某物(=pay sth.to sb.) 21.完成句子 (1)所有那几周的学习都将在考试的时候见成效。 All those weeks of studying will ________ ________ when you take the exam. (2)如果这家工厂倒闭,就会有 1000 多名工人在结清工资后被辞退。 Over 1,000 workers will ________ ________ ________ if this factory closes. (3)我拿到工资后会把钱还给你。 I?ll be able to ________ ________ ________ when I get my wages. (4)他们惹出了那些麻烦,她知道怎样报复他们。 She knew how to ________ ________ ________ for the trouble they had caused. (5)你干那工作每周可收入 200 美元。 The job will ________ ________ ________ a week.6 12. make sense 有意义,讲得通 (回归课本 P11)Staying healthy makes sense. 保持健康是有意义的。 归纳拓展 22.(2010 年高考安徽卷)________,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. A.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtful C.Honest and confident D.Lighthearted and optimistic ★ 23.(2010 年高考湖北卷)If I find someone who looks like the suspect,my ________ reaction will be to tell the police. A.physical B.immediate C.sensitive D.sudden 24. (2009 年高考江苏卷)Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more________to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems. A.sceptical B.addicted C.available D.sensitive ★ 25.(2011 年江苏徐州第一次模拟考试)What?s the __________of having a public open space where you can?t eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while? A.sense B.matter C.case D.opinion ★ 26.I am sure David will be able to find the library―he has a pretty good ________of direction. A.idea B.feeling C.experience D.sense ★ 27.(2011 年湖南衡阳高三联考)No matter how you read it,this sentence doesn?t__________. A.make senses B.make sense C.make a sense D.make sense of 13. make the most of 充分利用 (回归课本 P11)Scientists say that making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life. 科学家们说在我们年轻时充分利用各种感官可以使我们在未来的生活中保持健康。 归纳拓展 (1)make use of(sb./sth.)利用,使用(某人/物),名词 use 前常常加上形容词进行修饰 。make good use of 好 好利用,make full use of 充分利用 make the best use of 尽量利用 make better use of 更好地利用, 【温馨提示】 make use of sth.变为被动语态时,常常有两种命题方式来考查这个短语:sth.be made use of /use...be made of。 Our spare time must be made good use of.,我们必须好好利用业余时间。 Who can tell the new use that the computer will be made of in the future?,谁能说出未来电脑对人们新的用 途? (2)use 的其他常用搭配,come into use 开始利用 out of use 被废弃不用 in use 在使用中 put ...to use 加以利用 be of great use=be very useful 很有用 have no use for ... 对……无用 It?s no use/There is no use doing sth. 做某事无用或无好处。7 u just need to take the test later again.抱怨没用――你只要以后再考一次就是了。 28.完成句子 (1)我们应充分利用这个信息。 We should ________ ________ ________ ________the information. =The information should ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. =Full use should ________ ________ ________the information. (2)尽可能地利用时间来学习我们的课程。 Every possible use should ________ ________ ________time to study our subjects. 29.Every minute should be made full use of ________ for the final exam. A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepare D.have prepare 14. can?t help doing 情不自禁地去做…… (回归课本 P11)I felt so tired that I couldn?t help wondering whether or not I could get to my destination. 我感到极度劳累,忍不住去想我能否到达目的地。 归纳拓展 30.While shopping,people sometimes can?t help ________ into buying something they don?t really need. A.to persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded D.be persuaded ★ 31.(2011 年安徽蚌埠高三质检)―The housework is too much for me,Jack. ―Sorry,but I can?t help ________it,Joan.I?ve got something important to do,you know. A.do B.doing C.to be doing D.having done 32.I can?t help but__________he knows more than he has told us. A.thinking B.to think C.think D.thought 句型解析 1【教材原句】 The tall man was nowhere to be seen.(P2) 高个男子不见了。 【句法分析】 (1)通常不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,当动作的施动者不明确时,不定式要用被动 语态。 ① The meeting to be held is of great importance. 将要举行的会议非常重要。 ② These are the books to be handed out to the students. 这些是将要发给学生的书。 (2)nowhere adv.,无处,到处都不,常用于 ③ This winter vacation we went nowhere,just stayed at school.这个寒假我们哪儿也不去,就待在学校。 ④ The children were nowhere to be found. 哪都找不到孩子们。 ⑤ Nowhere did he go last night.昨天晚上他哪儿都没去。(nowhere 置于句首,句子要倒装) 33.完成句子 (1)除了床,没有别的地方可以坐了。 There was ________ ________ to sit but the bed. (2)那把钥匙到处都找不到。 The key was ________ ________ ________ ________. (3)我在任何地方都没见过像那样的东西。 ________ ________ ________ ________ anything like that.8 ★ 34.(2010 年高考辽宁卷)We only had $100 and that was ________ to buy a new computer. A.nowhere near enough B.near enough nowhere C.enough near nowhere D.near nowhere enough 2【教材原句】 Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm. (P2~3) 波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上。她睁大了眼睛盯着他看。 【句法分析】 find+宾语+宾语补足语,表示“发现/觉得……处于某种状态”。 (1)find+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语 ① We find the story very interesting. 我们发现这个故事很有趣。 ② I seldom find the girl out.我很少发现那女孩外出。 ③ When the man woke up,he found himself in the hospital. 那个男子醒来时发现自己在医院里。 (2)find+宾语+现在分词(宾语与现在分词所表示的动作之间是主谓关系,表动作的进行或持续。) ④ I found the boy standing behind the door. 我发现那个小男孩站在门后。 (3)find+宾语+过去分词(过去分词所表示的动作与宾语之间是动宾关系,表示动作的被动或完成。) ⑤ When he arrived,he found all the work finished. 当他到达的时候,他发现所有的工作已做完了。 (4)find+宾语+名词 ⑥ I found him a boy easy to get along with. 我发现他是个很容易相处的男孩。 【温馨提示】 (1)如果宾语是动词不定式或从句, 习惯上用形式宾语 it 来代替, 并把真正的宾语放在句末。 ⑦ I found it difficult to learn Chinese.我觉得学汉语很难。 (2)有类似用法的动词还有 make,feel,think,consider 等。 ⑧ She feels it her duty to take good care of her sick mother. 她觉得好好照顾生病的母亲是她的职责。 35.完成句子 (1)我们回到家发现他在沙发上睡着了。 We came home and ________ ________ ________ on the sofa. (2)我不知不觉地突然在街上跑了起来。 