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Update: Read our new
Few days ago, Apple introduced iPhone 6 Plus. The new iPhone substantially changes the way graphics are rendered on screen. We've made an infographic to demystify this.
<tspan x="954" y=" &#
<tspan x="454" y="″
<tspan x="704" y="″
<tspan x="955" y="″
iPhone 6 Plus has screen with lower pixel resolution than the image rendered in previous step.
Before the image can be displayed on the screen, it must be downsampled (resized) to lower pixel resolution.
Physical Pixels
At the beginning, coordinates of all drawings are specified in
Points are abstract units, they only make sense in this mathematical coordinate space.
In the original iPhone, points corresponded perfectly to actual pixels on screen, but this is no longer true.
Point-based drawings are rendered into pixels. This process is known as rasterization.
Point coordinates are multiplied by scale factor to get pixel coordinates. Higher scale factors result in higher level of detail.
Typical scale factors are
<tspan x="293" y="15;, 2&#0215; and 3&#0215;.
Rendered Pixels
The last step is to show the computed pixels on the physical screen.
Every screen has pixels-per-inch (PPI) characteristic. This number tells you how many pixels fit into one inch and thus how large the pixels appear in the real world.
Physical Device
render at 1&#0215;
downsampling / 1.15
show on device
show on device
show on device
(device pixels)
Original iPhone
iPhone 6 Plus
<tspan x="455.5" y=" PPI
<tspan x="705.5" y=" PPI
<tspan x="954.5" y=" PPI
render at 3&#0215;
render at 2&#0215;
Line rendering
To demonstrate different rendering of pixels on various devices, we compare how 1-point wide line is rendered on
Original iPhone - without retina display. Scaling factor is 1.
iPhone 5 - with Retina display, scaling factor is 2.
iPhone 6 Plus - with Retina display HD. Scaling factor is 3 and the image is afterwards downscaled from rendered 2208&&#&pixels to 1920&&#&pixels.
The downscaling ratio is 1920 / 2208
= 1080 / 1242 = 20 / 23. That means every 23 pixels from the original render have to be mapped to 20 physical pixels. In other words the image is scaled down to approximately 87% of its original size.
Original iPhone
iPhone 6 Plus
Perfect 3&#0215; Display
Introducing . The next generation of our tool for creating resolution-independent drawings.
Made by PixelCut.
Our Products
& PixelCut 2018
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