PTP Camera苹果头

Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP)
This page describes PTP, the widely supported Picture Transfer Protocol
standard for transferring images from digital cameras. PTP was originally
developed by the IT 10 standards committee The current version of PTP is standardized in ISO
Photography — Electronic
still picture imaging — Picture transfer protocol
(PTP) for digital still photography devices, and can be purchased
from the .
What is PTP?
PTP stands for Picture Transfer Protocol. PTP is a platform- and transport-
independent standard for communicating with digital photography devices, such
as digital cameras. PTP defines a set of standard operations, responses, events,
device properties, and required behaviors that control the creation and transfer
of objects, such as digital images and other digital media files.
The benefits of PTP include:
Enables platform and OS developers to build native support for PTP into
their systems, removing the need for user-installed digital camera drivers.
Allows camera vendors to support multiple transports using the same
Enables third party developers to interface to digital cameras easily and
Requires support for only a small set of constructs, while allowing many
optional features.
Allows vendors to extend the protocol to provide proprietary commands
and features.
History of PTP
Until the standardization of PTP, digital camera vendors used different
proprietary protocols for controlling digital cameras and transferring images
to computers and other host devices. PTP was originally standardized as PIMA
15740 in 2000. It was developed by the IT10 Committee.
Key contributors to the standard included Tim Looney and Tim Whitcher
(Eastman Kodak Company) and Eran Steinberg (Fotonation).
PTP version 1.0 was first standardized internationally as ISO , replacing PIMA 15740. In 2008, and then again in 2013, ISO 15740 underwent backwards compatible revisions, with additional features such as support for multiple vendor extensions and
streaming media.
Transport Implementations
Currently, PTP has standard transport definitions for the following transports:
UBS: Still Image Device Class, USB-IF Device Working Group, available from:
TCP/IP: PTP-IP IP Picture Transfer Protocol, version 1.0, Camera &
Imaging Products Association (CIPA), available from:
PTP in Products
Since its standardization in 2000, PTP has been widely implemented in digital
imaging products, such as digital cameras, and personal computer operating
systems. PTP is currently supported by:
PTP has been supported by almost all digital cameras since 2005.
PTP has been supported natively in Microsoft’s operating systems beginning with
Windows XP. Currently, Microsoft’s
enables PTP devices to support the WIA (Windows Imaging
Architecture) driver model. PTP is also the foundation of Microsoft’s
, which extends PTP to support portable media centric devices.
PTP is supported natively in OS X
Several open-source driver packages have been developed for Linux
PTP is the underlying communication mechanism used by
PictBridge, which was standardized by the Camera & Imaging Products
Association (CIPA), in order to enable the direct printing of photos without the
need for a PC
PTP Vendor Extension Identifiers (VEIDs)
PTP provides a mechanism for obtaining registered vendor extensions, using
vendor extension identifiers (VEIDs). VEIDs are used to provide customized
operations, responses, events, object format codes, and device properties.
They enable device or software manufacturers with new or proprietary features
to implement the necessary constructs in a standard fashion.
A vendor extension identifier is a unique 32-bit code. Since 2011, IS&T has
been responsible for assigning VEID codes. If your organization wishes to be
assigned a VEID, please follow the instructions on the following form:
Registered Vendor Extensions
The following link provides a table of currently registered vendor extensions:
January 13-17, 2019
Burlingame, California
November 12 - 26, 2018
Vancouver, BC, CanadaHome | PTP Drive
Easy Mapping.
The PTPdrive allows digital cameras operating in PTP mode to be mapped to a local drive letter in the Microsoft Windows. Without the PTPdrive, only Mass Storage (MSC) mode cameras can have assigned a drive letter. While some digital cameras can be configured to work in either mode, some models, especially newer ones, only support the PTP/MTP mode.
Make sure to also check out , it may fit your needs better (e.g. it can download movies from Apple devices, write to Android devices, etc).
Easy Mapping.
The PTPdrive allows digital cameras operating in PTP mode to be mapped to a local drive letter in the Microsoft Windows. Without the PTPdrive, only Mass Storage (MSC) mode cameras can have assigned a drive letter. While some digital cameras can be configured to work in either mode, some models, especially newer ones, only support the PTP/MTP mode.
Make sure to also check out , it may fit your needs better (e.g. it can download movies from Apple devices, write to Android devices, etc).