I suddenly ________ ________ ________ down the street. (3)他发现一辆汽车被遗弃在沙漠里。 He found a car ________ ________ ________ ________. (4)我觉得这么做很有必要。 I found ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 3【教材原句】 The face that she saw was that of an old man.(P3) 她看到的是一张老人的脸。 【句法分析】 第一个 that 是关系代词,引导定语从句,在句中作宾语,可以省略。 第二个 that 是代词,代指前文提到的 the face。 归纳拓展 (1)that 用来替代前面出现的特指的单数可数名词或特指的不可数名词。that 前面没有任何修饰词;后面常 跟介词短语作后置定语。一般不用于代指人。 ① The weather in Kunming is better than that in Wuhan. 昆明的天气比武汉的好。9 (2)one 用于泛指,指代上文的单数可数名词,可以代替事物也可代替人。 ② She has bought a recorder.I want to buy one,too. 她买了一台录音机,我也想买一台。 (3)ones 是 one 的复数形式,用来替代前面出现的复数名词,也是泛指概念。 (4)it 指代前面提到的同一事物。 ③ There is only one watch of this type in the shop,so I want to buy it for her. 商店里这种手表只有一块,我想为她买下。 (5)those 用来代替可数名词复数,表特指,在有后置定语时,可与 the ones 互换。 ④ The children from the US are different from the ones/those from China. 从美国来的孩子同从中国来的孩子不一样。 ★ 36.(2010 年高考陕西卷)The cost of renting a house in central Xi?an is higher than ________ in any other area of the city. A.that B.this C.it D.one 37. (2009 年高考江苏卷)Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ________ of their parents. A.those B.one C.both D.that ★ 38.(2009 年高考北京卷)Being a parent is not always easy,and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ________ extra stress. A.it B.them C.one D.him 39.(2010 年湖南高考命题专家原创卷五)The Chinese athletes? getting five gold medals in the 21st Winter Olympics was an exciting moment,________ that the Chinese people will never forget. A.that B.it C.the one D.one 40.用 that,it,one,ones 填空: (1)I bought a red pen yesterday,but I can?t find ________ now. (2)The car I want to buy is more beautiful than ________ he has. (3)―Do you need my pen? ―No,thanks,I have got ________. (4)The bridge built of steel is stronger than ________ built of stone. (5)There are a lot of apples in the basket,please pick out the rotten ________. 4【教材原句】 The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans.(P18) 后两种攻击对于人类而言更可能致命。 【句法分析】 主语+be likely to do sth.=It is likely that...很可能…… 其反义句型为:主语+be unlikely to do...=It is unlikely that... 归纳拓展 (1)likely 是指从外表、迹象上判断有可能发生。既可用人也可用物作主语,常用句型是:It is likely that... 或 sb./sth. be likely to... (2)possible 指客观上有可能, 但往往含有希望很小的意味。 不能以人作主语, 常用句型有: It is possible (for sb.)to do sth.或 It is possible that... (3)probable 的可能性比 possible 大,表示“很可能,十有八九”,通常用于 It is probable that ...句型。 ① They are likely to attend the meeting. 他们有可能参加会议。 ② Is it possible to say so?如此说来它是可能的吗?10 ③ It is possible/probable/likely that we will win. 有可能我们会赢。 ★ 41.(2010 年高考陕西卷)Studies show that people are more ________ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure 42.句型转换 (1)If you grow up in a large family,you are more likely to develop the ability to get on well with others. →If you grow up in a large family,________ ________ ________ ________ that you can develop the ability to get on well with others. (2)If someone lacks staying power and perseverance,it is impossible for him to make a good researcher. →Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance ________ ________ ________ make a good researcher. 语法指导 倒装句和强调句 倒装是一种语法手段,用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。倒装句有两种:完全倒装和部分倒 装。 完全倒装即把整个谓语放到主语之前(是整个谓语动词,而非助动词)。 【佳句选粹】 In came the teacher and the class began. 【分析】 句意:老师走了进来,然后开始上课。in 放于句首,整个句子用了全部倒装的形式,came 放到 了 the teacher 之前。 部分倒装即只把谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词等)放到主语前,或把句子的强调成分提前。 【佳句选粹】 Were she to leave right now,she would get there on Sunday. 【分析】 句意:如果她立刻就走,她就能在星期天到达那里。此句前半部分省去了 If,把 were 提前。 【佳句选粹】 Not until yesterday did little John change his mind. 【分析】 句意:小约翰直到昨天才改变了主意。否定词放于句首,主句用部分倒装,did 提到了主语 little John 之前。 强调句是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式,写作中常使用强调句,常见的 有: 【佳句选粹】 It was on Monday night that all this happened. 【分析】 句意:所有这一切发生在周一晚上。用强调句型:“It is(was)+被强调成分+that(who)+原句其 他成分”来强调说话人的意愿,强调时间“on Monday night”。 【佳句选粹】 ① He does know the place well. 他的确很熟悉这个地方。 ② Do write to me when you get there. 你到那儿后务必给我来信。 【分析】 用助动词“do(does/did)+动词原形”来表示强调。 Unit 2 Language 词汇导练 1.Research ____________(表明)that men find it easier to give up smoking than women. 2.Our music class ____________(组成)of 12 Chinese and 8 American students. 3.There are two ____________(官方的)languages in Canada:English and French.11 4. I?d like to say that his ____________(发音)is much better than before. 5.It is certain that the ____________(进程)will be slower than expected. 6.It is said that the situation in Iraq is out of __________ now. 7.A new ____________ will be set to guide this business. 8.He has made an important ____________ to the company?s success. 9.She found that she had great ____________ in understanding him. 10.The economic sanctions(制裁)could not prevent the____________ of that country. 11.At the sound of the gun,all the birds in the tree flew away in all____________. 12.Our ____________(origin)plan was to go to Spain,but it was too expensive. 1.indicates 2.consists 3.official 4.pronunciation 5.process 6.control 7.standard 8.contribution 9.difficulty 10.development 11.directions 12.original 短语汇集 1.____________________ 由……组成 2.____________________ 对……有影响 3.____________________ 总体上 4.____________________ 当仆人 5.____________________ 因……而困惑 6.____________________ 向……抱怨…… 7.____________________ 采取行动做…… 8.____________________ 拿起,举起 9.____________________ 控制 10.____________________ (使)变成 11.