
4,689被浏览591,747分享邀请回答ets.org/s/toefl/pdf/toefl_writing_rubrics.pdf上图用的是原始分,也就是考官评分时候用的度量衡。最后两篇文章的原始分会折算成30分满分的那个分数。5分是最高档位的原始分,0分最低。如果单看一个分数段,会觉得这个评分标准实在是太没画面感了,或许能看懂,但是对备考没什么实质性帮助。但是对比起来看就有点意思了。(主要参考3,4,5分档位的描述)首先,五分档说:A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections. (音频中的重点信息都得抓出来和文章中的信息建立关系。有点像非诚勿扰,有组织地筛选+匹配。还得有思路清晰,允许有但是少有无伤语义的语法或词汇错误)四分档说:A response at this level is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading. A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.(和五分档相比,重要信息匹配方面出现了疏漏,含糊的表达。小错误也增多了,但也不至于频发。)三分档说:A response at this level contains some important information from the lecture and conveys some relevant connection to the reading, but it is marked by one or more of the following: (要是犯了下列毛病中的一项就足以low到这个档位。)■ Although the overall response is definitely oriented to the task, it conveys only vague, global, unclear, or somewhat imprecise connection of the points made in the lecture to points made in the reading.(含糊其辞。这一条足以说明许多网上的模板套路不攻自破)■ The response may omit one major key point made in the lecture.(缺失音频中的核心信息。这说明一个观点+三个论据。一个都不能少。)■ Some key points made in the lecture or the reading, or connections between the two, may be incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise.(缺失音频或者文章中的核心信息,忽略这些信息间的关系解释。这说明:不光是音频中的四个关键点(1个观点+3个论据) 一个都不能少,阅读中相应的四个关键点也一个都不能少。而且音频和文章的对应关系要讲清楚。)■ Errors of usage and/or grammar may be more frequent or may result in noticeably vague expressions or obscured meanings in conveying ideas and connections.(这是基本功的问题,语法和词汇使用太不靠谱。这说明:至少要让考官阅读起来不费劲儿。顺便提一句,至于用不用“高大上”词其实不重要。上面三个分数档也完全没有提对词汇难度的要求。准确达意就好。)———————————————————————————————————————4. 想要达到高分档位,需要具备哪些能力?+ 5. 如何具备这些能力时间顺序走起,需要具备的能力点有三个方面:A.阅读阶段B.听音频阶段C.打字写作阶段A.阅读阶段:-(1)在那3分钟阅读文章的时候,要看得懂,找到每一段的重点。-(2)找出核心信息并记在草稿纸上,注意简洁。如何获得上述能力:-(1)阅读能力提升可以参考 或者雅思这篇的后半段:当然,注意每次练习完了一篇综合写作以后别忘了收拾一下这篇中出现的高频生词(千年等一会的专业术语就不用去记忆了)。每练习完一篇都别浪费喽,一步一步,积少成多,总有一天是满满的成就感。另外,想额外补单词的考生可以参考目录下的单词篇-(2)找重点信息的指导原则是:首段得看懂观点,接下来三段分别是三个支撑这个观点的论据。这些信息的呈现方式往往是开门见山,这包括:开篇见主题,每段的段首见段意大意。-(3)笔记别着急记,看懂再动笔,不然记了也白记。在看懂的基础上,以大家对信息的处理能力应该可以筛选出两三个具有代表性的词语的。给自己一个有代表性的提示,等会看见这几个词儿能够立刻想起来这段说的是什么。切记,别大片大片照着抄,时间来不及,而且没必要,写作的时候阅读文章还会复出的。-(4)做到高效记录的捷径是养成信息规整的习惯。综合写作中的信息规整最明显地体现在格式上。见下表就一清二楚了:信息记录中比较便捷和清晰的格式是左右分栏,阅读文章和音频内容一一对应。论据之间的反驳也是一一对应。这样就使得结构和关系更加清晰。举个栗子;(经典的TPO3 综合写作)TPO-V03 Reading PassageRembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters. However, there are doubts whether some paintings attributed to Rembrandt were actually painted by him. One such painting is known as Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet. The painting was attributed to Rembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the woman's face is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there are problems with the painting that suggest it could not be a work by Rembrandt. First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in the portrait is dressed She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind that only servants would wear--yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servant could afford Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of his subjects' clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency. Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in this painting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminated by light reflected onto it from below. But below the face is the dark fur collar, which would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appear partially in shadow--which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never have made such an error. Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandt often painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses a panel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood. For these reasons the painting was removed from the official catalog of Rembrandt's paintings in the 1930s. 阅读笔记的解释:首先,第一段说明的“文章主要观点”是这幅画不是出自R这个人。也就是上表中第一行的笔记,箭头表示“出自”,非常简单直白。接着,第二段讲的“论据一”:这画有个不相称的地方,麻布材质的帽子显示出这个画中主角是个仆人,但是皮草的毛领子又是只有富人才买得起的,R这样的大师才不会犯这种错误。在做笔记的时候,尽可能做到言简意赅。不能照抄原句,只能写下核心词,比如inconsistent,如果手速不够快,直接写inconst~,也可以,只要自己等会看笔记能够看懂就好。第三段讲的“论据二”:这画的光影不对,画中人的脸被从下往上的光源照亮但是脸下方却是深色毛领子,按理来说只能吸光,根本没法达成照亮脸的效果。R是光影大师,肯定没那么傻。核心词就是light,不fit.
