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& &近日,Automaton制作组宣布旗下多人射击游戏《《黑暗逃生(Deceit)》免费登陆Steam,喜欢的小伙伴可以前往下载。这是一款模仿《狼人杀》类型的一款动作类游戏,带有一定的解谜和猜疑性。
& &预告视频:
& &根据描述,《黑暗逃生》是一款检测玩家信任判断与诡计识别能力的多人连线第一人称射击游戏。玩家在疯人院中被一个陌生的声音唤醒,与之相随的还有其他5名玩家。
& &队伍里每三人中便有一人被一种病毒感染了,谁能逃出生天?在建筑内穿行时,熄灭的电源会制造出黑暗,感染者们会变身成恐魔发动袭击。寻找盟友并获取地图中的道具才能增加你生还的可能性。
& &玩家会在被特别设置为激发团队内部冲突、相互怀疑真实意图的环境中进行游戏。 感染者们会想方设法掩饰自己蓄意破坏的企图,其他人必须睁大眼睛仔细看好这些异常的行为,并配合好自己觉得值得信赖的玩家。
& &探索地图的过程中你会碰到各类道具,这些道具能够帮助你存活并逃至出口。但你也得仔细考虑清楚:对你而言哪件道具更重要?或是:是要帮其他玩家拿取还是选择跟他们抢夺该道具。每次抉择都会或多或少地透露出你很可能属于的阵营。当然,每样动作所呈现出的特征并不一定能反映其背后的真实意图,因为有时谎言也能被粉饰成真相。
& &切换地图时会有段熄灯期,感染者们可以在这个时候变身成恐魔形态。他们在这种形态下会变得更快、更强、还会拥有夜视能力,他们只有一个弱点:灯光。该形态下的感染者们恐怖骇人,他们的欢乐时刻就是通过一系列的杀戮来制造恐惧。总的来说,本游戏涉及了混杂着战术策略的紧张战斗,以及判断谁是感染者的心理学分析。
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Includes 14 Steam Achievements
Title: Deceit
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Release Date: 3 Mar, 2017
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26 January
Hey everyone,After compiling feedback from hundreds of threads, discord messages and the questions prompted by teasing this post, it’s finally time to give everyone an update on what we’ve been working on and share some of our plans for Deceit in 2018!Server upgrade – Migration to Google Cloud Platform (Coming soon)It’s an open secret that the consistent growth of new players has been an exciting challenge to keep up with, in fact with over 1,600,000 players active on Deceit and 400,000 new players this month our tech team have been working around the clock to keep as many of you immersed in the game as possible. To give Deceit a longer lasting, stable and scalable solution we’re switching things over to Google Cloud, aiming to give better and more consistent access to the game for everyone! We’ve made this a major priority and we’re expecting to finish this up sometime over the next few weeks.Community Administration – Enhancing our community tools (Coming soon)Partially motivated by the huge influx of players from around the globe, we’re revisiting our community administration efforts. Over December we rolled out an early revision of our in house anti-cheat, taking the fight to players who unfairly use tools to gain an advantage over others. Now we’re doubling down on our commitment to creating a great gameplay environment by adding more depth to our internal moderation tools, making your reports matter even more than before and helping us to work through them quickly and accurately. Finally, we’re rounding out the external game experience by expanding our hugely successful community moderation program on Discord. Keep an eye out for some new blue tags and be sure to extend them the same warm welcome you’ve always done as the helpful and passionate players they’ve always been.Expanding the world – Building a new map for Deceit (Near future, a few months out)As outlined in a previous post, we are working towards releasing a fourth map for D currently in extremely early concept stages we wanted to share our commitment to one of the most commonly requested content additions. Over the last few weeks our designers have looked at previous locations exploring themes, gameplay and reviewing a swathe of user feedback to shape our next setting into one worth waiting for. More details to follow separately when they are available.Growing new communities – Deceit on consoles (Far future, late 2018)Another huge and exciting goal on our roadmap for Deceit this year is bringing it to an even bigger player base through a multi-platform console release. Many potential players have watched Deceit’s development closely, reaching out to us to request a port of the game on Playstation 4 and XBOX One both of which we are happy to confirm are under investigation for later in the year. We look forward to sharing more details on this when development begins.Compiled feedback – Top community questionsAre you still fixing bugs or is the game ‘finished’?I think it’s fair to say the game is better than ever before, despite that our team is still working through fixing bugs in order of priority and with respect to their frequency. Will we see more Deceit events in the future?Yeah, we enjoy making them and the community seems very positive about playing them so it’s on our radar.I can’t connect to my profile and sometimes games end early, what’s up with that?It’s a server thing