____________________ 代表,象征 12.____________________ 在整个历史进程中 语句试译 1.(回归课本 P23)________ ________ ________,French still had an impact on the English language. 尽管如此,法语对英语还是产生了巨大的影响。 2. (回归课本 P23)After the Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke French ________ common people spoke English. 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。 3.(回归课本 P28)I understand now,but the question is ________ ________ I still cannot understand the meanings. 我现在明白了,但是问题是如果我仍然不明白意思我该怎么办? 4.(回归课本 P38)The Chinese language ________ ________ many Western languages ________ ________ it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. 汉语与很多西方语言不同,区别在于汉语使用的基本单位汉字本身就具有意义,可以独立成词。 5.(回归课本 P38)However,________ ________ characters are used to describe objects. 然而,并非所有的汉字都用来描述物体。 核心知识 1. rule vt.& n. 统治 (回归课本 P22)That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules. 正因为如此,英语才成了一种具有许多令人困惑不解的规则的语言。 归纳拓展 (1)vt.控制,统治,支配 n.规则,规章,条例 (2)常用短语:12 ① rule sb./sth.out 把……排除在外 ② rule sb.out of 声明某人不能参赛,阻止某人参赛 ③ as a (general)rule 一般来说,通常 ④ make it a rule to do...照例要做……,通常 1.(2010 年高考江苏卷)The experiment has ________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets. A.found out B.pointed out C.ruled out D.carried out 2.完成句子 (1)我通常七点起床。 ________ ________ ________,I get up at seven. (2)如果你犯规,你会受到惩罚。 If you ________ ________ ________,you?ll be punished. (3)他照例每天要吃一个苹果。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ an apple every day. 2. replace vt. 替换;取代;把……放回原处 (回归课本 P23)After the earlier invasion Celtic had been replaced with English. 早期入侵之后,凯尔特语被替换为英语。 归纳拓展 ★ 3.When you have finished the book,please ________ it on the shelf. A.replace B.take place C.take place of D.in place of 4.BBC engineers do not think that their ideas will ever ________ books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere. A.replace B.take place C.in place of D.instead of 5.(2010 年高考福建卷)Mo A.in search of B.in place of C.for lack of D.for fear of 3. raise v. 举起,提高,抚养,筹钱 (回归课本 P23)At this point,many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans. 在此期间,很多英国人沦为诺曼人的仆人,他们为诺曼人饲养牲畜,给诺曼人做饭。 归纳拓展 raise a baby 抚育孩子 raise wheat 种植小麦 raise one?s hand 举起手 raise one?s voice 提高嗓门 raise salaries 提高工资 raise money 筹集资金 raise a question 提出问题 易混辨析 raise,rise,arise (1)raise vt.举起,抬起,抬高。说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。 (2)rise vi.升起,上升,起立。说明主语自身移向更高的位置。 (3)arise vi.(风、雾等)升起;出现,发生(问题);起床;(由……)产生。rise 和 arise 皆为不及物动词,都有“升13 起”的意思,但表示有形物体的上升或上涨用 rise 不用 arise。 ① We have no plans to raise taxes at present. ② House prices are likely to rise towards the end of this year. ③ A mist arose from the lake during the night. ★ 6.(2009 年高考江西卷)―What is the price of petrol these days? ―Oh,it ________ sharply since last month. A.is raised B.has risen C.has arisen D.is increased 7.将下面的句子译成汉语,注意 raise 的含义: (1)This weight is too heavy.I can?t raise it. _______________________________________ (2)He raised his voice in order to make himself heard. _________________________________________ (3)It?s difficult to raise a family on a small income. ________________________________________________________________________ (4)The problem is whether we can raise the money. ________________________________________________________________________ (5)Does anyone have any points to raise? ________________________________________________________________________ (回归课本 P28)I always wondered when I would get the English novel my parents had promised to give me. 我总在想父母到底什么时候会把他们答应我的英文小说给我。 归纳拓展 (1)promise sb.sth. 答应某人某事 promise(sb.)to do sth./thatclause 答应(某人)做某事 promise+to be +n./adj. 给人以……的指望;有……的可能 (2)give/make a promise 许下诺言,keep/carry out a /one?s promise 遵守诺言 break a /one?s promise 违背诺言 (3)promising adj. 有前途的;有希望的;有出息的 【温馨提示】 (1)“I promise to go”这种句型的否定式有三种表达方式,但意义不同。 I don?t promise to go.我没有答应要去。 I promise not/never to go.我答应不去。 I don?t promise not to go.我并没有答应不去。 (2)名词 promise 也可以和 to do 不定式及 连用。 8.完成句子 (1)父母允诺我生日时送我一辆新的自行车。 My parents ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for my birthday. =My parents ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for my birthday. (2)你答应过每星期和朋友们打网球的,可你并不是很擅长啊。 You have ________ ________ ________ ________ with your friends every week,but you are not very good at it. (3)她答应一有空就来看我。 She ________ ________ she would come to see me as soon as she was free. (4)你若作出承诺去做什么事,你就应该遵守诺言而不食言。 If you ________ a promise to do something,you should ________ it instead of ________ it. ★ 9.The young man made a ________ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A.prediction B.promise C.plan D.contribution14 ★ 10.(2010 年高考福建卷)Ever ________ before leaving their hometowns. A.promised B.were promised C.have promised D.have been promised 5. set vt. 确定(标准等),判定(规则等) n. (一)套,(一)部;装置,设备 (回归课本 P29)A standard was first set for the English language when Henry Ⅶwas King of England. 亨利七世当英国国王时,首次为英语设定了一个标准。 归纳拓展 11.完成句子 (1)于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能用最简易的方法来捕蛇。 I ________ ________ ________ ________/________ ________ ________ the habits of snakes so I could trap them in the easiest way. (2)那么每天都留出一点时间来写作,哪怕五分钟也行。 So ________ ________ some time each day to write,even if it is only five minutes. (3)我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账…… I don?t want to ________ ________ a series of facts in a diary as most people do... (4)我认为我们应该 7 点出发,趁那时道路畅通无阻。 