一个国外的装扮奇迹暖暖小屋装扮攻略的游戏叫什么an e什么

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write an e-mail是什么意思
write an e-mail是什么意思 write an e-mail在线翻译 write an e-mail什么意思 write an e-mail的意思 write an e-mail的翻译 write an e-mail的解释
write an e-mailwrite an e-mail 双语例句1. 1. Later, I eat biscuits brown and mushroom paté in bed and write a Valentine's e-bluey (an e-mail printed on blue airmail forms) by candlelight.&&&&后来,我吃饼干在床上褐色蘑菇肉酱,谱写情人节电子bluey(一封电子邮件中印在蓝空形式的烛光)。2. Last month to Australia and New Zealand tourism, a little girl filming in Sydney and his father (probably is the little girl's father), and they are happy, when I left, the girl's father overtook me and gave me a little note, top write an E-mail address, he told me to don't understand, the guide beside, said the foreigner speak mean: you will send him by E-mail photographs.&&&&上月底去澳大利亚和新西兰旅游,在悉尼拍摄了小女孩和他的父亲,他们很高兴,当我离开时,小女孩的父亲追上了我,给了我一个小纸条,上面写着一个电子邮箱的地址,他讲的我听不懂,当时导游在旁边,说这个外国人讲的意思是:请你将照片通过邮箱发给他。3. You just write an e-mail to the customer and simply ask what you can do.&&&&你只要给顾客写一封电子邮件并简单的问一下你可以做什么。4. Even though I get an enormous amount of e-mail, please don't forget to write.&&&&虽然我获得了大量的电子邮件,请不要忘记给我们写信。5. write an e-mail的近义词5. I was worried, decided to write an E-mail to him.&&&&我很担心,决定写封电子邮件给他。6. Danny: Do you want to write an e-mail to your friend?&&&&丹尼:你想给你的朋友写一封电子邮件吗?7. I will write him an e-mail, and hope that he gets back to me as soon as possible.&&&&我会写一封 e-mail 给他,希望他能尽快回信给我。8. write an e-mail什么意思8. You`d better write an e-mail to her this afternoon.&&&&你最好今天下午给她写一个电子邮件。9. Write an e-mail to him. Tell him something about your life.&&&&给他写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你的生活。10. Please write an e-mail to your teachers or friends.&&&&请写封邮件给你的老师或者朋友3011. What should a good friend be like? I think that a good friend should…Write an e-mail to tell your friend what a good friend should do.&&&&&&临近下课,欣赏一首歌,既把整堂课的气氛推向高潮,又为下面的讨论和写作做好了铺垫。12. To be specific, it contains how to write an E-mail, note as well as memo and so forth..&&&&&&包括电子邮件、便条、备忘录的编写等13. Have to do something. But if you write an angry e-mail, don't hit send.&&&&&&但是如果你写了一封言语唐突的电子邮件,不要忙着寄出去。14. write an e-mail在线翻译14. Talk with your classmates about " clean air in cities ", then write an e-mail to your city governor.&&&&&&和你的同学讨论关于“城市中的清洁空气”的话题并给市政官员写封电子邮件。15. 15. Your subject line (aka title) is the most important part of an e-mail, which is why you write it last, after you've written down both your conclusion and the arguments and evidence that supports that conclusion.&&&&&&你的主题行(又名标题行)是一封电子邮件中最重要的部分,这就是在你写下你的结论和支持结论的论点和证据后最后再写主题的原因。16. 16. As I write these words, I have just had an unprecedentedly helpful and apologetic e-mail from EasyJet saying that I am going to get my money in three weeks.&&&&&&当我写到这里时,我刚刚收到EasyJet一封前所未有地有帮助而且充满歉意的电子邮件。信中说,我将在3周内拿回我的钱。17. A couple of weeks ago I cracked and sent an e-mail in which I included this as a PS. I write about customer service in the Financial Times and this is the worst example that I have seen.&&&&&&几周前,我崩溃了,给EasyJet发了一封电子邮件,在信末附了一段话:我在英国《金融时报》写消费者服务,这是我见过的最糟糕的例子。18. I have on my desk as I write this a stack of e-mail printouts half an inch high, and that's from less than six weeks!&&&&&&现在,当我写这封信时,我的案头上码着一摞打印出来的电子邮件,足足有半英寸高。那是在不到6周的时间里,你们写给我的!19. Finally, I want to thank every American who took the time to sit down and write a letter, type out an e-mail, make a phone call or send a tweet hoping your voice would make a difference.&&&&&&最后,我要感谢花时间坐下来写一封信,发送一封电子邮件,打电话或发送推特的每一位希望自己的声音会带来变化的美国人。20. If you get an error, you can write an entry in an error log or a database, or send a warning e-mail message.&&&&&&如果出现错误,您可以将其记录到错误日志或数据库中,或发送一封警告电子邮件。write an e-mail是什么意思,write an e-mail在线翻译,write an e-mail什么意思,write an e-mail的意思,write an e-mail的翻译,write an e-mail的解释,write an e-mail的发音,write an e-mail的同义词,write an e-mail的反义词,write an e-mail的例句,write an e-mail的相关词组,write an e-mail意思是什么,write an e-mail怎么翻译,单词write an e-mail是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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