Customizable filesystem.
The PTPdrive offers drive letter mapping so any application can access the pictures in the PTP camera. The PTPdrive gives you the freedom of choice of a file/picture manager, including command-line/script based. The PTPdrive unleashes the full potential of your digital camera in Windows by using camera/picture metadata in the actual picture file names (no more manual renaming like "DSC_0333.JPG" to "2009-09 Summer Vacation 001.jpg").
Nikon D610 mapped to drive "X":
Customizable filesystem.
The PTPdrive offers drive letter mapping so any application can access the pictures in the PTP camera. The PTPdrive gives you the freedom of choice of a file/picture manager, including command-line/script based. The PTPdrive unleashes the full potential of your digital camera in Windows by using camera/picture metadata in the actual picture file names (no more manual renaming like "DSC_0333.JPG" to "2009-09 Summer Vacation 001.jpg").
Nikon D610 mapped to drive "X":
Freedom of customization.
The PTPdrive is a sleek replacement for:
buggy 'Scanner and Camera Wizard' in Windows XP & 2003
imperfect WIA namespace extension in Windows Explorer
any bulky software packaged with your digital camera
The PTPdrive supports all digital cameras operating in PTP or PTP/MTP mode, e.g. Nikon D90, D7000, D800, D300, Canon Rebel XSi, Apple iPad, Logitech ClickSmart, ... With just 3 MB of download size it's worth a .
Freedom of customization.
The PTPdrive is a sleek replacement for:
buggy 'Scanner and Camera Wizard' in Windows XP & 2003
imperfect WIA namespace extension in Windows Explorer
any bulky software packaged with your digital camera
The PTPdrive supports all digital cameras operating in PTP or PTP/MTP mode, e.g. Nikon D90, D7000, D800, D300, Canon Rebel XSi, Apple iPad, Logitech ClickSmart, ... With just 3 MB of download size it's worth a .&主题:尼康单反连接显示器拍摄软件使用心得 (Nikon Camera Control Pro 2 版本 2.5.0)
泡网分: 16.561
注册: 2006年08月
安装说明:(Camera Control Pro 2 版本 2.5.0)
1.& & & & 默认路径安装,并且保持你的系统盘在默认位置,很多人不能启动就是在于此。
2.& & & & 请先安装Camera Control Pro 2.0 安装!安装之前请断开互联网!安装完后不要运行,也不要输入您已经有了的注册码(当然您有正版的就不用听我的了!)!
3.& & & & 然后 开始安装 Camera Control Pro 2.5.0 Update ! 安装完后不要运行,也不要输入您已经有了的注册码(当然您有正版的就不用听我的了!)!
4.& & & & 下一步是破解和汉化:
接下来就把Nikon Camera Control Pro 2 V2.5 破解+汉化补丁(杀毒软件检测这个补丁是盗号病毒,还是相信杀毒软件把如果单台电脑不联网就用吧),复制到 Camera Control Pro 2 安装目录下(在桌面上有程序图标,点击右键,属性—查找目标),点击“Nikon Camera Control Pro 2 V2.5 破解+汉化补丁”,然后点击&应用补丁&,会提示补丁运行完毕。完成破解!(我是一直断网,直到全部安装完毕)
1.& & & & 我是 d70s相机,去相机设置菜单中找扳手图标,然后是usb选项,ptp.
2.& & & & 我的d700直接使用,没有做设置上调整。
本人qq (注明 色影无忌)欢迎交流
本帖最后由 无情乱心剑 于
10:52 编辑
&浏览:3004&&回帖:12 &&
泡网分: 0.173
注册: 2015年11月
不知道尼康为何不随机赠送联机软件,搞得很多有这方面需求的用户要寻求其它解决方案,P1&&DXO LR看得较多。
佳能这方面变通许多,基本上很多低端淘宝室内服装 、产品摄影等都能看到DPP的“身影”& & 专业机构不表。。。
泡网分: 6.565
注册: 2006年08月
你好:请问你能给个Camera Control Pro软件的中文安装版吗?我QQ: 非常感谢!
泡网分: 0.12
注册: 2012年05月
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注册: 2012年10月
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沙砾 发表于谢谢你,下到了!
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注册: 2008年05月
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精华: 4帖子: 762
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注册: 2003年09月
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注册: 2008年10月
东直1970直升机 发表于
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注册: 2011年05月
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