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我手机的wlan还要有wlan接入点才行,psp和ds也要吗? 两者都要有接入点就是说不能随时随地上网咯?总不能每次上网都跑去肯德基吧?wifi和wlan有什么不一样psp和dsi是怎么上网的?用wifi吗。那个神卡和盟卡是啥
本来不想回答 但是看到楼上的索狗就来气 我是双机 但自从有了ndsl就没摸过psp 如果你要看电影 好 请买国产mp4 psp看电影及其麻烦 首先转换麻烦 其次还要注意文件格式以及位置分辨率等 如果听音乐 请买艾利和mp3 psp和ndsl音质及其垃圾如果玩游戏请买nds psp上的游戏极其无聊 一个是原创精品 一个是无限炒冷饭还有就是系统问题 psp的6.00直到现在还没有破解 还有psp刷机是很有风险的psp3000不能关机 pspgo就是杯具。nds没有系统 只要一张烧录卡就能玩所有游戏再就是汉化游戏 由于psp上全是无聊游戏 所以汉化游戏很少 而nds上原创游戏很多 汉化大作也有很多 如果你是 玛丽奥fan 魂斗罗fan 牧场物语fan口袋妖怪fan 勇者斗恶龙fan 机战fan等等 nds上都有原创大作 而且都有汉化只有psp的人是不知道这些的 只有双机才知道的dsi是dsl的升级版 外观更漂亮 还有摄像头 不过dsi要贵一些psp和nds上网是wifi psp上网要买神卡或盟卡 两者都要有接入点才行
我认为不能这样评论 在我看来 PSP 和 NDS各有各的好我认为 PSP适合多种功能 听音乐 看电影 上网 电子书 功能强大! 音乐效果横好 电影必须要MP4或PMP格式 这点不好 电子书功能强大不过你得下载 XReader 他是专门看电子书的PSP上的游戏 有几部很经典 你都玩通以后就没有意思了 如 怪物猎人 战神 侠盗猎魔 合金装备 荣誉勋章 ………… 希望多功能!PSP首选 NDS可以玩GBA游戏 有触屏 游戏多 好玩 如果你是游戏爱好者 NDS首选 不过没有多少3D游戏 如果你是追求真实的玩家 PSP首选NDS上网我是不知道 PSP上网是通过 无线路由器!俗称 猫
如果你家有 你可以在家里上有的KFC肯德基也可以免费玩 收不收费看你家内边肯德基经理了 我就只能说到这了
全是我个人之见 别人别见怪
本来不想回答 但是看到楼上的SB就来气。手机打字可是很慢的。你有双机,骗谁呢。任天堂马上要出3DS了买NDS干什么。。不会用NDS模拟器吗,还省了1000多块钱。。买了浪费。。psp就不同了既可以看电影又可以玩游戏。NDS比得上吗。画面就是差距,就像ps3和Wii的画面一样。任天堂也就靠个创意卖钱。。机战,牧场物语psp上也有。玛丽奥,口袋妖怪那是任天堂招牌游戏就和psp上的战神一样怎么会出在对方的掌机上呢。psp上全是无聊游戏,NDS上难道没有吗。psp出了多少游戏nds又出了多少游戏算算比例就知道那个机器的汉化游戏多。NDS-NDSL-NDSi-NDSLL这是任天堂出的顺序。psp和nds的上网只要有无线路由器就可以上网了,没有无线路由器就只能买盟区战卡等转换成无线的网卡。psp绝对比NDS强。那是肯定的
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帮人求下PSP和DS上的BL游戏…… 汉化优先
好像有学园天堂 绯色欠片 啥的吧……
ORZ那个记错了 我BL游戏真的一点不清楚 2个世界啊2个世界
引用第2楼talesofacg于 21:08发表的&&:
ORZ那个记错了 我BL游戏真的一点不清楚 &&2个世界啊2个世界 我也不清楚啊,我也是汉子啊………………
Lz你走错地方了应该去翼梦问…sweet pool有psp汉化移植版(女性向18x文字AVG基本是PC平台的…)
不过如果扩大范围的话鲁路修啊,零轨碧轨都有基情线= =
其他的能想到的好像就是「薔薇ノ木ニ薔薇ノ花咲ク」了,还有black robina, Are you alice 之类的算擦个边。。
搞基得:学院天堂 咎狗之血 sweet pool(这个ms是汉化组自己移植的) 还要上面说的蔷薇树上蔷薇开什么得。。恩大概psp上就这些?不过lz你下来干嘛。。
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Which is better, DS or PSP?
Total Votes : 72
What do you think? I like PSP but not by much.
I suppose the DS has better games but the PSP has better functionality (UMD player).
So if you care about the "extras," as opposed to the games, then you should get the PSP...
otherwise get a DS.
The DS is going down in price too soon.
I like the DS cause it actually has more than one or two games unlike the PSP(and they are just dumbed down versions of PS2/PSX games like Dynasty Warriors)
Well, although I like Sony much better, Nintendo might have the upperhand between the two. For one thing, Nintendo's the handheld kings. Secondly, the touch screen opens up a lot of possible innovative uses, although I haven't really seen any DS game that's used it in a groundbreaking way as of yet.
The PSP has the nice tech specs, and I would like to have one, but I think my PS2 will suffice until PS3.
i always prefered sony and i still prefer psp then DS..
Gamerevolution wrote:
i always prefered sony and i still prefer psp then DS..
Any reason why?
Only reason I'd get a PSP if it had tons of good new games come out(like the DS is getting with Animal Crossing,Lunar,and Phoneix Wright)or just so I could use the emulation fact of it.
I have not seen any one PSP game that has been as fun as Warioware:Touched &.&
The PSP is by far better because of the quality of the system itself and because it has better games.
If game designers would get off their lazy butts and make some original games for the DS, then the PSP might have some compitition.
It just seems like Nintendo didnt do that good with their new consoles and handhelds......
PSP, MP3 player, Video Player, Portable gaming system, Nuff said!
Herbz3 wrote:
The PSP is by far better because of the quality of the system itself and because it has better games.
If game designers would get off their lazy butts and make some original games for the DS, then the PSP might have some compitition.
It just seems like Nintendo didnt do that good with their new consoles and handhelds......
pfff Nintendo does an awesome job at their consoles.
