
【Chapter 1: Car Crash to First Nightmare】&
& The game begins with the patient meeting Dr.
Michael Kaufmann in his office room -& and with
Harry Mason crashing his car right into Silent Hill. Looks like his
driving skills haven't improved since the original
& 故事开始了, 由玩家操纵的病人和 Michael Kaufmann 医生见面,
在此时男主人公 Harry Manson
& Anyway, respond to Dr. Kaufmann's questions
regarding a few personal traits.
(This certainly isn't a full inventory, but just go with it.)
Check the boxes to answer the questions. Once the list is
completed, it will be automatically submitted.
When Dr. Kaufmann asks about the last question (on fidelity),
nod or shake to answer
yes or no. The answers to these questions will affect a plethora
of cosmetic details throughout the game.&
& 接下来,玩家要填写 Kaufmann
& The action starts with Harry waking up from
his nap after the car crash and picking up his trusty flashlight.
For first-time players, follow the on-screen tutorials (assuming
they're enabled on the options menu), and get accustomed to the
game's controls. Harry can't use his mobile phone yet, but don't
it'll become available a little later.&
& Outside the gas station, continue through the
streets until reaching the shops at the other
& Enter either the video shop or the dress
shop. The choice of path will influence
the details of future scenes, and the puzzles for each area is
& 两个分支是音像店和服装店,路径的选择会影响到未来场景的一些细节,这两个店的
& At the video shop, the door behind the
counter is locked. Go to the security
station in the side room. Check the monitor set, turn the dial
to Camera 3
(overlooking the locked door), and press the red button to
unlock it.&
& 在音像店,收银台后面的门是锁着的,不用着急,打开旁边监控室的门后,使用监控
器,将画面调到 3 号摄像头(玩家手动操作),此时画面应该就是收银台后的那扇门,此
& At the dress shop (Theresa's), the backdoor
in the rear room is locked. A note
posted on it and the tape recorder at the front counter reveal
that an employee
(Jane) has left the key in a coat. In& the rear
room, look for the three coats on
some mannequin torsos. Pull down their zippers to open them. The
key will appear
under the first coat that is opened, but the choice of coat will
affect the details
of the later scenes. Harry will automatically use the key when
he goes to open the
& 至于在服装店,同样此店的后门也是锁着的。门上的便条和前收银台旁的录音机里我
们可以知道一个雇员 Jane 把钥匙落在外套里了。 回到锁着门的房间, 找到 3 件女士外套 (见
的一些细节会有影响。来到锁着的门前,Harry 会自动使用钥匙出门。
Outside behind the video shop or the dress shop,
proceed& through the alleyways,
until climbing over a long wooden fence into the
& At the playground (Alice Darling Memorial
Playground), the next door is also
locked. Look for a bunch of beverage cans at one corner of this
playground, in the
wagon-like structure. Check these cans, shaking them to hear
something clinking
inside one of them. (The correct can is randomly determined.)
Pick up this can,
and rotate it upside down to make the key drop
& 游乐场另一头的门也是锁着的,在游乐场角落有一个马场一样的小建筑物,那里可以
看到 3 个易拉罐(见下图),晃动其中一个易拉罐可以听到里面有声音,钥匙就在里面,
& Continue down the next street until reaching
the diner and the bar.
& Either the diner or the bar will be open. (If
Harry has passed through the dress
shop and opened the middle coat, which has no other garment
beneath it, the bar
will usually be open instead of the diner.) However, Harry's
experiences will be
pretty much the same regardless of which establishment he
& 餐馆和酒吧会有一间是开放的(如果玩家之前选择服装店并打开中间的那件衣服,一
般来说就是酒吧开门)。不过无论选择哪个,Harry 接下来的经历基本是一样的。&
& Inside the diner (Diner 52) or the bar (Good
Old Days Sports Bar), Harry's mobile
phone will become available.&
& 在酒吧或是餐馆,此时 Harry
& Memento&
& A Winter Beacon (Snow Globe)
-& Before leaving the diner or bar, the first
can be found. At the diner, open the cabinet along the wall
behind the counter,
below the microwave oven. At the bar, open the cabinet on the
wall near the front
door, in the small alcove. (Mementos are optional bonuses that
aren't directly
useful to Harry, but they serve as fun
& 纪念品:&
& 同样,在这里我们将发现第一个纪念品:雪晶球。在离开餐馆或酒吧时,就可以找到
& 餐馆,收银台后微波炉下面的柜子,见下左图。&
& 在这里需要注明一点:纪念品只是玩家收集玩的,并不会影响剧情,对游戏也没有任
Enabling the UFO Challenge: After finishing the game at least
once, when
replaying the game with the same profile, United Fruitcake
Outlet (UFO) signs will
replace some billboards in the first chapter. To enable the UFO
challenge, dial
the UFO telephone number (555-3825) as soon as the mobile phone
becomes available.
Photograph all 13 flying saucers and then finish the game to get
the UFO ending.&
& 开启 UFO(此 UFO 非彼
里,UFO 的标志会取代第一章里的一些公告牌。要启动 UFO 挑战模式,就要在手机可以使用
时,拨打 555-3825(如下图所示),然后拍摄 13 个飞行的茶碟,这样就能达成 UFO
& After leaving the diner or bar, Harry should
backtrack through the playground
and the video shop or the dress shop. Now that the mobile phone
is available, Harry
can also begin to find optional hidden objects. Camera ghosts
can be photographed
with the mobile phone's camera function. They appear as
unmoving, shadowy
apparitions that leave& scratchy distortions on
the screen, but they don't make loud
static noises at first. Haunted objects can be triggered simply
by being touched.
They cause the flashlight to flicker and make extremely
noticeable humming noises,
which grow the loudest when the cursor is pointed directly at
& 离开餐馆或酒吧后,玩家要操作 Harry 原路返回。既然手机已经可以使用,玩家就能
操作 Harry 使用手机搜寻一些肉眼无法发现的物体,使用相机拍照这些物体就发现到我们
所说的 Camera Ghost,得到灵异照片,一定要记得保存哦。他们会导致游戏画面扭曲,产
& 还有一种称为 Haunted
& 当玩家拍摄 Camera Ghost 或者接触 Haunted Object
& Camera Ghost&
& Swing Seat -& When
revisiting the playground, photograph the ghost sitting on
the swing seat.&
& 当玩家经过小游乐园时,那个秋千上就有一个鬼魂(见下图),大家可以拍照,照片
Number 1 -& When revisiting the alleyways
behind the video shop or the dress
shop, photograph the saucer floating near a lamppost. (This
appears in both alleyway
areas, so going through either& shop doesn't
& 第一个 UFO 场景在从游乐场返回的途中,在音像店或服装店后面的巷子里(分别见下
aunted Object&
& TV Set or Red Dress -& These
two are mutually exclusive, due to their locations.
When revisiting the video shop, touch the large unmarked TV set
at the corner. When
revisiting the dress shop, touch the red dress at the
& 回到音像店或服装店,分别能发现附着鬼魂的物体,音像店是那个没有标价的电视机
(见下图 1),在服装店就是角落里的红色裙子(见下图 2)。
& After Harry returns to the streets outside in
front of the video shop or the
dress shop, he'll receive a strange call, and big trouble will
come. Start the action
by finding the alleyway door (in front of the vehicle with the
car alarm).&
& 当 Harry 出了音像店或服装店来到街上后,他接到了一个陌生来电。随之将有大麻烦
& This is the first icy death nightmare. In
scenes like this, where the world
warps into a distorted maze-like obstacle course, Harry's
primary goal is to reach
the end point that's marked by the blue X on the mobile phone's
map. Look for the
neon blue outlines that highlight doorways and climbable ledges.
