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近日,中国电信股份有限公司云计算分公司与全球虚拟化和云基础架构供应商VMware共同签署了合作备忘录,这标志着双方将联合构建中国电信天翼混合云服务。在当天的发布会现场,VMware公司CEO Pat Gelsinger接受了ZDNet常务副总编赵效民的采访。
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喜欢该文的人也喜欢冲刺试卷 8 : 全国硕士研究生入学考试英语冲刺试题 Simulated Entrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates Model Test 8 毕金献命制 版权所有侵权必究 考生注意事项 ■ 考生必须严格遵守各项考场规则。 ■ 答题前,考生应按准考证上的有关内容填写答题卡上的“考生姓名”、“报考单位”、“考生编号”等信息。 ■ 答案必须按要求填涂或写在指定的答题卡上。 ★英语知识运用、阅读理解 A 节、 B 节的答案填涂在答题卡 1 上。填涂部分应该按照答题卡上的要求用 2B 铅笔完成。如要改动,必须用橡皮擦干净。 ★阅读理解 C 节的答案和作文必须用(蓝)黑色字迹钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题卡 2 上作答。字迹要清楚。 ■ 考试结束后,将答题卡 1 、答题卡 2 一并装入原试卷袋中,试题交给监考人员。 做 题 提 醒 ■ 本试卷严格按照最新考纲的要求编写,针对性、权威性强,信度高,是备考训练的精品。 ■ 建议以临战状态进行自测,结束后仔细核对答案,自己评分并找出薄弱环节,在以后的复习中重点突破。 考试时间 180 分钟满分 100 分得分英语冲刺试题 8 第页 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A , B , C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Due to recent national events, the Yardley City Government has introduced new bomb threat procedures for government buildings. This information is 1 department use only. From this 2 on, all personnel must be on the highest 3. You must pay close attention to your surroundings. If a vehicle you do not 4 enters the parking lot, observe driver and passenger behavior. If an employee has been 5 recently, examine his or her performance evaluations and exit 6 reports. If there are incidents involving visitors, 7 your supervisor. Keep in mind, however, that we must not 8. Part of being alert is exercising proper 9. If there is an actual bomb threat, 10 the following procedures: First, remove all the peopel from the building. Do not fall 11 fire drill routines, remember you are doing so in order to avoid injury 12 from planned violence. Leave the building immediately, and take nothing with you. Do not 13 electric equipment. Keep movement 14 a minimum. If there are visitors and/or persons 15 special needs in the building, make certain that they are removed. Proceed to the area away from the building 16 in the fire drill policy. Do not enter vehicles parked nearby. Take attendance, and make mental notes about any 17 personnel or any questionable activity in or near the building. If you received the actual threat, 18 as much information as possible: gender, specific language, “insider” information, type of violence threatened. 19 you reach your safe area, inform emergency personnel and 20 the information with them. 1. [A] to [B] for [C] in [D] of 2. [A] period [B] instance [C] point [D] event 3. [A] readiness [B] defence [C] guard [D] alert 4. [A] recognize [B] distinguish [C] discern [D] perceive 5. [A] terminated [B] questioned [C] suspected [D] transferred 6. [A] inquiry [B] inspection [C] instruction [D] interview 7. [A] signify [B] notify [C] verify [D] testify 8. [A] overrate [B] oversight [C] overreact [D] overbear 9. [A] function [B] judgment [C] influence [D] authority 10. [A] cling to [B] clutch at [C] abide by [D] carry out 11. [A] for [B] in [C] into [D] off 12. [A] stemming [B] emerging [C] deviating [D] suffering 13. [A] shut down [B] switch on[ C] turn up [D] break off 14. [A] at [B] to [C] on [D] in 15. [A] in [B] for [C] with [D] within 16. [A] regulated [B] confined [C] designed [D] designated 17. [A] remaining [B] dispersing [C] losing [D] missing 18. [A] record [B] offer [C] store [D] supply 19. [A] Until [B] Unless [C] Once [D] Since 20. [A] deliver [B] share [C] analyze [D] evaluate Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A , B , C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points) Text1 Recently, the right of public personalities to direct and profit from all commercial exploitations of their fame has gained widespread acceptance.   Recognition of this “ right of publicity, ” however, has raised difficult questions concerning the proper scope and duration of the right as well as its relationship to free speech and free trade interests.   Often, the “ type ” of personality, be it an entertainer, politician, or athlete, also weighs on this decision - making process. The right of publicity protects economic interests of celebrities in their own fame by allowing them to control and profit from the publicity values which they have created.   Before courts recognized this right, celebrities ’ primary protection against the unauthorized commercial appropriation of their names or likenesses was a suit for invasion of privacy.   Privacy law, however, proved to be an inadequate response to the legal questions presented by celebrities seeking to protect their economic interest in fame.   Whereas privacy law protects a person ’ s right to be left alone, publicity law proceeds from adverse assumptions.   Celebrities do not object to public attention — they thrive on it.   However, they seek to benefit from any commercial use of their popularity. A celebrity ’ s public image has many aspects, each of which may be appropriated for a variety of purposes.   Plaintiffs ( persons bringing a suit ) have sought to protect various attributes including: name, likeness, a particular routine or act, characters made famous by their celebrity, unique style, and biographical information.   In deciding whether the right of publicity applies to particular attribute, courts consider underlying legal and policy goals.   Two goals support recognition of the right of publicity: the promotion of creative endeavor and prevention of unjust enrichment through the theft of goodwill.   Courts determine the scope of publicity rights by balancing these policies against offsetting   First Amendment and free trade interests.   