
In 1989, the late management guru&Stephen R. Covey&published his book titled&The&7 Habits of Highly Effective People.&An international bestseller with more than 25 million copies sold in 40 languages throughout the world, it is recognized as one of the most influential business books ever written.
With its widespread popularity, it is likely that most people have either read or heard of some of the concepts he defines. Covey’s principles of success for personal development have a nearly universal application—appealing to students, executives, business owners or parents. The fundamentals outlined are regarded as timeless, making the book a must-read for personal development and leadership.
Now, as an open-minded professional working in brand management, one might ask: What meaning or relevance might these 7 habits have in relation to branding?
This was a question that I pondered for a few weeks prior to writing this article, which resulted in my reinterpretations of Covey’s original 7 habits. Do note that the interpretations are simply my ideas based upon accumulated experiences working in the branding industry. I do not profess to claim that these are the only set of habits to live by, or that there aren’t any more habits beyond these. My intent is to simply share a new perspective—a new twist—towards refreshed, guiding principles for branding excellence today and into the future.
习惯一: 积极主动&品牌活跃(Habit 1:&Be proactive&& Be Brandactive ):
In today’s hyper-competitive and fast-paced market, thriving brands take charge and adapt to change. A branding practitioner with the habit for being&Brandactive&prevents their clients from remaining on the side-line. They believe that the circumstances surrounding the brand—whether external forces, business factors or past origins—cannot determine its fate on the market. They take responsibility and make decisions to transform according to these circumstances and achieve something greater.
A Dutch brand consultant I once worked with said, “Active brands are healthy brands,” which succinctly captures the spirit of this habit. It’s apparent that the world’s most “healthy” brands are active—able to take charge of their own destiny beyond the circumstances that befall them.
习惯二:提前计划结果&提前准备好经验(Habit 2:Begin with the end in mind&& Begin with the experience in mind)
在柯维的书中他提到一个原则:“所有的事情都被创造了两次” - 第一次,作为头脑中的概念被创造出来。第二次在真实的世界中被真实表现出来。同样地,通往高效品牌管理的道路始于品牌和股东头脑中的经验,从消费者和合作者到社区和雇员。掌握了这个原则精华的品牌管理者将其铭记在心,通过直觉和分析来管理品牌,这是品牌中经验中的重点。
In Covey’s book, he states the principle that “All things are created twice”—first, in the mind as mental conception, and second, as manifestations in the physical world. Similarly, the road to effective branding begins with the desired experience in mind, between the brand and all of its stakeholders—from customers and partners to communities and employees. Brand managers grasping the full extent of this principle begin their branding endeavors with this in mind, using a mix of intuition an it’s the “big picture” of the experiences that people ought to have with brands.
Clarity begins with asking the question, “How do we want a brand’s stakeholders to think, feel and interact at every moment they have with the brand?” With experiences being at the crux of today’s branding game, the journey towards effective branding does not begin with a grandeur mission statement, sophisticated business strategy or innovation pipelines, but with a clear vision of the experience—as the compass for all brand-building efforts—in mind.
习惯三:重要的事情优先原则&集中精力在关键经验上(Habit 3:Put first things first&& Focus on killer experiences first)
If habit #2 is the first creation of branding, then habit #3 is the second creation—the physical manifestation of the brand’s experience. Given that time and money limit just about every project we see, how can we best begin? Within the context of branding, Covey’s habit of “put first things first” is about focusing on the experiences that matter most to stakeholders. The Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, can shed some more light on this matter. In so doing, one can ask this question, “What are the essential 20% experiences that can create the 80% of desired branding outcomes for us?”
Every company, industry and market encounter a different set of conditions that impact its financial performance, nevertheless, effective brand practitioners focus on a deep understanding of the killer applications that surprise and delight consumers, and ultimately maximize the brand’s equity.
习惯四:双赢思维&双赢设计(Habit 4:Think win/win&& Design for win/win)
Brands—in today’s interconnected world—never exist independently of people, society and the environment. When making decisions on brand-building strategies, it isn’t just more viable from a business point-of-view to think win/win, but increasingly, the brand’s stakeholders&demandwin/win. Whether customers, employees or external partners, there is a growing voice that expects brands to be more thoughtful and generate mutual benefits at every turn.