When things are
relatively calm, check the map for the black dots that indicate
useable doors. There
are multiple paths, but as long as Harry keeps moving in the
general direction toward
the end point, he should have little problem reaching
& 这是游戏的第一个冰冻死亡梦魇,周围的场景变成了迷宫,Harry 的首要目标就是达到
虹蓝的边缘可以攀登。当周围比较安静时,玩家可以调出地图查看,Harry 走过的路线在地
& The main threat comes from the enemies. These
monsters cannot be killed, and
they randomly appear and roam about. If they tackle Harry, he
will need to fling
them off.&
& 在该场景下,主人公最大的威胁就是那些怪物。那些怪物杀不死,它们是随机出现,
带有很强的攻击性。如果它们抓住 Harry,按照屏幕提示按键把它们甩掉。&
& 心得:玩家可以通过屏幕的清晰度和静电沙沙声判断怪物是否在附近,怪物出现时,
& The emergency flares are temporary items that
are marked by narrow red columns
of light. Grab them, and save them up for moments when there are
too many enemies.
They can be used even if the bad guys are clinging onto
& 紧急火焰棒是临时物品,游戏里由红色柱状的光标记,很容易发现。拿到后可以在怪
& The end point is the gate to a house's front
yard on Levin St. To get there,
Harry will eventually need to go through a swimming pool
building (Stillwater
Municipal Pool), including some locker rooms and the empty
& 终点是一个房子前院的大门(如下图),位于 Levin 大街上。在到这里之前,玩家会
& 【Chapter 2: Forest to
& Doctor's Office: Coloring
& Respond to Dr. Kaufmann's questions regarding
relationships with others, and
then use the color pens on the drawing of a home. Don't
worry& about being neat.
The coloring will determine the hues seen in the following
cutscene (for the house,
the car, and the homeowners' clothes). Leaving the drawing alone
(in black and white)
is okay, too.&
& 第二章开始,回答 Kaufmann
Cybil's Police Car:&
& After the incident at the Levin St. house,
Harry winds up sitting inside Officer
Cybil Bennett's police car. (Unlike in the original game, she is
stationed at Silent
Hill instead of Brahms. W it's close enough.) When
the windows get
iced-over and she goes out to inspect the road, she mysteriously
vanishes. At this
point, Harry can move to the front seats. To find a bonus item,
don't exit the patrol
& Harry 敲开“自家”的房门却发现别人住在自己家中,随后和其房主发生冲突,房主叫
来了警察。Harry 被 Cybil Bennett 警官带走。在去警局的路上,雪越下越大,车窗也结冻
& Memento&
& Hidden Fire (Cigarette Box)
-& Inside Cybil's police car, open the glove
compartment. (Take this before leaving the
& When ready, exit the police car by going to
either front seat, pulling up the
door lock, and then pulling down the door handle. Harry can't
re-enter the car once
he leaves.&
& Ranger Station:&
& Outside the police car, there is only one
path to the ranger station in the
forest nearby. Hop over the low wooden fence beside the road to
get there.&
& Haunted Object&
& Cabin Telephone -& Outside
the ranger station (the first cabin just after the
police car), touch the public phone near the front
& 护林站小木屋旁的电话,如下图所示。&
& The ranger station itself is a small cabin
with a radio set. The backdoor is
locked. Open the green first-aid cabinet on the wall to find the
key. Exit via the
backdoor to reach the wide forest area.&
& 进去小木屋后,发现小屋的后门是锁着的。打开墙上的绿色急救箱就能找到钥匙。开
& Wide Forest Area:&
& The wide forest area is pretty big, but to
avoid getting lost, just check the
mobile phone's map.&
& 森林很大,为了避免迷路,随时看看地图。&
& Memento&
& Frozen Waters (Marble) -& To
the south of the ranger station, at the base of
the water tower, open the tool compartment. (The water tower is
the unlabeled oval
spot on the map.)&
& 大理石,此物品在护林站小木屋的南边,地图上的椭圆点也就是水塔的底座附近,一
& Haunted Object&
& Flower Wreath -& To the
southeast of the water tower, touch the flower wreath
on a tree.&
& 花魅,在水塔的东南方的一棵树上(见下图 1),地图没有标记,大概位置见下图
& From this wide forest area, there are two
ways to reach the narrow trail area:
through the boat house, or through the pump
& Boat House&
& Located along the shores of Caldecotte Pond,
the boat house consists of two
rooms. Harry can go through this area or the pump station to
reach the narrow trail
& Number 2 -& At the forest's
boat house, at the north room with the hammock,
photograph the saucer floating above the hole in the corner of
the ceiling.&
& 第二个 UFO 地点,在船屋靠北的屋子里,屋子里还有一张吊床,UFO
& Pump Station:&
& Enter the pump station by climbing over the
fence from the wide forest area
or by climbing down the ladder from the narrow trail
& 从水塔通向泵站需要爬过铁丝网,或者从船屋出来进入小道,泵站在小道附近有个通
& Camera Ghost&
& Underground Grating -& At
the dead-end corridor near the bottom of the pump
station's ladder (which connects to the narrow trail area),
photograph the ghost
behind the underground grating, grasping at the bars. To get
into this dead-end
corridor, hop over the pipes in the way.&
& 在泵站的地下道中,有个走廊是一条死路,不过尽头处有个铁栏杆,在此处可以拍到
& Narrow Trail Area:&
& From the boat house or the pump station, the
narrow trail area leads to the
Orion Lodge.&
& 从船屋或泵站出来,就到了小道,该小道通向 Orion
& Haunted Object&
& Sleeping Bag -& At the
narrow trail area, between the boat house and the pump
station's ladder, touch the bloody blue sleeping bag, along the
side of the trail.&
& 睡袋,就在小路上,在船屋和泵站之间,如下两图所示。
Orion Lodge:&
& The lodge is divided into two separate pairs
of rooms that can be accessed via
different doors. One pair is the bear room and the bedroom. The
other pair is the
sofa room and the kitchen. The bear room can change in
appearance (a standard stuffed
trophy look or a horrific blood-soaked look, depending on the
answers to the earlier
& Orion 小屋有 4
& Memento&
& A Moveable Feast (Knife) -&
At the Orion Lodge's bedroom (with the bunk beds),
open the cabinet on the wall. (Sorry, Harry is too
stupid to use this knife
as a weapon.)&
& 匕首,在 Orion 小屋的卧室里,打开墙上的柜子就能找到(见下图)。Harry
& Memento&
& A Broken Ward (Broken Flashlight)
-& At the Orion Lodge's sofa room, open the
drawer of the small cabinet.&
