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> Audacity(音频编辑录制软件) v2.2.2绿色中文版
Audacity(音频编辑录制软件) v2.2.2绿色中文版
应用平台:Windows10, Windows8, Windows7, WinVista, Win2003, WinXP, Win2000
Audacity是一款跨平台的快速多轨音频编辑、录制工具,支持wav、 aiff、ogg和mp3等常见格式音乐文件,提供编辑、混音功能并提供预置效果、插件和无限次反悔操作。Audacity有着傻瓜式的操作界面和专业的音频处理效果。你可以使用它来录音、播放、输入输出WAB、AIFF、Ogg Vorbis和MP3文件,并支持大部份常用的工具,如剪裁、贴上、混音、升/降音以及变音特效等,操作简单,功能实用,而且永久免费,有需求的用户请下载体验! 功能特色1、多语用户界面(切换时必须重新打开)2、导入与导出 WAV、MP3、Ogg Vorbis或者其他的声音文件格式3、支持MP4、MOV、WMA、M4A 、AC3档。4、录音与放音5、对声音做剪切、复制、粘贴(可撤消无限次数)6、多音轨混音7、数字效果与插件8、波封编辑9、杂音消除10、支持多声道模式,采样率最高可至96 kHz,每个取样点可以以24 bits表示11、支持Nyquist编程语言,让您自行撰写效果器12、对声音档进行切割。 更新日志Audacity 2.2.1更新:1、强化了大量音频特效,特别是噪音移除、均衡器和均一化。2、在音轨菜单中增加了同步音轨锁功能。3、支持在一个音轨中增加多个片段。4、增加了许多便于使用的快捷键。5、为音频输入和输出增加了新的设备工具栏,支持倒计时录音功能。6、增加了自动崩溃恢复功能,适用于意外程序退出。7、对于 WAV/AIFF 支持从音频源快速按需导入功能。8、完善支持 FLAC 音频格式。
音频处理软件音频处理软件是一类实现音频录制、混合、编辑和控制等功能的工具。目前出色的音频编辑器已经实现了创建音乐, 录制和混合项目, 制作广播点, 整理音频或设计声音等功能,像众所周知的au。每个音乐人都有一款甚至多款音频编辑器来进行音频后期制作,才会有我们生活中那么多悦耳的声音。所以本次小编提供了优质、专业和简单、傻瓜式上手两大类音频处理软件供大家下载,万一这就是你成功的起点呢?39M/ 简体 / 9V2.1 简体中文版269M/ 简体 / 7.4450M/ 英文 / 6.72.25G/ 简体 / 7.31.45G/ 简体 / 3.7290M/ 英文 / 8v11.0.2 汉化破解版6.39M/ 简体 / 8.8v2.0.0.5正式版1.25G/ 简体 / 7.364位&32位官方正式版
Audacity(音频编辑录制软件) v2.2.2绿色中文版
2.23G / 简体中文 /6.4分
170M / 简体中文 /7分
130K / 简体中文 /5.9分
470M / 简体中文 /6.8分
920M / 英文 /6.8分
574M / 简体中文 /6.4分
20.3M / 英文 /8.2分
7.54M / 简体中文 /5.4分
7.79G / 英文 /7.4分
1.95M / 简体中文 /8.1分
Copyright (C) All rights reserved.Audacity【wangsitan吧】_百度贴吧
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A free multi-track audio editor and recorder
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Audacity / News: Recent posts
Audacity 2.1.0 is released! See
for new download links and news item.
Thanks to all who contributed to this release!
Audacity 2.0.6 is released! See
for new download links and news item.
Thanks to all who contributed to this release!
The Audacity Unconference 2014 (AU14) is an event for all Audacity users including teachers, musicians and researchers.
It will run from Friday 11th to Saturday 12th July 2014 and you can book either day or both.
It is hosted by UCLan (University of Central Lancashire) in Preston, England.
Developers and support people will be there and so you will have an opportunity to talk to them as well as other users.
We’d love to see you there!
Please see
for more details.
Audacity 2.0.5 is released! See
for new download links and news item.
Thanks to all who contributed to this release!
September 06, 2013: Audacity 2.0.4 Released
Audacity 2.0.4 replaces all previous versions, with these improvements:
New Effect & Reverb (based on Freeverb), that replaces GVerb.
New View & Go to Selection Start and Go to Selection End commands.
New Tracks & Align End to End command to append selected tracks.
WAV files import/export now supports "Album Title", "Track Number" and "Genre" LIST INFO tags and ID3 tags....
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.3 ( It replaces all previous versions.