With this in mind, it is valuable for brand practitioners of today and tomorrow to not only think of how their brands will achieve win/win with its stakeholders, but to sensibly design for more holistic win/win outcomes through their brand propositions, and product and service offerings. Once they can design for mutual benefits, their brands are set to reap the rewards not only in terms of business, but also with a strong loyalty and admiration.
习惯五:首先寻求去了解对方,然后争取让对方了解自己。& 首先寻求领会,再变得感性(Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then be understood&& Seek first to empathize, then to be empathetic)
消费者面对的是源源不断的大量选择,品牌的忠诚度正在不断下降。品牌如何吸引消费者?为了应用柯维的第五个习惯“首先寻求去了解对方,然后争取让对方了解自己。”,要知道拥有真正理解别人的能力,即共情力,对品牌推广从业者来说是成功的核心。知名品牌创新者Dick Powell说过:“人类学先于工业出现。”对品牌的股东产生共情,他们是谁,他们需要什么,他们为什么做他们在做的事情,这些在给出品牌所需的解决方案之前就要知道。
As consumers are faced with a never-ending slew of choices and brand loyalty levels are dwindling, how can brands better appeal to customers? In applying Covey’s 5th&habit “Seek first to understand, then to be understood,” the ability to truly understand people—having empathy—will be at the heart of success for any branding practitioner. As the renowned design innovator Dick Powell says, “Anthropology comes before technology.” Empathizing with the brand’s stakeholders—who they are, what they need and why they do what they do—needs to come before the solutions that the brand seeks to offer.
Unfortunately, empathy in today’s digitally-connected world is often achieved via customer data profiling and analyzing behavioral patterns. Despite technological leaps in obtaining vast quantities of data, many brand builders tend to lose sight of what empathy really means—not just intelligence surrounding explicit behaviors, but seeing and feeling the world from another’s point of view. Loyalty might be hard to attain these days, but if brands can learn empathy and treat their stakeholders as fellow humans, it is more likely that their stakeholders will empathize in return.
习惯六:协调合作&协调合作来创新(Habit 6: Synergize&& Synergize to innovate)
Covey’s 6th&habit, “Synergize,” is about the principle of “creative cooperation, teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems.” While these are all valid in terms of how branding experts should collaborate with other stakeholders to achieve their goals, the aspect of stimulating innovation is perhaps where this habit’s true power lies. Innovation is the competitive edge that brings growth to the brand through creation of new value. Within this context, synergy is the catalyst for innovation.
The ability to synergize allows us to value differences, embrace the creative tensions that arise, identify opportunities and create value for the brand. Moreover, brand practitioners that “synergize to innovate” can extend the impact of this habit to unify their organization and external stakeholders with the common goal of innovating for the greater good of all.
习惯七:不断更新&精通品牌推广(Habit 7: Sharpen the saw&& Pursue branding mastery)
The 7th&habit,&“Pursue branding mastery,” is perhaps the energizer for all of the previous 6 habits. It is about mindfulness and continuously making improvements towards self-growth.
Brand practitioners that desire to be in the top 3% of their field would be wise to embrace this habit as part of their personal and professional development. In any field, it is typical that the top 3% &reap the greatest rewards. And to be in the top 3% is about pursuing the path of mastery. The 7th&habit asks each brand practitioner why they have decided to be in the field, and how they would like to play in the “branding game.” It shifts them towards a new perspective: from the mindset of&“How can I win this branding game?” to one of asking, “How can I play the branding game?” Both questions are about the desire for success, however, with subtle differences, it’s the difference between pursuing an “excellent brand” and “branding excellence.”
An effective brand practitioner is committed to pursuing branding mastery with passion and enthusiasm. They view excellence as the journey to greatness, always elevating their standards of how their brand should be managed on a daily basis for the betterment of the company and its stakeholders.
高效的品牌建设的习惯(The habits for effective brand building)
Embracing these branding habits enables brand-building excellence. It is imperative that we make the decision to do so, as the journey to achieve brand mastery is one that is truly rewarding for everyone.


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