
HTTPNetworkSniffer(数据包嗅探工具) V1.40 绿色版
应用平台:Win7 / Vista / Win2003 / WinXP / Win2008
HTTPNetworkSniffer 是一个免费的数据包嗅探工具,简单的说就是可以查看程序连接了哪个网址或者IP,访问的网址虽然很容易获取,但究竟是哪个程序想要连接到这个服务器,那么还需要你在&路径&、&用户代理&、&属性&等界面中进行分析了
HTTPNetworkSniffer(数据包嗅探工具) V1.40 绿色版
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HTTPNetworkSniffer (捕获显示http请求/响应)V1.15绿色版
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捕获并显示 HTTP 请求/响应 用于分析网站的get post等请求
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21:07:44 & 作者:愤怒的香蕉 & 来源:
摘要: 利用HTTPNetworkSniffer这个数据包嗅探工具,就能够非常容易的获取常用程序正在访问哪些网址。
这个软件兼容2000、xp、vista、win 7等众多windows系统。
Copyright (C) 2007 All right reserved 
IT时报网 内容未经许可 不许转载HTTPNetworkSniffer - http sniffer utility
HTTPNetworkSniffer v1.56
Copyright (c) 2011 - 2016 Nir Sofer
- Monitor the traffic on your network adapter.
- Edit, merge and repair the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.
HTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table.
For every HTTP request, the following information is displayed:
Host Name, HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD), URL Path, User Agent, Response Code, Response String, Content Type,
Referer, Content Encoding, Transfer Encoding, Server Name, Content Length, Cookie String, and more...
You can easily select one or more HTTP information lines, and then export them to text/html/xml/csv file or copy
them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel.
System Requirements
This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10, including 64-bit systems.
One of the following capture drivers is required to use HTTPNetworkSniffer:
WinPcap is an open source capture driver that allows you to capture network packets on any version of Windows.
You can download and install the WinPcap driver .
Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003):
Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by HTTPNetworkSniffer,
but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options:
Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the
Option 2 (XP Only) :
Download and install the .
One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver
will automatically be installed on your system.
Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x:
Microsoft provides a new version of Microsoft Network Monitor driver (3.x) that is also supported under Windows 7/Vista/2008.
The new version of Microsoft Network Monitor (3.x) is available to download from .
You can also try to use HTTPNetworkSniffer without installing any driver, by using the 'Raw Sockets'
method. Unfortunately, Raw Sockets method has many problems:
It doesn't work in all Windows systems, depending on Windows version, service pack, and the updates installed on your system.
On Windows 7 with UAC turned on, 'Raw Sockets' method only works when you run HTTPNetworkSniffer with 'Run As Administrator'.
Known Limitations
HTTPNetworkSniffer cannot capture HTTP data of a secured Web site (HTTPS)
Versions History
Version 1.56:
HTTPNetworkSniffer now automatically loads the new version of WinPCap driver from
if it's installed on your system.
Version 1.55:
Added 2 HTTP request columns: 'Accept' and 'Range'.
Version 1.51:
HTTPNetworkSniffer now tries to load the dll of Network Monitor Driver 3.x (NmApi.dll) according to the installation path specified in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Netmon3.
This change should solve the problem with loading the Network Monitor Driver 3.x on some systems.
Version 1.50:
Added 4 columns to the adapters list in the 'Capture Options' window: 'Connection Name', 'MAC Address', 'Instance ID', 'Interface Guid'.
When using WinPCap driver , HTTPNetworkSniffer now displays more accurate information in the adapters list of the 'Capture Options' window.
Version 1.47:
Added 'Auto Size Columns On Every Update' option.
Version 1.46:
Added option to export to JSON file.
Version 1.45:
Added 'Always On Top' option.
Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key.
Version 1.41:
HTTPNetworkSniffer now offers you to run it as administrator (Under Windows Vista/7/8 with UAC)
Version 1.40:
HTTPNetworkSniffer now allows you to automatically add it to the allowed programs list of Windows firewall when starting to capture and remove it when you stop capturing. This option is needed when using the 'Raw Socket' capture method while Windows firewall is turned on, because if HTTPNetworkSniffer is not added to Windows firewall, the incoming traffic is not captured at all and thus HTTPNetworkSniffer doesn't work properly.