Recognizing the celebrity ’ s ability to control the exercise of some personal attribute may limit the “ speech ” of would - be appropriators and give the celebrity a commercial monopoly.   Thus, the value of promoting creativity and preventing unjust enrichment must outweigh negative constitutional and commercial repercussions ( effects ) before courts extend the right of publicity to any particular attribute. The value of a publicity right in a particular attribute depends largely on the length of time such a right is recognized and protected by the law.   Courts disagree on whether publicity rights survive the death of their creators.   Some courts advocate unconditional devisability.   They emphasize that the ability to control exploitation of fame is a property right, carrying all the characteristics of the title.   Other courts conclude that the right of publicity terminates at the celebrity
s death.   These courts fear that recognizing postmortem ( after - death ) publicity rights would negatively affect free speech and free trade. The right of publicity, especially in the cases of well - known politicians and statesmen, often conflicts with First Amendment interests and thus should be defined with care and precision. 21. According to the author, privacy laws are inadequate for celebrities because [ A ] individuals lose privacy rights by becoming public figures. [ B ] stars wish to create higher value by keeping from the public. [ C ] the unauthorized use of celebrities ’ images is beyond remedy. [ D ] economic issues inherent in their fame are ignored by the laws. 22. The text implies that the judicial response to “right of publicity” issues has been [ A ] inconclusive. [ B ] impractical. [ C ] justifiable. [ D ] significant. 23. We learn that a feature of “ devisability ”( Par.5 ) is the ability to be [ A ] split into diverse legal entities. [ B ] assigned by the celebrity ’ s will. [ C ] structured in several equal shares. [ D ] traded with the owner ’ s permission. 24. Which of the following would most reasonably call upon the “right of publicity”? [ A ] A famous athlete plans to design and market a line of sportswear. [ B ] The work of a celebrated screen actor is re - edited after his death. [ C ] A portion of a professor ’ s book is cited in a student ’ s paper. [ D ] The image of a TV host is used in an ad campaign for a drug. 25. Which of the following statements best summarizes the chief ideas of the text? [ A ] Publicity law is an appropriate legal remedy for public figures. [ B ] Approaches to publicity law cases contradict free trade interests. [ C ] The legal issues about the right of publicity are unresolved fully. [ D ] The promotion of creative endeavor justifies the right of publicity. Text2 Science - fiction movies can serve as myths about the future and thus give some assurance about it. Whether the film is 2001 or Star Wars , such movies tell about progress that will expand man ’ s powers and his experiences beyond anything now believed possible , while they assure us that all these advances will not wipe out man or life as we now know it. Thus one great anxiety about the future—that it will have no place for us as we now are—is alleviated by such myths. They also promise that even in the most distant future , and despite the progress that will have occurred in the material world , man ’ s basic concerns will be the same , and the struggle of good against evil — the central moral problem of our time — will not have lost its importance.. Past and future are the lasting dimensions of our lives: the present is but a brief moment. So these visions about the future a in Star Wars , battles are fought around issues that also motivated man in the past. Thus , any vision about the future is really based on visions of the past , because that is all we can know for certain. As our religious myths about the future never went beyond Judgment Day , so our modern myths about the future cannot go beyond the search for life ’ s deeper meaning. The reason is that only as long as the choice between good and evil remains man ’ s supreme moral problem does life retain that special dignity that derives from our ability to choose between the two. A world in which this conflict has been permanently resolved eliminates man as we know him. It might be a universe peopled by angels , but it has no place for man. The moving picture is a visual art , based on sight. Speaking to our vision , it ought to provide us with the visions enabling us t it ought to give us insight into ourselves. About a hundred years ago , Tolstoy wrote, “ Art is a human activity having for its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen. ” Later , Robert Frost defined poetry as “ beginning in delight and ending in wisdom. ” Thus it might be said that the state of the art of the moving image can be assessed by the degree to which it meets the mythopoetic task of giving us myths suitable to live by in our time—visions that transmit to us the highest and best feelings to which men have risen—and by how well the moving images give us that delight which leads to wisdom. Let us hope that the art of the moving image, this most genuine American art , will soon meet the challenge of becoming truly the great art of our age. 26. In the author ’ s view , science - fiction movies [ A ] assure us of the scientific miracles created. [ B ] predict likely advances in human experiences. [ C ] offer invented stories concerning man ’ s fate. [ D ] signify human powers to a fantastic extent. 