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Daybreak Legends安卓官方正版是一款3D引擎打造的MMO
Daybreak Legends安卓官方正版是一款3D引擎打造的MMORPG手游,全新魔幻手游巨制大作,游戏中讲述了因为邪恶龙侵袭,世界失去了光明,作为勇敢的冒险家,你踏上了寻找神器的旅程,为了驱逐黑暗开始了一场奇妙刺激的冒险。 Daybreak Legends官方版的游戏特色: 1、空战系统把你的战斗带到空中,地面战斗技能和效果都被映射到空战中; 2、720度全景,精致的角色设定与战斗场景,为您提供一场精彩视觉盛宴; 3、多种特色活动玩法,超强实时PVP和GVG战斗,召唤伙伴与史诗BOSS战斗; 4、4个英雄随您选择,多个技能组合战斗,让你享受不一样的连击战斗! Tags: Daybreak LegendsDaybreak Legends官方Daybreak Legends安卓
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黎明传说手游是一款以西方魔幻题材为背景的角色扮演,黎明传说手游采用先进3D引擎打造恢弘魔幻世界。精致的游戏场景和人物造型,丰富的职业角色任你选择,超强的战斗非常给力,更有酷炫技能特效,引爆你的热血激情。还等什么?赶紧来下载体验吧!黎明传说手游介绍黎明传说(Daybreak Legends)iOS官网正式版是一款非常有趣的角色扮演类冒险战斗手游,游戏采用了精美的高品质唯美玄幻画面,多职业的选择让游戏充满了可玩性,炫酷华丽的战斗技能燃爆你的激情,感兴趣的玩家快来下载吧。黎明传说手游背景《黎明传说》(Daybreak Legends)是一款很不错的角色扮演手游,炫丽的游戏画面,丰富的职业角色任你选择,超强的战斗非常给力哦,在游戏中,真实的游戏场景,招数非常厉害哦,给你前所未有的战斗快感!端游向的大世界包含各色地图,强对抗、强PK、热血刺激,杀人爆装,还原经典MMO,主打多人组队副本活动玩法,多种职业的游戏设定,学习进阶以及与其他职业的搭配让游戏的趣味性大大提高。黎明传说手游特色拥有720度全景自由飞翔玩法,空战系统让你体验空中激战,炫酷华丽的战斗技能震撼你的眼球。羽翼系统,空中战斗;720度高自由全景视角;实时PVP和GVG战斗;升级和定制你的角色;数百种职业技能组合!
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Daybreak Game Company LLC is an American
based in . The company was founded in December 1997 as Sony Online Entertainment, a subsidiary of , but was spun-off to an independent investor in February 2015 and renamed Daybreak Game Company.
They are known for creating the games , , , , , , , , , , , and , along with more recent acquisitions
Former Sony Online Entertainment logo
Sony Online Entertainment began with
(SISA), an internal game development studio of Sony, formed by 1995. In 1996,
was put in charge of SISA's development of an online . The game would evolve into the MMORPG . Smedley hired programmers
and Steve Clover, who had come to Smedley's attention through their work on the single-player role-playing game Warwizard.
Sony Online Entertainment headquarters in San Diego
In April 1998, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) was formed by merging parts of Sony Online Ventures with . Within a matter of months after this change, Sony Interactive Studios America was renamed . Towards the end of
Studios shifted its strategy to making
games. The company's video game and online development branch spun off, initially named RedEye Interactive, and soon after renamed Verant Interactive.
Verant Interactive launched
on March 16, 1999, through Sony with modest expectations. The game became successful. Sales continued rising at a steady rate until mid-2001 when growth slowed. As of 2004, Sony reported subscription numbers close to 450,000. In March 2000, Verant released , the first in a long list of
for EverQuest.
In April 2000, Verant hired former
and Rich Vogel. They formed an office in Austin, Texas, to develop
for . SOE acquired Verant in June 2000, and eventually promoted Brad McQuaid to be its Chief Creative Officer. In October 2001, McQuaid resigned and founded , drawing many of the original developers of EverQuest from SOE.
Developed by Sony Online Entertainment, LucasArts released Star Wars Galaxies in 2003, which saw rapid growth, as expected.
estimates that Star Wars Galaxies reached nearly 300,000 subscribers within the year, before trailing off. LucasArts has released three expansions for Star Wars Galaxies, Jump to Lightspeed in October 2004, Rage of the Wookiees in May 2005, and Trials Of Obi-Wan in November 2005.
