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&&&青冈县 明水县 拜泉县 克东县健身器材【哈尔滨龙钢】
价格:1090 &
LG-L227 立式腰背按摩器
5................IS...!................&5“”&&& “ ”“”&& &&&“
”位于美丽的松花江畔的哈尔滨龙钢体育用品有限公司是专业化生产健身器材的体育用品制造商。公司集设计、生产、销售和服务为一体,秉承"最大程度满足民众对健康生活的需求"为企业宗旨,努力追求"诚信、卓越、健康、服务"的经营理念。其中推出的户外健身路径是融大众健身、科学指导、益寿强体、趣味娱乐于一体的民众性体育设施,引领大众健身新时尚。哈尔滨龙钢公司成立于2001年,2008年发展壮大,同时拓展海外市场,这标志着龙钢将成为跨国经营自己品牌的企业。龙钢公司一向贯彻:"产品品质是企业发展的源动力",科学技术是引导企业发展的生产力,完善了一个务实、创新、有远见的管理团队。公司凭借专业设计人员、多年制造经验的技术人员对户外健身路径产品不断进行改进,目前龙钢在整合户外器材的产品优势的基础上,已自主研发了一系列以户外健身为主体的路径器材。推动了户外健身器材的发展。龙钢公司在广泛的营销网络支持下,不断为客户提供优异的品质和致臻完善的服务品质。目前,龙钢户外全民健身工程已遍布全国三十多个省、市、自治区及欧、亚市场。龙钢产品已逐渐成为各地区独特亮丽的运动风景线 。&1,&2. ,,.&3&4&5适量的运动可以长生,过度的运动损伤身体.不如学习科学健身法.科学的体育锻炼需要注意以下问题,以避免不仅没有是身体得到锻炼反而使其受了伤害。  一、把握好负荷的度。在进行力量练习时,应根据自己的实际情况选择合适的负荷,但无论选用什么样的负荷,都要遵循由小至大的原则,切勿突然增加运动负荷造成运动损伤。  二、注意动作速度。只要进行动力性肌肉力量练习,就存在动作速度问题,负荷和速度之间有着密切关系,负荷越大,速度就越小。锻炼者要根据练习的要求合理安排,对于青少年来说,爆发力是非常重要的,在力量练习时,选择适宜的负荷,尽量加快动作速度,对提高肌肉的爆发力十分有益。 三、控制好练习次数。对于一般体育锻炼者来说,没有必要每天都进行力量训练,即使是为了专门发展肌肉力量,采用隔天力量练习,也足以取得理想效果。如果每天都进行力量练习,不仅提高肌肉力量的效果不明显,而且还会造成整体机能的不协调发展。 除此之外,体育锻炼还应该遵循一些基本原则 。体育锻炼方法虽然简单易学,但要想科学地安排体育锻炼,提高锻炼效果,避免伤病事故,就必须注意这些本原则。  (一)秩序渐进原则:体育锻炼的秩序渐进是指在学习体育技能和安排运动量时,要由小到大、由易到难、由简到繁,逐渐进行。  (二)全面发展原则:在体育锻炼时,要注意活动内容的多样性和身体机能的全面提高。  (三)区别对待原则:体育锻炼时,还要根据每个锻炼者的年龄、性别、爱好、身体条件、职业特点、锻炼基础等不同情况做到区别对待,使体育锻炼更具有针对性。  (四)经常性原则:经常参加体育活动,锻炼的效果才明显、持久,所以体育锻炼要经常化,不能三天打鱼、两天晒网。虽然短时间的锻炼也能对身体机能产生一定的影响,但一旦停止体育锻炼后,这种良好的影响作用会很快消失。&& &&& 电话:5办公地址:哈尔滨市道外区三棵树大街220号1-2-3室库房地址:哈尔滨市道外区哈东路277号(哈尔滨氧气厂院内)网址:& 网址:52003,9000,健身器材,体育用品,户外路椅,垃圾箱,SMC户外乒乓球台,SMC篮板,SMC台面,儿童玩具等,,,,,,“,”.,&&&& 哈尔滨市体育用品有限公司作为黑龙江地区最大,最专业的体用品材生产厂家,生产、加工、定做、销售各种体用品材如:健身器材,体育用品,户外路椅,垃圾箱,SMC户外乒乓球台,SMC篮板,SMC台面,儿童玩具等等。我厂体育用品广泛应用于训练或比赛,国际比赛,专业比赛,全天候室外篮球运营训练或比赛场所。我公司是以质量为本,诚信经营的原则,专业生产SMC篮板,SMC篮板健身器材,体育用品,户外路椅,垃圾箱,SMC户外乒乓球台,SMC篮板,SMC台面,儿童玩具等用品。&&&& SMC 是Sheet molding compound的缩写,翻译成中文是片状模塑料。主要原料由SMC专用纱、不饱和树脂、低收缩添加剂,填料及各种助剂组成。是树脂基复合材料的一种,我国于80年代末,引进了国外先进的SMC材料生产线和生产工艺。&&&&目前室外乒乓球台采用最多的就是SMC台面,它具备稳定性好,耐气候性强、耐老化程度高,应防腐、防晒、防雨、阻燃、不易变形、不开裂、不损坏等诸多特点。SMC室外乒乓球台产品经高温模压成型,具有标准化程度高、外形美观、质量稳定可靠、耐潮湿不变形(可适应正负40度温差)、抗紫外线强等特点,弥补了常规产品诸多缺陷,如:大理石球台较重、运输过程易破碎、国家限制开采;铁质球台易生锈、弹性差;玻璃钢易起鼓、生产周期长。因此,被体育界称之为户外乒乓球台的一次革命,成为户外健身运动的首选更新换代产品。&&&& 我公司生产的乒乓球台台面采用高档聚酯树脂,整体高温,高压模具一次成型的生产工艺。聚酯树脂材料具有稳定性优良、不易变形、防腐、防晒、防裂、防雨且然,光洁度高、颜色鲜艳、抗紫外线能力优良等特点。SMC乒乓球台背面众多加强筋充满、完整。无气孔、裂痕裂纹,由于原材料的背面加强筋高度30mm与翻边高达50mm,且加强筋呈从横斜四向密布,据估计,该加强筋的重量已达SMC蓝球板整体重量的30%左右以便于提高整体强度,一般的磕,砸,碰,坐,摔,以及风雨侵蚀完全可以抵抗,其寿命高达10年以上。公司生产的体育用品均以环保、美观、质保为准则,全部通过了ISO9001国家质量局等管理体系的认证。公司产品远销英国,欧盟等国家。我公司积极聘任一大批专业的科技人才,采用先进的高科技生产设备,在长期的市场考验中,已成为体育界的佼佼者。我公司必定以不断创新的经营管理理念,成为高科技的体育用品的带头人。&鉴于摆放在公共场所的户外健身路径屡遭破坏,给人民经济和国家财产造成了很大的损失的实际状况。市里的有关部门特发布了,《本市关于户外健身路径管理实行责任到人的实名制的管理制度》,各个公共场所安置户外健身路径的地方有所属区域的居委会负责安排具体的人员担负起健身路径周围环境、指导群众合理的使用路径进行锻炼、定期检查路径的安全性及时报修等一系列工作。力求使户外健身路径能更好的为广大人民群众所使用。&& 2011手机:&& &&& 电话:5办公地址:哈尔滨市道外区三棵树大街220号1-2-3室库房地址:哈尔滨市道外区哈东路277号(哈尔滨氧气厂院内)网址:& 网址:&Harbin LongGang Sports Company Limited was founded in 2003, is located in the scenic banks of the Songhua river! Covers an area of 9000 square meters,. Steel Dragon Sports Company Limited production of fitness equipment, sporting goods, outdoor road chairs, dustbin, SMC outdoor table tennis table, SMC rebounds, SMC table, children's toys and other products quality was, sophisticated technology, selling the country, exported to the world more than ten countries and regions in the world, large sports ExPOSTTTION by all his friends. Dragon steel to become a member of China Sporting Goods Federation, is dedicated to sports world with excellent products, quality service. In which all steel dragon people to " really is the person, honest work " principle of service . Sincerely welcome old and new friends throughout the visit, and common development!Harbin City sporting goods limited company Heilongjiang region as the largest, most professional supplies