具体记下就是face 被illuminated,但是dark collar. 这里的illuminated也可以简写成illmn,如果怕时间来不及的话.第四段讲的“论据三”: 画的背景板是几块木板拼凑起来的,不是R这人的画画风格。这个之间看笔记,秒懂
pieces glued. → X R.~就按照这个方法阅读+笔记。如果阅读速度不够快,可以省略一些细节,但是至少保证自己抓到文章的主要观点+三个论据。_______________________________________B.听音频阶段:非常重要的阶段。这阶段需要的能力是(1)手脑协同的能力。这里指的是耳边听手边写。综合写作和托福听力部分的最大区别在于综合写作部分的音频信息需要大量运用进作文,这就要求考生需要尽可能多地记录信息,不仅仅是段落的大意,还得有各种细节出的表达。——这种协同能力的培养最好的方式是练习一段时间的听抄,用的材料最好只用综合写作的音频,而不要用听力部分的音频,否则副作用比较恶心,这点在听力部分详细讲过。关于音频哪里下载的问题,请参考本文最后的下载专区。Sindy整理进了网盘,欢迎下载。(2)大脑的记忆能力。这里说的记忆能力不是指超级大脑,也不是指纯复述词句,而是指对于文章和音频之间逻辑关系的记忆。一边听音频的时候,一遍要记得刚才阅读的文章中有哪些信息是论据中被反驳的关键点,当然,这种关系的建立可以借助上文提到的笔记格式。但是脑力记忆依然很重要,需要考生平时在练习的时候就全神贯注。若是疲惫状态,建议不要做TOEFL备考练习。举个栗子;TPO-V03 Listening ScriptEverything you just read about Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet is true. And yet, after a thorough reexamination of the painting, a panel of experts has recently concluded that it’s indeed a work by Rembrandt. Here’s why.First, the fur collar. X-rays analysis of the pigment in the paint have shown that the fur collar wasn’t part of the original painting. The fur collar was painted over the top of the original painting about 100 years after the painting was made. Why? Someone probably wanted to increase the value of the painting by making it look like a formal portrait of an aristocratic lady.Second, the supposed error with the light and shadow. Once the paint of the added fur collar was removed, the original painting could be seen. In the original painting, the woman is wearing a simple collar of a light colored cloth. The light colored cloth of this collar reflects light that illuminates part of the woman’s face. That’s why the face is not in partial shadow. So in the original painting the light and shadow was very realistic and just what we expect from Rembrandt.Finally, the wood panel. It turns out that when the fur collar was added, the wood panel was also enlarged with extra wood pieces glued to the sides and top to make the painting more grand and more valuable. So the original painting was actually painted on a single piece of wood as would be expected from Rembrandt’s painting. And in fact, researchers have found that the piece of wood in the original form of Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for another painting by Rembrandt, his self portrait with a hat. 听力部分的笔记和阅读部分的笔记不同,听力需要尽可能记得详细,毕竟听力内容不会像阅读内容那样复出了。听完开头的两句话,我们就可以大胆自信地在笔记表的右侧第一行打上一个对勾了。毫无疑问,综合写作的lecturer就是过来唱反调的:这幅画就是R~的真迹,杠杠滴。听力中的第一个论据:毛领子是后来加上去的。完美反驳了左侧的阅读论据一。这里的细节能记多少就记多少。当然,如果有些词真的比较难,比如aristocratic,怕自己拼不对,那也可以省略不计。笔记见上图。听力中的第二个论据:如果毛领子去掉,原画中的脸下方是浅色的领子,光影效果很合理。参考上图,这里的词汇都能轻松搞定吧。听力中的第三个论据:拼凑的木板也是后来加上去的,原来就是一块单板。为的是让这幅画更大气,更值钱。这木板刚好和R~的自画像源自同一棵树。参考上图,词也都不难。这里注意,如果在边听边记的过程中实在来不及,那就遵循”抓论据为主,记细节为辅“的原则。如果被听力拖累了,细节好多都木有记下肿么办,不着急,码字过程还是可以补救的,继续往下看。_____________________________________C.打字写作阶段:写作部分终于上场了。不少同学进入打字阶段就呆呆地举步维艰,这里Sindy干脆把每一句话的任务都讲清楚,方便大家学习和练习。共十三个要点。