冰箱里的英文rf test是什么意思思

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在冰箱里 双语例句1. 他在文章里怀疑艾玛的冰箱里不应该有储存那麼多优酪乳,应该是广告文伪装成分享文。&&&&He questions it's really unusual that amarylliss has so many bottles of yoghourt drink in her fridge. He assumes the post is advertising, not sharing.2. 如果您喜欢的话,您可以在您房内的冰箱里找到点心。&&&&If you like, you can get a snack from the refrigerator in your room.3. 3. 你应把包装好的生鸡原封不动地贮存在冰箱里&&&&You should put packaged, raw chicken in the freezer just as it is?4. 如果孩子每天6:00醒,可以喂鸡蛋羹,9:00喂奶,10:00喂一些水果,12:00喂粥或面条,内加蔬菜和少量肉,豆腐类食物,如果没有补钙,可用骨头汤下面条给孩子吃,方法是:用新鲜的骨头加水煮开,把浮沫撇干净,放入适量米醋,促进钙的溶出,小火煮两个小时,放冰箱冷藏箱里冷却两个小时,里面的油会凝结浮在表面,把油撇去,然后冻成小冰块儿,煮面的时候拿出几块即可。15:00喂奶,18:00喂粥,临睡前再喂奶。&&&&If the baby wake up 6:00 every day, can be fed egg share, 9:00 breastfeeding, 10:00 Hey some fruit, porridge or noodles 12:00 Hey, with a small amount of vegetables and meat, bean food, in the absence of calcium, bones can be used to the baby soup to eat the following article by: with fresh boiled bones plus open to offscum write clean, modest Add vinegar, and promote the dissolution of calcium, small火煮2 hours, 放冰箱refrigerated cooling box 2 hours, which the oil will float on the surface of condensation to skim the oil, and then冻成Xiaobing pieces, cooking time can come up with a few feeding.15:00, 18:00 feeding porridge, 临睡前re-feeding.5. 托马斯·平克公司已经决定通过路透社的液晶显示器展示他们的商品,同时在T5面积为110平方米的销售渠道里放一个冰箱,里面放有该品牌自己的矿泉水。&&&&Thomas Pink, for one, has decided to offer an LCD display from Reuters and a fridge containing Pink Drink, the brand's own mineral water, in their 110 sq metre Terminal 5 outlet.6. 补充建议:除了制作常见的生菜沙拉之外,还可以在冰箱里存储一些洗净剥好的生菜,在进餐的时候,或者想吃东西的时候都可以拿出即吃,随时补充。&&&&Additional recommendations: In addition to making the common lettuce salad, you can also store some in the fridge a good clean peeling lettuce, at meal time, or want to eat things that eat out at all times, at any time to add.7. 我们在冰箱里保存冷冻的食品。&&&&We keep frozen food in a freezer.8. 在冰箱与寿司店问世前,人们将新鲜的鱼肉包在煮好的米饭中、压在石头堆里,以使鱼肉发酵。&&&&Prior to the days of refrigerators and sushi bars, fresh fish were wrapped in cooked rice and pressed between rocks in order to ferment them.9. 在冰箱里的意思9. 在冰箱与寿司店问世前,人们将新鲜的鱼肉包在煮好的米饭中、压在石头堆里,以使鱼肉发酵。&&&&Prior to the days of refrigerators and sushi bars, fresh fish were wrapped in cooked rice and pressed between rocks insgroupsto fer10. 在冰箱与寿司店问世前,人们将新鲜的鱼肉包在煮好的米饭中、压在石头堆里,以使鱼肉发酵。&&&&Prior to the days of refrigerators and sushi bars, fresh fish were wrapped in cooked rice and pressed between rocks insgroupsto ferment them.11. 11. 并且你可以在超市的冰箱里找到,参不多的豆腐和馄饨包装。&&&&&&And look for it in the fridge section of the supermarket, near the tofu and wonton wrappers.12. 那些冷冻在冰箱里的肉会有多余的水分,但火腿通常是带水包装的。&&&&&&You`ll discover they will pick up extra moisture, but ham is often packed in water.13. 做沙果奶油冻、恺撒什锦色拉、李子干填料、精美甜点的原料都在冰箱里。&&&&&&Ingredients for crab stuffing and elaborate dessert in fridge.14. 这就像在冰箱里有个隐密的隔层放着冰淇淋。&&&&&&It's like having a secret stash of ice cream in the freezer.15. 如果您居住在类似潮湿且有季节性的环境中,您可以把他们种植在户外,当温度低到华氏30-40度时,小捕们就会开始进入冬眠,我们所要做的只有修整一下小捕的叶夹,让他准备进入冬眠去啦~(请各位看看Wes兄修整手上的小捕)如果您居住在研热的地方,您可以把小捕放到您家中的冰箱里,当您有很多小捕时,首先你可以先把小捕们从盆子里拿出,我们可以看到这颗小捕的基部还保有一些良好的介质,然后在塑胶袋中放入一些新鲜的土,再将小捕放置到袋子之中,用袋子把小捕的湿度和水分封住,你可以使用橡皮筋或是什麼得来固定住袋子,然后就可以把这些小捕放到冰箱里的蔬菜柜子中,或是把他们放到可以比夏天还要凉爽的地下室或是窗户旁,还是可以接受到一些阳光照射的地方。&&&&&&If you do live in a similar climate that is going to be humid and relatively warm throughout the winter, you can keep this plant growing outside, as long as the temperature does not go much below the 30`s or 40`s. This plant here has started to go into dormancy. What we want to do is trim back the dead leaves and get ready to put it into the winter dormancy. If you live in a very hot climate, you can place this plant in your refrigerator, and if you have a lot of plants, what you can do is take it out of the pot first. We can see that there is still a good amount of soil around the base of this plant. You want to put some soil in just a little bit of soil. Place the plant inside the soil inside the bag, and this is to lock in humidity and moisture for the plant.16. 制作老面肥时,把所有原料用手或机器充分和好,放在一个表面涂过油的塑料容器中,在冰箱里冷藏24小时后再用。&&&&&&For Old Dough, mix all the ingredients together, either by hand or in a machine, until well combined. Place in an oiled plastic container and refrigerate for 24 hours before use.17. 在冰箱里存放,可以保质7天。&&&&&&Can store in refrigerator for up to 7 days.18. 我们这里下雪和结冰只有在合欢山的电冰箱里才看的到。&&&&&&Snow and frozen could only be seen in the HEHUAN mountain and the fridge here.19. 19. 如果你把你的食品保存在冰箱里,把你的衣服挂在衣橱里。&&&&&&If you keep your food in a refrigerator, your clothes in a closet.20. 爱一个人原来就是在冰箱里为她留一个苹果,并且等她归来。&&&&&&Love a person that is in the refr...在冰箱里是什么意思,在冰箱里在线翻译,在冰箱里什么意思,在冰箱里的意思,在冰箱里的翻译,在冰箱里的解释,在冰箱里的发音,在冰箱里的同义词,在冰箱里的反义词,在冰箱里的例句,在冰箱里的相关词组,在冰箱里意思是什么,在冰箱里怎么翻译,单词在冰箱里是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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