27. In science - fiction movies,man can find [ A ] fantasies that may relieve his anxiety for future existence. [ B ] forecasts that his domination will be extended indefinitely. [ C ] promises that his swelling demands will be fully satisfied. [ D ] assurances that confirm the importance of moral principles. 28. The movies such as Star Wars [ A ] fail to reflect contemporary problems for their transience. [ B ] fail to free their subjects from issues of man ’ s concerns. [ C ] succeed in depicting magic scenes irrelevant to the past. [ D ] succeed in offering imaginary visions irrespective of reality. 29. The theme of modern myths could be drastically changed [ A ] only if the struggle for good life were fully discarded. [ B ] if only the conflict between good and evil had ceased. [ C ] on condition that man as he is now became extinct. [ D ] provided that average people were converted to angels. 30. The quotes from Tolstoy are used to [ A ] reinforce the author ’ s account about visual art. [ B ] provide fresh points about the moving picture. [ C ] define the basic characteristics of art activities. [ D ] describe the requirements for the art transmission. Text3 Depletion is a natural phenomenon that characterizes the development of all non - renewable resources and oil in particular. Narrowly speaking, depletion refers to the decline of production associated with a particular field, reservoir, or well. If it were not for changes in prices, costs, and technology, depletion of the world ’ s resources would resemble the simple decline curve of a single well. Estimates of oil resources by field are routinely made by geologists and engineers, but the estimates are a “best guess” given the available data and are revised as more knowledge becomes available. There is no time frame or probability associated with estimates of total resources in place. In contrast, proved reserves of crude oil are the estimated quantities that are demonstrated with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in the future from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. Each year, production is taken from proved reserves, reducing both proved reserves and the total resource. Innovative production techniques such as well recompletions, secondary and tertiary enhanced recovery techniques, and expanded production of unconventional resources have reduced net depletion rates at the well and field levels. Advanced exploration and drilling techniques have reduced the cost of finding new pools, reduced the risk of dry holes and their costs, and allowed new pools to be developed and produced more quickly. More rapid production of resources from a field increases the return on capital because earnings are realized sooner, and therefore, discounted less. Higher returns make some fields that are too expensive to develop under “normal” circumstances economically feasible, because reduced costs allow firms to make profits where they could not before. On the other hand, more rapid development and production of a field by definition increases the rate of depletion. While the rate of depletion increases with technological progress, the adverse effects of depletion are diminished, and higher levels of production can be maintained for longer periods of time. As depletion leads producers to abandon older fields and develop new ones, the process of developing domestic oil resources leads producers to find and develop the larger, more economical fields first. Later fields tend to be less desirable because they are farther away from existing infrastructure or smaller in size. Thus, as time progresses more effort is required to produce the same level of the resource from the same exploration area. While the frontier for new resources is diminishing, increased innovation has, thus far, served to offset depletion at least partially, keeping production stronger than it would have been in the absence of the innovations. But eventually, as field sizes decrease, the ultimate recovery from discovered fields will shrink. Thus, despite technological improvements, ultimate recovery from the average field of the future will be smaller than from the average field today. [ 词汇提示 ] ① depletion n. 耗尽,枯竭;大量减少 ② recoverable a. 可开采的 31. The text is primarily intended to [A] sketch a plan to delay exhaustion of existing resources. [B] warn of the consequence of overexploiting oil reserves. [C] introduce more efficient techniques for oil exploration. [D] analyse economic factors in oil production and depletion. 32. According to the text, proved oil reserves [A] are determined by geological principles. [B] require advanced techniques for recovery. [C] can parallel natural resources in diminution. [D] exist until their depletion is verified by experts. 33. The author implies that an oil well is removed from production when [A] the capital for running it has been recovered. [B] the cost of its operation exceeds the return. [C] new wells are superior to it in capacity. [D] its supply of oil is entirely interrupted. 34. Technological innovations offset natural depletion because they [A] make it profitable to locate and exploit more resources. [B] reduce the ratio of proved reserves to actual quantities. [C] permit to explore more fields with larger reservoirs. [D] minimize capital expenditures in fuel production. 