I think we ought to ________ ________/________ ________ at 7∶ 00,while the roads are empty. (5)于是,1995 年这个组织在北京设立了办事处。 Then,in 1995,the organization ________ ________ an office in Beijing. (6)他为我们树立了好榜样。 He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. ★ 12.(2011 年北京海淀高三检测题)Einstein liked Bose?s paper so much that he ________ his own work and translated it into German. A.gave off B.turned down C.took over D.set aside 6. access n.[U] (使用或见到的)机会,权力;通道,入口 vt. 接近;使用;到达;进入 (回归课本 P29)Today,the spread of ?borrowed words?is due to easily accessed television and radio programmes from across the world,and the Internet. 现在,外来词的传播主要是通过世界各地都可以方便地收看、收听的电视,收音节目以及网络。 归纳拓展 (1)have access to...能够使用/见到/享有…… the access to a building 到达/进入大楼的通道 (2)accessible adj.可见到的,可使用的 be accessible to sb.某人可使用的,可看到的 13.(2009 年高考浙江卷)The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library. A.access B.passage C.way D.approach 14.(2009 年高考江西卷)Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be ________ to the kids. A.accessible B.relative15 C.acceptable D.sensitive 7. symbol n. 符号,象征 (回归课本 P38)The character ?prisoner?was formed with the symbol for a man inside a square. “囚”这个汉字就是将表达“人”的这个符号放在一个方格中所形成的。 归纳拓展 易混辨析 symbol,sign,mark,signal (1)symbol“象征,符号”,指被人们选出的物体或图案,用来代表另一事物,作为该事物的象征。 (2)sign“符号,标记”,指具体的用于识别或指示的标志,如指标牌,卡片等。借喻时指“征兆,迹象”。 (3)mark“标志,标记”,指事物留下的深刻印迹或某物上用于辨别该物品的附属物。 (4)signal“信号”,常指约定俗成,用于传达某些信息的信号,也指灯光,声音或信号标志。 15.用 symbol,sign,mark 和 signal 填空: (1)George was responsible for the accident because he didn?t give a ________ to other drivers. (2)In the picture the tree is the ________ of life and the snake is the symbol of evil. (3)Sir,you are not to walk your pet on the lawn.Don?t you see the ________:“Keep off the grass”? (4)One ________ of a writer?s greatness is that different minds can get a different inspiration from his works. (5)A red light is a ________ of danger, 8. spread vt. 传播,散布,撒;铺开,展开;涂,抹 n. 传播,散布;涉及区域,活动范围 vi. (消息、谣言、知识等)传播,传开;(大火、冲突、疾病等)蔓延、传染(开来);伸展;延 伸 (回归课本 P29)Today,the spread of borrowed words? is due to easily accessed television and radio programmes from across the world,and the Internet. 今天,世界各地都可以方便地收看收听电视、广播节目,还有因特网的普及,使得外来词广为传播。 归纳拓展 spread out 散开;伸展,延伸 spread over 遍布在 spread to 传到,波及 spread oneself out 舒展四肢(躺下) be spread for 摆好(桌子)准备 spread A on/ over B 在 B 上涂抹 A,=spread B with A 用 A 涂抹 B 易混辨析 extend,spread,stretch,expand (1)extend“伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 (2)spread“伸开,传播”,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。 (3)stretch“伸展,拉长”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。 (4)expand“展开、扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 ① Metals expand when they are heated and contract when cooled. ② The road extends to the port. ③ Flies,mosquitoes and mice spread diseases. ④ She stretched across the table for the butter. 16.英译汉: (1)Water began to spread across the floor. ________________________________________________________________________ (2)A smile spread slowly across her face. ________________________________________________________________________16 (3)We have 10,000 members spread all over the country. ________________________________________________________________________ (4)The disease spreads easily. ________________________________________________________________________ (5)She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. ________________________________________________________________________ 9. pick up 拾起,捡起;认出,挑出 (回归课本 P22)This is because many pairs of words and phrases have similar meanings in English,for example, pick up and lift up. 这是因为在英语里许多对词汇和短语有相似的意义,例如“pick up”和“lift up”。 归纳拓展 ★ 17.(2010 年高考山东卷)Sam ________ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A.brought up B.looked up C.picked up D.set up ★ 18.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly ________ my friend. A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out 19. (2010 年安徽“江南十校”联考)While large numbers of residents in this area ________ the H1N1 flu, very few suffered death. A.picked up B.took up C.brought up D.caught up 20.You?d better fly somewhere in the west.Then you can ________ a rental car and travel around. A.take up B.get up C.pick up D.turn up 10. contribute to (回归课本 P22)Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English. 很多因素使得英语发展成这种新的类型。 归纳拓展 ★ 21.Some blood types are quite common,others are regionally ________,and still others are rare everywhere. A.distributed B.contributed C.obtained D.convinced ★ 22.(2011 年江苏启东中学预测题)Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names ________them which turn us ________walking advertisements. A.attached to;into B.attaching to;to C.appealed to;into D.contributed to;to 23.完成句子 (1)良好的天气促成了那次航行的成功。 The fair weather ________ ________the success of the voyage. (2)他的懒惰是他失败的原因之一。 His laziness ________ ________his failure. (3)她捐助巨款给那家孤儿院。 She ________a large sum of money ________the orphanage. (4)移民在许多方面丰富了英国文化。 Immigrants have ________ ________British culture in many ways.17 11. depend on 依靠;依赖;确信;相信;指望;受……的影响;取决于 (回归课本 P25)There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live. 根据人们居住地点的不同,英语有许多不同的方言。 归纳拓展 depend on sb.for sth.依赖、依靠某人获得 depend on sb.doing/to do sth.依靠/相信某人做某事 depend on it 常用于句首或句末,意为“请放心,没问题” It/That (all)depends.看情况而定 depend on it that...指望……,对……不疑,dependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的 dependence n.