& 坏了的手电, 在 Orion 小屋有沙发的那间屋子, 拉开木柜子的抽屉就能找到,
& Camera Ghost&
& Lodge Sink -& At the Orion
Lodge's kitchen, photograph the ghost on the
& Number 3 -& Outside along
the Orion Lodge's northeast side, photograph the saucer
sitting on a barrel, near the door to the lodge's bedroom. VERY
Because UFOs disappear after Harry enters and then leaves their
areas, he should
photograph this saucer as soon as he comes out to this side of
the lodge, before
going back in there to search for any other
& 一定要注意的是,UFO 的照片最好第一时间拍摄,免得 UFO 在 Harry
& Going through the lodge, exit via the
doors& to the northeast side. Head toward
the small stream and the bridge, and then turn north toward the
X Shack (the building
listed as X on the map).&
& 离开小屋向东北方向前进,越过一座桥和小溪,就能到标记 X
& Stream and Bridge Area:&
& Haunted Object&
& Deer Skull -& Between the
Orion& Lodge and the X Shack, touch the deer skull
on a tree, along the west side of the small stream. (This tree
is upstream from
the bridge.)&
& 鹿的头骨,在 Orion 小屋和 X
& Continue northeast to the shack listed as
X& on the map.&
& 向东北方向前进,来到地图上标有 X 的棚屋。&
& X Shack:&
& For the shack listed as X on the map, the
door is locked. Go to the wooden pallets
beside this X Shack, near the jacket on the bloody snow, and
open the bright pink
wallet to find the key.&
& 棚屋的门是锁着的,来到屋子旁边可以看到一个木架子,架子上有个亮粉色的钱包(见
& Inside the X Shack, move toward the pit in
the rear to see a phantom kid running
back out. There is nothing really special left to find here, so
when ready, head
back out the door.&
& 进入棚屋后,屋里有个井,靠近后会见到一个幽灵小孩跑了出来。屋子里没有其他东
& Forest Maze -& Icy Death
& This is the second icy death nightmare. The
end point is the unnamed building
near a large bridge to the south, but to get there, Harry will
need to make a weaving
run through the Caldecotte Sawmill, the far west cabin, and the
Woodland Lodge along
& 森林迷宫,这是 Harry 的第二个冰冻死亡梦魇,终点是南面的一座大桥附近,地图并
没有注明终点的名称。要达到终点,Harry 这次要绕很远的路。&
& The same rules from before still apply: keep
moving forward, look for the neon
blue lights that highlight doorways and climbable ledges, and
check the map for
the black dots that indicate useable doors. To avoid wandering
off track in the
open forest terrain, follow the bright lantern lights in the
distance. (These
eerie-looking distant lights always point Harry in the correct
they don't appear if he turns back or if he passes them.) After
the sawmill, Harry
will reach a checkpoint at the far west
& 还是相同的道理,一直向前走,寻找霓虹蓝标记的门和可攀爬的高台,随时查看地图
Harry 经过后,这些灯笼就会消失。经过锯木厂,Harry 就能抵达西边的小木屋,此处为存
& Far West Cabin -& Bird
& The far west cabin is a checkpoint, and it's
a safe area. The door at the other
side is barred, being linked to a puzzle
& 西边的屋子是个系统自动存档点,没有怪物。进入屋子后,两边的门都会封死,这里
& Haunted Object&
& Far West Cabin Scene -& At
the far west cabin, touch the icy figures. (This is
associated with the bird puzzle.)&
& Check the bird toy on the sofa. Following the
message's clue about the bird
cries, press the buttons in the& following
order: Duck, Owl, Parrot, Parrot, and
Chicken. (Their sounds are Quack, Hoot, Squawk, Squawk, and
Cluck.) The next door
will now be unbarred.&
& 听完语音信息后,检查沙发上的玩具。根据语音消息的提示,顺序按下鸭子,猫头鹰,
鹦鹉,鹦鹉和小鸡的琴键,声音的话就是 quack,hoot,squawk,squawk 和 cluck,如果前
& After solving the bird puzzle, resume going
south and east, cutting through
the Woodland Lodge. Again, the end point is the unnamed building
to the south. Harry
will need to go up the stairs beside this building to enter it
on the upper level.&
& 出了小木屋后,继续向南跑,然后向东,穿过 Woodland
是一个地图上没有标注的小木屋,Harry 需要爬上楼梯进入木屋。&
& Overlook:&
& Upon reaching the large bridge at the end of
the forest, the world will revert
to normal. Whew. Cross the bridge to the overlook (Bryant
Overlook), where a red
car is parked.&
& Memento&
& Pinned Beauty (Butterfly) -&
After the forest, at the overlook, open the trunk
of the red car.&
& 蝴蝶标本,就在红色小轿车的后备箱里(见下图)。&
& Camera Ghost&
& Open Car Door -& After the
forest, at the overlook, photograph the ghost sittin
Open Car Door -& After the forest, at the
overlook, photograph the ghost sitting
by the red car's open front right door.&
& When ready, hop through the open window of
the tourist information booth, and
go out via the door to the back. Crawl through the hole in the
fence, and then climb
over another fence to reach the football field of the high
& 接下来,翻过路另一边旅游信息厅的窗户,从后门出去。从铁网下方的洞爬过去,然
& 【Chapter 3: School to River
& Doctor's Office: School
& Respond to Dr. Kaufmann's
questions& regarding school life and favorite
subjects. Answering these questions will, as usual, affect the
cosmetic details
of the upcoming scenes.&
& 第三章开始,又回到 Kaufmann
些课程中挑出 4 门最喜欢的课程。同样,答案也会影响今后的场景细节。&
& Football Field:&
& This chapter is the longest, most of it
taking place at the high school. (Come
on, it's not that much different from the elementary school in
the original Silent
Hill, is it?) Snowdrift barriers are blocking places here and
there, so Harry will
need to make quite a detour in order to get into the main school
& 话说上章结尾处,Harry 来到了某中学的橄榄球场上,由于雪堆这一堆那一堆,玩家需
& Number 4 -& At the school's
football field, photograph the saucer floating
between the goal posts on the east side. (This can also be
photographed just before
the end of the previous chapter.)&
& 第四个 UFO 在学校的橄榄球场上,在东边橄榄球门上空,此图在第二章结尾时也能拍
& Past the bleachers, the door leading into
Building A is locked. Go to the other
side of this part of the building, and open the small side
window to find the key
on some shelves.&
& 穿过露天看台,我们会发现 A 建筑物的门是锁着的,此时来到门的另一边,打开小窗
& Streets East of School:&
& Go through the janitor's area in Building A.
A locker here contains some
chemicals and a few other things that can be seen but not taken.