这里的原则是每一句话都有自己的功能,我们把这种必须用上的拿分功能叫做 “要点”,十三句话对应十三个要点。当然,如果有些考生在实战中无法造长句,也可以把一个要点的那一句话分成两小句话。但是要点不能少。这13点分别是:第1点:阅读中说了XXX。但是听力中说的是XXX。第2点:阅读中的第1个论据第3点:听力中的第1个论据第4点:听力中的第一个论据的补充第5点:打点句(点明这是第一个不同点)第6点:阅读中的第2个论据第7点:听力中的第2个论据第8点:听力中的第2个论据的补充第9点:打点句(点明这是第2个不同点)第10点:阅读中的第3个论据第11点:听力中的第3个论据第12点:听力中的第3个论据的补充第13点:打点句(点明这是第3个不同点)有木有发现,除了第一句话,接下来都是“阅读——听力——听力细节——打点句”的节奏。提醒一句,时态用过去式,或者现在时都可以,重点是要全文统一。下面我们把这个13点的结构用在刚才的栗子里试试:(1)阅读中说了XXX。但是听力中说的是XXX。阅读文章说的是Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet不是出自伦勃朗的观点。但是讲话人驳斥了这个观点并用新的证据证明该画就是他的原作。The reading’s conclusion (opinion/statement/judgment) is that the Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet is not Rembrandt’s work. But the lecturer rebuts the statement, and proves it is Rembrandt’s work with new evidences.(2)阅读中的第一个分论点
首先,阅读指出这幅画在服装搭配上犯有低级错误,而伦勃朗(一个对画服装非常考究的大师)是不会犯这种错误。Firstly, the reading passage demonstrates that the painting has an elementary mistake of clothing-consistency, which Rembrandt, a master of clothing-drawing, would never commit.(3)听力中的第一个分论点 但是,教授指出,画中的毛领实际是其他人为了增加该画的价值而加上去的,因而导致服装搭配不协调。But the lecturer challenges this point by saying that the inconsistency was caused by the fur collar, which was actually an add-up by someone else, who was trying to increase its value.(4)听力中的第一个分论点的补充原画的外套完全与帽子匹配,符合画中人佣人的身份。The coat in the original painting perfectly matches the hat, and fits the subject’s status as the servant.(5)打点句(点明这是第一个不同点)这是讲话与阅读内容相左(矛盾/不同)的第一点。This is the first obvious divergence where the lecturer disagrees with the reading passage.(6)阅读中的第2个分论点其次,阅读认为画中的光影效果也不符合伦勃朗的风格。Secondly, the writer states that the light and shadow of this painting is not like Rembrandt’s style.(7)听力中的第2个分论点然而,教授指出,恰恰又是这个后加上去的毛领子导致了错误。On the contrary, the lecturer illustrates that it was the later-added fur collar again which caused the mistake.(8)听力中的第2个分论点的补充原画中的衣服(毛领之下)是浅色的,其实能够反射出正确的光影效果。The coat in the original painting, under the fur collar, was a pure light color, which can reflect the right effect.(9)打点句(点明这是第2个不同点)这是讲话与阅读内容相左(矛盾/不同)的第二点。This is the second explicit point where the lecturer challenges the reading.(10)阅读中的第3个分论点第三,阅读指出该画是画在由几块木板拼接的画板上,这与伦勃朗喜欢画在整块木板上的习惯不符。The reading then indicates that the painting was painted on a glued-together wood piece, which was not the style of Rembrandt either, who used to paint on a single piece of wood.(11)听力中的第3个分论点关于此点,其实该画其实就是画在整块木板上,而周围的木板是改画人为了使其看起来更大更值钱而后粘上去的。As for this point, the truth is that this painting was painted on a single piece of wood, while the extra woods were added by the painting-modifier(s) in order to make it grander and more valuable!(12)听力中的第3个分论点的补充另外,最新证据发现,该画的木板与另外一个已经被证明是伦勃朗的原作的画的木板来自于同一棵树。Plus, according to the newest findings, the wood panel of this painting was cut from the same tree as another painting which had been confirmed to be Rembrandt’s work.(13)打点句(点明这是第3个不同点)这是教授用来澄清该画是伦勃朗原作的第三点。