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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Screenshot of a tetromino game. People who play video puzzle games like this for a long time may see moving images like this at the edges of their visual fields, when they close their eyes, or when they are drifting off to sleep.
The Tetris effect (also known as Tetris Syndrome) occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their , , and . It takes its name from the
People who played Tetris for a prolonged amount of time could find themselves thinking about ways different shapes in the real world can fit together, such as the boxes on a supermarket shelf, the buildings on a street, or hallucinating pieces being generated and falling into place on an invisible layout. In this sense, the Tetris effect is a form of . They might also dream about falling
when drifting off to sleep or see images of falling tetrominos at the edges of their visual fields or when they close their eyes. In this sense, the Tetris effect is a form of .
The Tetris effect can occur with other video games. It has also been known to occur with non-video games, such as the illusion of curved lines after doing a , or the involuntary mental visualisation of
algorithms common amongst .
are a kind of Tetris effect. A person newly on land after spending long periods at sea may sense illusory rocking motion, having become accustomed to the constant work of adjusting to the boat making such movements (see "" and ""). The poem "" by
describes the effect, resulting from repetitive visual experience during a :
’Tain’t—so—bad—by—day because o’ company,
But—night—brings—long—strings—o’ forty thousand million
Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin’ up an’ down again.
There’s no discharge in the war!
— , Boots
On the mental level,
has resulted in dreams about coding. Mathematicians have reported dreaming of numbers or equations, for example , or
who remarked "last week in a dream I gave a chap my shirt-buttons to , and he ran off with them".
Stickgold et al. (2000) have proposed that Tetris imagery is a separate form of , likely related to . This is from their research in which they showed that people with , unable to form new , reported dreaming of falling shapes after playing Tetris during the day, despite not being able to remember playing the game at all.
A study, conducted by
and Peter Frensch in 1994, showed that participants who played Tetris for twelve 30-minute sessions (with no previous experience of the game) did much better than the control group in both the paper-pencil test version of spatial skills as well as the computerized version. The conclusions drawn from this experiments were that video games such as Tetris had a positive effect on three areas of spatial skills including , spatial perception and
in those who played for a prolonged period continuously.
In 2009, the
study about the Tetris effect used an
to scan the brains of subjects. The experiment tested about two groups of people, which are the group who played Tetris for 30 minutes a day and the other one who didn't play at all. The researchers found, by using the MRI images, that the
of the subjects who played this game had thickened, compared to the people who had never played it. The result proves that this game is responsible for
development, which also improves things like memory capacity. Tetris has been found to act upon this
of brain matter by thickening it. According to the BMC study, it appears to link gray matter
to the brain efficiency, but there is no substantial research making these claims has been published at this time. It can be assumed that playing Tetris affects the brain in the healthy way, such as allowing your brain to operate more efficiently.
Another 2009 Oxford study suggests that playing Tetris-like video games may help prevent the development of traumatic memories. If the video game treatment is played soon after the traumatic event, the preoccupation with Tetris shapes is enough to prevent the mental recitation of traumatic images, thereby decreasing the accuracy, intensity, and frequency of traumatic reminders. "We suggest it specifically interferes with the way sensory memories are laid down in the period after trauma and thus reduces the number of flashbacks that are experienced afterwards," summarizes Dr. Emily Holmes, who led the study.
The earliest known reference to the term appears in Jeffrey Goldsmith's article, "This is Your Brain on Tetris", published in
in May 1994:
No home was sweet without a
in 1990. That year, I stayed "for a week" with a friend in Tokyo, and Tetris enslaved my brain. At night, geometric shapes fell in the darkness as I lay on loaned
floor space. Days, I sat on a lavender suede sofa and played Tetris furiously. During rare jaunts from the house, I visually fit cars and trees and people together. [...]
The Tetris effect is a biochemical, reductionistic metaphor, if you will, for curiosity, invention, the creative urge. To fit shapes together is to organize, to build, to make deals, to fix, to understand, to fold sheets. All of our mental activities are analogous, each as potentially addictive as the next.
The term was rediscovered by Earling (1996), citing a use of the term by Garth Kidd in February, 1996. Kidd described "after-images of the game for up to days afterwards" and "a tendency to identify everything in the world as being made of four squares and attempt to determine 'where it fits in'". Kidd attributed the origin of the term to computer-game players from , . An early description of the general phenomenon appears in 's science fiction poem "Virus" (1987) in Digital Dreams. The ending of
resembles the Tetris effect, where the unnamed protagonist is brainwashed by
and is no longer capable of thinking about anything but the game's puzzles.
Earling, A. (1996, March 21–28).
Philadelphia City Paper
Terdiman, Daniel (January 11, 2005). . Wired. Archived from
(video). THNKR. January 3, .
Engels, Friedrich (August 10, 1881).
(Letter). Letter to Karl Marx 2014.
Stickgold, R Malia, A Maguire, D Roddenberry, D O'Connor, Margaret (). . Science. 290 (5490): 350–353. :. :.  .  .
Okagaki, L Frensch, Peter A. (1994). . Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 15 (1): 33–58. :.
Fordham, Jeremy (June 3, 2011). . 2017.
Holmes, Emily A.; James, Ella L.; Coode-Bate, T Deeprose, Catherine (2009). . PLoS ONE. 4 (1): e4153. :. :.  .   .  .
. BBC News. .
Goldsmith, Jeffrey (May 1994). . Wired Issue 2.05 2012.
Kidd, Garth (). . The RISKS Digest: Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems. 17 (78).
(1987). . Archived from
on November 5, 2012.
- Scientific American magazine, October 2000
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