The problem is other than the GBA the biggest 3rd party they really have is Capcom(who also does quiet a lot for Sony)and Sega(heh ironic)
I mean the best DS game are Nintendo
Advanced Wars:Dual Strike
Super Mario 64 DS
Feel The Magic:XX/XY
Kirby Canvas Curse
Puyo Pop Fever!
Bomberman DS
not to talk about the great list coming up:
Phoneix Wright
Animal Crossing DS
New Super Mario Bros.
Mario and Luigi 2
Lunar:Dragon Song
Lost in Blue
Jam With The Band
Metroid Prime:Hunters
Castlevania DS
Mario Kart DS
Pokemon(yeah regular Pokemon games still rock &.&)
Resident Evil:Biohazard Deadly Silence
Final Fantasy III(FINALLY &.&)
Azure Dreams DS(okay
I'm the onlyone looking foward to it)
Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan!
Trama Center:Under the Knife
Katamari Damacy
most of the games are about to be realeased before the end of this year.
Now on the PSP:
Need for Speed
Grand Turismo
Megaman Legends
Breath of Fire III
Metal Gear Soild Acid
and coming out
Devil May Cry
Tales of Eternia
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Storys
&.& I know there is a few more coming out(can't think of them)
but at the moment
PSP has a few games but their like when the Ngage came out,all ports from superior console games.
Plus you must be pretty dim wited to buy a UMD disc to play a movie &.&
Seriously why buy something that cost the same as a DVD but has inferior quality and can only be played on one damn thing that doesn't even play it well?
I think the designers for Sony need to get off there butts and make a game worth getting a PSP for.
The DS is cheaper and can be a MP3 player(and even a video player) for all less then a PSP would cost &.&
Thank you, Monkey, THANK you. There's just...really nothing I can say that you didn't already.
PSP is a nice little peice of equipment and I would not mind owning one...but when it comes down to it Nintendo are the real deal. Sony tries to be mainstream and it succeeds, but it's just so...lame of a thing to do.
PSP seems like the better system because of all the game and the features it has. Even though DS is touch screen which is pretty cool but I still would perfer the PSP over it.
Some devolpers had trouble making games for the PSP, because of its Specs.
I like the DS more, honestly, why buy a movie for the PSP if you can get it cheaper for a DVD player and watch it on a bigger screen?
PSP all the way. Hackable, has a browser, and has better graphics/games.
Oh, and only one screen
Though I'm a die-hard nintendo fan, the psp gets my vote. There's no denying that the psp has better graphics and I really hate the whole touch screen thing... I just wish they'd team up and make one super-system...
kain wrote:
Though I'm a die-hard nintendo fan, the psp gets my vote. There's no denying that the psp has better graphics and I really hate the whole touch screen thing... I just wish they'd team up and make one super-system...
&sarcasm&And as everyone knows a console with better graphics make better games&/sarcasm&
In the end, it's just fanboys vs. fanboys I guess, with a couple of unbiased people stuck in between.
Although I prefer Sony over Nintendo, like I said before, both have their own advantages. It's not always about which has better graphics or hardware.
The touchscreen on the DS has high potential. Some find it awesome. Some find it annoying. You can't really judge from personal preferences. Same goes for the dual screen.
The PSP's is basically a mini PS2. Some think all you need is graphics to have
good game. That's not necessarily true. I find a lot of SNES games way more fun than a lot of games coming out on PS2 nowadays. Sprites aren't dead yet.
So yeah, this handheld war isn't like a console war. In the next-gen consoles, the 3 systems compete at almost every aspect. Graphics power, Wireless capabilities, netplay .. but for the PSP and DS, it's not as clear-cut. They both have very different target audiences and focusses. DS goes for ingenuity and originality at the cost of processing power. The PSP aims to be the mini PS2 that you've always wanted in your pocket.
So in my opinion, there's no clear 'better' handheld. The differences between them is like trying to compare a toaster and a microwave. They both cook food, but that's the only simliarity you'll really find. It's all in your heads.
i think psp
PSP is better.It has more games supply.
bao wrote:
PSP is better.It has more games supply.
PSP has a large ammount of good games?
Well, that's news to me!
Ya' Know in this whole topic JaeCee is probably the only one to actually give reason to defend the PSP if even barely.
The PSP is not a bad thing by any means. There are some games I'd want...(Like...LUMINES &3)
But at the a gaming completely and utterly fails. As a cool gadget, it does it's job. But, that's just not enough incentive to buy a peice of hardware. If I want a portable GAMING system I want to do some GAMING. And really, Nintendo's been there since day one, I'm not turning my back on them now.
Because if you think about it...was it not Nintendo who brought us the D-pad with the NES? Then the analog stick with the N64? The touchpad is just another one of those Nintendo inventions that is quite awesome.
I'll admit...when I first heard of the DS I thought Nintendo had flipped they're lid. But when it comes down to it, they make the good games.
this is a stupid question, mainly because the ds is a gameconsole, while psp isnt. and also because they are very different.
i prefer ds, but if there would be any interesting games on the psp (HAHA), i could probarbly pick it up when it costs half as much as the ds, and have a much better battery.
I like the psp better because it has a really nice big screen and multimedia functionality. I think that the Nintendo ds touchscreen is a good idea but not really good enough. Another reason why I like the psp better is its games. I think they look a lot better looking and are a lot more appealing to me.
I own a PSP, i prefer it, in my opinion the DS sucks.. the PSP has awesome graphics, great functionality and.. piracy! lol
It kind of matters of what you think of which is better because, the psp isn't really a handheld console, it's more like a handheld multimedia device and the dsis strictly for gaming, unless you get a play yan or a gba movieplayer which is only like 20$ Us and cheaper on ebay.
Anyways, for gaming I prefer the Ds and for multimedia I guess people would go with the psp but i would go with the ds because of the gba movieplayer, and plus it takes forever to load on the psp and the games are extremely short.
Personally, I vote for the Nintendo DS.
True, the PSP has UMD playback, MPEG playback, MP3's, etc., but the Play-Yan Micro will be released in the US eventually, and it will grant the DS MPEG and MP3 playback.
I've always been a Nintendo fan, anyway.
I picked DS, just because I like Nintendo games for than Playstation games. I personally get annoyed at all the random features they add to their consoles that don't really add that much. I mean, the whole dual screen thing is kind of stupid. Why not just have one, larger, screen? (obviously a problem for portability, but still...)
Herbz3 wrote:
The PSP is by far better because of the quality of the system itself and because it has better games.
If game designers would get off their lazy butts and make some original games for the DS, then the PSP might have some compitition.