依靠,依赖,信赖 dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的;视……而定的 be dependent on/upon 依靠;随……而定 24.一句多译 你不能指望他能按时来。 ________________________________________________________________________ ★ 25.Asia is important to America because America?s prosperity ________trade with Asia?s growing economies. A.depends on B.takes off C.sets up D.breaks out ★ 26.(2011 年安徽蚌埠高三模拟)―How long are you staying? ―I don?t know.________. A.That?s OK B.Never mind C.It depends D.It doesn?t matter 12. look up (在词典或参考书中)查找 (回归课本 P28)Looking up every new word will certainly be a waste of time.每个新单词都去查当然会浪费时 间。 归纳拓展 (2)look after 照顾;照料;管理 look back on 回顾;回忆 look down on/upon 俯视;轻视某人 look forward to 盼望 look into 向里看;调查 look into one?s eyes 直视某人 look up to 向上看;尊敬 look through 浏览 look on as 把……看做;认为 look out 当心 ★ 27.(2009 年高考湖北卷)Would you please________the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A.look around B.look into C.look up D.look through 28.(2010 年高考安徽卷)No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone ________ you wishing they were that high. A.getting rid of B.getting along with C.looking up to D.looking down upon ★ 29.(2009 年高考江西卷)It is reported that the police will soon ________ the case of the two missing children. A.look upon B.look after C.look into D.look out 13. as a whole 总体上,作为一个整体 (回归课本 P38)However,as a whole,the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms.18 然而,总体上讲,汉字已经从图画发展成了标准形式。 归纳拓展 as a whole 作为一个整体,总体上 on the whole 总的来说,大体上,基本上 30.完成句子 (1)Their opinions are________ ________ ________(大体上)the same. (2)You have made much progress ________ ________ ________(总体上看). 句型解析 1【教材原句】 Despite this fact,French still had an impact on the English language.(P23) 然而,法语还是对英语产生了巨大的影响。 【句法分析】 despite this fact 作本句的让步状语, 意为“尽管存在这样一个事实”, despite 是介词, 意为“尽 管,虽然”=in spite of;而 though,although,while 也有此意,但它们是连词,引导让步状语从句。 ① He is unhappy,though/although he has a lot of money. 尽管他很有钱,但他并不幸福。 ② Although/Though it was raining hard,yet they went on playing football. 尽管雨下得很大,他们仍继续踢足球。 ③ Despite(=In spite of)international pressure,progress has slowed in the peace talks. 尽管面对国际压力,和谈依然进展缓慢。 ④ Lucy?s a good worker,despite(=in spite of)her problems at home. 尽管露西在家有很多问题,但她是个好工人。 31.(2010 年江西南昌模拟)______ __ the poor living conditions,new graduates continue to gather in the suburban villages in Beijing because of low rents and easy transport. A.Except B.Despite C.Instead of D.As well as ★ 32.(2011 年浙江金华联考 )Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are. A.in spite of B.in charge of C.in favor of D.in terms of 2【教材原句】 After the Norman Conquest,upperclass people spoke French while common people spoke English.(P23) 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。 【句法分析】 (1)本句中 while 是并列连词,意为“……而;……然而……”,用于两件事物的对比。 ① Some are rich while others are poor. 有的人很有钱而有的人却很穷。 (2)while 还可引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然”。 ② While I have some sympathy,I don?t think they are right. 虽然我对他们有些同情,我却觉得他们是不对的。 (3)while 引导时间状语从句“当……时候;在……期间,与……同时”。 ③ While I was waiting at the bus stop,three buses went by in the opposite direction. 我在公共汽车站等车时,对面驶过了三辆公共汽车。 ④ You can go swimming while I?m having lunch. 我吃午饭时你可以去游泳。 ★ 33.(2010 年高考北京卷)________ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures. A.As B.While C.Until D.Once19 34.(2009 年高考安徽卷)―I wonder how much you charge for your services. ―The first two are free ________ the third costs $30. A.while B.until C.when D.before 35.________ the Internet is of great help, I don?t think it?s a good idea to spend too much time on it. A.If B.While C.Because D.As 3【教材原句】 I understand now,but the question is what if I still cannot understand the meanings.(P28) 我现在明白了,但问题是要是我依然不理解将会怎样。 【句法分析】 what if“如果……将会怎样;即使……又有什么关系”,为省略结构。 What if 中 what 可看作是 what should sb.do(某人该怎么办)或 what does it matter(有什么要紧)或 what would happen(将会如何)的省略。 ① What if he gets angry?倘若他生气该怎么办? ② What if they do not come? 即使他们不来又有什么关系呢? 归纳拓展 What about/How about...?“……怎么样?”表示询问情况或提出建议。 What for?为什么目的/为何理由? So what?那又怎么样?(用于承认某一事实,进而对其重要性提出质疑或某人是否有必要行动) How come...?……怎么发生的?/……又怎么解释? What?s up?=What?s the matter? 什么事?怎么了? 36.完成句子 (1)如果天下雨而我们又找不到避雨的地方怎么办呢? ________ it rains when we can?t find shelter? (2)去上网怎么样? ________ going online? (3)你究竟为什么总不来看我? ________ you never visit me any more? ★ 37.(2010 年高考山东卷)―Her father is very rich. ―________ She wouldn?t accept his help even if it were offered. A.What for? B.So what? C.No doubt. D.No wonder. 4 【教材原句】 The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in_that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.(P38) 汉语与很多西方语言不同,区别在于汉语使用的基本单位汉字本身就具有意义,可以独立成词。 【句法分析】 in that 在于,因为。连接状语从句,表原因。 ① The situation is rather complicated in that we have two managing directors. 由于我们有两位总经理,所以情况很复杂。 ② She was fortunate in that she had some friends to help her. 她很幸运,因为有一些朋友帮助她。 38.完成句子 (1)吸烟是有害的,因为它损害我们的健康。 Smoking is harmful ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. (2)因为你没有时间吃晚饭,让我现在给你一点东西吃吧。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,let me give you something20 now. 5【教材原句】 However,not all characters are used to describe objects.(P38) 然而,并非所有的汉字都用来描述物体。 【句法分析】 not all 为部分否定。 部分否定的常见构成有: (1)not 与 all/both/everything/everybody/everywhere 等表示完全意义的词连用,表示部分否定。 Not all of them have read this story. =All of them haven?t read this story. 并非他们都看过这个故事。 (2)not 与 always/often/quite 等词连用也表示部分否定。 