Come out to the
streets on the east side of the school.&
& 进入楼门,穿过看门人的屋子。有个储物柜会有一些东西,不过只能看不能拿走。出
& Haunted Object&
& Warning Poster -& After the
football field but before the fast food restaurant,
at the east side of Building A, touch the warning poster on the
wall near the bike
& 警告标识,经过橄榄球场在快餐店之前,建筑物 A 的东面,走到警告标识前触发灵异
& These streets and alleyways here connect to
the fast food restaurant and the
brothel. The way onward into the school is the backdoor of the
fast food restaurant's
kitchen, but there are some bonus items that can be found
& 街道和小巷连接这快餐店和妓院,从快餐店的厨房后门可以进入学校,但是我们需要
& Brothel:&
& The brothel (whose name can vary) is an
optional area that lies behind the fast
food restaurant. It can be reached either along the streets and
alleyways at the
ground level or across the rooftops at the second floor
& 妓院在快餐店的后面,里会有一些东西可以拿,通过地面或者从快餐店房顶跳过去都
& Camera Ghost&
& Sofa with Wig -& On the
brothel's first floor, photograph the ghost sitting on
the sofa with a wig, between the bar counter and the
& Memento&
& Suffocated Forever (Amber Insect)
-& On the brothel's second floor, open the
heart-shaped jewelry box atop the cabinet.&
& 琥珀,在妓院 2 楼,心型的首饰盒里,见下图。&
& Number 5 -& At the rooftop
path between the brothel and the fast food restaurant,
photograph the saucer floating above a rooftop to the
& Fast Food Restaurant:&
& The fast food restaurant (Wonderland) has two
floors. Enter this place through
the front entrance from the streets or across the rooftops from
the brothel.&
& 快餐店有 2
& Haunted Object&
& Unfinished Meal -& At the
fast food restaurant's dining area, touch the
unfinished meal on the very cluttered table, near the front
& Haunted Object&
& Red Apron -& At the fast
food restaurant's kitchen, touch the bloody red apron
hanging on a hook on the wall, facing the foot of the
& Memento&
& My Plastic Perfect Girl (Girl Doll)
-& At the fast food restaurant's kitchen,
open the refrigerator.&
& 芭比娃娃,快餐店厨房的冰箱里,见下图。&
& To proceed to the main school grounds, exit
via the kitchen's backdoor, near
the refrigerator.&
& 要进入学校的主校区要通过冰箱旁边的门。&
& School East Parking
& The fast food restaurant's backdoor leads
past some snowdrift barriers to the
school's east parking lot.&
& 出门后,绕过一些雪堆来到学校东面的停车场。&
& Haunted Object&
& Blue Car -& At the school's
east parking lot (with the nail-locked window), touch
the blue car, near a theater poster.&
& 蓝色轿车,就在学校停车场上,见下图。&
& The main school grounds can be reached from
this parking lot. Check the
blue-framed, nail-locked window. Pull out the four loose nails,
and then lift open
the window.&
& 从停车场可以进入校区,检查蓝色的窗户,拔掉 4 颗松了的钉子,然后就能打开窗户
& Equipment Storeroom:&
& Climb through the window from the east
parking lot to reach a small side room
and then the equipment storeroom (lost property office), which
has lots of boxes
and some sports equipment.&
& Camera Ghost&
& Hanging Belt -& At the
school's equipment storeroom (lost property office),
photograph the ghost by the belt hanging from a hook on the
& Memento&
& Heavenly Protection (Medallion)
-& At the school's equipment storeroom (lost
property office), open the gray maintenance cabinet on the wall,
above a fire
extinguisher that is lying on the floor.&
& 项链挂饰,还在同一间屋子,打开墙上灰色的木柜子就能发现,木柜子下面是一个灭
& Long Locker Corridor:&
& After the equipment storeroom is a long, wide
hallway with lockers that are
sealed shut. The phantom kid is sitting on a bench next to some
doors to the courtyard,
fleeing when approached.&
& 出了存放室后是一个长廊,两边都有很多储物柜。一直向前走能看到一个幽灵小孩坐
& Haunted Object&
& Photo on Bench -& After
the& school's equipment storeroom (lost property
but before the courtyard, at the long locker corridor, touch the
small photo on
a bench. (This is the same bench where the phantom kid initially
& Head out via the doors near that bench or
through Classroom 4D to go to the
central courtyard outside.&
& 接下来来到学校的庭院。&
& Courtyard:&
& The central courtyard has a statue of the
school's founder.&
& 学校庭院中间有一个雕像。&
& Haunted Object&
& Lunchbox -& At the school's
courtyard, to the south of the statue, touch the
yellowish lunchbox on a table near some
& 餐盒,在学校庭院里,雕像的南边,见下图。
& Number 6 -& At the school's
courtyard, photograph the saucer floating above the
& 第 6 个 UFO,就在雕像的头顶,如下图。&
& Toward Building D, behind the statue, open
the doors to the chemistry and biology
labs, which are interconnected.&
& 向雕像后的建筑物 D
& Biology Lab:&
& The biology lab is next to the chemistry lab.
A bonus item can be found here.&
& 生物实验室和化学实验室相邻,里面有物品可以拿。&
& Memento&
& A Frigid Jewel (Blue Ring)
-& At the school's biology lab, on the front
student desk, pull the scalpel in the
& Past the biology and chemistry labs, go up
the stairs to the planetarium and
the art studio.&
& Planetarium or Art
& Enter either the planetarium or the art
studio. The choice of path will influence
the details of future scenes, and the puzzles for each area is
& At the planetarium, the door at the other
side is locked. Begin by pressing
the projector switch at the control panel to turn on the main
lights for the stars.
Next, swivel the projector until the constellation of Ursa Minor
(the "small bear"
or the "little dipper") rolls into view. It has the very bright
Polaris (the "North
Star") at one end. Then, press the square button at the control
panel to briefly
turn on the laser outlines for the constellations, revealing a
phone number
(555-2327) scribbled next to the outline of Ursa Minor. Dial
555-2327 to unlock
the door.&
& 来到天文馆,另一边出口的门是锁着的。 首先触发下面的灵异事件,通过听语音消息,
听到 small bear。去操作台那里打开投影仪的开关,在大球那里操作旋转大球,让天花板
的开关,此时天花板就会出现一行字和一个电话号码,拨打该电话号码 555-2327,门就开
& Haunted Object&
& Paper Sheets -& At the
planetarium, touch the paper sheets on one of the upper
back row seats. (This can't be found if Harry goes through the
art studio.)&
& 在天文馆里的座位处能触发灵异事件,见下图,对上面的谜题有帮助,如果玩家选择
& At the art studio, the door at the other side
is locked. Studying the sketch
drawing as needed, arrange the moveable objects on the table to
recreate the scene
in the sketch. The objects will project shadows onto the white
sheets on the wall
(under the numbers 555), revealing the last four digits of a
phone number. (The
two figures holding their balls: 8. The single figure: 4. The
swans' necks: 6. The
hinged valve and the swivel pipe: 5.) Dial 555-8465 to unlock
the door.&
& 如果玩家选择来到艺术工作室,另一边的门也是关闭的。大家可以看到如下左图的一
射下会在墙上投射出影子,分别是 8465,然后拨打 555-8465
& Short Locker Corridor:&
& Memento&
& An Eternal Rose (Rose Paperweight)
-& After the planetarium or the art studio,
