
转载 & & 作者:Sam
public static boolean setMiuiStatusBarDarkMode(Activity activity, boolean darkmode) {
Class&? extends Window& clazz = activity.getWindow().getClass();
int darkModeFlag = 0;
Class&?& layoutParams = Class.forName("android.view.MiuiWindowManager$LayoutParams");
Field field = layoutParams.getField("EXTRA_FLAG_STATUS_BAR_DARK_MODE");
darkModeFlag = field.getInt(layoutParams);
Method extraFlagField = clazz.getMethod("setExtraFlags", int.class, int.class);
extraFlagField.invoke(activity.getWindow(), darkmode ? darkModeFlag : 0, darkModeFlag);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static boolean setMeizuStatusBarDarkIcon(Activity activity, boolean dark) {
boolean result =
if (activity != null) {
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = activity.getWindow().getAttributes();
Field darkFlag = WindowManager.LayoutParams.class
Field meizuFlags = WindowManager.LayoutParams.class
int bit = darkFlag.getInt(null);
int value = meizuFlags.getInt(lp);
if (dark) {
value &= ~
meizuFlags.setInt(lp, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
Android 6.0开始,谷歌官方提供了支持,在style属性中配置android:windowLightStatusBar
即可, 设置为true时,当statusbar的背景颜色为淡色时,statusbar的文字颜色会变成灰色,为false时同理。
&style name="statusBarStyle" parent="@android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.Light"&
&item name="android:statusBarColor"&@color/status_bar_color&/item&
&item name="android:windowLightStatusBar"&false&/item&
常用在线小工具在 SegmentFault,学习技能、解决问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。
开发android应用时想使用透明状态栏,且兼容4.4及以上版本。这个顺利实现了,但是遇到的问题是状态栏的图标和文字(比如电量、信号、时间)的颜色会与自定义的状态栏颜色混在一起,无法看清楚。就像多看阅读在我的手机(android 4.4.2)上的效果一样:
我想知道是否有兼容android 4.4(API 19)的改变状态栏颜色或者明暗模式的方法,如何实现?
推广(招聘、广告、SEO 等)方面的内容
在 SegmentFault,学习技能、解决问题
每个月,我们帮助 1000 万的开发者解决各种各样的技术问题。并助力他们在技术能力、职业生涯、影响力上获得提升。Android状态栏颜色怎么修改?
static void setStatusBarColor(Activity activity, int statusColor) {
Window window = activity.getWindow();
ViewGroup mContentView = (ViewGroup) window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
View mContentChild = mContentView.getChildAt(0);
int statusBarHeight = getStatusBarHeight(activity);
addFakeStatusBarView(activity, statusColor, statusBarHeight);
addMarginTopToContentChild(mContentChild, statusBarHeight);
if (mContentChild != null) {
ViewCompat.setFitsSystemWindows(mContentChild, false);
int action_bar_id = activity.getResources().getIdentifier(&action_bar&, &id&, activity.getPackageName());
View view = activity.findViewById(action_bar_id);
if (view != null) {
TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue();
if (activity.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.actionBarSize, typedValue, true)) {
int actionBarHeight = TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(typedValue.data, activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
setContentTopPadding(activity, actionBarHeight);
private static void removeFakeStatusBarViewIfExist(Activity activity) {
Window window = activity.getWindow();
ViewGroup mDecorView = (ViewGroup) window.getDecorView();
View fakeView = mDecorView.findViewWithTag(TAG_FAKE_STATUS_BAR_VIEW);
if (fakeView != null) {
private static View addFakeStatusBarView(Activity activity, int statusBarColor, int statusBarHeight) {
Window window = activity.getWindow();
ViewGroup mDecorView = (ViewGroup) window.getDecorView();
View mStatusBarView = new View(activity);
FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, statusBarHeight);
layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.TOP;
return mStatusBarV
private static void addMarginTopToContentChild(View mContentChild, int statusBarHeight) {
if (mContentChild == null) {
if (!TAG_MARGIN_ADDED.equals(mContentChild.getTag())) {
FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mContentChild.getLayoutParams();
lp.topMargin += statusBarH
static void setContentTopPadding(Activity activity, int padding) {
ViewGroup mContentView = (ViewGroup) activity.getWindow().findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
mContentView.setPadding(0, padding, 0, 0);
static void setStatusBarColor(Activity activity, int statusColor) {
Window window = activity.getWindow();
ViewGroup mContentView = (ViewGroup) window.findViewById(Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT);
View mChildView = mContentView.getChildAt(0);
if (mChildView != null) {
ViewCompat.setFitsSystemWindows(mChildView, false);
* Class to manage status and navigation bar tint effects when using KitKat
* translucent system UI modes.
public class SystemBarTintManager {
* The default system bar tint color value.
public static final int DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR = 0x;
private static String sNavBarO
// Android allows a system property to override the presence of the navigation bar.
