沉浸式体验 英文游戏哪款好

发布时间: 15:42:42
作者:Geoff Howland
super-mario(from fanpop.com)
Game Design : The Addiction Element
By Geoff Howland
What makes a game addictive? In order for a game to become addictive there must be a driving force to keep playing the game. Some reasons behind this are: to finish the game, to compete against others, to master the game’s control and interface, to explore the game and getting a high score or equivalent.
Addiction of Finishing the Game
An addiction to finish the game is often based on either wanting to see the end result or just to complete it. In the case of just trying to complete the game it can be seen just as a challenge. A particularly difficult game it may be an act of pride to keep playing until the game is complete. This doesn’t always create the best results though because where some people may find a challenge to win, many others may just find it too difficult and give up. People like to win, if you can provide a game that challenges them and still lets them eventually win you will probably end up with happier players overall. This is a design choice though and needs to be made when your targeting your audience.
In the case where a player finishes a game to see how it ends, there is a story motivation. Even in a game with a simple story such as Super Mario Brothers there was an ending. Many players wanted to find out what happened when they beat the game and eventually rescued the princess. Once they found out the ending and the game started over on the first level again they had finished the story and this is where many people stopped playing the game.
Addiction of Competition
The addiction of competing against others is a powerful one and can keep a game alive and thriving for incredibly long periods of times. A game that two or more players find a good interface to compete through can last far longer than its shelf or hard drive life expectancy. Competition is one of the cornerstones of computer games. It allows people to interact with each other on a common level under the supervision of the game’s rules and really puts the game in the hands of the players, instead of the developer. The players will figure out their own traps and snares for each other and usually far exceed what the developer could think of before hand. If you create your game with flexible rules you can allow players to create their own playing styles, moves and tactics in your games that you had not planned for.
Addiction of Mastery
The addiction of mastery of a game or its control is also extremely powerful. Vehicle simulation games especially show this as their primary goal is to simulate the control of a particular vehicle. Often after a game has been beaten it will still be played to improve and refine the player’s skill. The trick in making a good interface to allow this is to create detail levels in the controls. For example in a driving game a simple turn with maximum efficiency you must be able to feel the road and give when your tires are losing traction. The key to allowing the player to learn your game’s control is in your feedback to the player. A sound signifying the tires beginning to lose traction, the sound of the engine in different states as you are pushing through a turn. Anything the player can use as a map to understanding how the game is functioning will let them grow into an interface and give them a reason to try to master it. If the player does not have enough feedback or if the interface is too black and white there may be no good way to master it and if a beginner and an advanced player have roughly the same chances of doing something there is no reason to try to become an advanced player.
Addiction of Exploration
The addiction of exploration has been in computer games since the beginning. In fact some of the first games were only about exploration. The game Adventure was a text game where the player could wander through areas looking around and collecting items, there were a few puzzles to be solved by getting items in combination to unlock more areas to explore. More recently the game of Myst also used this as its basis and has sold well over a million copies. The popularity of Myst cannot be ruled out as an anomaly as there is a strong urge in many people to explore interesting places and more than one game has capitalized on this. Games such as the Zork and Infocom text adventure series also were based on this premise and it is clear that this is a definite genre to be explored and not discounted.
Secret levels have also been the key of many games, from Super Mario Brothers to Final Fantasy 7, a main facet of the addiction was to find the secret levels. I once read that Shigeru Miyamoto (pride Nintendo’s design team who created Super Mario Brothers, Zelda, Metroid, et al) said that 40% of a video game’s levels should be hidden, it seems to have worked quite well for him.
Addiction of the High Score
The addiction of getting or beating a high score falls under two categories but is important enough to have a spot of its own. Normally someone who is trying to get a high score or some equivalent in a computer game is either trying to compete against other player’s scores or is trying to master the game. A huge amount of game playing has resulted simply from beating a high score of another. I believe this originated in Pinball games and still holds true in a more advanced way in the ladders of today’s Internet. If you haven’t already, take a look at them, they are extremely popular and have created their own sub-culture of sorts.
Another type of high score addiction is over winning a game. To do more than just finish the game. In the game of Super Mario Brothers, after you won you could continue to play with added difficulty. It became a measure of pride for some people to beat the game many times in one session or to perhaps beat the game once or twice without ever dying. For a while it was also very popular to see how fast you could beat the Legend of Zelda in one sitting. These types of addictions are variations of competing with others or with yourself and also fall into mastering the game.