at the short locker corridor (with the keypad), open Locker
1037, near the foot
of the staircase.&
& 玫瑰镇纸,离开天文馆或艺术工作室,来到一条较短的两遍有储物柜的走廊(走廊口
& Haunted Object&
& Blue Prom Poster -& After
the planetarium or the art studio, at the short locker
corridor (with the keypad), touch the blue prom poster at the
end of the hallway.&
& 注意:下图手电左边找到的柜子打开后可以看到一张照片,这对解开带密码锁的门有
& The door leading outside is locked. The
numbers scratched into the corner of
the keypad indicates the locker that contains the real answer,
so follow it. Open
Locker 1053 (near the blue prom poster), and look at the photo
of the football players
and their jersey numbers (10 and 31). Go back to the keypad, and
enter the code
& 上面刚说过那张照片, 仔细观察照片两个球员队服后面的号码, 分别是 10 和 31,
密码就是 1031,到另一头密码门那里输入 1031 就能开锁,门见下图。&
& Leave Building D and go out to the field in
front of the gymnasium.&
& 出门后来到体育馆外。&
& Field Before Gymnasium:&
& The field in front of the gymnasium has
several trees.&
& 体育馆外的地上有几棵树。&
& Number 7 -& Before the
gymnasium entrance, photograph the saucer stuck in a tree's
branches. Facing the gymnasium entrance, turn right to find this
& Haunted Object&
& Red Balloon -& Before the
front of the gymnasium entrance, touch the red balloon
tied to one of the benches. (Get this before entering the
& 红气球,在体育馆门口,见下图。&
& Gymnasium:&
& Inside the gymnasium, approach the stage at
the other end to meet Michelle Valdez,
a seemingly nice lady. Her appearance, along with other details,
can vary.&
& 进入体育馆,在舞台上遇到
& Principal's Office:&
& Michelle will automatically lead Harry to the
principal's office, where he needs
to break into the student records database. The current password
isn't known, so
click on the "forgot password" option. The three back-up
questions are randomly
determined, but they can all be answered with the clues provided
in this area.&
& Michelle 和 Harry 谈话后,会带着 Harry
电脑设置了密码,没法打开。只好点击忘记密码的选项。这时系统会随机选取 3 个密码保
& Zodiac sign&
& SCORPIO. (See the calendar near the
secretary's desk to learn the principal's
birthday,& and then see the zodiac chart on the
cabinet at the other side of the
same desk.)&
& 校长的星座,天蝎
& Ex-wife's name&
& VALERIE. (See the note taped to the
secretary's monitor, showing the phone
number 555-9433, and dial it to learn her
& 前妻的名字,Valerie。秘书电脑显示器上的便条上有电话号码
& Son's name&
& OTTO. (See the child's drawing leaning
against the shelves near the principal's
& Place of losing
& HAWAII. (See the wedding honeymoon photo on a
shelf near the principal's desk.)&
& True four-legged friend&
& NICKY. (See the tag with the dog leash on the
coat hanger.)&
& Shakespeare's comedy&
& TWELFTH NIGHT. (See the bookshelf at the
corner near the coat hanger.)&
& 莎士比亚的喜剧,Twelfth
& Baseball team's name&
& SHINERS. (See the baseball cap hanging on a
chair in front of the principal's
& King of sports&
& RACQUETBALL. (See the silver trophy along the
wall in front of the principal's
& GEOLOGY. (See the diploma on the wall behind
the principal's desk.)&
& After answering the three questions, the
password will be reset to SUNDAY45.&
& 回答完 3 个问题后,密码会被重置为
& School Maze -& Icy Death
& When Harry leaves the principal's office and
makes his phone call, the world
will warp again. This is the third& icy death
nightmare, and it's a little more
complicated than the previous one. Again, look for the neon blue
lights that
highlight doorways and climbable ledges, and check the map for
the black dots that
indicate useable doors.&
& 当 Harry 看到和自己女儿同名学生的信息后,给联系电话打电话时,周围又变为冰冻
& The end point is the small exit corridor next
to the administrative hall, but
due to the distorted world, Harry will need to make a wide
looping run to the north,
to the west, and then back south. Head through Building C,
across the northwest
parking lot& (beside Building D), and then
through Building D or the gymnasium to
reach the small exit corridor.&
& School Maze -& Photo
& Upon reaching the end point, which is a safe
area, Harry will find the exit
door barred by three icy figures.&
& 来到终点,出口处有 3 个冰雕堵住了出路。&
& Haunted Object&
& School Exit Corridor Scene
-& At the school's small exit corridor, touch
icy figures. (This is associated with the photo
& 碰触冰雕后触发灵异事件。&
& After touching the icy figures and receiving
a voice message, Harry will soon
receive a text message requesting three paparazzi-style photos.
He must go back
into the earlier enemy-infested areas and get these photos in
order to unseal the
exit door.&
& 引发灵异事件后,会收到语音信息,Harry 会收到一条短信,要求拍摄 3
须返回迷宫,拍摄 3 张照片后回来才能打开出口,拍照位置见上图。&
& The photo locations are now marked by eerie
red lights, and they are also marked
by blue Xs on the map. Harry only needs to
actually saving
the pictures isn't necessary. He can get the photos one at a
time, returning to
the small corridor each time, or he can get them all at once if
he wants. Watch
out for the enemies, because they can still get in the way at
the photo locations.
As usual, Harry can maintain his stealth longer if he begins by
turning his
flashlight& off. (Harry gets a checkpoint at
the small corridor, so if he gets
overwhelmed, he'll just get booted back
& 拍照的地方都是红色的, 地图上也会有标记。 拍照后照片不需要保存 (保存也无所谓)
& The "courtyard" photo&
& At the courtyard outside the end point's
corridor, at the northwest corner.
(Look for the red light.) Photograph the ghosts through the
& The "parking lot" photo&
& At the northwest parking lot (beside Building
D), on the high level at the north
side. (Look for the red light.) Photograph the ghosts sitting in
& 停车场的照片,见下图&
& The "locker rooms"
& At the wall of Building F, near the
gymnasium. (Look for the red light.)
Photograph the ghost through the opening in the
& 更衣室照片,见下图。&
& After snapping all three required photos and
returning to the end point's
corridor, the icy figures will disappear, unbarring the exit.
Get out, and the world
will return to normal.&
& Walking to the
& Finally leaving the school, Harry will meet
Michelle again. He should follow
her through the streets and Millais Park to the nightclub where
she works, so they
can borrow a car there. The walk will take a while, but the two
can strike up a
conversation during this time.&
& 离开学校会在校门口遇见
远,玩家操作 Harry 跟着走就行,路上两人会有一些对话。&
& Nightclub:&
& Nobody else is at the nightclub (The Balkan,
which shares the name of the church
from the original Silent Hill). Harry should go into the staff
area. Open either
the darker bluish door or the lighter reddish door. Michelle's
room will always
be reached, but the choice of door will affect the details of
the later scenes.