Version 1.36:
Added columns names ('IP Address' and 'Adapter Name') to the adapters list on the 'Capture Options' window.
Version 1.35:
Added integration with
Version 1.32:
Added 'Show Time In GMT' option.
Version 1.31:
Fixed bug: The 'Promiscuous Mode' check-box in the 'Capture Options' window was not saved to the configuration file.
Version 1.30:
Added 'Response Time' column, which calculates and displays the time (in milliseconds) passed between the moment that the client sent the HTTP request and the moment that the HTTP server response received by the client.
To get more accurate result on this column, it's recommended to use the WinPcap driver or the Microsoft Network Monitor driver (version 3.4 or later) to capture the packets.
Version 1.27:
Added 'Scroll Down On New Line' option. If it's turned on, HTTPNetworkSniffer automatically scrolls to the bottom when a new line is added.
Version 1.26:
Fixed the flickering problem on Windows 7.
Version 1.25:
Added 'Load From Capture File' option. Allows you to load a capture file created by WinPcap/Wireshark (Requires the WinPcap driver) or
a capture file created by Microsoft Network Monitor driver (Requires the Network Monitor driver 3.x) and displays the captured
data in the format of HTTPNetworkSniffer.
Added /load_file_pcap and /load_file_netmon command-line options.
Version 1.22:
Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
Version 1.21:
Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.
Fixed issue: The properties dialog-box and other windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
Version 1.20:
Added URL column.
Fixed bug: When opening the 'Capture Options' dialog-box after Network Monitor Driver 3.x was previously selected, HTTPNetworkSniffer switched back to Raw Sockets mode.
Version 1.15:
Added new column: Last Modified Time.
Version 1.10:
Added 3 new columns: Location, Server Time, and Expiration Time.
Version 1.06:
Fixed the accelerator key of 'Stop Capture' (F6)
Version 1.05:
Added 'Copy URLs' option (Ctrl+U), which copies the URLs of the selected HTTP items into the clipboard
Version 1.00 - First release.
Start Using HTTPNetworkSniffer
Except of a capture driver needed for capturing network packets,
HTTPNetworkSniffer doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files.
In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - HTTPNetworkSniffer.exe
After running HTTPNetworkSniffer in the first time, the 'Capture Options' window appears on the screen,
and you're requested to choose the capture method and the desired network adapter.
In the next time that you use HTTPNetworkSniffer, it'll automatically start capturing packets with the capture method and
the network adapter that you previously selected. You can always change the 'Capture Options' again by pressing F9.
After choosing the capture method and network adapter,
HTTPNetworkSniffer captures and displays
every HTTP request/response sent between your Web browser and the remote Web server.
Command-Line Options
/load_file_pcap &Filename&
Loads the specified capture file, created by WinPcap driver.
/load_file_netmon &Filename&
Loads the specified capture file, created by Network Monitor driver 3.x.
Integration with IPNetInfo utility
If you want to get more information about the server IP address displayed in HTTPNetworkSniffer utility,
you can use the Integration with IPNetInfo utility in order to easily view the IP address information loaded directly from WHOIS servers:
and run the latest version of .
Select the desired connections, and then choose &IPNetInfo - Server IP& from the File menu (or simply click Ctrl+I).
IPNetInfo will retrieve the information about server IP addresses of the selected items.
Translating HTTPNetworkSniffer to other languages
In order to translate HTTPNetworkSniffer to other language, follow the instructions below:
Run HTTPNetworkSniffer with /savelangfile parameter:
HTTPNetworkSniffer.exe /savelangfile
A file named HTTPNetworkSniffer_lng.ini will be created in the folder of HTTPNetworkSniffer utility.
Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
Translate all string entries to the desired language.
Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site.
(TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be
used in the 'About' window.
After you finish the translation, Run HTTPNetworkSniffer, and all translated
strings will be loaded from the language file.
If you want to run HTTPNetworkSniffer without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move
it to another folder.
This utility is released as freeware.
You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM,
Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this and you don't
sell it or distribute it as a part of commercial product.
If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in
the distribution package, without any modification !
The software is provided &AS IS& without any warranty, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.
If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility,
you can send a message to
HTTPNetworkSniffer is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of
HTTPNetworkSniffer, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the 'httpnetworksniffer_lng.ini',
and put it in the same folder that you Installed HTTPNetworkSniffer utility.


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