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冒险游戏AVG游戏 《僵尸模拟训练》评测:出奇地令人满足_87870虚拟现实-爱微帮
&& &&& 游戏 《僵尸模拟训练》评测:出奇地令人满…
点击上方“87870虚拟现实”可以订阅哦导读《僵尸模拟训练》是一个爽快有趣又不那么让人压抑的游戏,僵尸的造型不会让你晚上睡不着觉,更不会吓你一跳。对于追求这种刺激的人来说,可能会有些小的失望,但是游戏其他方面的满足感,相信能够弥补这一点不足。而如果你想要没事的时候打打枪,休闲休闲爽快一下,那么这游戏就是你的不二选择了。编辑看法  有趣的部分"屠杀僵尸的感觉非常让人满足,解锁内容和趣味模式延长了新鲜感"  不满的部分"枪支解锁太过漫长"“出奇地令人满足”  如果你现在去看HTC Vive上的《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)的游戏截图,发现在这款僵尸射击游戏中,你面对的并非真正的僵尸,而是一堆纸板做成的假僵尸后,是否会对这款游戏的兴趣大减呢?至少87君一开始就是如此。毕竟以打僵尸游戏来说,多数人的期待就是脑浆血液横飞,封闭漆黑的环境中对抗面目可憎的大群僵尸。但是《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)正好相反,僵尸不是一个实体,而是像是摆放在儿童书店或是麦当劳里的卡通纸板,这种“僵尸”屠杀起来怎么会有意思?你可能会大吃一惊。  就像是标题中表达的一样,《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)是一款出奇地令人满足的游戏。作为一款不能移动的定点防守游戏,能够在不大量变换场景的情况下,让人感觉到满足并且想要不断尝试,简直是难能可贵。总结原因,可能是游戏中有两点做得非常到位,一个是枪械的手感,另一个则是僵尸受到攻击后的“反映”。  首先是枪支的手感,虽然游戏并没有在一开始就给你大量的枪械选择,你只能使用初始的两款不同口径的手枪,在杀掉一定数量的僵尸后解锁剩下的枪支。一般来说,这样的设定在初期阶段是非常让人纠结的,因为大多数初期枪支并不好用,尤其是火力小子弹少还不能连射的手枪,在面对大量僵尸的时候毫无用处。  在《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)中,手枪的这个尴尬地位并没有改变,除了挑战自己之外,相信没有人在解锁全自动武器后,还会回去使用初级手枪来进行生存模式。可有趣的是,虽然性价比并不高,它依然有着让人使用的冲动。因为在这款游戏中,开枪是一个非常让人满足的体验。枪支不会在你手中乱动,但是却有着颇为拟真的弹壳弹射,尤其是在一些手枪模型上,你可以看出制作者细心加入的细节。  而当僵尸被击中后的“反映”,也是让人产生满足感的一大原因。当你击中这些纸壳僵尸时,它们身上会相应的出现缺口,就像是你真的用子弹轰掉一块一样。你或许以为游戏中僵尸被打倒就直直的倒下去,这样确实会感觉非常无趣,但显然这款游戏不是如此。尤其是当你面对一团僵尸进行快速扫射的时候,你可以看到一个个僵尸残缺着向你走来,而你再次瞄准之后,扣下板机看到它的头与身体分离,那个满足感甚至比3D建模“噗”的一下爆头还要爽快。  而在最初看到这些简单的纸壳卡通僵尸时,很难不会认为这是制作组偷懒的结果。但事实并非如此,这样的设计让游戏可以同时存在大量的敌人,还不会影响整体性能表现。一般使用3D建模的僵尸游戏,一个场景里充其量十几二十个敌人,并且大多数是封闭的小场景。而在《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)中,你会看到几十甚至上百的将是同时出现,从远到近密密麻麻的一片,这个在充满压迫感的状态下进行爽快的发泄,可以说是目前VR僵尸游戏中非常缺少的。  更有趣的是,在游戏中你对抗僵尸的办法不仅仅是射击,你还有其它一些有趣的手段。最基本的就是爆炸物了,在你身后道具桌上一般会出现几颗手雷,在收音机旁边的台灯扔出去也可以打爆,桌子下也会出现一些煤气罐。游戏中想要成功的生存下来,非常依赖这些爆炸物的使用,因为你的子弹一次只能打死很少的一部分,一次位置合适的爆炸可能会消灭掉一大半敌人。  游戏中除了爆炸物,你还有两个非常有用的道具,一个是背后掏出的武士刀,再被僵尸近身的时候防卫自己,另一个就是鲜肉了。鲜肉的作用是吸引僵尸,而结合上边的爆炸物策略,你大概就能知道它的用处之大了。在高级关卡中,面对大量的僵尸,如果想要一个个开枪消灭,你的手指一定会变得酸痛。这个时候就需要扔出一块鲜肉,让所有僵尸聚集在一起,然后投掷爆炸物将它们全部消灭,看到大量碎片横飞的感觉,实在是想当然人满足。  除此之外,游戏还提供了不少的模式,除了最基本的生存模式,让你消灭一波波特定数量的僵尸。你还可以去进行一些基于时间的小挑战,譬如在最快的时间内杀掉四个僵尸,就像是在西部片中快速对决一样,或是看你用任意武器,以最快的时间消灭大量的僵尸。这些挑战的最终得分都可以在联网的排行榜上看到,可以与世界上所有玩家进行较量。游戏中还有一个硬核模式,会将时间变为夜晚,你的枪上会出现手电筒,也就是限制了你所能看到的视野,也是很有趣的一个模式。  总的来说,《僵尸模拟训练》(Zombie Training Simulator)是一个爽快有趣又不那么让人压抑的游戏,僵尸的造型不会让你晚上睡不着觉,更不会吓你一跳。对于追求这种刺激的人来说,可能会有些小的失望,但是游戏其他方面的满足感,相信能够弥补这一点不足。而如果你想要没事的时候打打枪,休闲休闲爽快一下,那么这游戏就是你的不二选择了。87870原创文章,转载须注明来源及链接点击“阅读原文”了解更多资讯
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非常另类极端的《僵尸围城模拟器 Zombie Outbreak Simulator》评测
编辑:陈B轩 && 来源:iPhone中文网 && 发布时间: 10:46:41
僵尸围城模拟器 Zombie Outbreak Simulator v1.1
价格:$0.99类别:模拟大小:7.5 MB语言:英语开发商:Binary Space Pty Ltd系统要求:iOS&4.0&或更高版本
  首先声明一下,Zombie Outbreak Simulator《僵尸围城模拟器》不能算是一款游戏,如果你把它当成策略游戏来玩的话可能会有上当受骗的感觉。这个APP是一款关于僵尸和人类的模拟器。没有任何东西让你控制,只是让你看和用心去体会,僵尸和人类的生存之战。
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VR Support
This VR game requires a play area of at least 2m x 1.5m.HeadsetsInputPlay Area
Full Audio
Title: Zombie Training Simulator
Release Date: 15 Apr, 2016
Requires a virtual reality headset. See the VR Support section for more info.
Buy Zombie Training Simulator