(The lighter reddish door is the more openly passionate
& 来到夜总会发现一个人都没有。Michelle 打电话去了,Harry 要去
Michelle 的房间拿
钥匙。Harry 会进入员工生活区,无论打开暗蓝色的门或者亮红色的门都是 Michelle 的房
& The car key is hidden somewhere in Michelle's
room. It appears after Harry
searches a certain number of spots, but the choice of which
spots he probes first
will also influence the details of future scenes. They include
the curtains, the
multi-compartment jewelry box, the cookie jar inside the curved
cupboard, the purse
on a chair by the table, and the hamper. After finding the key,
go back down to
rejoin Michelle.&
& 车钥匙在 Michelle 的屋子里,它会在 Harry 搜索过几处后被找到,Harry
的钱包和洗衣篮里。找到钥匙后下楼和 Michelle 会面。&
& Drawbridge Control
& Harry has found the car key, and despite the
strange change of companion, he
proceeds to the drawbridge on Dixon Rd. The drawbridge is
raised, so it needs to
be lowered. (The control tower looks a bit different since the
original Silent Hill,
but the gist remains the same.)&
& 下楼后奇怪的事情发生了,楼下等待的 Michelle 变成了
& Climb the ladder to the second level walkway,
and enter the control booth. Open
the maintenance cabinet on the wall to see the bridge operator's
phone number
(555-3411). Dial 555-3411 to ask the operator (Jimmy Capra) for
help. The call will
get cut off, but the bridge operator will leave a voice message
containing the
& 爬过楼梯,来到控制塔 2 楼,进入控制室。打开墙上的柜子(见下图),里面有工作
就挂了, 我们什么也没听到。 不过没关系, 在楼上胡乱整整, 会接到 Dahlia 催玩家的电话,
& To lower the bridge, begin by pressing the
square power button. Now, look at
the four color lights, and act accordingly as they light up one
& 降下吊桥,先按下电源开关,然后根据 4
& Red light&
& Move the left lever.&
& 红灯拉动左边的拉杆&
& Blue light&
& Move the middle lever.&
& 蓝灯拉动中间的拉杆&
& Yellow light&
& Move the right lever.&
& 黄灯拉动右边的拉杆&
& Green light&
& Don't touch anything, and wait for the next
& 绿灯,什么也不要动,等下一个灯亮就行。&
& After the levers are correctly moved a few
times, the bridge will begin lowering
into place.&
& 按照指示灯操作过后,吊桥就会放下。&
& River -& Sinking Car
& Once the drawbridge is lowered, go back out
to the car to continue driving onto
the bridge. Before Harry knows what's going on, a special icy
death nightmare hits
him. The driver will be fine, so don't worry about
& 吊桥放下后, Harry 回到车上, 但是还没等 Harry 反应过来,
& Looks like Harry himself is in trouble,
though. The doors can't be opened yet,
so just sit around and enjoy the view. Harry has dropped his
flashlight during the
fall, but it will eventually float up over one of the rear
seats, after the car
hits the river bottom with a loud thump. Go grab it when it pops
up, so the game
can continue to the next part.&
& 车掉到了河里,车门是无法打开的,看看窗外的景色就行。在车掉下桥时,Haryy 的手
& After Harry recovers his flashlight, a few
enemies outside will pound on the
car, and creepy messages will appear on the windows. The entire
cabin will be flooded,
but don't worry too much -& Harry can hold his
breath for an amazing period of time.&
& 当 Harry 拿上手电后, 车窗外会有怪物砸车,
& At this point, there are two ways out of the
car. To escape faster, stay at
the front right seat, and when the radio dial flashes brightly,
turn it until the
song becomes clear, magically removing the ice in the car. As
soon as the icy
barricades vanish, using any door, pull up the lock and pull
down the door handle
to exit. Alternatively, Harry can just stay inside the car, and
he will automatically
escape later.&
& 这时,有两个办法离开汽车。想出去快点的话,打开收音机,调到有歌曲的台上,汽
&&& 【Chapter
4: Hospital to Apartment Building】&
& Doctor's Office: Dead Versus
& Respond to Dr. Kaufmann's questions regarding
whether the people on the cards
are dead or merely asleep. As expected by now, the answers will
influence the details
of future scenes.&
& 场景又换到医生的办公室里,这回是让玩家辨认几张照片上,哪些人是死了,哪些人
& Hospital:&
& Harry wakes up to find that Cybil has brought
him to Alchemilla Hospital. (This
place has received one heck of a makeover since the original
Silent Hill.) This
chapter is a very brief one, but it begins with an intense icy
death nightmare.&
& 画面回到 Harry 这里, 当主人公醒来时, Cybil 警官把 Harry 带到了
Alchemilla 医院。
& Hospital Maze -& Icy Death
& While Harry is still in the wheelchair, the
enemies won't come yet. For now,
just roll forward through the corridors. Harry will
automatically steer himself.
At& the stairs outside the reception building,
Harry will get back on his feet and
move about normally again.&
& Cybil 警官推着 Harry 在医院里前进时,聊着聊着,突然梦魇又来了。Harry
轮椅跑路了,Harry 在轮椅上的时候,怪物还不会出现。当离开门诊大楼时,轮椅在楼梯颠
簸一阵后,Harry 从轮椅上摔了下去,下面就要靠 11 路跑路了。&
& This icy death nightmare isn't as lengthy as
the preceding one, but it can be
much tougher due to the relatively higher concentration of
enemies. Once more, look
for the neon blue lights that highlight doorways and climbable
ledges, and check
the map for& the black dots that indicate
useable doors.&
& 这次的梦魇逃跑路线并没有上一个长,但是怪物的数量要多多了。尽量绕开敌人,在
& The end point is the emergency room (ER)
building at the northeast. To get there,
cut through Wards 3 and 4 and then the parking building, or walk
around along the
east via the train yards.&
& 梦魇终点在东北方的急诊大楼里。逃跑路线不光上图一种,大家可以试试搜索一下其
& Emergency Room -& Radio
& The emergency ward hallway is a safe area,
but the next door in the emergency
room is barred.&
& Haunted Object&
& Emergency Room Scene -& At
the hospital's emergency room, touch the icy figures.
(This is associated with the radio
& 还是在急诊室里,来到冰雕旁触发灵异事件。&
& In the emergency ward hallway, see the poster
to learn about Alchemilla Radio's
frequency channel (101.6). Returning into the emergency room,
check the radio set,
and turn its dial to 101.6. The announcer will give instructions
for requesting
a song. Now, see the available songs that are listed on another
poster inside this
emergency room. Putting together all this material and other
hints shouldn't be
very tough. Dial 555-8814 to request the proper song, and it
will unbar the door.
(Make sure the radio set is still tuned to 101.6, or else this
won't work.)&
& 急诊室病床床头有个收音机,打开后调台到海报上所写的
持人会让听众拨打 555-881X(x=0-9)点歌。在另一张海报上,可以看到不同 x 值对应的歌
曲。 病床上的冰雕是父女两人, 那么我们就点 Daddy's girl 这首歌, 那么 x=4, 拨打 555-8814
就能收听这首歌,很快收音机就会提到有人点歌,歌曲播放时门就打开了。相关图片见上 4
& Walking to the Apartment
& Past the& emergency ward,
Harry will come across Lisa Garland, a seemingly
friendly nurse. (Once again, her character receives another
redesign, the last one
being in Silent Hill Origins.) For some reason, Lisa will invite
Harry to follow
her back to her apartment.& Why not? The two
can talk a bit while they walk there.&
& 穿过急诊室,Harry 会遇到 Lisa Garland,一个护士
头部受了伤。于是 Harry 护送 Lisa 回公寓。玩家操纵 Harry 跟着 Lisa 走就行了,路上两
& Lisa's Apartment:&
& Lisa lives in a first floor suite at
Nightingale Apartments (HA HA HA). While
waiting for her to change, Harry can be good by watching some TV
(after using the
remote control on the table) or by staring at the walls, or he
can be evil by
continuously looking at Lisa via the mirror through her bedroom
& Lisa 住在 Nightingale 公寓一楼,在等 mm
控来看电视,或者看看其他地方,当然也可以盯着卧室门口的镜子看 Lisa 更衣(555,我
& No matter how things go, Lisa will lie down
and boss Harry around by telling
him to go fetch& her a pill of a certain color
(red, blue, green, or yellow). This
color can vary, so take care in remembering it
-& or not. Step through the bedroom
and into the bathroom.&
& 接下来 Lisa 会过来躺在沙发上,然后让 Harry
去帮她拿药,药的颜色有四种。Lisa接下来 Lisa 会过来躺在沙发上,然后让 Harry 去帮她拿药,药的颜色有四种。Lisa
玩家拿的药是会变化的,所以玩家要记得 Lisa 让你拿的药的颜色,不记也行。取药要穿过
& Lisa's Apartment's Bathroom's Cabinet's Lower
& Memento&
& Infinite Jest (Skull Ring)
-& At Lisa's apartment's bathroom, play the
& 戒指,在 Lisa 的浴室里(见下图),给八音盒的弹簧上紧后,音乐响完后盒子就打开
& Continuing with Lisa's request, open the
wooden cabinet on the wall over the
sink. The four bottles each contain pills of a different color.