Creating a way for your players to keep playing even after they have won the game, and giving them more incentive to play by making things harder and thus making it more challenging is another way you can add the element of addiction to your games.()
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体验沉浸式乐趣不一定需要VR 写实风格益智游戏《纸牌城堡》即将上架
  相信几乎所有人都玩过纸牌类游戏。但大多数纸牌游戏都是围绕着数字与花色做文章,很少有作品会将目光投向“纸牌”这个物品本身。《(Castle &Of Cards)》的出现,让我们想起了纸牌的另一种“与数字和花色都无关的魅力”。下面,先来看一段游戏预告视频。  通过视频我们很快发现《》的玩法就和小时候在家无聊时拿纸牌堆城堡一样。每次拿起两张纸牌,搭建成自己觉得满意的样子, 确认以后进行下一次摆牌。如果没放稳导致部分纸牌坍塌,可以撤销再摆一次。游戏的目标当然是让城堡越高越好,下方显示的数字就是纸牌城堡目前的高度,同时要注意撤销的次数是有限的。  此外,游戏还加入了竞争元素,你堆出的纸牌城堡高度可与世界各地的玩家比拼,如果你的高度排名靠前,就能被全世界玩家膜拜。  《(Castle Of Cards)》这款游戏的亮点不仅仅在怀旧的玩法,整个游戏的制作也堪称精美。写实风格的画面配上第一人称视角原本已经让玩家很有代入感,没想到游戏音效也十分逼真。  仔细听视频里的声音,除了优美的钢琴曲作为背景音乐外,还能听到有人轻声收拾餐具的声音,钥匙叮当作响的声音和轻轻的关门声。这些细节不禁让人联想,晚饭后是谁在收拾餐具,又是谁这么晚了还要出门,只留下“我”一个人在家津津有味的玩着纸牌。  之所以推断为晚上,是因为从纸牌影子的方向看出,光线应该是从天花板的吊灯发出的,而需要开灯的时间大多是夜晚。那么,游戏的作者想表达的究竟是什么呢?  虽然在游戏里一直都是“我”一个人在玩纸牌,但背景音乐的基调并没有让人觉得孤单或悲伤,反而带着一点自娱自乐的欢快感。这或许是想告诉我们,与纸牌为伴的闲适时光也是一种难得的享受。希望我们暂时放下一切烦恼,沉浸在堆纸牌的乐趣中。  看来想要体验沉浸式的游戏乐趣,似乎也不是非 VR 不可,普通的小游戏做得足够用心,也能让人沉迷。《纸牌城堡(Castle Of Cards)》的具体上架时间尚未公布,如果你也被这段游戏视频吸引,并愿意为它等待,就请继续关注我们的后续报道吧。
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新生代玩家体验为王 微鲸打造沉浸式游戏体验
电视机屏,曾在游戏江湖称霸天下,虽然后来让位给了便携、智能的PSP、手机、平板等,但随着新生代玩家对游戏视听、操作等体验的进一步需求,以微鲸电视为代表的互联网电视,受到了新生代游戏玩家的大力拥簇。微鲸电视,以4K大屏、高性能处理器、&锐丽得&图像技术、HiFi级别音响等高端配置,满足新生代游戏玩家需求,为游戏爱好者们打造出前所未有的沉浸式游戏体验。 集锦海量人气电视游戏 微鲸游戏江湖要你&沉醉&微鲸电视,集锦海量优质电视游戏,制作精良,种类丰富,可以满足不同玩家的不同需求。《迷你血战2》,场面壮观,扣人心弦,配以微鲸巨屏体验和超绝声效,流畅操作激烈射击,让人爽翻天;《欢乐斗地主》不仅包含斗地主经典玩法、癞子玩法和挑战赛玩法,还增加了普通斗地主所没有的丰富牌型、劲爆道具等,在微鲸电视超大高清屏幕的流畅运行下,玩家将感受到无穷无尽的乐趣,沉浸其中难以自拔;《摇滚藏獒之守望梦想》,有特有的双人游戏模式,华丽的solo防御攻击,以及优秀的背景音乐,在微鲸电视的高配置演绎下,玩家可享受影院般的视听感受和身临其境的游戏体验;《河狸回家》,造型生动设计有趣,虽略有难度,但在微鲸电视4K大屏和超广视角的帮助下,玩家可以将所有细节尽收眼底,躲过突如其来的陷阱攻击,与微鲸联手闯关,享受游戏的无限魅力;《囧囧兔之弹弹兔》,将传统的打砖块街机游戏进行了优化创新,在微鲸电视的高清画质引擎和高性能处理器辅助下,玩家游戏感受酷爽十足&&微鲸电视游戏江湖,海纳百川,让人沉醉! 打造最极致沉浸式游戏体验 微鲸电视为新一代而生以4K硬屏带来游戏大屏体验,让玩家&身临其境&,畅快穿越游戏江湖;以&锐丽得&图像技术和色彩增强技术,有效消除模糊、拖影、抖动等问题,使游戏画面更加丰富鲜艳,让玩家在五彩斑斓的游戏世界尽情遨游;以64位处理器芯片等高配置,使游戏运行流畅自如,让玩家操作随心所欲,酣畅淋漓&&无论是被誉为互联网电视巅峰之作的78英寸&天幕&,还是一炮而红、销售爆表的43英寸小钢炮、55英寸曲面等,&为新一代而生&的微鲸,自成立以来发布的6个尺寸段9款互联网电视,一直以革新硬件与创新技术,引领互联网电视行业,打破当代游戏于掌机、手机、电脑上操作的体验局限,为新生代游戏玩家带来更极致的沉浸式娱乐体验,扛鼎客厅游戏王者之位。拥有一台微鲸电视,就是拥有天马行空、自由驰骋的游戏江湖,海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞,最自由、最极致的沉浸式游戏体验,尽在微鲸。微鲸,为游戏玩家打开新世界的大门。
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