35. Which of the following is most likely to result in an increase in proved reserves? [A] Increased oil production by foreign sources. [B] A significant soaring in the price of crude oil. [C] A reduction in estimates of total oil resources. [D] Federal regulations requiring cleaner engines. Text4 While disease is present prior to social organization , communal life creates special hazards. While the organization of society can reduce the dangers of disease , trade and urbanization , with their consequent problems of sanitation and pollution , can also aggravate such dangers. Even in the mid - twentieth century , during the brief calm between the polio and AIDS epidemics , epidemic health risks associated with carcinogens(cancer - producing substances) from polluted air threatened the industrialized world. To the economist , efforts to combat these risks are at least partially public goods. The benefits from public goods are indivisible among beneficiaries. A sole private purchaser of health care would give others in society a “ free ride ” with respect to the benefits obtained. To market theorists , such goods are lawful objects of governmental intervention in the market. While the theory of public goods helps explain aspects of public health law and assists in fitting it into modern economic theory , it omits a critical point. Ill health is not a mere byproduct of economic activity , but an inevitable occurrence of human existence. As a result , wherever there is human society , there will be public health. Every society has to face the risks of disease. And because it must , every society searches to make disease comprehensible within the context of the society ’ s own particular culture , religion , or science. In this sense , health care is public not only because its benefits are indivisible and threats to it arise from factors outside of the individual but also because communal life gives individuals the cultural context in which to understand it. Governments typically have assumed an active role with respect to health care , acting as if their role were obligatory. How governments have fulfilled that duty has varied throughout time and across societies , according not only to the wealth and scientific sophistication of the culture but also to its fundamental values — because health is defined in part by a community ’ s belief system , public health measures will necessarily reflect cultural norms and values. Those who criticize the United States government today for not providing health care to all citizens equate the provision of health care with insurance coverage for the costs of medical expenses. By this standard , seventeenth and eighteenth - century America lacked any significant conception of public health law. However , despite the general paucity (scarcity) of bureaucratic organization in pre
industrial America , the vast extent of health regulation and provision stands out as remarkable. Of course , the public role in the protection and regulation of eighteenth - century health was carried out in ways quite different from those today. Organizations responsible for health regulation were less stable than modern bureaucracies , tending to appear in crises and fade away in periods of calm. The focus was on epidemics which were seen as unnatural and warranting a response , not to the many prevalent and chronic conditions which were accepted as part and parcel of daily life. Additionally , and not surprisingly , religious influence was significant , especially in the seventeenth century. Finally , in an era which lacked sharp divisions between private and governmental bodies , many public responsibilities were carried out by what we would now consider private associations. Nevertheless , the extent of public health regulation long before the dawn of the welfare state is remarkable and suggests that the founding generation ’ s assumptions about the relationship between government and health were more complex than commonly assumed. 36. The author ’ s primary purpose is to [ A ] comment on the government role in health - care provision. [ B ] argue about the social organization ’ s tasks concerning health care. [ C ] trace the historical development of the national health - care system. [ D ] discuss the societal duty to make provision against epidemic diseases. 37. The author mentions all of the following as causes of epidemic diseases EXCEPT [ A ] expanding international trade. [ B ] rapid general urbanization. [ C ] inadequate sanitation facilities. [ D ] poor preventive measures. 38. Health care is inherently a public concern for all of the following reasons EXCLUDING [ A ] the indivisibility of its benefits among its receivers. [ B ] the impact of societal factors on the individual ’ s health. [ C ] the government obligation to provide health care for its people. [ D ] the comprehension of disease within a particular cultural context. 39. Which of the following finds the LEAST support in the text? [ A ] Government involvement in health care is characterized by action. [ B ] Philosophical considerations weigh less in making health policies. [ C ] Health organizations took common diseases as an essential part of daily life. [ D ] Modern public health agencies provide comprehensive protection against most diseases. 40. Which of the following best expresses the main point of the last paragraph? [ A ] The government precautions against diseases have failed many critics. [ B ] The government should spare no efforts on preventing epidemic diseases. [ C ] History witnessed government contribution to the provision of health care. [ D ] Health problems prior to the welfare state arose largely for lack of funds. Part B Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41 ~ 45 , you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent article by choosing from the list A — G to fill in each numbered box. The first and last paragraphs have been placed for you in Boxes. