
The 10th China Securities Investment Fund Forum International
December 2, 2011
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Municipal Government,
Capital Market Research Institute
China International Fund Management Co., Ltd.
State Street Corporation
December 2, 2011
Shangri-la Hotel, Futian District, Shenzhen
The Breakthrough―Transformation from Fund Management Company into Asset Management Company
1) Expansion of fund companies’ business and investment scope
2) Development of indices and index investing
3) Reconstruction of sales channel for fund Industry
4) Reading the economic situation at home and aboard
5) Construction of wealth management center in Shenzhen
Registration, Banquet Hall, Shangri-la Hotel, Futian District, Shenzhen
Opening Ceremony
Chair: Mr. Chen Yaoxian, Vice Chairman of Capital Market Research Institute
Welcome speech by host
Mr. Liu Hongru, Chairman of Capital Market Research Institute, First Chairman of CSRC
Welcome speech by host
Mr. Xu Qin, Mayor, Shenzhen Municipality
Keynote Speech by: Mr. Guo Shuqing, Chairman, China Securities Regulatory Commission
Keynote speech by Zhang Yujun, CEO, Shanghai Stock Exchange
Keynote speech by Song Liping, CEO, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Denomination Ceremony for Permanent Fund Forum
(Playing DVD of the review of 10 years of fund forum. Chairman Guo Shuqing, Secretary Wang Rong, Vice Chairman Yao Gang, Chairman Liu Hongru, Chairman Chen Dongzheng will unveil plaque for the permanent fund forum.)
Session 1: Expansion of fund companies’ business and investment scope
Session Chair: Mr. Wang Lin, Director of Fund Supervision Department, CSRC
Keynote speech by Mr Clive Brown, global COO, J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Keynote speech by Mr Lester Gray, CEO, Asia Pacific, Schroders Asset Management, Chairman of the Investment Management Association of Singapore
Keynote speech by Mr. Pedro Bastos, Deputy President, Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association
Panel Discussion
1.&&&& Are there any restrictions imposed by overseas regulators on the business scope of asset management companies?
2.&&&& What are the business scopes of overseas asset management companies? What is the driving force behind the diversifying of investment scope and varieties in overseas asset management companies?
3.&&&& What are the possible breakthroughs for alternative investment by fund management companies in China?
4.&&&& How can fund companies transform to modern asset management companies? What can we learn from overseas companies’ experience and lessons?
Ms Denise Voss, Vice Chairman, Association of Luxembourg Fund Industry
Mr. Gao Liangyu, CEO, China Southern Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Zhang Shuolin, CEO, China International Fund Management Co., Ltd
Mr. Woong Park, CEO, Mirae Asset Global Investments
and the guests who deliver keynote speeches
Keynote Luncheon: Reading the global economic situation
Chair: Mr. Chen Hongqiao, Vice President, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Young Chin, CIO, : Institutional investors’ view on the global economic situation
Banquet HallⅠ
Session II:Development of indices and index investing
Session Chair: Zhou Jiannan, Assistant President, Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Part 1: Index Investing enhances competitiveness of fund companies
Keynote speech by Mr. Fan Yonghong, CEO of China Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Keynote speech by Ms Ting Li, Senior Managing Director,
Opinions via video: Director of Fund Supervision Department, CSRC; Mr. Ye Junying, Chairman, E Fund Management Co., Ltd.; Mr. Dou Yuming, CEO of Fullgoal Fund Management Co., L Mr. Jiang Xianzhou, Chairman of CCB Principal Asset Management Co., Ltd
Panel Discussion
1.&&&& What is the development trend for ETF? What are the features for both physical ETF and synthetic ETF?
2.&&&& What kind of operating platform does developing ETF require? How do different institutions reinforce their cooperation to lower costs and prevent risks?
3.&&&& How can fund companies grasp the opportunity of index fund development to enhance their competitiveness?
4.&&&& How can we establish a virtuous competitive landscape while index funds are experiencing fast growth?