部分否定 全部否定 neither/not...either 两 者都不两者both...not/not...both 并非两者都两者以上all...not/not...all=some 并非所 有……都 every...not/not...every =some/few 并非每一个……都 the whole...not/not...the whole 并非全部not...any/none 没有一 个 no one/nobody 没 有人 nothing 没有任何事 物归纳拓展 39.完成句子 (1)并非所有的学生都去看电影了。 ________ ________ ________ ________went to the movie. =________ ________ ________ ________go to the movie. (2)没有一个学生去看电影。 ________ ________ ________ ________went to the movie. (3)并非两姐妹都在这儿。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________are here. =________ ________ ________ ________are ________here. (4)两姐妹都不在这儿。 ________ ________ ________ ________ is here. (5)我不全认识他们。 I ________know ________of them. Unit 3 Back to the past 词汇导练 1.To avoid ____________(混淆),the teams wore different colors. 2.The Chinese ____________(文明)is one of the oldest in the world. 3.The professor gave us a lively ____________(讲座)last night. 4. The ____________(遗迹)of the castle can still be seen on the hill. 5.London is still the ____________(文化的)capital of the country.21 6.Don?t worry.I?m sure your children will ____________(渐渐地)learn to understand you. 7.Gibbons failed to see the ____________(商业的)value of his discovery. 8.The volcano ____________ suddenly,so the town at its base was destroyed. 9.If you want to make a new skirt,you had better buy the cotton ____________. 10.Yesterday a bomb ____________ in the center of the city. 11.Two buildings were ____________ by fire last night in Tokyo. 12.I?m ____________(feed)up with the speaker?s long and dull speech. 短语汇集 1.____________________ 夺取;接管 2.____________________ 处于良好的状态 3.____________________ 实施,执行,进行 4.____________________ 在船上(飞机上或火车上);上船 (飞机或火车) 5.____________________ 纪念 6.____________________ 使用中 7.____________________ 作为回报 8.____________________ 不复存在;不再 9.____________________ 位于…… 10.____________________ 提到,涉及到,参考 语句试译 1.(回归课本 P42)Near the city ________ ________ ________ called Vesuvius. 在城市附近有一座叫维苏威的火山。 2.(回归课本 P43)Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and ________ ________ the city! 很不幸,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也被埋了! 3.(回归课本 P43)________ ________ ________ by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500. 很多人相信,它是在公元 200 年至公元 500 年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖了。 4.(回归课本 P47)________ ________ ________,China has many historical archaeological sites... 正如你所知,中国有许多历史考古现场…… 5.(回归课本 P58)________ ________ ________ Rome a city and a republic,________ it was ________ to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history. 罗马不仅是个城市和共和国,它也注定成为历史上最大帝国之一的首都。 核心知识 1. bury vt. 覆盖;埋葬;埋藏 (回归课本 P43)Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and so was the city! 不幸的是,所有的人都被活埋了,城市也不例外! 归纳拓展 【温馨提示】 此类词组易考查过去分词作状语。 1.完成句子 (1)如果发生雪崩,滑雪者可能会被雪活埋。 If an avalanche strikes,skiers can ________ ________ ________ by snow. (2)专心于读报,他没注意到他的爸爸。 ________ ________ reading his newspaper,he didn?t take notice of his dad. (3)她双手蒙着脸哭了起来。 She ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ and cried. 2.________ writing the article,Mrs.Curie even forgot her dinner. A.Absorbed in B.Absorbing at22 C.Having absorbed by D.To absorb in ★ 3.(2011 年湖南综合模拟题)________ in the mountains for a week,we were finally saved by the local police. A.Having lost B.Losing C.Being lost D.Lost 2. ruin vt. 毁灭/坏,使破产 n.[U] 毁坏,毁灭,崩溃;(金钱等的)完全丧失 [C](pl.) 废墟,遗迹 (回归课本 P43)An archaeologist from the local cultural institute,Professor Zhang,told us that 100 years ago the Swedish explorer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom. 一个来自本地文化研究所的考古学家, 张教授告诉我们 100 年前瑞典探险家 Sven Hedin 发现了古楼兰王国 的遗址。 易混辨析 damage,harm,hurt,ruin,destroy 这五个动词均有“损害,伤害”之意。 (1)damage 多用于无生命的东西,指“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏,而且还可以修复”。 这种损坏是自然灾害或人为过失造成的。 (2)harm 指对人或物的伤害或损坏,侧重身体或心理上的伤害。 (3)hurt 指任何肉体或精神上的伤害,强调其痛苦的后果。 (4)ruin 通常指无可挽回的伤害,但不一定指完全毁灭,含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思。此外 ruin 多 用于借喻中,泛指一般的“坏了”。 (5)destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉;也可用于比喻,表示“打破(希望、计划),使 失败”。 ① You will ruin no more lives as you ruined mine. ② There was an unexpected explosion in our street,but our building wasn?t harmed at all. ③ The fire destroyed most of the buildings. ④ You?ll hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday. ⑤ Jack had an accident and damaged his bike. 4.翻译句子 地震过后,全城到处是断壁残垣。 ________________________________________________________________________ ★ 5.(2011 年盐城统考)With the reputation ________,food companies need to ________ their image. A.ruining;promote B.ruined;polish up C.to ruin;improve D.to be ruined;change 3. drive v. 驱使,迫使;驱赶;驾驶,开车 n. 开车旅行,开车路程;驱动器 (回归课本 P48)The heat almost drove me crazy even though I was wearing very thin cotton trousers to keep me cool. 尽管我穿着很薄的棉裤保持凉爽,但是热量还是逼得我要发疯。 归纳拓展 6.根据句意填词: (1)Your bad temper will drive your wife ________.Be careful. (2)The car just drove ________ as fast as it could after the accident happened. (3)After the terrorism attack,the stores in the city have been driven ________. (4)The children are driving me ________ despair. (5)The oil shortage drove the gas price ________ by 30 cents a gallon. 4. concerned adj. 担心的,关心的;有关的 (回归课本 P51)A concerned citizen23 一位关心这件事的市民 归纳拓展 everyday concerns 日常事务 feel concern about 忧虑,挂念 have no concern for 毫不关心 show concern for sb./sth.关心某人/某事 with concern 关切地 (4)concerning prep.关于 7.完成句子 (1)我们都为他们的安全担心。 We are ________ ________ ________ their safety. (2)这事对孩子的健康成长影响极大。 