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其他人还在看INSANITY vs Focus T25 - How These Two Workouts Compare
Insanity vs Focus T25 – How These Two Workouts CompareWe are going to compare it all – workout schedule, equipment, workout intensity, which get best results.Choosing between the Insanity and the Focus T25 workout is not easy, but I’m hoping this review will help you select the program that will get you the best results possible.Everyone is different – even identical twins are different, so the program that is right for me might not be the best for you. This is why I have broken down the major pros and cons of each program, which will make your decision between the two easier.If I were to compare Focus T25 and Insanity in two really quick sentences, it would be this:Insanity is an extreme workout program where you push your body and mind to their limits.Focus T25 is not quite as demanding as the Insanity workout, the workouts leave you with that “just had a really good workout” feeling.Most Frequently Asked Questions AnsweredFocus T25 is not just a shortened version of the INSANITY program nor is it an easier version.
Focus T25 is based around the theory that 25-minutes of high intensity exercise puts your body in the range for optimal continuous calorie burn. This means your body will continue to burn more calories after your workout is over.Quick Comparison Chart of Insanity vs Focus T25INSANITYFOCUS T25Schedule Length60 Days10 WeeksAvg. Workout Time 45 Minutes 25 Minutes# of Workouts a Week 6 5Equipment Needed None Resistance Band (included)Equipment RecommendedPlyometric Mat, Heart Rate Monitor Resistance Band or Dumbbells, MatDiet Balanced Diet Plan Simplified Balanced Diet Plan# of Workouts 12 11Saying“Dig Deeper”“You Have to Focus”Workout/Fitness Guide Included IncludedWorkout Calendar Included IncludedMoney-Back Guarantee 60-Day30-DayPrice $119.85-
$59.85- Insanity and T25 are now part of the Beachbody On Demand member library.Who These Programs Are Perfect forThe Insanity workout program was created for people who want an intense cardiovascular exercise program. It’s hardcore. The plyometric-based movements are meant to shred fat from your body and is great for people who want a more bootcamp style workout. Think insanely tough :)Focus T25 is also high intensity cardiovascular training with some weight training mixed in for a full body toning workout that hits not only your core, but your legs, arms, and back. The workouts in Focus T25 are only 25 minutes long for 5 days a week, which is optimum for those with full time jobs, busy moms, etc.The T25 program is perfect for those who want to get an intense workout with less time to spare each day or for those who just want to change up their longer daily workout routine for something shorter to maintain results.Focus T25 Trumps Insanity in Modified MovesThe biggest drawback for me with the Insanity workout is that Insanity really has no exercise modifications. I understand the workout would not be as intense with exercise modifications, but I would rather a less intense version of an exercise than only being given the option to walk it out or jog in place until being able to continue with the workout.If you’re not already in really good shape, plan on walking or jogging in place to catch your breath often when first beginning Insanity. The good news with this is that you do build up endurance quickly, so you will last longer each and every workout.Focus T25 has modified variations of every single exercise move. Sometimes, the camera angle is not always the best for viewing the exercise modifications, but you do always have the option, which is especially nice when you’re doing spider push ups for the first time… yikes! I absolutely love having the modified moves to fall back on when I was out of breath or just couldn’t physically do the moves.When I really feel like I can’t keep up, I drop down to the modified movements, and then when I catch my breath, I focus back on the real movements. The modified moves in Focus T25 are perfect for:Those who are not in that great of shapeThose with bad knees – you never have your feet leave the ground with the modified exercises, because they are all low-impact variations :)Workout Equipment is MinimalInsanity has a leg up on Focus T25 when it comes to exercise equipment you’ll need. With the Insanity workout program, you don’t need any equipment. However, a heart rate monitor and plyometric mat are highly recommended.On the other hand, Focus T25 does have some weight training workouts, which means you will need to supply your own set of dumbbells or use a resistance band. Luckily, the Focus T25 program comes with a 15lb B-Lines resistance band. I prefer dumbbells, although it’s a little bit of an investment at first, but something you can use for the rest of your life after you finish the program…an investment in your healthWorkout Schedule DifferencesThe Focus T25 workout program schedule is 10-weeks long, and Insanity is 60-days. Needless to say, it’s not that big of a difference.Both programs have two phases: the first phase preps you for the second phase, which is more intense than the first. The second phase workouts of Insanity are longer than the workouts in the first phase, while the Focus T25 workouts remain 25 minutes throughout the second phase.There is also a third phase to Focus T25 called gamma (sold separately) that is more weight training oriented. I will review this phase in a later post.What Kind of Results Can You Expect?For people who put there all into the Insanity program, following the diet and workouts to a T, losing 20-30 pounds over the course of the program is not uncommon.With Focus 25 being a newer program, there are still limited results to see. After a week of T25, I was already seeing a difference in my abs and my thighs. I could even see the beginnings of my lower abdominal muscles!Here’s a short breakdown of what you can expect with both:Insanity:Weight lossImproved muscle definitionA ripped athletic looking bodyFocus T25:Weight lossMore toning and shaping of the musclesA well-toned bodyOn the left, are Insanity results. On the right. are Focus T25 results. Your results will vary, but when you follow either program you will see results.Shaun T is Not the Same TrainerMuch like actors in different movie roles, Shaun T’s personality and training style is much different in T25 than it is in Insanity. He also slightly altered his appearance for Focus T25. Who knew he would look so different with hair?!In Insanity, Shaun T is clean shaven (including his head) and has more of a drill sergeant personality than one of a fitness instructor. He does a lot of yelling and will scream at you to push it and dig deeper – not necessarily my favorite style of motivation, but for a lot of people it works, and it works very well.In Focus T25, Shaun T is sporting a goatee and a full head of hair. Not only is his appearance different, he is more concerned about proper form and having you focus on your core muscles than in the Insanity program.Which is the Better Program for Beginners?If you are just beginning to work out on a regular basis after a long time away or just not used to working out, I whole-heatedly recommend beginning with the Focus T25 first. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, T25 shows you a lower intensity modification on every single move, which Insanity does not have.Which Program Will Help You Lose the Most WeightAh, it all comes down to the big question and the most difficult to answer: Will you lose as much weight with Focus T25 as you would with Insanity? There are so many factors that go into this, it’s impossible to really answer the question.You will lose weight with either program, if that is your goal. Weight loss is caused by a calorie deficit over time. As long as you burn more calories than you’re consuming, you will lose weight.How Much the Workout Programs CostIf you order Insanity or Focus T25 through Team Beachbody, you receive a free workout program with either program. This is something you can only get through Team Beachbody and is only available for a limited time.Both workout programs are $119.95, plus any applicable taxes including shipping & handling.To order the Insanity workout program with the free Fast & Furious workout, .I have also included a direct link, so you can order the Focus T25 workout at the lowest price available online. Plus, it includes the free Core Speed workout (which I LOVE!) that you can get by .30 Day Trial to BODBoth programs are now part of the Beachbody On Demand member library, which means you get access to both programs with online streaming. There is a (scroll down for offer after clicking the link) to the service, then is $2.99 per week thereafter.Still Need Help Deciding?If you still need help choosing between Insanity vs Focus T25, please leave a comment below, and I will do my best to help you decide. Please share as much information about yourself as you feel comfortable, so we can make the right choice for you.
I have struggled with weight issues my entire life. I have learned that real health is not just about how we look. It is about being healthy on the inside AND outside.
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