It just seems like Nintendo didnt do that good with their new consoles and handhelds......
i agrre always prefered psp then nintendo
In addition to what I said earlier, I also favor the DS because of the fact that A Dragonball Z game will be coming out.... Eventually. -_-'
And don't think I am some twelve year old kid, saying that either.
DBZ is an excellent game and tv series, and besides, unleashing a Final Flash against an opponent whom you're playing wirelessly will be beyond cool.
Sony's PSP is simply better than Nintendo's DS. The PSP has half the graphics power of the PS2, the DS has the same graphical power as the Nintendo 64. The PSP can play music, movies, read ebooks and browse the web, and oh, play games. The DS can play games, and as far as I know, send messages back and forth with other DS consoles. So there you have it, my verdict is that the PSP is better.
The PSP is a better "system", in that it has all those extras, such as movies, ect. I've never really liked Playstation games though, thus my vote goes to my beloved DS.
Though in my opinion, both are phenomnal pieces of equipment.
bassgs_17 wrote:
In addition to what I said earlier, I also favor the DS because of the fact that A Dragonball Z game will be coming out.... Eventually. -_-'
And don't think I am some twelve year old kid, saying that either.
DBZ is an excellent game and tv series, and besides, unleashing a Final Flash against an opponent whom you're playing wirelessly will be beyond cool.
Jump Superstars looks AWESOME.
Probably will never come state side though v-v
PSP does have a better set of equipment,but that doesn't mean it has better games.Since the new PSP upgrade YOU CAN'T run stuff like emulators any more which juts made me lose all chance of even having one.If I wanted an MP3/Movie player I could buy a Play Yan or some third party thing from Lik Sang.
The PS2's hardware is crap but I bet a lot of you like it more than the Xbox and GCN becuase it has better games...
hmm... I have a DS, but I still think that the PSP is WAY better.
Simply put, I prefer the DS better. As cool as how much functionality there is in the PSP, the games just don't stack up. Theres no variety in the games (According to my tastes anyway) and the movie playing stuff, mp3's and whatnot, I simply don't need it. My point is, why do you need so much things in a gaming system? My answer is, you dont need them. At up to $200 AUS more expensive then a DS, it simply isn't worth the money.
Plus, I'm a diehard Nintendo fan
In my opinion, the PSP is just a waste of time.
The DS is capable of dishing out very decent graphics. Soon, Nintendo Wifi will be released and it's going to be awesome playing with anyone around the world with Mario Kart.
Herbz3 wrote:
The DS is cheaper and can be a MP3 player(and even a video player) for all less then a PSP would cost &.& \
WTF? It can? you be tellin me how right this instant!!!!
Lik Sang or whatever the hell it's called.You could get 3rd party equiptment for it or even the Play Yan!
Everyone is hoping it comes state side for the DS ^_^ but you can still get it online,plus I've seen 3rd party junk at Gamestop and Best Buy.
In addition to what I said earlier, the DS will also support wifi compatability, as soon as a compatible game is released.
Hooray, Wifi!
Psp seems like it has more options like dvds and mp3 player also has more and my opinion better games then ds and also ds's prices are droping really fastly i guess bad sales that will not attract more games so i would say psp for the win
I prefer the psp, Im jsut in love with it lol. The psp will rip the ds apart any time way better games, graphics, screen, movies, hacks, everything, can use a hard drive awsoem stuff man.
Natrualkiller wrote:
Psp seems like it has more options like dvds and mp3 player also has more and my opinion better games then ds and also ds's prices are droping really fastly i guess bad sales that will not attract more games so i would say psp for the win
No it's UMD not DVD.
Second the PSP has very few good games on it,compared to the DS.
Last the DS's prices aren't dropping because it's doing bad,it's because Nintendo rules.
The DS is beating every console/handheld almost everywere, in sales.
i just have to say you cant really compare the 2 hand held the way many people here do
PSP in sonys pov and in my pov is more then a gaming console, they targeted the console to be sold to older people who wants entertaiment on the go, much like a palm. though some might say that DS have better games. but aint all this just opinion?? no one can really say which is better. also PSP do have great games and alot of useful homebrew.
what the DS lacks the PSP has it, vice versa
to me i like both DS and PSP
i use psp for movies and music on the go
also if you dont belive me that sony targetted PSP not jsut for gamming
they are using PSP an PS3 for their loss in the TV market by introducing alot more movies shows and TV for the PSP. sony is planning on making these.
anyways, my english aint the best hope you get my point
and again you cant compare the 2 !!!!
Playing music- my CD player or my computer
Playing movies- my DVD/VHS player
Playing portable video games: DS
PSP fits nowhere on my list.
I have played both but i still perfer the psp.
Its a mini ps2 in your pocket.
You can watch movies, get online, play online, play music,
I think if you are a hard core gamer you should get this. But if you like DS get both.
But you should get the sony psp first : )
Here are my thoughts about what you guys have posted.
no offence. and BTW im 15.
First of all.
I suppose the DS has better games but the PSP has better functionality (UMD player). So if you care about the "extras," as opposed to the games, then you should get the PSP... otherwise get a DS.
"DS has better games"?
If you think those kirby and mario stuff is fit for teens, it's true. But Im 15 and PSP games are MUCH more better then the ''kidish'' nintendogs, or frogger. I mean come on nintendo, what you guys thinking!!! You are ruining DS with your childish games!! (like I said before, No Offence to DS fans.)
I like the DS cause it actually has more than one or two games unlike the PSP(and they are just dumbed down versions of PS2/PSX games like Dynasty Warriors)
You wrote this on Wed Aug 31. If you see now, there are more games then you would have imagined. AND there are homebrew games which some of them kicks some DS games' @**(butt).
For one thing, Nintendo's the handheld kings. Secondly, the touch screen opens up a lot of possible innovative uses, although I haven't really seen any DS game that's used it in a groundbreaking way as of yet.
First of all, nintendo is not the king of handhelds anymore. nintendo lost lots of its fans to Sony because of DS & PSP. And the touch screen is technically nothing. Most of the DS games dont even use the touchscreen. I mean they do, but it's not neccesary.
why buy a movie for the PSP if you can get it cheaper for a DVD player and watch it on a bigger screen?
Ummm. maybe it's portable?!!?
and they have Video-Out Accessory for PSP which you can connect to a TV or a projector for bigger sceen.