material manufacturers, production, processing, custom, sales of various supplies materials such as: fitness equipment, sporting goods, outdoor road chairs, dustbin, SMC outdoor table tennis table, SMC basket board, SMC table, children's toys and so on. I plant products are widely used in sports training and competition, international competition, the professional game, all-weather outdoor basketball operations training or competition venues.Our company is based on the quality, the operating principle of good faith, specializing in the production of SMC SMC rebounds rebounds, fitness equipment, sporting goods, outdoor road chairs, dustbin, SMC outdoor table tennis table, SMC rebounds, SMC table, children's toys and other products.SMC Sheet molding compound abbreviations, translated into Chinese is sheet molding plastic. The main raw materials by SMC special yarn, unsaturated resin, low shrinkage additives, fillers and various additives. Resin base composite material a, our country in the late 80's, the introduction of foreign advanced SMC material production line and production technology.The current outdoor table tennis table using the most is the SMC table, it has good stability, weather resistance, aging resistance and high degree of strong, anti-corrosion, waterproof, sunscreen should be, flame retardant, not easy to deformation, not cracking, damage and many other characteristics. SMC outdoor table tennis table product after high temperature molding, having a high degree of standardization, beautiful appearance, stable and reliable quality, resistance to moisture deformation ( can be adapted to plus or minus 40degrees ), ultraviolet resistance is strong wait for a characteristic, make up the defects of conventional products, such as: the marble table heavier, transport process easily broken, national restrictions on mining
table, glass steel easy to play drums, long production cycle. Therefore, the sports circles called outdoor table tennis table of a revolution, become the outdoor body-building preferred replacement products.My company production of table tennis table uses high-grade polyester resin, the overall high temperature, high pressure mold molding production process. Polyester resin material has excellent stability, not easy to deformation, corrosion, crack, sun, rain and so, finish high, bright color, good UV resistance characteristics. The SMC table tennis table back many stiffeners, complete with. Without pores, cracks crack, due to raw material on the back of stiffener height 30mm and flanging of up to 50mm, and the reinforcing ribs are from four to cross over, according to estimation, the stiffener weight has reached SMC basketball board the overall weight of the30% or so in order to improve the overall strength, general knock, hit, touch, sit, down, and the wind and rain erosion can totally resist, its life up to 10 years. Production of sporting goods companies are environmental protection, aesthetics, quality assurance for the guidelines, all through the ISO9001national quality management system certification. The company products are exported to the United Kingdom, the European Union and other countries. Our company actively employed a large number of professional talents in science and technology, the use of advanced high-tech production equipment, in the long-term test of the market, has become the industry leader in sports. Our company will continue to innovation management concept, as a high-tech sports leaders.In view of the fact that placed in public places outdoor fitness path is destroyed repeatedly, to the people's economic and national property caused great loss to the actual situation. The relevant departments of the city special release," the city of outdoor fitness path management responsibility