Audacity 2.0.3 now uses the libsoxr resampling library by default, instead of libresample, for higher quality and speed. Time Tracks have been improved and bug fixed, and new effects include an accessible Adjustable Fade. See the 2.0.3 Release Notes for details.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.2 ( for Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. It replaces all previous versions. A significant bug that caused clicks on split lines has been fixed, and there are improvements to several toolbars and to some Nyquist effects. See the 2.0.2 Release Notes ( for details of the changes.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 2.0.1 for Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. It replaces 2.0.0 and all previous 1.2 and 1.3 versions. Among several improvements, keyboard shortcuts can now be allocated to effects, and Nyquist plug-ins can be added to Chains. See the 2.0.1 Release Notes for detailed changes.
Audacity Team
The Audacity Team is elated to announce the release of Audacity 2.0 for Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
Audacity 2.0 replaces all previous versions. It is derived from version 1.3.14, but is no longer a Beta version, and has major improvements over 1.2.6.
for detailed information of New Features and
for Release Notes. See
for known remaining issues....
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.14 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. 1.3.14 contains important fixes for data loss problems when reopening saved projects.
Download link:
1.3.14 is now the only version that supports Windows 7, Windows Vista
and Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.7. Please upgrade to 1.3.14 if you are using
Audacity 1.2 on those systems. You can install Audacity Beta on the same computer as Audacity 1.2 if you install to different directories. If you are upgrading from a previous Beta release, you can install "over the top" into the same directory. ...
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.13 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. This version now fully supports Windows 7 and contains many bug fixes plus a few new features.
Please also obtain this version for Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6 rather than Audacity 1.2.
Download 1.3.13 (Beta):
Release Notes:
Latest News April 1st, 2010:
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.12 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. There are some important bug fixes and improvements, especially for dragging and synchronization of labels.
We continue to recommend the ongoing Beta series for Windows 7, Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6, rather than 1.2. Advanced users are encouraged to test our subsequent changes as we make them by downloading our Nightly Builds:
Latest News January 18, 2010:
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.11 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. This release fixes a number of bugs reported to us in 1.3.10. Thank you to everyone who sent us feedback.
1.3.11 continues to have provisional support for Windows 7. It is also strongly recommended for Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.6, rather than 1.2 Stable. We ask everyone to help us test 1.3.11 and let us know of any problems you find....
Latest News December 01, 2009:
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.10 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. This release removes a significant number of crash or freeze problems and other major bugs.It brings us very close to our goal of a new 2.0 Release. Release Notes are at
1.3.10 is strongly recommended for users on Windows Vista and 7, rather than 1.2.6 Stable. We ask everyone to help us test 1.3.10 and let us know of any problems you find at
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.9 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix.
It contains many bug fixes contributed by our two Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2009 students, and brings us
much closer to the goal of a new Stable 2.0 release.
Download 1.3.9 from:
Bug Fixes in 1.3.9 include:
* VST effects support crashed or slowed Audacity
* Failure to launch on some Windows XP machines
* Crashes importing files via drag or Recent Files
* (Mac OS X)
Files greater than 16-bit or 64000 Hz did not import using QuickTime filter
* AAC exports silenced
* Generating audio in existing track fitted project to window
* View menu items/shortcuts disabled when playing/recording
* Unwanted interactions between linked audio and label tracks
* Various other interface and effects bugs...
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.8 (Beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix ( It contains a number of significant improvements, plus some bug fixes. Highlights include:
* VST Effects now display in GUI mode by default
* Updated Nyquist implementation
* Improvements to Equalization, Noise Removal,
Truncate Silence, Click Track and effects chains...
Audacity ( is a fast multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac, and Linux/Unix.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.7 (beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. This is primarily a bug-fix release to
significantly improve stability and usability, especially on Mac OS X, but includes some new features too.
Cross-Platform Bug Fixes include:...
Audacity ( is a fast multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac, and Linux/Unix.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.6 (beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. Changes include new capabilities developed by our students in Google Summer of Code 2008 ( FFmpeg support, On-Demand Loading, linked audio and label tracks ("Sticky Labels"), and hierarchical plug-in grouping. ...
A fast multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, BSD, Mac OS, and Windows. Supports WAV, AIFF, Ogg, and MP3 formats. Features include envelope editing, mixing, built-in effects and plug-ins, all with unlimited undo.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.5 (beta) for Windows, Mac and Linux/Unix. Changes include improvements and new features for recording, import/export and the user interface. See
for details.
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.4 (beta), which includes several new features and user interface improvements, such as:
* New Welcome Screen with introduction to Audacity.
* New 'Mix and Render to New Track' command.
* Support for VAMP audio analysis plug-ins.
* More keyboard shortcuts and navigation.
* Reworked solo/mute handling.
