第一次佩戴 healbe gobe使用方法智能手环时,我看到屏幕显示“无连接”,而且APP显示GoBe不匹配。这时该怎么办?

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Healbe GoBe软件截图Healbe GoBe下载信息Healbe GoBe简介
The Healbe GoBe App is the companion app for your GoBe device, The 100% Automatic Body Manager. The app keeps track of and visually explains your body’s physiological data: calorie intake, calories burned, activity level, heart rate, hydration level, quality of sleep and level of stress.FEATURESo EnergyThe app shows both parameters of your energy balance on a graph – calorie intake as well as calories burned. You can access a full history of your previous data by logging into your personal account . o Hydration LevelThe app shows your hydration level and reminds you to drink if itis low.o Heart RateThe app shows your average peak and resting heart rates on a graph - based on 5-minute averages. o Sleep StatusThe app shows how well you slept the night before, monitors your REM phases and can help you to wake up feeling refreshed with its Smart Alarm feature. o Stress LevelThe app shows your stress level by analyzing your heart rate and sleep metrics. STAY MOTIVATEDThe app provides instant access to GoBe’s analysis of your body’s current health, and is a great tool to help you stay on track towards your fitness goals. Healbe GoBe can be the support and structure that you need to start replacing unhealthy habits with good ones.APPLE HEALTHSince version 1.2.2 the Healbe GoBe App syncs seamlessly with Apple Health to put your body data in one place. The data is automatically logged, including calorie intake, pulse, steps and sleep data. You can add these widgets to your Apple Health Dashboard. You can also sync your Healbe GoBe profile data with Apple Health: the information about weight and height will always be updated (In case you use smart scales for example). Stay healthy and enjoy this integration!( ! ) THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES A HEALBE GOBE WEARABLE DEVICE. Get yours at our site!( ! ) IMPORTANT REMINDER: Don’t forget to regularly update your GoBe firmware by using the app. It’s simple, doesn’t take much time, and will ensure your GoBe is functioning at its best. The app will notify you when firmware updates are available. GoBe you!Need help? Contact us at Your Healbe team.Healbe GoBe更新日志
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PP苹果助手:love25ppcom开启你的智能生活Healbe GoBe运动腕带
来自: 2 位用户品牌:Healbe品类:标签:印象:外观时尚佩戴舒适心率监测心率监测一家俄罗斯公司推出了一款新型运动腕带Healbe GoBe,内置了全新类型的传感器,可通过无创形式监测用户血糖值,从而更准确地计算出每餐摄入的热量。这款颇具创新意味的设备不仅在众筹网站获得了高人气,同时也引来了很多争议,因为大部分科技媒体、评论家认为“无创血糖监测”听上去太科幻了。它的体积与一块智能手表相仿,正面的网状设计隐藏了LED灯,用于显示一些信息,背面则集成三种传感器。另外,由于传感器需要接触到皮肤才能工作,佩戴它洗澡或是沾水后(支持三米防水),会感觉到有点痒。总得来说,Healbe GoBe不是一款漂亮、舒适的可穿戴产品。Healbe GoBe的核心设计是其背部的传感器,加速度传感器自然是基础,而阻抗传感器则是关键。Healbe GoBe的设计师表示,阻抗传感器可以通过监测皮下组织的液体水平,从而推算出葡萄糖在血液中的含量。简单来说,当你摄入食物时,体内细胞会释放水分与葡萄糖结合,而Healbe GoBe能够通过监测液体水平并计算热量,准确性更高。另外,还内置了一个压力传感器用于监测心率水平。分享到:扫一扫手机阅读、分享文本
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