This is the third point which the lecturer uses to clarify that this painting is the real work of Rembrandt.大功告成。谢谢阅读。一次性码字那么多,希望木有恶心到大家。========================我是分割线,下面是独立写作==========================怎么写好托福的独立写作?在开始讲“怎么写好”之前,很有必要定义一下什么是“好”的独立写作。没有谁比托福的出题机构ETS更有资格告诉大家什么是“好”的标准。 上一行这链接指向ETS官网的资料下载“Download Library”。先做一个扫盲,尽管写作在成绩单上显示的是30分的分数,但是在考官打分的时候其实用的是“原始分”标准。这个“原始分”和最终的“折合分”换算的比例是这样的:见图所以,下面我们都用考官打分时候的原始分进行讨论。针对独立写作,ETS是这样描述评分标准的。(见下图)这表格左列的分数是原始分,最低是0分最高是5分。这表格右列是对各个分数段作文标准的描述。在0分那一行,对应的描述是“ An essay at this level merely copies words from the topic, rejects the topic, or is otherwise not connected to the topic, is written in a foreign language, consists of keystroke characters, or is blank.” 很明显,这意思是:0分的作文仅仅抄了题目中的词;或者简单地反驳,比如说我不同意,然后就没有然后了;或者写得风马牛不相及;或者不是用英语写的;或者一堆按键符号,比如#¥%&&*;或者干脆空白,啥都没写。(Sindy只是用大白话表达意思,不负责信达雅。)在1分那一行,对应的描述是 这意思是,得1分的文章有这些毛病:就只写了两三句只言片语,完全没有拓展;没有细节,写了些不相干的废话;有严重的句法错误。总之,不知所云。(这类作文,考官直接看不懂,秒过。)在2分那一行,对应的描述是 这意思是:得2分的文章有这些毛病:作文写得干瘪,没什么拓展;观点之间没有衔接,思维乱跳;论述不足,例子不足,没把话说开;用词不妥,词汇形式用错;多处出现句子结构崩坏。(批到这种卷子,求考官的心理阴影面积有多大。)在3分那一行,对应的描述是 这意思是,得3分的文章有这些毛病:虽然作文写了一些论述和例子,但是写得太少,而且不到位;总算是论点之间有点衔接了,但是衔接得令人费解;句子和词语都写了一些了,但是多处句子写得蹩脚,词语用得诡异,无法清晰达意;句法和词汇单调有限。(这类作文,考官看完会想静静)在4分那一行,对应的描述是 这意思是,得4分的文章有这些特点:针对题目,不错滴阐述了论点,尽管有些地方阐述得不详细;总体的拓展得挺好,尽管时而有点啰嗦,或者有点跑偏;用词用句灵活多样,尽管有时候犯些无伤大雅的小错误;(这时候的考官已经开始享受阅读这档考生的文章了)在5分那一行,对应的描述是 这意思是,得5分的文章有这些特点:论述清晰到位,文章拓展得有理有据,衔接得行云流水,句法词汇使用灵活多样,尽管小错误还是有的,但是可以忽略不计。(考官眼前的世界都瞬间美好了。)读完这0-5的分数和对应的描述,有没有发现什么被反复强调了的关键呢?细心的话,不难发现这几个词经常被提及:development (拓展),details (细节), organisation (构架), cohesion (连贯), sentence structure (句型), word choice (用词), variety (多变).做到这7个词的作文就是高分文章。说到这里,有些考生就开始抓狂了,这7个词说得轻巧,但是臣妾做不到啊。于是,接下来搞定如何做到。一切不拿具体题目讲的方法论都是耍流氓。于是,上考题:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”题目问,是否同意这个观点:“教师和学生处得好 比教师教纯知识 更重要。”当一道作文题赤果果站在你面前的时候,是不是瞬间变身天秤座了?觉得agree也有道理,disagree也有道理,但是无论选哪边都不好办。而且,正在选择综合症的你,这时候已经把刚才的那7个词忘干净了,真的一点残留都没有。温馨提示,那7个词是development,details, organisation, cohesion, sentence structure, word choice, variety.从Development开始,在这里并非发展的意思,而是拓展,让你的思路展开。也就是说,假如我们选择了立场,disagree, 咱不觉得有钱就是成功,那么必须说说 除了钱以外还有什么是成功的衡量标准。这时候就需要开脑洞地思考。其实不难想出来,还有名誉,知识,甚至,爱,或者 大家的尊重。是不是瞬间觉得更有话说了?从中挑选两三个吧,每个都是一个观点,都能写成一段。这里有一个黄金原则,给观点,必给解释;给解释,必给例子。观点+解释+例子是优秀论述的典型结构。这就是detail发挥作用的地方。比如,写“尊重”的那一段:I believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success. (观点)+Without that respect, money means little. (解释)+For example, I once did some work for a top attorney in a law firm. He made a very good salary, but he wasn’t a nice man. No one ever did work for him willingly. He ordered everyone around, and we didn’t respect him. In contrast, however, I had a wonderful band director in high school. He had to take extra jobs just to make enough money to support his family. However, his students had great respect for him and always listened to what he said. As a result, we were a very good band. (例子) + As a result, we were a very good band. In my opinion, my band director was more successful than the attorney was.