// Used by the emulator.
// See https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.java#L1076
Class c = Class.forName(&android.os.SystemProperties&);
Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(&get&, String.class);
sNavBarOverride = (String) m.invoke(null, &qemu.hw.mainkeys&);
} catch (Throwable e) {
sNavBarOverride =
private final SystemBarConfig mC
private boolean mStatusBarA
private boolean mNavBarA
private boolean mNavBarTintE
private View mStatusBarTintV
private View mNavBarTintV
* Constructor. Call this in the host activity onCreate method after its
* content view has been set. You should always create new instances when
* the host activity is recreated.
* @param activity The host activity.
public SystemBarTintManager(Activity activity) {
Window win = activity.getWindow();
ViewGroup decorViewGroup = (ViewGroup) win.getDecorView();
// check theme attrs
int[] attrs = {android.R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus,
TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
mStatusBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(0, false);
mNavBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(1, false);
} finally {
// check window flags
WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
int bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS;
if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {
mStatusBarAvailable =
bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION;
if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {
mNavBarAvailable =
mConfig = new SystemBarConfig(activity, mStatusBarAvailable, mNavBarAvailable);
// device might not have virtual navigation keys
if (!mConfig.hasNavigtionBar()) {
mNavBarAvailable =
if (mStatusBarAvailable) {
setupStatusBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
if (mNavBarAvailable) {
setupNavBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
public SystemBarTintManager(Activity activity, ViewGroup decorViewGroup) {
Window win = activity.getWindow();
// check theme attrs
int[] attrs = {android.R.attr.windowTranslucentStatus,
TypedArray a = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs);
mStatusBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(0, false);
mNavBarAvailable = a.getBoolean(1, false);
} finally {
// check window flags
WindowManager.LayoutParams winParams = win.getAttributes();
int bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_STATUS;
if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {
mStatusBarAvailable =
bits = WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION;
if ((winParams.flags & bits) != 0) {
mNavBarAvailable =
if (mStatusBarAvailable && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
mConfig = new SystemBarConfig(activity, mStatusBarAvailable, mNavBarAvailable);
if (decorViewGroup == null) {
// device might not have virtual navigation keys
if (!mConfig.hasNavigtionBar()) {
mNavBarAvailable =
if (mStatusBarAvailable) {
setupStatusBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
if (mNavBarAvailable) {
setupNavBarView(activity, decorViewGroup);
* Enable tinting of the system status bar.
* If the platform is running Jelly Bean or earlier, or translucent system * UI modes have not been enabled in either the theme or via window flags, * then this method does nothing. * * @param enabled True to enable tinting, false to disable it (default). */ public void setStatusBarTintEnabled(boolean enabled) { boolean mStatusBarTintEnabled = if (mStatusBarAvailable && mStatusBarTintView != null) { mStatusBarTintView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } } /** * Enable tinting of the system navigation bar. *
* If the platform does not have soft navigation keys, is running Jelly Bean * or earlier, or translucent system UI modes have not been enabled in either * the theme or via window flags, then this method does nothing. * * @param enabled True to enable tinting, false to disable it (default). */ // public void setNavigationBarTintEnabled(boolean enabled) { // mNavBarTintEnabled = // if (mNavBarAvailable) { // mNavBarTintView.setVisibility(enabled ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); // } // } /** * Apply the specified color tint to all system UI bars. * * @param color The color of the background tint. */ public void setTintColor(int color) { setStatusBarTintColor(color); setNavigationBarTintColor(color); } /** * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to all system UI bars. * * @param res The identifier of the resource. */ public void setTintResource(int res) { setStatusBarTintResource(res); setNavigationBarTintResource(res); } /** * Apply the specified drawable to all system UI bars. * * @param drawable The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it. */ // public void setTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) { // setStatusBarTintDrawable(drawable); // setNavigationBarTintDrawable(drawable); // } /** * Apply the specified alpha to all system UI bars. * * @param alpha The alpha to use */ // public void setTintAlpha(float alpha) { // setStatusBarAlpha(alpha); // setNavigationBarAlpha(alpha); // } /** * Apply the specified color tint to the system status bar. * * @param color The color of the background tint. */ public void setStatusBarTintColor(int color) { if (mStatusBarAvailable) { mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(color); } } /** * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to the system status bar. * * @param res The identifier of the resource. */ public void setStatusBarTintResource(int res) { if (mStatusBarAvailable) { mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundResource(res); } } /** * Apply the specified drawable to the system status bar. *