Personally, I vote for the Nintendo DS. True, the PSP has UMD playback, MPEG playback, MP3's, etc., but the Play-Yan Micro will be released in the US eventually, and it will grant the DS MPEG and MP3 playback. I've always been a Nintendo fan, anyway.
MP3, possible, but with DS's grafics, MPEG=I doubt it, it may come out, but not good enough to be enjoyable.
PSP does have a better set of equipment,but that doesn't mean it has better games.Since the new PSP upgrade YOU CAN'T run stuff like emulators any more which juts made me lose all chance of even having one.
Ummm.... Maybe they made a downgrader!?!?! It came out the day before you posted this.
The DS is capable of dishing out very decent graphics. Soon, Nintendo Wifi will be released and it's going to be awesome playing with anyone around the world with Mario Kart.
In addition to what I said earlier, the DS will also support wifi compatability, as soon as a compatible game is released. Hooray, Wifi!
umm... PSP can all ready connect to internet,wi-fi, and bluetooth accs.
Whatever DS has with Wi-Fi, PSP has it.
Second the PSP has very few good games on it,compared to the DS.
The DS is beating every console/handheld almost everywere, in sales.
Look at my next post why Im laughing.
2. ummm... you obviously must read some news...
Playing music- my CD player or my computer
Playing movies- my DVD/VHS player
ummm.... , take your comp out and listen to music~
Take your DVD player out and watch movies~
Here are some other,
I prefer the psp, Im jsut in love with it lol. The psp will rip the ds apart any time way better games, graphics, screen, movies, hacks, everything, can use a hard drive awsoem stuff man.
I own a PSP, i prefer it, in my opinion the DS sucks.. the PSP has awesome graphics, great functionality and.. piracy! lol
i agrre always prefered psp then nintendo
hmm... I have a DS, but I still think that the PSP is WAY better.
I have both, PSP is alot better than DS.
You guys know the true powers of PSP.
Have a great time with your PSP~!
Final Conclusion. (not sure if its conclusion or something else.
13 years and up = PSP,
12 years and down = DS
DS obviously makes games for kids, and PSP targets everyone.
I, myself, find most of the DS games not worth playing. ( Yes I have a brother who once was a DS freak, and he has many games, which I have tried some. Now, he knows the PSP, and is in the PSP. I own both a PSP and a DS, and my Ds is in dust...
Im not saying DS is bad. For kids, DS is a good handheld and friend.
PSP is for both kids and more older people. the kids can play some easy but good games for the PSP and the others, like me, can enjoy the full functions of PSP, including chatting.)
DS is good, but PSP is better. If you are a DS fan, just say you like DS, dont say that it's better than PSP.
Well, this is it.
No Offence dear DS fans. I just suggest you try the full functions of PSP.
Thanks to all for reading.
Please do not copy without my credit.
Nintendo games are not kidish just because they mostly don't involve death and stuff.
Nintendogs kicks hell of ass, so does Warioware.
If you've noticed most PSP games aren't even rated that high, while Warioware,Nintendogs, Advanced Wars,Super Mario 64,Fell The Magic, and Metros were all rated hell of high.
The PSP has nothing special about it, game wise, other than Lumines.
Also after I posted that topic a lot more DS games were announced,and the PSP games that did come out mostly sucked(sadly one was Death Jr.)
While the DS got Lunar and in a few days Phoneix Wright and Truama Center(or whatever it's called)
I have played both but i still perfer the psp. Its a mini ps2 in your pocket. You can watch movies, get online, play online, play music, I think if you are a hard core gamer you should get this. But if you like DS get both. But you should get the sony psp first : )
Seriously, who the hell watches movies on the PSP? I mean, of course you can plug it into a bigger monitor for a better experience, but I already have a DVD player for that.
"DS has better games"? If you think those kirby and mario stuff is fit for teens, it's true. But Im 15 and PSP games are MUCH more better then the ''kidish'' nintendogs, or frogger. I mean come on nintendo, what you guys thinking!!! You are ruining DS with your childish games!! (like I said before, No Offence to DS fans.)
Wow. Just WOW. You actually use the "Nintendo is 4 KIDZ!!!1" arguement? I really thought we were over that. Nintendo makes FUN games. Just because they aren't really violent and don't have sex and blood in it DOESN'T MEAN IT'S KIDDY. What the ****** do you want them to do? Make a Mario Theft Auto where he's killing hookers and instead of a water gun or powerups have machine guns and machetes? There should be missions where you have to jack cars and sell 'shrooms to Toadette or something. Then have a ******-her-up-the-ass mini-game where you have to move the control stick just right. Jesus, have some common sense.
First of all, nintendo is not the king of handhelds anymore. nintendo lost lots of its fans to Sony because of DS & PSP. And the touch screen is technically nothing. Most of the DS games dont even use the touchscreen. I mean they do, but it's not neccesary.
Last time I checked DS was doing very well. Not sure which handheld is winning but by no means are they in a slump with the DS. Many innovative games (1st and 3rd party) developed have been coming out, and PSP has got...shit.
ummm.... , take your comp out and listen to music~ Take your DVD player out and watch movies
CD player....portable. Weren't you listening? At the same time I don't want to watch a movie while I'm on the go. Some things are best to save when you can just sit down and relax while doing it. I don't want to watch Spiderman 2 on a 6 inch screen on the way to school.
Sorry, double post.
although the ds is cool because it has the double screen and the pen, i gotta go with the psp because of its abilities to play homebrew emulators and roms. Once people figure out how to take full advantage of its processor and all the emulators are tweaked to their fullest .. we will be able to play all the old roms... at least if you have the v1.5 or lower
toyzintheattic wrote:
Playing music- my CD player or my computer
Playing movies- my DVD/VHS player
Playing portable video games: DS
PSP fits nowhere on my list.
playing on your DVD/VHS player on the go... hmm how nice and funny you would look? playing on your computer on teh go? or a CD player that you would have to change your disk every so often? nice...
What if he had an MP3 CD player...or just wanted to listen to a few songs?
And a Portable DVD Player is cheaper and better than a PSP...
PSP. is better.
This poll will never work, why?
Because the DS is more appealing to real gamers while the PSP applies to the majority and what is now called "American" gamers, also pirates but I don't count them since they aren't playing PSP games.
American gamers care not if the game is actually fun, or new, but if it's got pretty graphics and popular.
