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Unpacking my house. 😴😓 *rant*
Posted 09/19/2016
We finally moved into a place after moving cross country and having to stay with family for a few months. I'm thankful and happy, but holy cow moving is a lot of work when you're pregnant.
I'm nesting like a crazy person, so I have all this energy to get stuff done, but by the end of the day my whole body aches. And my new house still looks like a meth user lives here. WHY. DH
(dear husband) has been pulling overtime at work to reimburse our savings from this move so I really wanted to have things organized and put away by the time he got back.
My four year old has an attitude after we stayed with grandma for a few months and doesn't seem to think he needs to listen or help now, so it's been time outs for attitude adjustment all day long. This is my fifth load of laundry because my husband can't throw away/donate clothes and packed up enough to clothe a whole company of soldiers.
Pray for me. ???
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Posted 09/20/2016
Whatever. We made cupcakes.
Last edited 09/20/2016
Cupcakes sounds like a brilliant solution.
Good luck with the unpacking, it's my least favorite activity in the whole world
Posted 09/20/2016
That sounds nightmareish! Hope cupcakes make it all better!
Posted 09/20/2016
Ha! I think the cupcakes were a great idea! We are moving next month and I am not looking forward to it. Just the packing right now is killing me!!
Me - 40 DH - 42 DS - 21 TTC ~ 10 years ~ 10 IUIs IVF #1 - BFN IVF #2 - CP IVF #3 - BFN IVF #4 (FET) - CP IVF #5 (FET) - BFP!!
Posted 09/20/2016
I feel you. We just moved for the second time since aug:/ this last round was a month at my parents while hubbs got a new job after getting out of the Navy. Now we are 2.5 hrs away and i am trying to unpack while 28weeks pregnant and having a 5yr old(waiting for the school to call me back in placement) and our 2yr old. All while having a sprained right hip due to some *issues* with my dad and hubbs. Rhis is not fun. I hate moving as it is and my kids have been hell today. Mommy need a break. And too boot, i have zero friends here:/ sorry...apparently i needed to vent
Posted 09/20/2016
I'm right there with you. We moved a week and half ago and had to move in 24hrs. We finally closed escro on our first house last Friday, moved everything on Saturday and my husband deployed Sunday. We literally moved in 24hrs and then I had to unpack and set up everything by myself with my 2 kids. Talk about stressful LOL. I'm extremely stubborn and need things organized and set up immediately, so it took me about 5days non stop to pull my house together. Now I'm finally trying to rest and relax.
Posted 09/20/2016
That's what I'll be doing nonstop starting Friday this week!!! Looking forward to getting out of boxes and my life put back together lol
Posted 09/20/2016
Way to go ladies!! I moved back at 12 weeks and it took more out of me than I thought it would!! GL mamas!!
Posted 09/20/2016
Yup. We also just moved, and my husband was absolutely no help with unpacking. He literally just threw all of his boxes into the baby's room, even though he's got a basement of his own.
Luckily my mom lives nearby and she helped out. I couldn't carry the boxes to the basement, so she did it for me. He's still annoyed by it, but whatever. I told him to move them several times.
- December 24 2016
Posted 09/20/2016
I feel you. We just moved for the second time since aug:/ this last round was...
That's what we did- moved cross country, started with family then finally found our own place. Clutter gives me anxiety, and I've been so stressed out I started getting cramps and panic attacks today. So DH
(dear husband) is home now and I'm eating ice cream while watching him do his part. I also took a four hour nap by accident, I guess I'm scary when I'm stressed out and he was afraid to wake me up. It's amazing what a doctor saying "sit the eff down" does- he's gotten more done in a few hours than I think he's gotten done ever.
I also don't know anyone here and it sucks. I never get to talk to an adult unless it's DH.
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