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) [ A ] These difficulties are compounded by question - marks caused by government policy proposals , for example , concerning moves from direct to indirect taxation or regulations concerning the introduction of lead - free petrol. Increasingly , consumers may find that structural changes in the world economy are undermining expectations about employment and promotion prospects that they have lo yet new opportunities may not instantly stand out. Added to these worries are new puzzles arising from social changes such as the rise of the Women ’ s Movement — for example , how a couple might carve out two careers as a joint future without these endangering each other. Given this , one might expect that economists would devote a good deal of attention to the ways in which consumers set about making up their minds in situations of uncertainty and complexity. [ B ] Unfortunately , this has not been the case. The typical economist proceeds to analyze consumer behavior in a way which makes the problem of choice trivial. The individual consumer is portrayed as if she already has a completely specified set of preferences and seeks to maximize her utility subject to three constraints: her accumulated human and non - human capital , the state of technology , and the prevailing set of relative prices. The consumer ’ s prior investments in her own skills , coupled with her initial endowment of human capital , determine her employment opportunities. The latter , in turn , constrain her in respect of the commodities she will be able and inclined to purchase , given the prevailing set of prices. [ C ] If opportunities are not to be thrown needlessly away , the consumer must be a skilled spectator and strategist. Instability in exchange rates and inflation rates , and the unevenness with which inflationary forces feed through the system , makes it difficult to assess trends in respect to relative prices , including real wages. [ D ] Having assumed that the consumer is able to rank hypothetical bundles of consumption goods and employment obligations in order of preference , it is not surprising that the typical economist comes to think of the consumer simply as if she selects the highest - ranking bundle from her feasible set. What we have is an example of what Herbert Simon calls “ substantive rationality ” : the achievement of given goals within the limits imposed by given conditions. [ E ] Technological change results in flux in the qualities and varieties of goods on offer , while the increasing complexity of modern products opens up scope for expensive errors when consumer durables are being purchased: the modern consumer cannot hope to be an expert buyer in all markets. [ F ] How the consumer works out what these “ given conditions ” might be is not discussed. The economist theories as if the consumer has defined her problem in advance in a way that makes its solution transparent , and then allows her on to the stage seemingly to solve it. [ G ] Being a consumer is not an easy role to play successfully , even in an affluent society. Consumers have to act in a complex , unsettled world where surprises are commonplace and not more deviations around a trend , a world full of novelty and obsolescence , a world that is , in short , turbulent. Order: G → 41. → 42. → 43. → 44. → 45. → F Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form of equality , we find in its earlier expressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Bible is the expression “ an eye for an eye , and a tooth for a tooth. ” That is , the individual who has done wrong has committed an offense against society. 46) To make repayment for this offense , society must get equally balanced , which can be done only by imposing an equal injury upon him. 47) This conception of deserved - punishment justice is reflected in many parts of the legal codes and procedures of modern times , which is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who has committed murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the German idealist Hegel , who believed that society owed it to the criminal to put into operation a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. 48) The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that will eliminate this denial and restore the self that has been denied. To the murderer nothing less than giving up his own life will pay his debt. The demand for the death penalty is a right the state owes the criminal and it should not deny him what he deserves. Modern jurists have tried to replace deserved - punishment justice with the notion of corrective justice. The aim of the latter is not to abandon the concept of equality but to find a more adequate way to express it. It tries to preserve the idea of equal opportunity for each individual to realize the best that is in him. 49) The criminal is regarded as being socially ill and in need of treatment that will enable him to become a normal member of society. Before a treatment can be put into operation , the cause of his antisocial behavior must be found. If the cause can be removed , provisions must be made to have this done. Only those criminals who are incurable should be permanently separated from the rest of society. This does not mean that criminals will escape punishment or be quickly returned to take up careers of crime. It means that justice is to heal the individual , not simply to get even with him. If severe punishment is the only adequate means for accomplishing this , it should be administered. 