Mr. Wang Junhui, Executive Vice President, China Life Asset Management Co., Ltd.
CEO of Rongtong Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Pei Changjiang, CEO of Fortune SG Fund Management Co., Ltd
Mr. Jason Hsu, CIO of Research Affiliates, LLC
Mr. Frank Koudelka, Senior Vice President and ETF Product Specialist, State Street Global Advisors
and the guests who deliver keynote speeches
Part 2:Developing influential investment indices
Keynote speech by Dr Hartmut Graf, CEO of Stoxx Ltd.
Keynote speech by Mr. Robin Lo, Senior Director, Head of Client Coverage Asia Pacific, S&P
Keynote speech by Mr. Fu Dewei, Executive Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd.
Opinions via video: Mr. Guan Yongsheng, GM of Hand Seng Index C Mr. Zhao Xuejun, CEO of Harvest Fund Management Co., L Mr. Li Xionghou, CEO of Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund Management Co., Ltd.; Mr. Guo Tehua, CEO of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Panel Discussion
1.&&&& What are the features of successful indices?
2.&&&& How could index companies work with stock exchanges and fund companies to develop an influential index system, so as to offer more investment tools for the market?
3.&&&& How to increase the competence, expand the business and complete the product chain of core indices? How can we strengthen investor education and develop a diversified, active index product market?
4.&&&& How can we boost indices’ brand influence and service capability?
CEO of China Securities Index Co., Ltd.
Mr. Lin Chuanhui, CEO, GF Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Lin Lijun, CEO of China Universal Asset Management Co., Ltd
and the guests who deliver keynote speeches
Banquet Hall II
Session III: Reconstruction of sales channel for fund industry
Session Chair: TBD
Part 1: Discussion on business models of third-party fund sales agencies
Keynote speech by Mr Mark Talbot, Managing Director, Asia (except Japan), Fidelity Worldwide Investment
Keynote speech by Yang Wenbin, CEO of Howbuy
Panel Discussion
1.&&&& Discussion on status quo of overseas third-party fund sales agencies, along with their backgrounds and conditions. How do these agencies choose their customers and funds? How do they charge and what value-added service do they provide? How do they cultivate a sustainable business model?
2.&&&& What is the prospect for developing independent fund sales agencies in China, as well as the difficulties?
3.&&&& How can we learn from overseas experience, improve our system design and construct our business model?
Ms Jane Fung, Director - Asia Pacific, Skandia Investment Group
Mr. Zhou Ye, CEO of ChinaPNR Co., Ltd.
Mr. Yu Hua, CEO of Mogan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Zhan Long, CEO of Bank of Communications Schroders Fund Management Co., Ltd
and the guests who deliver keynote speeches
Part 2: Building wealth management service platform through multiple channels
Panel Discussion
1.&&&& What are the differences among fund sales agencies in terms of customers, marketing strategy and platform? How to form diversified competitions?
2.&&&& What are the investment behaviors and wealth management appetites for fund investors?
3.&&&& How could sales agencies provide wealth management value-added service, and transform themselves to wealth management centre?
Mr. Liu Jianjun, Executive Vice President, Retail Finance Division of China Merchants’ Bank
Mr Ouyang Xi, Executive Vice President of Guangfa Security Company
Ms Jiang Zhenfang, General Manager, Cross-selling Marketing(Personal Business),Pingan Life Insurance Company
Mr. Xue Feng, CEO
Ms Liu Xiaoyan, CEO of E Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Wang Lixin, CEO of Yinhua Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Dinner Buffet
Qian Hai Night Talk: Construction of wealth management center in Shenzhen
Host: Xiao Yafei, Director of Shenzhen Finance Office
Mr. Chen Yingchun, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipality in charge of finance
Mr. Zheng Hongjie, Director of Shenzhen Qian Hai Administration Bureau
Discussion guests:
Mr. Xu Xiaosong, CEO of China Merchants Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Deng Zhaoming, CEO of Penghua Fund Management Co., Ltd.
