
今天来两部电影推荐,小伙伴们速度观看今天来两部电影推荐,小伙伴们速度观看娱乐家兮兮百家号文|兮兮一:天才枪手 豆瓣评分 8.6【简介】影片根据2014年轰动一时的亚洲考场作弊案改编,讲述了天才学霸利用高智商考场作弊牟取暴利的故事。出生平凡的天才少女Lynn(茱蒂蒙·琼查容苏因 饰)在进入贵族学校后,结识了富二代同学Grace(依莎亚·贺苏汪饰)与Pat(披纳若·苏潘平佑饰),从此开始了考场作弊生涯,与此同时,另一名记忆力极佳的天才学霸Bank(查侬·散顶腾古 饰)发现了Lynn不为人知的“交易”。经过多场险象环生的“作弊战争”后,Lynn接下最后一单在国际考场上为富家子弟作弊的天价委托。一场横跨两大洲的完美作弊方案横空出世,然而一切并不像他们想的那么简单……电影以作弊为题材,自然的让小编联想到早年一部电影中的作弊手段。电影结局,学渣们实现了自己的梦想,喜欢舞台剧的去跳舞台剧了,想出国的也出国了,而学霸们呢,女主角自首,男主角堕落,最明显的是贫富对比,揭露了一个很赤裸的问题,努力是不是一个谎言?在豆瓣中看到个评论壞學生失敗的代價多低,一點點小成就就能歡欣雀躍,即便那是別人的成果,長大了還能叫囂逃學作弊打架才叫青春。而好學生的呢,一步錯便有可能滿盤皆輸,代價甚至是價值觀、人生觀、世界觀的崩塌,而這正是最讓人難過的一點二:银翼杀手2049 豆瓣评分 8.5【简介】故事发生在大断电30年后。复制人K(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)是新一代的银翼杀手,在如今的世界里,人类和复制人之间的界限划分的更加明确,复制人从刚一制造出来就被灌输了服务于人类的思想,绝对不被允许产生人类的感情。  某日,一具女性复制人的遗骨被挖掘了出来,令陆军中尉乔伊(罗宾·怀特 Robin Wright 饰)感到震惊的是,这名女性复制人生前不仅怀过孕,还将孩子生了下来,这个孩子的存在将会彻底破坏政府苦心经营的规则和秩序。乔伊命令K找出这个孩子,并将他杀死。在一间废弃的农场里,K发现了一些线索,然而,这些线索竟然和他被植入的过去的记忆有着千丝万缕的关联。与此同时,复制人尼安德(杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto 饰)和他的手下拉芙(西尔维娅·侯克斯 Sylvia Hoeks 饰)也在寻找着这个孩子的下落。首先第一个想到的应该是前身银翼杀手,这部算是科幻片中的经典了,所以很多人对翻拍的银翼杀手2049并不大感冒,然而这部电影并没有在翻拍中翻船,反而是获得了极大的好评前作备受推崇的赛博朋克风格和末世氛围,在《银翼杀手2049》中也都有明显的延续。标志性的霓虹街景和雾气中若隐若现的楼宇、黑暗破旧的街道、断壁残垣的荒漠、波涛汹涌的海岸都营造出了荒凉的末世之感,“银翼杀手”也从一人单打独斗变成了组合强势出击。瑞恩·高斯林加盟饰演银翼杀手“K”,哈里森·福特时隔35年回归继续饰演“瑞克·戴克”,新旧银翼杀手正式同台。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。娱乐家兮兮百家号最近更新:简介:娱乐劲爆点,电影最前线,欢乐你我他作者最新文章相关文章<div id="share-3" data-sites="weibo,qq,qzone,tencent,wechat" data-wechat-qrcode-title="使用微信扫一扫" data-wechat-qrcode-helper="微信里点“发现”,扫一下二维码便可将视频分享至朋友圈。">
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& & & & 2015年9月份的考试报名工作已经开始了,大家做好准备报名了吗?距离9月份的考试又近了,相信最近大家的心情都是既紧张又期待的。小编今天为大家带来的是2015年6月份的,希望对9月份考试的考生提供帮助哦。小编想要提示大家,在备考的过程中,不能只单单的依赖教材和大纲,要多做练习题,尤其是历年来的考试真题,更要多加练习哦。好了,闲话不多说,和小编一起练习2015年6月份的ACCA考试真题吧!&&
& & & & B1. Suppose with 2000 = 100.0m Japan&s export price index for 2004 was 89.5 and Japan&s import &price index for 2004 was 79.1. Further, China&s import index (with 2000 = 100.0) for 2004 was 107.3 and China&s export price index for2004 was 103.0. China&s commodity terms of trade ( &) and Japan&s commodity terms of trade ( &). &
& & & & A. also deteriorated. &&
& & & & B. improved.&
& & & & C. deteriorated & & & & &
& & & & D. also improved &
& & & & C2. Which of the following is not an assumption of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?&
& & & & A. Markets are competitive. &
& & & & B. Technology is the same across countries. &
& & & & C. The supply of factors of production grows over time.&
& & & & D. Factors of production can be used in different industries. &
& & & & A3. Which of the following is not an assumption of the Heckscher-Ohlin model?&&&
& & & & A. Imperfect competition.&
& & & & B. Constant returns to scale. &
& & & & C. Identical tastes across countries. &
& & & & D. Identical production functions across countries. &
& & & & A4. If country A is defined as &relatively capital-abundant& in relation to country B by the &price& &definition of factor abundance, then the price of labor relative to the price of capital is ( &) in country A than in country B, and the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem would suggest that country A would export relatively ( &)goods to country B. &
& & & & A. capital-intensive & &&
& & & & B. labor-intensive&
& & & & C. capital-intensive & & &
& & & & D. labor-intensive &
& & & & A5. What is the main difference between the H-O model and the Ricardo model? &
& & & & A. Unlike in the Ricardo model, endowments of factors of production affect trade pattern in the H-O model. &
& & & & B. Unlike in the Ricardo model, factors are mobile across industries in the H-O model.&
& & & & C. Unlike in the Ricardo model, trade is not assumed to be free in the H-O model. &
& & & & D. Unlike in the Ricardo model, all factors of production gain as a result of trade in the H-O model. &
& & & & D6. What does the H-O model predict about the patter of trade? &
& & & & A. Each country sells abundant factors of production. &
& & & & B. The pattern of trade depends on the size of the economy. &
& & & & C. Each country specializes in the production of goods that use available technology efficiently.&
& & & & D. Each country specializes in the production of goods that use its abundant factors intensively. &
& & & & C7. If relatively capital abundant country A opens trade with relatively labor abundant country B &and the trade takes place in accordance with the H-O theorem, what would be the consequences for factor price (w/r) in the two countries?&
& & & & A. (w/r) rises in A and falls in B. & & &
& & & & B. (w/r) rises in A and also rises in B.&
& & & & C. (w/r) falls in A and rises in B. & & &&
& & & & D. (w/r) falls in A and also falls in B.
& & & & 为了帮助大家梳理知识体系,扎实的掌握2015年9月份的ACCA考试重难点,金程网校开设考试专栏和题库。为大家总结了历年来的ACCA报考经验和,同时还附有金程资深ACCA讲师的难点解析和真题预测,小伙伴们一定不要错过哦!
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