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〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓[暗黒郷物語] Tobihime - Inter Breed - -
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Originally posted by bdsqlsz
i translated the title for 1.04
what program did you use to change the text in the game?
I have parts of the game translated so I can get an english patch out if people want
^ Did you find out where the user interface string files are located?
Or anything involving the UI at all?
Anyone know if the lvl 2 hybrids have armor at all?
For instance, I have level 4 armor for a the centaur girl but the bicorn lady can't wear it.
Same for succubus and lilith.
I haven't gotten any lvl 2 hybrid armors yet.
I'm thinking they would have their own armors.
My Belzebubu is unable to equip the armor that my Hornet is able to use.
This could also be adding in future updates.
The creator is still focusing on bugs and such but eventually more content will be added.
Originally posted by CmdrBooki
I haven't gotten any lvl 2 hybrid armors yet.
I'm thinking they would have their own armors.
My Belzebubu is unable to equip the armor that my Hornet is able to use.
This could also be adding in future updates.
The creator is still focusing on bugs and such but eventually more content will be added.
There aren't any lvl 2 hybrid armors. This has been tested to death so we can only assume that it's content that hasn't been added. So far the only hybrid armors you can get are 3 star rewards from the stage sets.
Originally posted by blehblargh
what program did you use to change the text in the game?
I have parts of the game translated so I can get an english patch out if people want
That would be awesome, VNR works just barely but it has trouble hooking all the conversation text, ending up that certain dialogue doesn't show up or comes out super garbled.
Originally posted by tiller
There aren't any lvl 2 hybrid armors. This has been tested to death so we can only assume that it's content that hasn't been added. So far the only hybrid armors you can get are 3 star rewards from the stage sets.
According to this site :
LV2 hybrid armors are rewards on Hard difficulty, on EX 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2, 5-1, 5-2
I haven't tested it though.
Originally posted by CKlolita
According to this site :
LV2 hybrid armors are rewards on Hard difficulty, on EX 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2, 5-1, 5-2
I haven't tested it though.
Oh sorry I thought you meant 'a second tier' of hybrid clothing. Currently those clothes are the only ones available that the Hybrids can use so I just consider them the 'first tier' of hybrid clothing. There are no drops or anything that give anything less or better quality.
Originally posted by blehblargh
what program did you use to change the text in the game?
I have parts of the game translated so I can get an english patch out if people want
sorry for reply lately。
it is not text ,is tga picture files。
i use SB3UGS to extract it


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