Pretty much why Halo is so popular over here, because so many people bought an Xbox and it was the best game(other than Morrowind)they got. Even though Halo pretty much brings nothing new the the FPS genre or creates a new genre in itself.
It seems, a lot of the people here would qualify for the "American" gamer area...or just someone who isn't that big in games and wants an MP3 player that can play movies and the occasional game.
aznrex wrote:
toyzintheattic wrote:
Playing music- my CD player or my computer
Playing movies- my DVD/VHS player
Playing portable video games: DS
PSP fits nowhere on my list.
playing on your DVD/VHS player on the go... hmm how nice and funny you would look? playing on your computer on teh go? or a CD player that you would have to change your disk every so often? nice...
What he's implying is that he doesn't need all those functions when their are clearly better substitutes. Tell me, where would watching a movie on a 6-inch screen 'on the go' be approriate?
In the waiting room of the doctors while all these people stare at you as you distract them with booms and bangs from the PSP?
Or perhaps in a restaurant, where you don't do anything but watch movies and don't socialise while you can?
Or maybe even in the car or bus or some form of land transport? Car, perhaps. But in public transport, I would find it extremely irritating if the person across me just started to play a movie in the silence. Wouldn't you get dizzy anyway? Why not instead look at the scenery around you?
Here are some other,
I prefer the psp, Im jsut in love with it lol. The psp will rip the ds apart any time way better games, graphics, screen, movies, hacks, everything, can use a hard drive awsoem stuff man.
I own a PSP, i prefer it, in my opinion the DS sucks.. the PSP has awesome graphics, great functionality and.. piracy! lol
i agrre always prefered psp then nintendo
hmm... I have a DS, but I still think that the PSP is WAY better.
I have both, PSP is alot better than DS.
You guys know the true powers of PSP.
1. You don't need all those functions, its a GAMING system we're talking about.
2. Refer to my previous answer, and piracy? We don't need to know your illegal workings
3-5. You all make no point into why it is better.
Plus as I mentioned ages ago, PSP is WAY too expensive for its own good.
I think PSP is alot better because:
- Nice Graphics
- Watch Movies, Yes watch movies, what if ur sick of playing a game but you are making a long trip and want something to do, yes then watch a movie on your PSP.
-Not Too big ( I don't like the grab of the DS )
-Expend Memory, u can buy a "Memory Card" for your PSP
But the only thing, the PSP isn't cheap
If you are gamer, you will pick DS for its intuitive design.
If you are gadget lover, you will like PSP because it provides everything from games to Movies.
I think comparing these two are like comparing apples to oranges.
although the ds is an excellent console i would still vote for the psp just because of all its extra features like UMD which the ds doesnt have. also the ds is made by nintendo and i hate nintendo
Would GTA games be possible on DS?
I personally love Star Wars Battle Front, and Im waiting for the 2nd one for PSP.
Can the DS play games like these?
My bro bought advanced wars yesterday, and it has nothing to do with the touch screen feature.
Guelila wrote:
Would GTA games be possible on DS?
I personally love Star Wars Battle Front, and Im waiting for the 2nd one for PSP.
Can the DS play games like these?
My bro bought advanced wars yesterday, and it has nothing to do with the touch screen feature.
Why would you even care, and yes it could.Although Nintendo usally doesn't get Rockstar games, but they did get GTA:Advanced.
Yes, absoultly, why couldn't it?
Just because it's there doesn't mean you have to use it.If I had a PSP I wouldn't touch that dumb UMD feature.
OMG Phoneix Wright came out today*Drools*
No it couldnt
Why would I even care?
If they are the next generation consoles, I expect better graphics.
Ummm Yes it could.
And it's not a console, plus games supposed to just look good on the eyes, you should be able to have fun playing it, not just looking at it...
compared to the Psp the ds is nothing
the ds only function is a game system a gameboy with relatively old technology the only interesting thing is the touch screen used at atms
for years,
the psp has wireless connection options, you can use it like an mp3 player essentially has psp dvd playback, and has games
there is no competion and no one can say otherwise and be sane let alone right
Yes, there is no competition...the PSP owns the DS in little stupid unnecssary things, and the DS owns the PSP in actual games...
No matter how diffrent the graphics are, doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't have gameplay to back it up.
The SNES,NES,and PSX are still pretty much considered probably the best game consoles ever, why?
'Cause they had enjoyable games, noone really cared about graphics, cause graphics don't make a game fun...
I care about graphics.
It doesnt make the game fun?
Oh yes it does.
There are a lot of fun games for PSP in my view and in your view the DS has better games.
We are not disscussing about games and ofcourse not everyone like the same kinds of games.
We are talking about PSP and DS.
Games could be counted in them, but not the main discussion.
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
is not possible on DS.
Guelila wrote:
I care about graphics.
It doesnt make the game fun?
Oh yes it does.
There are a lot of fun games for PSP in my view and in your view the DS has better games.
We are not disscussing about games and ofcourse not everyone like the same kinds of games.
We are talking about PSP and DS.
Games could be counted in them, but not the main discussion.
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
is not possible on DS.
Yes it could be!It'd be diffrent sure, but it's still possible.
Graphics do nothing for gameplay except make the game look pretty, and at times making a game change graphics will kill how fun the game is.
Such as Worms...that game sucked after it went to 3D.
Plus why wouldn't you talk about Games on a GAMING CONSOLE in the GAMES forum?
Graphics do nothing to make a game fun, would Tetris be as fun in 3D?
I don't think so, Sonic started sucking after it went into 3D.
Graphics do nothing!
If there is bad gameplay behind the pretty graphics, its not a good game.Almost every PSP game is a port or the same kind of game that I have played over and over and over again.Now look at games like Warioware:Twisted, Trauma Center, Nintendogs, Phoneix Wright, and Animal Crossing DS...there haven't been to many games like these, or none at all.They are all unique, special, in a way their own genre.
GTA and Starwars:Battlefront are both shooters, a genre that has been done to death with and very few new things are applied to it.Same with, sadly, RPGs.RPG's back in the SNES ara were fun, new, they are mostly junk.
If you don't care about playing an actual fun game fine, go with the PSP...but the PSP is nothing compared to the DS when it comes to new, fun, unique games...
Hmm. I don't know why people are going on about how PSP games wouldn't be possible on DS. A lot of DS games really WOULD be impossible on the PSP.
Oh and, I don't NEED to take my computer on the go. Because I have a life and can do other things besides the computer stuff. Really, whenever I'm on the go I have no time for handhelds of any kind.