Unscrew their caps
and rotate them upside down to make the pills drop out. Grab a
pill, and bring it
back to her. Giving her the correct pill she has requested or
not will affect the
details of the later scenes. (Harry can carry only one pill.
Lisa won't look at
it when she eats it. And she calls herself a
& 打开水槽上方的柜子,里面有 4 瓶药,打开瓶盖后把药倒出来(见下图)。拿到你要
找的药递给 Lisa 服下,玩家只能拿一粒药,无论药正确与否,Lisa 都会直接服下,玩家是
&&& 【Chapter
5: Mall to Pawn Shop】&
& Doctor's Office: Order of
& Respond to Dr. Kaufmann's questions regarding
guilt for the story about the
king, the princess, the prince, and the bull. Arrange them from
left to right in
the perceived order of decreasing guilt.&
& 画面依然回到 Kaufmann
是公主逃婚, 结果她没有留意警告的告示而钻进了一个牛圈, 被一直公牛顶死了。Kaufmann
& First Attempt to Enter the
& Lisa snoozes away, so Harry should leave and
resume his quest for Cheryl. (If
Harry hasn't done so already, this is his last opportunity to
take the memento in
Lisa's bathroom.) Open the metal gates and exit the apartment
building through the
front doors. Something will come up soon, but for now Harry
needs to approach the
second floor main doors of the shopping mall (Toluca
& Lisa 吃下药就睡着了,Harry 起身离开继续寻找 Cheryl。记住在离开 Lisa
& There are two ways to get to
the& mall's main doors. One way is through the
entrance along Odier St. (This is the street parking entrance.)
A large sign here
shows the mall's mascot -& a cartoon toucan.
(For a clue in a later puzzle, Harry
can photograph the toucan, especially the colors of its beak.)
The other way is
through the warehouse and loading area along the south side. For
an extra item,
go along this second path.&
& 有两条路可以进入购物中心,出公寓左拐和直走都行,左拐绕的路远,不过能大概熟
拍下这只鸟的鸟喙,会涉及到后面的一道谜题。第 2 条路进入购物中心的办公室可以直接
拿到纪念品。当然第 1 条路拿纪念品路很长。&
& Warehouse:&
& The warehouse complex (Golden Leaf Warehouse)
is just across the intersection
from the apartment building. Climb over the fence into the
loading area, and then
climb across the blue container into the open window of a small
side room, which
leads into an office room.&
& 第二条路是出了公寓往前走,然后翻过铁丝网进入购物中心的货物装卸区。翻上蓝色
& Memento&
& Synthetic Femur (Toy Bone)
-& After first leaving Lisa's apartment but
returning there, at the warehouse's office room, open
the& copy machine near the
door to the large storage area.&
& 玩具骨头,就在购物中心的办公室里,打开复印机就能看到。
Second Level Exterior Walkway -& Returning to
Lisa's Apartment:&
& No matter which path he takes, Harry will
wind up on the second level exterior
walkway, before the mall's main doors. At this moment, Lisa will
call Harry to say
that she doesn't feel so great. The mall doors are locked
anyway, so turn around
and backtrack to her apartment. However, if Harry is undertaking
the UFO challenge,
there is something else to do here first.&
& 不论走哪条路,来到购物中心正门口,Lisa 会给 Harry
后 Harry 就向 Lisa 的公寓返回。如果玩家正在进行 UFO
& Number 8 -& At the second
level exterior walkway with the locked mall doors,
photograph the saucer to the north of the bridge railings. (This
can be photographed
over or through the railings.)&
& 第 8 个 UFO,在 2
& When ready, return straight to Lisa's
apartment. (If Harry hasn't done so
already, this is his last opportunity to take the memento in the
warehouse's office
& 一切都准备好后,返回 Lisa 的公寓(这也是 Harry
& Mall Maze -& Icy Death
& Things don't turn out well with Lisa, and
another icy death nightmare hits Harry.
This is another tough one, due in large part to the highly
convoluted layout of
this place. Like before, look& for the neon
blue lights that highlight doorways and
climbable ledges, and check the map for the black dots that
indicate useable doors.&
& Lisa 的情况很不好,如果玩家拿对了药,Lisa 会在 Harry
Harry回去时Lisa已经死了。 此时Cybil来到, 要逮捕Harry, 并说玩家不是真的Harry Mason。
& The end point is the second floor candy shop
in the mall, but to get there,
Harry will need to weave wildly through the middle of the mall.
If he reaches an
exterior courtyard-like high area that has a flare, he should
continue through the
single doorway somewhere below the stairs (not above them), on
the same level as
the flare. Eventually, he will need to run up to a large rooftop
area. From here,
he should go through the Garage Access South or North doorways
at the rooftop corners,&
climb down the stairs to the second floor walkway, and then open
the middle door
that leads to the end point.&
& 终点在购物中心 2 楼的糖果店,在达到之前 Harry
& Candy Shop -& Gumball
& The candy shop is a safe area and a
checkpoint, but the door at the other side
is barred.&
& 糖果店是安全区和记录点,不过出口是封着的。&
& Haunted Object&
& Candy Shop Scene -& At the
mall's candy shop, touch the icy figures. (This is
associated with the gumball puzzle.)&
& 糖果店,走到冰雕前面触发事件。&
& The message contains a clue about the correct
gumball colors matching the beak
colors of the mall's toucan mascot (Tookie). Normally, to see
these colors, Harry
will have to go back out into the middle of the mall (marked by
another blue X on
the map) or, if it's available, refer to a photograph saved
earlier of the mall
sign near the west entrance. The colors are purple, pink, red,
and yellow. (Due
to display issues in the game, however, the proper colors may be
difficult to
distinguish on some monitors.)&
& Check the gumball machine. Grab and shake the
main spherical container to change
the next gumball, and turn the dial to drop this next gumball.