This ________ ________ ________ ________ of the children deeply. (3)他非常担心儿子的病情。 He ________ ________ ________ for his son?s illness. ★ 8.________,education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are. A.As far as I concerned B.As far as I am concerned C.So far as I am concerning D.So far as I was concerned 5. declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;断言;宣称 vi. 声明;(公开)表态 (回归课本 P55)The next day,US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war against Japan. 第二天,美国总统富兰克林? 罗斯福宣布对日作战。 归纳拓展 declare that...宣布…… declare sb./sth.(to be)+adj.宣布某人/某物…… declare for/against...公开表示支持/反对 declare war on/against(对……)宣战 declaration n.宣布,宣言,宣告,声明;申报,声明(书) 易混辨析 announce,declare 都有“宣布,公布”之意,但各有侧重。 (1)announce 指正式地“公开, 发表, 宣布”, 侧重“预告”人们所关心或感兴趣的事情, 尤指新闻之类的消息。 (2)declare 指正式和明确地向公众“宣布,宣告,声明”,多用于宣战、议和、宣判等。 ① The government announced that all the war prisoners would be set free. ② The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was declared the winner. 9.The judges had different ideas about the results,so it was two hours before the results were ________. A.cried out B.let out C.announced D.declared ★ 10.(2011 年江苏基础巩固题)At the conference the Chinese foreign minister________his opinion that China was strongly against the terrorism. A.declared B.announced C.stated D.showed 11.The government ________ the citizens that they should have their income tax ________ in time. A.announced;pay24 B.announced to;pay C.announced to;paid D.announced;paid 6. remains n. 残余物;遗迹;遗体;遗址 (回归课本 P43)Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand,together with a lot of treasures,such as coins,painted pots,silk materials,documents and wall paintings. 斯文发现了埋葬在沙子下面的建筑物遗迹,以及很多诸如钱币、彩绘罐、丝绸、文献和壁画等珍贵文物。 归纳拓展 12.(2010 年高考重庆卷)The palace caught fire three times in the last century,and little of the original building ________ now. A.remains B.is remained C.is remaining D.has been remained ★ 13.(2009 年高考四川卷)Ladies and gentlemen,please remain________until the plane has come to a complete stop. A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat ★ 14.(2009 年高考山东卷)The little girl who got lost decided to remain________she was and wait for her mother. A.where B.what C.how D.who 7. condition n. (回归课本 P53)Most of them were in good condition. 它们中大多数都保存完好。 归纳拓展 in good condition 状态良好;身体健康 out of condition 身体不适 on condition that 条件是 on no condition 决不(如果放在句首,句子倒装) on this/that/what condition 在这个/那个/什么条件下 living/housing/working conditions 生活/住房/工作条件 ★ 15.(2009 年高考陕西卷)From their ________ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city. A.stage B.position C.condition D.situation ★ 16.(2011 年江苏海安金陵中学高三联考)―Why did you refuse to move into the office? ―Because it was really in a poor ________and dirty. A.form B.situation C.shape D.state ★ 17.She is in a poor ________ of health,which worries her mother a lot. A.position B.situation C.state D.condition 18.(2010 年高考辽宁卷)I agree to his suggestion ________ the condition that he drops all charges. A.by B.in C.on D.to 8. carry out 实施;执行;实现;完成25 (回归课本 P55)A surprise attack was carried out there by the Japanese in
年,日本军队进行了一次突然袭击。 归纳拓展 (1)carry out 后常接以下词作宾语: carry out a plan 执行计划 carry out a promise 实践诺言 carry out an order 执行命令 carry out repairs 进行维修 carry out the test 进行考试 carry out an experiment 进行实验 carry out an instruction 遵照指示 carry out a suggestion 执行建议 (2)carry 构成的短语: carry off 夺取(生命);获得(奖项);应付, carry on 继续下去 carry away 运走;使……失控/着迷 carry through 贯彻,完成,维持 ★ 19.The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to ________ their discussion. A.put away B.take down C.look over D.carry on 解析:选 D。句意:吃完饭后,经理们回到会议室继续他们的讨论。put away 把……收好;take down 写 下,记下;look over 快速地查看;carry on 继续。 20.用 carry 词组的适当形式填空: (1)He ________ two gold medals in the Olympic Games. (2)His determination ________ him ________ the ordeal. (3)The top soil was ________ in the flood. 9. in memory of 纪念 (回归课本 P55)In memory of the Americans who died in the attack, a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor just above the remains of the sunken battleship Arizona. 为了纪念在袭击中丧生的美国士兵,在珍珠港的沉船的残骸上方,国家建立了一座纪念碑。 归纳拓展 (1)in memory of=to the memory of...为了纪念…… (2)类似搭配,in praise of 赞美,歌颂 in honour of 为了向……表示敬意 in search of 为了寻找 in charge of 负责 in control of 控制 in support of 支持 in favour of 赞成 in place of 代替 21.________China?s Youth?s Day,a celebration evening took place on our campus.It was a success. A.In place of B.In hopes of C.Instead of D.In memory of ★ 22.(2011 年山东烟台高三素质测试)It is ________ great honor for a country to host the Olympic Games.A great celebration was held in ________ honor of the event. A.a;a B.a;/26 C./;/ D./;the 10. be involved in 参与…… (回归课本 P47)In 1980,I was involved in exploring the preserved body of a woman. 我在 1980 年参与了研究一个被保存完好的女尸的工作。 归纳拓展 involve doing sth.包含做……,需要做…… involve sb.in sth.使某人牵涉进/陷入某事 be involved with sb.和某人混在一起,和某人有密切联系 be/get involved in sth.卷入;与……有关;参与(应负法律责任) be involved in doing sth.专心致志做某事 23.完成句子 (1)你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。 You have ________ ________ ________ a great deal of extra work. (2)她和他有密切的联系,并且觉得他一定会娶她。 She?s deeply ________ ________ him and feels he must marry her. (3)别让你自己卷入这样的事中。 Don?t ________ ________ ________ ________ such matters. (4)她整晚都在专心致志地读书。 She ________ ________ ________ reading all night. (5)经营自己的企业一般需要长时间地工作。 Running your own business usually ________ ________ long hours. 