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“My ability to connect effectively with my students is greatly enhanced by your wonderful support. Thank you.”
, 4th-grade-teacher
Glendale, CA
“You listened to my question and helped me to better understand how to resolve my issue. Well done.”
Greenville, NC
“I am always very, very impressed with the support I have received...your team has been very professional.”
, 5th-grade-teacher
Las Vegas, NV
Our award-winning Support team is full of former educators who know first-hand what it’s like to work in a classroom and understand that even the smallest changes can make a big difference. Whether you , , or want to , we’re available 24/7.
Always ready with an answer,
too—about the things you like (and the ones you don’t). We’re your advocates and want to position you and your students for success. On Edmodo and beyond.
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We consider you our Chief Education Officers.
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Edmodo Certified Trainer
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Edmodo Spotlight Luminary
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Members of the Teacher Leader Network are the heart of Edmodo, our biggest advocates, and trusted partners. If you’re an educator who wants to work directly with the Edmodo team to support and inspire others, join the movement today.
Meet our ambassadors
Here are the familiar faces you’ll see in the Teacher Leader Network.
ESOL/ELA, Florida
Middle School Technology, New York
5th Grade Teacher, Utah
Middle School ESOL, Georgia
9th/12th Grade ELA, New Jersey
8th Grade ELA, Virginia
Computer Technology, Philippines
Middle School Computers, Florida
5th/6th Grade Teacher, Spainmodo.Template.set('footer', '
modo.Template.set('login-modal', '
登录至Edmodo Welcome Back
Incorrect phone number or password
发生一个错误。 如果您持续收到此信息,请联系支持团队:。
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modo.Template.set('join-group-landing', '
你所输入的密码无效 你尝试加入的群组已经锁定。
The group you are trying to join does not belong to this school or school district.
modo.common.growth.set('public_profile_connection_test', false);
modo.common.growth.set('growth_dummy_test', 'not_in_test');
modo.common.growth.set('growth_dummy_test_429', 'not_in_test');
modo.common.growth.set('parent_signup_test_var', 'var1');//PARENTS-590
//create main modo controller instance for landing page => views.Index7.controllers.V1Controller
var Page = modo.views.Index7.create({
version: "variant_1",
error: "",
language: "zh",
join_code: "", // group public code
group_code: "", // group code
joining_group_id: "", // group id for group user trying to join
group_invitation_id: "", // group_invitation_id (no group codes used)
show_login_modal: false,
parent_code: "",
email: "",
referrer_id: "",
contact_id: "",
from_google_adwords: false,
user_m_id: "",
user_e_id: "",
phone_number: "",
redirect_to_marketing: "",
// Subdomain specific fields
subdomain: "",
district_id : "",
school_id : "",
publisher_id : "",
entity_name : "",
about_text : "",
is_signup_allowed: 0您已成功注册高顿网校
请尽快到个人中心 。
如有疑问请致电 400-825-0088
+ 上传图片
很愤怒刚学习不久,没法学啊要考试了,急死我了这次就不告诉你们老板了,限你们赶紧弄好算了,麻木了modo.Template.set('footer', '
modo.Template.set('login-modal', '
Log In to Edmodo Welcome Back
Email or Username
Username required
Password required
Incorrect username or password
Incorrect phone number or password
An error has occurred. If you continue to receive this message please contact support at
Or log in with
modo.Template.set('join-group-landing', '
Join a Group
The code you entered is invalid The group you\'re trying to join is locked.
An error occurred. If you continue to see this message please contact support at .
Group Code
The group you are trying to join does not belong to this school or school district.
modo.common.growth.set('public_profile_connection_test', false);
modo.common.growth.set('growth_dummy_test', 'CONTROL');
modo.common.growth.set('growth_dummy_test_429', 'not_in_test');
modo.common.growth.set('parent_signup_test_var', 'var1');//PARENTS-590
//create main modo controller instance for landing page => views.Index7.controllers.V1Controller
var Page = modo.views.Index7.create({
version: "variant_1",
error: "",
language: "en",
join_code: "", // group public code
group_code: "", // group code
joining_group_id: "", // group id for group user trying to join
group_invitation_id: "", // group_invitation_id (no group codes used)
show_login_modal: false,
parent_code: "",
email: "",
referrer_id: "",
contact_id: "",
from_google_adwords: false,
user_m_id: "",
user_e_id: "",
phone_number: "",
redirect_to_marketing: "",
// Subdomain specific fields
subdomain: "ael",
district_id : "",
school_id : "139798",
publisher_id : "",
entity_name : "",
about_text : "Leandro Segura Leandro.segura@lincoln.edu.ar",
is_signup_allowed: 1
new E.apps.CommunityResourcesApp({
: '#subdomain-resources',
: Billygoat.vent,
: 'subdomain',


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