Mr. Philip Lin, Vice President and Director, Head of North Asia, T. Rowe Price International Ltd
Ms Li Ting, Senior Managing Director, State Street Global Advisors
Mr. Mark Talbot, Managing Director, Asia (except Japan), Fidelity Worldwide Investment证监会:两类中介机构存多种执业问题 个别案件已移交稽查部门
文章作者:包雨朦&&文章来源:中国经济网&&发布时间: 9:42:15
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时间 18:37:52
  怎样证券开户 北京时间10月3日凌晨消息,美联储周四公布的一份调查报告显示,对冲基金从2014年开始已经逐渐减少了在利率波动性上升上的投注。联储的调查称,在回应了问卷的经纪人中,有四分之一称他们的对冲基金客户从1月开始就减少了可能从短期利率波动性上升中获利的头寸。有五分之一的经纪人说,对冲基金客户减少了可能从长期利率的波动性上升中获利的头寸。报告也显示,对冲基金在利率波动性下降以及股市波动性下降中获利的投注在这一期间总体上维持没有变化。共同基金,养老金基金以及保险行业依赖利率以及股价的波动来收益的头寸也维持没有变化。联储的本次调查覆盖在柜外衍生品交易中最活跃的22家金融机构的高级信贷官员,调查在8月20日到9月2日期间进行。 (孔军)
北京时间9月30日晚间消息,俄罗斯央行周二发表官方声明,否认有采取资本控制措施的计划。此前据媒体报道,有两名熟知内情的官员称,如果俄罗斯的资本外流状况加剧,则俄罗斯央行将考虑采取暂时性的资本控制措施。 这两位要求匿名的消息人士透露,这种措施将是预防性的,只要在净资本流出大幅增长的情况下才会使用。但这两名官员并未透露具体的时间线,或资本外流达到什么水平才可能迫使俄罗斯央行采取资本控制措施,仅表示他们正在考虑所有可能的情境。彭博社在资本控制词条中指出,1995年到2010年期间,有37个国家对资金从这些经济体系中的流出采取了限制措施。某些情况下,这样的做法产生了效果,某些情况下这样的控制并没有作用。 (孔军)
北京时间10月2日凌晨消息,斯洛伐克总理罗伯特-菲乔(Robert Fico)周三表示,俄罗斯对斯洛伐克的天然气供应量已经被减少了50%,这是俄罗斯最近几周来削减天然气供应幅度最大的一次。菲乔表示,如果俄罗斯对斯洛伐克的天然气供应持续减少,他将召开内阁紧急会议,但是他表示用户可以放心,他们将会继续从国家天然气公司SPP获得无限制的天然气供应。 他在一个通过电视直播的新闻发布会上表示:“尽管形势严峻,但是SPP可以保证所有用户 从家庭到大公司 获得连续的天然气供应。” 俄罗斯天然气公司Gazprom在过去几周削减了对波兰、罗马尼亚和奥地利等一些中欧国家的天然气供应,并且没有给出明确的理由。 Gazprom并未立即对此发表评论。 菲乔说到:“俄方解释说是因为技术性问题,是为了为冬季进行必要的存储。我此前曾做过一个解释,今天我将再次使用:天然气已经已成为一个政治斗争的工具。”自从今年6月份俄罗斯因为乌克兰未付账单以及乌克兰东部冲突问题停止向乌克兰供应天然气后,斯洛伐克和波兰都已经开始向乌克兰供应天然气。 当被问及斯洛伐克是否会继续向乌克兰供应天然气时,菲乔表示斯洛伐克将会继续履行承诺。他还表示,如果需要的话,斯洛伐克还可以通过西部的反流管道向乌克兰提供天然气。SPP表示,在俄罗斯周三削减对斯洛伐克的50%天然气供应后,该公司在现货市场大批量采购了天然气。(忆松)
文章编辑: 中国工商银行代销基金
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