* The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it. */ @SuppressWarnings(&deprecation&) // public void setStatusBarTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) { // if (mStatusBarAvailable) { // mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable); // } // } /** * Apply the specified alpha to the system status bar. * * @param alpha The alpha to use */ @TargetApi(11) // public void setStatusBarAlpha(float alpha) { // if (mStatusBarAvailable && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { // mStatusBarTintView.setAlpha(alpha); // } // } /** * Apply the specified color tint to the system navigation bar. * * @param color The color of the background tint. */ public void setNavigationBarTintColor(int color) { if (mNavBarAvailable) { mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(color); } } /** * Apply the specified drawable or color resource to the system navigation bar. * * @param res The identifier of the resource. */ public void setNavigationBarTintResource(int res) { if (mNavBarAvailable) { mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundResource(res); } } /** * Apply the specified drawable to the system navigation bar. *
* drawable The drawable to use as the background, or null to remove it. */ @SuppressWarnings(&deprecation&) // public void setNavigationBarTintDrawable(Drawable drawable) { // if (mNavBarAvailable) { // mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundDrawable(drawable); // } // } /** * Apply the specified alpha to the system navigation bar. * * @param alpha The alpha to use */ @TargetApi(11) // public void setNavigationBarAlpha(float alpha) { // if (mNavBarAvailable && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { // mNavBarTintView.setAlpha(alpha); // } // } /** * Get the system bar configuration. * * @return The system bar configuration for the current device configuration. */ public SystemBarConfig getConfig() { return mC } /** * Is tinting enabled for the system status bar? * * @return True if enabled, False otherwise. */ // public boolean isStatusBarTintEnabled() { // return mStatusBarTintE // } /** * Is tinting enabled for the system navigation bar? * * @return True if enabled, False otherwise. */ // public boolean isNavBarTintEnabled() { // return mNavBarTintE // } private void setupStatusBarView(Context context, ViewGroup decorViewGroup) { mStatusBarTintView = new View(context); LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, mConfig.getStatusBarHeight()); params.gravity = Gravity.TOP; if (mNavBarAvailable && !mConfig.isNavigationAtBottom()) { params.rightMargin = mConfig.getNavigationBarWidth(); } mStatusBarTintView.setLayoutParams(params); mStatusBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR); mStatusBarTintView.setVisibility(View.GONE); decorViewGroup.addView(mStatusBarTintView); } private void setupNavBarView(Context context, ViewGroup decorViewGroup) { mNavBarTintView = new View(context); LayoutP if (mConfig.isNavigationAtBottom()) { params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, mConfig.getNavigationBarHeight()); params.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM; } else { params = new LayoutParams(mConfig.getNavigationBarWidth(), LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); params.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT; } mNavBarTintView.setLayoutParams(params); mNavBarTintView.setBackgroundColor(DEFAULT_TINT_COLOR); mNavBarTintView.setVisibility(View.GONE); decorViewGroup.addView(mNavBarTintView); } /** * Class which describes system bar sizing and other characteristics for the current * device configuration. */ public static class SystemBarConfig { private static final String STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME = &status_bar_height&; private static final String NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME = &navigation_bar_height&; private static final String NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE_RES_NAME = &navigation_bar_height_landscape&; private static final String NAV_BAR_WIDTH_RES_NAME = &navigation_bar_width&; private static final String SHOW_NAV_BAR_RES_NAME = &config_showNavigationBar&; private final boolean mTranslucentStatusB private final boolean mTranslucentNavB private final int mStatusBarH private final int mActionBarH private final boolean mHasNavigationB private final int mNavigationBarH private final int mNavigationBarW private final boolean mInP private final float mSmallestWidthDp; private SystemBarConfig(Activity activity, boolean translucentStatusBar, boolean traslucentNavBar) { Resources res = activity.getResources(); mInPortrait = (res.