Recent updates
- In survival mode, added wave selection, retry the previous wave, and tracking of your highest reached wave per leaderboard.
- Added new single and dual wield pistol loadouts.
Unlock: 30k/50k zombies
Rounds: 250
Rate of fire: 800 rounds/minute
Penetration: 8 heads
Automatic: Yes
- The table is now positioned at the back of your play area. This gives any play area that is larger than the minimum size more room to play in front of the supply table. (Temporarily disabled for further testing.)
- Added hair trigger.
- Performance optimizations, especially regarding explosions.
- New menu option &Fracture Debris&. Changing this setting can help if your framerate is lagging in general or due to explosions.
- New menu option &Ambient Volume&. This lowers the volume of the ambient birds and wind.
- Crawlers crawl a little slower.
- Added select dual wield loadouts.
- Added dual katanas.
- Added in-game options for volume and brightness adjustment via the menu button on the Vive controller.
- You can pick up items from the table using a hand which has a katana or gun equipped.
- The radio (noise source) is your most capable zombie bait. It takes longer to destroy/consume than meat. Unlike meat, it can't be destroyed by the chef (gorging) zombie in a single bite.
- The lantern duals as an explosive and a nighttime-only zombie bait (light attractant).
- When throwing 2 grenades near each other, the first to explode can push the second grenade to an undesired location.
- You can shoot meat, radio and grenades to push them further away from you.
- Keeping the banjo zombie alive can give you time to rack up big points from the neighboring zombies distracted by his music.
About This Game
Are you really ready for the zombie apocalypse?
Zombie Training Simulator is the dominant authority and world's most advanced zombie preparation tool. We train you with real world weapons, tactics and scenarios to ensure that you are well equipped when the day comes.
Are zombies coming on space ships? Do zombies possess super powers? Will animals become zombies?
Nope! We've done the research on the most likely zombie characteristics and are here to make sure you're prepared.
Train and unlock powerful weapons including pistols, shotguns and machine guns. Learn the incredible zombie stopping power of each weapon. See how much zombies love fresh meat, sound and explosives. Combining these tactics will make you a truly distinguished zombie apocalypse survivor.
Play our speed tests to prepare your wicked accuracy, and try survival mode to practice surviving the ever increasing zombie hoards before it's time to run. Our integrated global leaderboard system displays your progress and capabilities around the world. Will you be the first person your friends will call when the day comes?
When the news reports the zombies are here and your friend gives you a call, &They're here. I need you,& how will you respond?
That's right, you'll say &I'll be right over. We've got this thanks to ZTS!&
We hope you're as excited as we are to prepare the world for the impending zombie invasion. Are you truly prepared?
