西数的xbox one x 换硬盘专用硬盘怎么样

西数My Passport X移动硬盘体验 主机玩家必备
  PS4和Xbox One是两部非常不同的游戏机,但它们也存在一个共同点:存储空间不够用。虽然索尼允许用户自行更换硬盘,但Xbox用户却只能通过移动硬盘来拓展存储空间。为此,硬盘厂商也推出了具有针对性的产品,比如西部数据的2TB My Passport X移动硬盘。
  这款移动硬盘的机身规格为110x81.5x20.9毫米,就它的存储容量而言也算小巧。其带条纹的黑色塑料外壳显然是为了匹配Xbox One的设计风格,不过触感相对顺滑。My Passport X的机身上只有一个USB 3.0接口,由于可从Xbox直接获取电源,因此它并不需要连接外置电源。
  My Passport X的设置非常简单:将其插入Xbox One背后的USB接口,然后遵循屏幕上的提示即可。值得注意的是,这块硬盘并没有为Xbox One的使用而进行预格式化,因此你也可以将其用在计算机上。而首次插入Xbox One之后,系统会要求你对其进行重新格式化以存储Xbox One游戏。执行该操作之后,它就只能为Xbox One服务了。
  随后,你可以在Xbox的管理游戏菜单当中将内置硬盘中的游戏复制或移动到My Passport X当中。硬盘的数据传输速度相对较快,将附带所有DLC的《泰坦陨落》(约25.4GB)移动到My Passport X耗时约23分钟,而安装《极限竞速5》耗时32分17秒(Xbox One内置硬盘为33分20秒)。
  从My Passport X加载游戏的速度要比内置硬盘稍慢一些,不过速度相差仅有1秒左右。相比存储容量的大幅度提升,性能上的细微差异显然是很容易就能接受的。
  My Passport X或许不是最便宜的USB 3.0移动硬盘(售价130美元,约合人民币840元),但它的身上的确有不少让人喜爱的地方,比如使用方便、无需外接电源、以及和内置硬盘接近的性能表现。虽然复制和移动游戏的过程稍显麻烦,但这应该是Xbox One在用户界面方面的问题。
  总的来说,在不少游戏都已超过30GB的今天,一部移动硬盘基本上都是主机玩家的必备,而My Passport X是它们当中一个颇具吸引力的选择。
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最近赞Ta的人How is the PS4 smaller, lighter, and yet more powerful than the Xbox One?
on November 21, 2013 at 3:39 pm
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We&#8217;ve spent a lot of time comparing the PS4 and Xbox One in terms of hardware specs, software, and games &#8212; but one thing we haven&#8217;t discussed
their form and design. Physically, the Xbox One and PS4 are very different consoles: While the Xbox is huge and boxy, the PS4 is much slimmer and lighter. Furthermore, despite being thinner and lighter, the PS4 has an integrated PSU, while the Xbox One has a separate power brick. Is Sony simply superior to Microsoft when it comes to industrial design and engineering? Or is there another reason for the design disparity between the PS4 and Xbox One?Defining the parametersA large PC case mod, with both the Xbox 360 and PS3 inside ()From the outset, we know that both the PS4 and Xbox One are essentially x86 PCs. As a PC builder, I can tell you that you can basically make a PC as big or as small as you like &#8212; it&#8217;s just a matter of defining how the system will be used, and how much you want to spend. In general, if you keep a certain performance target in mind, computers get more expensive as they get smaller. For example, if you want to build a system that&#8217;s capable of 10 teraflops, it&#8217;s much cheaper to build a large PC than a small PC.Likewise, other stipulations also affect the size and cost of your computer &#8212; if you want your computer to play optical discs, have a removable hard drive, or be guaranteed to survive for a certain amount of time, there are hard limits on your choice of components, cooling solution, and chassis.Once Sony and Microsoft had defined exactly how much performance they wanted from the PS4 and Xbox One, along with any other hardware features (Blu-ray playback, HDMI passthrough, etc.), it&#8217;s then a matter of designing a device that meets these requirements, while not going over-budget.PS4 vs. Xbox One: Very similar specs with wildly different designsWhat&#8217;s interesting is that, despite the PS4 and Xbox One having very similar hardware specs, their final designs turned out to be very different. If we boil it down, the only real hardware difference is that the PS4 has a 50% larger GPU, and thus higher peak power consumption. This means that Sony either had to include a beefier cooling solution (driving up cost and/or noise levels), or design the system to operate safely at higher temperatures. If we take a look inside the PS4 and Xbox One, though, the two consoles are designed very differently.PS4 internals [Image credit: ]Xbox One internals [Image credit: ]As you can see, the Xbox One is basically just a motherboard with a PC-style Blu-ray drive, 2.5-inch hard drive, and an APU with a huge heatsink and fan. There is a lot of empty space in the Xbox One &#8212; and don&#8217;t forget there&#8217;s a separate power brick, too. The PS4, on the other hand, is much denser &#8212; not only did Sony opt for a cut-down Blu-ray drive without the heavy steel enclosure, but it also decided to integrate the PSU. A single fan cools both the PSU and the APU. On the PS4, the hard drive can be removed on the Xbox One, there&#8217;s a huge steel that can&#8217;t be easily removed, preventing everyday consumers from upgrading the hard drive.Despite the PS4 integrating the PSU and being designed to have an easily removed hard drive, the console still only weighs around six pounds (2.7kg), while the Xbox One is a hefty eight pounds (3.6kg) before you factor in the PSU. Despite being , the PS4 is smaller and lighter than the Xbox One. It would seem the PS4 is much better engineered than the Xbox One &#8212; but is it that simple?Next page:
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