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); mSmallestWidthDp = getSmallestWidthDp(activity); mStatusBarHeight = getInternalDimensionSize(res, STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME); mActionBarHeight = getActionBarHeight(activity); mNavigationBarHeight = getNavigationBarHeight(activity); mNavigationBarWidth = getNavigationBarWidth(activity); mHasNavigationBar = (mNavigationBarHeight & 0); mTranslucentStatusBar = translucentStatusB mTranslucentNavBar = traslucentNavB } @TargetApi(14) private int getActionBarHeight(Context context) { int result = 0; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { TypedValue tv = new TypedValue(); context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.actionBarSize, tv, true); result = TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(tv.data, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); } } @TargetApi(14) private int getNavigationBarHeight(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); int result = 0; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { if (hasNavBar(context)) { S if (mInPortrait) { key = NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_RES_NAME; } else { key = NAV_BAR_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE_RES_NAME; } return getInternalDimensionSize(res, key); } } } @TargetApi(14) private int getNavigationBarWidth(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); int result = 0; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) { if (hasNavBar(context)) { return getInternalDimensionSize(res, NAV_BAR_WIDTH_RES_NAME); } } } @TargetApi(14) private boolean hasNavBar(Context context) { Resources res = context.getResources(); int resourceId = res.getIdentifier(SHOW_NAV_BAR_RES_NAME, &bool&, &android&); if (resourceId != 0) { boolean hasNav = res.getBoolean(resourceId); // check override flag (see static block) if (&1&.equals(sNavBarOverride)) { hasNav = } else if (&0&.equals(sNavBarOverride)) { hasNav = } return hasN } else { // fallback return !ViewConfiguration.get(context).hasPermanentMenuKey(); } } private int getInternalDimensionSize(Resources res, String key) { int result = 0; int resourceId = res.getIdentifier(key, &dimen&, &android&); if (resourceId & 0) { result = res.getDimensionPixelSize(resourceId); } } @SuppressLint(&NewApi&) private float getSmallestWidthDp(Activity activity) { DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT &= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRealMetrics(metrics); } else { // TODO this is not correct, but we don't really care pre-kitkat activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); } float widthDp = metrics.widthPixels / metrics. float heightDp = metrics.heightPixels / metrics. return Math.min(widthDp, heightDp); } /** * Should a navigation bar appear at the bottom of the screen in the current * device configuration? A navigation bar may appear on the right side of * the screen in certain configurations. * * @return True if navigation should appear at the bottom of the screen, False otherwise. */ public boolean isNavigationAtBottom() { return (mSmallestWidthDp &= 600 || mInPortrait); } /** * Get the height of the system status bar. * * @return The height of the status bar (in pixels). */ public int getStatusBarHeight() { return mStatusBarH } /** * Get the height of the action bar. * * @return The height of the action bar (in pixels). */ // public int getActionBarHeight() { // return mActionBarH // } /** * Does this device have a system navigation bar? * * @return True if this device uses soft key navigation, False otherwise. */ public boolean hasNavigtionBar() { return mHasNavigationB } /** * Get the height of the system navigation bar. * * @return The height of the navigation bar (in pixels). If the device does not have * soft navigation keys, this will always return 0. */ public int getNavigationBarHeight() { return mNavigationBarH } /** * Get the width of the system navigation bar when it is placed vertically on the screen. * * @return The width of the navigation bar (in pixels). If the device does not have * soft navigation keys, this will always return 0. */ public int getNavigationBarWidth() { return mNavigationBarW } /** * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the top of the screen. * * @param withActionBar True to include the height of the action bar, False otherwise. * @return The layout inset (in pixels). */ // public int getPixelInsetTop(boolean withActionBar) { // return (mTranslucentStatusBar ? mStatusBarHeight : 0) + (withActionBar ? mActionBarHeight : 0); // } /** * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the bottom of the screen. * * @return The layout inset (in pixels). */ // public int getPixelInsetBottom() { // if (mTranslucentNavBar && isNavigationAtBottom()) { // return mNavigationBarH // } else { // return 0; // } // } /** * Get the layout inset for any system UI that appears at the right of the screen. * * @return The layout inset (in pixels). */ // public int getPixelInsetRight() { // if (mTranslucentNavBar && !isNavigationAtBottom()) { // return mNavigationBarW // } else { // return 0; // } // } } }


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