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7+
Processor: Intel Core i5 4590 equivalent or greater
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970/AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent or greater
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 800 MB available space
DirectX: Version 10
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Very Positive
(16 reviews)
Very Positive
(159 reviews)
This is pretty much my favorite VR game to date.
It's easy enough to play at first, gets rapidly more intense, has a variety of game mechanics that allow you to build up a strategy, has a variety of levels, a variety of game modes, and is generally a very satisfying shooting game.VR being what it is (no AAA titles, mostly demos and demos pretending to be games), I'm callthing this is the killer &must have& game for now.
Unlocking new guns is cool.
Something that most VR games don't do yet.
I got this on sale and am returning it. The whole game is you standing in one spot while these zombie cut-out's swarm you. It gets kind of overwhelming very fast and usually you get killed by something crawling on the ground behind you. The more zombies you kill the more weapons you unlock but it's essentially just a shooting gallery.
I didn't know what to expect whenI entered this game. What I got was surprisingly terrifying, and fun too. The gun controls are as simple as pulling the trigger (the guns automatically reload) and when a Zombie sneaks up on you, it's well, surprisingly terrifying. Overall this game may seem overpriced at first glance but the experience will bring you back time again, and is well worth it.
The best VR arcade shooter ever!
So much fun, easy to play. when I got the game my son and I played till we unlocked every gun. I highly recommend this game. Who knew cartoon cutouts of zombies could be so terrifying lol.
The game looked cheesy, and I wasn't sure it would be worth the price.Boy was I wrong.This is easily the best fps/zombie game I have played on the Vive.The global highscores are a load of fun to try and beat.
If you own a Vive, you should own this game.
Simple as that.
It has the best gun play I've seen, varied weapons, varied modes, leaderboards, and the developer has continually updated the game to add valuable content.
This is a top notch game. Everything just works and looks wonderful. The gameplay is fun and addicting. My son loves it as well.
If I had one gripe it would be that it feels unnatural to hold the rifle type and shotgun weapons with one hand. I highly recommend.
One of my favorite Vive games, hand's down.You shoot huge crowds of cardboard zombies, while distracting them with steak, and blowing them up with grenades and propane tanks. Need I say more? Please add local leaderboards though, I'd love to save the scores of friends who come by to check out the Vive.
This is pretty much my favorite VR game to date.
It's easy enough to play at first, gets rapidly more intense, has a variety of game mechanics that allow you to build up a strategy, has a variety of levels, a variety of game modes, and is generally a very satisfying shooting game.VR being what it is (no AAA titles, mostly demos and demos pretending to be games), I'm callthing this is the killer &must have& game for now.
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So much fun, easy to play. when I got the game my son and I played till we unlocked every gun. I highly recommend this game. Who knew cartoon cutouts of zombies could be so terrifying lol.
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I didn't know what to expect whenI entered this game. What I got was surprisingly terrifying, and fun too. The gun controls are as simple as pulling the trigger (the guns automatically reload) and when a Zombie sneaks up on you, it's well, surprisingly terrifying. Overall this game may seem overpriced at first glance but the experience will bring you back time again, and is well worth it.
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The best VR arcade shooter ever!
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Unlocking new guns is cool.
Something that most VR games don't do yet.
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This is a top notch game. Everything just works and looks wonderful. The gameplay is fun and addicting. My son loves it as well.
If I had one gripe it would be that it feels unnatural to hold the rifle type and shotgun weapons with one hand. I highly recommend.
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The game looked cheesy, and I wasn't sure it would be worth the price.Boy was I wrong.This is easily the best fps/zombie game I have played on the Vive.The global highscores are a load of fun to try and beat.
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This is the first time I ever wrote a review for any game on Steam (even with 700+
in my library).I've so far had the vive for a week and have around 70 games/demoes so far.This is by far one of my top 5 games for VR. If you want a great shooter, this is the one to get - the feel of the shooting rivals H3VR, even though it is cartoon zombies - the graphics, especially when it comes to the iron sights is crystal clear which makes it a lot more realistic to aim properly than in most other VR shooters I've tried so far. I've been in the military for over 20 years now, so I have some experience firing guns, and something about the mechanics in this game makes it feel right.Do NOT let the cartoony style fool you - this is a must buy for your Vive - it is worth every penny!Edit: If I could ask for one single addition it would be to allow for manual reload of weapons using your offhand vive controller the same way it is done in H3VR. That would make it all but perfect.
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Very good fun, reminds me of point blank. The weapons are well modelled,the reload is basic,as in automatic reloading i just wish this had co-op play as its a blast in single player.
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Nephew and I playing this constantly.
Great gun physics.
Dream feature is a co-op campaign mode where one person goes then the other etc through an awesome storyline.
Thumbs up recommend.
Have it mirrored out to a big tv and it's a blast to watch too.
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