And CDs&mp3s. I don't care what anyone says. Maybe it's just cause I like something physical to hang onto, you know? Oh and then there's the whole STEALING FROM ARTISTS thing that I don't like to do.
DS is best!
The DS has all of the classic games such as mario DS Mario cart DS and what would be my favroite Super smash bros DS (Now that would be a good game)
The PSP on the other hand costs allot and i dont realy have that much money and like so what if it can play dvds and mp3 u gota buy em first and others will say "PSP has online and thats what makes it the best" well DS is bringing out online next month
and your will be to play games like animal croosing and super smash bros online for free and even msn.
So DS Rulz
To settle this never-ending arguement, I will write a review for both systems on Aquastrike's Realm.
Personally, I think they're equal, and I guess it's about time I did a PSP review.
All that's up now is the DS and XBOX (old).
PM me if you would like to write game/console reviews for my site!
Monkeydog wrote:
The DS is going down in price too soon.
I like the DS cause it actually has more than one or two games unlike the PSP(and they are just dumbed down versions of PS2/PSX games like Dynasty Warriors)
N don't say that!
I need it! Lol.
I PSP to me is an insult to gaming. It seems like a gimicy thing. NO denying that it seriously kicks ass with what it can do... but its like.. I just want a gaming system.
The DS, absolutely.
I love it, it has brought me more weird games then any other console I played, and it was this console who really made me started importing games from Japan.
Next game that I REALLY want is Fullmetal Alchemst: DS
I think the PSP is great in its built in functionality.
The DS can do stuff like video playback with thrid party devices, but who's gonig to buy that?
My friend has a PSP and it looks cool and all, but theres only 1 game he really likes, and he doesn't really watch movies or play music on it.
If I were to buy a PSP, I think I would be in a similar situation.
I use to think that, despite that fact, that the PSP was better than the DS.
But then the DS started to come out with some good games. Really good.
The graphics aren't as pretty as the PSP but, if you have no fun games to play using those nice graphics, those nice graphics are useless.
A bunch of my friends and I want the DS now becuase of the great games that are out.
driftingfe3s wrote:
The DS can do stuff like video playback with thrid party devices, but who's gonig to buy that?
Nintendo has released there on video and mp3 thingy for the Nintendo GBA Micro and Nintendo DS called Play-Yan Micro. Im getting one after this christmas surely enough. And by the way, isn't portable game devices after all made for playing games?
Mario Kart DS + Wi-Fi adapter = Happiness : D
PSP is way to expensive. And i don't like 4h of battery...
OMG! Hanpusu-kun, Mr. Gamecore-member, your'e also looking for host? : D
Fasen, min forum-engelska ?r inte den b?sta precis.
More things to do on psp mp3 and can play movies on it psp for the win
i see more gamecoremembers are here =). nice nice ^_^
anyway, yes, the psp can play music and videos out of the box. BUT! wohpdidoo, if you buy the above mentioned play-yan, DING DING DING, you can listen to music/watch videos with either one of the gbas, or even the nintendo ds. you dont need to buy it if you dont want to use your gamingconsole for anything else but games.
to say that the psp is better because of the mp3 and videos is to ignore the fact that it is in the first place a gameconsole, which to be honest, sony isnt really showing. i dont see the psp as competition for gba nor ds.
SilverDogg wrote:
i see more gamecoremembers are here =). nice nice ^_^
anyway, yes, the psp can play music and videos out of the box. BUT! wohpdidoo, if you buy the above mentioned play-yan, DING DING DING, you can listen to music/watch videos with either one of the gbas, or even the nintendo ds. you dont need to buy it if you dont want to use your gamingconsole for anything else but games.
to say that the psp is better because of the mp3 and videos is to ignore the fact that it is in the first place a gameconsole, which to be honest, sony isnt really showing. i dont see the psp as competition for gba nor ds.
It's your decision what's better, by comparising these consoles, maybe you can choose right platform.
What you get:
by buying PSP?
- graphics alike, but not exactly like on PS2 with good texture compression
- expensive, but exclusive console which is very good looking
- waterproof console (I read in magazine that someone has dropped PSP into water and it was not broken!
- only a few hours worth of playing Li-Ion battery
- support for MPEG-4/3GP, ATRAC3 music
- support for Memory Stick Duo cards
- Wi-Fi connection and web browser (in later firmware version)
- best homebrew software underground without modificating console (only a USB cable is needed)
- more good graphical game makes console to run for only 2-3 hours with Li-Ion battery (GTA:LCS)
- good accesories
- console is not protected from dust in anyway
- dead pixels in some models (but today it's not a problem)
- updates for games
by buying DS?
- worth graphics, like on a DS
- very good, surround speakers in console, and good sound
- many of games
- not that expensive
- touchscreen, microphone
- interesting patents in games and ideas
- support for GBA games (but not GBC, whoever)
- very good screen quality, without dead pixels (when they show, Nintendo gives you new console in no-time)
- very good Li-Ion battery, good and energonomic (instead of that in PSP)
You see, it's difficult. Want inexpensive - buy DS, want a selection of best Sony materials and addons? buy PSP.
ah right Ive been reserving my opinion on this, being nice about the ds but naaaaah I'll stop, ds is for kids with its gob psp is the one to get for a good quality machine, and there are tonnes of games coming out already, not an handful now
I would have to say DS cuz I like its games better.
druidbloke wrote:
ah right Ive been reserving my opinion on this, being nice about the ds but naaaaah I'll stop, ds is for kids with its gob psp is the one to get for a good quality machine, and there are tonnes of games coming out already, not an handful now
i would say its obviously the other way around, seeing how ds is totally pwning psp. psp is a gimick, ds is a gameconsole!
SilverDogg wrote:
druidbloke wrote:
ah right Ive been reserving my opinion on this, being nice about the ds but naaaaah I'll stop, ds is for kids with its gob psp is the one to get for a good quality machine, and there are tonnes of games coming out already, not an handful now
i would say its obviously the other way around, seeing how ds is totally pwning psp. psp is a gimick, ds is a gameconsole!
psp isnt a gimick, its a toy for men who stiD
the psp is a toy? heheh sorry kids go back to mario he loves yer
druidbloke wrote:
the psp is a toy? heheh sorry kids go back to mario he loves yer
The PSP is not a toy, toys are fun. The PSP is for graphic crazy maniacs who know nothing about gaming. There is one good game for the PSP, and that is Lumines...and I really wouldn't spend 250 bucks on Lumines. Plus the Megaman ports look like junk, I'd never touch them. If I wanted an emulator/media machine I'd just buy a GP2X...cheaper AND better. Just because Mario and crew are old, and people grew up playing them...does not make them kiddish. There is no such thing as "kiddish". When I play Metroid I'm not helping Samus say the alphabet, am I? I'm not teaching Yoshi which is a square and which is a circle.