11. prevent...from 妨碍,阻止 (回归课本 P43)The desert was once a green land with enormous trees,but even that didn?t prevent the city from being buried by sand―what a pity! 现在的沙漠一度是一片绿色的土地,长着参天大树,然而,尽管如此也没能阻止这座城市被风沙覆盖的命 运――真遗憾! 归纳拓展 prevent...from doing=stop...from...= keep...from...阻止……做…… 【温馨提示】 (1)在 keep sb. from doing sth. 句式中,from 不可省略。因为 keep sb. doing sth. 意为“让某人一直做某事”; 而 prevent sb. from doing sth. 与 stop sb. from doing sth. 句式中的 from 可省略。 (2)若用于被动语态,以上三个句式中的 from 都不可省略。 We were prevented /stopped/kept from attending Professor Li?s lecture by the heavy rain. 大雨使我们没能参加李教授的演讲。 ★ 24.All possible means ________been taken to stop the river ________. A.have;polluting B.has;polluted C.has;from polluted D.have;being polluted ★ 25.(2011 年江苏盐城中学高三模拟)In order to keep the children ________swimming in the river,Mr.Smith kept them ________staying home all day. A.from;from B.from;/ C./;from D./;/ 26.Bad weather prevented the work ________in time. A.completed B.from completing27 C.to be completed D.being completed 句型解析 1【教材原句】 Near the city was a volcano called Vesuvius.(P42) 离城市不远处有一座叫维苏威的火 山。 【句法分析】 此句为完全倒装句。 谓语动词完全置于主语之前的句子,便是完全倒装句。这类句型主要有两种: (1)表示方式或方位的副词或介词短语,如:here,there,up,down,in,away,off,out,in the room,on the wall 等,置于句首且主语是名词。 ① In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor. 在英格兰一所大学的讲堂里坐着一位教授。 ② In front of the teaching building stands a tall tree. 教学楼前有一棵大树。 ③ In this chapter will be found the answers to those questions. 在这章能找到那些问题的答案。 ④ South of the river lies a small factory. 一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸。 ⑤ Out rushed the children. 孩子们冲了出去。(但也可以这样说:Out they rushed.因为主语为人称代词,而不是名词) ⑥ Away flew the plane.(=Away it flew.)飞机飞走了。 (2)such 置于句首时。 ⑦ Such was Albert Einstein,a simple man and the 20th century?s greatest scientist.这就是爱因斯坦,一个淳朴 的人,也是 20 世纪最伟大的科学家。 此句型中的 such 多被认为是表语,所以 such 后的 be 动词应与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。 ⑧ Such are the facts;no one can deny them. 这就是事实,没有人能否定它们。 27. (2010 年高考重庆卷)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River ________, one of the ten largest cities in China. A.lies Chongqing B.Chongqing liesC.does lie Chongqing D.does Chongqing lie 28.(2010 年高考江苏卷)―Is everyone here? ―Not yet...Look,there ________ the rest of our guests! A.come B.comesC.is coming D.are coming ★ 29.(2010 年高考陕西卷)John opened the door.There ________ he had never seen before. A.a girl did stand B.a girl stoodC.did a girl stand D.stood a girl ★ 30.(2009 年高考福建卷)For a moment nothing happened.Then ________ all shouting together. A.voices had come B.came voices C.voices would come D.did voices come 2【教材原句】 It is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.(P43) 很多人相信,它是在公元 200 年至公元 500 年之间被风沙渐渐覆盖了。 【句法分析】 句中 it 指的是楼兰古城,to have been gradually covered over 是动词不定式的被动式,使用 了完成时态,表示“被覆盖”。 ① Another earth satellite is reported to have been put into orbit.据报道又有一颗地球卫星被发射到预定轨道。 归纳拓展 (1)“Sb./Sth.is hoped/said/reported/believed+不定式”结构中,不定式可以是一般式、完成式、进行式等不同 的形式。 (2)“Sb./Sth.is hoped/said/reported/believed+不定式”结构可以转化为 it 作形式主语,that 从句为真正主语的 形式。 It is reported that ...据报道……28 It is well known that ...众所周知…… It is announced that...据宣布…… It is believed that ...人们相信…… It is thought that ...人们认为…… ② He is said to be working in that company. 据说他正在那家公司工作。 ③ He is said to have worked in that company. 据说他在那家公司工作过。 ④ He is said to work in that company. 据说他要到那家公司去工作。 【温馨提示】 如果使用表示“建议”“命令”“要求” 的动词的过去分词如 suggested, ordered, required 等时, that 从句中的谓语动词用 should +动词原形,should 可以省略。 ⑤ It is required that the article(should) be handed in before Friday. 老师要求文章在星期五之前交上。 31.句型转换 (1)It?s believed that Helen is John?s wife in law. →Helen ________ ________ ________ ________John?s wife in law. (2)It is said that the book has been translated into several languages. →The book is said ________ ________ ________ ________into several languages. ★ 32.(2011 年东北三校一模 )Cao Cao?s tomb is reported ________ in Anyang , which attracts nationwide attention. A.being found B.to be found C.having been found D.to have been found 3【教材原句】 Not only was Rome a city and a republic,but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.(P58) 罗马不仅是个城市和共和国,它也注定成为历史上最大帝国之一的首都。 【句法分析】 not only 置于句首时用部分倒装。 ① Not only did the teachers take part in the English evening party,but also they sang at the party. 老师们不但参加了英语晚会,而且在晚会上唱了歌。 归纳拓展 (1)not only...but also ...连接两个并列主语时,遵循“就近原则”,即谓语动词的数与靠得最近的主语的数保持 一致。 (2)not only...but also...连接并列的两个分句时,若 not only 放在句首,则它引导的分句要用倒装结构。 (3)但是如果 not only... but also ...连接两个并列主语,就不用倒装结构。 (4)not only...but also...中的 also 可以省略。 ② Not only he but also I am a student. 不但他是学生,我也是。 ③ Not only did he say so,but also he did so. 他不仅这样说,也这样做了。 ④ Not only had the poor man been fined,but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。 ⑤ Not only your possessions but also your life will be lost. 不仅你的财产,而且你的生命也将失去。 33.(2009 年高考全国卷Ⅰ )The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only ________,but students became more interested in the lessons. A.saved was teachers? energy29 B.was teachers? energy saved C.teachers? energy was saved D.was saved teachers? energy ★ 34.(2011 年江苏丹阳一模)Smith was overweight,so the doctor urged that not only ________ have less fat and meat,but also he ________. A.should he;take exercise B.ought he;take exercise C.he should;takes exercise D.he ought;takes exercise 35.完成句子 Not only you but also I ________ fit for the job. 不但你而且我也适合这项工作。30
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