and the Google Cloud Platform upgrade should take care of this, in addition to that the server change over should also address issues around users unable to start matches, users experiencing higher than normal latency during peak times and users unable to load their profile.Are you going to stop people being able to talk at the beginning of the game before we can see who it is and mute them?Our technical team are already working on this, I’ve personally reviewed a bunch of reports without any accompanying information and the occasional screaming has been a rather unwelcome surprise. Expect something on this in a patch note relatively soon.Will my country get a shirt and gun like the others?It’s possible, but we also don’t want to diminish the meaning behind the other cosmetics. Traditionally we’ve added shirts and guns to celebrate the efforts put in by community translators to localise the game, help us understand foreign language communities and assist in promoting Deceit to them.Stay up to date!Got a great question? Want to contribute the next great Deceit meme? Looking for the insider scoop before the next community update? Be sure to stay in touch by following us on , ,
for all of the latest news and trailers.Sam HillsCommunity Manager
Features:New perk tree added to rotationThe Yeti Terror's active ability now reduces light damage taken by 80% (down from 100%)Christmas event and assets have been removedAdded Yeti third person animations to give the Yeti form its own recognisable silhouetteUpdated the UI for the Terror Blood BarBug Fixes:Fixed a bug which caused multiple Alexs to appear in a gameThe game no longer crashes when internet connection is lostInstances of Terrors lagging and executing after being downed should be significantly reduced
About This Game
Deceit tests your instincts at trust and deception in a multiplayer first-person shooter. You wake up in an asylum to the sound of an unfamiliar voice, surrounded by five others. A third of your group have been infected with a virus, but who will escape? Whilst traversing the building the power will be going out creating darkness, allowing the infected players to transform into their terror form and strike. Find allies and complete objectives around the map to better your chances of survival.The environment has been specifically setup to cause conflict amongst the group, creating doubt about the true intentions of players. The infected will be trying to cover up their group sabotage attempts, whilst the rest will be keeping an eye out for this suspicious behaviour and attempt to join forces with people they think they can trust. As you progress through the map you'll come across objectives that will help you survive and progress towards the exit. However, you will need to decide which is most important to you, and whether to collaborate or fight with other players over them. With each decision gives players more information and an indication to what team you're likely to be on. However, the perception of each action won't necessarily be seen as a fair representation to others about your intentions as the truth can be easily skewed. There are blackout periods across the map which allow for the infected to transform into what's known as their terror form. In this form they are much faster, stronger, and have night vision, with only one weakness: light. In this form the infected are truly terrifying, and with an array of intense killing animations players will be able to create some scary but also funny moments. Overall, the gameplay involves the frenzy of fast paced combat mixed with strategic map positioning, and of course the psychological aspects of determining who is infected.
System Requirements
Minimum:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 7 (64 bit)Processor: Intel Core i3 / AMD Ryzen 3Memory: 4 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 7850DirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 10 GB available space
Recommended:Requires a 64-bit processor and operating systemOS: Windows 10 (64 bit)Processor: Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen 5 or higherMemory: 8 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 / AMD Radeon R9 280X or higherDirectX: Version 11Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 10 GB available space
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