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Proton Bus Lite_官网_攻略_礼包_安卓最新版下载_豌豆荚
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Proton Bus Lite下载
Proton Bus Lite下载介绍
想要查找手机版Proton Bus Lite下载安装?PP提供Proton Bus Lite2018版官方下载。Proton Bus is a Brazilian bus simulator in development for PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and Android. It is a playable beta, a prototype, not finished but still enjoyable. It is freemium: 99% of the content is free, only the last added buses are restricted for now. This lite version is totally free!The main objective is just drive and get passengers, change bus repaints, destination signs... No points, no boring campaigns, just an open map with some routes and buses waiting for you. The virtual city Aricanduva will grow in next updates.This is the lite version, with less buses to provide a smaller installer for 8 and 16 GB phones. To get the full experience, please download the full version, which has many more buses and some extra maps. Even in the full version almost all buses are free, only a small selection of them are restricted to donors that help making this project.Please note that this game requires a current modern device to be played. The more old the device, worse is the performance. On current devices it can achieve a well stable 25 ~ 30 fps rate, going to more in high end models.Unlike some other games, there are lots of settings that you may tweak. Check all options to ensure a fine tuning for your device.The PC version may be downloaded at our website.
Proton Bus Lite180Lite 下载安装说明:下载Proton Bus Lite到手机上面的方法有很多。 安卓系统的手机可以在豌豆荚或者PP助手等手机助手里面一键下载安装!也可以通过电脑端用手机扫描Proton Bus Lite下载的二维码获取下载链接!有手机端直接访问网页下载也是可以的,下面就为大家介绍下手机网页怎么下载最新Proton Bus Lite180Lite第一步:首先,我们手机里要有一个浏览器,小编比较喜欢用UC浏览器,当然可以用手机都是自带网页浏览器的,我这边使用的是华为手机下载最新Proton Bus Lite第二步:打开UC浏览器或者自带浏览器,我们在地址栏上直接输入最新Proton Bus Lite下载安装或者最新Proton Bus LiteAPP下载。然后点击搜索,我们可以看到搜索结果罗列出来,里面都是有Proton Bus Lite下载的相关信息下载网站,当然推荐大家选择PP助手、豌豆荚这类比较知名的网站下载更加安全可靠第三步:选择进入其中一个Proton Bus LiteAPP下载的网页,我们可以看到网站头部提供了Proton Bus Lite的下载链接,有安全下载和普通下载,能选择安全的最好还是选择安全下载第四步:接着网页提示有下载内容,这时我们不用更改文件名,至于文件保存路径根据个人喜爱可改可不改,这边小编选择默认路径。单击确定,可以看到文件就已经开始下载了,我们等待他下载安装完即可 第五步:回到手机桌面就可以看到已经安装好的最新Proton Bus Lite180Lite,点击Proton Bus LiteAPP图标进入欢迎页就可以开始使用了
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编辑点评:软件截图Proton Bus Lite下载信息Proton Bus Lite简介
Proton Bus is a Brazilian bus simulator in development for PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and Android. It is a playable beta, a prototype, not finished but still enjoyable. It is freemium: 99% of the content is free, only the last added buses are restricted for now. This lite version is totally free!The main objective is just drive and get passengers, change bus repaints, destination signs... No points, no boring campaigns, just an open map with some routes and buses waiting for you. The virtual city Aricanduva will grow in next updates.This is the lite version, with less buses to provide a smaller installer for 8 and 16 GB phones. To get the full experience, please download the full version, which has many more buses and some extra maps. Even in the full version almost all buses are free, only a small selection of them are restricted to donors that help making this project.Please note that this game requires a current modern device to be played. The more old the device, worse is the performance. On current devices it can achieve a well stable 25 ~ 30 fps rate, going to more in high end models.Unlike some other games, there are lots of settings that you may tweak. Check all options to ensure a fine tuning for your device.The PC version may be downloaded at our website.Proton Bus Lite更新日志
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| 357.35MB | 评论(0)
Proton Bus Lit游戏是一款好玩有趣的模拟类的休闲游戏,游戏中玩家将化身为一位司机,驾驶各种巴士将你的乘客安全的送达到指定的地带,高清的游戏画质真实的还原了巴士驾驶的感受,在城市中自由的驾驶欣赏沿途的风格,按照规定的路线以最为高超的驾驶技能来完成各种难度的任务,解锁不同的场景,相信你会成功一位专业的司机。
3、完成任务就可以让你获得大量的奖励哦,非常的满足; Copyright © 2017


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