The game industy has gotten to a point, were everything is the same as everything else. There is rarely a point in time when there is something new. It's all the same old gameplay...BORING. The DS is out to stop that...and idiots like you are holding back a revolution.
There's also Liberty City Stories.
But other than that....
yeah...pretty much nothing...
The DS is capable of a lot more you guys are giving credit for. Certain games may not look quite as good as on PSP, but the hardware on DS is certainly nothing to dismiss. Meteos had some incredible graphics.
I feel the DS is much better if you want to play games. It has better games, more games and more often then not cheaper games. If you want movies or music then PSP is an ok idea. For myself, I'd have to go with DS and I have the flash carts for playing movies and music on it.
toyzintheattic wrote:
There's also Liberty City Stories.
But other than that....
yeah...pretty much nothing...
The DS is capable of a lot more you guys are giving credit for. Certain games may not look quite as good as on PSP, but the hardware on DS is certainly nothing to dismiss. Meteos had some incredible graphics.
not anymore really, seeing how that game is coming to the ps2 now
PSP owns the DS anyday lol
The graphics are better, design is better, it doesnt have some rubbish screen that you have that you dont need to draw on
1day wrote:
PSP owns the DS anyday lol
The graphics are better, design is better, it doesnt have some rubbish screen that you have that you dont need to draw on
no, instead the psp have some rubbish (or crappy if you want) mp3player and movieplayer. gawd!
Although, I don't mind, but the bottom screen of the DS does get quite scratched after a while. x_x
I like the PSP over the DS.
The graphics on the PSP are so much better than the DS.
I have owned both systems so I know what I'm talking about.
One of the games i purchased when I had my DS was "The Urbz: Sims in the City".
This game has the EXACT SAME graphics quality as the GBA version.
The only good thing is with the second screen.
I do like the chat feature on the DS, but that wasn't as big as I thought it would be.
The PSP allows you to play music, view photos, play videos, watch movies, and play games with much better graphics.
You can also browse the internet on it!!
Plus, the PSP had online play capabilities at launch.
The DS just came out with it a few months ago, about a year after the launch of the system.
Sony keeps updating their PSPs with more and better features.
The DS has no such capabilities.
This is probably because the target audience for Nintendo is the younger ages.
Whereas the PSP is more for teens and up.
I feel that the PSP is a better all-around portable system and is much better than the DS.
I think the PSP is better because it has more functions, looks better
, lies more comfortable in the hands and is just Sony.
The DS probably has better games at the moment. But I hope there will come more and more games for the PSP with time.
And the 2 screen thingie. I think it sucks because after a while the touch screen should get really messed up and not usable anymore.
--& the psp is a toy? heheh sorry kids go back to mario he loves yer
-& Worst...comeback....ever.
Only because you know its true
And of course graphics makes a difference to a game, it does still need the gameplay though, the psp isnt the same old thing, its definitely something new having that much console power in such a small size, you dont have to bang on about the multimedia side of it to see how good it is.
druidbloke wrote:
Only because you know its true
And of course graphics makes a difference to a game, it does still need the gameplay though, the psp isnt the same old thing, its definitely something new having that much console power in such a small size, you dont have to bang on about the multimedia side of it to see how good it is.
It just makes it look pretty, if all games still had SNES graphics people would still be happy, as long as the new unique gameplay was still there.
And it's not like the DS has crappy graphics, they are quite good. Not as good as the PSP...but
there is really no need for that good of graphics!
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
--& And it's not like the DS has crappy graphics, they are quite good. Not as good as the PSP...but there is really no need for that good of graphics!
well I do agree gameplay comes first over graphics, plenty of games ive seen in the past look great and are unplayable, they dont get loaded up much after a few tries
This topic has been beat to death but just to add my two cents to the beating, I have played both consoles and honestly I want them both but for entirely different reasons.
The DS has creative, awesome, and inspired 2D and 3D games.
It is a terrific platform for game lovers of all ages and more importantly people looking for unique software and gameplay approaches.
It also has no loading times and its games are geared towards what a handheld is meant to do well (allow for quick portable gaming fixes!).
Now onto the PSP.
First let me say that screen is awesome!
It also definitely outperforms the DS by a mile in terms of power and thus graphic potential!
It also looks sexier than all get out!
While I am not as found of its gaming selection since I don't really see many innovative games or ones especially well tuned to portability, I think its uses as a multimedia device are tremendous.
It can surf the web, play homebrews, play music, play movies and so on all on the go!!
Say what you will about its lack of gaming innovation but the DS only wishes it could do those things (and if your listening nintendo please please add the PDA functionality that should have shipped with the DS on day one!).
Ok that's my two cents I think they both rock but fit two entirely different nitches and have very different strengths.
Either way we can all agree this is a fantastic time to be a portable WiFi gamer!!
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
oh i dont know, pretty much everything in the backwards catalogue? i mean honestly, if you want to play nintendos games, hey, try buying their stuff insted huh?
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
oh i dont know, pretty much everything in the backwards catalogue? i mean honestly, if you want to play nintendos games, hey, try buying their stuff insted huh?
why is it necessary to play a particular title on a DS if you specifically want to play it on the PSP?
i mean afterall, the PSP has a much larger screen.
so tell me then, what is the science behind your beligerant ranting?
Dorsk82 wrote:
It can surf the web, play homebrews, play music, play movies and so on all on the go!!
Say what you will about its lack of gaming innovation but the DS only wishes it could do those things (and if your listening nintendo please please add the PDA functionality that should have shipped with the DS on day one!).
The DS can do all of those, except surf the web.
Plus, if you're buying a PSP for those reasons, no offence, get the hell out of the GAMES forum. &.&
but you are kind of right.
Monkeydog wrote:
Dorsk82 wrote:
It can surf the web, play homebrews, play music, play movies and so on all on the go!!
Say what you will about its lack of gaming innovation but the DS only wishes it could do those things (and if your listening nintendo please please add the PDA functionality that should have shipped with the DS on day one!).