* New preference: Select all audio in project, if none selected (on by default).
* New preference: Beep on completion of longer activities.
* Envelopes: Many fixes when copying, pasting, or repeating.
* Many translation updates.
* Metadata editor added for OGG, FLAC and WAV/AIFF exports. Metadata import improved.
* Muted tracks are no longer audible in the exported mix.
* Improvements to latency correction....
The Audacity Team is pleased to announce the release of Audacity 1.3.3 (beta) (, which contains numerous new features and capabilities beyond the 1.3.2 (beta) release. Because it is a work in progress and does not yet come with complete documentation or translations into foreign languages, it is recommended for more advanced users. For all users, Audacity 1.2.6 ( is a stable release, complete and fully documented. You can have both Audacity 1.2.6 and 1.3.3 installed simultaneously....
Audacity 1.3.2 and 1.2.5 Released
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. You can use Audacity to play and record sounds, apply effects such as Change Pitch and Change Tempo, and quickly edit large recordings with unlimited undo.
The Audacity developers have been busy with many new features over the past year. We're pleased to announce Audacity 1.3.2 (beta), which contains dozens of new features and capabilities. Because it is a work in progress and does not yet come with complete documentation or translations into foreign languages, it is recommended for more advanced users. See New Features in 1.3 ( for more information about the new beta version....
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
You can use Audacity to play and record sounds, apply effects such as Change Pitch and Change Tempo, and quickly edit large recordings with unlimited undo.
We are pleased to announce the simultaneous release of Audacity version 1.2.4 and Audacity version 1.3.0 beta.
Audacity 1.2.4 is a new stable version of Audacity. It includes a couple of bug fixes and minor improvements and is recommended for all users.
Audacity 1.3.0 is a beta release that contains hundreds of new features, but this version is unfinished and unstable, and is recommended primarily for advanced users. You can install both Audacity 1.2 and 1.3 simultaneously....
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. You can use Audacity to play and record sounds, apply effects such as Change Pitch and Change Tempo, and quickly edit large recordings with unlimited undo.
Audacity 1.2.3 is a new stable version of the free Audacity sound editor. This version fixes major bugs that affected some Windows and Mac OS X uses.
It also features some minor improvements and bug fixes, and several updated translations. ...
Audacity is a multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.
You can use Audacity to play and record sounds, apply effects such as Change Pitch and Change Tempo, and quickly edit large recordings with unlimited undo.
Audacity 1.2.2 is a new stable version of the free Audacity sound editor.
This version features major bug fixes and new features such as VU meters for monitoring playback and recording levels....Access denied | used Cloudflare to restrict access
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The owner of this website ( has banned your access based on your browser's signature (bb09823-ua98).Audacity download |
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. The interface is translated into many languages.
The version currently hosted here is 2.1.0 (March 2015).
More recent versions than this are available from
Audacity is free software, developed by a group of volunteers and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Programs like Audacity are also called open source software, because their source code is available for anyone to study or use. There are thousands of other free and open source programs, including the Firefox web browser, the LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice office suites and entire Linux-based operating systems such as Ubuntu
Record live audioRecord computer playback on any Windows Vista or later machineConvert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDsEdit WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP2, MP3 or Ogg Vorbis sound filesAC3, M4A/M4R (AAC), WMA and other formats supported using optional librariesCut, copy, splice or mix sounds togetherNumerous effects including change the speed or pitch of a recordingAnd more! See the complete list of features:
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Version 2.2.1 removed Leveler and now MUTED TRACKS UN-MUTE THEMSELVES IF I SOLO ANY FOR FURTHER INSPECTION. This has not changed in 2.2.2
I could handle you removing solo-ing multiple tracks at once, but NOT the un-muting of tracks that I manually muted. They shouldn't un-mute unless I hit instruct them to, yet there they go: making a huge sound mess after I was inspecting something and working on it SO THAT I CAN ACTUALLY MIX THINGS PROPERLY.
Honestly, why did you remove the actual usability of such a basic tool? Why even keep it as an option if in the end it means nothing? AT LEAST ADD AN OPTION FOR IT TO BE OF USE IN USER PREFERENCES
The rest of the software is pretty much exactly as it used to be. There's really no big improvement other than visuals. Which personally idgaf about even half as much as I do about being able to actually mix.
Using it for years... Best of the best!
It amazes me people download this malware infested version, when the real Audacity is hosted on their own website. Can people not read that this is a "mirror"?
TERRIBLE! Program simply deleted an entire hour long podcast for no reason. No explanation was given, simply, "possible bug error". That's how customers are treated? They work so hard on editing and constructing something only to see there was a bug error? Great work Audacity, you have truly won my trust on this one. Never using this software again.
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