京东和亚马逊有多大的差距 知乎外国人看中印差距

1,240被浏览241,472分享邀请回答1212 条评论分享收藏感谢收起10被浏览11,672分享邀请回答1添加评论分享收藏感谢收起72 条评论分享收藏感谢收起写回答2 个回答被折叠()2,546被浏览576,727分享邀请回答4添加评论分享收藏感谢收起149被浏览186,311分享邀请回答337 条评论分享收藏感谢收起205 条评论分享收藏感谢收起33被浏览5,300分享邀请回答sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/548/a14-d1.htm
page 10很明显看到最后是个net
loss attributable to holders of permanent equity securities截至2014年二季度,亏损是RMB 7million ($ 1.1
000哈:Online direct sales我想大家都知道是啥吧。Services and others,咦,6K里木有披露。。。好吧看F1: Net revenues from services and others primarily consist of commissions earned from third-party
sellers for sales made through our online marketplace and service fees we
charge them for value-added fulfillment or other services we provide upon their
fee和commission。总体来说业务还是和电商相关,其他业务较少。 至于为什么是微利,这个。。我们来算一算: GP Ratio还增加了2个百分点呢。 加上一点分析的话,整个京东总体来说收入和费用的增长率是一致的,但是,这里要说的是,费用的基数比收入大,因此在同等增长率的情况下,gross
issuer 6k披露的要多啊)先上损益表,为了和JD对比,也放了3个月的数字。看不清的可以看sec
page 4.也给大家做出具体的数字来看看几个重要指标的变动,以下单位都是USD
millions哈,规模真心不是在一个水平上(谁让JD懒得给全USD的数字,对比起来太累了,吐艳!)具体收入的内容Amazon也披露了:Net sales include
product and services sales. Product
sales represent revenue from the sale of products and related shipping fees and
digital content where we record revenue gross. Services sales represent
third-party seller fees earned (including commissions) and related shipping
fees, digital content subscriptions, and non-retail activities such as AWS,
advertising services, and our co-branded credit card agreements. Amazon
Prime membership fees are allocated between product sales and services sales
and amortized over the life of the membership according to the estimated
delivery of services.Amazon还披露了Gross
Profit: 是不是微利?Amazon还特地在下面写了一句:We believe that income from operations is a more meaningful
measure than gross profit and gross margin due to the diversity of our product
categories and services.其实亚马逊之前已经盈利了,不然股价也不会到现在那么高。现在算是进入稳定期,能保持revenue20%+的赠速也不易,这次亏损主要原因,单独从数字上看是cost
of revenue和Technology
and content,合起来一个季度则更加了差不多$
2.6 million。公司对cost
of revenue费用增加的解释:The increase in cost of sales in absolute dollars in Q2 2014
and for the six months ended June 30, 2014, compared to the comparable prior
year periods, is primarily due to
increased product, digital media content, and shipping costs resulting from
increased sales, as well as from expansion of digital offerings.对Technology
and content费用增加的解释:The increase in technology and content costs in absolute
dollars in Q2 2014 and for the six months ended June 30, 2014, compared to the
comparable prior year periods, is primarily due to increases in payroll and related expenses, including those associated
with our initiatives toexpand our
ecosystem of digital products and services, and increased spending on
technology infrastructure, including AWS. 跑的够远了拉回来说一下,目前从收入上看,Net
product sales,电商相关还是占大头,service类型的,,
digital content subscriptions, and non-retail activities such as AWS,
advertising services, and our co-branded credit card agreements,收入比重也在不断上升。不过季报没有按照收入的类型披露对应的费用和GP,这里就不好分析那个盈利性更大。总体上说,service类还是比product
sales要挣钱,就像卖软件的比卖硬件的毛利高啦。居然写了快1个小时...我滚回去工作了。22 条评论分享收藏感谢收起


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