(最好像这样说完例子再温馨提示一下刚才自己的观点)。于是我们挑3个分观点,名誉,尊重,和知识,足够写成一篇三百多字的文章。顺便这也自然地构成了organisation,每个观点写一段,再加首尾段就刚好是5个段落,一篇好文。比如:Many people believe that a large income equals success.(说趋势) I believe, however, that success is more than how much money you make.(大白话说清楚我的观点) Some of those measures of success include fame, respect, and knowledge.(拓展解释)Most people assume that famous people are rich people, but that isn’t always true.(分观点一) For example, some day I would like to be a famous researcher. Few scientists are rich by today’s standards.(例子细节) Still I will feel myself to be successful if I am well-known.(解释个人情感) Additionally, there are many famous humanitarians who are not rich. Mother Theresa was one. Certainly, no one would say she was not successful.(例子细节)I also believe that being respected by coworkers indicates success(分观点二). Without that respect, money means little. (解释)For example, I once did some work for a top attorney in a law firm. He made a very good salary, but he wasn’t a nice man. No one ever did work for him willingly. He ordered everyone around, and we didn’t respect him.(例子细节) In contrast, however, I had a wonderful band director in high school. He had to take extra jobs just to make enough money to support his family. However, his students had great respect for him and always listened to what he said. As a result, we were a very good band.(还是例子细节) In my opinion, my band director was more successful than the attorney was.(重申强调观点)Finally, I think one of the most important indicators of success is knowledge. (分观点三)Wealthy people don’t know all the answers.(解释) For example, in the movie Good Will Hunting, the only person who could solve some complex problems was the janitor. He knew a lot, and decided what he wanted to do with that knowledge rather than just think about money. (例子细节)In my opinion, he was extremely successful.(重申强调观点)When we think of history, there are few people that we remember simply because they were rich.(重申强调观点) Overall, we remember people who did something with their lives - they were influential in politics, or contributed to science or art or religion.(总结) If history is the ultimate judge of success, then money surely isn’t everything.(升华)这一番分析其实已经讲了那7个词中的4个(development,details, organisation, cohesion),这4个词的基础是母语的组织能力,也就是中学语文作文的思维能力。若要说区别,那就是西方的语文表达更倾向于直白和具象。总体来说,这种语言拓展和组织能力,对于中学语文尚可的考生来说,是可以通过多看几篇官方文章和自己练习就能在两周内学会的。下面这行链接里包含了ETS给的官方的各分数段的范文。下面这行链接的Page 72包含了另一些官方给的范文。另外还有3个(sentence structure, word choice, variety),对于这种需要长期积累改进的方面,最好把心态从“有那么多要学,简直学不完”改成“今天又学了一点,每天坚持下去一定能成。” 对于各种句法和词汇,市面上有很多的资源,这边推荐两个。(我没有收广告费,纯良心推荐的。)一个是学习资源,无老师的作文巨讲堂。每一篇都是高质量作文剖析。而且他真的每月更新,比我勤奋一万倍。另一个是练习资源Lang-8。这是一个学习平台,母语者将会帮助你修改你的文章,你也可以去帮助那些正在学习你母语的人。希望有帮助,不喜勿喷--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------资料下载专区:(1)TPO1-36全套音频链接: 密码:dmev(2)TPO1-18综合写作阅读+听力文本链接:
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