50) However , the individual should be given every opportunity to assume a normal place in society , and his conviction of crime must not deprive him of the opportunity to make his way in the society of which he is a part. Section Ⅲ Writing Part A 51. Directions: Write a letter to your professor, making an apology for the delayed return of the issues of U.S. business magazine you borrowed from him a month ago. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.(10 points) Part B 52. Directions: Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the cartoon, 2) interpret its main idea,and 3) propose possible solutions.You should write about 160 ~ 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points) 答案速查 1~5DBCAA 11~15BDCAC6~10DBCDA 16~20BDACB21~25DBACB 31~35CDCBA26~30DCCAB 36~40BCADC41~45CEDGA 答案与解析: Model Test 8 Section Ⅰ Use of English 1. [答案] \\[B\\] for [解析] 名词 use 可与不同介词搭配表示不同意义:“ for...use only ”(仅供……用), in use( 在使用着 ) , of use( 有用 ) , put...to use( 利用…… ) 等。根据句意,只能选用[ B ]。 2. [答案] \\[C\\] point [解析] 由“ from...on ” ( 从……时起 ) 可知,[ C ]构成“此刻”(= now )为当然答案。 [ A ]“时期”,[ B ]“事例”,[ D ]“事件”,皆不适用。 3. [答案] \\[D\\] alert [解析] 由句意和介词 on 判断,[ D ]“警惕;戒备”最合适: be on the highest alert :保持高度警惕。 [ A ]“准备”和[ B ]“防御”通常用介词 in, [ C ]“守卫” (on guard 意为“在岗上” ) ,均不可取。 4. [答案] \\[A\\] recognize [解析] 此空位于修饰“ vehicle ”的定语从句中,据上下文推断,[ A ]“认识”最合逻辑。 [ B ]“辨别”,[ C ]“识别”,[ D ]“觉察”,均不合句意。 5. [答案] \\[A\\] terminated [解析] 据后面主句中的“ performance evaluations ” ( 业绩评价 ) 和“ exit ” ( 离职 ) 判断,此处应选[ A ]“被解雇”。 [ B ]“被询/讯问”,[ C ]“被怀疑”,[ D ]“被调动”,皆不合句意逻辑。 6. [答案] \\[D\\] interview [解析] “ exit interview ” ( 离职面谈 ) 是解雇人员的例行程序,符合此处句意。 [ A ]“质询”,[ B ]“检查”,[ C ]“指示”,均与句意相悖。 7. [答案] \\[B\\] notify [解析] 据“ If ”从句判断,只有[ B ]“通知;报告”符合句意逻辑。 [ A ]“表示”,[ C ]“核实”,[ D ]“证实”,词义、词形双干扰。 8. [答案] \\[C\\] overreact [解析] 上句指出,发生事件要向上级主管报告。“ however ”表明此句是上句句意的转折。据此,[ C ]“反应过激”符合文意需要。 [ A ]“高估”,[ B ]“忽略”,[ D ]“压服”,均不合文意。 9. [答案] \\[B\\] judgment [解析] 此句是整段内容的总结,故[ B ]“判断力”符合要求:“保持警惕的条件之一就是要正确运用判断力。” [ A ]“职能”,[ C ]“影响力”,[ D ]“权力”,皆不合文意逻辑。 10. [答案] \\[D\\] carry out [解析] 据“ procedures ” ( 步骤 ) 和下文推断,此处用[ D ]“执行;实施”最恰当。 [ A ]“坚持”,[ B ]“抓住”,[ C ]“遵守”,均不合逻辑。 11. [答案] \\[C\\] into [解析] 动词 fall 与不同介词搭配表示不同意义: fall for :爱上;受……骗; fall in: 坍塌;集合; fall into: 陷于,进入(某状态); fall off: 跌落;下降。依句意应选[ C ]。“ fire drill routines ”意为“消防演习程序”。 12. [答案] \\[A\\] stemming [解析] 由空格后的“ from ”判断,[ A ] stemming(from) 意为“是……的结果;起源于”,符合句意要求。 [ B ] emerging(from) :露出 / 暴露,[ C ] deviating(from) :背/偏离……,[ D ] suffering(from) :受……苦/折磨,均非所需。 13. [答案] \\[A\\] shut down [解析] 所给的四个短语动词意义各不相同:[ A ]“关闭”,[ B ]“开(电灯等)”,[ C ]“开大;调高”,[ D ]“断开;折断”。据文意应选[ A ],因为关掉电气设备会引发惊慌、混乱和损失。 14. [答案] \\[B\\] to [解析] “ keep sth. to a minimum ”是常用短语,意为“将……保持在最低限度”,故答案非[ B ]莫属。 15. [答案] \\[C\\] with [解析] 介词短语“ with sth. ”修饰名词时意为“ (who/which) have or carry sth. ”(有;具有;带有),符合此句需要。故[ C ]为正确答案。其余三个介词在用法与意义上皆不适用。 16. [答案] \\[D\\] designated [解析] 此处的分词短语修饰“ area ”,用[ D ]“被指定的”最恰当,即“消防演习方案所指定区域”。 [ A ]“被控制的”,[ B ]“被限制的”,[ C ]“被设计的”均不可取。 17. [答案] \\[D\\] missing [解析] 这里所需的形容词修饰“ personnel ” ( 人员 ) ,故应选[ D ]“失踪的”。“ Take attendance ”:点名,清点;“ make mental notes about ”:记住/下……。 [ A ]“留/剩下的”,[ B ]“分散的”,[ C ]“要失败的”,皆不合句意。 18. [答案] \\[A\\] record [解析] 由句意判断,[ A ]“记录下”是唯一选择。“ insider information ”:内部人员情况。 [ B ]“提供”,[ C ]“贮/保存”,[ D ]“供应”,皆不合情理。 19. [答案] \\[C\\] Once [解析] 据句意逻辑判断,[ C ]“一……就”是当然之选。句中“ emergency personnel ”:应急人员。 [ A ]“直到”,[ B ]“除非”,[ D ]“因为”,均不合逻辑。 20. [答案] \\[B\\] share [解析] 句意表明,[ B ]“把……告诉……;与……分享……”最恰当,即“把所获得信息告诉应急人员”。 [ A ]“传送”,后接 to ,而非 [ C ]“分析”,[ D ]“评价”,不合句意逻辑。 1. [答案] B. computed [解析] compute=calculate( 计算 ) 。 D. count 意为“计数”。其余二词与句意无关。 2. [答案] C. contribution [解析] contribution=sth.contributed( 贡献 ) 。 A. creation( 创造 ) , B. distribution( 分配 ) , D. donation( 捐赠 ) ,与句意不符。 3. [答案] A. realistic [解析] realistic=practical( 实际的;现实的 ) 。 a more realistic index( 更切合实际的指数 ) 指制造产品所增加的价值。 B. specific( 具体的 ) , C. elastic( 弹性的 ) , D. economic( 经济的 ) ,不合句意。 4. [答案] D. gross [解析] gross=total( 总的;毛的 ) ,与 net( 纯的,净的 ) 相反。 gross sales: 销售总额,符合文意。 retail: 零售的。 ready sales: 畅销。 5. [答案] D. nothing [解析] 前半句提到 gross sales( 销售总额 ) 是一种 misleading( 误导的 ) 数字,故此处只能选表示否定的 nothing 。 6. [答案] C. whether [解析] 此从句与 product costs( 生产成本 ) 并列,作 about 的宾语,而非与 because 并列。据句意逻辑与结构(句尾有 or ),只有用表示间接问句的 whether 最恰当。句末的 at a profit or at a loss 意为“赢利还是亏损”。 7. [答案] A. operating [解析] operate=work( 运行;经营 ) ,作不及物动词 , 符合此句结构要求。其余三词主要为及物动词 , 其后应有宾语,均不合此句结构。 8. [答案] B. debate [解析] debate=formal discussion,eg.at a public meeting or in Parliament( 正式讨论;辩论 ) , a spirited debate “热烈的辩论”。 A. argument( 争吵;争论 ),C. quarrel( 争吵 ) , D. disturbance( 扰乱;动乱 ) 。 9. [答案] C. appropriate [解析] appropriate=suited to( 适宜于……的 ) ,后接 for/to, 恰合此题要求。 delightful( 令人高兴的 ) , distinctive( 特别的 ) , acceptable (to) ( 可接受的 ) ,不合句意。 10. [答案] A. reflected [解析] 此处 reflect=express( 表达;表现;反映 ) 。句中 command 意为 deserve and get( 应得,博得 ) 。例如: Great men command our respect. 伟人应受我们尊敬。 B. embodied( 体现,包括 ) , C. embraced( 包括 ) , D. indicated( 表示 ) 。 11. [答案] B. upon [解析] upon/on+ 动词性名词或动名词,意为“在……后 ( 立即 ) ”,符合句意要求。 12. [答案] D. impressive [解析] 此处 impressive=moving( 动人的 ) 。 impressive salaries 意为“丰厚的薪金”。 plentiful 和 abundant 同义,皆指事物供应的“丰富,充裕”,通常后接不可数名词。 13. [答案] A. appreciable [解析] appreciable=enough to be seen or noticed ( 〈大得〉可看到的;明显的;可观的 ) 。 applicable ( 可应用的 ) 不合句意。 essential ( 基本的 ) 和 inherent ( 固有的 ) 与后面的 added ( 增加上的 ) 相矛盾。 14. [答案] D. by [解析] 此处的结构是 value added to...by...( 由……添加到……上的价值 ) , by 引入被动行为的主体。 15. [答案] C. received [解析] receive= get( 接受;得到 ) ,它的宾语 which 被省略。其余三词不合句意。 16. [答案] B. however [解析] 上句所说只是 by implication( 根据内涵 ) 的推断;此句说,“当更仔细查看时……”,两句之间应是转折关系,故只有 however 可取。 17. [答案] D. obviously [解析] obviously: clearly ( 显而易见地;明显地 ) ,符合句意。 curiously( 奇怪地 ) , graciously( 优雅地 ) , dubiously( 犹豫不决地 ) 。 18. [答案] C. prior [解析] prior=before ,恰好与后面的 after 相对,指“学生受教育前的能力与毕业生获学士学位后的能力之间的差别”,便是学生从教育中获益的部分,此文将它比作“生产成本”。 19. [答案] A. earning [解析] earn: get sth. that one deserves, or because of one