In 2003, the company also explored relatively untouched MMOG territory with the
MMORPG . PlanetSide enjoyed a reasonably successful launch, however it never attracted wide popularity. SOE released two expansions for PlanetSide, a retail product titled Core Combat, and Aftershock, a free expansion. EverQuest Online Adventures was not as successful, but it spawned an expansion, EverQuest Online Adventures Frontiers. The game was shut down on March 29, 2012, after nine years of operation.
was released on November 9, 2004. The sequel was set hundreds of years after the original. Similar in strategy to EverQuest, SOE has released several adventure packs and expansion packs for EverQuest II, starting with The Bloodline Chronicles in March 2005.
In January 2005, Sony Online Entertainment announced the creation of Station Publishing, a new label for distributing titles made by external developers. In November 2005, SOE added the New Game Enhancements to Star Wars Galaxies, changing many of the game's core mechanics. This upset players and critics, with the level of concurrent players reduced to around 10,000; relatively few for the MMO industry.
SOE has produced numerous EverQuest expansions and spin-off video games, including
(for PlayStation 2) and
(Windows). They published , the sequel to Champions of Norrath, in February 2005. In August 2005, SOE entered a deal with
which saw the acquisition and transition of
to the existing line up of SOE games.
Promotion of
In April 2006, Sony Online Entertainment, Inc. became Sony Online Entertainment LLC, owned by
and . In May 2006, it was announced that SOE would be co-publisher of . However, Sigil retained full development rights, and SOE's role was only that of marketing, distribution, technical support, and hosting the game servers. SOE also announced the release of , its third game for the
System. In August 2006, SOE announced the acquisition of developer Worlds Apart Productions, renaming the studio SOE-Denver. The studio has since released an online version of the
pirates constructible strategy game. In November 2006, SOE released its first
title , within the launch window of the PlayStation 3 system. SOE also released Pirates Online Constructible Strategy Game, the online version of the
Pirates Constructible Strategy Game.
In January 2007, SOE announced that it has licensed rights from Midway Home Entertainment to develop and release six classic Midway games for PlayStation 3 download, including , , , , , and . The games were available from the . The announcement came shortly after SOE released its second PlayStation 3 digital download . On May 15, 2007, Sony Online Entertainment announced that they had completed a transaction to purchase key assets from Sigil Games Online, including Vanguard: Saga of Heroes (described as Sigil's "tentpole property").
On March 13, 2008, Sony Online Entertainment announced that
will have direct control over SOE.
On January 16, 2009, the company joined , selling EverQuest, EverQuest II and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes via Steam. On the same day, the company purchased , an online turn based strategy game. On August 1, 2009, SOE shut down
after 4 years of operation. Players were treated to about 2 months of gaming despite some initial setbacks that left many veteran players unable to access the game for about a week after the announcement was made. A memory book was developed and was made available for download on the game's site.
As of May 2010,
is the CEO of Sony Online Entertainment. SOE is headquartered in , , with additional game development studios located in Austin, Texas, Denver, Colorado and Seattle, Washington. On July 15, 2010, SOE eliminated 35 full-time positions and an undisclosed number of temporary positions to "...better align the company's resources..." On August 8, 2010, SOE announced that EverQuest Next was in the early stages of development.
On January 7, 2011, SOE and
announced the alpha launch of the
game Fortune League. Fortune League integrates real-time performance data such as damages, deaths and healings directly from the massively multiplayer online game environment and uses them to form "Hero Stats" that drive the game. Therefore, player actions inside EverQuest II affected what happened in Fortune League, and prizes from Fortune League helped users advance in the EverQuest II environment. Fastpoint Games CEO, , positioned Fortune League as a new category of "snackable" data-driven games that would help MMO franchises acquire users and tap new revenue streams. On February 1, 2011, SOE unveiled new PlayStation Network games to be released throughout the year. These included Acceleration of Suguri X Edition, Akimi Village, Plants vs. Zombies, Rochard, Sideway and Slam Bolt Scrappers. On March 31, 2011, SOE confirmed that "it will eliminate 205 positions and close its Denver, Seattle, and Tucson studios." Production of The Agency was also discontinued.
On December 6, 2011, EverQuest II switched to a
model, with optional subscriptions. On December 15, 2011, Star Wars Galaxies was closed. SOE maintained a Memory Book for former players.
On April 27, 2011, Sony, the parent company of SOE, released statements regarding an intrusion, on or about April 18, into the PlayStation Network, and the potential theft of up to 77 million subscribers' personal data. Sony maintains that PSN and SOE are hosted and run on completely separate subsystems and that the PlayStation Network intrusion had no major effect on SOE's online services. SOE developers posted messages of concern and apology, but also assurances the SOE servers and systems were not compromised.
On May 2, 2011, SOE interrupted their online services. Players were told "We have had to take the SOE service down temporarily. In the course of our investigation into the intrusion into our systems we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately. We will provide an update later today (Monday)." Later, SOE disclosed that "personal information from approximately 24.6 million SOE accounts may have been stolen", including names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, gender, date of birth, login ID, and hashed passwords.