Following the colors
of the toucan's beak, starting from the tip, drop the gumballs
in this order: PURPLE,
PINK, RED, and YELLOW. (This is the order of how they're
obviously, they'll
appear reversed as they stack together along the
& 糖果店的谜题是要取出正确颜色的口香糖,前面让玩家拍下巨嘴鸟的鸟喙,就是让大
& Car Display Area:&
&&& The area
past the candy shop has some contest prize cars on
& 汽车展览区有些汽车可供观赏。&
& Haunted Object&
& Coffee Cup -& At the mall's
car display area, near the book shop (Pageturners),
touch the coffee cup on the tray with some doughnuts, atop a
garbage can.&
& Open the next door into the pet
& 接下来是去宠物商店。&
& Pet Shop:&
& The pet shop (The Family Pet) connects to a
maintenance corridor that leads
further onward. There are some items to find here,
& Number 9 -& At the mall's
pet shop, photograph the saucer inside the upper fish
tank at the corner near the entrance door.&
& Haunted Object&
& Dog Dish -& At the mall's
pet shop, touch the dog dish in the cage at the back
corner, near the fish tanks.&
& Memento&
& Memories Undeveloped (Film Roll)
-& At the mall's pet shop, open the hamster
cage on the shelves near the counter.&
& Toy Shop:&
& The toy shop (Fun and Games) is yet another
store through the mall. There are
a few things to find here, too.&
& 下一站是玩具店,这里也有一些东西拿。&
& Memento&
& My Flying Lizard (Toy Dino)
-& At the toy shop, open the small safe at the
corner. Turn the safe's lock slowly until a heavy click is heard
(about when 70
is positioned at the top of the dial), and then pull the
& 玩具恐龙,打开保险柜就能拿到。慢慢转动保险柜的转锁,听到沉闷的一声后转动手
柄就能打开。大概是 70 转到最上面,见下左图。&
& The front door of the toy shop is locked.
Check the model train set. Push the
red lever to change the tracks, and press the button to make the
train move. With
the tracks changed, the train will eventually crash into the
road block, causing
the key it's carrying to drop out.&
& 玩具店的前门是锁着的,检查玩具火车,拉动红色拉杆改变火车轨道。按动按钮开动
& Toucan Statue Area:&
& Outside the toy shop is the toucan statue
(the same one that can be used for
the gumball puzzle).&
& 玩具店外是个巨嘴鸟的雕像。&
& Haunted Object&
& Red Ball -& At the mall's
toucan statue area, touch the red ball on the bench
near the lingerie shop (Chica Bella).&
& This area connects to the gift card shop and
the salon.&
& Gift Card Shop or
& Enter either the gift card shop or the salon.
The choice of path will influence
the details of future scenes, and the puzzles for each area is
& At the gift card shop (Celebration Time Gift
Shop), the door behind the counter
is locked. The haunted keypad yields a message containing a clue
tied to the musical
anniversary cards (strings for the 20th, and jazz for the 50th),
so enter the code
2050 at the keypad.&
& 在贺卡店,银台后面的门是锁着的。门旁的密码键盘会触发灵异事件,通过语音信息
可以在贺卡店找到密码。先是 strings,对应的贺卡上写着 20th,下来是爵士 jazz,卡片
封面写着 50th,密码就是 2050。键盘不太好按,多来几次就能打开密码门。&
& Haunted Object&
& Gift Card Shop Keypad -& At
the gift card shop, touch the keypad. (This can't
be found if Harry goes through the salon.)&
& 贺卡店的密码锁,见下图 1。&
& At the salon (New Looks), the backdoor is
locked. Check the three sinks. Twist
the dials to hot, and turn the handles to open the water
faucets, letting the steam
reveal messages written onto the mirrors above the sinks. The
left mirror will show
the message "Code 1789" in reverse, so enter the code 1789 at
the keypad.&
& 在美发店的话,后门是锁着的。把水温表盘的温度调高,打开水龙头,水蒸气在镜子
上会形成雾气。 左边的镜子上会出现一条反着的信息密码 1789, 见下右图, 输入该密码后,
& Past the gift card shop or the salon is the
security corridor.&
& 穿过贺卡店或美发店,Harry 来到安全通道。&
& Security Corridor:&
& The security corridor is the one after the
gift card shop and the salon. A locker
here contains a radio handset, a bag of evidence, and a few
other things that can
be seen but not taken.&
& 安全通道有很多东西,不过只能看,不能拿。&
& Haunted Object&
& Magazine Book -& After the
gift card shop or the salon, at the mall's security
corridor, touch the magazine book on one of the greenish garbage
cans. (Its location
depends on the area from which Harry enters this corridor, being
on the garbage
can that is farther away from his point of
& 杂志,在安全通道里的绿色垃圾桶上,见下图。&
& To proceed, go up the stairwell to the office
supply shop.&
& 通过楼梯井上楼来到办公用品店。&
& Office Supply Shop:&
& The office supply shop (Photographic Memory)
is on the way to the theater.&
& 办公用品店出去后就能到剧院。&
& Haunted Object&
& Flash Memory Card Rack -& At
the mall's office supply shop, touch the flash memory
card rack at the corner, between the shelves of picture
& Outside in Front of the
& Camera Ghost&
& Mall Bench -& Before the
front of the theater's entrance, photograph the ghost
sitting on the mall bench in the taped-off area, next to a
bloody spot on the floor.
This is between the theater's entrance and the homeware shop
(Housewife's Bazaar).&
& 剧院入口前面,板凳上,见下图。&
& Theater:&
& The theater (Cinereal) will show a film that
can vary. The lobby contains a
few Konami coin-operated arcade games dating back to the 1980s:
Gradius, the sci-fi
Rush 'n Attack, the side-scrolling action game
that is originally
called Green B and Contra, the 2-player action shooter that
well-known Konami classic. Sadly, none of the arcade machines
can be played by Harry
& 下面进入剧院,剧院放映的电影根据以前玩家的选择是会变化的。前厅有一些早期
Konami 制作的街机,见下三图。可惜的是,Harry 没法玩这些游戏。&
& Memento&
& The Modern Prometheus (Frankenstein's Monster
Figure) -& At the mall's theater's
lobby, play the crane game (The Toy Zone). It's free to play.
Press the right arrow
switch and then the up& arrow switch to
automatically line up the claw with the
& 弗兰肯斯坦的模型,在剧院的前厅,玩抓玩具机,见下图,先按右箭头,再按上箭头
& When ready, continue through the next
corridor to the viewing room.&
& 准备好后,接下来来到放映厅。&
& Theater Viewing Room:&
& There is some distortion heard in the viewing
room at first, but it's just for
the images that will be projected onto the screen. Exit via the
double doors to
the left of the front row seats.&
& 放映厅会播放影片,从左前方的门出去。&
& Alley and Streets After the
& After the theater's exit corridor, the
alleyway and the following section of
streets lead to the pawn shop.&
& 出了剧院后,一直来到当铺。&
& Camera Ghost&
& White Car -& After the
theater but before the pawn shop, photograph the ghost
on the ground behind the white car.&
& Pawn Shop:&
& The pawn shop (Green Lion, in reference to
the original Silent Hill's antiques
shop) is the place listed as Harry's new residence, on Simmons
& 当铺是 Harry 的新住所,位于 Simmons
& Number 10 -& At the pawn
shop, photograph the saucer on a top shelf near the
entrance door.&
& 第 10 个
& The staff door is locked. Check the front
side of the booth's counter. Unscrew
the bolt of the wooden shelf to drop the key down to the
turntable, and then pull
the red handles of the turntable to spin it into reach.
& Memento&
& We, Ouroboros (Serpent Ring)
-& Before going up the stairs to the pawn
second floor, enter the booth, and open the small blue
& 戒指,打开员工专用门后不要上楼,先通过右边的门进入刚才的封闭式收银台,打开
& When ready, proceed up the stairs to the
second floor corridor.&
& 拿到东西后来到 2 楼的走廊。&
& Pawn Shop Maze -& Icy Death
& After the meeting in the pawn shop's bedroom,
Harry enters the last real icy
death nightmare in the game. This is a seemingly n


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