s qualities ( 得到;获得 ) ,相当于 receive, 与句意相符。 granting ( 给予 ) , conferring ( 授予 ) , offering ( 提供 ) ,皆指给予别人。 20. [答案] B. benefit [解析] benefit from=receive benefit from/by ( 受益;获益于 ) ,适合句意。 attain ( 获得 ) , reward ( 酬劳,奖赏 ) , favor ( 有利于 ) ,皆不适用。 Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A 21.   D [解析] 第 2 段末两句表明,虽然 privacy law (隐私法)保护个人权利不受侵犯 , 但 publicity law (公知法)却源于相反的考虑: celebrities (名人)不反对公众的关注,因为他们以此而成名,并试图从其名声的商业应用中获利。据此推断, D 项“名人声誉所固有的经济问题未纳入隐私法中”是应选答案。 A 项“成为公众人物的人便失去隐私权”, B 项“明星欲避开公众以创造更高价值”, C 项“未经许可使用名人形象是无法补偿的”,均不对题。 22.   A [解析] 此题考查对第 1 段末两句的理解:承认这种“公知权”引发了许多难题,如这种权利的适用范围和期限,以及它与言论自由和交易自由的关系。名人的“类别”,如艺人、政治家或运动员,也往往影响这一裁决过程。由此可见,法庭对“公知权”问题的应对是 A 项“无定论的”。 B 项“不现实的”, C 项“有理由的”, D 项“意义重大的”,皆不合文意。 23.   B [解析] “ devisability ”用于法律意为“可遗赠性”。第 5 段第 2~4 句说:名人死后其公知权是否继续存在,各法庭有分歧。有些法庭主张无条件的 devisability 。他们强调说控制利用名声的权利是一种 property right (知识产权),它具有知识产权的全部特征。因此, B 项“由该名人遗嘱让与”是正确答案。 A 项“分割成不同的合法实体”, C 项“精心分割成数个等份”, D 项“经持有人准许进行交易”,皆与 devisability 的意思不符。 24.   D [解析] 题干中的 call upon ( on )意为 need to use (需要使用,须诉诸)。文章第 3 、 4 段表明,名人的名誉特征包括姓名、肖像、特有的节目或动作,名人成名的个性,独特的风格及传记信息。法院支持公知权有两个目的:倡导创造性活动,防止盗用信誉而不正当地敛财。据此判断,四个事例中,只有 D 项“某电视主持人的形象被用于一药品的宣传广告中”侵犯了个人的肖像权。 A 项“一著名运动员准备设计并推销一种新款式运动服”, B 项“一影视名演员死后其作品进行了修订”, C 项“一教授的著作被一学生在论文中引用了一部分”,均未侵犯公知权。 25.   C [解析] 此文重点讨论保护公知权的法律问题。法律承认,名人的知名权应受保护,但其保护范围各法院意见不一,而且它与 First Amendment interests (第一修正法案权益)冲突,因此对它的界定必须谨慎且准确(见文章末句)。这表明 C 项“公知权的诸多法律问题尚未完全解决”是此文主旨的恰当概括。 A 项“公知权法是解决公众人士权益问题的恰当法律措施”, B 项“公知权法律案件的处理办法与自由贸易权益冲突”, D 项“公知权法倡导创造性活动,这证明它是正确的”,都是文中提到的情况,但并非文章的 main ideas, 故不可取。 26. C [解析] 此文第 1 段表明了作者对 science
fiction movies (科幻影片)的看法。 A 项说法文中未见。 B 项的 likely (很可能的)与第 2 句中 beyond anything … possible 意思相反。 D 项的 signify (表示 / 明)与句中的 expand (扩展 / 大)意义有别。 C 项的 offer invented stories (提供虚构的故事)相当于第 1 句中的 serve as myths (作为神话故事), fate 相当于 future ,为应选之答案。 27. A [解析] A 项中的 fantasies (幻想)相当于relieve (减轻)与第 3 句中 alleviate (减轻,缓解)同义,为正确选项。其余 3 项不合文意。 28. B [解析] B 项说法与第 1 段第 4 句意思一致,为正确答案。 A 项说法与文意不符,其中 transience (短暂,转瞬即逝)文中未见。 C 项的 irrelevant to the past (与过去无关的)和 D 项的 irrespective of reality( 不顾现实的)皆与第 3 段文意相悖。第 3 段中的 Judgment Day 意为“上帝的最后审判日;世界末日”。 29. D [解析] 题干中的 The theme of modern myths (现代神话主题)即指第 1 、 3 段都提到的 the struggle of good against evil (善与恶的斗争)。第 3 段末句说,在一个善恶矛盾永久消除的世界里,我们所熟悉的人类将消失。那可能是一个天使们居住的世界,而没有人类的位置。据此判断, D 项符合需要。 A 项 struggle for good life 不同于“善恶斗争”。 B 项 if only( 但愿,若是……就好了 ) 表示愿望或感叹,不合要求,而且 ceased (停止,中止)不同于文中的 permanently resolved (永久解决)。 C 项的 extinct (灭绝)是对句意的有意曲解。 30. A [解析] Tolstoy (列夫·托尔斯泰——俄作家,哲学家)出现在末段,其中作者讨论的是 visual art (供观赏的艺术)。因此 A 项正确,其余 3 项不合题意。 31. D [解析] 通读全文可知,此文以主要篇幅分析了影响石油产量与枯竭的经济因素。人们为追求更高的利润,利用先进的技术不断加速开采现有的油田,钻探新的油田,从而加快了石油资源的枯竭。由此可知, D 项“分析影响石油产量与枯竭的经济因素”与文意相符。 A 项“简述延缓现存资源枯竭的计划”, B 项“警告过度开采石油储藏的后果”, C 项“介绍更高效的石油勘探技术”,均非此文主要目的。 32. C [解析] 关于“ proved oil reserves ”,第 3 段第 1 句指出:已探明的石油储量年年都在减产,使已知储油量和总的资源都在减少。据此判断, C 项“可与自然资源同时减少”符合句意。 A 项“是由地质学原理测定的”, B 项“需要先进的技术进行恢复”, D 项“直到专家证实它们枯竭为止”,皆与句意相左。 33. B [解析] 第 4 段第 1 句表明,一些油田在“正常”情况下开采起来费用过高,但高额的利润使它们在经济上是划算的,因为成本的降低使石油公司在原来无利可图的油田里获得收益。据此判断, B 项“开采该油井的成本超过回报”是合理的反向推论。 A 项“经营该油井的资金已被收回”, C 项“新油井的产量高于该井”, D 项“该油井完全停止出油”,均与句意相左。 34. A [解析] 题干中的“ offset ”(弥补;补偿)出现在末段,但其原因应在第 3 段末两句:先进的勘探和钻井技术减少了寻找新贮油层的费用,降低了无油钻井的风险,使新油层更快地得到开发与生产。油田资源的尽快生产可增加投资回报,早日实现盈利。由此可知, A 项“使勘定与开采更多资源有利可图”符合文意。 B 项“降低已知贮油量与实际贮量的比率”, C 项“有可能勘探到更多含大油槽的油田”, D 项“最大限度减少开采石油的投资开支”,均非其原因。 35. B [解析] 文中并未直接谈到“ proved reserves ”的增多,但第 1 段末句指出:假如没有价格、成本和技术上的发展变化,世界石油资源就会象一口油井不断衰竭一样耗尽。据此判断, B 项“原油价格的显著攀升”是合理的反向推论。 A 项“外国石油产量的增加”, C 项“估计石油资源总量的减少”, D 项“要求使用更清洁发动机的联邦法规”,均与文意相左。 31. C [解析] 此文起始句实际上提出了 great thinker 的标准,即 follow his intellect( 靠自己的智力,即独立思考 ) 做出结论。 C 项与此意相符。 A 项的 prime events( 重要事件 ) 和 B 项的 major issues( 重大问题 ) 皆是想当然的臆断,文中未提。 D 项强调 intellectual faculties( 智力天赋 / 才能 ) ,而非 think for himself( 独立思考 ) 。 32. C [解析] 第 2 段第 3 句说,如果他同样不能驳倒对方的理由,不了解对方的理由是什么,那他就没有根据采取哪一种意见。 C 项为此意的正面表达,为正确答案。 A 、 D 两项文中未说。 B 项只是一种不得已的办法。 33. D [解析] 第 1 段第 8 句说,在基本信念不容讨论的不成文传统存在的地方,在引起人类关注的重大问题的讨论被认为已结束的地方,我们就不可能希望看到产生非凡历史时期的高等级的思想活动。 D 项是此意的正面表达,为正确选项。 34. A [解析] 第 2 段说,在辩论一问题时,只了解己方的理由,不了解也无法驳倒对方的理由,不是正确处理论据的方法 (not the way to do justice to the arguments) 。该段倒数第 3 句说,即使那些能滔滔不绝地为自己的意见辩护的人,也有 99% 处于这种状况。由此可知, A 项说法正确。 其余三项皆与文意相悖。 D 项的 the generality of people 相当于文中的 the generality of the world( 大多数人 ) 。 35. B [解析] 第 1 段末句说,当长期的辩论回避能唤起人们热情的重大问题时,一个民族的思想决不会从根本上受到激励和推动。 B 项是此意的正面表述,为正确答案。 A 项是 impulse 产生的结果。 C 项文中未提。 D 项 become enthusiastic about( 变得热心于 ) 是对原句的有意曲解。 36. A [解析] 此文以主要篇幅讨论了对政府在社会卫生保健方面所起作用的不同看法,故 A 项正确。 B 、 C 、 D 各项文中皆提到,但并非 primary purpose ( 主要目的 ) 。 D 项的 make provision against …意为“预防……”。 37. D [解析] 作者在第 1 段提到造成传染病的原因有: trade, urbanization ( 都市化 ) 和 sanitation ( 环境卫生 ) 问题。只有 D 项未提到,故应选 D 。 本段词汇: polio(=poliomyelitis) n. 小儿麻痹症; carcinogen   n. 致癌物。 38. C [解析] 第 2 段末句说,卫生保健是公益事业不仅因为其效益是不可分割的,及对它的威胁来自个人以外的 ( 即社会的 ) 因素,而且因为社会生活给人们提供认识它的文化 context ( 环境,背景 ) 。此句包括了 A 、 B 、 D 各项内容。只有 C 项未提到,为所需答案。 39. B [解析] 此题中的 LEAST 表明这同样是一否定问题。 A 项可由第 3 段第 1 句得到支持。 C 项可在末段第 6 句找到依据,其中 an essential part of=part and parcel of( ……的主要部分 ) 。 D 项可在末段第 6 句以下内容得到印证。只有 B 项“哲学上的因素……”文中没有反映,答案非它莫属。 40. C [解析] 末段重点回顾了几个世纪以来政府机构在提供卫生保健方面所起的突出作用。故 C 项正确。 其余三项皆与此段内容不符。 此段词汇: paucity n. 