谁有Minecraft forget me notSCR 1.10.2-的ZIP

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1 to 9 - Select Item
Click - Mine or Place blockWASD - Walk/Swim/Jump
Open / Close InventoryE+hover - Open / Close a chest, crafting table, furnace or door!Space - Drop a single tile from a stack while dragging.F -
Label a sign or chestQ -
Pause / UnpauseT -
Talk / Command
Save your gameM -
Music / Sounds
Shift - SprintL -
Keyboard Lagging?
As of Dec 2014 this project is getting 11,000 view a day (that's one view every 8 seconds 24/7) isn't that a little crazy!
Notes and Credits
★Trivia★ - This project is now viewed almost 14,000 every day, that's a view every 6 or 7 seconds! CRAZY!!!
10,000,000 views on 5 Nov 2016
★LAG★ Try --& Saved Games:
Terraria Multiplayer --&
8 Dec 2015 - 6 MILLION VIEWS *grin*15 Sep 2015 - 5 MILLION VIEWS! Gosh :)14 Jan 2015 - v11.3 - ★ Updated Save Game code to incorporate
's clever method of bypassing the 10k string (and therefore save game) limit.
15 Dec 2014 - v11.2 - ★ Rain weather (New command '/weather &rain, snow, clear&'.
12 Dec 2014 - v11.1 - ★ Snow weather (it can now snow in most biomes, and the snow will start to settle...).
12 Dec 2014 - v11.0 - ★ Snowy Biomes... (1 in 10 so get looking!)
11 Dec 2014 - v10.9 - ★ Endermen (initial version)
10 Dec 2014 - v10.8 - ★ Villagers naturally spawn in villages, ★ Villagers like to be in their houses at night, ★ Villagers open and close wooden doors, ★ Fixed mob attack distance bug.
09 Dec 2014 - v10.7 - ★ Zombie Pigmen Spawn Eggs, ★ Villager Spawn Eggs (Still more to do on these mobs)
08 Dec 2014 - v10.6b - ★ Naturally spawning villages (no villagers yet), ★ More reliable game startup, ★ Simple pause screen [p], ★ Fixed death respawn bug, ★ Added Sprinting (hold down shift or control)
06 Dec 2014 - v10.5 - Added skin selection to New Game screen, and saved skin selection with saved games (or /skin command).
04 Dec 2014 - v10.2 - There are now 4 spawnable village buildings, plus I've added the fence post block (you can place this by placing a fence at the point you are standing rather than to the side)
02 Dec 2014 - Scratch Team silently placed a limit on the notes and credits section so I've removed my change log :(.
01 Dec 2014 - v10.0 - We made it! Made it to version 10 woop! After all that work I am feeling strangely hungry?
The mechanics of hunger --& ★ Steve has 20 hunger points (displayed as 10 chops), ★ Steve has 80 food saturation points (which are not displayed), ★ As you walk, jump and mine, your food saturation points are reduced, ★ Once the saturation drops to 0, you begin to lose hunger points, ★ Eating food increases both the food saturation points and the hunger bar together, ★ The outcome of this? - Eat 3 healthy meals a day *grin* - snacking food will cause you to be hungry again much sooner! ★ Health now only regenerated when you have 18 or more hunger points, ★ Health depletes when you have 0 hunger points.
14 Oct 2014 - 2 MILLION VIEWS! That's Awesome!23 July 2014 - Passed 1,500,000 Views... wow! :)08 May 2014 - 1 million views!!! YAY!!! Thanks everyone :)13 May 2013 - v2.0 - Initial Release.
*** Credits ***All the graphics are taken from the Minecraft wiki page and have not been created by me.
I have rescaled them and broken them up to make the game work, but that is it at present.
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