On February 2, 2015, Sony announced that SOE had been sold to investment company
for an undisclosed amount, and that it would be renamed Daybreak Game Company. Cutting its ties with Sony, Daybreak subsequently became able to develop their games for platforms other than , including
and mobile platforms. On February 11, employees of the company reported they were undergoing layoffs, including several senior developers and project managers. Shortly after, Daybreak responded by announcing the layoffs were intended to make the company profitable, but did not detail the extent of the layoffs or whether it would affect development and support of their new and existing games. On July 22, 2015, Daybreak announced that John Smedley had stepped down as the company's President, and that Russell Shanks, the company's former COO, will take up his position. On August 21, 2015, Smedley left Daybreak to found a new company. In October 2016, Russell Shanks left Daybreak. Ji Ham is the current acting president.
On December 19, 2016, it was announced that Daybreak games would become the new publisher of
and , taking over the role from . Although the two games would maintain their old account system and server centers, not integrating with the rest of Daybreak. The result of this deal would cause the closure of
on January 31, 2017.
In April 2018, Russian businessman and Columbus Nova owner , and his portfolio company , were sanctioned by the
as part of an investigation of . Daybreak began to deny that it had been sold to Columbus Nova at all (through public statements, deletion of press releases that had mentioned Columbus Nova, as well as edits to its
page that were reverted for not being properly cited), stating that the company had actually been acquired by Jason Epstein (through Inception Acquisitions, LLC), who was a partner to Columbus Nova at the time, and is also an investor in . A Daybreak spokesperson claimed that Epstein's exact ties to Columbus Nova had caused confusion in media reporting of the sale, even though its deleted press release made the same claim.
Sony Online Entertainment's
was a portal to its PC, console, casual and mobile games. Players could access and download games such as EverQuest, EverQuest II and PlanetSide. also provided sneak previews to new games for Sony PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, including Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom. November 2006. In August 2006, added several games by Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment.
The ForgeLight engine is a
developed by the company, and used for , , , , , , and .
Game title
U.S. release date
Cancelled on March 11, 2016
February 28, 2018
Formerly known as H1Z1: King of the Kill.
Under development
Was formerly a part of the game known simply as H1Z1, until it was split into two separate projects in February 2016. Was renamed as Just Survive in October 2017.
June 10, 2016
Was in parallel development with EverQuest Next
November 20, 2012
September 23, 2013
May 9, 2007
July 31, 2012
Closed February 2013
October 4, 2011
Developed with Overkill Software
January 18, 2011
January 11, 2011
January 7, 2011
Developed with
September 15, 2010
November 19, 2009
Handled the port with
April 28, 2009
Released March 29, 2011 for PS3
January 29, 2009
Handled the port with
February 8, 2011
Closed 2011
Handled the port with
January 22, 2008
Now run by
June 20, 2007
Co-developed with
and published by
January 30, 2007
Co-Published with
November 19, 2006
November 17, 2006
August 1, 2006
Now run by
May 23, 2006
March 28, 2006
August 9, 2005
Closed 2009-08
Originally released on March 22, 2005. Acquired by SOE on August 9, 2005.
March 22, 2005
February 7, 2005
November 8, 2004
February 10, 2004
December 12, 2003
Developed by Rapid Eye Entertainment
December 12, 2003
November 2003
Closed 2012-03
November 17, 2003
Closed 2012-03
June 26, 2003
Closed 2011-12
Published by . Closed after licensing with LucasArts ceased.
May 20, 2003
February 11, 2003
Closed 2012-03
April 17, 2001
Closed 2012-03
October 1999
Closed 2012-03
March 16, 1999
November 30, 1997
Closed 2010-06
Bree Royce (19 December 2016). . Massively OP.
Parker, Sam (June 1, 2000).
William Vitka (February 21, 2006).
Chase, Matthew (December 16, 2005). . Archived from
on July 30, .
Jim Reilly. . 2012.
retrieved January 7, 2011
[] retrieved January 7, 2011
. February 1, .
Fahey, Mike. . Kotaku.
. Archived from
on August 8, .
Pham, Alex (April 27, 2011). . Los Angeles Times.
. Huffington Post. May 1, 2011.
. 2012.
Press release. , Tokyo, May 3, 2011.
. May 2, 2011.
. Ars Technica 2015.
Grubb, Jeff (July 23, 2015). .
Chalk, Andy (August 21, 2015). .
. November 18, .
. November 18, .
Bree Royce (19 December 2016). . Massively Overpowered 2016.
Bree Royce (20 December 2016). . Massively Overpowered 2016.
. Ars Technica.
. The New York Times. .  .
Gach, Ethan. . Kotaku.
. 2013.
. July 10, .
. 2014.
. 2016.
. PC Gamer.
. IGN. March 11, .
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