少,缺乏; part and parcel 主要部分。 Part B 41. [答案] C [解析] 此文第 1 段( G )开宗明义,点明了主题:在复杂多变、惊奇不断的世界上做一个成功的消费者,并非易事。研读 A — E 段得知, C 段指出,货币汇率和膨胀率的不稳定性,使消费者难以把握物价的走势。这是消费者普遍遇到的第一难题,为 G 段的恰当接续段。 42. [答案] E [解析] E 段进一步说明,技术的进步使现代产品日益复杂,人们在购买 consumer durables (耐用消费品)时,容易犯代价高昂的错误,因为消费者不可能是各种市场的行家。这是消费者常遭遇的第二道难关。文中 flux: 不断的变化。 43. [答案] A [解析] 此段第 1 句中 These difficulties 显然指前两段提到的那些困难,并进一步说明加重这些困难的其他因素,故应接在 E 段之后。 此段词汇: compound :使加重;使恶化; carve out(a career): 力求发迹;开创事业。 44. [答案] B [解析] A 段末句说,人们希望经济学家能致力于解决消费者在举棋不定的复杂情况下,如何做决定的问题。 B 段头两句对此做出了回应: The typical economist( 一般经济学家 ) 继续分析消费者的行为……。据此可以断定, B 段应接在 A 段之后。 45. [答案] D [解析] 此段进一步说明 the typical economist 对消费者的看法,恰与 B 段衔接;其末尾的 the achievement of given goals within the limits imposed by given conditions (在特定条件限定的范围内达到特定的目的)与末段( F )中的 these “ given conditions ”相连,故此处答案非 D 莫属。 Part C 46. [答案] 要对这种犯罪给予报复,社会必须达到对等平衡,而要做到这点,只有对罪犯施以同等的伤害。 [解析] which 引入非限制性定语从句,修饰整个主句,可按原句顺译。但须译出 which 指代的东西。 by imposing...upon... 为方式状语,亦可译作: “这一点只有通过……才能做到”。 47. [答案] 这种罚当其罪的法律制裁思想,在现代法典和诉讼程序的许多条款中都有反映; 我们要求对杀人犯处以死刑,就是这种思想的例证。 [解析] 此题的关键是一些词的译法: justice=the law and its administration( 法律制裁;司法;审判 ) ; code=collection of laws arranged in a system( 法典;法规 ) ; procedure=order of doing things in a law case( 诉讼程序 ) 。 48. [答案] 罪犯已用他自己的行为否定了他本来的自我,因而有必要采取某种措施来消除这种否定,从而恢复其已被否定的自我。 [解析] by his own actions 是一方式状语,将 had denied 分隔开;前一 that 从句译作了状语;后一 that 从句则须译在 self 之前。 49. [答案] 罪犯可看作是一种社会疾患,需要治疗,以使他变成社会的正常成员。 [解析] ill 本是形容词,这里译作名词较通顺; that 引入的定语从句修饰 treatment ,这里译作目的状语,避免了累赘,又不失原意。 50. [答案] 但是,法律应给予犯罪人一切机会,使他能取得正常的社会地位,而且对其罪行的判决亦不应剥夺他在社会上谋求出路的机会,因为他也是社会的一员。 [解析] 前一分句根据上下文,增加了“法律”作主语。后一分句中的 his 指上句中的 individual(criminal);conviction 是由动词派生的名词,可译作动词; make one
s way 意为 make progress/succeed( 取得进展;成功;发迹 ) ,这里译作“谋求出路”对犯过罪的人来说,可能更合适。 of which 定语从句修饰 society, 这里译作“因为……”可更顺畅地表达原意。 此句表达的就是 corrective justice( 教养性法律制裁)的意思。 Section Ⅲ Writing Part A 51. [参考样文] Dear Professor, The issues of U.S. business magazine I borrowed from you a month ago are being delivered to you by EMS. I am really sorry for not returning them sooner as intended. Please accept my sincere apology, as well as my genuine thanks. I found the articles I was looking for from the magazines and got a lot of valuable information. Unexpectedly, I was slower in getting them through than had promised. It was very kind of you to lend me these magazines, and I hope the delay has not been an inconvenience to you. I owe you very much indeed for these magazines. Respectfully your, Li Ming Part B 52. [参考样文] The cartoon depicts a vivid scene in which two strong cyclists riding two similar bicycles labelled “ENERGY” and “ENVIRONMENT” respectively, are furiously dashing head on against each other. The most striking features of the cartoon may be the dripping sweat of the cyclists and the single front wheel shared by the two bikes, which show the intensity and inevitability of their struggle. The main idea of the cartoon is apparent: the need to produce and consume energy comes into acute conflict with the need to preserve the environment. The rapid expansion of populations and their increasing demands for a better living lie at the root of deterioration of the natural environment. Can we find a way to get out of the awkward situation? I presume it of vital importance for man to realize that he is an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of himself. I also have confidence in modern technology and genius which will enable man to change present energy patterns to avoid environmental pollution. The appearance of ecological products promise a bright prospect of settling the energy
environment contradiction. Model Test 8 重点阅读文章参考译文 Text 2 科幻电影可以作为关于未来的神化,对未来进行一些保证。不管是关于 2001 年还是关于星球大战,这些电影描述的进步将人类的力量和经验扩展到了令现在的人无法相信的地步,而且他们向我们保证,所有这些进步都不会使我们现在所了解的人类或者生命消失。因此,这样的神话消除了关于未来的一个很大忧虑:在未来,我们将不会再有现在这样的位置了。它们还承诺说,即使在最遥远的未来,不管物质世界发生了多大的进步,人类关注的基本问题仍然和现在一样。而我们这个时代中心的道德问题——正义和邪恶之间的斗争,在未来也同样重要。 过去和未来是我们生活中永恒的维度,而现在只不过是一个短暂的瞬间。所以,这些关于未来的想象也包含了我们过去的生活。星球大战所围绕的问题过去也同样促使人们征战。因此,关于未来的想象实际上是以对过去的看法为基础的,因为只有过去是可以肯定的。 既然我们关于未来的宗教神话从来没有超越过上帝的最后审判日,我们关于未来的现代神话也不会超越对生命更深意义的寻找。因为只要正义和邪恶之间的抉择依然是最高的道德问题,生命就仍然保有对二者进行选择的特殊尊严。永远解决了两者之间冲突的世界,也就消除了人类的存在。那可能会是一个天使居住的世界,却不会有人类的位置。 电影是以景象为基础的视觉艺术。它与我们的视觉进行对话,它给我们的影像应该让我们觉得生活更加美好;它还应该给我们深邃的洞察力,让我们把自身看清楚。大约一百多年前,托尔斯泰写道:“艺术是人类的一项活动。它的目标是将人类拥有的最崇高、最美好的感情传递给他人。”后来,罗伯特·弗罗斯特又将诗歌定义为“始于喜悦 , 而终于智慧。”因此,或许可以说,电影艺术的境界可以通过它达到神话诗学的任务的等级评定——给我们这个时代生活的合适的神话,一种能够将人类拥有的最崇高、最美好的感情传递给我们的影像——通过这些形象在多大程度上给了我们“终于智慧”的喜悦来评定。希望电影这门真正的美国艺术能够迎接挑战,成为我们这个时代真正伟大的艺术。 Text 4 虽然疾病比社会组织重要,公共生活还是会产生许多特殊危险。虽然社会组织能够减少疾病带来的危险,贸易、城市化,以及随之而来的卫生和污染问题,也会使其加重。即使在二十世纪中叶,在小儿麻痹症和艾滋病盛行的短暂间歇,被污染空气中的致癌物质引发的广泛流行的健康危机仍然威胁着工业化的世界。 对经济学家而言,与这些危机进行斗争所做的种种努力,至少从某种程度上而言,是一种公共产品。它们带给受益者的利益是不可分割的。就获得的利益而言,卫生保健的一位单独购买者能够让社会中其他成员搭上“顺风车”。对市场理论家来说,这些产品是政府对市场进行干预的合理产物。虽然公共产品的理论能够解释社会健康法的有关方面,帮助其融入现代经济理论,它还是忽略了至关重要的一点。健康不佳不是经济活动的副产品,而是人类生存无法避免的一种因素。结果,哪里有人类社会,哪里就有公共健康问题。每个社会都必须面对疾病的危害。而正是因为必须如此,每个社会都试图在社会特定的文化、宗教和科学环境下理解疾病。就这个意义来说,我们说卫生保健是公共的,不仅是因为它带来的利益是不可分割的,对它的威胁来自个人之外的因素,而且因为公共生活使个人可以在文化环境下对其加以理解。 政府在卫生保健方面通常扮演着活跃的角色,似乎这样做是一种义务。政府怎样行使这种职责在不同时代不同社会是不同的,决定因素不仅包括各个文化中的财富水平和科技发达程度,还包括社会基本的价值观。因为健康定义的一部分由社会的信仰体系决定,公共健康的尺度会不可避免的反映文化规则和价值。 那些批评美国政府没有给全体公民提供卫生保健的人将提供卫生保健等同于医疗花费的保险责任范围。根据这个标准,十七和十八世纪的美国没有任何公共健康法的观念。然而,尽管工业时代前的美国普遍缺乏官僚机构,那个时候卫生法规的广泛普及却是非常显著的。当然,十八世纪时,国家在保护和规范公共健康方面的方式与今天有很大的不同。那时,负责制定卫生法规的组织不像现在的机构那样稳定,它们在发生危机时出现,平时则退居幕后。那些组织关注的是不寻常的流行性疾病并做出反应,而不是处理寻常的慢性疾病——那时它们被当作日常生活中的重要部分。另外,宗教具有显著的影响,尤其是在十七世纪,这一点并不意外。最后,在私人和政府机构缺乏明确分工的时代,许多公共责任的履行是由我们今天的私人机构进行的。而且,在福利国家的观念萌芽很久之前,公共卫生法所包含的范围之广是不寻常的。这说明美国人的祖先们对于政府和健康关系的认识比现在人们推测的要复杂的多。


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