The DS can do all of those, except surf the web.
Plus, if you're buying a PSP for those reasons, no offence, get the hell out of the GAMES forum. &.&
but you are kind of right.
I wanted to buy DS before it came out. Now I would propabbly get PSP even though it won't have Megaman series T_T
Those additions of PSP are really neat and you don't have to buy MP3 player and palmtop thanks to it... (depends on what you want use palmtop for).
the forum is about which console we prefer not games p btw im posting this on my psp in the garden, so naaaah its not just a glorified mp3/video player
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
oh i dont know, pretty much everything in the backwards catalogue? i mean honestly, if you want to play nintendos games, hey, try buying their stuff insted huh?
why is it necessary to play a particular title on a DS if you specifically want to play it on the PSP?
i mean afterall, the PSP has a much larger screen.
so tell me then, what is the science behind your beligerant ranting?
ok ok, slow down there cowboy. first of all, i said BACKWARDS! i dont know if you are familiar with the term, but that usually means games released some time ago, and not this year. it usually means games from the nes, snes and n64 (but in this case probably only nes and snes, dunno about n64).
second of all, most of the games on ds arent playable on the psp for obvious reasons, which i thought everybody would understand. well, you proved me wrong there buddy. two screens. remember that. two screens. still remembering it? yeah thats right, the ds have TWO SCREENS. which means you will, if they are able to play dsgames on the psp, loose something. if you still dont understand what, please, dont hesitate to go away, and maybe even check up on stuff.
and now lets see, you tell me that the psp have a much larger screen. well, i wouldnt say much larger, but yea, you are right. but still, its just one screen. and woah woah woah! guess what else? theres no touch screen anywhere to be seen. or, is it maybe hidden? i can honestly say i have never seen anything touchy (or whatever you wanna call it) on the psp.
please, next time, think before you write. im sure you might have heard the word, but maybe you didnt understand it?
Easily the DS.
PSP Specs:
Console: $400
I think its a bit of a rip-off, Dumbed down games, million dollar prices, $9 movies for a whooping $35.
Console: $150
Cheap Cheap! Tons of games, and of a high quality.
I've always been a Nintendo fan from the N64 since.
I do think that the PSP is a better console, but the selection of games isn't as wide as with the DS.
Although the touch-screen on the DS might wear out after a while, I think (if I was going to buy one of these two) that I would stick with it.
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
oh i dont know, pretty much everything in the backwards catalogue? i mean honestly, if you want to play nintendos games, hey, try buying their stuff insted huh?
why is it necessary to play a particular title on a DS if you specifically want to play it on the PSP?
i mean afterall, the PSP has a much larger screen.
so tell me then, what is the science behind your beligerant ranting?
ok ok, slow down there cowboy. first of all, i said BACKWARDS! i dont know if you are familiar with the term, but that usually means games released some time ago, and not this year. it usually means games from the nes, snes and n64 (but in this case probably only nes and snes, dunno about n64).
second of all, most of the games on ds arent playable on the psp for obvious reasons, which i thought everybody would understand. well, you proved me wrong there buddy. two screens. remember that. two screens. still remembering it? yeah thats right, the ds have TWO SCREENS. which means you will, if they are able to play dsgames on the psp, loose something. if you still dont understand what, please, dont hesitate to go away, and maybe even check up on stuff.
and now lets see, you tell me that the psp have a much larger screen. well, i wouldnt say much larger, but yea, you are right. but still, its just one screen. and woah woah woah! guess what else? theres no touch screen anywhere to be seen. or, is it maybe hidden? i can honestly say i have never seen anything touchy (or whatever you wanna call it) on the psp.
please, next time, think before you write. im sure you might have heard the word, but maybe you didnt understand it?
You're missing my point entirely
I don't care what reasons you have to call people retards three times in a row for playing nds games on a psp.
If someone decides to do that, they shouldn't have to be called a retard, it's their life.
You're spending far too much time worrying about this situation than you are discovering why people would prefer the PSP for their gaming source.
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
a.Bird wrote:
SilverDogg wrote:
tell me psp-people, how come you play NINTENDOS games on SONYS console? is it because:
1. you are retards
2. you are retards
3. you are retards who cant think for themselves
so, which one is it? =)
what titles exactly, are you speaking of?
please, when calling half portable console gaming population retards, try to be specific.
oh i dont know, pretty much everything in the backwards catalogue? i mean honestly, if you want to play nintendos games, hey, try buying their stuff insted huh?
why is it necessary to play a particular title on a DS if you specifically want to play it on the PSP?
i mean afterall, the PSP has a much larger screen.
so tell me then, what is the science behind your beligerant ranting?
ok ok, slow down there cowboy. first of all, i said BACKWARDS! i dont know if you are familiar with the term, but that usually means games released some time ago, and not this year. it usually means games from the nes, snes and n64 (but in this case probably only nes and snes, dunno about n64).
second of all, most of the games on ds arent playable on the psp for obvious reasons, which i thought everybody would understand. well, you proved me wrong there buddy. two screens. remember that. two screens. still remembering it? yeah thats right, the ds have TWO SCREENS. which means you will, if they are able to play dsgames on the psp, loose something. if you still dont understand what, please, dont hesitate to go away, and maybe even check up on stuff.
and now lets see, you tell me that the psp have a much larger screen. well, i wouldnt say much larger, but yea, you are right. but still, its just one screen. and woah woah woah! guess what else? theres no touch screen anywhere to be seen. or, is it maybe hidden? i can honestly say i have never seen anything touchy (or whatever you wanna call it) on the psp.
please, next time, think before you write. im sure you might have heard the word, but maybe you didnt understand it?
You're missing my point entirely
I don't care what reasons you have to call people retards three times in a row for playing nds games on a psp.
If someone decides to do that, they shouldn't have to be called a retard, it's their life.
You're spending far too much time worrying about this situation than you are discovering why people would prefer the PSP for their gaming source.
so, if someone decides to buy a dvdplayer to play vhs, they are not retards?
if you think im spending to much time with this, heck, maybe i shuld ask them to pay me
SilverDogg wrote:
so, if someone decides to buy a dvdplayer to play vhs, they are not retards?
not if the dvd player plays vhs tapes.
if a psp plays a nintendo game, the more power to the console.
and what do you really think-- that sony just stole the scripting for all the nintendo games?
if the titles were once true to nintendo, nintendo obviously


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