to the real-name system management system", the public placement of outdoor fitness path place belongs to any region of the neighborhood committees responsible for the arrangement of specific personnel responsible for fitness path surrounding environment, guide the reasonable path used for exercise, regularly check the path safety timely maintenance and a series of work. In order to make the outdoor fitness path to better serve the broad masses of the people the use of.As people health consciousness constantly improve, and continuously enhance the awareness of safety. The people of outdoor fitness path quality and safety has made new demands, the old standard already cannot satisfy the need of people now. In2011 the State Sport General Administration issued outdoor fitness path of the new gb. The new national standard, all levels of government sports department is responsible for implementing, mainly to the production, sale, use, loss and gain, export and other aspects carry on. In order to further promote the nationwide fitness campaign to create a good environment, but also for the manufacturers of the good.Mobile phone:&&&&
&&phone: 5Office address: Harbin District220 Main Street Room 1-2-3treeWarehouse address: Harbin City District,277 East Road ( Harbin oxygen plant hospital )Web site: Web site: &&&&&& && &&&“”&&&&& &&&& ISOISO14001GB/T&&&& “,,”&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&Harbin LongGang& SportsThe company was established in 2008. After more years continuous development, “LONGGANG” brand sport equipments produced by our company are well-know in successive China International Sporting Goods Shows by beautiful appearance, high quality and reasonable price. The sales sports can be found all over the country. Our products were exported to a dozen countries and regions. Main products of our company include electric hydraulic, manual hydraulic and movable single-arm basketball stand, various backboards, volleyball posts, tennis posts and badminton posts, table tennis tables, boxing ring, track and field apparatus, gymnastic apparatus and weight lifting machines, outdoor health-building route and corresponding auxiliary equipments, physical training cushions with different specifications, judo court, wrestling ring, Sanda ring, Taekwondo mat, all kinds of gymnastic mats, laboratory equipment, teaching apparatus and apparatus for music, art, labor education and etc. &&& The modern productive equipments and abundant scientific and technological force are the
perfect after-sale service system is the emb flexible marketing strategy makes the company developed continuously. &&& In the process of development, the company has passed the authentication of ISO quality management system and ISO14001 environment management system and GB/T occupational health and safety management system. Our company was also appointed the inspection unit by State Sports Goods Quality Supervision and Inspection Center. Our company has passed the certification of State Sport General Administration. All products were insured by Insurance Company. We always insist on the purpose of “quality, integrity and service are the first”. We take innovation and harmony as the objective of a struggle. We are willing to cooperate with you for common development and mutual benefits and make great contributions to nationwide fitness programs and take-off of education and sports undertakings. &哈尔滨市龙钢体育& Harbin LongGang& Sports&手机:&& &&& 电话:5办公地址:哈尔滨市道外区三棵树大街220号1-2-3室库房地址:哈尔滨市道外区哈东路277号(哈尔滨氧气厂院内)网址:& Mobile phone: &&
&&&phone: &5Office address: Harbin District220 Main Street Room 1-2-3 treeWarehouse address: Harbin City District,277 East Road ( Harbin oxygen plant hospital )Web site: Web site: &
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